Jump training technique. Sequence of learning in different periods. Methodological development in physical education on the topic: theory of teaching methods for jumping


Jumping exercises have a positive effect on the child's body: they strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the lower extremities, improve coordination of movements, develop dexterity and courage. However, it should be remembered that with the inept use of jumps (unpreparedness of the landing site, non-compliance with the recommended requirements for the height of the jump, etc.), injuries and flat feet may occur in preschoolers.

A jump requires the coordinated work of many muscles, complex coordination of movements, which is possible only with an appropriate level of development of the motor analyzer and the preparedness of the child's musculoskeletal system. Therefore, children are taught a certain type of jumps, based on their anatomical and physiological capabilities and age characteristics.

Standing long jump

Long jumps from a place in preschoolers of different age groups have a significant similarity. The starting position before the jump is the “start of the swimmer” (the legs are half-bent, the torso is tilted forward, the arms are laid back - to the sides). They push off with both legs with a simultaneous swing of the arms forward and upward. In flight, the legs are bent at the knees and carried forward. During landing, the child crouches and extends his arms forward and to the sides, thus providing a soft and stable landing.

Teaching children 3 years old to jump from a place should begin after they have mastered bouncing on both legs in place and moving forward (“like bunnies”, “balls”). At this age, they already understand well the verbal instructions that are given in a form that is accessible to them, and can accurately repeat the movement shown to them. First, the child is offered to jump over a ribbon or "streamlet" (width 10-15 cm), lined with two ribbons (jump ropes). Such concretization causes the performance of the jump not at full strength, due to which children more accurately differentiate muscle efforts, which is the necessary basis for mastering the correct movement structure.

The most difficult jump elements for children given age- a combination of swinging arms with simultaneous repulsion with both legs and a soft landing. For the correct and quick mastery of these elements, it is recommended to use lead-up exercises: swing with straight arms forward - up, “like birds”, while lifting on toes; jumping in place, "like balls"; jumping forward, "like bunnies", etc.

Children 3 years old, long jumping from a place, usually land on their heels, followed by a roll over the entire foot. To avoid sharp concussions and injuries, a soft rug is placed at the landing site (if the child jumps indoors), and they jump into the sand on the site.

Preschoolers 4 years old already know this movement. Therefore, they are faced with the task of achieving more High Quality jump. As in the previous age group, the child jumps through the "stream", the width of which is increased to 40-50 cm. The individual elements of the jump are improved in the course of a holistic execution of the movement.

Children of 5 years old improve the jump with the help of such exercises: jump through the "streamlet" with a gradual increase in its width to 60-70 cm; forward jumps, “like frogs” (4-6 in a row). At the same time, it must be remembered that the child’s movement is better when he does not push off with full force. Therefore, the distance between the ribbons of the “stream” is increased gradually, thereby regulating the efforts of children during repulsion.

For children 6-7 years old, the most difficult element in this movement is landing. Trying to jump further, the child pushes off with maximum effort and, throwing his legs forward (in the final stage of the flight), lands hard on his heels, often with a loss of balance. Therefore, the focus is on a soft and stable landing.

Depth jump (from low objects)

It is better to teach this jump when children have already learned to jump long from a place, since the formation of a new skill is based on previous motor experience. The depth jump shares a movement structure with the standing long jump. The difference is only in the nature of repulsion and in the degree of load on the musculoskeletal system upon landing.

Preschoolers master this type of jumping very quickly. However, it should be remembered that improper landing on straight legs can lead to injuries and significant jarring of the body. Jumping on a firm footing causes stretching of the ligaments and muscles of the foot and its flattening. Therefore, the landing should be only on a soft support (mat or sand).

Children 3-4 years old are taught to correctly push off and land steadily when performing deep jumps. To do this, a “path” 20 cm wide is laid out from two ribbons (jump ropes) at a distance of 50 cm from the bench or high chair (15 cm high) from which the jump is performed, and the child is offered to land exactly on the “path”. Such a task requires children to correctly push forward - up. At this age, preschoolers should master overall structure jump, as its further improvement continues in the next age groups. In children of 5 years old, a deep jump is formed and improved in the following sequence: a jump from a bench or some other elevation (height 20 cm); a jump with a landing in a specified place - on a "path" or a sheet of paper (cardboard) measuring 20x30 cm, a jump from a height of 20-25 cm with the correct execution of all its elements.

With children 6-7 years old, deep jump skills are improved in various conditions. Its height gradually increases to 30-40 cm. When performing these jumps, natural conditions are widely used: jump off stumps, a log that lies on the ground; in winter - from snowy ramparts, etc. Gradually, jumps become more difficult: a jump to a designated place or beyond a specified line, a jump with a 90 ° turn to the left and right.

Running long jump

This jump is one of the most difficult types of basic movements for preschoolers. Therefore, they begin to study it from 5-6 years. They jump in length from a run in this way: the run is uniformly accelerated, the last step before repulsion is somewhat shorter; push off with one foot with a simultaneous swing of the arms forward - up; in the flight phase, the legs are bent at the knees and carried forward before landing; landing on the heels or on the entire foot, for stability they bring their hands forward - to the sides.

The formation of a skill in this movement is carried out in the following sequence: jumps from one, two, four, six steps; improving the repulsion of one and landing on two legs; energetic swing of the arms at the moment of repulsion; flight (legs bent) and steady landing. When the child masters the correct repulsion and landing from an accelerated run (6-8 steps), they improve the individual elements of the jump from a full run - up to 10 m.

The main mistakes in children initial stage learning this jump- inability to combine the run with energetic repulsion; quickly pull the jogging leg to the flywheel; landing instability.

The first mistake can be avoided if the initial attempts to jump are performed at an average speed (a quick run-up with an insufficiently formed skill disrupts the coordination of movement and does not allow the child to push off correctly).

The instability of the landing in some children is caused by weakness of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system. They cannot withstand a fairly high load during landing and are forced to take a step forward in order not to lose their balance. When preschoolers land on soft ground, they usually don't make these mistakes. That's why you need to prepare a special place for landing after the jump. On the site, you can use a sand pit or a sandbox 2-2.5 m long, one side of which does not have a barrier.

Considering that children of 7 years old already know how to long jump from a run, bending their legs (they were taught this movement before), the main task for them is to improve the quality of the jump and stability in the correct execution of the movement. They can jump from a full run - 10-12 m. This distance should be considered optimal, since in this segment preschoolers develop a speed close to the maximum, and an increase in the run is undesirable.

Running high jump

In its structure, this movement is similar to a long jump from a running start. It is also performed by bending the legs. Some difference lies only in the nature of repulsion.

Preschoolers are not recommended to land on one leg, as required by other methods of jumping (stepping over, rolling, flipping), as this creates a large load on the musculoskeletal system during landing. Therefore, a high jump with a run, bending your legs, is the most acceptable for children 5-7 years old, since with this method they land on both legs.

In this jump, the run is performed perpendicular to the obstacle (a rope or rubber linen band stretched between two racks), repelled with one foot with a simultaneous swing of the arms up; in the flight phase, the legs are maximally bent at the knees; land on both legs, hands are carried forward - to the sides (Fig. 16). Children 5-6 years old are taught a high jump with a run in the following sequence: jump over a rope with a height of 10-15 cm from one step with a push of one leg and a swing of the other with a landing on both legs; the same from two or three steps with a simultaneous swing of the arms up; a jump from a 3-5-meter take-off run with the correct implementation of all its elements: a uniformly accelerated run-up, vigorous repulsion, flight with legs bent, stable and soft landing; jump over a rope 30-35 cm high from a 6-meter run.

At the initial stage of training, the task is to teach the child to push off with one foot near an obstacle and land on both feet. Run-up and repulsion usually do not cause any special difficulties for preschoolers, the most difficult thing for them is a clear and soft landing (on half-bent legs).

In contrast to the long jump, when performing this movement, one should not require the maximum speed of the run from the child, but on the contrary, he is advised to take off more slowly. A quick run-up does not make it possible to push off correctly, the flight path will be low and, landing, the child loses balance, steps forward with his feet.

Children of 7 years old improve the jump, gradually complicating it. The run-up length is increased to 8-10 m, and the height is increased to 50-55 cm. When improving high jumps in this age group, they pay attention to the correct execution of all elements of the movement. This helps children to master the technique faster.

Rope jumping. Rope jumping exercises cause big interest in children 5-7 years old. The rope is selected according to the height of the child. Standing with both feet in the middle of the rope (feet shoulder-width apart), pull it up by the handles along the body. With the optimal length of the rope, the handles should be slightly higher than the child's waist.

At first, the rope is rotated only forward, so that the child can see it better and make it easier for him to jump. The rope is rotated with the hands, the legs are slightly bent during the jumps, the torso is straight. At the initial stage of skill formation, jumps are performed at a slow pace, then the rate of rotation of the rope gradually accelerates. The child is reminded to jump on both legs or alternately on the right and left. All this contributes to the harmonious development of the strength of both legs.

During the jumps, children should have small pauses for rest (1-2 minutes). The duration of continuous jumping with a rope for older preschoolers can be increased to 1 minute.

Exercises for children 3 years old

1. Jumping in place on both legs, "like a bunny."

2. Jumping with the push of both legs over the rope (ribbon), which lies on the mat near the toes.

3. Jumping into a hoop with a flat rim, which lies on the mat (grass), and jumping out of it.

4. Long jumps from a place with a push of both legs through a "streamlet" (width 20-35 cm), which is lined with two jump ropes (ribbons).

Exercises for children 4 years old

1. Jumping in place on both legs, gradually turning around yourself 360 °, hands on the belt.

2. Jumping in place - legs together, legs apart.

3. Jumping on both legs, moving forward 1.5-2 m.

4. Long jumps from a place with a push of both legs through the "streamlet" (35-50 cm wide).

5. Deep jumps from low objects (10-15 cm).

Exercises for children 5 years old

1. Jumping in place on both legs, hands on the belt, turning 90 ° in one jump.

2. Jumping in place - legs crossed and from foot to foot.

3. Jumping in place, vigorously pushing off with both legs and trying to get an object (ball, rattle) suspended 5-8 cm above the child's raised hand.

4. Jumping sequentially through 2-3 ropes that lie parallel at a distance of 30 cm from each other, or from a hoop to a hoop with a flat rim (3-4 hoops).

5. Jumping on both legs, moving forward 2.5-3 m.

6. Long jumps from a place with a push of both legs through a “streamlet” (50-70 cm wide), landing on a soft support (mat, sand).

7. Jumping from a log (bench, cube) 15-20 cm high, landing softly and steadily.

8. Jumping on both legs over a fixed rope straight and sideways.

9. Long jump (80-100 cm) with a run of 4-5 m.

10. High jumps (30-35 cm) with a run of 3-4 m.

Exercises for children 6 years old

1. Jumping in place on both legs, hands on the belt, turning 90 and 180 ° in one jump.

2. Jumping from foot to foot, moving forward up to 3 m.

3. Jumping in place, trying to get an object suspended 10-12 cm above the child's raised hand.

4. Long jumps from a place on soft ground with a push of both legs through the "streamlet" (70-80 cm wide).

5. Jumping on both legs, moving forward up to 4 m.

6. Jumps from a height of 30-35 cm (log, bench, cube) to a designated place (a sheet of paper or tape placed on a mat 50 cm from the repulsion point).

7. Jumping on both feet over a long rope that swings straight and sideways.

8. Jumping over a short rope with a push of both legs and alternately on the right and left.

9. Long jump (130-150 cm) with a run of 6-8 m.

10. High jumps (35-40 cm) with a run of 4-6 m.

Exercises for children 7 years old

1. Jumping in place, hands on the belt, turning 180 ° in one jump.

2. Jumping in place and from a running start, trying to get an object suspended 15-20 cm above the child's raised hand.

3. Jumping on both legs, moving forward up to 5 m

4. Long jumps from a place on soft ground with a push of both legs through a "streamlet" (90-100 cm wide).

5. Jumping from a height of 40-45 cm straight and turning 90 ° (landing sideways to a log, bench).

6. Jumping over a long rope that rotates.

7. Jumping over a short rope in an arbitrary way.

8. Long jump (150-180 cm) with a run of 8-10 m.

9. High jumps (40-50 cm) from a run of 6-8 m.

Preschool children are available different types jumps.

bouncing rhythmic jumps in place or moving forward. home technical feature bouncing - combining motor actions: The end of the previous jump is the start of the next one.

Bouncing is performed in different ways: on two legs, on one leg, from foot to foot; in the same plane and with a turn around; can be combined with various hand movements, as well as with their fixed position, for example, on a belt; you can move straight and sideways, through the line back and forth and from side to side, you can land arbitrarily or in a designated place (squares, circles).

Standing high jump characterized by vigorous repulsion, providing vertical movement of the body. There is a jump from a place ...
up (such as "jump and get"), jumping (on a bench, on a step), jumping (over planks, rope).

Jumps are performed with a push of both legs, a push of one with a landing on both legs; directed straight, sideways, back forward.

jumping off - jump from a height or in depth. It is used as an independent movement and as a motor action in continuation of another, a dismount at the end of a run on the bench.

Standing long jump performed on two legs, on one yoga; in different directions- straight, sideways, back forward, with a turn of 90° and 180°.

Running jump in length and height.

jumping rope(short and long).

A jump is an acyclic movement. In each jump, four phases are distinguished - translational movements that successively replace one another.

First phase - preparatory - bending the legs (in a deep jump), run-up (in running jumps); second phase - push; third - flight and fourth- landing. Jumps are performed together, in a single movement. However, knowledge of the structure of the jump is an important factor that helps the educator to outline the strategy of pedagogical management, depending on the type of jumping exercise, age and motor fitness of children.

Requirements for younger children are elementary. They repeat the actions of the educator in the very general view, and in middle group it is necessary to achieve from children a certain clarity of actions that are most characteristic of each phase.

Specific motor actions in different phases, despite the common name, depend on the type of jump. So, landing in bouncing and jumping, as well as in high jumps from a run, is performed on toes, and in long jumps from a place and from a run - by rolling from the heel to the entire foot. In jumping from a place in height through an object, you must land from the toe, and in the direction of the object (bench, step) - hard on the entire foot. A sign helps to remember this fundamental difference: if the body moves vertically in the flight phase, the landing is performed from the toes. Where the legs are thrown forward, ahead of the movement of the body, the landing is performed by rolling from the heel.

But in all jumps, the landing should be soft, springy, for which you need to bend your knees. This skill needs to be formed in preschoolers in the first place.

Requirements for the technique of performing different jumps are specified depending on the age of the children.

In the younger group, the training of kids begins with bouncing, as the most accessible of all jumps. The teacher should pay the main attention to teaching repulsion. At the first stage, children do not know how to push off with two legs. Even at the suggestion of the teacher to jump like balls (bunnies, sparrows), many kids perform only a “spring”, bending their knees. Some lift one leg, some raise their heels. An attentive educator in every possible way helps to ensure that these actions are repeated. They are the start of the jump.

Game tasks, such as "Ring the bell", "Get whatever ball you want", "Scare the butterfly" and other motor tasks with attractive attributes, cause a desire to act. Items are placed 5-10cm higher outstretched hand child in convenient places in group room, on the playground and provoke, good sense of this word, the performance of movements without special invitations from the educator.

Initially, children are taught jumping off from a height of 5-10 cm, and by the end of the year already from a height of 15-20 cm. In this type of jumping, the main thing is to teach kids to land softly.

small height objects for jumping off is a fundamental factor. The point is not only that the kids have not yet formed a foot and jumping from high altitude can be traumatic, but in another. It is important to make sure that in the preparatory movement, the children bend their knees. Since the height is small, in the flight phase they do not have time to unbend their legs and land on bent legs, shock absorbing naturally. The sensations arising from this become the basis of the necessary skills. You need to jump onto a soft surface, such as a foam or rubber mat.

It is necessary by various means to arouse in children the desire to repeat the action. Beli children are invited to jump, "like bunnies", you need to give them masks, hats, let them feel like "bunnies". If the landing sites are designated bright pictures, then the "bunnies" will repeatedly jump on the "cabbage", the "birds" - on the "berries". Nobody has to be persuaded.

Standing long jump synthesize the acquired skills to push off with two legs, to land, bending the knees, and learn to respond to landmarks. Even from the smallest, you can achieve elementary accuracy of actions, especially if it is interesting to beat these requirements: "Do not stand in a stream so as not to wet your legs ..."

During the jumps, you should not pay attention to the position of the hands of the kids, because the children still do not know how to coordinate the simultaneous actions of the legs and arms. Waving their arms, they will step "over the stream", and not jump. But the teacher must show the jump correctly, without exaggerating anything: take your hands: back in the preparatory movement, wave them at the moment of repulsion, bring them forward upon landing.

Children should watch the show from the side. During the exercise by the children, the teacher stands at the landing site on the right side.

In the middle group, the increased objective capabilities and the motor experience acquired by preschoolers make it possible to complicate both quantitatively and qualitatively all jumping exercises.

bouncing carried out on site with different position hands, including children, tasks for coordination of movements (unidirectional actions) can be offered. Exercises are performed both straight and with a turn around. In the second half of the school year, you can alternate jumping on two legs with jumping on one, combine with walking in the introductory part of physical education and morning exercises. It is necessary to use the natural environment more often, improve jumping movements in outdoor games.

In game tasks such as "Jump and Reach", objects are suspended 15-20 cm above the outstretched arm, which requires the child not only to push with his feet, but also to wave his arms.

new and milestone in the development of jumps is the naming of the necessary actions in each phase of the movement. learning jumping off(for example, from a bench), the educator accompanies his actions with something like this explanation: “First you need to get ready: stand on the bench so that the socks protrude slightly forward and help rest against the edge of the bench; swing: bending your legs, bend slightly, take your hands back, look in front of you; jump; straighten your legs with a push, bring your arms forward and land on your toes, bending your knees. See how it needs to be done without stopping ... ”- the show is repeated together, the teacher only calls the phases. As a result, children learn to respond appropriately to the instructions "get ready! .., swing! .., jump! .." needed in the classroom.

It stimulates the manifestation of various physical qualities by the task to land behind the drawn line (no further than 30 cm of the bench) in a circle, square.

Children must according to the program standing long jump at a distance of up to 70 cm. Double the jump distance compared to junior group requires vigorous action. Children learn to combine repulsion with a sharp wave of their hands, to maintain balance when landing, bringing their hands forward. Therefore, it is logical to teach children from about the middle of the year to start jumping not from the “swimmer’s position”, but from swinging their arms in front, and later from above - back with simultaneous bending of the legs.

AT senior group the pedagogical orientation of work with preschoolers (development of motor initiative and independence) affects the selection of jumping exercises and jumping technique: energetic actions are stimulated, competitive exercises are often practiced.

Children begin to understand the interdependence of motor actions: the stronger you push off, the farther you will jump.

The hands are actively involved in bouncing, and both unidirectional and multidirectional actions are used. In forward jumping, landing in a certain place is more often used - strong, precise and rhythmic movements are stimulated. Tasks are used that teach children to control and evaluate their actions, compare them with the actions of other children: “Who will make fewer jumps to ...”, “Who will quickly jump on one leg to ...

With older children, you can use all types of jumps from places in height also often acquiring a competitive connotation: "Who will get the ball hanging above."

Educators also practice combined tasks that teach children to appropriately use acquired skills, change methods of action depending on the situation, for example, to jump onto a bench and jump off it. jumping requires a hard landing on the entire foot, you need to jump off gently on your toes. Both jumps can be made in the same direction, you can jump back (backward) without turning around.

At jumping off you need to be able to land not just in a circle, but in the center of the circle (“Who will land more accurately”). You can jump in different ways: forward, to the side, backwards, with a turn in flight. The teacher should remember that, despite the confident actions of older children, insurance is necessary. Therefore, the landing site must be carefully prepared. In the hall you need a thick mat, in the area the sand in the jump pit must be loosened.

AT standing long jump , relying on the natural desire of older children to jump further, it is necessary to stimulate high jumps, teach them to group in flight and throw their legs forward. Since verbal instructions on this matter are difficult, it is better to resort to competitive-type tasks that children have already grown fond of: "Whoever jumps to the green cube is good, who jumps to the yellow one is very good, and who jumps to the red one is excellent! .."

In the older group, children's education begins long and high jumps . The main difficulty in mastering these movements is that you need to push off after the run with one foot. The stereotypes acquired in previous jumps (repulsion with two legs) are for some time a brake on the emergence of new skills and even the cause of a fall. Therefore, you need to take care of creating the necessary conditions for successful and safe training (mats - in the hall, a jumping pit with sand or sawdust - on the site, skillful insurance of the educator).

Running jump learned over several lessons. On each of them, the guys perform the jump as a whole, but the performance requirements are determined specific tasks, the complexity of which increases as the children master the previous one.

When learning running long jump it is very important to arouse the interest of the children: "... You can jump from a running start much further than from a place. Look ..." After the show, the teacher separately demonstrates the main element of the jump - repulsion with one foot, and landing with two. Then the combined jump as a whole is shown again, after which the children begin to jump. This is how the first one is mastered and the main task: learn to push off with one foot a land on two.

It is important that children see all the elements of the jump and not be afraid to jump. Every element of the organization matters: the placement of children, the markings, the place and posture of the caregiver, who is ready to catch the child losing balance.

In the next lesson, when the movement is repeated, you can challenge the children: "Push off harder to jump further." When this skill is mastered, children are taught to push off, without crossing the line. Of course, in preschool age it is impossible to achieve in the full sense of the word a technical running jump, one should not demand maximum results from children. It is important to lay only the basics of technology. Therefore, you just need to teach children to control their actions. The line must be marked expressively, and the plank in front of the jump pit must be thoroughly washed.

It is very important to learn children to scatter correctly. Not by chance, the run-up technique is being improved on final stage. In the previous exercises, each child has gained specific experience and now knows exactly which foot to put forward in preparation for the run. In this case, you can resort to orders that should cause appropriate motor reactions: "Get ready!" - put forward one leg, slightly bending it, lean forward, bend your arms at the elbows; "Can!" The child runs and jumps. The exercise is performed alternately, as it requires insurance. The next one scatters when the checkmate is free. If possible, children should fulfill specific requirements for the run: the running speed gradually increases, the pi becomes shorter, the swings in the forward direction are short and vigorous.

Running high jump is mastered by preschoolers in the same way. But in it specific difficulties must be overcome an obstacle in the form of a rope on jump racks or a bar. By the way, do not tie the rope, sandbags sewn to the ends should ensure its tension.

Before starting training in high jumps with a run, more attention should be paid to lead-up exercises - jumping from a place to the mats after a push with one foot, jumping from a place through a rope, bar, twig. The same exercises should be done with a small (2-3 steps) run. You can try to overcome these and similar obstacles from the side with the “scissors” style for later individual training children jump from a side run.

Jumping is taught by a holistic method, i.e. each time a jump is performed without highlighting its constituent motor actions. But the teacher draws the attention of the children to the element that is still poorly obtained, for example, repulsion with both legs at the same time or landing on toes.
Mastery complex species running jumps help lead-up exercises. So, the development of an energetic repulsion is facilitated by a jump up with reaching a highly suspended object, jumping over lines, a jump from a run to an elevation - jumping.
For any type of jump, a proper landing is essential. Therefore, it is important to teach the child to land softly as early as possible, which prevents injuries when jumping on hard ground, when jumping from natural obstacles, sometimes quite high; prevents the development of flat feet.
In the early stages of learning great importance acquires a jump display, with special attention paid to soft landing. Children should not be required to jump as far or as high as possible. The main thing is to land correctly, not to lose balance. In the process of teaching kids, an image close to them is used - bunnies, a ball, sparrows. Children 5-6 years old can already be explained why it is necessary to land softly. Subsequently, they are convinced that jumping on straight legs is inconvenient. Therefore, older children should land easily, confidently, in one merged movement. Gently dropping first on your toes, then go to the entire foot and straighten your legs.
The teacher varies the tasks, trying to get the children to land correctly in all exercises: jumps in place and on the move, high jumps and long jumps.
An important element of the jump is repulsion from the support. It must be strong enough, energetic, and most importantly, timely, fast, otherwise even a large push power, but at a slow pace, will not lead to the desired result - the child will not jump over the stick, the groove.
The main mistake in mastering a jump from a place is repulsion successively with one and the other foot. There is also a repulsion with one foot and pulling up to it with the other at the moment of landing. You should not immediately seek a strong push from the guys. Need to raise first physical training children, to develop muscle strength and the ability to regulate muscle effort. Frequent jumping exercises convince children that when jumping, a small up-and-forth push is sufficient; jumping over hemp, grooves require stronger repulsion.
In running jumps, the focus should be on a good combination of running, pushing with one foot (right or left) and landing on both feet at the same time. Children must learn the basics of jumping technique, and only after that the teacher can tell about the length of the steps during the run-up, the accuracy of the repulsion. The child performs a running jump at his usual pace, from a more convenient distance for himself during the run, waving his arms freely. If you direct the attention of the guys to the position of the hands during the take-off, then, as a rule, the quality of the jump worsens. Additional difficulties are created for the child, he cannot immediately master good coordination of various muscle groups. Only after the appearance of a confident energetic repulsion and a soft landing can children be reminded of the wave-hands. However, when showing a jump even to small children, the teacher must perform the jump correctly, with all its constituent elements: first take your hands back, wave them at the moment of repulsion, bring them forward upon landing and lower them. Hand movements gradually appear in children with systematic jumping exercises, the naturalness of their implementation, free and unconstrained repulsion, and an increase in the length of the jump.
When performing jumping exercises, it is necessary to provide a landing site. Kids can jump on sand, loosened earth, snow. For older children, especially in running jumps, you should have a jumping pit on the site or at the sports ground, and a gymnastic mat in the hall, as children jump far and at the same time land on their heels. Jumping onto the grass is not safe - you can slip. It is advisable to use the nearby school sports ground.
It is good to jump from low stumps. You just need to make sure that there are no roots that protrude strongly above the ground. Children like to jump from a lying tree, but it should not be rotten, rotten (often there is rotten wood under a good-looking birch bark). For jumping, jumping, you can also use stones with a flat surface, but first you need to check their stability. It is not recommended to jump from wet rocks, especially with shoes on. Children love to jump from a low bank into shallow water, raising splashes. But at the same time, you need to check the bottom, make sure there are no sharp objects. In winter, it is useful to jump from snow banks, hillocks with a height corresponding to this age group.
For a long jump, visual landmarks are needed, specific obstacles - a paper strip, two sticks, a small groove, etc. Their introduction activates children. The gradual increase in the obstacle in accordance with the growing strength of the child causes the baby to strive to jump correctly, gives him confidence, develops courage, determination.
Jumping with a rope should be in a place free from grass. Running jumps are good to use when jumping over a bush of grass, an earthen hillock, a snowball, a groove, a tree.

E.N. Vavilova, "Teach to run, jump, climb, throw", M., 1983

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Jumping training starts from the first grade. AT lower grades intensive training of students begins in jumping in place, over an obstacle, in length from a place, height from a step (small run), from a straight run in length, height by stepping over, bending legs and on the result. In this case, the main attention should be paid by the teacher to the technique of performing the jump and, of course, to the quality. The general requirement is the correct landing: without loss of balance, soft. In order for the child to land, to “fall” correctly, you first need to teach him to jump from a small height, “in depth”. This will help overcome fear.

How preparatory exercises for any jump (in length, height, support), you can use jumping on one and two legs in place, in motion, thereby developing children's jumping ability, repulsion power.

When teaching the long jump and high jump with a run, you need to pay attention to the run itself and repulsion.

At the same time, one should carefully approach children who have concomitant deviations in the state of health and disorders in the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, lordosis, flat feet) and somatic disorders.

Jumping, which is taught to children in elementary grades, can be divided into two types: through a vertical obstacle (high jump) and through a horizontal one (long jump). The main task in this case is to create a correct idea of ​​a particular type of jump, which is the basis for learning to jump. To do this, the jump is divided into elements: the correct take-off, strong repulsion, coordination of movements in flight, soft landing. They teach to run from 3-5 steps, gradually bringing the place of repulsion closer to the permanent repulsion zone.


1. Jumps in place: jumps on two and on one (with open and eyes closed), jumping up from a semi-squat and a squat, with various movements of the legs (sideways, crosswise, with breeding in flight), on two and one, with turns (by 90 °, 180 °, 270 °, 360 °), ".

2. Long jumps from a place: standing facing, back, sideways to the landing site, jumping up (Fig. 1), bending over (Fig. 2), to a given length according to the landmarks (Fig. 3).

Fig.1 2 Fig. 3

3. Jumps from a height of 30 to 70 cm (Fig. 4) are performed by jumping forward, backward, to the right, to the left, with turns, for accuracy of landing (in a circle with a diameter of 30-40 cm), etc.

Training sequence:

Training in the correct landing position: half-squat on toes, feet foot-width apart, arms forward, palms down, back straight.

From a semi-squat, hands forward, push a small jump from a place to the same position while maintaining balance.

Jumping from a gymnastic bench: from a semi-squat, arms forward, without straightening up, try not to lose balance; jump bending from the stop crouching.

Jumps, standing sideways on the 2nd-3rd rail of the gymnastic wall on one leg, holding the rail at waist level, jump onto the mat and land on both legs in a half-squat position sideways to the wall; the same, but with a 90° turn, landing with your back to the wall;

Jumping from a height different ways: step, bending legs, legs apart.

The run is carried out with acceleration. During the repulsion, the fly leg bends and moves forward and upward, and the push leg straightens. In flight, the push leg is pulled up to the fly leg, arms up and forward. The landing is soft on two feet.

6. Jumping from a place with overcoming various obstacles (Fig. 5).

7. Learning to jump over a long rope (Fig. 6).

Jumping over a long rope is mastered after students learn to jump in place on one and two legs.

Jumping on both legs through a fixed rope (height 10-15 cm), standing face down (a) or sideways (b).

Jumping over a swinging rope (3-5 jumps), jumping over a swinging rope from a step forward, with and without an intermediate jump; with different positions of the hands, with turns in the jump to the sides; jumping together, three of us, holding hands.

Jumping with a rotating rope. Sequence of learning.

1. Running under a rope rotating from above towards the runner: one, two, three (c).

2. Jumping over a rotating rope (d).

3. Running under a rotating rope (d).

4. Jumping over a rotating rope with a jump (e).

Rice. 6

Jump training technique. Sequence of learning in different periods.

There are different types of jumping available for preschool children.

bouncing - rhythmic jumps in place or moving forward. The main technical feature of bouncing is the combination of motor actions: the end of the previous jump is the beginning of the next one.

Bouncing is performed in different ways: on two legs, on one leg, from foot to foot; in the same plane and with a turn around; can be combined with various hand movements, as well as with their fixed position, for example, on a belt; you can move straight and sideways, through the line back and forth and from side to side, you can land arbitrarily or in a designated place (squares, circles).

Standing high jump characterized by vigorous repulsion, providing vertical movement of the body. There is a jump from a place upwards (such as "jump and get it"), jumping (on a bench, on a step), jumping (over planks, a rope).

Jumps are performed with a push of both legs, a push of one with a landing on both legs; directed straight, sideways, back forward.

jumping off - jump from a height or in depth. It is used as an independent movement and as a motor action in continuation of another, a dismount at the end of a run on the bench.

Standing long jump performed on two legs, on one yoga; in different directions - straight, sideways, back forward, with a turn of 90 ° and 180 °.

Running jump in length and height.

jumping rope(short and long).

Jump is an acyclic movement. In each jump, four phases are distinguished - translational movements that successively replace one another.

First phase - preparatory - bending the legs (in a deep jump), run-up (in running jumps); second phase - push; third - flight and fourth- landing. Jumps are performed together, in a single movement. At the same time, knowledge of the structure of the jump is an important factor that helps the educator to outline the strategy of pedagogical guidance based on the type of jumping exercise, age and motor fitness of children.

Requirements for younger children are elementary. Οʜᴎ repeat the actions of the teacher in the most general form, and in the middle group it is extremely important to achieve from children a certain clarity of actions that are most characteristic of each phase.

Specific motor actions in different phases, despite the common name, depend on the type of jump. So, landing in bouncing and jumping, as well as in high jumps from a run, is performed on toes, and in long jumps from a place and from a run - by rolling from the heel to the entire foot. In jumping from a place in height through an object, you need to land from the toe, and in the direction of the object (bench, step) - hard on the entire foot. A sign helps to remember this fundamental difference: if the body moves vertically in the flight phase, the landing is performed from the toes. Where the legs are thrown forward, ahead of the movement of the body, the landing is performed by rolling from the heel.

But in all jumps, the landing should be soft, springy, for which it is extremely important to bend your knees. This skill needs to be formed in preschoolers in the first place.

The requirements for the technique of performing different jumps are specified based on the age of the children.

In the younger group, the training of babies begins with bouncing, as the most accessible of all jumps. The teacher should pay the main attention to teaching repulsion. At the first stage, children do not know how to push off with two legs. Even at the suggestion of the teacher to jump like balls (bunnies, sparrows), many kids perform only a “spring”, bending their knees. Some lift one leg, some raise their heels. An attentive educator in every possible way helps to ensure that these actions are repeated. Οʜᴎ - the beginning of the jumps.

Game tasks, such as "Ring the bell", "Get whatever ball you want", "Scare the butterfly" and other motor tasks with attractive attributes, cause a desire to act. Objects are placed 5-10 cm above the child's outstretched arm in convenient places in the group room, on the playground and provoke, in the good sense of the word, the performance of movements without special invitations from the educator.

Initially, children are taught jumping off from a height of 5-10 cm, and by the end of the year already from a height of 15-20 cm. In this type of jumping, the main thing is to teach kids to land softly.

The small height of objects for jumping is a fundamental factor. The point is not only that the kids have not yet formed a foot and jumping from a great height can be traumatic, but in another way. It is important to make sure that in the preparatory movement, the children bend their knees. Since the height is small, in the flight phase they do not have time to unbend their legs and land on bent legs, shock absorbing naturally. The sensations arising from this become the basis of the necessary skills. You need to jump onto a soft surface, for example, onto a foam rubber or rubber mat.

It is necessary by various means to arouse in children the desire to repeat the action. Beli children are invited to jump, "like bunnies", you need to give them masks, hats, let them feel like "bunnies". If the landing sites are marked with bright pictures, then the "bunnies" will repeatedly jump on the "cabbage", ʼʼbirdsʼʼ - on the "berries". Nobody has to be persuaded.

Standing long jump synthesize the acquired skills to push off with two legs, to land, bending the knees, and learn to respond to landmarks. Even from the smallest, you can achieve elementary accuracy of actions, especially if it is interesting to beat these requirements: "Do not stand in a stream so as not to get your feet wet ..."

During the jumps, you should not pay attention to the position of the hands of the kids, because the children still do not know how to coordinate the simultaneous actions of the legs and arms. Waving their arms, they will step "over the stream", and not jump. But the teacher must show the jump correctly, without exaggerating anything: take your hands: back in the preparatory movement, wave them at the moment of repulsion, bring them forward upon landing.

Children should watch the show from the side. During the exercise by the children, the teacher stands at the landing site on the right side.

In the middle group, the increased objective capabilities and the motor experience acquired by preschoolers make it possible to complicate both quantitatively and qualitatively all jumping exercises.

bouncing on the spot is carried out with a different position of the hands, incl. children are offered tasks for coordination of movements (unidirectional actions). Exercises are performed both straight and with a turn around. In the second half of the academic year, you can alternate jumping on two legs with jumping on one, combine with walking in the introductory part of physical education and morning exercises. It is necessary to use the natural environment more often, improve jumping movements in outdoor games.

In game tasks such as "Jump and Reach", objects are suspended 15-20 cm above the outstretched arm, which requires the child not only to push with his feet, but also to wave his arms.

A new and important stage in the development of jumps is the naming of the necessary actions in each phase of the movement. learning jumping off(for example, from a bench), the educator accompanies his actions with something like this explanation: ʼʼFirst you need get ready: stand on the bench so that the socks protrude slightly forward and help rest against the edge of the bench; swing: bending your legs ʼʼ bend slightly, take your hands back, look in front of you; jump; straighten your legs with a push, bring your arms forward and land on your toes, bending your knees. See how this should be done without stopping ... ʼʼ - the show is repeated together, the teacher only calls the phases. As a result, children learn to respond appropriately to the instructions "get ready! .., swing! .., jump! .." needed in the classroom.

It stimulates the manifestation of various physical qualities by the task to land behind the drawn line (no further than 30 cm of the bench) in a circle, square.

Children must according to the program standing long jump at a distance of up to 70 cm. Doubling the jump distance compared to the younger group requires vigorous action. Children learn to combine repulsion with a sharp wave of their hands, to maintain balance when landing, bringing their hands forward. For this reason, it is logical to teach children from about the middle of the year to start jumping not from the “swimmer’s position”, but from swinging their arms in front, and later from above - back with simultaneous bending of the leg.

In the older group, the pedagogical orientation of work with preschoolers (development of motor initiative and independence) influences the selection of jumping exercises and jumping technique: energetic actions are stimulated, competitive exercises are often practiced.

Children begin to understand the interdependence of motor actions: the stronger you push off, the farther you will jump.

The hands are actively involved in bouncing, and both unidirectional and multidirectional actions are used. In forward jumping, landing in a certain place is more often used - strong, precise and rhythmic movements are stimulated. Tasks are used that teach children to control and evaluate their actions, compare them with the actions of other children: "Who will make fewer jumps to ...", "Who will quickly jump on one leg to ...

With older children, you can use all types of jumps from places in height also often acquiring a competitive connotation: "Who will get the ball hanging above."

Educators also practice combined tasks that teach children to use the acquired skills appropriately, to change their methods of action depending on the situation, for example, to jump onto a bench and jump off it. jumping requires a hard landing on the entire foot, you need to jump off gently on your toes. Both jumps can be made in the same direction, you can jump back (backward) without turning around.

At jumping off you need to be able to land not just in a circle, but in the center of the circle (ʼʼWho will land more accuratelyʼʼ). You can jump in different ways: forward, to the side, backwards, with a turn in flight. The teacher should remember that, despite the confident actions of older children, insurance is necessary. For this reason, the landing site must be carefully prepared. In the hall you need a thick mat, in the area the sand in the jump pit must be loosened.

AT standing long jump , relying on the natural desire of older children to jump further, it is necessary to stimulate high jumps, teach them to group in flight and throw their legs forward. Because verbal instructions this account are difficult, it is better to resort to tasks of a competitive type that children have already fallen in love with: "Whoever jumps to the green cube is good, who jumps to the yellow one is very good, and who jumps to the red one is excellent! .."

In the older group, children's education begins long and high jumps . The main difficulty in mastering these movements is that you need to push off after a run with one foot. The stereotypes acquired in previous jumps (repulsion with two legs) are not ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ a time brake for the emergence of new skills and even the cause of a fall. Therefore, you need to take care of creating the necessary conditions for successful and safe training (mats - in the hall, a jumping pit with sand or sawdust - on the site, skillful insurance of the educator).

Running jump learned over several lessons. On each of them, the guys perform the jump as a whole, but the performance requirements are determined by specific tasks, the complexity of which increases as the children master the previous one.

When learning running long jump it is very important to arouse the interest of the children: "... You can jump from a running start much further than from a place. Look ..." After the show, the teacher separately demonstrates the main element of the jump - repulsion with one foot, and landing with two. Further, the combined jump as a whole is shown again, after which the children begin to jump. This is how the first and main task is mastered: to teach to push off with one foot a land on two.

It is important that children see all the elements of the jump and not be afraid to jump. Every element of the organization matters: the placement of children, the markings, the place and posture of the caregiver, who is ready to catch the child losing balance.

In the next lesson, when the movement is repeated, you can set the children a task: ʼʼ Push off harder to jump further ʼʼ. When this skill is mastered, children are taught to push off, without crossing the line. Of course, at preschool age it is impossible to achieve in the full sense of the word a technical running jump, one should not demand maximum results from children. It is important to lay only the basics of technology. For this reason, you just need to teach children to control their actions. The line must be marked expressively, and the plank in front of the jump pit must be thoroughly washed.

It is very important to learn children to scatter correctly. Not by chance, the run-up technique is improved at the final stage. In the previous exercises, each child has gained specific experience and now knows exactly which foot to put forward in preparation for the run. In this case, you can resort to orders that should cause appropriate motor reactions: "Get ready!" - put forward one leg, slightly bending it, lean forward, bend your arms at the elbows; ʼʼYou can!ʼʼ - the child runs up and jumps. The exercise is performed alternately, as it requires insurance. The next one scatters when the checkmate is free. If possible, children should fulfill specific requirements for the run: the running speed gradually increases, the pi becomes shorter, the swings in the forward-up direction are short and vigorous.

Running high jump is mastered by preschoolers in the same way. But in it, specific difficulties must be overcome in the form of a rope on jump racks or a bar. By the way, do not tie the rope, sandbags sewn to the ends should ensure its tension.

Before starting training in high jumps with a run, more attention should be paid to lead-up exercises - jumping from a place to the mats after a push with one foot, jumping from a place through a rope, bar, twig. The same exercises should be done with a small (2-3 steps) run. You can try to overcome these and similar obstacles from the side with the ʼʼscissorsʼʼ style for subsequent individual teaching of children to jump from a side run.

Jump training technique. Sequence of learning in different periods. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Methods of training in jumping. The sequence of training in different periods." 2014, 2015.

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