Dominic joker family. Dominic Joker tells the whole truth about leaving his wife and new lover


Dominic Joker is a versatile, talented musician, singer and producer, known far beyond the CIS. Member of the rating project "Star Factory", organizer and participant of Russian popular bands"2 + 2" and "Gang", winner of the television award "Song of the Year".

The usual childhood of an Odessa guy

Alexander Breslavsky is the real name of the future artist, who was born in the early 70s on the Black Sea coast in the city of Odessa. The boy's parents are native Odessans, but by nationality his mother is Polish, and his father is Spaniard with Jewish roots.

Dominic Joker in his youth

At school, Dominic studied quite well, but his behavior in the classroom was not always good. An active and liberated teenager took part in many events, was a member of the school team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. Alexander believed that teachers were more loyal to talented students.

After receiving a certificate of maturity, the guy entered the Odessa Naval School. After studying there, he realized that it was the wrong choice, and entered the conservatory. Alexander failed to finish it, due to numerous absenteeism.

Quick Start Musical and Singing Career

The next step in creative career The Joker became involved in the popular project "Star Factory" on Channel One. Unusual appearance and sparkling humor Dominic added to the spice of the transfer. Acquaintance with the project participants: Timati, Nastya Kochetkova and Ratmir Shishkov in the future led to the creation R-n-B groups"Gang".

Dominic Joker was popular even before participating in the "Star Factory"

After the end of the musical project, the group began an active creative activity. The guys released their first album "New People", in which the Joker became the author of several songs. Clips were shot for 2 tracks from this disc.

Dominic Joker and other members of the Banda

The tragic death of Ratmir Shishkov put an end to the development of the group. Dominik, like other members of the team, was very worried about what had happened, and did not see the point of the further existence of the team. To cope with grief, the Joker was helped by participation in the TV show “You are a super star”, in which forgotten artists of the 80s and 90s competed. The musician took the place of the sound producer.

Dominic Joker on stage

Then the young singer released the first soul album " real people". The tracks included in the disc became hits, the most famous "If you are with me." For this work, the Joker was awarded the Golden Gramophone and Radio Rise 2012 awards.

Dominic Joker in the video "Goodbye"

The singer surprised and delighted his fans with the single "Farewell". The text of the song is the verse of M. Gorky, and the music is the talented Dominik. The clip gained more than 1 million views in the first days after the premiere. In 2013, the Joker accepted the offer of the Russia-1 channel and became a member of the jury. music show"Battle of the Choirs". Wards of the singer took third place. On the eve of Valentine's Day, the artist presented a new video "I breathe you."

Dominic Joker starred in the film

"Such a one" new clip Dominica from the album Deja Vu. The singer's musical piggy bank contains duet works: “Where have you been” with Lyubov Uspenskaya and “You Know” with Katya Kokorina.

In the television project "Battle of the Choirs", the Joker had an affair with his ward Ekaterina Kokorina. For this reason, in 2014, Albina filed for divorce. The couple parted quietly, without slinging mud and claims.

In December 2014, Dominic Joker moved out of his shared apartment with his wife Albina in the center of Moscow. As it turned out, the reason is banal - the artist has a new lover - singer Ekaterina Kokorina. " We really love each other, but for now I'm afraid to tell the details: it could harm my new project, "Ekaterina admitted.


Little is known about Kokorina. She came to conquer Moscow from Barnaul. Despite all the hardships metropolitan life, the 27-year-old blonde still managed to get into the final of the show "Battle of the Choirs", where she represented the Altai Choir. It was there that the aspiring star met Dominic Joker, and later became a member of the Voice show.

Friends and relatives took the breakup of the family calmly, supposedly everything was going to that. Two sons suffer from what happened: nine-year-old Martin and six-year-old Marcus. They practically stopped seeing their father. Albina's wife is also worried, but she tries not to show that she is offended.

“My mother, our nanny, help out a lot with children now, sometimes my mother-in-law comes, the teacher comes to improve English. The eldest son is studying figure skating, while we are thinking where to give the youngest. Our father rarely sees the children. Very busy. Recently they went to play paintball. November 4th was my birthday. Gathered with friends in the restaurant "Uryuk". The husband, of course, was not there. He's on tour. I called, congratulated, promised to make a gift later. The children handed over a drawing in which a woman holds two boys by the hands - there is simply no father. and wrote to reverse side: "Mommy, we love you!", - quotes the wife of Dominic Joker Albina Starhit.

Dominic himself is all free time spends with new sweetheart. The other day, the couple attended the opening of the musician's art studio. As it appears, the singer's new passion was able to quickly find mutual language and with his mom. On the page of Larisa Breslavskaya on VKontakte, Ekaterina Kokorina is included in the list of relatives along with the woman’s son, the newspaper notes. Dominic himself is in no hurry to share the news about his divorce and represent Kokorina secular society as new girl. On the page in in social networks artist's marital status - married - has not changed.

ABOUT talented musician don't tell much. It is much easier, or rather, to listen to his music and draw conclusions for yourself what kind of person he is ... So, Dominic Joker (Alexander Breslavsky) - Russian singer, composer, poet and producer - born July 19, 1980 ...

Dominik was born in Odessa, considers it his homeland and talks about it very warmly: “Odessa is warm, affectionate, Jewish and kindly importunate. There, if you're in a hurry, you can't ask local residents road somewhere. They will talk to you, give you a lot of advice, tell a lot of stories, so you won’t be there soon.” In his metric is the name Alex and the date of birth is confused. His parents argued for a long time about what his name was: Alexei or Alexander. The choice of surname was even wider: take my mother, father or stepfather, who raised him.

His father Polish Jew, mother is half Spanish. Citizenship is still uncertain, many options ... Dominic Joker - former soloist and composer popular in the 90s. group "2x2", a member of the TV project "Star Factory-4", soloist and songwriter of the group created on the TV project "Banda". By the way, participation in the "Factory ..." is one of the brightest and most special events in the life and creative way Dominica. At the same time, he begins to cooperate with such popular performers and teams like Inveterate scammers”, VIA Slivki, singer Sasha, Nikita Malinin, Vlad Topalov and others.

After the breakup of the Banda group, Dominic Joker has been producing various musical projects for some time, becoming the sound producer of the high-rated television show You Are a Superstar on the NTV channel. Dominic's favorite singer is Stevie Wonder. The Joker calls this person a guru, without whom Dominic's fate could have been completely different.

In early 2008, Dominic Joker's debut video for his track "Abandoned by God" was filmed, which served as the beginning of his solo career. “After exhausting work on my latest project, the TV show “You are a Superstar,” says the Joker, “I am happy that I finally have time for myself. “Abandoned by God” is the track with which I begin my solo story and I really want it to leave a good mark in the hearts of listeners and fans.”

Dominic is a bright and charismatic personality, his works always have a deep meaning, in this way he expresses his attitude to life and to what surrounds him. He doesn't like to talk about himself. Whenever anyone from the audience asked a question relating to him personally or his work, Dominik talked about his friends, rested the listeners funny stories that happened during the tour, but ... just not about yourself. When asked what needs to be done to become a star, the Joker replies: “We need to release a product. This is the most important thing for moving forward.” In people, Dominic appreciates loyalty to love, ideals, and principles most of all. He says that he is ready to have an enemy with ideals, but not ready to have a friend without them.

Dominik's musical preferences are hip-hop and rhythm and blues. It is in these two genres that he works, writes songs and arranges. In addition, the Joker works with many beginner teams in Russia and the world, helping them to get on their feet. By the way, recently Dominic founded his own record company called J.O.B. Recording. The musician will take a post in it general producer. Influential people and structures became Joker's label partners Russian show business whose names have not been released to date.

Some Russian and foreign performers People: Vlad Topalov, Aziza, Teona Dolnikova, Anton Zatsepin, Khatuna, c. "London Beat" and others. "We are delighted with the talented guys with whom we work, and we look forward to the moment when we can present their work to listeners both in Russia and abroad," said Dominic Joker. About the appearance of “J.O.B. Recording" will be officially announced in the next few weeks. Currently, the musician is busy preparing and recording material for the debut album, which will include the track "Abandoned by God".

The famous musician Dominic Joker, whose real name is Alexander Breslavsky, was born in July 1980 in Odessa. Life in such a colorful and controversial city left its mark on the character of Alexander, whose pedigree fully corresponded to the general atmosphere of the seaside city: in young man Spanish, Polish and Jewish blood flows.

The first time Sasha appeared on stage quite by accident, when he was barely seven years old. It was school play KVN, and the boy was brought onto the stage to distract the audience during a forced hitch. Already in school years Alexander became addicted to music, and, teaming up with fellow musicians, performed on stage.

His first serious project was a group called "2 + 2", in which he acted not only as a performer, but also as the author of most of the compositions. However, the crisis of 1998 put an end to the Joker project, and since then he has decided to work exclusively alone.

For the first time, the general public learned about Dominic Joker in 2004, when the Star Factory-4 project was aired. The young artist was different from the rest of the performers, because he did not have any beautiful figure, nor good-looking. However, incredible perseverance and excellent musical data allowed Dominic to declare himself throughout the country and break onto the big stage.

Teaming up with Ratmir Shishkov, Timati and Nastya Kochetkova, Dominik began to perform as part of the Banda team. IN a short time the group became very popular and quickly gained more and more fans until in 2007, a tragic incident did not cause the closure of the project - Ratmir Shishkov died.

Dominic, who has earned himself the reputation of a responsible and hardworking musician, did not remain out of work. He got busy solo career, and for several years was nominated for the Song of the Year award.

In 2008, the Joker acted as a sound producer on the popular musical project"You are a superstar", in which forgotten stars 80s and 90s. A year later, the musician released his debut album "Real People", which incorporated the most best material ten years creative work Dominica.

2012 was marked by the release of the single "If you are with me", which in a matter of days conquered an audience of millions. The composition became so popular that it was ordered on the radio more often than others, put on ringtones in mobile phones. Thanks to this song, the Joker received the coveted "Golden Gramophone" and won the "Radio Rise-2012" nomination.

Interesting Notes:

A year later, Dominic surprised his fans unspeakably by becoming a choir mentor in the TV project "Battle of the Choirs". His wards took an honorable third place, and attracted the attention of the organizers of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, thanks to which they took part in the games.

In 2015, Dominik presented his next album, Deja Vu, and a year later, for the first time, he gave his first solo concert , main theme which was love. The successful musician does not stop there and continues to delight his fans with new songs and interesting projects.

For a long time Dominic had fame caring husband and exemplary family man. His chosen one was a girl named Albina, who gave her husband two sons - Martin and Marcus.

However, the family idyll collapsed in 2014, when on the project "Battle of the Choirs" Dominik met a young singer Ekaterina Kokorina and passionately fell in love with her.

His departure from the family had a particularly strong effect on the boys, whom he practically stopped seeing, motivating him with a heavy workload at work. With Catherine, he often appears on public events, and also lays out joint photos and videos on social media. The couple seems to be happy and planning to become a family.

The personality of Dominic Joker needs no introduction for a long time. Each line in his tracks is a story in which the whole scale sounds human feelings. Each of his songs is a hit, topping dozens of hit parades and charts of federal radio stations in the country.

Today, Dominik Joker is a successful musician, singer, producer who has managed to go far beyond the Russian stage over the past few years.

“If you are with me”, “Goodbye”, “I breathe you” - this is only a small part popular songs artists included in the playlist of trendy clubs and karaoke bars, and the country’s prestigious awards and music awards (“Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year”, “Red Star” of Channel One) only strengthen Dominic Joker’s leadership position in the Russian music market and confirm the significant contribution to the development of the music industry.

Dominic Joker (Alexander Breslavsky) was born on July 19, 1980 in Odessa. He graduated from high school there and entered the local conservatory, from which he was expelled for completely ignoring formalities. educational process. There were no questions about talent and hearing.

The mass public first learned about Dominic Joker as a member of the 2 + 2 boy band, which was quite popular in the mid-90s. Then Dominik first declared himself not only as a performer, but also as a successful composer. It was he who wrote the vast majority musical material groups.

Alas, like many production teams, the group "2 + 2" did not become a "long-playing project" and, having survived the crisis of 1998, safely broke up, releasing another album. But already without Dominic Joker, who chose to choose solo work and working with his colleagues as a composer.

The second round of popularity of Dominic Joker was provoked television project"Star Factory 4" (2004), which, according to all television analysts, became the most rated season of all shows filmed under this brand. As part of the project, Dominik, together with Timati, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova, create the Banda group - at that time one of the most popular bands in the country.

The hit "Heavens Cry", written by the Joker and filmed by Mikhail Khleborodov, turns into one of the main songs of 2005 and becomes one of the most rotated singles on domestic radio and TV. Before that, it “shoots” just as powerfully joint track Timati and Alexa "When you are near" by Dominic Joker. Debut album"Gangs", the music for which was also completely written by Dominic, breaks sales records.

Unfortunately, a tragedy intervened in the successful fate of the team: one of the members of the Gang, Ratmir Shishkov, died in a car accident. His death shocked everyone so much that it was decided to put an end to the history of the Banda group: without Ratmir it would not be the same group. The musicians took up solo careers.

After the collapse of the "Gang" came the real " finest hour by composer Dominic Joker. He collaborated with almost all Russian artists first echelon. "Inveterate scammers" performed his hit "It's Summer", the refined VIA "Cream" sang "Above the Clouds", Vlad Topalov told the whole country what he would do "For Love". In addition to the fact that these songs of artists so different in style and manner invariably hit the charts and charts of audience sympathy, they were united by one more thing: the author of all the music for them was Dominic Joker.

As a producer, he even worked with people's artist Russia by Oleg Gazmanov, which once again demonstrated the breadth musical possibilities and the talent of Dominic. Four years in a row - from 2004 to 2007 - he is recognized as one of the laureates of the TV festival "Song of the Year".

In 2008, Dominic Joker implements another big project: during the television season, he has been working on the show "You are a superstar", one of the most popular projects of the NTV channel. In the same year, he formally declares himself as solo artist. His first video "Abandoned by God" appears on music channels.

And in 2009, Dominic released his debut solo album "Real People", which included 20 songs ("Abandoned by God", "Club Zone", "If this is love" and others). Moreover, as the artist himself admits, the track list of a disc or a double album could be much more voluminous: the most difficult task for him was the choice of compositions, which have accumulated a huge amount in almost ten years of work in the domestic show business.

But the year 2012 becomes a truly turning point for him. The sincere and soulful soul ballad “If you are with me” literally blows up radio and television broadcasts, it is ordered in “order tables” and live broadcasts, it is voted for on the Internet and via SMS, discussed on forums and social networks. From the first days of the opening of iTunes - the official Apple music store - in Russia, "If you are with me" hit the top 20 sales leaders. Experts and viewers of the hit parade "Red Star" (Channel One) included Dominic Joker's hit in number 20 best songs 2012 and Russian radio noted his composition with the "Golden Gramophone" - one of the most prestigious music awards Russia.

At the beginning of 2013, Dominik presents his fans with another surprise: the touching composition "Farewell", written on the verses of the classic Russian and Soviet literature Maxim Gorky. And one of the most famous video directors in the country, Irina Mironova, turns “Farewell” into a pirate story, a romantic mini-movie about love, friendship, passions, betrayal and betrayal, for a little over three minutes, making Dominic Joker a real dramatic artist.

Inspired by the success of the song "If you are with me", in the fall of 2013, Dominic Joker releases the lyric composition "I Breathe You", which becomes a continuation of the love story of the popular hit. However, in new song Dominic Joker tries on exclusively the role of the "narrator" of an incredibly touching, and most importantly, the most real history love that breaks out between young people here and now.

In September 2013, Dominic Joker is invited to take part in a major all-Russian project channel Russia-1 "Battle of the Choirs" as a mentor of the choir Altai Territory and Siberia. Over the course of three months of daily grueling training, choreography and vocal classes, the members of the Dominic Joker Choir reach the final and take third place.

The non-standard approach to the choice of musical and stage material for each competition number is noted not only by viewers who award the title of “The Most Dancing and Singing Choir” to the choir of Altai Territory and Siberia, but also by the organizers of the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi.

Having recorded the thematic Olympic song "Climb Olympus" at the request of the organizing committee, Dominik Joker, together with his wards "Angels of Siberia", goes to Sochi to meet the delegations of athletes from the countries participating in the 2014 Games. The result of the trip to Sochi is a video filmed by Dominik and the choir in between performances and meetings of delegations. In the clip, which tells about the life of the participants Winter Games, also used shots of famous athletes and top officials of the state.

Returning from Sochi, Dominik shoots a new video for the song "I Breathe You" and presents the video on February 14, as a gift to fans on Valentine's Day. The long-awaited novelty of the music industry is the result of the creative symbiosis of director Alexei Golubev and Dominic Joker.

In the video, everything is built on details, both in the images of the characters and in the camera shooting itself. In the role of lovers - one of the most beautiful and young couples of Russian show business: the star of the project "Vacations in Mexico" Olga Savchenko (known under the pseudonym "Nezlaya") and LIL'ARCHI, the official Back MC of Dominic Joker and the artist's nephew.

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