The origin of the surname Sidorov - the origin of surnames - useful information - genealogy - personal. Origin of the surname Sidorov



The secret of the family name attracts many. Isn't it interesting to know the origin of your last name? In addition, I was wondering who famous people also bears the surname Sidorov. This question interested me. And I decided to do some research.

I determine the relevance of my research by insufficient knowledge of the origin and meaning of my surname. To know the history of your surname is to know the history of your relatives. The surname and name of a person play very important role in his destiny. Therefore, in Lately more and more interest in the origin of his surname.

Research topic : "The story of my last name."

Target: study the history and origin of the surname Sidorovand find out what secrets she holds.


1. Find out what the word "surname" means.

2. Get acquainted with the science that deals with the origin of surnames.

3. Find information on the Internet about the meaning, history of the origin of the surname Sidorov.

4. Identification famous people with the surname Sidorov.

Research methods : collection of information and materials on the topic, analysis materials collected, survey.

Hypothesis : I assume that if a person lives in Russia, then his surname should be originally Russian. Therefore, I can assume that the surname Sidorov is of Russian origin.

Main part

What is a surname?

Let's look on the internet...

The word "surname" itself is Latin in origin. In Russia, the word surname at first meant "family". Later, the surname became a hereditary family name, which is passed down from generation to generation, from older family members to younger ones.

“Surname is a hereditary family naming added to a personal name” - S.I. Ozhegov (dictionary of the Russian language)

Turns out…

Surnames are studied by a special science - anthroponymy, which is also subject to other types of people's proper names - individual, patronymics, nicknames, nicknames, pseudonyms, etc.

Pilot study

Research methods and organization

What secrets does my last name hold? From the analysis of the origin of the surname Sidorov, prepared by the specialists of the Surname Analysis Research Center, I learned that the surname Sidorov was formed from a proper name and belongs to a common type of Russian surnames. The owner of the surname Sidorov can rightfully be proud of his ancestors, information about which is contained in various documents confirming the trace they left in the history of Russia.

There are several versions of the origin of the name Sidorov:

First . The basis of the surname Sidorov was church name Sidor. The canonical names were contained in church calendar- saints.

The surname Sidorov comes from the name Sidor, common in the old days. It, in turn, is the Russian analogue of the Greek Isidore, meaning "servant of the goddess Isis." Saint Isidore Yuryevsky was considered the patron of this name.

Second. From the baptismal name Isidore - a gift from Isis, the goddess of agriculture .

Third. In Rus' there were a lot of landowners who bore the surname Sidorov, this is how the problem of identifying a person belonging to any kind was solved. This is a rather important surname, and many significant personalities bore this surname. Already in the 15th-16th centuries, among rich people, surnames denoting a person’s belonging to a particular family began to be fixed and passed on from generation to generation. These were possessive adjectives with the suffixes -ov/-ev, -in, originally indicating the name of the head of the family. Thus, the descendant of a person who had the name Sidor eventually received the surname Sidorov.

Fourth. Sidor is, simply put, a duffel bag, so, logically, the person who made these same bags received such a surname.

And here is the secret...

The surname Sidorov can be argued to be rare in the regions of Russia and neighboring countries. In referring interesting historical materials, residents with this surname were important persons from the Slavic Pskov boyars in the 16-17 centuries, who had a significant royal privilege. The original roots of the surname can be seen in the census index Ancient Rus' during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. The ruler had a special list of princely and beautiful surnames, which were given to the courtiers in case of a special favor or award. That's why real name retained its own primary origin and is rare.

I will do research...

In the practical part of my work, I conducted a study (Appendix 1) and found out if there are still children with this surname in our school. It turns out that there is only one student in our school with the surname Sidorova. So my last name is actually rare.

And there are many famous people with the surname Sidorov. (Annex 2)

Analysis of the results of the study

Having received the necessary theoretical information, I decided to analyze the history of the origin of the surnames of my classmates and my own surname. I conducted a survey in the class “Where did your last name come from?»

(Appendix 3) 24 people took part in the survey. As a result of the survey, I managed to find out that almost the majority of the class do not know anything about the origin of their surname (19 people), some have assumptions (3 people), and only two people know the history of their surname.


But my research doesn't end there. I would like the next academic year work on the history of surnames, involve classmates in this work. Since the survey I conducted showed that most of the guys did not even think about the origin of their last name.

The study of the surname is valuable for science.

It allows you to better understand historical events recent centuries, as well as

and the history of science, literature, art. Surnames are a kind of living history.

- As a result of the work done, I tried to realize my goal - I found out what secrets my surname keeps, determined its history and origin, and most importantly, I confirmed my hypothesis that the surname Sidorov belongs to ancient type native Russian surnames.

- My surname is Russian, which shows the suffix -ov-.

- The surname Sidorov is rare in the regions of Russia. Residents with this surname were important people who had a significant royal privilege.

- All surnames are currently conditional and no longer indicate the occupation of a person, his character, features, but you need to know what they mean, because this is our life and our history. It is not the surname that paints the person, but the person the surname.

Olga Sidorova, actress and model

Surnames are an integral part of the history of the state. They convey information about the ethnography and life of the country. The origin of the surname Sidorov is rooted in ancient times, since it is based on a proper name. It is worth noting that this generic name was very popular in the Russian state. So, in 1910 in St. Petersburg it ranked 71st in frequency, in 1995 - 72nd, in 1973 - 58th.

The history of the surname Sidorov dates back to the 15th century, when the intensive introduction of generic names was carried out. This generic name is based on the proper name Sidor, which is an analogue of the ancient Greek name Isidore, that is, "servant of the goddess Isis." It is with him that the history of the Sidorov family is connected.

The patron saint of this name is Saint Isidore Yuryevsky.

During the period of active formation of surnames, the children and descendants of Sidor received generic names by adding the suffix -ov to this personal name. In other words, a descendant of Sidorov. It is impossible to say exactly when the surname Sidorov appeared, since this process continued for quite some time. long time, but where it came from - it was not difficult to find out.

Cold-blooded and disinterested, or sensual and outspoken

Where did you go given surname, and what her story was told above. It is worth paying attention to the moment how it is perceived by others, what is the meaning of the name Sidorov. According to studies, fellow citizens perceive the descendants of the Sidorovs as cold-blooded and disinterested people. They are considered rare and very graceful individuals with developed creative talents.

At the same time, according to studies, in society, the bearer of the surname Sidorov is considered a shy and compliant person with eloquence. In addition, this surname draws an open, eloquent and somewhat fantastic person, at the same time - universal in everything.

According to history, the surname Sidorov belongs to many famous people who are remembered by their country as outstanding scientists, mathematicians, writers and poets, prominent politicians, athletes, Heroes Soviet Union and commanders in chief.

Among other activities, Russia is famous for sports talent. So, the generic name Sidorov belongs to three outstanding athletes in different types sports. Evgenia Nikolaevna is the only Olympic medalist in alpine skiing in the USSR. Tatyana Alexandrovna won bronze at Olympic Games 1964 in speed skating, and Nikolai Alexandrovich took gold at the 1980 Olympics in the track and field relay.


From the name Sidor, common in the old days (Isidor, from Greek - "servant of the goddess Isis). Sidorenko, Sidochuk is a surname of Ukrainian origin, Sidorenkov is a Russified form of this surname. Sidorovnin has a slightly different origin, but with the same root. From the female Sidorovna - daughter or wife of Sidor. (U)

(Source: Dictionary of Russian Surnames. ("Onomasticon"))


Everyone knows the saying: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, listing the most common Russian surnames. If in relation to Ivanov (first place) and Petrov (third place) this is true, then Sidorov takes only 71st place in the first hundred of the most popular Russian surnames. The source of the name is the Orthodox name Isidore (translated from Greek - ‘gift of Isis’, the ancient Egyptian goddess of agriculture). Since in Rus' surnames more often arose on the basis of colloquial forms of the name, there are naturally many more Sidorovs than Isidorovs. Their "companions" Sidnev, Sidov, Sidorenko, Sidorin, Sidorkin, Sidorkov, Sidorovnin, Sidorchuk, Sidorshin, Sidorychev, Sidyagin, Sidyak, Sidyakin, Sidyakov. In the last three cases, the origin of the surname from the nicknames Sidyak is possible, Sidyaka is a sloth, a lover to sit when everyone around is working. Regarding Isidorov and Sidonsky, the following version is also quite plausible: the surnames are artificial, formed on behalf of the goddess Isis in seminaries, where pupils were often given new surnames more suitable for their future dignity.

(Source: "Encyclopedia of Russian surnames. Secrets of origin and meaning." Vedina T.F., M .: AST, 2008.)

See what "Sidorov" is in other dictionaries:

    Mikhail Ivanovich [b. 4 (17) sept. 1904] - owls. philosopher, dr philos. Sciences (1965). Member of the CPSU since 1926. He graduated from the Omsk Ped. int (1945) and AON under the Central Committee of the CPSU (1949). In 1949–59 he was a member of the editorial board and responsible. journal secretary. Questions of Philosophy. Scientific… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Contents 1 Known carriers 1.1 A 1.2 B 1.3 ... Wikipedia

    1. SIDOROV Anatoly Fedorovich (b. 1933), mechanic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991). Proceedings on analytical methods of hydroaeromechanics, numerical methods for solving problems of continuum mechanics. 2. SIDOROV Valentin Mikhailovich (born 1928), painter, folk ... ... Russian history

    I Sidorov Alexey Alekseevich [b. 1(13).6.1891, p. Nikolaevka, Kursk province, now the Sumy region of the Ukrainian SSR], Soviet art historian, bibliologist and bibliophile, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946), Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR (1947). ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Arkady Lavrovich (27.I (8.II).1900 11.III.1966) owl. historian, doctor of ist. Sciences (1943), professor. Member CPSU since 1920. Rod. in the city of Pochinki, Nizhny Novgorod province. to the cross. family. In 1919 20 at the Komsomol work. In 1923 he graduated from the Communist. un t im.… … Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Sidorov Al. Al- SIDOROV Al. Al. (1891 1978) bibliologist, historian of the Vedas, bibliophile, member. corr. Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1946). Graduated from Moscow. high fur boots (1913) and continued his education in the high fur boots of Europe. From 1916 to 1964 he taught in decomp. higher uch. institutions in Moscow. In 1921 he published a large article ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

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The surname of each person is not only an official designation in modern world, passed down from generation to generation, but also a living evidence of the family, inherited from the ancestors. Therefore, it is important to know the origin of your surname in order to understand the depth of the roots of your ancestry.

The origin of the name Sidorov is rich history. In addition, it is very common among modern residents of Russia. It is formed with the suffix -ov. Based on this principle, many different surnames from names. The surname Sidorov is no exception. Despite different versions her education, she is considered typical for Russian people.

Where did the surname come from?

The origin of the surname Sidorov comes from the name Sidor. In the 15th-16th centuries, the first surnames began to form in landowner families, which became derivative from the name of the head of the family. Thus, in the family headed by Sidor, there were children with such a surname.

It was also formed from numerous serfs Sidorov. Before liberation from serfdom, peasants did not have surnames, only first names. Names were given in honor of the saints, and since there was Saint Isidore in Christianity, the peasant children born were named after him. After the abolition of serfdom, male peasants who had the name Sidor in honor of the saint received the surname Sidorov.

Origin of the name Sidor

The name Sidor is Christian. In ancient times, children were named accordingly to those saints whose memorial day fell on the time of the birth of the child. Among the saints of the Orthodox Church was Saint Isidore of Yuryevsky, in whose honor they gave the name Sidor in Rus'. This is simplified folk form from Isidore. Christians also venerate the ancient martyr Isidore of Chios.

Saint Isidore on the island of Chios

Isidore of Chios lived on the island of Chios. He served in the Roman army. Since the Romans were pagans, the moment came when they were going to make sacrifices pagan gods. Isidore refused to participate in this, as he was a Christian. For this he was tortured, his tongue was cut out, and then he was killed with a sword. His body was buried by a man who secretly professed Christianity. The ancient martyr is revered by both the Orthodox and Catholic Church.

Saint Isidore in the city of Yuriev

At the end of the 15th century, the Orthodox priest Isidore lived in the city of Yuriev. He served in the Orthodox city church and on the feast of the Epiphany he performed the rite of blessing the water. However, at that time the power belonged to the Catholics.

By order of the Catholic Bishop, Isidore was captured and sent to prison along with his parishioners. There they tried to force the Orthodox to convert to Catholicism, but they turned out to be and remained firm in their faith. As a result, the priest and his flock in the amount of 72 people were executed. The bodies of the fighters for the faith were drowned in the river, in which the priest blessed the water on the feast. During the flood of the river in the spring, they were all found upstream. locals the martyrs were buried in the St. Nicholas Church in the city of Yuryev.

The life of the priest became known thanks to the monk Varlaam (Vasily), who described this incident. Much later, already at the end of the 19th century, Isidore was canonized and approved for general veneration. In memory of the priest and the townspeople who died with him, they celebrate religious holiday. In St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 20th century, the Isidore Church was erected.

Thus, the origin of the name Sidorov comes from one of the holy martyrs who suffered for the faith.

origin of the name Isidore

Orthodox name Isidore comes from Greece and is a shortened form of Greek name Isidorus, which means "gift of Isis". It consists of two parts "isis" - the name of the goddess Isis and "doron" - a gift. Isis - Goddess of fertility Ancient Egypt. The name Isidorus is associated with the cult of worship of her and her son, the god Horus. Thus, in ancient times, the bearers of this name had a certain relation to Egypt and its religious cults. Already later, the name that boys were called in Greece became an integral part of Christianity and passed along with the spread of religion to other Christian countries.

In Catholicism, the name is preserved in the form Isidore, closer to the original form. On the territory of Russia, it was transformed into the form Sidor, more understandable, acceptable and easy to pronounce in the folk dialect.

Other versions of the origin of the surname Sidorov

Also in the old days, a bag that the military carried over their shoulders was called a sidor. In some dialects this word was used in different meanings: in one place they called the harsh north wind, in another place they denoted peasant decorations. There are also names of settlements similar to the name Sidor. Thus, the surname could be formed from the profession of a person who sewed bags or sold jewelry. And according to the geographical place of origin, Sidorov could have come from a certain locality.

Thus, the meaning of the surname Sidorov and the origin in most cases come from the name Sidor, folk version Isidore. This ancient name, which appeared in the days of ancient Egypt. Sidors were called in honor of the saints who are considered their patrons. But the surname can also come from more prosaic things and geographical names of different settlements.

Scientists have established a connection between nationality and the origin of the surname Sidorov. The surname is typical for Russians and is common in places of residence of the Russian people.

Ivanov, Petrov and Sidorov - these three names are usually called by people when they want to emphasize that we are talking about the most ordinary Russians. And if with respect to the first two " business cards If there are no questions from the inhabitants of our country, then the very common surname Sidorov is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. It can be formed from several different words, names and toponyms.

Gift of Isis

According to the generally accepted version, the surname Sidorov arose quite simply. It was given to the children of a certain Sidor. This name is very ancient. It has its roots in Egyptian mythology era of the pharaohs.
Sidor (original form - Isidoros) - the gift of Isis, translated from Greek. To Rus' given name came from Byzantium. The fact is that in ancient times, the inhabitants of many countries of the Mediterranean and Western Asia worshiped the personification of the feminine principle - the goddess of fertility, commanding the forces of nature.
The cult of Isis (Isis) - the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus - originated in ancient Egypt. Subsequently, she was identified with Demeter and a number of others. pagan goddesses on which the harvest, prosperity and wealth, the well-being of children and many other aspects of life associated with the feminine depended.
The name "Isidor" was common among the Greeks, in Rus' it was transformed into a more simple form- Sidor. It is possible that the inhabitants of our country were well aware of the pagan meaning of this name. They hoped for the patronage of a powerful goddess, naming their sons in her honor.
However, this fact alone does not explain the popularity of the surname formed from the name "Sidor", because the number of its carriers in Rus' has never been significant.

In honor of the saint

With the spread of Christianity in our country, babies began to be baptized according to church saints, where Saint Isidore of Chios is mentioned, who is popularly called "the saint Sidor". He was born in the city of Alexandria in the first half of the 3rd century. Lived on the island of Chios (Greece). In 249 he entered military service.
Since the army of the Roman Empire at that time consisted mainly of pagans, participation in the ceremonies of sacrifice to the gods was mandatory for all warriors. Being a Christian, Isidore refused to worship idols. For this he was martyred in 251. Orthodox Church commemorates this sufferer for the faith on May 14 julian calendar.
However, Russian boys could have received the name Sidor in honor of another saint. Estonian city of Tartu Russian name Yuryev) in the 15th century was the scene of a struggle between Orthodox and Catholic religious figures. The victim of this ideological confrontation was the priest of the local St. Nicholas Church, Isidor Yuryevsky. He was drowned along with 72 parishioners in the Omovzha River by decision of the Catholic authorities.
None of the Orthodox renounced their faith. The tragedy happened in 1472. St. Isidore Yuryevsky's day according to the Julian calendar is celebrated on January 8th.

duffel bag

The popularity of the surname Sidorov can be explained by the fact that it came not only from male name. In the army Russian Empire the word "sidor" meant a duffel bag with everything that every soldier had. It is assumed that the name of this part of the camping belongings was formed as an abbreviation - Individual Travel Bag. Say, the army suppliers did not rack their brains, inventing a new word.
The soldier's sidor was a cloth duffel bag with two straps, which was worn behind the back. It had to contain everything you need: a change of linen, footcloths, hygiene products, cartridges, dry rations for three days. Subsequently, such hiking shoulder bags began to be issued to exiles, convicts. The vagrants also went with them.
So the son could be recorded in the surname Sidorov simple soldier, a prisoner or vagabond, nicknamed because of the duffel bag carried with him constantly. Since there have always been quite a lot of military men, exiles, convicts and wandering travelers in Rus', one should not be surprised at the prevalence of the nickname "Sidor", from which the popular surname originated.
It is noteworthy that on a thieves hair dryer ( spoken language criminal elements of Russia) a thief who steals bags at a railway station is called a "cider maker".

Jewish Order

The Hebrew word "סידור" means order. In Hebrew, it is pronounced as "sidur", in Yiddish - "sider". given word in translation into Russian, it can have several additional meanings. In particular, this is a strict sequence of religious actions adopted in Judaism, and a collection of prayers "for every day."
Perhaps the name Sidorov, because of the similar sound, was taken by Jews who wanted to emphasize that they strictly follow the canons of their faith and lead a respectable lifestyle.

Silver jewelry

The village of Sidorovskoye in the Kostroma region has long been famous for the work of its jewelers. Inexpensive silverware, jewelry and household items have always enjoyed in great demand among the population. In the 19th century, at the Nizhny Novgorod fair, a special row was allocated for craftsmen from the aforementioned village.
It is possible that the name Sidorov could have been obtained by a person who had something to do with the sale or manufacture jewelry with fancy embossing. After all, the people even appeared set expression"Sidorovsky goods".

North wind

In the north European Russia in pre-revolutionary times, the Olonets province was located. It bordered on the Vologda, Arkhangelsk and Novgorod lands. The inhabitants of those places have a special dialect. In their dialect, the word "sidor" means a harsh north wind.
Presumably, people could personify and even deify the elemental force of nature, capable of causing serious harm. Such a wind, from which you can freeze to death, was called in the direction from which it came - north. Not wanting to call it an unnecessary mention, the inhabitants of the Olonets province deliberately distorted this word. Therefore, it turned out "sidor".
Such a nickname could only be given to a person with a stern character, and his children and descendants became the Sidorovs.

By place name

Many Russian surnames were formed from different toponymic names. If a person came from the village of Sidorovo, then he was given the appropriate nickname. Settlements, where the future owners of such surnames lived, in Rus' there have always been quite a lot.
Almost every region has its own Sidorovka. In Adygea there is the village of Bolshoy Sidorov, in the Belgorod region - Sidorov, and in Udmurtia - the village of Sidorovy Gory.

iron Man

Since Byzantium had a significant impact on the formation of Ancient Rus', some words were borrowed from the inhabitants of this empire, who spoke Greek. The word "σίδερο" (sidero) in Russian has its own equivalent - the adjective "iron". So the Greeks speak of a person with an unshakable will, very good health, strong character.
The Byzantine could call the word "sidero" a brave and physically developed Russian warrior, practically a hero. From this glorious nickname, changed into a more familiar form, the surname Sidorov subsequently arose.

As you can see, not only a rather rare name in Rus' gave rise to numerous dynasties. The ancestors of the Sidorovs - purely theoretically - could be military men, criminals, vagabonds, jewelers, as well as simply harsh and strong people.

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