Wiki stop motion. Stop motion cartoons


  • Download the Stop Motion Studio app for iOS or Android on your device. Click the plus sign to create a new video. The camera will start automatically.
  • Position your smartphone so that the scene is always in view. It is best to use a tripod for mobile phones.
  • Now you can take one or more shots by pressing the shutter button. Use a timer if necessary. To do this, click on the small clock icon and set the time, and then turn on the timer using the slider to the left of the clock.
  • Move the shapes around the frame and the app will take a photo every five seconds. You don't have to configure it on your smartphone.
  • The individual ones are displayed in the timeline below the camera window. If the video or scene is over, turn off the timer using the slider.
  • When your video clip is ready, click on the "plus" in the lower left corner below the camera icon. The video will appear on the start screen of the application. It can be saved to your phone using the Share button by selecting the "Share to camera roll" option. Before saving the video, select the desired resolution.
  • After that, you can transfer the video to your computer for further editing.

Stop Motion Studio: Additional Features

  • The app offers many other options. For example, you can turn autofocus on and off, activate grid display, or adjust white balance.
  • The down arrow icon takes you to the Green Screen option if you plan to add a different background later. However, this option is blocked in the free version of the app.
  • Using the microphone icon, you can immediately add sound to the video. To do this, return to the first frame, tap "microphone" and start recording alternative audio.
  • By clicking on the classic gear sign, you can set certain settings for the video. Here you can specify whether only the last 12 frames will be shown, or to loop the video. In addition, you can play the video in half slow motion or set the playback speed yourself.

In this article, we will talk about how to shoot stop-motion animation. More collected here technical advice to create stop-motion animations, which are aimed at avoiding twitching and flickering of the video, because stop-motion animation is a sequence of photos.

To create an elementary stop-motion video, you will need digital camera With manual settings, computer, and tripod (or any holder that can hold the camera).

But first, let's note that there are specialized programs for creating stop motion animation, such as iStopMotoin, Dragon Frame/Dragon Stop Motion, StopMotion Pro. These programs allow you to immediately see the image on your computer through your camera and have a number of settings and functions that help you follow the sequence of frames, compare frames, etc. You can also use conventional programs that allow you to immediately capture an image from your camera to your computer. But we will talk about all these programs later. And now let's talk about the case when you do not have such programs.

Shooting preparation:
1. Decide on the light
To create a stop-motion animation, you should use a constant light source, you can use daylight, but you need to watch the appearance and disappearance of clouds from the sky, and in the room there may be light reflections from you and from the walls.
In short, just turn on enough light for indoor photography and always stand in the same place when you press the camera shutter button. And don't use the built-in flash as it creates too harsh shadows.
2. Set up your camera by making all settings manual
M mode
ISO (50-400)
White balance manual
It is recommended to use manual focus
3. Mount the camera on a tripod or any flat surface so that the camera has a support throughout the shooting
4. Fix the tripod or something on which the camera rests so to the ground so that in no case do you move your legs or hands to this miracle of construction
5. Secure the subjects you will be filming and secure the stage you will be filming on so that nothing twitches
The stage is something that we will constantly touch, so it must be firmly fixed.
6. Calculate the approximate time of your animation
The video is shot at 24 or 30 frames per second, if your first video is at least 6 frames per second, then you can already see something interesting, but in the future try to get at least 12 frames per second
Calculate how many seconds each movement should last, then multiply by your frequency, how many frames you need to take

1. Adjust focus on the animation object
It is better to use manual focus to avoid flickering light.
And in the future, you can remember about beautiful game with refocus when main object gradually enters the focus area or, conversely, goes out of focus
2. Press the camera shutter with the remote control, if you have one, or use the two-second shutter release mode (the camera will have time to suppress vibrations caused by your pressing the button in 2 seconds)
3. Always keep in mind how many frames you need to take for a certain action in your animation

1. Download photos to your computer and import them into any editing program (iMovie is the default on Mac OS, Windows Movie Maker is the default on Windows, Final Cut, Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas, Pinacle also exist)
2. Place all photos on the "timeline" (timeline), set the frame rate or the duration of each frame (the concept of "duration")
Example: When shooting at 6 frames per second and a frame rate of 30 frames per second (in editing software), the duration of the frame per second is 5 frames.
3. Add titles and "sugar to taste"
4. Export to video format
This is a list of the most elementary rules for creating the most basic, but high-quality animation. With these rules applied, your animation should be pleasing to the eye, smooth and even in light.
If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer.

In this article, I will pay more attention to the organization and features of working with Stop-motion. On the definition of what it is you can find on the Internet, the same Wikipedia will help you with this. In short, stop motion is a video of sequentially taken photos. Since the article is mainly designed for potential customers, there will be more answers to questions about why this is so and not otherwise.

About this in order. So, stop motion is stop motion. That is the most ancient technology that was used at the dawn of cinema. Now also used in plasticine animation and in puppet animation, and also stood out in a separate genre.

In this article, I will pay more attention to the organization and features of working with Stop-motion. On the definition of what it is you can find on the Internet, the same Wikipedia will help you with this. In short, stop motion is a video of sequentially taken photos.

There are two types of studios that work in stop motion - a human studio or a studio in which a team works. A studio person is, as a rule, a specialist who works in a certain style, he has a narrow specialization. He either works in the genre of plasticized animation, or with object animation, or a drawing (moreover, this is a director, and a cameraman, and an artist all rolled into one). The studio with its team has a wider range, it has specialists to work in most popular styles, if not in the state, then at least on a permanent basis, they are involved in certain projects. Not infrequently, a client imposes his artist on such studios, which often leads to sad consequences (the deadlines are violated, the performance is lame due to an uncoordinated team).

Let's start with the process. Given that Stop-motion allows you to make animation with a frame rate of two to three frames per second (if there are fewer frames, then this is already a slide show) to twenty-four (Often we can see very noticeable jumps in the movements of characters). Since sling motion animation means making each frame a separate shot and often with real objects. The exception is sand animation, which immediately goes to the video (except when combined shooting or the artist's hands / fingers should not be visible). That is, plasticine dolls, real dolls, dolls cut out of cardboard, drawing on the wall, asphalt, blackboard, or just objects are photographed.

In fact, Stop-motion has more to do with the film industry than animation itself. I will explain why (let's omit such well-known requirements, both for film and animation, as a script and subsequent editing). For filming stop motion animation, you need a site with preferably constant, artificial lighting, and real scene where the action will take place. Why artificial lighting, because (probably, it would be worthwhile to stop there, since the answer is already there, but I will continue) because the sun has the ability to move. Shadows change their position, and if the plot should not be like this, then this will increase the time of work on the video. If we assume that the position of the shadow is ideal only in the morning hours from nine to eleven, and you need to shoot for three hours, then we shoot for two days, respectively. Nobody canceled the clouds, which at the most inopportune moment can hide the sun, and you have to wait, wasting precious time. You need a camera and a tripod, which is not necessary at all for computer (the most common) animation. The only exception is in puppet and plasticine animation. Also in stop motion can participate real people actors.

For stop motion, the soundtrack is very important. The fewer frames per second you have in the video, the more emphasis on the sound track. It often happens that the sound is driving force roller. And the plot, do not forget that the video, even the shortest one, is primarily a film. Everything should be in it, the plot, the script. It's not just a set of photos, it's a movie that tells a story. Even if you make a clip using stop motion, it must also meet the specified requirements.

So, to create a stop motion, you need: a script, good director, artist, good camera with tripod set, and an audio track.

Video content in social networks is in demand today. Only it is difficult to do it: you need to learn editing, look for people who look normal in the frame. This is a whole process for which specialists usually take a lot of money. And it's rare to get good video footage.

But not everything is so sad. Helps out all those who want to make video content for social networks without problems, the stop-motion technique. These are animated videos that are assembled from photos of a certain sequence. Music or speech can be added as desired. The description does not sound very cool, but it usually looks like that.

An illustrative example:

Or here:

You can see more examples on Instagram using the hashtags #stopmotion #stopmotion #stopmotionvideo

Shooting process

Of course, it all starts with an idea. You come up with what exactly you want to see in the video and build on it. For quality stop-motion, you will need to constantly shoot, so take care of your phone's battery and the necessary lighting. When the photos are ready, they need to be edited. There will be dozens, if not hundreds. Therefore, editing each separately is too laborious. Photographers advise using Lightroom. In it, you can process one photo, save the settings as a preset, and then run a bunch of photos through it at once. In some mobile applications there is also such an option. In VSCO, for example. No need to build contrast or brightness every time.

On average, stop motion is 5 frames per second. Therefore, it is worth calculating how many seconds your video will last and how many frames you will eventually need for it. The gluing process itself is very simple. When you have already processed all the photos, they just need to be placed on the tape in chronological order. By the way, it can also be the other way around. Add music and everything.

What programs are best to use

If you have an iPhone

We recommend using iMovie. This paid program. But it costs 300 rubles and pays for itself after a short time. In iMovie, all you have to do is load all the photos you took for the stop motion in advance in the order you want. Set the shortest time interval between frames. As you probably already know, for this, the selected song must be purchased from the iTunes Store.

If you have an android smartphone

In the Play Market, type “stop motion” and select a program from the list provided. Stop Motion Maker or Stop Motion Video. There is almost no difference between them. In addition, the gluing function is already finished photos- paid. You can only glue photos created using the application itself for free, and this is not very convenient. At the very least, you won't be able to process them properly.

For stop motion, you really need to shoot on purpose, and not choose some just taken photos. It is better to think over the sequence, timing and plot in advance. When you stitch together a photo with a significant gap in action, you get just a child-level slideshow. Here is an unfortunate example where the video was collected simply from similar photos in the gallery:

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