Types of beard growth in different nations. Rabbi Ovadia Klimovsky


, Benzion Zilber , Relations between people

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Shalom! Dear Rabbi! I have a very personal question related to my appearance. I beg you to answer me, because this question is very important for me: I am almost 30 years old, but my beard and mustache are not growing at all. My friends (all bearded and mustachioed) laugh and ask when I will grow a beard. And the girls laugh too. By racial type I am not an Asian (I know that all Asians do not grow mustaches with a beard), but a European. I developed a complex, and I began to be terribly jealous of all bearded and mustachioed men. Why are they fine and I only have a few hairs? I consulted with doctors and they say that nothing can be fixed, because facial hair is determined by genes, and genes cannot be changed. I must say that my grandfathers, father and brother also did not have a lot of facial hair (but they had a beard and mustache). Due to the lack of a beard and mustache and at work, and at home, and among friends, I am treated as little child and a teenager, and not as a grown man. Accordingly, there are problems at work (lack of career development- no one wants to entrust serious matters to an immature teenager) and in their personal lives (women prefer courageous, which means hairy, bearded and mustachioed men). The question is what should I do: 1. Leave everything as it is and admit that this is the will of the Almighty? 2. Stick on fake mustache and beard (just like bald people wear a wig)? 3. Have an operation (I found out that there are clinics where they do hair transplantation from the head to the face)? Thanks a lot. I will be grateful for any answer. Sincerely, N.

Answered by Rav Benzion Zilber

Dear N.,

It's not easy to give advice. But it seems to me that there is a gain in the fact that your beard does not grow. First, there is no danger for you to violate the prohibition of the Torah - shaving your beard with a razor. Secondly, you do not waste time and energy on shaving, and thirdly, you always look young. Perhaps the absence of a beard bothers you more than others who look at you. pay attention to strengths Your personality, your dignity. The main thing is your inner attitude towards yourself and your virtues. And when you feel your worth, it will affect those around you.

Full information on the topic "types of beard growth in different peoples- all the most relevant and useful this issue.

The fashion for a beard is sweeping the world. Everyone wants to be in the trend: from young hipsters to brutal males of all nationalities.

Men of all countries and continents urgently grow the cherished facial hair, visit barbershops, buy miracle products for growth and for caring for it. And not without reason, because the beard is a symbol of masculinity and strength.

However, nature decreed that men of not all nations have the opportunity to grow lush facial hair. Let's figure it out.

Men of what nations do not have it and why?

Anthropologists distinguish three races, which also include a number of subraces and peoples: Europoid, Mongoloid, Negroid. The appearance of modern man was formed under the influence of climatic conditions. And the way this or that people looks is predetermined genetically and territorially.

Actually, this determined the degree of development of the so-called "tertiary facial hair", that is, beards and mustaches, in men of different nations. According to the development of facial hair, 5 degrees are divided:

Degrees tell about the density and how much surface on the face is covered with vegetation.

Anthropologists point out that a weak degree of hair growth is observed among Asian peoples and Indians. North America, and a very strong degree of Japanese Ainu, an Australoid type of race, among the peoples of Western Asia and Transcaucasia.

Some experts note that its absence among some peoples could be influenced by customs and traditions (for example, plucking). Let us consider in more detail whether this symbol of masculinity is growing in some of the nations.

The geography of Asian peoples is extensive. According to the observations of those who communicated with Asian men (for example, Chinese), the latter have very weak facial hair. It has to do with genetics. They have much less testosterone hormone than Europeans.

Asian men become mature much later than Europeans, only by the age of 30 their hormonal activity reaches a normal level. That's why the beard begins to grow later, but not very thick, mainly on the chin.

Although in the films the ancient elders and masters of martial arts have a subtle long beard. Previously, in China, only very respected people could wear it. high officials or war, she was considered a symbol of masculinity.

Koreans are representatives of the Mongoloid race, so the situation is completely repeated, like all Asians, especially the Chinese, with whom they are very similar.

There is little testosterone, facial hair growth begins late, they grow weakly and not densely. Therefore, Koreans prefer not to grow them at all.

Some European tourists in Korea note that if you have a beard, then they even recoil from you, it is so unusual for them to see such a face.

Kazakhs are also representatives of the Mongoloid race. And although they have straight coarse black hair, but on the genetic level the men of this nation with a beard are not lucky. It doesn't grow with them.

So, on one of the forums on growing a beard, a young Kazakh writes the following: “In general, things are like this: I am 20 years old, Kazakh by nationality. It’s bad with genetics, my father and grandfather practically don’t grow a beard, so it’s the same with me. ” The following describes all the torment of a guy growing a beard.

However, not all Kazakhs are so bad. Weak beard growth is observed only among the Kazakhs of the western regions of the country, but the southern Kazakhs have everything in order with the growth of beards. This indicates that Kazakhs from the south are closer to Europeans.


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The Indians, who also belong to the Mongoloid race, are very interesting. According to anthropologists, they do not have a beard and mustache for two reasons:

The first reason is clear - it's all the same late maturation, as in all Mongoloids, which also leads to a later growth of the tertiary hairline.

Anthropologists also highlight the fact that the Indians belong to a special protoras that goes back to the ancient people.

It is noteworthy that they do not have pronounced differences between the sexes. Therefore, men had no facial and body hair, long hair, sloping shoulders, small hands and feet. That is, the line between a man and a woman was erased.

The second reason is the destruction of hair according to custom. In some testimonies, the Indians did not shave, but plucked the hair on the whole body, and even on the head. The hairiness on the face of the Europeans reminded them of a dog.

It is possible that the Indians plucked their hair to make their skin smoother for ease of applying war paint.

But not all Indian tribes do not have a beard, so the men of the Indian tribes of the Tlingit, Haida, Nootka of the Caroline Keyauvi in ​​the northwest of the Arctic grew mustaches.

Negroid race

The Negroid race includes many sub-races, which differ in the degree of tertiary hairline. Anthropologists also add to it the Australoid race, whose men are distinguished by strong facial hair.

So, in the Negroid race, a beard and mustache grow well, but there is little or no hair on the body. The beard also grows well in the Negril (or Pygmy, or Central African) race.

But for the capoids (Bushmen, Khoisan race) - this is a variant of the large Negroid race, common in arid regions South Africa- the growth of a beard and mustache is not characteristic.

So, according to anthropological descriptions, we see that the beard of the representatives of the Negroid race is growing, it's just that it is not so noticeable on dark skin.

Thus, the presence of a beard in men different nationalities- it is first of all genetic process, which took place under the influence of territorial and climatic conditions, in some cases even customs and traditions.

And although the fashion for a beard is sweeping the world, not all men are given the opportunity to wear it. Unless, of course, you do not use an arsenal of special tools to increase the "beard". AT modern world nothing is impossible.

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Types of beard growth in different nations

A beard is not just a secondary sexual sign of the stronger sex, it is a kind of symbol, male pride and an element of a fetish. The fashion for beards comes and goes, but a certain category of men never change their habit of lovingly growing a beard.

History of marriage in Russia

All Orthodox in Rus' from the 10th century had to wear a beard - it was sacred custom. During the Great Church Schism they accused the Catholics of a "terrible sin" - the habit of shaving their beards. And only Peter I in the 17th century put an end to this tradition. And in the 18th century, it even became unprofitable to have facial hair - a tax was imposed on it. And they took it for more than half a century.

Which peoples of Russia have the best beard growth?

Russia is a multinational country with about 200 nationalities living on its territory. Among them there are even different races. Representatives caucasian race- recognized bearded men, but even among them there are nationalities that cannot boast of lush and dense facial hair.

The Eastern Slavs proudly wore beards for a long time and believed that without this male attribute, blasphemers were ordered to go to paradise. Probably, such centuries-old traditions of the Slavs became the reason for the intensive growth of hair on the cheeks and in the chin area in men.

But the representatives of Asian peoples living in the northern and central regions, nature deprived of a beard. Among Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Turkmens, Uzbeks, it grows very weakly. They cannot boast of a good beard and northern peoples. On the Far East, in the Siberian and Ural federal district you rarely see a bearded man from among the indigenous people.

What is the reason for such a different intensity of beard growth among different peoples?

The color of the beard, the intensity of growth and even the shape of the hair is inherited - this information is embedded in our genes. Also, this sign of masculinity, determination and sexuality is very dependent on the hormonal balance and the amount of androgens.

The main "catalyst" of beard growth is testosterone, more precisely, its enzyme 5-alpha reductase. The enzyme does not affect sexuality like testosterone. Therefore, if the population of certain regions has less of it, then their beards grow very weakly. However, this fact does not affect their male strength in any way. It's just that for them this is the norm, and not a deviation, as, for example, a large number of an enzyme that aids in the digestion of meat dishes.

Don't be upset if you can't boast of a full beard. This is genetic, it is impossible to change the state of things radically without the help of doctors.

4.2. Geography of signs of somatology

§2. Cheekbone diameter, eye and hair color: Broad-faced West - Dark-eyed South - From the Volga region to the Russian North - Differences in eye and hair color maps - Latitudinal variability

§3. Horizontal profiling of the face and shape of the nose: Striped map - Southwest backs

§one. Beard growth and body length

§3. Horizontal profiling of the face and shape of the nose

Cleopatra (recoiling from him and dying in horror): Oh!

Caesar: It's a Roman nose, Cleopatra.

Rice. 4.2.5. Hair Color Distribution Map (Dark Hair Frequency)

Rice. 4.2.6. Horizon distribution map. oh face profiling

Rice. 4.2.7. Nose shape distribution map (convex nasal bridge frequency)

Slavs of the medieval Don

Problems of the genesis of feudalism among the Slavs and Germans

Why do Muslims grow beards and why don't Indians grow beards?

Mankind has long attached considerable importance to wearing a beard.

AT different times and at different cultures the beard was perceived and interpreted in its own way, but it was always common that one who grew a beard could rightfully be considered a mature man and thus declared himself as a person.

Although, there was a time when wearing a beard was punished up to the death penalty.

It was the other way around - for those who did not want to grow stubble on their faces, it was better not to catch the eye of people. There are also peoples whom nature has completely deprived of the opportunity to be bearded.

From our article you will learn how a beard grows in men of different nationalities, which nations do not grow a beard and why Muslims grow a beard.

Which nations do not grow beards?

In fact, the stubble on the face refers to the tertiary hairline, which also includes the hair growing on the chest.

The presence or absence, as well as the degree of development of the hairline, is different for all peoples.. Everything is explained by the historical development of certain races.

Based on this, the following categories can be distinguished, which, in terms of the development of hair on the face and chest, will be at the end of the list.

So, the least bearded men are among the indigenous inhabitants of the Far Eastern, Siberian and Ural regions of the Russian Federation and representatives of the Mongoloid race.

In Uzbekistan, Tuva, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, men with a beard are also rare, but this is not an indicator that it does not grow, they simply shave it off according to national views and principles.

Why are Asians smooth-faced?

It's no secret that Asians have a beard in extremely rare cases. Why don't Asians grow beards? A lot of reasoning about this arises, but the essence is the same - it's all about the physiology of this people.

Facial hair, most often in the form of thin long beards, can only be observed in older men, who are always associated with martial artists and sensei.

If you look into the culture of this people, then indeed, you can find such a fact there that only high-ranking men, warriors, were allowed to grow a beard. But nothing just happens. The physiology of Asian peoples suggests that by nature such peoples reach their maturity much later than Caucasians.

To be more precise, then hormonal activity of Asians reaches maximum level only by the age of 30. Therefore, the growth of the tertiary hairline begins approximately in this age interval. The absence or very rare facial hair is in the genes.

Why don't Indians have body hair?

As for the Indians, it is almost impossible to meet them with hair on the face and body.

If you answer the question why the Indians do not grow a beard, then the answer will lie in the genetic characteristics of this people.

It happened so, most likely, because the climatic conditions in which the tribes lived for a long time did not at all require the presence of vegetation on the body.

If we touch on the question of why the beard of the Indians does not grow, then the answer is more understandable.

The fact is that the Indians lived in tribes, and each tribe needed distinctive features.

The way out was the drawings depicted on the bodies of people, especially on the faces.

Therefore, even the meager facial hair that could be present was removed either with razors (at that time they were shells) or chemically (the juice of some plants, mostly Datura).

There is also such a hypothesis that the Indians did not like the bearded ones. Those whom they took prisoner often found themselves with thick stubble on their faces, and this seemed unpleasant to the Indians, they compared appearance such people with "hairy muzzle of dogs" and resisted it.

That is, at first they themselves never allowed at least some hair to appear on their bodies, and now the Indians do not genetically grow a beard.

Why do Caucasians have gorgeous beards?

But Caucasian peoples never suffered from a lack of hair on the face, body and head. Why do Caucasians grow beards and do it easily and naturally? This is related to the fact that the hormonal background of these men is much more active than that of Asians and Europeans. Puberty occurs at the age of 12-13, and therefore early marriages among Muslims have always been a normal phenomenon.

Considering this issue from the point of view of physiology, it can be noted that the number of hair follicles on the face of Caucasians is many times greater than their number in other nationalities. Plus, their activity is also much higher. That is why they do not have to grow a beard with minoxidil or generolone.

There is an opinion that the level of male hormones in Caucasian nationalities is higher. But tying hair growth to the amount of testosterone in the body is not entirely correct, since this is not the only factor affecting hair growth.

Perhaps due to the climatic conditions of residence and high temperatures, the metabolism is accelerated and all processes occur faster, as is the case with puberty. But this is all a consequence, not a cause.

The reason lies in the genotype, which has been formed for more than one year, and we can only say unequivocally that if it happened in the process of development of this race, then there are reasons for that and this is the most the best option for all aspects of Caucasian life.

Why is it customary for Muslims to grow beards?

Why do Muslims grow beards? All the cases are that the canons Muslim world men are forbidden to shave their facial hair.

This is explained by the fact that the appearance that the Lord gave, a person has no right to change in any situations.

Prophet Muhammad commanded men to be men and don't imitate women do not stand up against nature, shaving off the stubble from the face.

Everyone, without exception, had to shave their mustaches and grow beards.

This was done for the reason that to avoid being like the pagans, who left only mustaches on their faces. In the Koran, in addition to the prohibition of barbering, there is specifically specified length on which to grow a beard. Namely - it should be such that it can fit in the palm of your hand.

Imitation female gender in Islam, women themselves are not to their liking. Once, asking the bride why she chose a man with a beard, she replied that she wanted to be married to a man, not a woman.

And one, already being a wife, refused her beloved on her wedding night, because he shaved off the stubble from his face. She was unpleasant and alien to the image of her chosen one.

In the event that the wife does not want her husband to have stubble on his face, then the man must defend his innocence and prove obedience to the Koran by giving her a gift.

In any case and under any circumstances, a faithful Muslim is obliged to remain with thick stubble on his face of the right size, this indicates his maturity, strength, masculinity, and most importantly devotion to God. Now I understand why Muslims grow beards.

The history of beards is diverse, as is the very development and formation of peoples, where great attention was given to facial hair in men.

Although, it is impossible to name a single race or nationality, where the presence or absence of a beard in a man would mean nothing. Always this sign had its own peculiarity and meaning, mainly associated with dignity.

Nowadays, every man is free to decide for himself whether to grow a beard and what kind, be it a goatee, balbo, Hollywood or Russian, skipper. In any case, those who have a beard need proper care with various products (soap, wax, balm, oils, sprays, etc.). Then the beard will be an adornment of a man.

Watch the video: why do you need a beard?

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Interesting versions about the beards of the Indians. Never heard of dope. But I agree that in such conditions, in a hot and dry climate, by nature they simply do not need a beard. Another thing is the Siberian lumberjacks, in the taiga, three thousand kilometers from civilization. For them, beards, mustaches and vegetation on the body are like protection, like life. Everything is natural. Nature is smarter than us, it has an explanation for everything. Also with skin color - evolution has led the poor fellows to swarthy, bald skin. But they have drawings and cool tattoos)

And the Indians lived in the center of civilization? Apparently, therefore, they removed the scanty facial hair with the help of shells.

Yes, but it was necessary not to shave with shells, but with a Gillette Mach 3 Turbo razor

Why do the native American Indians have no facial hair (beards and mustaches)?

If we look at old photographs of the 19th century, then many representatives American Indians Neanderthal features are evident. Sloping forehead, pronounced brow ridges, straight a long nose, wide cheekbones and a wide, massive lower jaw. The eye line is much higher than the middle of the face, in contrast to the Cro-Magnon standard. In the Cro-Magnon, the distance from the nose to the line of the mouth is one third of the distance from the nose to the chin, and in most of the purebred Indians this line is in the middle.

Most likely, emigrants dissolved among the native population, leaving their mark, both in culture and in genetics. Since the Cro-Magnon emigrants, as the new kind humans had newer genetics, then Neanderthal features were slowly replaced by Asian and Caucasian ones. Moreover, this happened in a fairly short period of time. Therefore, when comparing modern American Indians with their ancestors, we notice that the former have more Asian and European traits(see photo) .

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Despite the great internal unity of the generalized anthropological type of ethnic Russians of Eastern Europe, it is still possible to distinguish variations and geographically more or less localize them.

4) Vyatka-Kama type. 35% light-eyed, slightly flattened horizontal profile.

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Slow or uneven facial hair growth is a fairly common problem among men. Long hair and have a beard great importance for modern fashion, and also it is a very vivid way of expressing masculinity and strength. In addition, a thick and beautiful beard allows you to give your face masculinity, make it more expressive and attractive to the weaker sex.

There are many reasons for poor hair growth. It can be either one problem or a combination of several. The length of the beard hair, as well as its density, are strictly individual and depend on the health of the man and the characteristics of his body as a whole, so it is impossible to immediately give an exact answer to the question of why the beard does not grow well and what to do about it. To get rid of this problem, the first step is to visit the doctors and identify real reason, which makes it difficult to grow a long and thick beard.

First of all, you should make an appointment with the following specialists:

  • Endocrinologist;
  • Urologist;
  • Dermatologist;
  • Immunologist.

Visiting these doctors will help you get an answer to all questions on this topic and draw up complete picture the general condition of the body, and will also provide an opportunity to determine what is the underlying cause of poor hair and beard growth.

Why is there so little beard hair?

The main reason for poor facial hair growth is low level testosterone. The lack of this hormone in the body of a man can lead to a partial or even complete cessation of the growth of a beard on the face. In this case, the problem can be solved by treatment with a competent specialist who will prescribe the necessary hormonal drugs that will increase testosterone levels.

Also possible reason slow beard growth age features male body and late adulthood. This is purely individual characteristic human body, therefore, in order to grow a beard of the required length, you only need to wait a few years. If the beard still does not begin to grow after 25 years, you should consult a doctor who will check the level of the testosterone hormone or identify possible abnormalities.

Wrong shaving is enough common cause poor facial hair growth. If the razor is not carried out correctly on the skin, the very structure of the hair may be damaged, after which they stop growing. As a result, zones may appear on the face in which the beard will practically not grow. It can also cause ingrown hairs, which can become inflamed and bring additional discomfort.

The way of life that a person leads has a very strong influence on the growth of a beard. Constant stress, physical activity, malnutrition and lack of vitamins greatly affect the state of the body of a man. The slowdown in the growth of beard and hair is one of the important signals that not everything is fine with the body, and it needs to be urgently put in order.

Problems with facial hair growth can also be associated with being overweight. Constant excessive load has a very strong effect on health, which primarily affects the condition of the hair.

Genetic predisposition is another reason that greatly affects the length and growth rate of the beard. Unlike the previous reasons, this factor cannot be corrected, so if the older generation of men in the family has small and sparse facial hair, then it is likely that younger generation it will not be lush and thick.

Also affects the growth of the beard and race. For example, the peoples of the Caucasus are characterized by abundant growth of facial hair already in adolescence, and among Asians, men in most cases only of mature age can boast of a beard.

How to grow a beard

In order for facial hair to grow well, you must adhere to the following rules:

The first step is to check the level of the testosterone hormone in the body by contacting a doctor for this. A visit to a specialist will guarantee a qualitative solution to the problem, and a competent doctor will give answers to all the problems of interest regarding hair and beard.

In addition to hormones with poor hair growth, replenishing the lack of vitamins and essential trace elements will help to cope. To do this, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as focus on protein foods. You can also purchase a special complex of vitamins, which will allow you to correctly calculate the daily rate. It is best to consult with your doctor before doing this. His answer will allow you not to make a mistake in choosing a drug.

It is also very important to normalize your diet and exercise. For the body, this will be especially good, since such exercise stress will help fight excess weight and stress, and will also help accelerate the production of the hormone testosterone. In general, it is also important to avoid bad habits. Drinking alcohol and smoking has a very negative effect on the growth rate of the beard and hair.

Healthy full sleep is another answer to the question of how to accelerate the growth of beard and hair. It is worth arranging your daily schedule so that 7-8 hours of sleep are enough. During this time, he manages to recover and gain new strength.

If the beard grows slowly due to the characteristics of the body, you can try to stop shaving for one month. This time will be enough for even the slowest hair follicles to become active. It will also significantly reduce traumatism of the facial skin and prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs. In addition, infrequent shaving will give time for the skin and follicles to regenerate and allow already ingrown hairs to grow out.

It is advisable to take care of the beard and facial skin along with all the activities, using various masks, creams and oils. Burdock and castor oil are very good for beard growth. They heal the skin well and accelerate hair growth. In addition, they saturate them with vitamins, give a healthy shine and strength, and protect against the appearance of ingrown hairs.

To grow a beard, you need to improve blood circulation. To do this, you can use warming masks based on red pepper or periodically wash your face with a scrub. In general, it is better to clean your face twice a week with exfoliating creams. This will not only speed up blood circulation, but also allow you to get rid of ingrown hairs.

To prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs, it is worth steaming the skin well before shaving. You also need to pull the skin as little as possible when shaving and never shave against the stubble.

On the face, it refers to the tertiary hairline, which also includes hair growing on the chest.

The presence or absence, as well as the degree of development of the hairline, is different for all peoples.. Everything is explained by the historical development of certain races.

Based on this, the following categories can be distinguished, which, in terms of the development of hair on the face and chest, will be at the end of the list.

So, the least bearded men are among the indigenous inhabitants of the Far Eastern, Siberian and Ural regions of the Russian Federation and representatives of the Mongoloid race.

Despite the absence of a beard, representatives of the Mongoloid race in very rare cases suffer from baldness.

In Uzbekistan, Tuva, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, men with a beard are also rare, but this is not an indicator that it does not grow, they simply shave it off according to national views and principles.

Why are Asians smooth-faced?

It's no secret that Asians have a beard in extremely rare cases. Why don't Asians grow beards? A lot of reasoning about this arises, but the essence is the same - it's all about the physiology of this people.

Facial hair, most often in the form of thin long beards, can only be observed in older men, who are always associated with martial artists and sensei.

If you look into the culture of this people, then indeed, you can find such a fact there that only high-ranking men, warriors, were allowed to grow a beard. But nothing just happens. The physiology of Asian peoples suggests that by nature such peoples reach their maturity much later than Caucasians.

To be more precise, then hormonal activity of Asians reaches a maximum level only by the age of 30. Therefore, the growth of the tertiary hairline begins approximately in this age interval. The absence or very rare facial hair is in the genes.

Why don't Indians have body hair?

As for the Indians, it is almost impossible to meet them with hair on the face and body.

If you answer the question why the Indians, then the answer will lie in the genetic characteristics of this people.

It happened so, most likely, because the climatic conditions in which the tribes lived for a long time did not at all require the presence of vegetation on the body.

If we touch on the question of why the beard of the Indians does not grow, then the answer is more understandable.

The fact is that the Indians lived in tribes, and each tribe needed distinctive features.

The way out was the drawings depicted on the bodies of people, especially on the faces.

Therefore, even the meager facial hair that could be present was removed either with razors (at that time they were shells) or chemically (the juice of some plants, mostly Datura).

There is also such a hypothesis that the Indians did not like the bearded ones. Those whom they took prisoner often turned out to be with thick bristles on their faces and this seemed unpleasant to the Indians, they compared the appearance of such people with the “hairy muzzle of dogs” and opposed this.

That is, at first they themselves never allowed at least some hair to appear on their bodies, and now the Indians do not genetically grow a beard.

Why do Caucasians have gorgeous beards?

But the Caucasian peoples have never suffered from a lack of hair on the face, body and head. Why do Caucasians grow beards and do it easily and naturally? This is related to the fact that the hormonal background of these men is much more active than that of Asians and Europeans. Puberty occurs at the age of 12-13, and therefore early marriages among Muslims have always been a normal phenomenon.

Considering this issue from the point of view of physiology, it can be noted that the number of hair follicles on the face of Caucasians is many times greater than their number in other nationalities. Plus, their activity is also much higher. That is why they do not have to grow a beard with or.

There is an opinion that the level of male hormones in Caucasian nationalities is higher. But tying hair growth to the amount of testosterone in the body is not entirely correct, since this is not the only factor affecting hair growth.

Perhaps due to the climatic conditions of residence and high temperatures, the metabolism is accelerated and all processes occur faster, as is the case with puberty. But this is all a consequence, not a cause.

There is a misconception that the amount of hair on the body, including stubble, depends on the male hormone testosterone. There are many more reasons and all of them should be considered together.

The reason lies in the genotype, which has been formed for more than one year, and one can only say unequivocally that if it happened in the process of development of this race, then there are reasons for that and this is the best option for all aspects of the life of Caucasians.

Why is it customary for Muslims to grow beards?

Why do Muslims grow beards? The thing is that the canons of the Muslim world forbid men to shave their facial hair.

This is explained by the fact that the appearance that the Lord gave, a person has no right to change in any situations.

Prophet Muhammad commanded men to be men and don't imitate women do not stand up against nature, shaving off the stubble from the face.

Everyone, without exception, had to shave their mustaches and grow beards.

This was done for the reason that to avoid being like the pagans, who left only mustaches on their faces. In the Quran, in addition to the prohibition of barbering, there is a specific length for which a beard must be grown. Namely, it should be such that it can fit in the palm of your hand.

Imitation of the female sex in Islam is not to the liking of the women themselves. Once, asking the bride why she chose a man with a beard, she replied that she wanted to be married to a man, not a woman.

And one, already being a wife, refused her beloved on her wedding night, because he shaved off the stubble from his face. She was unpleasant and alien to the image of her chosen one.

In the event that the wife does not want her husband to have stubble on his face, then the man must defend his innocence and prove obedience to the Koran by giving her a gift.

In any case and under any circumstances, a faithful Muslim is obliged to remain with thick stubble on his face of the right size, this indicates his maturity, strength, masculinity, and most importantly devotion to God. Now I understand why Muslims grow beards.

The history of beards is diverse, as is the very development and formation of peoples, where much attention was paid to facial hair in men.

Although, it is impossible to name a single race or nationality, where the presence or absence of a beard in a man would mean nothing. Always this sign had its own peculiarity and meaning, mainly associated with dignity.

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