Lesson in finger painting "Tumbler" in the middle group. How to make simple toys tumbler and somersault


Personalized keychain

Hello dear readers Master Class ov in the online store 7beads - accessories for jewelry!

Today I'll show you how to do it . In the master class we will have three ideas.

Nothing difficult to create keychain with name no, so the master class will be more of an overview rather than a detailed one.

Below I will indicate the necessary fittings, but also an overview. Categories will be listed. And the choice of beads, hats and other accessories will be your choice.

So, let's start the master class: " how to make a personalized keychain with your own hands"

It will consist of three parts and as a result we will have three accessories.

Required accessories:

  1. plastic, glass, stone, etc.

First master class:

We will get such a beautiful personalized keychain, in a combination of black beads and turquoise colors with inserts of beads with letters of silver color.

First of all, we take a cord of lavsan about 25 cm long. We string the beads in such an order that there is a symmetrical number of beads and caps along the edges on the behalf.

Next, there will be an insert of two pendants that have holes along the edges like connectors. In our case, the pendant is a wing and a heart. We connect them with a double ring. All the necessary accessories are in our online store 7beads.

Now the pendants need to be connected in one row to the beads. We fold one end of the lavsan in half, thread the resulting loop through the hole of the heart, then thread both ends of the lavsan into the same loop. We tighten it tightly and make a couple of knots. We hide the short end of the lavsan in the nearest beads and cut off the tip.

In the same way, we attach a ring to the other end of the lavsan - the basis for a nominal keychain. We tighten, we make a couple of knots. We put on three beads on the free end of the lavsan, exactly the same and in the same order as the beads that are on the edges of the name.

We connect new beads on a cord with pendants. To do this, in the loop that needs to be passed through the hole in the wing, we stretch the end of the lavsan on which the beads are located. We tighten it tightly, make a couple of knots.

We push the end of the lavsan through a pair of beads and caps. Tighten well and cut off the end of the cord.

Our first keychain with the name "Vladlena" for keys is ready!

Second master class:

In the second master class, we will make such a cute and delicate personalized keychain with beads with the effect of cracked glass Pink colour and a hamsa bead.

We take a pink cord from lavsan about 20 cm long. Fold it in half, put the loop through the base for the keychain, then pull the ends of the lavsan into the loop, make a couple of knots and tighten it tightly.

At one end of the cord we put on beads, hats and letters with the right name. We tie several knots, cut off the lavsan and solder it with a lighter.

We do the same with the second cord. Do not forget to make an insert from the bead from the evil eye inside the "hamsa" bead.

Personalized keychain for "Alena" is ready!

Third master class:

And we will have a nice keychain with a name with 10 mm plastic beads, with a "clover" pendant for good luck and a bead from the evil eye.

We will need a lavsan cord about 15 cm long. We put beads, hats and letters with the desired name on it. Insert crimps between letters. They will perform a decorative function. The tip of the lavsan, which is located after the end of the name, is tied several times and soldered with a lighter. The other end of the cord remains free for now.

The second step is to fix the bead from the evil eye on the pin, cut off the extra tip of the pin with wire cutters and make a loop with the help of round-nose pliers.

We fasten the pendant on the extension chain on one side, on the other hand, the bead from the evil eye with the help of connecting rings.

We take the connecting ring, fix the first part on it, which consists of lavsan and beads. We tie the end of the cord a couple of times, cut it off and solder it with a lighter.

We attach the extension chain to the same connecting ring on one of our links.

It remains only to put the finished part on the ring - the basis for the keychain.

Our name keychain with the name "Elina" is ready!

I hope you enjoy all three keyrings. They were presented to my wonderful friends who will always carry them with them ... All the best!)

Master Class "how to make a personalized keychain with your own hands" finished!

Julia Tatarinova

« Tumbler»

Abstract drawing lessons in middle group .


Develop the ability to create an image from figures of the same shape, but of different sizes;

Consolidate the concept "big-small-small";

Develop the ability to independently correctly position parts of the body and face tumblers;

Develop fine motor skills and activate vocabulary;

Cause positive emotions when creating a drawing tumblers in an unconventional wayfingers.


Toy- tumbler, paint finger, sheets, napkins, workflow diagram.

Lesson progress:

1. The teacher welcomes the children, tells them the topic and purpose classes.

Hello guys! Visit us today for lesson the guest will come. In the meantime, we are waiting for her, let's try to guess who it will be.


a) You can’t force me to sleep while lying down.

Just lay down - wants to get up.

More stubborn than a lamb

this doll is.


b) This fat toy

Don't put it on a pillow.

Know, I took an example from horses:

Standing up to sleep, not in the crib! (Tumbler)

Did you guess who it is? (Yes it tumbler) And here she is. She's just kinda sad. What happened? (children's answers) She lagged behind her girlfriends and got lost. Let's help tumbler find girlfriends? (Yes)

2. New girlfriends for our guest we will paint, and not in a simple way, A fingers.

But first, let's take a closer look at the toy- tumbler.

Guys, look what Tumbler-bright, beautiful, colorful.

What parts does it consist of Tumbler? (torso, head, arms). From balls. What is the shape of the body part? (round). And are they the same size or different? Torso? more, head? - smaller, and the hands are small.

Before starting work, we will make

physical education minute:

Tumbler, look,

(feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt)

Wherever you put it

(tilts to the sides 3 times)

Stand up straight again

(then forward, backward - 3 times)

So she is stubborn.

(slow pace)

The spinning top spun, spun.

Don't spin too fast

Enough, everyone, stop.

(legs together, hands on the belt, circle first in one direction, then in the other)

3. Now let's start the drawing. We will do it at 4 stage:


Face. (The sequence of work is shown on the board).

Since work for fingers tense, in the middle of the drawing, the teacher offers finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics:

One two three four five,

Strong friendly, all so necessary.

On the other hand again:

One two three four five,

Fingers are fast though not very clean...

The teacher helps the children finish drawing.

4. Bottom line:

Vosp.:-Here are some beautiful girlfriends for our tumblers turned out!

Tumbler: - Thank you guys! You made me very happy! And so that my girlfriends are always with me, we can take pictures with them.

Children:- Yes! Certainly!

Tumbler:- And now it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye!

Children:- Goodbye!

5. End classes.

With pencils and felt-tip pens, children often love paint more than paints. And when they draw with paints, they first put the outline of the drawing on paper with a pencil, and only then paint the drawing. So that the child is not afraid of colors, try to devote more time to it (start with gouache, as it is thick, and therefore does not flow and lays down quite evenly even in several layers, unlike watercolor, which requires fairly precise strokes, and each new layer creates dirty spools on paper). Teach your child to draw immediately with a brush without drawing the outline of the drawing with a pencil.

Guidelines Lykova I. A. will help you teach your child to paint toys.

Paint a Bear

Drawing steps:
1. Draw a small oval - the bear's head.
2. We draw a large oval - the torso of the bear.
3. We depict four paws and round ears.
4. We make out a cheerful muzzle.
5. Dress up the bear in shorts or overalls.
6. We decorate clothes with stripes and mints.

Paint a bunny

Drawing steps:
1. Draw a small oval - the head of a hare.
2. We depict a triangle - a beautiful dress.
3. We draw paws, long ears and a small tail.
4. We make out a funny muzzle.
5. Draw a mustache with a felt-tip pen or pencil.
6. We decorate clothes as we wish.

We draw with paints Tumbler

Drawing steps:
1. Draw big circle- the body of a tumbler.
2. Draw a small circle - the head (bonnet).
3. Add small circles - handles.
4. Draw a gentle face - eyes, nose and mouth.
5. We make out small parts pencil.
6. We decorate the clothes of the roly-poly according to the plan.

Paint a doll

Drawing steps:
1. Draw an oval or circle - this is the head of the doll.
2. We draw a dress in the form of a triangle or a trapezoid.
3. We depict small arms and legs
4. We make out a hairstyle - curls or pigtails.
5. We draw a beautiful face and a bow.
6. Decorate the dress with details and patterns.

Paint a rocking horse

Drawing steps:
1. We draw an arc - we get the torso and legs of the horse.
2. We draw another arc - a neck with a head.
3. From the front legs to the back we draw an arc - a rocking chair.
4. We make out the head, draw a thick mane.
5. Decorate with "apples" - spots.
6. Add harness (saddle, bridle) and patterns.

Paint a ship

Drawing steps:
1. Draw the ship's hull in the form of an inverted roof.
2. From above and a little to the side we draw a rectangle - a cabin.
3. We depict a wide pipe in a different color.
4. Draw a flag and decorate the boat.
5. Draw portholes or lifebuoys.
6. We draw a sailor on the deck, the sun and waves ...

Draw with paints Helicopter

Drawing steps:
1. We draw a large oval in the middle of a sheet of paper - the body of a helicopter.
2. We draw a tail in the form of a carrot.
3. Draw legs with wheels or skis.
4. We draw wings - fans on the body and on the tail.
5. We depict a window - round or oval.
6. "We seat" a toy pilot in the cockpit.

Draw with paints Truck

Drawing steps:
1. Draw the cab of the truck.
2. At the back we “hook” a large body.
3. On top of the body, draw a board.
4. We depict a window and wheels.
5. We make out small details.
6. "We load" the dump truck with sand or other cargo.

This article invites you to remember a simple and interesting toy from your childhood. Surely many of you had a funny and kind "roly-poly". And many people remember how they could watch for hours how the "Roly-Vstanka" randomly spins and sways from side to side. It is also told about the no less interesting and simple “somersault”. The principle of operation of both toys is very simple, and you can easily do original gift prophetic child by reading our article.

Types of tumblers and their principle of operation:

Tumblers are very different, since this toy is known in many nationalities, it has a great many names, not to mention the forms (Figure No. 1), and modifications.

Figure number 1 - Tumbler options

Although, no matter how you name the tumbler, what kind of wrapping you don’t put it in, how you don’t color the principle of action, they all have the same.

The design of the tumbler is simple and straightforward. As a rule, this is a pear-shaped body inside of which a weight is fixed at the bottom - it then returns the tumbler to its original position (Figure No. 2).

Figure number 2 - Tumbler sketch

How to make a tumbler:

Naturally, you can easily and simply make a tumbler yourself, you just need to turn on your imagination. For example, you can use egg shells. All you need to do is punch a small hole in the top. chicken egg, then pour or drink all its contents (this is up to your taste). After that, it is necessary to pour weights into the punched hole (weights for fishing, pieces of lead, nuts, pebbles). Distribute them in such a way that they fit compactly on the bottom eggshell. Next, you need to pour paraffin or wax (what is at hand) from a candle there and melt it inside the egg, gently holding it over the flame. Then, without turning over or changing the position of the weights, wait until the wax cools down. That's all, in principle, the tumbler is ready, all that remains is to seal the hole in the shell and paint your toy.

Attention, if the weight is not fixed at the bottom of the tumbler, then it will not return to its original position (Figure 3).

Figure No. 3 - If you do not fix the weight

Although even in this version, your toy will look original - as it was put - it lies and does not roll. But this is no longer a tumbler, but another toy.

How to make a somersault:

There is another original toy very similar to a tumbler - this is a “somersault” (at least I call it that) figure No. 4.

Figure number 4 - Somersault

You can make a somersault yourself, for example, cut a reamer from cardboard as shown in Figure No. 5 and glue it by placing a ball inside (Figure No. 6).

Figure No. 5 - Sketch of a rollover roll.

The secret is simple, inside the tumbler there is an ordinary ball from a bearing (picture No. 6), which rolls, making the toy move in a very unusual way.

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