The meaning of the word ridge. No matter what they say, but the ridge is a Nazi salute


Remember the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring", how in the Reichstag building the Nazis greeted each other by throwing up their hands? That's it ... Now imagine a stadium full of football fans - how do they "make a pen" if their favorite team scored a goal? That's right, throw up. In both cases, it is the right hand that “works”.

Where is he from?

The question is, "zigah" - what is it and where does it come from? Let's take a closer look at the history of this gesture. There is a version of its origin in the distant times of the existence of the Roman Empire. The image on the famous one says that people greeted each other by throwing their right hands up when they met.

Slav brothers

There is another version. The concept of "zig" - what is it? The greeting that was still used Our ancestors were pagans, and worship was a right thing to do. So, the greeting of the most revered was as follows: a person right hand pressed to the chest in the region of the heart and then straightened it forward so that the palm was open. This gesture symbolized the return of energy, that is, the openness of intentions, the kindness of thoughts. By the way, the Slavs did not use this gesture when meeting with an enemy.

Other versions

And yet, "zig" - what is it? A cry, a gesture, or something in common? There are more explanations:

Ole, football!

When you look at the stadium, where thousands and thousands of fans of your favorite team have gathered, their hands thrown up in the air fascinate with their coherence. After all, this is really a wonderful tool to show the players how men and women of all ages and statuses support and worry about them. Football brings people together and unites during the game. And how many conversations are conducted after the end of the match: at home, in transport, at work.

Why do they "zig"?

The most unpleasant fact is that "zigah" is a gesture used by representatives nationalist organizations, completely unrelated to football and most likely far from worshiping the sun god. The gesture, which carries a certain message, an energy “charge-discharge”, is associated with manifestations of fascism, evil, which has contained a huge number of people in its mouth: babies, women, old people.


The article briefly discusses the main options that answer the question: "ridge" - what is it? Gesture is used and football fans, it is also used by neo-fascists. We sometimes copy the gestures of others, not knowing for sure what it means. The old grandfather, who carried the pain of loss in the war in his heart, will surely step aside further away, and the fans, on the contrary, will respond with the same lunge of the right hand with “zigzag”. Two opposite sides of the same gesture...

5 If someone told our grandfathers that after 70 years, some young people would consider themselves Nazis, then he would have been struck to the core. However, before continuing, I would like to advise you a few sensible articles, for example, who is Skinhead, what does Vatnitsa mean, what is Stonik, what do the numbers mean, etc. Russian people who fought the brown plague for 4 years suddenly found this infection in their heart. So what does Ziga mean? How to throw Ziga? These questions are of interest to our youth and in this article we will try to give answers to these questions. Word " Ziga"was borrowed from German language "sieg" and is translated into Russian as "win", " victory". This is the oldest gesture of saluting the sun. It is made by raising the right hand, while left hand located in the abdomen, thus forming a special zig-rune. Whatever" pretzel"German hands did not write out, no matter what gestures they made in the intention to destroy the Russians and make all their slaves, but their end was a foregone conclusion. Therefore, the gesture" Ziga"can be associated with bad luck, loserness, because in fact the Germans lost all the wars they waged with other peoples.

Ziga- this is a special greeting that originated in Nazi Germany and was used by the Nazis until the end of World War II

If we look into history, it turns out that this gesture was used by the ancestors of the Slavs, although there is no exact evidence for this, but many citizens with foam at the mouth prove the truth of this theory.

The emergence of the "Zigi" gesture

Greeting your fellow tribesmen among the ancient peoples

Salutation of the Sun God by the Slavs

Greetings from political and military leaders

What do the Russian fascists want? They think that everyone should be kicked out" black"from mother Russia. However, first you need to determine the borders of Russia. After all, where are the skins going to expel the Tatars from Kazan? After all, this is their land, and they have always lived there. Probably the Nazis want to establish Muscovy, with several areas located around the capital. They don't need the rest of the territory, Siberia? No, I didn't!
One more detail is interesting, as soon as the Bandera began to kill Russians in the Donbas, Russian fascists immediately went there to help. Do you think they decided to protect the Russian people of Donbass? It wasn’t there, they began to exterminate women and children with enthusiasm and post on Instagram the civilians they killed.

So, Russian fascists are killing Russian people. Why and why? Isn't it all the same. One thing is clear, if they make a coup in Russia, then millions of ordinary Russian citizens will die, and these ghouls will live on blood. Someone doubts that they will meet the troops with flowers NATO? Me not! These are the real Russians" patriots who kill an Armenian girl in a dark alley and then surrender their country to the occupying forces.

Army Ridge

greeting used German Nazis in the 1930s - 40s and existing among the neo-Nazi movement. This gesture looks like a straightened arm thrown up at an angle of 45 degrees. At the same time, the fingers are gathered together, the palm is pointing down. As you can see, the body movement is very sweeping and noticeable - coupled with the "Attention!" body and shout "Heil Hitler!" ("Long live Hitler!") it added solemnity to communication among the Nazi military structures.

The neo-fascist movement very willingly adopted the manner of "zigging" from its predecessors. True, the translation of the accompanying chants into native language no one cared, so the words "Heil Hitler!" The Russian-language counterpart has not yet been received.

The zig gesture itself was one of the elements of the Fuhrer's personality cult; it was officially introduced into public institutions Nazi Germany, was mandatory used in the NSDAP and the SS. They also fell in love with him in the informal sphere. Lettering "Heil Hitler!" found at the end of acts, orders and even personal letters. As for the ridge, its full version described above was not always used. For cases when the greeting and farewell did not take place with Hitler himself or the high military command, they used the medium and small ridge. In the first case, it is parallel to the ground outstretched hand with a lowered palm, in the second - an incompletely raised arm with a bent elbow. The small ridge is very similar to the usual greeting with a raised hand. Neo-Nazis use all variations of these salutatory gestures, although the most solemn of them (the big ridge) has caught on the best.

As in the case of any symbol or gesture remembered by mankind, they try to look for the roots of the ridge in history more ancient than the interwar period of the twentieth century. Based on Hitler's love for ancient symbols and sources of various doubtfulness, the ridge is alternately attributed to the ancient Romans, Celts and Slavs. The latter concept especially warms the soul of Russian neo-Nazis, who emphasize their Slavic-Aryan origin. Their concept proclaims the triumph of the white race, and calls the ancestors of the Slavs "Aryans" - a tribe that migrated from the Slavic lands to Europe and gave life to other white peoples. According to neo-Nazis, during the Second World War, Hitler had nothing against the Slavs, who also considered themselves to be of the white race, and the Ost plan did not exist, since the original document has not survived to this day, and other evidence was forged. Thus, neo-Nazis explain their admiration for the ideologists of the Reich and Hitler: they cared for the purity of the white race and tried to clear territories for its development.

The skinhead subculture is often associated with the neo-Nazi movement, but this is not entirely true. Skinheads arose in the late 1960s as informal hippie antagonists who denied the position of peace and love and sought to make a tough statement of their position. Only NS skinheads are close to neo-Nazi ideology - one of the late offshoots of the subculture.

In Russia, skinheads and neo-Nazis practically do not separate, since it is the nationalist vision of the movement that is more developed in the country. Russian neo-Nazis not only "throw a ridge" at illegal parades and meetings, but also use one of its variants in daily communication, replacing the greeting with a ridge and the words "Sieg Heil!" ("Viva victory!"). The latter is also adopted from the legacy of the Nazi Reich and is used more often by modern Nazis to glorify the Fuhrer. One of the most popular chants of Russian NS skinheads and neo-Nazis is "Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! We will build a new paradise!". Building a paradise in this case means the triumph of the white race and the physical extermination of representatives of national minorities, in particular gypsies, Jews, Caucasians, Azerbaijanis and other emigrants with a skin tone darker than that of the Slavs.

In the ranks of skinheads and neo-Nazis, sports radical young people most often fall, so it is logical that their destructive energy spills out not only on the battlefield as a threat to the white race, but also on the football field. Often, neo-Nazis and skinheads join the ranks of ultras and participate in urban brawls after football matches, resulting in real pogroms and clashes with representatives of other radical groups, subcultures and nationalities. And in the stadiums during the game you can see fans throwing ridges.

Skinheads' NS can be recognized not only by the salutation-zig, but also by other signs, such as the presence of accessories or jewelry with a swastika or Slavic symbols. A distinctive sign of representatives of the skinhead subculture is a shaved bald head or a very short haircut. Most neo-Nazis cover their faces with a bandage or neckerchief stretched from chin to eyes.

Nata Zinkevich

    IN Soviet time people were simpler than now, not so indifferent to each other. If someone saw that a teenager was throwing a ridge (throws up his right hand in a fascist greeting) - at least such a joker would have received a good cuff from the first person passing by. And they would hand over the enemy to the police. And there, you see, the KGB would be interested in such behavior. Because our people paid a terrible price for getting rid of fascism.

    Niece needs to be forced to show some Soviet films about the fascists, about their atrocities, so that she would be ashamed and never did that again.

    Ziga is Nazi salute, came from the cry of Sieg Heil! (Glory to Victory!) With the throwing of the right hand forward and up. None sacred meaning or ancient Aryan origin there is no ridge, it was invented by Rudolf Hess at one of the rallies.

    this is what the ridge looks like:

    Such an expression as throwing a ridge bert its origin in the ranks of the Nazis. The fact is that this expression means a kind of greeting with the throwing of one hand up. For our country, for obvious reasons, such a greeting is unacceptable.

    Good intentions trampled the road to hell - it's about the ridge. When the Germans threw ridges - they stretched their right arms up, they thus worshiped the Sun and asked him for victory, thinking that they were doing the right thing, cleansing the world from wickedness. Hitler bullied their brains, and still some young people with low IQs throw ridges, do not like blacks and consider this a normal phenomenon.

    Here is an instruction on how to throw a ridge correctly:

    If anyone did not understand, the Nazis threw the ridges.

    Zigovat means throwing out your hand with the cry of Sieg Heil, as was customary among the Nazis. And for some reason they connect (the Nazis fuck them!) This zigzag with the symbol of infinity, that is, the turned figure eight ...

    Ziga (to throw a ridge) is a greeting movement of the hand, a gesture. Ziga has been known since pagan times, because in fact it is expressed in throwing up hands iconic form sun salutations. Therefore, this is not stupidity, but a form of worship. pagan gods and harmony with the outside world (at least then).

    The ridge is made in motion: from the heart in the direction of the Sun, with the right hand. At the same time, the left hand with its palm will remain (lies) on the stomach. This forms a zig rune.

    As often happens in history, a new content is added to an old philanthropic form, completely distorting its meaning, tying it to an unnatural, unnatural and simply inhumane action. Also, as happened with the swastika.

    The Nazis, having adopted this greeting gesture, introduced a negative, anti-human meaning into it. With their vile deeds (unleashing a war, destroying millions of people), they denigrated the ridge. Modern Natsiks are doing the same now.

    It will probably take a long time to return the original meaning of the ridge

    This expression came from the Nazis. They greeted each other like that. Throwing your arms up and shouting Sieg Heil!. This is what modern youth calls throwing a ridge. Not the best thing your child could learn. Have an educational conversation, take action.

    Ziga. Zigzag. Hail Hitler. Sieg Heil.

    Nazi salute, right hand up, like Heil Hitler.

    True, this gesture has a justification.

    First, the right hand is applied to the heart. Then with an open palm goes up.

    It's ancient Slavic greeting, meaning from the heart to the sun. From heart to heaven.

    After the baptism of Rus', it almost disappeared.

    Now many people are returning to the Faith of their ancestors, the one that was before baptism.

    And there is nothing wrong with the fact that the niece throws a ridge.

    As long as there is no war.

    The expression to throw a ridge has been around since ancient times, but the most important time is World War II and before World War II, when it was customary in Germany to throw a ridge to Hitler or say Siek Heil, Heil Hitler, many people know that Hitler was obsessed with antiquities and believed in prophecies and the magic of many things, but this is already in other descriptions.

    Throwing a ridge or zigzag means to greet someone as the Nazis did in their time. In our time and in our country, such a movement is unacceptable. I know a case when they gave 15 days for a ridge near a monument.

What would you think when you saw a group of strong young guys who, stretching their right hands forward and up, shouted: "Sieg Heil!"? Are these stupid milksops who do not understand anything in life? Or maybe all these people do not know Russian history well, since they give the Nazi salute. After all, the phrase "Sieg Heil!" ("Sieg heil"), among the people "ziga" - this is the most popular salute that was in circulation in Germany from 1933 to 1945. And surely young people do not know how much grief the peoples of Russia suffered from the attack of those whose behavior they have now adopted? But no, on closer inspection it turns out that these guys and girls know the history of Russia very well. In addition, among them there are many people of a very decent age. And, "throwing out the ridge", that is, greeting each other in the German-fascist style, they do not praise the actions of Germany, but approve of the policy pursued by the Wehrmacht. Basically, this acceptance concerns only domestic politics. The actions of Adolf Hitler and others like him in foreign policy spheres, even among the most inveterate romantics of fascism in modern world causes resentment. Although not for everyone.

"Sieg Heil!" or "sieg heil", whether "heil hitler" or simply "heil" as a greeting originates from ancient rome. In a similar way, the Romans greeted their superiors in position or rank and wished him good health. In the 20th century, it was copied by the Italian fascists, and the German National Socialists (Nazis) took over from them. The only difference is that both the Romans and the Italians threw their right hand forward, after pressing it to the chest in the region of the heart. And the "Roman salute" was a kind of cordial, benevolent gesture. The Nazi action, on the other hand, carries more aggression and challenge and is performed from below, from the right hip. The phrase "Sieg Heil" was coined by Rudolf Hess, who at one time proposed to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on behalf of the German leadership that a separate peace be concluded against Russia. After Churchill's refusal, Hess did not even think of retreating and proposed the same to the British government, but on the condition that Churchill himself be removed from office and arrested. But even here he was out of work. The British government, following its prime minister, refused to enter into negotiations with Germany and any "guests" from its territory.

As always and everywhere in similar situations, when the personality of one person, as a rule, the ruler, is identified with the Personality of God or is close to Him, in Germany, at the very end of the Second World War, "sieg heil" became mandatory for everyone. If at first it was used only by intelligence officers, police and members of the National Socialist Party of Germany, then later it began to be used by all residents of German-speaking countries without exception.

At the same time, there were groups of the population who refused to greet each other in this way. Most often they were guided by a religious feeling, because people who believe in God, in their opinion, should not praise a person. Such people were identified and tried by the Gestapo. It is "good" that in Germany the desire of some people to report others to the competent authorities was openly encouraged. And any deviation from the generally accepted code of conduct became instantly known to the relevant persons. At the same time, measures were immediately taken, most often punitive.

Russia and other, once almost completely Caucasoid countries, are now being subjected to total settlement by other races. This is impossible not to see. Obviously, in the very near future White race will cease to exist as obsolete due to its depravity. This is how Rome perished, how Byzantium perished, how many peoples, countries and even civilizations ceased to exist. Many people feel this today. But someone agrees with this, tolerantly enduring the dominance of foreigners in their countries, and someone protests in such non-trivial ways as Nazism, one of the brightest manifestations and an indispensable attribute of which today is the “ridge”.

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