Marriage of Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva. Valery Meladze published a family photo with Albina Dzhanabaeva


Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva are still trying to avoid public coverage of their personal lives. Despite the fact that Valery officially divorced his wife Irina and has been living with the mother of his two sons, 11-year-old Konstantin and 2-year-old Luka, for two years now, the artists are still not official spouses. Or they simply do not want to advertise it.

The first rumors about the wedding of Valery and Albina appeared exactly a year ago. The source was Vera Brezhneva, who posted on her Instagram a picture of a wedding cake with the initials VA. And the other day this information was confirmed by… dovecote Dmitry Ivanovich Kulakov.

This middle-aged man lives near the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow and has long been breeding pigeons. And recently, his hobby has become an additional income for the pensioner. He invites the newlyweds to launch snow-white birds into the sky during wedding ceremony. And thanks to my unusual occupation I've seen a lot of celebrity couples...

Valery Meladze secretly married Albina Dzhanabaeva before the birth of her youngest son

Many paparazzi can envy an elderly dovecote today. The man told reporters that he saw with his own eyes the wedding of Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva. True, according to the words of the dovecote, it was two years ago.

According to him, the star newlyweds were in a hurry, and all the time they looked around, fearing the annoying attention of journalists. Apparently, they also took Dmitry Ivanovich for the paparazzi, since Valery kept looking warily in his direction.

There were few guests with them, only a few people. The stars also left the registry office quickly, and, sitting in cars, sped away. Pigeons, of course, the pensioner did not even offer them.

Here is how Dmitry Ivanovich himself tells about this case:

Two years ago, there were almost no guests at their celebration with Albina Dzhanabaeva, only a couple of friends. It was clear from everything that Meladze did not want to attract attention to himself - he entered the building, looking around. I decided not to approach him and just watched. Valery looked at me disapprovingly, while saying something to his friends. And after painting, they immediately went to the exit, then Valery even quickened his pace, ran to the car, holding Albina by the hand. I didn't understand anything... "What's wrong with him?" - I ask the registry office workers. It turned out that Valery decided that I was a photographer, standing here for exclusive shots from his wedding.

One can only guess why Valery and Albina let in so much fog around such a joyful and significant event. Would take better example from the wise Konstantin Meladze, who does not hide his family happiness with his young wife Vera Brezhneva.

0 June 28, 2018, 21:05

Recently, Albina Dzhanabaeva congratulated Valery Meladze on June 23 popular singer turned 53 years old, and now she spoke about family life with him in an interview with the Russian edition of Telenedelya.

In 2014, Valery and Albina registered their relationship, which began long before that. Now the couple is raising two sons, 14-year-old Konstantin and Luka, who will turn four next week.

On the birth of children and difficulties:
In my life there were different periods. With my youngest son, Luka, I sat for a long time in maternity leave- it is mine own solution and I enjoyed it. With the eldest, Kostya, it turned out differently: I started touring very early - at that time he was not even six months old. And the work is so intensive that it was difficult to combine it with the upbringing of a baby. Group " VIA Gra" was in its prime, we traveled a lot - we gave concerts almost every day. Of course, when I came home, I tried my best to compensate Kostya for my absence. But what can you do when you have two days left with a child, and hasn't he seen you for a week before? Of course, I was nervous all the time because of the whole situation. But I became part of the group and could not say: "You know, I need to stay at home - I'm probably going to miss this tour, not I will go with you."

About the hobbies of the eldest son Konstantin:
While doing a little of everything. Swimming - here he has serious successes, medals and awards. Golf, teaches languages. We try to encourage his interests. Surprisingly, with a complete, it would seem, lack of free time (studying at school, lessons at home, sections), he manages to watch movies and manages to show us knowledge about these films - both premieres and old films, 1970-80s . Maybe he mastered some secret way to watch movies at high speed? Don't know. But when we discuss what we saw with him, I understand that he has his own special view of cinema - the view of a film critic. He knows how to clearly and correctly discuss what he has seen, to see the goals and objectives, their implementation, he structures everything very competently. And maybe that's his future.

ABOUT younger son Luke:
He is a very energetic child. We recently sent him to gymnastics, for an hour a day he runs there, jumps, jumps on trampolines, and only after that, after leaving the training session, he slightly loses his excess energy, and you can communicate with him like a human being. Otherwise, he does not sit still for a second.

On the influence of Valery Meladze on his sons:
It seems to me that in general, any dad is connected to the upbringing of children when they are already becoming a little older. They love to go to the pool together, walk, watch movies. Sometimes Kostya comes with some kind of microcircuits, light bulbs, the two of them sit down and figure out how everything works.

Source "Telenedelya"

Instagram photo

The theme of the novel by Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva has been exaggerated for many years. Some condemn the star couple due to the fact that the singer first deceived his wife, and later completely left the family. Others sincerely wish beautiful couple happiness, because they have two sons growing up. Recently, the Internet was blown up by the news that the wedding of Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva took place. Is this true or another media fiction? Read in our material.

Fans were excited by the news about Vera Brezhneva

The ex-soloist of the group "VIA Gra" Vera Brezhneva, who recently married the composer Konstantin Meladze (Valery's brother), published on her Instagram page a photo of a wedding cake with the letters "VA". Vera captioned the photo like this:

"Happy day V. and A."

Fans immediately reacted to the picture and suggested that the initials of Albina and Valery are depicted on the cake. That is, the couple finally legalized the relationship.

Following this photo, another picture appeared on the Internet - Dzhanabaeva takes a selfie, and on her ring finger flaunts wedding ring. The singer declined to comment on the rumors. A day later (after numerous congratulations and articles in the media), Valery Meladze made an official statement. He said that the wedding cake with the initials V and A has nothing to do with him and Albina. The singer stated:

“The photograph and what is depicted on it has nothing to do with us!”

It should be noted that fans star couple still do not believe this categorical statement. Many argue that Meladze and Dzhanabaeva hide the wedding and do not want their relationship to be public.

The beginning of the relationship between Albina and Valery

Albina and Valery met many years ago, even at the time when Dzhanabaeva came to Moscow with the goal of becoming famous. She was hired as a backing vocalist famous singer and fell in love with him at first sight. Despite the fact that Meladze was married, he succumbed to temptation and began to secretly meet with his ward.

In 2003, Albina found out that she was pregnant. She came for advice to her lover's older brother, Konstantin. The producer, after listening to the girl, noted that his brother's wife was in demolition, should give birth to Valery's third child, and he was unlikely to leave the family. He advised keeping the relationship a secret for as long as possible and, as soon as the children were older, declare it out loud.

So Albina did. She gave birth to a child and hid the name of her father until Valery himself decided to tell his lawful wife about everything. To the annoying questions of journalists, the girl answered:

“Yes, we are not yet married to the father of the child. But we're fine. I think that the wedding will not change anything in our relationship. We are already forever connected to each other by our child.

How the love triangle "Valery - Irina - Albina" unleashed

In 2009, the news of the divorce of Valery and Irina thundered (after 18 years of marriage). According to one version, the wife knew for several years that Meladze had a mistress and could no longer hide this fact from her daughters. Once Irina told reporters:

“Valera told me about the “third party” a few years ago. Of course, I reacted sharply. It felt like a nuclear bomb went off in my soul.”

In January 2014, the divorce proceedings between Valery and Irina finally ended. In February of the same year, it became known that Albina was pregnant again and Meladze would again become a father. In one of the interviews with Dzhanabaev, the story:

“Many people like to say that I am a homemaker. Yes, you can say anything. But after all, no one, in fact, knows what is happening in a relationship. So I will not debunk myths and prove something to anyone.

Now Albina and Valery live together, raising two sons - Konstantin and Luka. No wonder fans are waiting for wedding news. After all, this couple had to go through a lot.

Watch in the video below a heartfelt clip featuring Albina Dzhanabaeva for Valery Meladze's song "She'll Never Be Mine".

0 May 11, 2017, 13:00

Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva

Fans of 38-year-old Albina Dzhanabaeva and 51-year-old Valery Meladze are well aware that the couple prefers to hide their relationship from the public. Apparently, artists are beginning to change their minds on this matter, because more and more often they joint photos graphics appear online. At the end of April, Albina Dzhanabaeva for the first time joint photo with her husband Valery Meladze on his Instagram. In that picture, the couple was preparing dinner at the Brighton restaurant. And the other day, another picture of Albina and Valery appeared - this time in the photoblog of the Meladze brothers on Instagram.

Now Valery Meladze is touring Russia and neighboring countries as part of the anniversary tour. It seems that Albina decided to accompany her husband during the entire tour. family photo was made after the performance of the artist in one of the concert cities of Valery - Tbilisi. Judging by the picture, the couple decided to celebrate successful performance singer on the stage of the Tbilisi Sports Palace. Later, the artist also performed in his hometown— Batumi.

Meladze and Dzhanabaeva started dating in 2003. At that time, the singer was married, but only in 2011, having lived with his first wife, thus, for almost 20 years. From his first marriage, the artist left three daughters. New sweetheart gave birth to Valeria two more -

On the eve of the Day of the registry office on December 18, StarHit met with Dmitry Kulakov, who saw more stellar celebrations than anyone else. He worked all his life as a driver and at the same time was fond of pigeons - the pensioner has more than a hundred birds, every day he goes to their own dovecote to feed and tidy up the cages. Kulakov's wife and children approve of his hobby, as well as the fact that he spends the last ten years five days a week at the Kutuzovsky registry office - he invites the newlyweds to launch a pair of snow-white birds into the sky.

Among his clients are Keti Topuria and her husband Lev Geykhman, Lera Kudryavtseva with Igor Makarov, Ekaterina Volkova and Andrey Karpov, Gennady Zyuganov and others.

Run, Valera, run!

Most of all, Kulakov remembered the resident comedy club Garik Kharlamov, who married actress Christina Asmus in August 2013.

“Both he and his bride were respectful, addressed me as you, smiled a lot,” says Dmitry Ivanovich. - I offered them pigeons, Garik agreed, asked how much it would cost. I replied that 2500 was the standard fee for my services and he handed me the money. I did not count, but I felt that there was more than necessary in the palm of my hand. Later I saw that Garik gave twice as much - until now, for this he kind word I remember. After all, this work is a good addition to my pension, which I have only 15 thousand, which is not enough to feed and vaccinate the birds.”

With a smile, the dovecote also recalls the wedding of TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva and hockey player Igor Makarov.

“As soon as the organizer of the celebration saw me, she immediately shouted: “No pigeons!” - says Dmitry Ivanovich. - Well there is no way. I stood on the sidelines and watched the ceremony. Here comes a man. He held out his hand: “Hello, I’m Sergey, the father of the groom. Do not listen to anyone, we must have pigeons!” He paid, and after the newly-made spouses left the registry office, I gave him the birds so that he would give them to the young. Lera was delighted - the pigeons flew in one direction, she clapped her hands, kissed her husband.

But the singer Valery Meladze Dmitry Ivanovich, unwittingly, scared.

“Two years ago, there were almost no guests at their celebration with Albina Dzhanabaeva, only a couple of friends,” continues the dovecote. - It was clear from everything that Meladze did not want to attract attention to himself - he entered the building, looking around. I decided not to approach him and just watched. Valery looked at me disapprovingly, while saying something to his friends. And after painting, they immediately went to the exit, then Valery even quickened his pace, ran to the car, holding Albina by the hand. I didn't understand anything... "What's wrong with him?" - I ask the registry office workers. It turned out that Valery decided that I was a photographer, standing here for exclusive shots from his wedding.


Dovecote notes that the stars with whom he had to communicate are brave people. “Everyone took the birds in their hands without fear,” Dmitry Ivanovich shares. - And rightly so, what to be afraid of! They are trained by me, besides, I don’t feed them before going to the registry office. For 10 years of work, only once a dove on Wedding Dress done. But this is not dangerous - these birds have a special droppings, splash water on it, and it will roll down.

Among the clients of Dmitry Ivanovich are not only movie stars and pop stars. He also had to work with politicians. On the eve of Victory Day in 2013, a representative of Gennady Zyuganov called Kulakov.

“He asked on May 9 to deliver 68 white doves to the Chairman of the Council of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation at Lubyanka Square - one for each year since Victory Day. That's exactly what I did. He did not take money from the politician - in honor of the great holiday. And the pigeon, which Zyuganov held in his hands, still lives with me - it is considered elite.

But not all celebrities react kindly to Kulakov's offer to use his services. For example, Marat Basharov on May 31, 2014 - on the day of his marriage to actress Ekaterina Arkharova - considered the "pigeon service" intrusive. “The salesgirls from a nearby store told about this,” Dmitry Ivanovich recalls. - I’m not on the Internet, but they read on social networks that Basharov wrote on his blog after the wedding - they say, some uncle came up, he had 15 pigeons with him, very zealously tried to sell them to me. How do I get 15 of them? I always stand with two ... Yes, and I don’t impose my birds on anyone - I’ll offer it once and that’s it.

The dovecote also remembered the incident at the wedding scandalous singer Prokhor Chaliapin and businesswoman Larisa Kopenkina.

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