What is ballroom dancing for kids. Shoes and clothes for ballroom dancing


In our article we will talk about the pros and cons of ballroom dancing for children, about psychological aspect, about the cost of classes and medical contraindications.

In past ballroom dancing were considered noble entertainment and an indicator of refined taste. Today, dancing is no less popular. Parents send their children to dance studios By different reasons. Some want to see their child on the podium of international competitions, while others take care of the health of their child in this way.

Pediatricians around the world claim that moderate dancing is useful for physical development: correct posture is formed, coordination develops and fine motor skills. In addition, dancing is less traumatic than some sports. And research in the field of psychology shows that children involved in dancing are much more active and cheerful than their “non-dancing” peers.

From what age?

Some dance studios recruit children in groups from 3 to 4 years old. Partly this early start associated with pursuing goals.

If the task is to perform at competitions and receive trophies, then the following factors are taken into account: children from 5 years old are allowed to participate, and in order to perform with dignity, at least a year of preparation is needed. Moreover, it is considered that earlier child starts dancing, the more opportunities he will have to reach his potential. It must be remembered that before demonstration performances training will be more intense and classes will be held more often, so you need to calculate the child's physical readiness, his performance and overall endurance.

If parents send their children to dances not to receive awards, but take care of strengthening their health and developing aesthetic taste, you can send them to dances at any age if the child has a desire.

Some experts believe that starting classes earlier can harm the child, besides, at 3-4 years old, not all children easily grasp dance moves. It is better if classes for the youngest take place in the form of a game. To endure maximum benefit from training, you need a sufficiently developed endurance, so the optimal age for practicing sports dancing is 6-7 years old.

Medical contraindications

Almost all children who do not have injuries, exacerbations of chronic and catarrhal diseases, as well as disorders of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and musculoskeletal system can practice ballroom dancing. This is important, because during training, the load falls on these areas of the body.

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Boys and girls

It is believed that dancing, despite sometimes not a small physical activity, not exactly a masculine sport. However, it is dancing that will help raise a gentleman who, thanks to pair dancing, will be able to easily communicate with the opposite sex in the future.

For dreamy girls, ballroom dancing is the perfect setting. Whirling couples, rhythmic music, beautiful outfits - all this will help develop discriminating taste and feel like a young lady.


Ballroom dancing is a combination of art and sport. The child learns to work for the sake of the result and acquires a good physical form for many years.

Thanks to ballroom dancing, a child’s posture is formed correctly, the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems is improved, muscles are strengthened, immunity is increased. The child learns to perceive music, he develops hearing, coordination of movements and plasticity. Dancing is less traumatic than some sports. The child improves performance and endurance to physical activity.

Young dancers grow up to be self-confident people. Dancing helps to get rid of complexes and liberate. Children involved in choreography from childhood develop willpower, perseverance, learn to perform tasks, and also become active and self-organized. Dancing is a discipline. Achieving a visible result makes you rejoice at success and be proud of yourself.

The child learns to competently organize his time - go to school and train productively. Participation in competitions makes children stress-resistant, teaches them how to cope with failures and set new goals. And pair dances develop a culture of interpersonal communication.


  • In sports dancing, there is a risk of injury from an unsuccessful fall or movement. During the competition, when dancing on the court a large number of couples, collisions may occur. This happens with less experienced dancers who have not yet learned to control the situation well enough.
  • Another minus - psychological nature. IN dance groups, as in any sports team often creates an atmosphere of competition and envy for more successful dancers. For a fragile child's psyche, this is a test. Not all children are inherently fighters. Soft, not striving for victory at any cost, it is difficult for children to be in such an environment.
  • If you practice sports dancing professionally, sometimes difficulties may arise in. Intensive classes, especially before competitions, take a lot of time and effort.
  • Not everyone is sympathetic if a boy is dancing. Some are of the opinion that dancing is an activity exclusively for girls. You need to be ready for this.
  • Ballroom dancing is expensive. You need to regularly pay for training, participation in competitions, buy or sew custom-made clothes and shoes for classes and performances.
  • Over time, a dance couple may break up, a partner may stop classes and it will be difficult to replace him. In addition, it happens that there are not enough partner boys, and the girl has to dance alone.

How much do lessons cost?

Sports ballroom dancing is not a cheap pleasure. You have to pay for tuition. This is approximately 2000 - 5000 rubles per month, depending on the region and the coach. Sometimes private lessons may be required. You also need to pay a fee to participate in competitions.

At the beginning, a child can practice in a swimsuit and Czech shoes, which are not expensive - from 500 rubles, then you need to purchase a dance dress for girls, dance pants for boys, special shoes for ballroom dancing. Such equipment can cost an average of 5000 - 7000 rubles.

Sometimes you may need to take a photo or video. These services are charged separately.

How to choose a section?

Every city now has children's ballroom dancing groups. Go to a trial lesson in different studios and ask to attend the training. First of all, pay attention to the coaches, their attitude towards the students: do they pay enough attention to each child, do they correct, do they give advice. It is also good if the studio has a choreography or stretching section so that the child can develop skills that will be useful to him in ballroom dancing.

  1. Find good coach and get in touch with him. Check in regularly on your child's progress, keep up to date with news and upcoming events.
  2. Take part in the development of the child, practice complex elements at home.
  3. Be ready to work, don't expect instant results. Develop the willpower not only of the child, but also of your own.
  4. Support the child, calmly react to failures, create a friendly atmosphere.
  5. Take an interest in dancing with him.

Summing up

Whatever the goals, remember that your kid should go to training with enthusiasm. It will be great if a sense of rhythm, ear for music and artistry are immediately revealed. But even if this is not there, but there is one desire to dance, it is worth a try. Good teachers will “pull out” everything that is possible from the most incapable child at first glance. Sports ballroom dancing is an excellent educational measure that teaches you to overcome difficulties, go towards your goals and improve your abilities.

You are at a crossroads: which sports section, circle or team to send your child to.

You have a quiet and shy boy, you understand that he is a creative person, but at the same time, he lacks physical fitness.

You have a girl who, to the question “who do you want to be?”, immediately answers: “of course, a princess!”

In this case optimal solution there will be ballroom dancing. After all, it is a complex of various dance styles and directions where each child can choose what he likes. Sports ballroom dancing includes the following programs:

  • European. This includes areas such as slow waltz, Viennese waltz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep.
  • Latin American (cha-cha-cha, samba, rumba, jif, paso doble).
  • Sports rock and roll.
  • Some directions of folk dance

Developmental features of ballroom dancing

In addition to intellectual and creative education child, ballroom dancing is also a serious physical activity. Dance exercises develop all muscle groups, have a beneficial effect on the cardiological and respiratory systems of the body, and correct incorrect posture. Dancing helps to feel your body, control it, use the plasticity of your body to express your emotions and feelings.

Children who regularly take part in competitions become more responsible and collected, learn to make decisions, help others. Ballroom dancing, as a kind of physical training, also has a positive effect on mental and emotional processes, positively affects the development of a child's personality.


Before giving a child to ballroom dancing, you should know that this is a very expensive type of dispute. The main part of the costs here is associated with the high cost of dance costumes and special shoes. The costumes themselves, as a rule, are sewn to order in specialized ateliers. Shoes are also required high quality and quite expensive. In addition, regular contributions are required for participation in competitions, etc.


As in any other sport, in dance, to achieve results, it takes regular workouts And serious attitude. This is especially true of the period of preparation for competitions, when training sessions are not allowed.


Ballroom dancing - most perfect look sports for girls. They teach to hear music, develop a sense of rhythm. And what an entourage! Beautiful dresses, swirling couples, Beautiful music. Every girl deep down dreams of being a princess and dancing at the ball.

Boys are brought here, as a rule, by romantic parents who want to raise a real prince. Ballroom dancing can hardly be called a courageous sport (despite the very serious physical exertion), but in the future they will serve the boy well. He will be able to show off his skills at the disco, and he will also feel confident with the opposite sex. After all, no girl will refuse an offer to dance.

By acting on the body, we not only contribute to the healing of the body itself, but also psychological recovery person.

Wilhelm Reich (psychologist, creator of body-oriented therapy) came to the conclusion that muscle tension and psychological tension- It is the same.

The body contains fears, pain, problems, uncertainty, doubts, suppressions, prohibitions, worries, stresses, all the stresses experienced by a person, psychotraumas, emotional stresses. All this prevents the body from being healthy, beautiful and strong, and psychologically it has a depressing effect on a person.

W. Reich called this phenomenon "muscular shell" and described it as traumatic experiences of the past that remain in the human body in the form of muscle blocks.

In response to stressful situations people develop defensive behavior, which is expressed in chronic tension individual groups muscles - "muscle clamps". There is also a connection between the chronic tone of a particular muscle group and suppressed emotions.

"Muscular clamps", uniting, form a "muscle shell". In the bodily sphere, this leads to mobility restrictions, posture disorders, poor blood circulation, pain (all these are the causes of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, many skin problems, somatic diseases).
kneading, elaborationmuscle clamps renders powerful healing effect for soul and body. After all body changes cause changes in consciousness.

And besides, by itself expression of emotions and feelings- This prevention psychosomatic disorders , that is, bodily ailments caused by certain phenomena of the psyche.

Dance Helps it is safe for the body to unblock muscle tension recorded in the body, disturbances in the flow of energy, suppressed emotions, overcome stress.

beneficial effect on all body systems, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, digestive, respiratory, immune, nervous, endocrine and others.

Dancing makes us more flexible, strong And hardy.

Dancing improves circulation and protect the heart. Italian researchers have proven that people with heart failure who engage in dancing as a form of physical activity improve their health, their heart and improvehisbreath. Their quality of life also improves significantly compared to those who exercise on exercise bikes or treadmills.

Dancing helps lose weight And give energy. A study published in The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition found that weekly dancing improves physical fitness and makes people more energetic.

Dancing makes us happier and relieve stress and depression, increase self-esteem help to become more confidentin itself. Depression is becoming an increasingly common problem in teenagers and adults. A study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience has shown that dance therapy not only helps with depression, but also helps fight stress by regulating serotonin and dopamine levels in the body. Considering that dance is also social action, it helps to get rid of feelings of loneliness and provides many opportunities to meet other people. It's proven that the dance good and warm relationship able to prevent mild depression and make dancing man more confident.

Dance improves memory and makes us more smart. Scientists have found that dancing improve memory and help prevent shrinkage of the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory. Thanks to scientists, the benefits of dance for the mind have been proven. Main quality smart person- This decision making. The perfect way to develop this skill is to engage in a business that requires constantly making decisions quickly (in seconds). In general, the mind and quick wits are well influenced by the study of something new, here we are talking about any new skill. And dancing stimulates your brain, forcing it to come up with new solutions. Difficult studies are best suited for this, as they make it necessary newneural connections.

Dance helps to get rid of what binds, improves health and body, physical skills, reveals individual characteristics and talents, develops femininity and masculinity, helps to better understand yourself and others.

Improving communication and interaction skills. Dance is one of the ways to find language in relationships, not only in dance, but also in life.

During ballroom dancing girls develops a sense of one's true nature femininity, refinement, they learn to trust a partner and consciously follow a man.

men reveal my charisma And masculinity master the technique soft control, which is necessary not only in dance, but also in life.

A definite advantage for men involved in dancing is success among women. As soon as men show the public at least part of their skills and dancing skills in a club or restaurant, it definitely makes an impression and all women are subdued. Even if the restaurants will not the right music and large space, you can adapt to any musical accompaniment and create any movement.

Ballroom dancing man develops harmoniously, How physically, and mentally, emotionally And socially.

Ballroom dancing is music, beauty and movement. This is masculinity and femininity, sensuality, passion and emotions. Dancing is pleasure and inspiration, creativity and joy.

This dance improvisation as an interesting form of leisure and communication. It is an expression of individuality and feelings through music and dance.


The art of dance is amazing means of education and development little man . It enriches spiritual world helps the child develop as a person.

Unfortunately, modern conditions life does not always help our children grow up healthy. Huge study loads, malnutrition, inability to plan school time, sometimes not very healthy influence of the peer environment and society, lack of understanding of the vital need for healthy development are the causes of the onset and development of childhood diseases.

According to the world's leading pediatricians, the main component of this integrated approach should be regular sports activities child.

Many studies by psychologists have proven that children involved in dancing achieve great things. success learning than their peers and also ahead of them V general development. Already repeatedly in the studies of many well-known pediatricians, the fact was noted that dancing classes can significantly speed up the development process child. People who danced as children are able to achieve great success in life than their non-dancing peers.

Thanks to dancing, the child develops not only physically, but also emotionally And intellectually.

Dancing is one of the best physical practices for a growing body, thanks to which the child opens up, begins to feel your body and applies its plasticity in order to expressions own emotions and feelings.

Dance classes help your child relax and relieve tension study load , give good mood and a sense of self-confidence.

Knowing how to dance helps deal with stress. If we talk about brain activity, dance stimulates both hemispheres of the brain to work. The first one responsible for creative thinking, the second - for logic, create a strict geometry and improvisation of the dance. Dance also develops such brain functions as memory, coordination movement, logical and figurative thinking, etc.

Dance helps to form the initial mathematical and logical representations of the child, trains the skills of orientation in space; develops speech. Dancing helps to develop such qualities as focus, organization And industriousness, improve the moral and moral qualities.

Dance classes teach children look good teaches you to take care of yourself. Thanks to this, the child will be fit and neat all his life, and this is an important factor in communicating with people.

A child through dance begins to look at the world with different eyes, perceives any problems of his children's world much more positive.

All children love to move to music. In the dance babyasserts itself. On the parquet of a dance studio or at home, his inner “I” is actualized by the mirror. Toddlers remain at the bodily level of development up to 3 years. And the better we work on the body of the child, the more harmonious the psyche he has! Also in adolescents and adults body is foundation of personality. Therefore, if you say to yourself “There is no ability to dance,” then maybe you didn’t get something in your childhood.

It happens that in life the baby experiences negative feelings, receives sharp shouts, inattention. And at the moment of testing negative feelings his body shrinks. Here it is dance, better than others will be able to help in relieve physical blockages and restore emotional balance. And if the child will regularly engage in dancing, then he will be presented with many chances for "psychotherapy".

Dance classes will make your daughter feel real princess in beautiful ball gowns, and the boys during the performances will turn into noble gentlemen.

When little children dance, it's easier for them to find mutual language, they are brought together by melodic music, the atmosphere of the dance class and communication with the teacher. Partner dance teach the culture of communication between girls and boys, between athletes different ages. Help the guys improve their social and communication skills- they are studying work in a team they will develop a sense of trust and cooperation.

Dancing for kids is good for mental health children, because they increase self-esteem, develop a sense of confidence and the ability to express emotions. Children's dances liberate - if you have a modest and shy child, training will remove barriers and make him more daring. Dancing is a kind of training that allows you to get rid of a lot of personal complexes, to acquire emancipation, additional self confidence.

Dance lessons develop in children aesthetic feelings, musical ear, the ability to perceive music, they teach to control their body, train motor skills and coordination movements. Ballroom dancing contributes to the development physical strength child, endurance, flexibility, strengthen muscles, improve performance respiratory And cardiovascular systems.

Dancing classes, participation in various competitions develop the child stress resistance, skills adaptation to rapid change modern life, form good habits and internally organized. Being engaged in ballroom dancing, children learn to achieve their goals, but not because “you must”, but because “you will definitely succeed!”, And this is a big difference.

Ballroom dancing is an opportunity replenish portfolio cultural and sporting achievements.

Dancing is also a great way improve your health.

Gradually, dancing brings the body to bodily and spiritual improvement, and this is the main benefit of dancing. Compared to other sports, ballroom dancing has an important advantage - it is less traumatic.

If the baby is poorly developed physically, dancing will not require a miracle from the first lesson, at first they only adapt the body to minor loads, gradually accustom the muscles to regular work, accelerate metabolism, will help develop a breathing pattern.

No other sport corrects the back and promotes healing and alignment. spine.

Dancing effectively strengthens nervous system, work gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and the work of the vestibular apparatus, correct the wrong posture people, improve mood, help solve psychological problems.

Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and strong. But not everyone knows that the health of the baby needs to be monitored from a very early age. And especially for his physical development. Most The best way to strengthen the health of your child is to send him to a dance school. After all, dancing perfectly develops a child, and for girls it is best view sports.

The best option for children is sports ballroom dancing. Unlike other types of dance, ballroom dancing can be practiced by children from a very young age.

Ballroom dancing is useful for many:

  • develop motor skills
  • movement coordination,
  • sense of rhythm,
  • ear for music,
  • the ability to control your body.

In addition, children who are engaged in dancing are less shy and get used to the stage from an early age. It does not matter where the child will work in the future, but he will overcome the fear of the audience.

Each age has its own characteristics of teaching dance.

As a rule, classes with children from 2 to 6 years old are held in a playful way, based on numerous jumps, stretching, and gymnastics. Such techniques help strengthen the muscles of children, develop their general physical training. Dance technique begins to be demanded from about 6 years old, when children are already physically ready for this.

On the basis of ballroom dancing, various competitions and competitions are held. By participating in such events, a child from an early age will strive to win or try to take a prize.

Thus, an incentive is developed for the child to work on himself.

Ballroom dancing promotes not only physical development child, but also social. After all, visiting dance groups The child will make many new friends.

It is important to note the influence of parents on the child's desire to dance. Parents often send their child to dance school and forget to be interested in the success of their baby. But the child wants to be praised, supported. Therefore, parents need to attend their child's training and performances as much as possible. This will encourage the child to study as best as possible in order to please mom and dad with their successes.

When choosing a dance and sports club great attention should be given to the dance coach. It is important that this is a person who loves his job, has teaching experience, preferably at least 10 years. Then the child's education will be successful.

The advantages of sports ballroom dancing in childhood over other sports

Taking care of their children, parents always attach great importance to the health of their child. In order for the child to grow up healthy, develop harmoniously, it is necessary to lead healthy lifestyle life.

What does the concept of "healthy lifestyle" include? First, correct balanced diet containing a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Secondly, active image life. It is necessary to move a lot and play outdoor games. Go in for sports, dance is better.

Today there is a lot of choice. sports sections where to send your child.

But in most sports there is a local load on certain muscles of the body, and not evenly on the entire body. This leads to the fact that the muscles of the body develop unevenly.

Home and right aim- balanced body development, increased endurance, improved appearance and health status of the child.

It is necessary to choose one sport that would meet all these requirements. This is a sports ballroom dance.

IN Lately dance studios confidently occupy the first place in the list of parental preferences. As a rule, a child is not taken to such studios with the aim of receiving a return in the form of medals and other awards in a few years. Mostly older generation takes care of health promotion and the formation of the aesthetic taste of its offspring, and in this sport ballroom dancing is out of competition.

At what age should children be given to ballroom dancing

Parents are faced with the question immediately after the birth of their child, what ability they can open and when is the best time to do it.

Some of them believe that the sooner the better. But let's solve this issue regarding dances, since it is them that parents choose for extra classes their beloved children. Let's see what the dances themselves are, which in the lightest manifestation determine the load. Professionals determine the age for dancing at six years. By this time, the child has already formed a skeleton. By this time, the child is able to perform all the exercises and control their implementation. The best place for the child will be a dance school. But parents should remember that it is impossible to demand good results from a child right away. You need to understand the purpose of dancing. This will happen for general development or for further dance lessons.

In the first option - for general development - it is recommended to start classes at a more late age. It all depends on the dance school and the teacher to whom the parents entrusted the child. Do not forget that for a three-year-old kid, these activities will be interesting entertainment and nothing more. Such dances can be taught in kindergarten.

The second option - serious classes with a "perspective in dancing" - should be started at preschool age. What will the child lose if he starts going to dance classes later?

With age, he will find less time for these activities. In the question of what age is ideal for starting ballroom dancing, one should follow the advice of experts who can help sort out this problem. Coaches recommend starting with preparatory phase. It is good if a child from three to four years old will be engaged in rhythmoplasty. This will teach him the simplest movements and skillfully prepare the body for the load. At five years old, you can determine what the child is capable of, and if he has an interest, then five years is the most wonderful age to start serious ballroom dancing.

Ballroom dancing lessons for kids

Getting started with dancing is exciting for both children and their parents. In fact, ballroom dancing is a wonderful activity for kids as it has the ability to encourage positive self-esteem in both girls and boys. Dance lessons can teach a child self-confidence, self-discipline and poise. The child who started dancing in early age most likely to develop a love of art, as well as a passion for rhythm and movement. And most importantly, dancing is just a lot of fun.

Starting ballroom dancing at an early age

Some people believe that a child should be enrolled in a dance school as soon as possible, and sometimes they do this when they are only 2 years old. Toddlers and preschoolers usually start with prep groups rather than structured dance classes. If the child is 4 or 5 years old, it is worth considering his emotional maturity and the degree of personality formation. If your toddler is very shy, forcing him to dance can completely discourage him from dancing. However, if the child is ready to do something new in the team strangers, then the early start of classes will have an extremely beneficial effect on his abilities.

Search for a coach and dance school

There are several things to consider when deciding where a child will learn to dance. Sports ballroom dancing has become very popular in last years, and for sure, each city will have several studios to choose from. Worth making a list options, and then go to each studio to look and decide. All dance studios are different and, of course, you need to take into account the level and professionalism of the trainers, and choose a dance school where the child can get the best dance training.

Clothes for sports ballroom dancing

Probably one of the most important things when starting to dance is buying special clothes and shoes. If someone is not sure what kind of clothes a child should wear to ballroom dancing classes, it is worth asking the coach. In our dance school in the section Sports ballroom dancing there is a description of Clothes and shoes for sports dances You can review it and be informed in advance.

Beautiful posture, flexibility, coordination, balance, the habit of respectful attitude to opposite sex- this is not all the advantages of practicing ballroom dancing. And if you are planning to send your child to this beautiful view sport, or is already a parent of a dancer, you have absolutely right choice and we wish you success and victories.

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