Rihanna biography. Rihanna's songs that brought her worldwide fame


Everyone knows what is behind success and universal recognition it costs a lot of work. This work sometimes means not only work on oneself by a person who has achieved recognition, but also by those who invested in his upbringing and development. Certainly, we are talking about parents. But there is one question that touches a very thin, even intimate edge: does this rule always work or are there exceptions to it? For example, in today's article we will talk about Ronald Fenty, whom few people know. However, he is the father of one famous R "n" B performer, who has repeatedly stated that her parent is not at all one of those who invest themselves in children. This singer is Rihanna, without the mention of whose name the material cannot do at all.

Well known facts about Rihanna's father

Ronald Fenty was born in 1954. On the Caribbean island of Barbados, the years of his youth passed. It was here that he met his soul mate, and then married her. Soon after the marriage was registered, the first-born appeared in the young family. It turned out to be Robin Rihanna, who is better known to the whole world as simply Rihanna. In addition to her, several more children were born in the family. By the way, the marriage of the father of a celebrity with her mother was not the first, Fenty also had several offspring from her former wife. Life in the small town of St. Michael, in Barbados, with the family of the famous and now sought-after artist, was not at all rich. There was never extra money, every cent was scheduled for payment utilities, food and so on already on the day of the parental salary and a month in advance. It was not customary in the Fenty family to talk about any funds for pocket expenses for children or for gifts for the holidays in the Fenty family.

Work, home and addictions

father at the beginning family life with Rihanna's mother, he was the head of a clothing warehouse, and also traded in a tent on the street. Later, his eldest daughter helped him with this, while he himself lay in the sun, slowly sipping alcohol. Fenty's house was quite small, with small windows, very much like a makeshift house. The large family of the future famous singer was housed in three rooms. Relatives of Ronald suffered badly from him when he abused strong drinks. Subsequently, the man also became addicted to drugs. In a state of intoxication, Fenty fell into a rage and could even attack his wife and children with his fists.

A headache no one needs to know about

Almost all of her youth, Rihanna suffered from an unexplained illness. She was endlessly pursued by severe migraines, because of which Monica Braithwaite (the girl's mother) was forced to constantly undergo examinations with her daughter, change doctors and hospitals. The woman did all this only in the hope of hearing an intelligible diagnosis and starting treatment. However, time after time, examinations showed absolutely nothing. True, one doctor nevertheless suggested a malignant tumor in the head of eldest daughter Ronald Fenty, but it was another medical error. By the way, I would like to note that none of the environment of the future star even knew that she suffers from severe headaches every day. Her classmates and friends saw next to them only a smiling, cheerful and beautiful girl.

The parental divorce that almost led to irreversible consequences in the life of the future Grammy winner

While young Robin Rihanna Fenty and her mother spent time in clinics, the head of the family constantly drank, and upon returning home, his wife and daughter arranged regular scandals. Rihanna's mother decided to end the tyranny of her husband, the woman immediately filed for divorce. This period was for future singer R&B on the most dangerous adolescence - 14 years. The girl began to study poorly at school, she even wanted to quit her studies and start earning her living by singing songs in the bars of Barbados. By the way, she was fond of singing all her life, as far as she could remember. In addition, Robin Rihanna was a very pretty girl and took part in beauty contests in hometown. She managed to win the title of the most beautiful girl school when I was in high school.

The first serious audition and departure to America, bringing Fenty's daughter closer to fulfilling her dream

Rihanna's family lived on the verge of poverty, so the girl dreamed of becoming famous and getting rich. She believed that she would be able to go to the United States of America and conquer the whole world. This is what happened when famous producer Evan Rogers noticed the girl quite by accident, while vacationing with his wife in the Caribbean. After listening, he took with him the future star of pop and R "n" B music. By the way, it was with him that Rihanna conquered the musical Olympus. Subsequently, she met Jay-z, the richest rap artist of all time. Rihanna also collaborated with Eminem, Shakira, Beyonce and other celebrities.

Rihanna's songs that brought her worldwide fame

When the girl came to conquer America, she almost immediately began recording her first solo compositions. Her singles blew up radio stations over and over again, bringing songs to the top of the charts. Here are the most famous and most popular of them:

  1. Pon de replay (2005).
  2. Sos (2007).
  3. The famous Umbrella, which was sung by the whole world.
  4. Love the way you lie (2010). Performing this song, Rihanna almost always cries.
  5. Needed me (2016).

You can list the songs of the performer for a very long time, because the singer has accumulated enough work even for a short time. She is in full bloom and will add to her discography more than once.

Rihanna and her father: the facts

Further narration will concern Ronald Fenty and Rihanna herself. The rest of the article will be built as a kind of confrontation between these close people. Simply put, any fact relating to the singer's father will be considered from two sides. So the reader will understand the story of Mr. Fenty, his biography and other interesting facts from life:

  1. Ronald Fenty - Rihanna's father - claims that ear for music daughter inherited from him. True, as he himself notices, he does not know how to sing and has never even tried. The celebrity herself claims that she got an ear for music and a low voice from relatives on her mother's side. In her family, her grandmother loved to sing, she did it simply amazingly.
  2. Ronald Fenty, after parting with his wife, tired of drinking and tantrums, was left alone, without a livelihood and without a job. He says it was the same period when the father of the R&B star rethought his whole life and was able to cope with addictions that have plagued him for many years. He admits that no one helped him (while Fenty was looking forward to support from his family). Rihanna during this period was just beginning her creative career and was far away from all her relatives. However, she noted in an interview that she always loved her parents. Even in Hard times she called her father and mother, was interested in everything that concerns them. By the way, soon after Rihanna's father was able to overcome his addiction to alcohol and drugs, he was reunited with the singer's mother again.
  3. Ronald Fenty, whose biography began on the islands of Barbados, at one time tried to move closer to his daughter and even attended social events, flashing in her shadow. He liked the luxurious life and he for a long time tried to get into it. Rumor has it that he sold famous magazine pictures of my daughter adolescence. Rihanna herself at the beginning of her career did not particularly want to talk about her personal life and family. Moreover, she never showed her childhood photos to anyone. The girl left for America in what she was wearing, taking nothing, because there was absolutely nothing to take with her. It is said that the fashion magazine paid Rihanna's father a fabulous fee for these photos. By the way, after a while, he also gave various interviews to the "yellow" publications, talking about everything that Rihanna herself would never have said publicly.

A gift for a daughter that made her return to her homeland

In 2016, Ronald Fenty received the most expensive and luxurious gift of his life. His daughter presented him with a luxurious villa in the Caribbean, for which he had to pay as much as two million dollars. Rumor has it that next to the viila of her father, the girl bought exactly the same apartment for her mother with a huge pool. Of course, having received such gifts from their daughter, the parents immediately went to inspect them. It is worth saying that after that, Rihanna's parents became rare guests at secular parties. Who knows, perhaps this is exactly what the star wanted, who was tired of the constant presence of her parents at social events.

Family is always there

Despite its heavy tour schedule, Rihanna always finds time for loved ones. Fenty's family often gathers both in America and at her father's or mother's house. The singer moved her brothers to the states closer to her, she helps them develop in every possible way. Speaking about her father, Rihanna always notes that she doesn’t get angry at him a bit, she doesn’t remember any grievances. In one of her interviews, the girl also noted that her father always supported her, never forbade anything. His motto in life is the expression: "Learn from your own mistakes." By the way, once the singer's mother said that she was an ardent admirer of her daughter, and also listened to Rihanna's songs with great pleasure. Monica Braithwaite even knows some texts by heart.

Rihanna is a singer who is known all over the world. Her singles do not leave the first lines of the charts for a long time, her songs excite, she is applauded from the biggest concert venues peace.
Rihanna is a native of the Caribbean island of Barbados. She was born on February 20, 1988 in the family of an accountant and a warehouse inspector. Her full name Robin Rihanna Fenty and she is the oldest child in the family. Although the father from his first wife has two more daughters and a son. In addition to Rihanna, the parents also had two sons.

Everything would be fine if not for the father's addiction to drugs and alcohol. She loved her father very much, but he addictions deeply wounded all members of the family, especially the children. Rihanna suffered so much that from the age of 8 until the divorce of her parents she suffered from frequent headaches, she was even checked for a possible brain tumor, which, fortunately, was not confirmed. When the parents divorced, all the misfortunes stopped. At this time, the girl was already 14 years old.

To somehow distract from the problems, Rihanna sang. She started singing at the age of 7 and was greatly influenced by Reggae music. She always sang with great pleasure for the family or just for fun.
There was no extra money in the family, and the girl had to earn extra money with her father in his trading tent, selling clothes. In all other respects, she had the life of an ordinary islander. She visited first primary school, then high school. Once, at a school talent competition, she performed a song from the repertoire of Mariah Carey and won. And thanks to her pretty appearance, she was able to win the school beauty contest.

Together with her two classmates, she founded musical group. The girls were 15 at the time. This was the start of her career.
The famous American producer Evan Rogers and his wife came to rest for the weekend in Barbados. Rihanna met his wife, and thanks to the invitation received from her, along with the girls from the group, she came to audition at the hotel. Rogers was so amazed that he didn't even notice the other two members. He felt that a future star had entered the room. Evan invited her to make some recordings in a New York studio. He also met the girl's mother. Over the next year, she and her mother flew several times to the city where Evan lived, in Connecticut. They showed the demo version of the song to the president and owner of Def Jam Recording. He, too, did not doubt for a minute that he was in front of a real star.

It was 2005. The American musical Olympus was stagnant, and a performer like Rihanna with hot southern blood was needed. Moreover, summer was coming and new summer hits were needed. Thanks to the audition, the young 17-year-old singer signed a contract with a record company for several million. She literally burst into the world of American pop music. Everything that happened to her at that time seemed just a dream that a simple girl from the island of Barbados could not even dream of.

In the same year, she toured with Gwen Stefani, acting as her opening act. This tour changed her outlook on life in many ways. In general, 2005 was both a breakthrough year and a year of difficult trials for her. She started new life away from her homeland where she had neither friends nor relatives. She realized that being a good performer is a real job, which from the outside seems only glamour. Rihanna has matured more this year than in her entire life.

She recorded hit after hit, her first album was soon released, which sold over one million copies. Among her hits, I would especially like to note "S.O.S.", "Unfaithful", "Kisses Don't Lie".

In addition, she acts in films a little, trying to develop herself comprehensively.

Rihanna's personal life

In her personal life, the singer is not as happy as she could be.

For several years, she dated a performer 2 years younger than her - Chris Brown. He occasionally raised his hand to her. In 2009, the case went to court, where he was sentenced to 5 years probation with the requirement not to approach the singer at a specified distance.

Rihanna and singer Usher

After breaking up with her first boyfriend, she had short romances with two athletes, which ended in nothing, then there was a singer Asher. 3 years after court session Rihanna got back together with Chris, but this time the romance did not last more than six months.
Due to the tight schedule, the girl practically does not have time for her personal life. Yes, and the president of the mentioned record company Jay-Z vigilantly monitors the behavior of his ward, approving or disapproving of her connections. This is good, as the singer has not become addicted to drugs and booze, which often happens with fast-flashing stars. Allegedly, he himself is looking for a suitable lover for her. Maybe we'll find out about her new romance soon.

Beautiful actresses and singers from all over the world, their photos and biography facts are posted

Full name: Robin Rihanna Fenty
Date of birth: February 20, 1988
Nicknames: RiRi, Caribbean Queen, Barbados Baby
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Eye color: brown
Natural hair color: dark brown

A charismatic, talented megastar, the R&B singer needs no introduction, her songs and videos are constantly featured on the most popular channels and radio stations. Pupil Jay-Z eventually grew from a teenager into a glamorous diva. Millions of fans from all over the world follow her every step. This girl is a real Stakhanovite in her field and a modern style icon! Let's find out soon how hard she got such high ranks.


Rihanna was born into a large family in Saint Michael, in the Caribbean islands of Barbados. She is the eldest of three children in the family, she has two younger brothers Rorry and Rajad. Rihanna's mother's name is Monica Fenty, an accountant by profession, and her father's name is Ronald Fenty, a warehouse manager by profession. The girl's childhood was spoiled by her father's addiction to alcohol and cocaine, as well as constant family squabbles, as a result of which her parents divorced when Rihanna was 14 years old. Other than that, she had a normal childhood, going to Combermere, a normal high school, sometimes singing with her friends and family for fun.

In 2004, Rihanna won the Miss Combermere title at a beauty pageant and performed Mariah Carey's Hero at the school's talent show.

After forming a musical trio with two classmates at the age of 15, Rihanna auditions for veteran New York music producer Evan Rodgers, who came to the island on vacation with his Barbadian wife. He will later say : "When Rihanna walked into the room, it was like the other two girls didn't exist."


“When I left Barbados, I didn’t look back,” Rihanna will say, leaving her native land. "I wanted to do what I have to do, even if it means going to America."

Less than a year later, she first moves with her mother to Rogers in Stamford, Connecticut. And already being 16 years old, together with Evan and his wife, they leave to live in America and start working on a demo album there. Carl Sterken helped Rihanna record four demos, which took almost a year, because she continued to go to school and could only write during the summer and Christmas holidays. These demos were given to Def Jam Records, who invited her to audition with the company's president himself, the legendary rapper Jay Z, who, upon hearing her voice, immediately decides to sign a contract with her. Only eight months later, in 2005, they recorded the track "Pon de replay", which soars to second place on the Billboard chart. This high start allowed her to be called the next pop star. Her first album Music of the Sun» was released in August 2005 in the US. The album peaked at number 10 on the Billboard 200 and was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America. At first, her music is classified as reggae because of the Caribbean accent.

A month after the release of her first album, she began working on her second studio album and in April 2006, less than eight months after her debut, Rihanna released her second album titled A girl like me, who gave the world two hits "SOS" and "Unfaithful".

After the premiere of the album, the girl goes on her first tour called "Live in Concert tour", in the same year she will make her acting debut in episodic role in the film "Bring it on: All or nothing".

In the third studio album « Good girl Gone Bad» in 2007 she changes direction with the help of music from producers such as Timbaland, Will-I-M and Sean Garrett, which brings a new, fresh and danceable flow to her musical compositions. Her image also changes dramatically, she dyes her hair black and cuts her hair short, she completely wants to match the title of her album. The album with the single "Umbrella" becomes a top one and, unlike the two previous ones, receives positive reviews from music critics. In 2007, at the American Music Awards, she receives a statuette for the nomination "Best RnB Singer".

In 2008, Rihanna re-released her third album titled « Good girl Gone Bad. Reloaded» , which adds three new songs "Disturbia", "Take a Bow" and "If I never see your face again" (duet with Maroon 5). At the Grammy Awards, Rihanna takes awards in six categories, including " Best R&B cooperation".

In November 2009, the fourth album was released under the title « Rated R», containing such famous hits as "Russian Roulette", "Hard", "Rude Boy" and "Te Amo". Reviews about this album were the best possible, the famous magazine “ Rolling stone” wrote that “ Rihanna transformed her sound and created some of the best pop records of the year." To further support the album, she embarks on the Last Girl on Earth Tour worldwide.

The year 2010 is marked by numerous music awards for the singer and the opening of her company Rihanna Entertainment, in which she intends to combine all her areas of music, film production, perfume production, fashion and book production. The release of the fifth studio album titled Loud” falls on November 16, 2010. It features new hits from the Barbados sweet-voiced beauty such as "Only Girl(In the World)", "What's My Name", "California King Bed" and "S&M". In the same year, she presents her first fragrance "Reb'l Fleur".

Sixth album « Talk That Talk» released November 21, 2011. The title track was “We Found Love”, which is number 9 on the Billboard 100 chart, thus Rihanna beats Madonna's previous record, which means a lot! In 2012, the singer presents two collaborations to her listeners: the first with Coldplay's, the song "Princess of China", and with Drake's, the song "Take Care". The single "Talk That Talk", recorded with Jay-Z, was accompanied by simultaneous releases of two collaborations between Rihanna and her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, remixes of his song "Birthday Cake" and her "Turn Up The Music". "Where Have You Been" , the album's closing track, reached the top 20 in various countries.

Rihanna does not abandon her acting career and appears in the film " sea ​​battle as Petty Officer Cora Raikes, which was released in May 2012. She said she chose this project because she wanted to do something "cool". The singer releases her second perfume "Rebelle". In October, she was named number one among pop artists from 1992 to 2012 by Billboard.

In October, she released the single "Diamonds", the first from her seventh album. Unapologetic". December 1, Rihanna introduced the third perfume called "Nude".

2012 is rich in events for her in the fashion industry, she creates a capsule collection with Giorgio Armani, and fans can finally dress up like their favorite as Rea has teamed up with River Island to release a whole collection. Rihanna, having a model appearance this year, pleased her fans by appearing for the second time on the cover of Vogue, the first time she appeared there in April. Naked for GQ and appeared in a frivolous photo shoot with Kate Moss in V Magazine.


Kerry Tyler, editor of elleuk.com once said :

"Every time we write about Rihanna - her nails, clothes, makeup or hair - our rating goes through the roof."

If a person is talented, then he is talented in everything! This expression can be safely said about the R&B diva Rihanna, because she is not only a great singer, but also a beautiful model with charisma that any top model could envy.

This woman is a chameleon who herself sets the fashion. She has proven herself as a style icon with millions of fans who imitate her thanks to her unique sense of style.

The Barbados beauty creatively combines prints, colors and textures to inspire millions of girls around the world. Sometimes her style is on the verge of what is permitted, and perhaps it is this sharpness that makes the image even more attractive.

Without a doubt, Rihanna on the red carpet looks like a real glamorous diva, as befits such a level of celebrity. As for everyday style, she perfectly fits expensive brands with everyday affordable brands into her outfits. The pop star regularly wears Roberto Cavalli, Gucci, Giorgio Armani, Christian Louboutin and Manolo Blahnik but dilutes them with more acceptable brands like topshop or hipster elements from Boy London. The singer tries to pick up such a silhouette or thing that will definitely cause genuine interest.

Rihanna's wardrobe is probably the most talked about of all the stars. The owner of a pear-shaped figure, on the one hand, breaks all the laws and wears dresses with drapery around the hips or bell skirts, and on the other hand, compensates for her shortcomings with blazers or shirts with shoulders. Thus, she turns shocking to her side.

The style icon easily proves with all her appearance that tight clothes are suitable not only for slender girls, but also for women with magnificent forms. A lover of skinny-jeans, pencil skirts and tight dresses, as if on purpose, draws attention to her ass.

The style of the fashionista still reflects her music, hip-hop chic deformed over time and became a bright addition to her casual look. Some touches from the distant 80s and 90s add audacity to the outfit. The pop star is very fond of sweatshirts, ripped jeans, and like a real rebel, she can wear her favorite Adidas sneakers even with a dress and look sexy and stylish at the same time.

In fact, if you want to transform into Rihanna, then opt for tight skirts and strapless tops, lace tops, leather jackets and blazers. Choose large jewelry, she loves bulky earrings and voluminous bracelets. The best option in her opinion style casual- jeans plus an interesting vintage top.

Beauty of the Caribbean Diva

As hard as it is to understand one of highlights Rihanna - change not only hairstyles, but also hair color. We don’t even know if she will change anything by the time this article is published. On this moment she is a sizzling brunette with a winter cherry haircut (short boy-like haircut). As for the makeup of a pop star, several aspects can be distinguished:

  • Eyes Rihanna loves to highlight with black cat eyeliner. To add softness to her look, she wears lush long eyelashes.
  • Lips, like her character, most often burning, that is, red or its shades.
  • In addition to beautiful makeup, Rihanna is distinguished by expressive manicure. She always wears long nails so that those around her do not forget that if a cat is offended, then it can scratch.

Personal life

In 2008, he began dating a gangster rapper. Chris Brown. Their relationship was like a roller coaster, but they reached their climax later. On February 8, 2009, the couple is supposed to go to the Grammy Awards, but a discussion ensues between them, as a result of which Chris inflicts serious injuries on Rihanna's face. The breakup was inevitable. As it turned out later, this was not the first case of such proceedings between them.

In 2009, she briefly met with athlete Rashad Lewis. In April 2010, Rihanna, on the air of the American radio KIIS-FM, confirms her relationship with another boyfriend, Matt Camp, a member of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team.

And yet Rihanna tried to enter the same river twice. If at the beginning of the year when recording last album there were only rumors about the reunion of Chris and Rihanna, then in December 2012, during the Christmas holidays, they came together to a basketball game. The couple seemed to be tired of hiding their relationship and were having fun in public. Of course, Rihanna's fans aren't thrilled with this twist, but you can't tell your heart.

In conclusion, I would like to say that this girl is truly admirable due to her will, strength of character, talent and bright style. With such celebrities, taking an example is only a joy. We can only wait for the next Rihanna metamorphosis.

Rihanna (Robin Rihanna Fenty, eng. Robyn Rihanna Fenty, born 1988) is the most popular American pop and R&B singer, fashion model, fashion designer, which has become a real pop idol of our days. She was the first singer from Barbados to win a Grammy Award. Her tracks have repeatedly topped the popular Billboard Hot 100 chart, collectively reaching an impressive 60 weeks. Rihanna has been named the winner of the American Music Awards for Best Soul/R&B Female Artist five times.

Childhood and youth

Rihanna was born on February 20, 1988 in the small town of Saint Michael on the island of Barbados, located in the Caribbean. The singer's mother Monica worked as an accountant, and her father Ronald worked in a warehouse. She became the eldest among the children and has two younger brothers. The family could not boast of great prosperity, huddling in a three-room apartment. In childhood, the future star did not differ much from her peers: she attended high school and listened to reggae, popular in Barbados. Due to lack of money, she began to earn money early, trading with her father in a tent.

An unpleasant imprint of childhood was the constant conflicts of the parents and the use of cocaine by the father, which contributed to the breakup of the family. Rihanna loved her father very much, and his degradation caused her depression and frequent headaches. At one time there was a suspicion of a brain tumor, fortunately, this terrible diagnosis was not confirmed. In addition, because of the lighter skin color, the girl was constantly ridiculed by her peers. Today she remembers this with irony and is even grateful to her offenders for giving her a good life school.

Already at the age of 7, Rihanna began to entertain relatives and friends with singing and did it quite well. Vocal abilities helped the girl win the school talent competition with the song M. Carey and gave her self-confidence. At the age of 15, she creates a musical group with two classmates.

Thanks to this, the girl came to the attention of producer E. Rogers, who was delighted with her vocal abilities. This was followed by an invitation to move to the US to start a musical career. The seriousness of Rogers' intentions was evidenced by his desire to see Rihanna's mother there as well. “I wanted to do what I had to do, even if for this I had to go to America,” the performer admitted.

To the top of the charts

A trip to New York gave the first result - four demo versions of songs were recorded, which made the girl really popular. In 2005, she began to look record company, which could be engaged in its promotion. As a result, a multi-million dollar contract was signed with Jay Z, with whom the singer recorded ten songs that quickly hit the top lines of Billboard. The most popular was the single "Pon de Replay" with a colorful Caribbean rhythm and enchanting pop sound. This was followed by another hit "If It's Lovin' That You Want".

The first album of the performer, called "Music of the Sun", was released at the end of 2005. It became incredibly popular in many countries, and in the United States the entire half-million circulation was sold out. While working on her debut solo album, Rihanna proved herself as a composer, personally writing the music for several tracks. Soon the girl went on tour with G. Stefani, speaking as her opening act.

The second disc of the performer "A Girl Like Me" followed after the first, appearing eight months later. In it, Rihanna fans could enjoy the sound of reggae, incendiary dance rhythms, club hip-hop and acoustic numbers. R&B didn't stand aside either. Several tracks, such as "We Ride" or "Unfaithful", made it to the top of the charts, and the album itself entered the top five in the UK and the US. Together, more than a dozen singles from the first two albums turned out to be worldwide hits - an impressive result for a newcomer.

In the wake of such success, the singer was invited to work in films and starred in a small role in the youth comedy Bring It On: Fight to the End, where she played a cameo. Rihanna's fantastically fast rise in popularity is, of course, due to her great talent but there is another equally important reason. IN early XXI century, there was a certain void in the American market, and a temperamental performer with hot Latin blood helped fill this gap.

On the wave of success

The next album of the performer "Good girl gone bad" appeared in 2007. Megastars such as Ne-Yo, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland. The first composition "Umbrella" lasted seven weeks at the top of the Billboard, and about 6.2 million copies of the album were sold around the world. In June 2008, the third album was re-released. The new version featured another planetary hit "Take a Bow", as well as popular composition, recorded with the team "Maroon 5" under the title "If I never see your face agane".

In November 2009, Rihanna's fans heard their fourth album Rated R. According to the singer, this is a new chapter in her musical career, completely changing the stereotypes in the hip-hop and R&B genre. She appeared in a much more frank and somewhat brutal way. All the compositions of the disc were the fruit of the singer's deep personal experiences caused by the wild beating of her former lover. This is also evidenced by the names of several compositions that sound in Russian as "Rude guy" and "Blinded by love." But the singer's fans liked such changes, and the album was received very warmly. A year later, the remix album "Rated R: Remixited" was released.

New achievements

November 16, 2010 was the presentation of the fifth album "Loud". It features touching ballads like "California King Bed" and dance tracks like "Only girl". His appearance marked the return of the singer to the style of the 2007 model that fell in love with the fans. As before, a number of singles from Rihanna's album were at the top of the Billboard, and "Only girl" settled on its top line. At the same time, Rihanna launched the "Rihhanna Entertainment" campaign, in which she tried to combine her musical, charitable, fashion and other projects.

In addition, she became a member of the popular music show The X Factor. The sixth album of the singer called "Talk That Talk" has a pronounced dance bias. Despite the traditional popularity, the lyrics of some songs were perceived by critics with hostility for their excessive frivolity.

In 2012, the seventh disc "Unapologetic" appeared. Here, the singer's fans were able to hear a more diverse musical material, which includes, along with the usual pop and dance, electronic music and dubstep. There are also ballads in it, one of which, called "Stay", turned out to be the second international single. Despite a fair share of criticism of the performer for the rush to prepare the album and, as a result, raw material, "Unapologetic" conquered the top of the Billboard 200 chart and was awarded a Grammy.

In January 2016, the long-awaited eighth album "Anti" was released, the appearance of which was repeatedly postponed. By the time of its appearance, three new songs were presented - "FourFiveSeconds", "Bitch Better Have My Money" and "American Oxygen", which did not make it to the album. "Anti" premiered on streaming service Tidal. Thanks to this, the album overcame the millionth download bar in 14 hours, and in the first day alone, its compositions were listened to online 13 million times. Not surprisingly, the single "Work", recorded in a duet with Canadian rapper Drake, was at the top of the Billboard, where he stayed for 9 weeks.

The singer is actively collaborating with other stars. One of them is Eminen, with whom she has already performed 4 songs. In 2014, Rihanna recorded the song “Can’t Remember to Forget You” with Shakira, filming a crazy-energy video in support of her. The following year, she recorded a track with P. McCartney and K. West.

She's the only one

Rihanna has become a real event not only in music, but also in fashion life. “Now I am simply obsessed with being the first in matters of fashion,” the singer claims. She pays tribute to the style of G. Stefani and D. Lopez, but at the same time she chooses her own path. During her solo career, the girl repeatedly changed her image, turning from a brutal vamp woman into a fragile sentimental girl.

Despite the fact that the singer is very comfortable in America, where she especially adores New York and Los Angeles, her soul and heart belong to Barbados. For herself and loved ones, she is still Robin, and for the general public, the familiar Rihanna. Most of her friends are men, and Rihanna sees nothing wrong with that. In addition to her solo career, the singer pays great attention charity. She took part in the creation of clothing collections, the proceeds from the sale of which were directed to the fight against AIDS.

Rihanna today

In 2016, YouTube recognized Rihanna as the most popular singer first half year. Total number views of her video clips exceeded 1.73 billion, which made it possible to bypass the previous leader T. Swift.

The singer's page on Instagram has over 2 million subscribers, and their number is constantly increasing. Rihanna is a regular on Twitter and personally communicates with fans, sharing her problems and experiences with them. Fans of the performer call themselves the “sailors” of Rihanna, apparently putting themselves in opposition to the “little monsters” of Gaga.

In April 2016, the singer posed for the cover of a fashionable glossy edition of Vogue, in the issue of which a collection of shoes from Rihanna and M. Blahnik was shown.

Personal life

At one time, Rihanna had an affair with rapper Chris Brown. A difficult relationship with a lover became an occasion for general discussion. In 2009, Rihanna did not show up for the prestigious Grammy Awards. As it turned out later, the reason was related to her severe beating by Chris, while the photo with traces of violence got into the World Wide Web. After this, the rapper publicly apologized for a long time and even went to the police himself to testify. But he never received forgiveness from both the girl and the court, which sentenced Brown to five years of probation. But after this incident, Rihanna got a symbolic tattoo on her body in the form of two pistols with the inscription: “Not a mistake, but a lesson.”

New passion popular performer became Los Angeles Dodger player M. Kemp, but he broke off relations with the singer because of her insane work schedule. She then became involved with basketball player JR Smith. The press talked about her romance with singer Usher and rapper Drake. Rihanna is known to a short time resumed relations with Brown, but then they broke up again. Today, the singer is ready for a new relationship and declares: "I'm ready for love, but guys have to earn it".

On February 20, 1988, a girl named Robin Rihanna was born in the Barbados city of Saint Michael. Her father, Ronald Fenty, was a warehouse inspector at a clothing factory, and her mother, Monica Braithwaite, was an accountant. The three-room house of the Fenty family was modest and noisy - after their daughter, Ronald and Monica had two more boys, Rajad and Rorry. Robin spent her childhood to reggae music, and she herself began to sing before school.

At the age of eight, the girl began to have severe headaches. They even suggested a tumor, but by the age of fourteen health returned to Robin. Unfortunately, this happiness was completely spoiled by the divorce of the parents, which happened, probably due to Ronald Fenty's excessive addiction to cocaine, marijuana and alcohol. Despite this, the girl loved her father very much, and he forever remained a very important person in her life.

While still in elementary school, Robin organized a girl's musical trio, and at the age of fifteen she met Evan Rogers, a producer from the United States, who came with his wife to Barbados for the weekend. The school trio showed up for an audition at the hotel where the producer was staying, and Robin Fenty instantly occupied all of Rogers' attention. Impressed by her talent, the producer met Robin's mother and invited her to come to New York to record. It took Robyn a whole year to complete the four-song demo because of her studies.

Evan Rogers began to carry the finished record to various music labels, and Def Jam Recordings was the first to respond. The audition turned out to be very successful - on the same day Robin signed a contract and moved to the USA in the middle of winter 2005, leaving school for a musical career and settling in the family of her producer. She chose her middle name as a stage name and from Robin Fenty forever turned into Rihanna.

At the end of the summer of 2005, the young singer released her first single called "Pon de Replay", which climbed to number two on the UK Singles Chart and Billboard Hot-100. The song turned into a worldwide hit and entered the top ten singles in fifteen countries. In August, the disc "Music of the Sun" appeared, debut album Rihanna, who has not escaped harsh criticism. Rihanna's Caribbean heritage was the reason the CD was sold in the reggae sections. Slant Magazine called the album "teenage" and the lead single was accused of imitating Beyoncé. Rolling Stone magazine gave the album only two and a half stars out of a possible five, commenting on the lack of inventiveness and rhythm of the compositions, unnecessary embellishments and standard vocals. But listeners clearly thought otherwise - "Music of the Sun" took tenth place on the Billboard 200 and sold out in the first days in the amount of sixty-nine thousand copies. The album's total worldwide sales were two million copies. Music of the Sun has been certified gold by the Recording Industry Association of America.

A month after the release of the first disc, the singer began recording her second studio album. Together with her, producers Carl Starker and Evan Rogers, Stargate, as well as Jonathan Rotem and Ne-Yo, the singer-songwriter, worked on the record. "SOS", the lead single from A Girl Like Me, peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100. The album itself, released in the spring of 2006, climbed the Billboard 200 to number five and went platinum. "A Girl like Me" also took fifth place in the charts of England and Ireland, and critics described it as a mixture of sunny dancehall, club hip-hop and overly sentimental ballads.

In 2007, the third album of the singer appeared - “Good Girl Gone Bad”, several songs of which received a new, dance sound. Rihanna changed her image, choosing a more rebellious look for herself, dyed her hair black and cut her hair short. She wanted to make her music as rhythmic as possible, calling to move - and at the same time soulful. In fact, just the “penetration” in the songs has diminished - reggae and ballads have been replaced by dance-pop. "Good Girl Gone Bad" reached number two in the US and Australia and topped the charts in England, Canada, Brazil, Russia, Japan and Ireland. There are much fewer negative reviews about the work of the young singer. In September 2007, Rihanna embarked on a concert tour of the United States, Europe and Canada.

In the early summer of 2008, the album was re-released with three new songs and the title changed to Good Girl Gone Bad: Reloaded. There is also a third version of the album - "Good Girl Gone Bad: Remixes", which included remixes of songs from the original version. "Good Girl Gone Bad" was certified double platinum and sold two million copies in the United States alone. In general, 2008 was a very successful year for the singer - Rihanna rose to the top of fame, won many prizes, received a Grammy and became the winner of two nominations at the American Music Awards.

In February 2009, Rihanna canceled her performance at the Grammy ceremony, and it soon became known that the reason for this was a quarrel with her former lover, singer Chris Brown. Brown was arrested for committing criminal acts, and pictures of a beaten Rihanna leaked from the LAPD to the Internet. Following this incident, STOParazzi proposed to pass a law that would prohibit law enforcement officials from distributing information about crime victims.

Eight months later, Rated R, Rihanna's fourth album, debuted at number four on the Billboard 200 and went platinum. In November 2010, the singer's fifth album appeared, called "Loud", and a year later her fans were able to enjoy the sixth album, "Talk That Talk", released in two versions - "De luxe" and "Standart". Rihanna became the top seller of 2011 in England.

In April 2012, the premiere of the film "Sea Battle" with the participation of the singer took place in Russia.

Rihanna calls her music "strong, fun and daring", and it really is - thanks to her brilliant talent, extraordinary voice and constant creative search.

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