Fair calls. Material (preparatory group) on the topic: Scenario of the autumn holiday "Fair


Buffoons "At the Bazaar"
The people gathered in the square.
Noise, fun around.
On a horse carousel
They rush us around the circle, circle.

Dolls, trained bear,
Gypsies colorful outfit.
Laughter, clowns on stilts,
The swing is flying up.

Cackling, squeaking and lowing.
Cows have a sad look.
The dog barks and desperately
The piglets squeal.

You can buy seeds here
Boots and brocade.
Cheerful time.
Eh! Walk! Don't want!

Lollipops, sweet gingerbread!
- Come on, kids.
Pears, ripe apples.
Playing the harmonica.

Here the eyes run wide.
Beads, shawls variegation.
Hey! Girls! Beauties!
Look! What a beauty!

The wild joy of the fair.
On carts - goods.
And the rays of the sun are bright
Illuminate the market.

Caller for a fun fair
Please come to us here as soon as possible
Come on, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come on citizens
Let's please everyone!
There are items
To hide signs, -
From nose to ears
From papier-mâché!
But lollipops, lollipops, bells,
Cocks-tits and other birds!
And here are the masks from a Russian fairy tale!
Goblin, Fox and other miracles!
Come, appreciate
Buy don't be shy!
venerable audience,
To whom a donut hole -
From tasty, good.
We give away cheap!
And here are the colored lanterns,
Air balloons,
Serpentine, confetti -
Buy and joke.
Come here people
And let's get acquainted!
May for many years
This day will be remembered!
Gather more cheerfully
Dear viewers!
We are waiting for the children's fair,
We are waiting for their parents!
Come bolder people
Both left and right!
We are meeting New Year
Jokes and fun!
Forget the sad sigh
Sorrow is thrown away.
If there is a buffoon nearby -
There will be buffoons!
We'll let you know before it's too late
We have one condition:
Today be serious
We are forbidden!
It is also prohibited
Here to whine and mope,
And strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine!
Don't waste a minute
Laugh merrily, to tears.
In every joke - a share of a joke,
The rest is serious!

Buy at the fair!!
T are-bars, rastabars, there are good goods. Not a commodity, but a real treasure, take it apart like hot cakes!
Garden apples, honey apples, pears, pineapple - dial in reserve.
Oak buckets, painted rockers! Buy, choose!
And one is good and the other is good - choose which one you want!
Stand in a row, choose in a row: pipes, crackers. Beautiful - nice, entertaining for children!
Scarves, combs, painted cockerels. A small expense, come, honest people!

Buffoons and barkers
All! All! All! All for the holiday!
Fair - start, invite guests!
Hurry! Hurry!
Hurry up to borrow best places!
If you don’t borrow it yourself, your neighbor will get it!
Come all without hesitation!
No tickets needed - present good mood!
Come break the bones!
Today the Fair invites you to visit!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
There is no more fun for our holiday!
We have been waiting for guests for a long time, we are waiting,
We won't start the fair without you.
Are you comfortable, dear guests?
Can everyone see it, can everyone hear it?
Let the holiday be magnificent!

Attention attention!
fun party!
Hurry, honest people,
The fair is calling you!

Barkers for sale
I sell pies!
There are no more useful pies on earth:
Heals teeth from any disease!
Bite once such a pie -
Not only diseases - you will not find teeth!

Run, sir friends!
Sold bursting air balloons!
Having bought, you will not repent - that's for sure -
Absolute strength guaranteed!
Though with a needle, at least burn with fire,
They won't burst anymore!

Now the brisk trade will begin:
Notebooks for sale with deuces, with triples,
With a record class teacher,
With a call to your parents' school.
Whoever buys - he can, already sitting at home,
Marks to have on the subject of any!

It can be seen that our people are full:
He doesn't take pies.
Looks like they have balls.
Bought in advance

Come on, come on
Look at the goods.
Brought from afar
We are chintz and silk,
Charms, rings, brooches
And funny puppets!

To the question Poems for the fair asked by the author ask the best answer is Attention! Attention! Attention!
Fun festivities open!
Hurry, honest people,
The fair is calling you!
To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry all here!
Here jokes, songs, sweets
We've been waiting for you, friends!
What does your soul desire?
You can find everything at the fair!
Everyone chooses gifts
You won't leave without shopping!
Hey, don't stand at the door
Come visit us soon!
The people are gathering
Our fair is open!
Well, honest people,
Come boldly
Buy goods, do not be shy!
Guys, don't yawn
Who wants to buy!
Don't go anywhere, come here!
A marvelous marvel, a marvel is marvelous, not a commodity!
Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!
Don't count the raven, buy the goods!
Here are the goods are good! Anything for the soul!

Answer from Leani[guru]
Today is wonderful weather, but you can not buy the love of the people.

Answer from Prematurity[guru]
Fair fire, bright!
The fair is dancing, hot!
Look to the left - shops with goods!
Look to the right - fun for nothing
Well, it's not expensive.
Buy cottage cheese
And here's the chicken and celery!
Cheaper ruble,
Two bagels with poppy seeds
Take it, darlings, and hurry up!
But tarpaulin,
almost new,
Well, what are you watching? They have no demolition!
Take a cap
And plaid trousers
Yes, do not feel sorry for you, your coins!
After all, at the fair,
And not in hard labor,
Walk, dear, what is already there!
leather boots,
Almost never worn...
Ah, for the holidays! And so I'll give it!

Answer from Maria[guru]
There are good products.
Not a commodity, but a real treasure.
Take it apart.
Needles are not broken
Threads, ribbons.
Blush, lipstick!
Who needs what?
And here are the pies!
Bagels here!
Fresh, delicious -
They ask in the mouth!
Please come to us here as soon as possible
Come on, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come on citizens
Let's please everyone!
There are items
To hide signs, -
From nose to ears
From papier-mâché!
But lollipops, lollipops, bells,
Cocks-tits and other birds!
And here are the masks from a Russian fairy tale!
Goblin, Fox and other miracles!
Come, appreciate
Buy don't be shy!
venerable audience,
To whom a donut hole -
From tasty, good.
We give away cheap!
And here are the colored lanterns,
Air balloons,
Serpentine, confetti -
Buy and joke.
Come here people
And let's get acquainted!
May for many years
This day will be remembered!
Gather more cheerfully
Dear viewers!
We are waiting for the children's fair,
We are waiting for their parents!
Come bolder people
Both left and right!
We are celebrating the New Year
Jokes and fun!
Forget the sad sigh
Sorrow is thrown away.
If there is a buffoon nearby -
There will be buffoons!
We'll let you know before it's too late
We have one condition:
Today be serious
We are forbidden!
It is also prohibited
Here to whine and mope,
And strictly prohibited
Yawn, squeak and whine!
Don't waste a minute
Laugh merrily, to tears.
In every joke - a share of a joke,
The rest is serious!
It can be seen that our people are full:
He doesn't take pies.
Looks like they have balls.
Bought in advance
And marks like this
No meetings needed!
Come on, fair people!
The fair is calling!
The fair will not let you get bored!
Make you sing, dance!

1 leader: Hello dear guests! Hello good people! Come on people! Do not crowd at the gate!

(children enter the hall to the music and stand near their chairs)

2 host: People gather - the fair opens

Autumn here and there

Fairs are going on in Mordovia

What is a fair?

1 child: A place where something is bought or sold.

2 child: Bazaar!

3 child: Market!

4 child: Autumn hurries - winter does not wait.

5 child: The crop was harvested, the cabbage was fermented.

6 child: The garden was dug up - the autumn worries were over.

7 child: And what is there to interpret - it's time to sing a song.

8 child: Autumn again, again the birds are in a hurry to fly to a warm land.

All: The autumn fair came to us in kindergarten.

The song is the nickname "Fair".

1 child: We are naughty guys

We are the cool guys!

We invite everyone to the Fair

We sell toys!

2 child: Well, honest people

Come boldly

Buy a product, don't be shy

Guys, don't yawn

Who wants what, buy!

3 child: Don't go anywhere, come all here

Wonder marvelous, marvelous miracle, not a commodity

Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!

Don't count the raven, buy the goods!

All goods are good! Anything for the soul!

Chorus: Containers - bars - rastabars

We sell all products!

Peddler: Silk, damage, who needs what

Well, I get a nickel as a reward!

Look at the handkerchiefs

Be sure to buy

You won't find better than these

At least you will go around half the world!

1leader: And the goods are not simple, they are bought for your courage, for participating in our fun games and fun.

2 host: And people are going to the fair

And the fun begins at the fair

Everyone hurry to the fair

Start dancing together!

Peddler: Containers - bars - rastabars

Here are some good items

Triangle, mallets

Spoons, bell

Not goods - a real treasure!

Take it apart!

1 leader: Take the goods, let us play!

Children's Orchestra "Lozhkari"

2 host: Well done boys! Yes, a good product praises itself

Peddler: Here, here, gentlemen

Who hurries to us

Pleasure gets

Samovars for sale

There are shovels, pitchforks, sleds

And sweets and bagels!

Peddler: To whom bagels, drying, cheesecakes

Cockerels on a stick, come and take it apart

Buy whatever you want!

Leading: We take without haggling!

Peddlers: What will you pay?

Leading: Song and proverbs

(children say proverbs about bread)

Bread is the head of everything

And lunch is not lunch if there is no bread

I'm glad to have a bread tablecloth, it's like the sun on it

If you want to eat kalachi - do not be lazy on the stove!

Bread is a treasure, don't litter them!

Bread for dinner in moderation take!

You've done your job, and now walk boldly!

Child: Each slice of bread

Smells like warm heaven

And the earth concealed all its strength in bread!

The bread was removed and it became quieter,

The bins breathe hot

The field is sleeping, it is tired -

winter is coming

Song about bread

(children sit on chairs)

Leading: But what about at the fair, but without an hour of carcasses! Come out, come out and start ditties!


Leading: There are many guests at our fair

Lots of goods from all volosts

Look, look!

A bear walks through the market

Buy any product!

(music sounds, a guide with a bear enters, go around the hall and stand in the middle of it)

Guide: Make way honest people

The bear is coming with me!

He knows a lot of fun

There will be jokes, there will be laughter!

Come on, Mishenka, bow to honest gentlemen, but show science, what you were taught, what kind of mind you were awarded

(the bear bows on all four sides)

Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how are our girls going to kindergarten?

(bear paints lips, spins, preens)

What are the boys like in the group?

(bear fights, growls)

And how did Vanya overslept, was he late for kindergarten?

(the bear "sleeps", jumps up, runs)

And how does the teacher go around the group?

(bear importantly walks around the room)

And how does Dunyasha dance?

(bear sticks out his leg)

Yes, not the Dunyasha that used to be, but the present one!

(bear turns back)

Well done! Now bow, but walk to the music!

Leading: Thank you for making us laugh. Accept from us a barrel of honey and a bunch of bagels in addition.

Guide: Thanks for the treat, time and honor to know! Let's go on, Mishenka, to amuse the people, and goodbye to you all!

Leading: Fair continues

Goods don't run out

Hey buyers, come on in -

Look at the goods!

Peddler: Vegetables! Vegetables! Fruits and vegetables!

Vitamins in them - do not count

Can you eat them with sugar?

Grown with love, with soul!

Come with a big basket!

Leading: We will take the goods from you and with the guys and try

The game "Taste"

(children are offered with eyes closed to taste to determine the vegetable or fruit)

Leading: And now another game "Who is faster"

(children are divided into two teams. Each team is given its own basket. One vegetable or fruit is placed in the middle of the hall. One player is invited from the team. While the music is playing, the children dance, as soon as the music stops sounding, you need to take the fruit or vegetable first and put in the basket of his team.Which team will have more vegetables in the basket, he won)

Leading: Everything is for sale today

Gives away a little!

Oh, the Fair is noisy!

Do not stand still!

Get up in a circle, sing a song!

Song about autumn

Leading: Noon soon at the gate

Hurry to the fair people!

Look good people

Maria Danilovna is coming!

(Marya Danilovna enters with a basket containing guesses and goods)

M.D.: Hello kids! Girls and boys!

My respect, good people!

Leading: Hello Danilovna! Come in, look at the goods, but tell all the news. Where was? What did you see?

M.D.: I saw that cats live in a nest, fly everywhere!

Leading: Yes, these are crows!

M.D.:(takes out of the basket) Boiled fly agaric for you!

Our crow is big-eared

Often roams in the garden -

Skok yes skok across the bridge

White speck tail!

Leading: Yes, it's a bunny!

M.D.: A barrel of cucumbers for you!

All the animals are afraid of our hare. Last winter in the bitter cold

The gray hare took the ram away!

Leading: Yes, it's a wolf! Speak up!

Stop telling stories!

M.D.: Yes, I wanted to joke with you. And now there will be tricky riddles! Who can guess them! So it's time for scientists!

(riddle guessing)

The hero stands rich

Treat all the kids

Strawberries and blueberries

And porcini mushrooms

And ripe nuts! (forest)

An eagle flies across the blue sky

Wings spread out

The sun has blotted out! (cloud)

Without arms, without legs, the trees are oppressed. (wind)

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest

Hiding in the clouds, in the mist

Only feet on the ground. (rain)

Grow - turn green, fall - turn yellow

Lie down - turn black! (leaves)

Both on the hill and under the hill

Under the birch and under the tree

Round dance in a row

Well done in hats! (mushrooms)

Leading: Sit down, Danilovna, rest. Your riddles are good. Really smart!

Autumn time is golden

Colors bright lights

Like at a fun fair

We read poetry

1 child:

Children joyfully jump through the puddles

Yellow leaves float in the air

Raindrops are merrily knocking on the glass!

2 child: And the cranes sang sadly in the sky

They stretch in shoals to the south

Who said that autumn is a sad time?

How many bright colors she gives us!

3 child: It is raining across the land, wet road

Many drops on the glass, but little heat

Birches sleep in silver, brighter greens of pines

Because in the yard - golden autumn!

4 child: Again autumn time swirled with the wind

Miracle - she fascinated everyone with colors!

Look, what a carpet of leaves at the threshold!

Just a pity that bright days a little in autumn!

The song "Autumn, my autumn"

Child: Noise and crush in the bazaar -

Do not break through to the counter!

Everything here is interesting

Here is the place for dancing!

General dance

Leading: Here the sun has set

All items sold

The day ends - the Fair closes!

Leading: Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!



Scenario autumn holiday"Fair"

1 leader: Hello dear guests! Hello good people! Come on people! Do not crowd at the gate!

(children enter the hall to the music and stand near their chairs)

2 host: People gather - the fair opens

Autumn here and there

Fairs are going on in Mordovia

What is a fair?

1 child: A place where something is bought or sold.

2 child: Bazaar!

3 child: Market!

4 child: Autumn hurries - winter does not wait.

5 child: The crop was harvested, the cabbage was fermented.

6 child: The garden was dug up - the autumn worries were over.

7 child: And what is there to interpret - it's time to sing a song.

8 child: Autumn again, again the birds are in a hurry to fly to a warm land.

All: The autumn fair came to our kindergarten.

The song is the nickname "Fair".

1 child: We are naughty guys

We are the cool guys!

We invite everyone to the Fair

We sell toys!

2 child: Well, honest people

Come boldly

Buy a product, don't be shy

Guys, don't yawn

Who wants what, buy!

3 child: Don't go anywhere, come all here

Wonder marvelous, marvelous miracle, not a commodity

Look, don't blink, don't open your mouth!

Don't count the raven, buy the goods!

All goods are good! Anything for the soul!

Chorus: Containers - bars - rastabars

We sell all products!

Peddler: Silk, damage, who needs what

Well, I get a nickel as a reward!

Look at the handkerchiefs

Be sure to buy

You won't find better than these

At least you will go around half the world!

1leader: And the goods are not simple, they are bought for your courage, for participating in our fun games and fun.

2 host: And people are going to the fair

And the fun begins at the fair

Everyone hurry to the fair

Start dancing together!

Song-round dance "Kalinushka has a round dance"

Peddler: Containers - bars - rastabars

Here are some good items

Triangle, mallets

Spoons, bell

Not goods - a real treasure!

Take it apart!

1 leader: Take the goods, let us play!

Children's Orchestra "Lozhkari"

2 host: Well done boys! Yes, a good product praises itself

Peddler: Here, here, gentlemen

Who hurries to us

Pleasure gets

Samovars for sale

There are shovels, pitchforks, sleds

And sweets and bagels!

Peddler: To whom bagels, drying, cheesecakes

Cockerels on a stick, come and take it apart

Buy whatever you want!

Leading: We take without haggling!

Peddlers: What will you pay?

Leading: Song and proverbs

(children say proverbs about bread)

Bread is the head of everything

And lunch is not lunch if there is no bread

I'm glad to have a bread tablecloth, it's like the sun on it

If you want to eat kalachi - do not be lazy on the stove!

Bread is a treasure, don't litter them!

Bread for dinner in moderation take!

You've done your job, and now walk boldly!

Child: Each slice of bread

Smells like warm heaven

And the earth concealed all its strength in bread!

The bread was removed and it became quieter,

The bins breathe hot

The field is sleeping, it is tired -

winter is coming

Song about bread

(children sit on chairs)

Leading: But what about at the fair, but without an hour of carcasses! Come out, come out and start ditties!


Leading: There are many guests at our fair

Lots of goods from all volosts

Look, look!

A bear walks through the market

Buy any product!

(music sounds, a guide with a bear enters, go around the hall and stand in the middle of it)

Guide: Make way honest people

The bear is coming with me!

He knows a lot of fun

There will be jokes, there will be laughter!

Come on, Mishenka, bow to honest gentlemen, but show science, what you were taught, what kind of mind you were awarded

(the bear bows on all four sides)

Show me, Mikhailo Potapych, how are our girls going to kindergarten?

(bear paints lips, spins, preens)

What are the boys like in the group?

(bear fights, growls)

And how did Vanya overslept, was he late for kindergarten?

(the bear "sleeps", jumps up, runs)

And how does the teacher go around the group?

(bear importantly walks around the room)

And how does Dunyasha dance?

(bear sticks out his leg)

Yes, not the Dunyasha that used to be, but the present one!

(bear turns back)

Well done! Now bow, but walk to the music!

Leading: Thank you for making us laugh. Accept from us a barrel of honey and a bunch of bagels in addition.

Guide: Thanks for the treat, time and honor to know! Let's go on, Mishenka, to amuse the people, and goodbye to you all!

Leading: Fair continues

Goods don't run out

Hey buyers, come on in -

Look at the goods!

Peddler: Vegetables! Vegetables! Fruits and vegetables!

Vitamins in them - do not count

Can you eat them with sugar?

Grown with love, with soul!

Come with a big basket!

Leading: We will take the goods from you and with the guys and try

The game "Taste"

(children are invited to taste a vegetable or fruit with their eyes closed)

Leading: And now another game "Who is faster"

(children are divided into two teams. Each team is given its own basket. One vegetable or fruit is placed in the middle of the hall. One player is invited from the team. While the music is playing, the children dance, as soon as the music stops sounding, you need to take the fruit or vegetable first and put in the basket of his team.Which team will have more vegetables in the basket, he won)

Leading: Everything is for sale today

Gives away a little!

Oh, the Fair is noisy!

Do not stand still!

Get up in a circle, sing a song!

Song about autumn

Leading: Noon soon at the gate

Hurry to the fair people!

Look good people

Maria Danilovna is coming!

(Marya Danilovna enters with a basket containing guesses and goods)

M.D.: Hello kids! Girls and boys!

My respect, good people!

Leading: Hello Danilovna! Come in, look at the goods, but tell all the news. Where was? What did you see?

M.D.: I saw that cats live in a nest, fly everywhere!

Leading: Yes, these are crows!

M.D.: (takes out of the basket) Boiled fly agaric for you!

Our crow is big-eared

Often roams in the garden -

Skok yes skok across the bridge

White speck tail!

Leading: Yes, it's a bunny!

M.D.: A barrel of cucumbers for you!

All the animals are afraid of our hare. Last winter in the bitter cold

The gray hare took the ram away!

Leading: Yes, it's a wolf! Speak up!

Stop telling stories!

M.D.: Yes, I wanted to joke with you. And now there will be tricky riddles! Who can guess them! So it's time for scientists!

(riddle guessing)

The hero stands rich

Treat all the kids

Strawberries and blueberries

And porcini mushrooms

And ripe nuts! (forest)

An eagle flies across the blue sky

Wings spread out

The sun has blotted out! (cloud)

Without arms, without legs, the trees are oppressed. (wind)

Without a path and without a road

Walks the longest

Hiding in the clouds, in the mist

Only feet on the ground. (rain)

Grow - turn green, fall - turn yellow

Lie down - turn black! (leaves)

Both on the hill and under the hill

Under the birch and under the tree

Round dance in a row

Well done in hats! (mushrooms)

Leading: Sit down, Danilovna, rest. Your riddles are good. Really smart!

Autumn time is golden

Colors bright lights

Like at a fun fair

We read poetry

1 child:

Children joyfully jump through the puddles

Yellow leaves float in the air

Raindrops are merrily knocking on the glass!

2 child: And the cranes sang sadly in the sky

They stretch in shoals to the south

Who said that autumn is a sad time?

How many bright colors she gives us!

3 child: It's raining all over the earth, the road is wet

Many drops on the glass, but little heat

Birches sleep in silver, brighter greens of pines

Because in the yard - golden autumn!

4 child: Again the autumn time swirled with the wind

Miracle - she fascinated everyone with colors!

Look, what a carpet of leaves at the threshold!

It’s just a pity that there are few bright days in autumn!

The song "Autumn, my autumn"

Child: Noise and crush in the bazaar -

Do not break through to the counter!

Everything here is interesting

Here is the place for dancing!

General dance

Leading: Here the sun has set

All items sold

The day ends - the Fair closes!

Leading: Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

Please come to us here as soon as possible
Come on, honest people.
Start having fun.
The fair is calling us all!
Come on citizens
Let's please everyone!

Make way honest people, do not dust the path,
The fair is coming here for a little walk!
Grandparents too.
Come on, hurry passerby!
Come visit us at the fair
Sing, have fun, have fun!
Hey honest people!
Do not rush! Wait!
Hey honest gentlemen!
Get everyone here!

Get it together, people
We have a fair.
What is there at the fair?
You can't count everything.
Birds, bunnies, turntables,
Dolls, bears, rattles...
We sell toys to everyone
We invite everyone to the fair.
Fly in! Fly in!
Buy! Buy

Call to the watermelon fair

Come on, come on!
Look at the goods!
In melon shops,
blue eggplant,
golden pears,
fat pumpkins,
Sweet watermelons!

They came to us with melons
Striped balls.
And the watermelon is instead of weights,
Let the strong men rise.

Call to the autumn fair

The people are gathering
The fair is open!
Autumn here and there
Fairs are going on in the Urals.

Attention! Attention! Attention!
Fun festivities open!
Hurry honest people
The fair is calling you!
To the fair! To the fair!
Hurry all here!
Here jokes, songs, sweets
We've been waiting for you, friends!

Fair, fair!
Fiery, bright, dancing, hot.
You look to the left - shops with goods
You look to the right - fun for nothing!
The autumn sun rises
Hurry to the fair people!

Come, come, take ruddy, juicy apples!
Here is a carrot, here is an onion, a tomato, a zucchini,
And potatoes are second bread, you and I know this.

And people are going to the fair,
And at the fair the fun begins
Hurry everyone to the fair, and call the guys here.
Start dancing together, praise autumn, have fun!

Invitations to the fair

Hey people, people, people!
The fair is coming!
The fair is visiting
Calls and sings!
Invites, entertains
Smile for everyone!
Carousels, booth
And for different tastes:
There are fruits and vegetables
And great products.
Open your wallets
Get the money!
The fair is rich
Come on guys!

We are naughty guys
We are the cool guys!
We invite everyone to the Fair
We sell toys!
Well, honest people
Come boldly
Buy a product, don't be shy
Guys, don't yawn
Who wants what, buy!

Shouts of barkers

Containers - bars - rastabars
We sell all products!
Silk, damage, who needs what
Well, I get a nickel as a reward!
Look at the handkerchiefs
Be sure to buy
You won't find better than these
At least you will go around half the world!

Containers - bars - rastabars
Here are some good items
Triangle, mallets
Spoons, bell
Not goods - a real treasure!
Take it apart!

Russian folk song"Where have you been, Ivanushka?"

Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Hen!

- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Duck!
- The hen pecks grains in the hay,
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- Lamb!
- The chicken pecks at the seeds,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
The lamb chews grass in the meadow,
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.
- Where have you been, Ivanushka?
- At the fair.
- What did you buy, Ivanushka?
- A cow!
- The hen pecks grains in the hay,
The duck walks back and forth through the puddles,
The lamb chews grass in the meadow,
The cow gives milk to children,
Ivanushka sings songs in the Gorenka.

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