Without a rudder and without sails, the meaning of a phraseological unit. Vladimir Mileshkevich, without a rudder and without sails, the ship of the Russian military reform dangles


Phraseologism sprouted literary source, worthy of consideration in this far from comprehensive cycle of winged expressions, looks very young compared to many. The first publication of The Demon was in 1842, so it is not yet two hundred years old.

The expression “without a rudder and without sails”, which is relatively rare in modern circulation, belongs to the pen of the wonderful romantic of Russian poetry, Mikhail Lermontov. Of course, everyone who tried not to skip literature classes at school had to memorize the wonderful lines from The Demon, but I will only pull out a stanza from it ...


Let me remind those who have forgotten that Lermontov's poem is dedicated to a forbidden feeling fallen angel to an ordinary earthly girl. The story is tragic, who suddenly did not read, is highly recommended for review. Here is the stanza of the Demon's appeal to Tamara, which is quoted by our popular expression.

On the ocean of air
No rudder and no sails
Quietly floating in the fog
Choirs of slender luminaries.

The place where the Demon offers Tamara his visits in her dreams, she is confused and excited by the unusual sensations. Mystic. In a word, a wonderful creation of a great poet. I advise you to read at your leisure and I apologize for the spoiler.


Phraseologism "Without a rudder and without sails" would hardly have broken into wide circulation without the appearance of the magnificent opera "The Demon", first staged in 1875. The material is really very charming. Then this song of the Demon gained individuality through the efforts of Fyodor Chaliapin. And then song promotion. And here we have the popular expression "Without a rudder and without sails."


Like any other, it has quite certain meaning, which you don't need to go far. Since the metaphor is quite obvious, and we are talking about a ship, the rudder and sails, which in the old days were called "sails", or rather their absence, imply a reckless, unaccountable movement towards fate. Therefore, the meaning of the phraseological unit “without a rudder and sails” is an activity in the absence of a clear goal, plan, an irresponsible swim with the flow. All this obviously imposes a disapproving connotation.


And finally. We use it on the occasion of ascertaining an unconscious movement, an aimless existence. Ironic context is welcome, because we live in an age of certainty and determinism. All the best texts!

No rudder and no sails
From the poem "Demon" (1829-1841) by M. Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841). The words of the Demon addressed to Tamara (part 1, stanza 15):
On the ocean of air
No rudder and no sails
Quietly floating in the fog
Choirs of slender luminaries.

"Sail" in translation from Old Russian language"sail".
The expression became popular thanks to the opera The Demon (first production on January 13, 1875, St. Petersburg) by Anton Rubinstein. Subsequently, this song of the Demon became very popular in the performance of F.I. Chaliapin, which also added fame to this expression.
Allegorically: without a clear goal, thought, plan, clearly formulated intention, “as God puts on the soul”, etc. (ironic, disapproved).

  • - an axis for the rotation of the steering wheel, fastened to the steering wheel pen. ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - "" so many degrees - a command to the helmsman, by which he puts the steering wheel in the specified position, or, in other words, puts the steering wheel to the specified number of degrees ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - changing the position of the steering wheel ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - the active part of the steering wheel, designed in the form of a cast frame, the space between the ribs of which is covered on both sides with steel sheets on countersunk rivets or screws ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - rudder area. The value of P. R. is determined by the calculation for each vessel ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - the contour of the rudder section by a horizontal plane perpendicular to the axis of the stock. The distance between the extreme points along the length of the rudder profile is called the profile chord ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - Attachment behind the rudder blade. ...

    Marine vocabulary

  • - steering wheel "bundle, bundle", for example. R. tobacco, adj. helmsman, already in the mouth. marine 1720, later helmsman. Loans. from gol. rol "bundle, bundle", tabaksrol "bunch of tobacco"; see Matzenauer, LF 17, 187...

    Etymological dictionary Fasmera

  • - RULIA and, OK. rouleau? smoking tobacco different varieties in caps, chi and carotes. Decree. vyst. 1839 102. Raw tobacco is revered for: a) leaves and stems of internal growth, rolled into rudders and carots. 1848. PSZ-2 23 ...

    Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

  • - Razg. Express. No clear direction; without a definite purpose in life. - After all, this is a savage, even though he says that he studied at the institute. And, in any case, he lives and acts like this, at random, without a rudder and without sails ...
  • - what. Express. To manage, manage something, lead something, determining the direction of development. Fashion is worst enemy light industry...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - Book. Unapproved No guiding idea, no main direction. SHZF 2001, 17; BTS, 122. /i> Quote from M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "The Demon". BMS 1998, 507; FSRYA, 403...
  • - what. Book. Manage, lead. F 2, 191...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 4 without a clear direction and goal unorganized uncontrollable spontaneously ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 4 driver, driver, driver standing at the helm ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - to drive, to lead, to stand at the helm, ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Without a rudder and without sails" in books

1. Hey, who's at the helm?

From the book Boris Berezovsky. The man who lost the war author Bushkov Alexander

1. Hey, who's at the helm? Even before it broke up Soviet Union, and Russia became independent, they spoke loudly that it was time to immediately and decisively reform the economy inherited from the USSR. The intention seems to be the most commendable: the Soviet

At the helm of the state

From the book Carl Gustav Mannerheim. Memoirs author

At the helm of the state

From the book Memoirs author Mannerheim Carl Gustav Emil

At the helm of the state Before the end of July 1944, it became clear that the efforts aimed at stabilizing the situation were successful. The agreement with Ribbentrop served its purpose. Now it was necessary to prepare Finland's exit from the war, but before that there had to be a change

X. helmsman at the helm

From the book Bogdan Khmelnitsky author Osipov K.

X. THE PILOT AT THE HELD Khmelnitsky was well aware of the frenzy committed by both the enemies of the Ukrainian people and the people themselves. But was it because he himself internally agreed with the furious exasperation of the people, or because he was not averse to weakening the gentry and giving her such

No rudder and no sails

From the book Where do we sail? Russia after Peter the Great author Anisimov Evgeny Viktorovich

Without a rudder and without sails When you look through the magazines of the Supreme secret council, the Senate, colleges of the reign of Peter II, there is a feeling of a sharp slowdown in the speed of the state machine launched by Peter the Great. Meetings in higher institutions are held every

CHAPTER 33 WITHOUT A RUDDER AND WITHOUT SAILS A drama in two acts, fourteen scenes, with a prologue and an epilogue

From the book Secrets of the Bygone Age. Sensations. Anti-sensations. super sensations author Zenkovich Nikolai Alexandrovich

Chapter 33 WITHOUT A RUDDER AND WITHOUT SAILS A drama in two acts, fourteen scenes, with a prologue and an epilogue CHARACTERS: Seleznev Gennady Nikolaevich, chairman State Duma Russian Federation.Puzanovsky Andrian Georgievich, deputy, member of the Credentials Commission

Without rudder and sails

From the author's book

Without a rudder and sails One of the well-known experts behind the scenes of the world behind the scenes on Russia, Richard Pipes, in January 2014, in an interview with the Vedomosti newspaper, admitted that it is very difficult to govern Russia by purely democratic methods due to the vastness of its territory, but at the same time emphasized that

No rudder and no sails

From book encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Without a rudder and without sails From the poem "Demon" (1829-1841) by M. Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841). The words of the Demon addressed to Tamara (Part 1, stanza 15): On the ocean of air Without a rudder and without sails Quietly float in the fog Choirs of slender luminaries. "Sail" translated from the Old Russian language "sail". Expression

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You are at the helm Those who are the masters of their lives remember their affairs easier and more accurately. If things are given to you, you can hardly predict them. “What are you going to do today? “I don’t know what they will say ...” If you determine your affairs, you can plan them and make a list of them,

1. Hey, who's at the helm?

From the book Haunted House author Bushkov Alexander

1. Hey, who's at the helm? Even before the collapse of the Soviet Union and Russia became independent, there was a lot of talk that it was time to immediately and decisively reform the economy inherited from the USSR. The intention seems to be the most commendable: Soviet factories

at the helm

From the book How to Survive the Economic Crisis. Lessons from the Great Depression author WITHOUT A RUDDER AND Sail Russia does not have a clear long-term strategy for developing relations with Belarus within the framework of the Belarusian-Russian Union State. This opinion was expressed by a well-known Belarusian scientist, chairman of the Belarusian Association of Political Sciences,

Vladimir Mileshkevich WITHOUT A RUDDER AND WITHOUT SAILS The ship of the Russian military reform dangles

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 785 (49 2008) author Tomorrow Newspaper

Vladimir Mileshkevich WITHOUT A RUDDER AND WITHOUT SAILS The ship of the Russian military reform dangles Since the formation of the Russian Federation, spontaneous reorganizations have been almost continuously carried out in its Armed Forces, which have become almost the main content of the work

No rudder and no sails

No rudder and no sails
From the poem "Demon" (1829-1841) by M. Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841). The words of the Demon addressed to Tamara (part 1, stanza 15):
On the ocean of air
No rudder and no sails
Quietly floating in the fog
Choirs of slender luminaries.

"Sail" in translation from the old Russian language "sail".
The expression became popular thanks to the opera The Demon (first production on January 13, 1875, St. Petersburg) by Anton Rubinstein. Subsequently, this song of the Demon became very popular in the performance of F.I. Chaliapin, which also added fame to this expression.
Allegorically: without a clear goal, thought, plan, clearly formulated intention, “as God puts on the soul”, etc. (ironic, disapproved).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Without a rudder and without sails" is in other dictionaries:

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 4 without a clear direction and purpose (1) disorganized (12) ... Synonym dictionary

    No rudder and no sails- Razg. Express. No clear direction; without a definite purpose in life. After all, this is a savage, even though he says that he studied at the institute. And, in any case, he lives and acts so, at random, without a rudder and without sails (V. Dmitrievsky. We peaceful people) … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    without rudder and without sails- see steering wheel ... Dictionary of many expressions

    without a rudder and without sails- bookstore About the one who is uncontrollable, subject to random circumstances ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Book. Unapproved No guiding idea, no main direction. SHZF 2001, 17; BTS, 122. /i> Quote from M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "The Demon" (1842). BMS 1998, 507; FSRYA, 403 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 without rudder and without sails (4) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    steering wheel- Without a rudder and without sails (iron.) Rev. without a clear direction and purpose (taken from Lermontov's poem The Demon: On the ocean of air, without a rudder and without sails, choirs of slender luminaries float quietly in the fog) ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    RULE, steering wheel, man. (from Dutch ruer, lit. wheel). 1. A device for controlling the course of a watercraft or aircraft (sea, aviation). Rudder right! or left hand drive! (marine team). Elevator. Depth rudder (aviation). Putting the steering wheel or steering wheel (see ... ... Dictionary Ushakov

    I, m. 1. A device for controlling the movement of a ship, aircraft, car, etc. in a given direction. Bicycle wheel. Tractor wheel. □ It used to be that we were sailing with him in a boat, I was on the oars, and he was on the steering wheel. M. Gorky, Confession. Having entered the watch, I stand ... ... Small Academic Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Vessel (meanings). Vessel ... Wikipedia


  • No Rudder and No Sails, Ulla-Karin Lindqvist. It was the realization that my end was near that made me start this book. This is not a memoir at all, as one might think of a book of this kind. In fact, this is a kind of diary of my thoughts and quick ...

The news that the non-partisan lawyer Giuseppe Conte will head the Italian government lasted four days: on May 23 he was offered the post of prime minister, and yesterday he returned the mandate to the president of the republic. There is only one reason: Sergio Mattarella flatly refused to appoint the Eurosceptic Paolo Savona as Minister of Economy.

Look how hot.

Giuseppe Conte.

WITH Ergio Mattarella was surprisingly frank: "I approved of everyone, except for the one who advocates leaving the eurozone." In his opinion, in this case, the Italian economy is at risk of collapse, and the state cannot jeopardize the savings of citizens. In the near future, the guarantor of the constitution will announce early elections.

So you say after that that the President of Italy has limited powers.

Mattarella is influenced by the interests of foreign countries and prevents the creation of a new government - explained the reason for their determination policy. And they added ominously: - This requires the parliament to consider the possibility of accusing the president of treason.

I will say this: none of the predictions came true. If new elections are called, the balance of power in the Italian parliament may change. Moreover, not for the better for us - the electorate does not like it when politicians are unable to agree among themselves and plunge the country into a crisis.

To be honest, I initially did not really believe in the “government of change”, even though the “contract” signed between the “Movement” and the “League” contained a call to “immediately lift sanctions against Russia.” Perhaps that is why.

Populists are too eager to take the bull by the horns. And if they can't handle economic problems(which is very likely), then their emphasized pro-Russian nature can tangentially harm us as well. The EU is just waiting for the new Italian parties to break through, and they will definitely take advantage of the moment to discredit the very attempt to leave the friendly pan-European family for the borders of their states.

In addition, for some time now I began to suspect that the demonstratively favorable attitude towards Russia of the new Italian politicians is not entirely sincere. Perhaps this is just a tribute to fashion. “If you poll all Italians today on the subject of who is the most popular foreign leader in all of Italy, then Putin will get the majority of votes,” he told his American colleague and friend with regret. Chief Editor newspapers La Stampa by Maurizio Molinari.

Well, who dares to go against the current in such moods?

Perhaps my suspicions do not apply to the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini - at least not yet. But I don't really trust five-stars.

When they unexpectedly won more than a quarter of the vote in parliamentary elections in 2013, the party's founder, Beppe Grillo, first went to the American embassy. And his current successor, Luigi Di Maio, as a candidate for the premiership, flew to the United States at the end of last year, and not to Russia. which was especially emphasized. "We are Westerners and our greatest ally in the West is the United States," he said in Washington. However, in the same place he spoke about Russia: - The Five Star Movement only wants to observe the commercial interests of Italy. That is why we are in favor of lifting sanctions on Moscow.”

We should not harbor illusions so as not to be disappointed later - we will never be brothers. Even Euroskeptics.

Of course, you have the right to object: do we need love to the grave with the Italians? Quite enough pragmatic, mutually beneficial relations. But the fact of the matter is that the "greatest ally" is never satisfied with the title of a privileged partner - he needs unquestioning obedience, even if it is completely unprofitable for the Europeans. Otherwise, sanctions.

In my opinion, Luigi Di Maio is ready to submit, and at the same time to submit his party to transatlantic interests. Politicians are big cynics, you can't believe a single word.

That is why I will not be upset at all if Sergio Mattarella calls early elections in a couple of days. Or, conversely, if he is impeached. In both cases, for several more months, Italy will be without a rudder and without sails.

But in any case, it will remain a loyal member of the European Union and a devoted servant of the United States.

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