Learning to draw clouds. Possible execution techniques


I sincerely believe that nothing is impossible. A person is able to learn everything, the main thing is to really want and try, try, try ... These lessons will appeal to everyone who wants to learn how to draw.

How to draw trees

How to draw a mouth

How to draw eyes

How to draw a body

How to draw a face

How to draw lips correctly

How to draw a forest

How to draw a hand

Express drawing lesson

Learn to draw clouds

How to draw water correctly

How to learn to draw graffiti

1. Sketch. The first and most important point. Do at least 5-6 sketches a day. This rule works like this: the more, the better.

2. Copy old masters. Surround yourself with role models, develop taste.

3. Draw from memory. Even when working from nature, we work from memory. During a long educational setting do sketches from memory in parallel, analyzing the details, draw one or another element at home. Developing visual memory, you will not only draw well, but compose convincingly.

4. Study and check with nature.

5. Read professional literature. Everything you need to know has already been written - do not reinvent the wheel. Read 1 book per month.

6. Look for a mentor.

7. Repeat mistakes. Usually, people, having met the first obstacle, give up what they started. They are afraid of repeating mistakes. If it doesn't work, start a new one! Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

8. Don't draw from a photograph. The temptation to simplify work from nature can be irreversible consequences. A novice artist, not realizing the intricacies of revealing the form, voluntarily or involuntarily falls into the addiction to look at the world through the lens.

9. Take breaks.

10. Get creative.

Set big goals for yourself. You should always remember why you decided to study. Don't shelve your artistic plans, creative ideas. Start putting them into practice right now.

Sketching is a sure way to learn how to draw in general. Sketches help develop observation, the ability to sharply and accurately grasp the most important things in nature and discard the secondary, inessential. A keen feeling, understanding of a drawing does not come immediately, and it is sketches that awaken the ability to recreate what is seen as a vivid visible image and keep it in memory for a long time. This quality is essential for every artist. The first stage is especially difficult for beginners, when nothing works, there are no skills quick drawing, the line does not "live" on paper, it is difficult to convey volume and space with small means. Failures are natural, but completely surmountable.

It is better to start drawing sketches from a fixed or inactive nature. Try to fully embrace it, immediately feel the movement of the form and arrange the image well on the sheet. Pencil sketches need to be drawn constantly, every day. When you draw an outline, your eye develops, your hand begins to draw on "autopilot". Those. lines and shapes become clearer and more regular over time. You will use the eraser less and less, except to clean up the light. Draw everything you see that seems interesting to you - plants, houses, animals, birds, people.

Draw, let's call it, reportage sketches. When drawing plants, it is important to convey the movement of lines, the presence of air, that is, planning, so that the drawing is not flat, but filled with volume. It is very useful to draw from memory and from nature a dry tree, where all the branches are visible. When drawing animals and birds, convey movement, proportions.

Let the sketch be unfinished, that's what it's a sketch for. The main thing here is to develop thinking, hand and eye. When drawing a person, convey not only movement, but also rotation, shape, volume, weight, proportions. When you draw architecture, or just a rural landscape, convey the mood (whether it's cloudy weather now, whether it's winter or summer). Try to convey perspective. I repeat once again, it is not important to draw here, it is important to "catch" here.

Well, if you get decent sketches, besides, you bothered to draw a couple of details, then do not hesitate to take these sketches for an interview when you look for a job in your specialty. Such sketches are worth a lot, and often show your potential and skill as well as many hours of work.

Additional exercises:

1. Take the book by Gottfried Bames "Image of the human figure" and make copies of the drawings in the size of the illustration. Use pencil, pen and ink. Choose drawings as you prepare. From more simple - head, details to more complex ones - the figure is static, in motion.

2. Draw on the nature of household items. Make an analytical drawing, for example, of a sewing machine, an old meat grinder. Make a drawing on a piece of paper half.

3. Draw plaster head, analyzing the shape and main design points.

4. Draw crumpled leaf papers - conduct a constructive analysis.

5. Sketch the human head from life. Transmit rotation, movement, catch proportions.

6. Draw sketches of a person's head from a photograph. The fact is that in photography there are only hints of volume, a sense of space. You also need to translate all this on a sheet, analyzing the form.

7. Develop a sense of composition. Make sketches from a verbal description, story. Make illustrations for the book you read. You can do both color and black and white.

8. Make a still life drawing of large objects - a stool, a bucket, a rag ... Drawings of packing boxes with volumetric and spatial analysis and proportionality analysis.

9. Draw a portrait according to the idea.

10. Make copies of photographs of the figure and head of a person. Copies must be made through tracing paper - copy the contours.

How to draw sketches

Experienced draftsmen use a great variety of graphic techniques and tools, a variety of lines, strokes, spots, trying to use the possibilities of the material as fully as possible. Mixed techniques of two and three materials are used to obtain greater expressiveness.
Paper selection also matters. Successfully comes tinted, the color of which should be such that the tone of the main drawing material does not disappear on it. Both white and slightly tinted thin paper are suitable. For some types of sketches, both kraft (brown paper) and plain wrapping paper are suitable. Typically, artists select paper of varying quality. When going for sketches, think about what and on what paper you will do them.

The choice of material, graphic language and methods of execution is often prompted by nature itself. For example, animal drawings work well with soft materials. You can sketch directly with a brush, color, without preliminary circuit pencil.

If animals and birds are interestingly colored - and this is important to emphasize, try to convey the texture of wool and plumage more ingeniously by any means that intuition prompts, if only to achieve the main goal - expressiveness.

Every graphic material has its own specific visual properties. Small fine sketches are made with pen and ink, with a thin and concise line and a small amount of tone. In it, as it were, admiration for this grace, in a sketch with ink pen, as well as in pencil, the line is especially good. In a sketch with a brush, a smudge works better. Soft materials that give a wide line are better suited for large, generalized sketches, both line and smudge can be used here and look good. For small sizes, such materials are not suitable.

Often in the open air we are embarrassed by passers-by, involuntary, sometimes annoying spectators. Of course, it is more convenient to work in a workshop, next to like-minded people, but in order to feel the living breath of the world around you, you have to go to the street, the market, the zoo, to the factory, where there are expanses of plots. The habit of working in front of people will come sooner or later, and you will stop noticing curious looks and painfully reacting to all sorts of remarks. But the collected material and memorable impressions, especially the acquired skills, will serve as a great service in the future.

Kozhen from us can sing songs and bajannya, for the implementation of which we did not get an hour earlier. Some would like to learn dancing, others would like to learn how to play guitar, violin and piano. Obviously, among us there are people who, with the same bazhanny, would like to learn how to draw. Transfer your thoughts to papier or canvas for the help of figurative art.

As if with all your inner being, you need to learn to paint and learn about graphics from the side of the creator, to give you the maximum help.

Learning how to draw is not so easy and convenient, as at first glance you can get away with it. For whom it’s not obov’azkovo to be a genius, but a mother of talent and a gift from the people. Alas, if you take a little time, diligence, patience, and what is more heady - you can’t do without a majestic bazhan. Why should you start? On scho zvernuti special respect? The same about all the tse pide mova in this article.
Why start? Let's first understand what a graphic is.
Graphics- this kind of image-creating art, a kind of victorious lines, strokes, specks and patches in the form of the main image-making features.

It dawned on me that at a good hour, you will obov’yazkovo get stuck with this kind of mysticism painting, if you want to remind all your creations with colors and colors. Ale mi we are talking at once not about tse. It is necessary for a little boy to master the little ones with an olive - the foundation. You can understand that in order to paint a landscape, a still life in full scale, or a portrait, you need a little more writing.

First, over what, in any case, you need to practice pratsyuvati - tse pobudova prospects.
perspective– the whole science is about the image of spacious objects on a flat surface, or it’s somehow superficial in appearance with the same shortening of their expansions, changes in the shape and appearance of light, as they appear in nature.

In order for the skin to be fully understood, about what we are talking about, we will conduct such an inspection. Put the glass or bottle on the table in front of you. In principle, you can absolutely be-like objects, with which you often interact. Put? Wonderful.

Carefully and respectfully look at the outline, shape and visible plane of this object from one angle. Now, please stand up. Get up, come on. Don't lament. Take another look at the same item. You can work 2-3 steps back, or in a beak, lightly heal, or just marvel at the subject of the beast - standing on the steel. Changing the look around, you see obvious changes in the proportions, visible?? Facets and planes of the examined object. This is how the human mind functions, friends. The image of such an object when I look around your kut and is called - pobudova prospects .

In order to see the perspective, on the archway you need to mark the line of the horizon (the line of the eyes). Vіdshtovhuyuchis vіd schilnostі liniї horizon, you will be careful to vibudovuvat the object you need. Points, where the lines are drawn, will give you help in encouraging you. Їx to name - t.s. (dots right off the bat) . At the lowered little one, we show the butt of a cube, crusting with one or two points at once.

And at once, try to independently create a cube with one or two points at once. Let's wait, see through the same, only with the roaming lines of the horizon, which are blown up (higher and lower than the eye line). Not a trace of zmalovuvati with a little butt. Learn to "think on paper". Practice more often, and do not splinter only on cubes. Take some object and put yoga in front of you, otherwise pick up something that will make you feel better. Without difference, it may be a stove, an ilnik or a TV set. It’s a hell of a lot to try to do yoga with the utmost precision and in the same rank, as if you’ve been handed over according to the date before you.

Dali, to which the next to give no small respect - ce light. So, for help itself, it is formed volume. For the help of light, you will add maximum realism to your
little one.

Search and analyze the works of famous artists such as: Anna Maria, Clive Meredith, Nicolien Beerens, Poul Long, Linda Hurber. And this is not a complete list of "majstrіv olіvtsya". Well yak? Wondered? So, my shanovni. Danі robi vіd kobі і to the end stroke vikonіnі olіvtsem. The stench sings loudly and does not deprive anyone of baiduzhim. Fired up? Let's get started.

Svitlotin- ce rozpodil illuminance, as a posteriori on the surface of the object, as a form of a scale of brightness.

Elements of light:

  • light - the surface, brightly and intensely illuminated by the dzherel of light.
  • glare - a flame of light on a glossy brightly illuminated surface, if there is a mirror image on it;
  • shade - poorly illuminated or unilluminated plot of the object;
  • pіvtin - the shade is less visible, yak vinikaє, if the object hangs in front of the dekilkom with dzherel of light. You can still winknut on the surface, like a beast to the fire of light under a small kut;
  • a reflex is a light-colored flame in the area of ​​darkness, it settles down in the change, and it vanishes in the presence of adjacent objects.

Start with simple objects. For example, from geometric figures. Let's go step by step to more folding forms.

Starting from today, for all intents and purposes, turn your respect to a group of light and darkness. Like the very tіnі fall and kick on the objects. How, with whom, it is light, de vono darkness, and de navpaki we become bright. It is also necessary to give respect to the roztashuvannya dzherel of light and their natural power. The more you remember, remember and you will practice, the more you will know uplift and get rid of the “fear of the white arkush”.

You sing-songly think, what is this “fear of the white Arkush” for? Everything is simple. Most people, at the very beginning, are afraid of “messing up” the clean arkush, because they don’t see anything. Not for the sake of this work. Papir in our hour, thank God, is not in short supply. Cost of penny copy. You just can't bring yourself to brag about anything.

Don't hurry up. If you need fast and beautiful, then you won’t see anything. I will say with full confidence! You don’t need to be embarrassed and nervous, so you don’t have to go out yet. Find out the innocence of yourself. The skin of a person is unique in its own way - everyone has the makings of a difference.

For someone you can get away with one - three samples, the other will achieve approximately the same less than in a week, and for some you need a month of hard work, before the first results appear.

Remember more than that - artists are not popular, they are becoming.

A few more happy ones are right, yak will be corny for readers Yak Zrobiti. Give respect to the first two, give the right to perfectly develop an okomir and help you fill your hand:

1 . On a paper arch, A4 format is recommended, draw a line (approximately 10 centimeters). After all, try to draw one more, such a line, it is guilty of being parallel to the first. Let's keep it quiet. Watch out for them, so that all the offensive lines pass parallel to the front. The stench is all guilty of being on the same side of the world.

2. Draw a line. Try to draw lines on top of the first main line. Try to do it in such a way that the offensive lines do not go lower, but more in front. The skin line is guilty of lying alone on another.

3. Look at the sounds of your little ones with a fat outline. Olivets is guilty of the ease of tying paper. In a way, at times blots, yoga is so easier to practice. In a different way, the bold outline does not look very nice. I vzagali, tse є a sign of a nasty tone. So if you know this kind of call, for the sake of you, I’ll be more familiar with it.

4. If there is a robot with inflicted shadows, you should always go out lightly. The olive is growing. Traplyatsya through those that your little one has a hand to ride. In order to get away from him, you just need to lay a small piece of paper on your hand.

Easily fold the task

Father, you started to remember that you started to come out. You already see the elementary objects in perspective with ease and give them volume. The hour has come to raise the bar in front of you.

Try to vibuduvat composition now from geometric shapes. Let's take a look at the term composition.

Composition - the interplay of components and parts of the pictorial creation between themselves and with the vastness of the navkolishny; the interplay of that placement of objects, the number of figures in space; spіvvіdnoshennia svіtla і tіnі; rhythm of lines and flames; choose the format of the high or low point of the sky, the line of the horizon and іn. Below, we show an example of a composition of geometric shapes.

Try to make sure that your composition does not squander its equal on arches. It will be wrong, as if in one side of the arch, you will see a cube and a cone, and in the other - a sack. Yaka, sche y at rozmirah їm act. The composition of such a plan will be visually re-imagined in side of the image of a cube and a cone.

Practice steadily. Always compare the authorities' robots with the robots of the best informed people. So it is easier to know and correct your pardons.

The composition can be formed not only from geometrical figures, but from what ever. Still life painting is a bad practice. More like a rosemary of forms. Better than anything, you will draw from nature. Take a decanter or a vase, put in front of them three pieces of fruit or vegetables. Give water to your fantasies. Store the composition on the cob on the table itself. And even then, take it to work on the arkush. In another way, the painting of objects with folded brown is not only a rendering of the plasticity of forms, but also shadows overlaid on them.

How can you more eskіziruyte.

Eskiz- a lot of shvidko chiming little ones, no idea how ready the robot is. Most often it consists of a large number of overlapping lines.

We call not obov’yazkovo work sketches from photographs, but from nature. More crimson robiti sleepy handwriting - from memory. Zdіysnyuyuchi so dії, vyshvidshe learn to think on paper. So, you are guilty of self-sufficiency, as if you yourself are guilty of interfacing with yourself, as if you were guilty of looking like that.

If you will be less zmalovuvaty, then only zmalovuvannyu you and learn. Aje your meta trohi іnsha - learn how to draw.

  • Don't hurry, don't redistribute in a big format. Back to back with a notepad, then an album for painting, or with simple A4 sheets. During the period of training on them, it will be easier for you, lower, for example, on A3 format;
  • Better start painting on standard white arches. To paint on pieces of paper in a cage is the work of schoolchildren and people, as if they simply love to lighten up. And you have been for a long time, zovsim not amateurs, because read this article.


There is no inter-perfection. Never mind in life what you have achieved. Learn how you masterly paint, start raising your own bar. Always be able to learn something new.

Do not think that vibudovuvannya objects in perspective, giving them a general and eskіzuvannya - tse end, there is a lot of something else that you need to know and remember to be called an artist. It’s more than just a baggage of knowledge, with which all future artists begin to learn how to paint. And your path will be long, friends, as if you rightly want to express yourself for the help of the image-creating art.

Take care of yourself. Vіdstezhuyte those, as you are painting. Guessing that the hands of the guilty are not squished, but free. Adzhe pratsyuє not only a brush.

Try the little ones in such a way that the skin of the new robot will be a troch, but better than the front. If you give volume, try to work and smoothly transition from light to pvtіnі and navpaki. І remember about reflection.

More often and more often, I can marvel more at the work of all the great artists. Focus your attention on the details. Leather has its own style, its own secrets. Roblyachi tse, you know a lot of what is ringed and brown.

Never think: “Damn, no. I was not given to the painter. Mi perekonani, shanovni chitachi, you can do everything, you have everything! Do not see for the first try - see for another or third. Ale tse will inevitably become! Naygolovnіshe - do not hurry. As soon as you start to hurry up, everyone is a baby "to the cat's tail." It was necessary that it took exactly an hour for the skin of little ones, more would be needed for that.

At this stage, you should already start to improve again. Now you need less work for nature. The skin of us can be colossal visual and fantasy. And the very stink to replace the pictures and photos, from which it was so fitting for you to decorate. On the cob, it’s important to take everything from the head. Ale Vi will call you to the first one, and the sense of the second one is hundreds of times greater. Until then, your robot knows the power of originality and uniqueness. Aje tse your thoughts; everything is the same there, as you really want. And tse, in a right way, meritorious honors.

So, yes, I would like to add that, be it a little baby, regardless of what you yourself wanted to depict, start from the sketch - for sure. І tse nagolovnіshe. I’ll show you a little bit and marvel for yourself, as if those who you want to paint will look approximately. І less than once in a sketch, it is necessary to proceed to rendering.

Self-criticism and Self-control. Axis about what we forgot to guess. Be sure to evaluate your little ones with maximum confidence. Watch out for everything, as and what you paint. Chi correct pobudovana you perspective. Chi exactly according to the composition of you zbuduvali their little ones. Chi all looking like this, as if guilty. Chi correctly set the tone. I will repeat all the shades of application, sticking to the roztashuvannya of the dzherela of light and in. It is not necessary to be loyally placed before the vlasni pardons. So you won't go far, my dears. If you molt at the moment, correct them, deposit everything for later. We’ll better sweat and do better, lower the correction at once and “abi yak”.

Next, start painting objects that are found in Russia. Cars, planes, helicopters, steamboats, people with a parachute, trees, that crumble in the wind and in. Growing your little ones is more dynamic.

It is not necessary to focus on one. It is not for the sake of painting only people, but only landscapes. Paint absolutely everything.

And what is the most important, don’t worry about it. Navіt yakscho scho-nebud for a long time you do not go out. Check the price for an hour. Be patient. I call for work.

To learn how to draw on a truly great equal, You can spend 2-3, and maybe 5 years. Ale "the greatest rіven" is not a boundary. Everything is superb, realistic, and most importantly, paint correctly. For deyakah, you will be enough. And there will be and ti, who will not stumble and walk far away. The stench will understand that their period of education is all life.
in a fair way good artist is guilty of conveying the mood and character of his heroes, and the atmosphere of everything that comes to mind. Yogo robots are guilty of earning a little and do not deprive anyone of the bait. Ale tse already zovsіm іnshe. For the first time, just start. Start reading the little ones. And yak, why did you start, you already know, my dear.

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How to learn the little ones, today and try the roses. We will make a stylish young man an olive. In order to start painting, it is necessary to acquire a solid olive, and also to think over the sketch of a little one. Before that, as a little bit, think about how you will be a person in such a position, draw a guise, color your clothes. Oh, let's start.

How to learn a little people

Let's start with the promalovuvannya contour of the head. In order to paint a person, it is necessary to name additional lines, as a guilt, to be known like a cross. Then you can paint small neck lines, then we go down, and see a wide and three-fold heeling line of the shoulders. Respect: Shia is guilty of roztashovuvatisya strictly in the center. In the line of the shoulders, there is a small straight-cut, which will be a man's tulub. We lost the outline of the contours of the lower and lower steps, and then the hands and arms.

Parallel to the vertical lines of the rectangle of the tubule, there are two lines - the future jacket, and the lower horizontal line is a small line, as if it will be the hem of the jacket.

We repair the detailed painting of the contours of the individual. Malyuєmo steal jackets, which pass from the ink before the board. Promalovuєmo hands and fingers, in the fist of the young man it's a little bit. For naturalness, there are a lot of folds on the trousers and sleeves of the jacket, as well as a T-shirt showing through the jacket.

Promalovuёmo main details of the jacket - dziki, seams, folds.

There are slightly more folds on the trousers, the seams were made on the bodice.

You can see all the additional and zayv lines for the help eraser.

Only paint the outline with colored olives. Little one is ready!

How to learn how to draw 3d babies on paper

Little ones 3d enchant with their images.

The maisterno vikonani paintings in such a technique create an impression that on the arcade paper there is a reference object, and not another graphic image. practice. To the very same, your love site of brown delights Sovets.net will tell you today about those how to learn how to draw 3d little ones on paper.

On this day, little 3d little ones were transforming little by little, and they looked like the grand frame of the arch. The biggest enemy directly of this little one is a 3d image on asphalt. Correctly painting little ones on the asphalt erases between the little ones and the navkolishnim light.

Ale first, go to the street and start creating, then diligently practice painting 3d images on the magnificent arch. Aje navit dosvіdchenі artists volіut volіyut nabіyut skіz podshіd tvorіnnya na papіrі, і іlki іtlki іtіlki tіlki tіlki tіlіvati yoga in zhittya.

Instructions on how to learn how to draw 3d babies on paper

At the very beginning of the painting process, you should be assigned a picture, as you want to depict. It is your fault to clearly imagine in your head the skin detail of your future creation. Wrath, as your first “punch the pen”, then sing on the image of some kind of simple object with clear lines and shapes, for example, a cube or a parallelepiped.

Remember also that without a well-placed spacious idea, it’s unlikely that you can paint something like a war. Andje in 3d images, the main one is a clear transfer of the perspective of a little one, like I create an illusion about the “space.

The skin of a 3d-baby is guilty of his mother's point, for which the peeping and the artist will її take. Adzhe, just marveling at the 3d image under a lower kut, all the depth and about "mnist" will no longer be transmitted. Therefore, choose this point, for which your little ones will be trivial, and also be known to them, the stars will fall sv similar to your image. According to your choice, it is necessary to shade the shadows, dampness, in such a way that it is possible to lay down a trivi- merly prisynyatta picture. once again it will be light to fall on the side, then on the same side, the objects are due to be more light.

So that the images of the little ones look more effectively, do not surround it with straight-cut frames or cordons. Naturally looking at the little ones, in some kind of background, the background will blend with the color of the surface, on which the picture itself is depicted without a middle.

How to learn how to draw anime

To start painting, it’s not bad at all, it’s a smut in case of tsoma - it’s a constant practice.

We prepare the need buti until the first hour the little ones come out no more beautiful, and they are not like the little ones of professionals. Ale, nothing terrible, in an hour, the dosvіd and the necessary navik will come. It is even more important to place your hand correctly and train every day, if you want 10 or 15 whilins a day. In order to learn how to draw anime, you need to regularly train to help your advancing rights.

  • The first one is right - you can paint the olive and the cola, and the beginners will help to master the painting of the eyes and individuals, as they are considered the most headless in the image of the character. Draw a stake and elipsi as needed, without breaking the line, in different straight lines and under different cuts.
  • Another right - to draw horizontal and vertical lines - in front of yourself and to yourself. Lines need to be painted as thin, so comfy, smut - stench is due, but as far as possible straight.
  • The third one on the right is way better. It is necessary to learn how to draw parallel lines, squares, ellipses and other figures.
  • The fourth on the right - it is necessary to learn how to draw “mirror image” - a figure and a mirror image.
  • P "yata right - zmalovuvannya about" єkta. It’s necessary to choose whether it’s an object, and, marveling at something, and not at little ones, you’re blindly painting yoga. -yake images, as if you were memorizing it. Golovna - do not be afraid of experimenting, and even all the obov "language-wise.

Without yakіsnih accessories for painting, it is impossible to learn how to paint. Like a child to love a little cradle, the fathers happen to buy colorful cradles. However, it is necessary to remember that you will need not only to buy colored cradles, but also to report the maximum amount of effort in order for the child to learn such a brownie, like a painting.

The ability to draw combines both aesthetic and physical pleasure. At all times, drawing was considered beautiful. If you share your intention to learn how to draw beautifully with your friends, most of them will advise you to take drawing lessons. But "official" training costs time and money, and doesn't always produce the results you expect.

So at first you can try selfeducation. Remember that the main principles of successful training are to practice regularly and a lot. There is a "Rule of Ten Thousand Hours": it is believed that this number of classes will make you an expert in any field.

How to learn to draw?

1. Try drawing from nature. Watch and copy. Over time, you will feel how to convey reality on paper. Do not be afraid - the more often you sketch, the more successful they will be.

2. Go to the open air(drawing in nature) at least once a week. choose different time days to learn how to work with light.

3. Try different techniques and different material. Don't get hung up on pencil sketches; try ink, paint, acrylic, watercolor, wax crayons. Master different textures and tones, buy different paper. Buy a good set of brushes and practice with each of them - over time you will understand how to alternate and combine them.

4. Try drawing an image without lines: dots or tones wet sheet. Practice and freedom will help you understand how to learn to draw not only beautifully, but also quickly. Moreover, change even pencils and erasers!

5. Learn Proportions. Try to lay out the composition of the drawing before moving on to drawing the details. You can even give him a little "lie down", and then look at the workpiece with a fresh look. In the early stages, it is easier to correct large errors. Since learning to draw beautifully, for example, with a pen, is impossible without for long years practice and a trained eye, practice with soft materials like pencil or crayons that you can erase and try again.

6. Explore shadows, lines, tones, textures and reflections. These skills are literally the basis of how you can learn to draw beautifully and easily.

Here are some small exercises that can help:

  • draw a square. And now change it so that it is on the border of light and shadow. Draw a balloon or an apple on which the reflected light falls;
  • draw a gradient, a scale that is very light at the beginning and gets darker and darker towards the end. Learn to make the transition very soft, almost imperceptible;
  • when you are painting from nature, make the density of the shadows vary depending on the location of the light source. This will make the drawing more dynamic.

7. Choose what you love- and draw it as often as you can.

8. Learn anatomy. Yes, anatomy - like biology in school, only better. Sketch the skeletons, copy the muscular corset. In the end, these experiments can be used to decorate the house to. And most importantly - they will help you understand the proportions human body and features of its movement. The same applies to animals.

9. If despair overtakes or fantasy runs out - copy. This is a good opportunity to "feel" the work of the master and make some new technical discoveries for yourself. Artists of the past and present knew exactly how to learn how to paint beautifully with paints (and not only) and will be ready to help you with their work. It remains only to choose the one you like more.

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