Unusual occupations of people. Biking


Hobby should be. Just because it's so much better than hanging aimlessly on the net or in front of the TV screen.

Some like to read books, others like to cross-stitch, and my neighbor changes her dog's hair almost every month. This is also a kind of addiction. And people have such interests that you will be amazed. Well, that's their worldview.

The most unusual hobbies in the world

If you do not yet have a favorite hobby, I advise you to take a closer look at the following, and suddenly something will interest you. And soon you will become a famous master.

Strange haircuts for cats and dogs

It turns out that this is the amazing hobby in the world or almost the most.

There are even such competitions. I wonder how the animals themselves relate to everything that happens?

If you decide to cut a cat for the summer, maybe you should think about it, but does he need it?

Amazing masterpieces and sculptural compositions from pencils

This was first thought up by Dalton Getty. And at present famous sculptor for pencil figures - Jennifer Maestre. The peculiar vision of starfish and urchins became her inspiration.

There are eccentrics who like to draw abstractions on the sand and just beautiful pictures.

This is understandable about sand castles, but what a pity it is to say goodbye to such beautiful pictures depicted on yarn.

Their lifespan is before high tide. Beauty is so short-lived. I suggest experimenting on your next vacation.


Try making unusual, even futuristic figures from twisted strips of paper.

Even Queen Elizabeth enjoys it at her leisure. Some of her work can be seen in London's Victoria and Albert Museum.

An interesting feature of such a hobby is that the masterpieces created by this technique can be used in everyday life as all kinds of coasters and decorative elements. The service life is very long. Shapes and colors stay colorful and durable for a long time.

Many people love to embroider with beads, and weaving entire houses with furniture and accessories or vases of flowers from colorful colored beads is already for fans of this hobby.

Sculptor Lisa Lowe makes masterpiece bead installations. The most famous is the "Kitchen", all items are unique in themselves. She spent almost 5 years on weaving and 30,000,000 beads!

Soap carvings

Some people like to make soap, while others like to carve amazing figures out of it.

Very beautiful and most importantly, it's good that you choose this favorite hobby everyone can. Even if it doesn’t turn out beautifully the first time, all the waste will go to work. Interesting to try.

Have you chosen something to your liking?

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Each of us likes to relax after have a hard day and just relax. Many people prefer to do it at the TV while watching their favorite movies or at the computer, playing games, while someone even rests lying in silence on a soft sofa. But there are people for whom such leisure is unacceptable and they try to be creative in planning their free time.

It is known about the existence of a huge number of competitions, the main actors in which are dogs. They are evaluated according to different criteria, namely:
- appearance;
- physical form;
- level of training, etc.
It is also known about the existence of rather unusual competitions, in which the owners try to surprise the jury members with an original haircut of their pet.

Often representatives modern society are observant. They carry a notebook with them, try to notice unusual and useful details, or just to plan their daily routine. But there are those who make observation unusual hobby. They keep strange statistics in a notebook, they can write down the numbers of regular buses, their route and approximate time of arrival.

Probably a bit of a strange topic to talk about, but still, most find hairballs from clothes in their navel after prolonged wear. And 99.9% of people don't care. But not just one man who decided to collect hairballs in special containers. By the way, this hobby appeared in him back in 1984.

Pavel Luka cannot live without milk since childhood. The man collected a huge number of bottles and carefully stores them in a special building. To date, the number of containers has exceeded 10,000.

There are also people who are fond of handicrafts, but instead of wood, metal or plastic, they use soap as a material, and make very attractive figurines and souvenirs out of it.

Some people take pleasure in stranger things. For example, there are people who like to climb a rock with an ironing board, and then iron their clothes to perfection at a great height.

In the UK, a group of young people have decided to hold a moo competition every year. On a certain day, there are many contestants who demonstrate that they can moo like cows.

But there is more creative people who use the cassette for other purposes and make masterpiece beautiful pictures out of it. Among the main properties of the cassette tape is elasticity, and thanks to this, real masterpieces are obtained.

Surely many of you have not heard of a guy named Chuck Lamb. He was nicknamed the "dead guy" because his hobby is very strange and probably the most shocking of all. He imitates own death while being in crowded places. Initially, the guy dreamed of becoming an actor, but he was not very good at memorizing the text. The man was not taken aback and decided to make his dream come true in an unusual way.

Imagine that you live in an African country and have never held snow in your hands, but you really want to make a snowman. Some find a way out and mold it out of the mud, but this is not the most unusual. After the mud ball is ready, it starts critical process polishing to perfect smoothness. Abroad, many consider such balls a work of art and purchase them as room decor for decent money.

Human hobbies today are limitless, it's hard to argue with that. We have already managed to tell you about many of them, but still there are such hobbies that, due to their novelty and sometimes even unusualness, many of you have not even thought about! And today we will tell you about them in detail!


One of the most interesting and exciting hobbies today is geocaching. This hobby has a huge number of varieties and forms. Depending on the scale of a particular game - treasure hunting competitions, geocaching can be engaged not only in very wealthy individuals, but also quite ordinary people.

We have already mentioned a little about its essence. In more detail, the whole point of the game is to find a treasure buried somewhere. As a rule, several teams take part at once, and so the team that finds the treasure first is the winner. If we talk about the scale of the game, then geocaching is played both at the city level and at the level of whole country or even the world!

For geocaching, any beginner will have to purchase necessary knowledge about the features of the game and skills, as well as necessary equipment. Read more about geocaching .


Bookcrossing is rightfully one of the most , which, although poorly developed, still found hundreds and thousands of its admirers around the world. Its essence lies in the fact that a person, having read this or that book, marks it in a special way and leaves it in any accessible place. Further, the coordinates of this book are posted on the forum or bookcrosser portal, which allows another person to find it and perform the same manipulations in the future.

The main idea of ​​such a hobby is to support the worldwide circulation of books. Admirers of this hobby firmly believe that someday it will take on impressive proportions and be able to turn the whole world into one big library.


Literal translation from English. The word Slacklining sounds like "walking on a sling." The whole essence of such a hobby, the level which depends on the length of the sling (cable) and the height of its fastening, consists in the practice of balancing, moving along a sling stretched between two stationary objects (stations) (usually nylon or polyester).

The level of difficulty of passing the "track" directly depends on the width and structure of the line. The amount of tension on the line can be adjusted according to the preferences of the individual slackliner, based on his level of training and experience.

There are many forms of slackline today. There is even a trick slackline, the essence of which is not in the usual walking and balancing on a line, but in performing technically and physically difficult on a tight rope, requiring serious physical training and experience in such an extreme hobby.

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Everyone spends their leisure time differently. Some read books, others draw, others prefer sports or dancing, and some just lie on the couch in front of the TV. There are many options for spending time, but among them there are quite a few. weird hobbies.

1 – Toy Traveling

The essence of this unusual hobby is to send your toys to trip around the world. To do this, the ToyVoyagers website has been created, where a diary of a toy is kept, where you can also choose a temporary home for it with owners, send and receive photos. But if you want to return the “traveler” home, temporary owners will send the toy home.

2 - Extreme Ironing

David Fitzgerald from the UK, also known as "Safety Setting", got into extreme ironing in 1997. From a simple security officer environment David has become a real extreme. He irons under water, parachuting or mountain climbing. Not everyone will be able to adopt such a hobby.

3 – Grooming dogs, China

Perhaps one of the most eccentric hobbies imaginable. The owners for the competition cut and paint the dogs in such a way that they become like other animals or objects. the main objective competition that takes place in China, of course, the money! For winning it, you can get 30 thousand US dollars. I wonder what animal advocates have to say about this hobby.

4 - Muing

In Wisconsin, a strange competition is held in which the participants hum. The one who imitates cow mooing best of all gets Grand Prize competition. The latest winner there was a ten-year-old boy named Austin who was rewarded with $1,000, a golden bell, and a cow costume.

5 – Surfing on the train

Train surfing as a hobby originated in Germany in the 1980s. Crazy craze is considered one of the most dangerous in the world, and for good reason. Train surfers climb onto the roofs of trains and perform tricks such as jumping or running at high speed. In search of adrenaline, the most reckless train surfers climb onto the roofs of high-speed trains. More than 40 people a year die just from trying to learn to surf on the train.

6 – Tattoo vehicles

Taiwanese pensioner Lee Zongksyong draws unusual graffiti on cars. Lee got addicted to unusual tattoos Vehicle in 1999. The drawings represent words from the sacred Buddhist texts, which the Taiwanese puts on the wings, roof, license plates and even on the windows of a car.

Lee paints only on his own machines, of which there are four in the family. His grandson promised to buy a big bus when he grew up so that his grandfather could enjoy his hobby.

7 – Participation in the news in the background

Paul Yarrow from the UK has been spotted in the news more than once. Met him on the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky News. Paul appears in places where the newsroom is located film crew and climbs into the background of the frame, playing a random passerby.

8. Collecting down from the navel

Australian Graham Barker since 1984 collected, perhaps, the most strange collection in the world - fluff from the navel. During the years of his hobby, he collected 22 grams of fluff, for which he got into the Guinness Book of Records. He sold his collection to an Australian museum.

9 – Ecstasy collection

In 2009, a man called Dutch authorities to report the theft of his ecstasy collection, which included more than 2,400 pills. He knew it was illegal, but was concerned about the dangers of his collection. The Dutchman has been collecting drug pills for over 20 years.

10 - The largest ball of paint

American Michael Carmichael applied 22,894 coats of paint to a baseball. Once he decided to paint his ball, and later he came up with a new hobby - to apply a new layer of paint on top of the old one, always of a different color. Since 1977, the ball has increased its weight to 1588 kg and has become a real attraction.

11 - Dorodango

Japanese hobby, the essence of which is polishing mud balls. strange infatuation was a traditional hobby of Japanese children. To create mirror-smooth mud balls, there is even a certain technique.

12 - Imitation of death

They say that after a simulated DPS death and murder, Chuck was invited to the cinema, where he will play the corpse.

13 - Collecting paper bags

Some people collect hygienic paper bags that are given out in hospitals or airplanes. One of the largest collections was collected by a Singaporean buggyman - it has 388 bags from 186 airlines. Now, for those who are keen on this hobby, there are sites where you can buy paper bags from different companies.

14 – Carousel ride

A 78-year-old man from the US rode the rides 90 times in one day. For Vic Clement, these are quite ordinary numbers. Since childhood, he loves carousels and can ride them for several hours without a break. Throughout his life, Vic has tried many attractions, riding them more than 4,000 times.

15 - Collecting Handcuffs

Frank Reno collected the most large collection handcuffs in the world. It has 377 copies. Frank took up the hobby in 1995. The collection can be seen at blacksteel.com.

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In the melted puddles, you can pass the standards for swimming, at the thermometer outside the window - stress from temperature changes, and therefore you don’t want to get out into the street at all ... However, you won’t get bored at home either. There are plenty of new and well-forgotten old hobbies to enjoy in warmth and comfort.

website presents 33 sites with exciting activities for those who want to wait out the winter with its capricious weather.

Making soft dolls

This recognizable rag doll design was first created by Norwegian artist Toni Finnanger in 1999. In this style, not only dolls, but also animals, and even interior items can be made. Among mandatory conditions- usage natural materials, pastel colors and soft lines. The faces of the toys are indicated very conditionally, so these cute dolls have a cute and somewhat naive look.

To learn more:

    Mir Tilda - many detailed patterns, as well as tips for beginners. And for professionals, there is a special calculator that allows you to calculate the cost of each toy.

    Tildamaster - here are collected patterns of various dolls, including in the form of master classes with step-by-step instructions.

    Tilda-mania - the site has a forum for fans of rag toys, as well as a selection of dolls made by visitors to the resource.

The art of beautiful fonts

The ability to independently produce stylish inscriptions is incredibly popular. Each letter is drawn separately, thus the inscription takes on a unique look, different from the typographic font. Despite the fact that for this type of skill it is important to have a brush and a steady hand, anyone can master the lesson.

To learn more:

Growing plants without soil

Seedlings on the windowsill in mayonnaise jars are a thing of the past. In a city apartment, it is much more comfortable to grow plants using a soilless method. This system does not require soil at all, the sprouts receive the necessary substances from a special solution with frequent watering. Almost all plants are suitable for growing in this way.

To learn more:

    Hydroponika.com - many detailed information about soilless cultivation of plants, including online broadcasts from greenhouses.

    Hydroponics - the site contains detailed theoretical information about growing certain types plants, organization of lighting and placement of greenhouses.

    Hydroponics in practice - on this resource, in addition to theoretical information, there is a forum, as well as a special calculator that allows you to calculate the nutrient solution for plants.

Amateur radio electronics

Despite the fact that practical value amateur radio is a thing of the past, the amateur radio community is as enthusiastic as ever. This is an opportunity not only to test your knowledge of radio in practice, but also to communicate with people around the world. For starters, you can try to build walkie-talkies to talk with a friend, and then take on a more difficult project.

To learn more:

    Site Soldering iron - here you will find a large number of electronic circuits, articles for beginners, programs, online calculators, reviews and addresses of radio parts stores, you can chat on the forum, and much more.

    Go Radio - this site is perfect for beginners who want to open the world of radio electronics.

    Radioelectronics and Electrical Engineering - the site contains a lot of theoretical information explaining the flow physical processes, and there is also a forum for communication with like-minded people.

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