The purpose of life - love for life - love - catalog of articles - love without conditions. What is life


Lesson ext. Thu. Jack London. "Love of life"

Target: the image of the strength of the human spirit, the infinity of possibilities in an extreme situation in the story of D. London "Love for life"

Tutorials: to form knowledge about the life and work of D. London; on the example of D. London's story "Love of Life" to show that a person must always remain a person, continue to fight for life to the last; analyze what you read express impressions from the text, navigate

Developing: develop skills comparative analysis and ability to work with text.

Educational: educate a compassionate person, ready to help in difficult times.

To what extent a person overcomes fear.
That's how human he is.
(Thomas Corleil, English writer and historian)

During the classes

I . Organizing time

II . Acquaintance with the work of D. London

1. introduction teachers:
Guys! Today we have to reflect on the heroes of J. London. It will be necessary to find out: What are they? What drives them? What is the most precious thing in the world? What's happened real man? Jack London himself was an eyewitness to many of the events described in his works.

2. Biography story (accompanied by presentation)
Jack London (1876–1916), American writer[Slide 2].
Born January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. At birth he was named John Cheney, but eight months later, when his mother married, he became John Griffith London. His stepfather was a farmer, later went bankrupt. The family was poor, and Jack could only finish elementary school.
London's youth came at a time of economic depression and unemployment, financial situation the family became increasingly shaky. By the age of twenty-three, he changed many occupations: he worked in factories, in a laundry, was arrested for vagrancy and speaking at socialist rallies.
In 1896, the richest deposits of gold were discovered in Alaska, and everyone rushed there, hoping to get rich. [Slide 3].
London also went there. He was a prospector in Alaska during the Gold Rush. But the young man stayed there for a year and returned as poor as he left. But this year changed his life: he began to write.
Starting with short stories, soon conquered the east coast literary market with stories of adventure in Alaska. [Slide 4].
Jack London became famous when he published his northern stories in 1900, among them was the story "The Love of Life". Their actions are unfolding in Alaska.
In 1900, London published his first book, Son of the Wolf. For the next seventeen years, he published two and even three books a year.
London died at Glen Ellen, California on November 22, 1916. [Slide 5].

We see that nothing broke London, because he was, in my opinion, a real person. I took the words as an epigraph to the lesson: [Slide 6].

III . Work on the story "Love for life"

1. Reading the story by the teacher

2. Analysis of the story:
- Today we must follow the fate of one of the heroes of the story of J. London. Look at the beginning of the story. How does the author show us the characters?
(The heroes of the story have been on the road for several days. They are very tired.
"tired and exhausted,
faces expressed “patient obedience”, “shoulders pulled heavy bales”, “walked hunched over, bowing their heads low, not raising their eyes”, They say "indifferent" voice "sounds dull" ) .

It seems that at such a moment they should support each other, but what do we see? Why did Bill leave his friend? [Slide 7].

(One of them gets in trouble and the other is Bill - leaves his comrade, frightened that he will be a burden for him, hoping that it is easier to save a life alone).

How do you rate Bill's behavior? Find words that describe his behavior.

Bill is gone, but the main thing is that for the remaining hero, Bill becomes a goal, a movement forward, towards life, a hope for a meeting with Bill.(read)

(“... Bill didn’t leave him, he was waiting at the hiding place. He had to think so, otherwise there was no point in fighting further, all that remained was to lie on the ground and die”).

Conclusion: And the person begins to fight for life, moving towards the hiding place, because there are "cartridges, hooks, and fishing lines for fishing rods ... And there is also flour and ... a piece of brisket beans", i.e.. there is a meaning to life.

The hero finds himself in a difficult emergency situation.
- What is an emergency situation? [Slide 8].
- (from lat. extremus "extreme") Extreme situation- the situation is extremely tense, dangerous, requiring from a person the highest rise in mental and physical strength.

The hero finds himself in a difficult situation.
- What is the difficulty of his position? (Uncertainty; pain (dislocated leg); hunger; loneliness)
-These difficulties give rise to a feeling of fear, despair. What do you think is the worst thing for a person?
Loneliness - an unpleasant feeling.
Let's follow the text how our hero behaves when left alone:
(“Melancholy appeared in his eyes, like a wounded deer”, in his last cry “the desperate plea of ​​a man in trouble”, finally, a feeling of complete loneliness not only on earth, but throughout the universe.)
- The description of nature helps to understand this feeling even more:(find)
(“Above the very horizon, the sun shone dimly, barely visible through the fog, which lay in a dense veil, without visible boundaries and outlines ...” that in the same direction passes through the Canadian plain a terrible path arctic circle". And again: “He again looked around at that circle of the universe, in which he was now alone. The picture was unhappy. Low hills closed the horizon of a monotonous wavy line. No trees, no bushes, no grass - nothing but a boundless and terrible desert - and an expression of fear appeared in his eyes")
- The nature surrounding the hero does not bode well for him. "The picture was gloomy. Low hills closed the horizon in a monotonous wavy line. No trees, no bushes, no grass - nothing but a boundless and terrible desert - and an expression of fear appeared in his eyes."
- What do you think, for what purpose are the same-root words fear and terrible used?
(To enhance the sad state of a person).
But a hero does not give up , strives for its goal, overcoming difficulties.
- Remember the episodes of the hero's journey. What does the hero have to overcome? (find and read episodes)
Episode with matches. “He unpacked the bale and, first of all, counted how many matches he had ... When he did all this, he suddenly became afraid; he unfolded all three bundles and counted again. There were still sixty-seven matches.” (Struggle with fear).
Pain. “The ankle was in great pain ..., it swelled up, became almost as thick as the knee”, “the joints rusted, and it took a lot of willpower to bend or straighten each time”, “His leg became stiff, he began to limp even more, but this pain meant nothing compared to the pain in my stomach. The pain gnawed and gnawed at him…”. (Fighting the pain)
An episode with a partridge, fishing, meeting with a deer, etc. “In desperation, he sank down on the wet ground and began to cry. At first he wept quietly, then he began to sob loudly, awakening the merciless desert… and for a long time he wept without tears, shaking with sobs.” “He was possessed by only one desire - to eat! He went mad with hunger.” He dreams of feasts and dinner parties. (Fight against hunger).
But gradually the feeling of hunger weakens, but the person, "afraid to die", continues to move forward.
("Life in him did not want to die and drove him forward")
- One test is replaced by another. He wants to find out who is stronger.

Retelling of the fragment “The victory of the wolf over the man »
- How are the wolf and the man shown?
- fangs squeezed his hand, the wolf wants to sink his teeth into prey;
- a man waits and squeezes the wolf's jaw;
- the other hand grabs the wolf;
- the wolf is crushed under the person;
- the man clung to the wolf's neck, wool in his mouth.

- The man is trying to survive! Is it only a person?
- The beast too.
The author shows a man and a beast (wolf) in the struggle for life side by side: who wins?
What does the wolf symbolize?
(This death symbol , which drags after life, by all indications a person must perish, die. Then she, death, will take him. But look, it’s not for nothing that death is given in the guise of a sick wolf: life is stronger than death.)

We see that the man and the wolf are sick, weak, but still the man wins. What helped man to win over animals? (Strength of mind).
- And what is the strength of the spirit?
(Strength of mind - inner fire which elevates a person to nobility, selfless and courageous deeds).
- We see that the man turned out to be stronger. But why?
Conclusion: thanks to the calculationfortitude , patience, endurance andlove for life man conquers fear.
- But there are moments in the text where a person reminds us of an animal? (Prove.)

Partridge hunting. “He threw a stone at them, but missed. Then, crawling, like a cat sneaking up on sparrows, he began to sneak up on them. His pants were torn on sharp stones, a bloody trail stretched from his knees, but he did not feel pain - hunger drowned it out. Not catching a single bird, he began to loudly mimic their cry.
Meeting with a fox, with a bear. “He met a black-brown fox with a partridge in his teeth. He screamed.His scream was terrible. …” . As you can see, the tragedy of the situation is growing, a person is changing before our eyes, likened to a beast.

Find the words of the author that directly call a person an animal?
“He dropped his load and crawled on all fours into the reeds, crunching and munching like a ruminant.” He was possessed by only one desire: to eat!
The episode with the bones : “Soon he was already squatting, holding the bone in his teeth and sucking out the last particles of life from it ... The sweet taste of meat, barely audible, elusive, like a memory, drove him furious. He clenched his teeth tighter and began to gnaw. The last particles of life leave not only from the gnawed bones, but also from a person. As if the thread that connected our hero with people is torn.

And yet, what distinguishes a man from an animal? What episode, very important, helps us understand this?
(Episode with Bill). [Slide 9].

Fragment of the meeting with the remains of Bill. What are your opinions, opinions?
(Bill turned out to be weak, could not overcome fear, he was afraid for his life and left a friend in trouble. Bill exchanged his life for gold).

Can the hero be considered a real person? What qualities are inherent in such people? Support your words with fragments from the text.
(prudence (an episode with matches, in food, in a fight with a wolf, with gold, the way to the ship: “He sat down and thought about the most urgent matters ...”;
patience (in the fight against the wolf, against hunger);
reason (“The stomach seemed to fall asleep”, but our hero still continues to look for food for himself, what drives him? - reason: he must eat something so as not to die);
“At times, the mind was confused, and it continued to wander on like an automaton”, “He walked, not understanding the time, night and day, rested where he fell, and trudged forward when the life fading in him flared up and flared up brighter. He is more
didn't fight like people fight. This very life in him did not want to perish and drove him forward.
- Fearlessness;
-strength of will.

What (who) gave strength to the spirit of man? (Target, target proximity : first it was Bill, then the ship).
- We see that the author does not call this creature a man, he compares it with a worm that moves forward, writhing and wriggling. But there was not a trace left of that “patient humility” that we saw at the beginning of the story: let it be twenty paces an hour, let it be crawling, but man goes forward.

IV . Lesson summary

1. Summarizing questions :
- Why do you think the story is called "Love of Life"?
- Love for life helps the hero to survive.(
Love of life ) [Slide 11].
After all, such is life, vain and fleeting. Only life makes you suffer. It doesn't hurt to die. To die is to sleep. Death means the end, peace. Why then does he not want to die?”
- How do you understand these words?
(“He knew he wouldn’t crawl half a mile.And yet he wanted to live. It would be foolish to die after all that he had endured. Fate demanded too much from him. Even when he died, he did not submit to death. It may have been pure madness, but in the clutches of death he challenged her and fought her."
He wanted to live, so “the man still ate marsh berries and minnows, drank boiling water and watched the sick wolf)

- Very often people in difficult moments turned to the work of J. London. Why?
What lessons can be learned from this work?

2. Conclusion. [Slide 12].
"Love of Life" is a story about courageous man who survived such terrible trials as loneliness, the betrayal of a friend and the struggle with the harsh northern nature. Most importantly, he overcame himself, his fear, his pain.

V . Homework: A. de Saint-Exupery " A little prince"(read, retell)

Love... Love is everything! And that's all we know about her.

They sing songs about love, compose poems, and under its influence they make amazing discoveries. Love is a mystery, a riddle that cannot be clearly defined. So what is love?

In my opinion, love is a feeling of warmth, peace, tranquility and joy in the soul, the state when you are comfortable and you can be yourself. But love is different.

Firstly, it seems to me that we experience a feeling of love when we pronounce the word Motherland. Love for your country, region, city in which you live. An example is Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, who liberated their homeland from the Polish invaders. My little homeland is our village Baranchinsky. The village is small, I know every street in it, my relatives, friends and acquaintances live here. When I leave to study in another city, I will miss my home, which is associated with so many memories: walking with friends, skating for the first time, Christmas tree lights and my first class. I don't feel alone here.

Secondly, love for relatives and, above all, for parents. Parents gave us life, our first words are “mom” and “dad”. They take care of us all our lives, surround us with love, affection and attention. Parents are the rays of the sun that illuminate us life path. For them, we are ready for a lot. In the tale of Aksakov S.T. " The Scarlet Flower” tells about the love of a daughter for her father, who went to live with a monster instead of her father. I love my parents very much and am grateful to them for supporting me in everything and for always giving me advice in difficult times.

Thirdly, it is the love of friends. Friends are the people with whom you spend your free time, trusting your secrets, sharing your popcorn at the movies. Speaking of friendship, I recall A. Dumas' novel The Three Musketeers. Athos, Porthos, Arimis and D'Artagnan - an example true friendship, an example of men who are ready not only to save each other's lives, but also to defend the honor of a woman. There is a saying "Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are". But the truth is, most often our friends are very similar to us: we like the same books, movies, music, hobbies, and even ice cream. Friends are the fireworks of our lives. I love my girlfriends because they can make me laugh, it's never boring with them and an ordinary walk with them turns out to be an adventure.

Fourth, love for pets. And it is impossible not to recall the story of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Mumu". Gerasim's love for Mumu, his only friend, did not leave me indifferent. Gerasim took care of the dog with love and tenderness, but the order of the mistress separated the two friends. Now almost every house has some kind of cat, dog, parrot or hamster. Usually a person remembers when he first brought this little fluffy ball into his house and it seems that he made the house cozier. When you return home, then at the threshold, wagging its tail, you will be met by a puppy. You can spend hours watching a hamster running amusingly in his wheel. A cat named Bucks has been living at my house for four years now. He is a rather wayward and finicky animal. I feed him special food every day, give him vitamins for cats in the morning, comb his thick coat, walk him outside. In response to my care for him, Bucks keeps me warm at night. I can't imagine a house without my beloved cat.

And finally, love between a man and a woman. The second half, without which you feel lonely. Love begins when you stop noticing the shortcomings of a person, when you see yourself in him. Your heart starts to beat faster in his presence, you change clothes a hundred times and hide your hair before going on a date with him, when his soul touches yours and it's like flying, it's happiness for you to look into your beloved eyes, also glowing with love. Then an amazing, inexplicable feeling arises and you understand that it is not gravity that keeps you on Earth, but he. Being with him, you communicate with the whole Universe. Most a prime example such love, in my opinion, is the love of Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina. Their tender Love letters each other can be re-read many times. Although the story of these two lovers did not turn out to be happy, for me they will remain a symbol of pure and innocent love.

Love… This is what all living beings strive for, what they want to gain more than anything in the world, something that is no less important than air and water, without which our body cannot live. After all, we cannot live without love. As a result, life turns into torment, brings great suffering. When there is no love, we feel fear and pain, the world seems aggressive to us, and everyone in it becomes our enemy.

It is amazing that we are so eager to give our love to our neighbor, following the commandment of Jesus, but we are not enough for long. We cannot live like this every day and every moment. At some point, we break down and instead of love, we hurt people close and dear to us. Then we repent, but it is already too late: some of them have already left this world and their bodies.

It also happens that we give love, stay in goodness, in an exalted state of mind, but in response we hear insults. It hurts us, we stop, and after frequent such clashes, sometimes we close. We close our hearts so that we no longer feel this pain and resentment.

Gradually our hearts become harder. The world is becoming more aggressive, more and more pain and suffering in it.

What's the reason our love doesn't last:

  1. We have no love for ourselves. We are ready to embrace the whole world with love, to give everyone our care, but we do not do this in relation to ourselves, we do not understand the importance of this. How then can we give to others what we do not have? It looks like absurdity. We have developed a sense of guilt and shame for wanting happiness for ourselves, calling us selfish. But after all, we ourselves are the same particles of one God, like the rest, and therefore we also deserve love and care. And only we ourselves know how much and when we need it.
  2. In principle, we have no love, because we didn't get it in childhood. The husband brings up children, leads them along the path of Truth, and the mother gives her love at the same time, she teaches love. When women were sent to work, they were deprived of the opportunity to follow their destiny. Their children, not receiving maternal love in childhood, their children were given even less of it. As a result, now everyone knows what lust is, but few understand what it is. Love.
  3. Our love is conditional. We often give love, expecting gratitude, praise in our address. Or maybe at least not offended. But this is also an expectation. We love, expecting reciprocal love. And we expect to receive it in the form that we give ourselves. But after all, we are all different, and therefore everyone gives love the way he knows how.
  4. We have no love for God. Our love is directed to anything, but not to God. But He is the Source of all things, including love. We cannot give love to everyone without hurting someone. There will always be someone dissatisfied. And we will be hurt again. God is pleased with even our tiny particle of love for Him. We can give our love to God, who will then spread it throughout the world to all of us. This does not mean that we should forget about others. This means that we must remember others as part of Him and love them as God.

God is the source of everything, but at the same time, many religious trends divide the world, divide people into groups, often sowing enmity, inciting wars. After all all wars have a religious background. Srila Prabhupada wrote in his book Journey Into Yourself that true religion should teach people to love God. But today, almost all preachers claim that it is their God that is right. But He is one. He is the same love. He pours it on us every moment, destroying our ignorance, our pain, our bitterness, filling our hearts again with love.

Those who manage to get into this stream unconditional love feel no more suffering. They are in peace, peace, giving their love to everyone and everything. They see everything as a blessing that comes to us from God. They cannot be insulted or humiliated, because there is nothing else in their hearts but love.

Next to them, people find peace and warmth. They are drawn to them because they also want to learn how to live this way. Some of them they proclaim as their teachers, mentors, guides. People follow them, but they themselves do not consider themselves great. They do not even consider that they have understood what love is, that they have learned it. This is because they are very humble. For in the heart proud man no love. And these are humble, tolerant of everything, they always express their respect and do not expect anything in return. Their life becomes truly successful because they were able to achieve perfection. purifying their hearts, filling them with prema (unconditional love for God). They feel their oneness with Him. After all Love without unity is impossible, as well as in unity there is only love.

Jesus, when he came to Earth, did not give any religion, he asked us to love each other as ourselves. He asked us to become one. Krishna, coming 5000 years ago in the Bhagavad Gita, addressing Arjuna, asked him to leave all religions and simply surrender to Him. The entire Quran is filled with love. It speaks of a caring and respectful attitude towards each other and God.

Our hearts are outside of religions, and it is in them that the answers to all questions are found and love lives. It is important to learn to live in accordance with what the heart says, to learn to listen to it. Not the mind, but the heart. Some call it instinct. Let it be so, but how can an organ of the body think, give advice, love? It is very simple, because in the heart of every living being, God resides in the form of the Supersoul. Not a different God, but one, one. No wonder many spiritual practices call us to see God in our hearts. This also explains why different people the same ideas and thoughts come to mind.

We must try to fill our hearts with love. And you need to start yourself. Need to understand that each of us is equally worthy of love to understand that we are all one. By giving love to ourselves, realizing who we are, we will be able to give love to our relatives and friends. Having given love to relatives, we will be able to give love to everyone who lives with us in the house, and then to the whole city, the whole country, the whole world, the whole Universe.

One of the subtle Laws of the Universe - The Law of Energy Exchange says that we can receive only by giving something first.. Having given our love to others, we fill them with love at that moment. As a result, they already have something to give, including us. As a result, the whole world is in the flow of unconditional love.

After all, love is not an emotion or a feeling. All emotions and feelings are temporary, constantly replacing each other. Therefore, often in people love is replaced by hatred. But this is not love, this is lust in this case, the desire to possess the object of love. True love is the desire to give, the desire to do something for another without expecting anything in return. And at the same time, not even be happy for others, but seeing that you managed to help someone, be inspired to continue doing it. This is pure unconditional love—selfless service.

How to develop love in ourselves, if we were not given it from childhood, but were given a feeling of guilt and shame? There are several tools for this.:

  1. Psychology. To some extent, it helps to remove the programs laid down in us in childhood. Thanks to her, access to the knowledge that is needed to reveal love in oneself will be facilitated. But she plays in this process not big role and only good for initial stage. These can be constellations, art therapy, dance movement therapy, affirmations, gestalt therapy and much more.
  2. Meditative and spiritual practices. They play a big role in this process and can be used in parallel with psychotechniques. Thanks to them, a person begins to better understand himself and the surrounding space. His mind comes to calmness, which contributes to the fact that a person begins to listen to his heart. The acquired knowledge contributes to a better understanding of what is happening. Contentment and gratitude appear in a person. Gradually, his heart opens up.
  3. Service to God and all living beings (bhakti yoga). Exactly this important condition to develop unconditional love. Without it, the heart will never fully open. After all, in order to settle in the heart pure love, the heart must be pure. The process of service contributes to this purification. Pride, envy, greed go away forever. The person becomes humble, patient. The understanding comes to him that other living beings are as dear to God as he is. He does not strive to receive, it becomes important for him to give and not to be the first, but simply to serve out of love. This is what Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad did. Krishna taught this to Arjuna, saying that of all practices, it is bhakti yoga that is considered the best.

Why is love needed at all? Only in order not to experience suffering, to abide in goodness? The fact is that love has one amazing property: cleansing our hearts, she gives us awareness of ourselves, this world and our place in this world. It is she who gives us Enlightenment and Awakening. It is love that binds us with strong ties to God.. It is she who opens the door to true happiness for us. After all, happiness is not a destination, but a route. This is the main purpose of love..

Literature lesson in 6th grade

"What is the love of life?" (Based on Jack London's story "Love of Life")

Purpose: depicting the strength of the human spirit, the infinity of possibilities in an extreme situation in the story of D. London "Love for Life"


Developing: express impressions of the text, navigate the text, answering questions, generalize observations.

Educational: to educate a compassionate person, ready to help in difficult times.


To what extent a person overcomes fear.

That's how human he is.

During the classes:

1. Introductory speech of the teacher:

Guys! Today we have to reflect on the heroes of J. London. It will be necessary to find out: What are they? What drives them? What is the most precious thing in the world? What is a real person? Jack London himself was an eyewitness to many of the events described in his works.

2. Biography story (to students): (accompanied by a presentation)

Jack London (1876–1916), American writer (Appendix 1[Slide 2]).

Born January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. At birth he was named John Cheney, but eight months later, when his mother married, he became John Griffith London. His stepfather was a farmer, later went bankrupt. The family was poor, and Jack could only finish elementary school.

The youth of London came at a time of economic depression and unemployment, the financial situation of the family became increasingly precarious. By the age of twenty-three, he changed many occupations: he worked in factories, in a laundry, was arrested for vagrancy and speaking at socialist rallies.

In 1896, the richest deposits of gold were discovered in Alaska, and everyone rushed there, hoping to get rich. (Appendix 1[Slide 3]).

London also went there. He was a prospector in Alaska during the Gold Rush. But the young man stayed there for a year and returned as poor as he left. But this year changed his life: he began to write.

Starting with short stories, he soon conquered the east coast literary market with stories of adventure in Alaska. (Appendix 1[Slide 4]).

Jack London became famous when he published his northern stories in 1900, among them was the story "The Love of Life". Their actions are unfolding in Alaska.

London died at Glen Ellen, California on November 22, 1916. (Appendix 1[Slide 5]).

Teacher: We see that nothing broke London, because he was, in my opinion, a real person. As an epigraph to the lesson, I took the words: (Appendix 1[Slide 6]).

Epigraph: To what extent a person overcomes fear.

That's how human he is.

(Thomas Corleil, English writer and historian)

3. Analysis of the story:

Teacher: Today we must follow the fate of one of the heroes of the story by J. London. Look at the beginning of the story. How does the author show us the characters?

(The heroes of the story have been on the road for several days. They are very tired.

“tired and exhausted, faces expressed “patient humility”, “shoulders were pulling heavy bales”, “they walked hunched over, bowing their heads low, not raising their eyes”, they say “indifferently”, the voice “sounds sluggishly”).

Teacher: It seems that at such a moment they should support each other, but what do we see? Why did Bill leave his friend? (Appendix 1[Slide 7]).

(One of them gets into trouble, and the other - Bill - leaves his comrade, frightened that he will be a burden for him, hoping that it is easier to save a life alone).

Teacher: How do you rate Bill's behavior? Find words that describe his behavior.

Teacher: Bill is gone, but the main thing is that for the remaining hero, Bill becomes a goal, a movement forward, towards life, a hope to meet Bill. (Find and read) (“... Bill didn’t leave him, he is waiting at the hiding place. He must have thought so, otherwise there was no point in fighting further - all that remained was to lie on the ground and die”).

Conclusion: And the person begins to fight for life, moving towards the hiding place, because there are “cartridges, hooks, and fishing lines for fishing rods ... And there is also flour and ... a piece of brisket beans”, i.e. there is a meaning to life.

Teacher: The hero finds himself in a difficult emergency situation.

What is an emergency situation?

(Appendix 1[Slide 8]).

- (from lat. extremus "extreme") An extreme situation is an extremely tense, dangerous situation, requiring the highest rise in mental and physical strength from a person.

Teacher: The hero finds himself in a difficult situation.

What is the complexity of his position?


Pain (dislocation of the leg);



Teacher: These difficulties give rise to a feeling of fear, despair. What do you think is the worst thing for a person?

Loneliness is an unpleasant feeling.

Teacher: Follow the text how our hero behaves when left alone:

(“Melancholy appeared in his eyes, like a wounded deer”, in his last cry “the desperate plea of ​​a man in trouble”, finally, a feeling of complete loneliness not only on earth, but throughout the universe.)

Teacher: Description of nature helps to understand this feeling even more: (find)

(“Above the very horizon, the sun shone dimly, barely visible through the fog, which lay in a dense veil, without visible boundaries and outlines ...” that the terrible path of the Arctic Circle runs in the same direction across the Canadian plain." And again: "He again looked at the circle of the universe in which he now remained alone. The picture was gloomy. Low hills closed the horizon with a monotonous wavy line. No trees, no bushes , no grass - nothing but a boundless and terrible desert - and an expression of fear appeared in his eyes")

Teacher: The nature surrounding the hero does not bode well for him. "The picture was gloomy. Low hills closed the horizon in a monotonous wavy line. No trees, no bushes, no grass - nothing but a boundless and terrible desert - and an expression of fear appeared in his eyes."

What do you think, for what purpose are the same-root words fear and terrible used? (To enhance the sad state of a person).

But the hero does not give up, strives for his goal, overcoming difficulties.

Teacher: Remember the episodes of the hero's journey. What does the hero have to overcome? (find and read episodes)

Episode with matches. “He unpacked the bale and, first of all, counted how many matches he had ... When he did all this, he suddenly became afraid; he unfolded all three bundles and counted again. There were still sixty-seven matches.” (Struggle with fear).

Pain. “The ankle was in great pain ..., it swelled up, became almost as thick as the knee”, “the joints rusted, and it took a lot of willpower to bend or straighten each time”, “His leg became stiff, he began to limp even more, but this pain meant nothing compared to the pain in my stomach. The pain gnawed and gnawed at him…”. (Fighting the pain)

An episode with a partridge, fishing, meeting with a deer, etc. “In desperation, he sank down on the wet ground and began to cry. At first he wept quietly, then he began to sob loudly, awakening the merciless desert… and for a long time he wept without tears, shaking with sobs.” “He was possessed by only one desire - to eat! He went mad with hunger.” He dreams of feasts and dinner parties. (Fight against hunger).

But gradually the feeling of hunger weakens, but the person, "afraid to die", continues to move forward. ("Life in him did not want to die and drove him forward")

Teacher: One test is being replaced by another. He wants to find out who is stronger.

(Retelling of the fragment " The victory of the wolf over the man" " The victory of the wolf over the man")

Teacher: How are the wolf and the man shown?

Fangs squeezed his hand, the wolf wants to sink his teeth into prey;

The man is waiting and clenching the jaw of the wolf;

The other hand grabs the wolf;

The wolf is crushed under the person;

The man clung to the wolf's neck, wool in his mouth.

Teacher: Man is trying to survive! Is it only a person?

The beast too.

(This is a symbol of death, which drags along after life, by all indications a person must perish, die. And then she, death, will take him. But look, it’s not for nothing that death is given in the guise of a sick wolf: life is stronger than death.)

Teacher: We see that the man and the wolf are sick, weak, but still the man wins. What helped man to win over animals? (Strength of mind).

Teacher: And what is the power of the spirit?

(The strength of the spirit is an inner fire that elevates a person to nobility, selfless and courageous deeds).

We see that the man turned out to be stronger. But why?

Conclusion: thanks to calculation, fortitude, patience, endurance and love for life, a person overcomes fear.

Teacher: But there are moments in the text where a person reminds us of an animal? (Prove.)

Students: Partridge hunting. “He threw a stone at them, but missed. Then, crawling, like a cat sneaking up on sparrows, he began to sneak up on them. His pants were torn on sharp stones, a bloody trail stretched from his knees, but he did not feel pain - hunger drowned it out. Not catching a single bird, he began to loudly mimic their cry.

Meeting with a fox, with a bear. “He met a black-brown fox with a partridge in his teeth. He screamed. His scream was terrible ... ". As you can see, the tragedy of the situation is growing, a person is changing before our eyes, likened to a beast.

He threw off his luggage and crawled on all fours into the reeds, crunching and munching like a ruminant animal. He was possessed by only one desire: to eat!

Episode with the bones: “Soon he was already squatting, holding the bone in his teeth and sucking the last particles of life out of it ... The sweet taste of meat, barely audible, elusive, like a memory, drove him furious. He clenched his teeth tighter and began to gnaw. The last particles of life leave not only from the gnawed bones, but also from a person. As if the thread that connected our hero with people is torn.

Teacher: And yet, what distinguishes a person from an animal? What episode, very important, helps us understand this?

(Episode with Bill). (Appendix 1[Slide 9]).

Teacher: look at the fragment of the meeting with the remains of Bill in the text. What are your opinions, opinions?

(Bill turned out to be weak, could not overcome fear, he was afraid for his life and left a friend in trouble. Bill exchanged his life for gold).

(prudence (an episode with matches, in food, in a fight with a wolf, with gold, the way to the ship: “He sat down and thought about the most urgent matters ...”;

patience (in the fight against the wolf, against hunger);

reason (“the stomach seemed to fall asleep”, but our hero still continues to look for food for himself, what drives him? - reason: he must eat something so as not to die);

At times, his mind was confused, and he continued to wander on like an automaton”, “He walked without understanding the time, night and day, rested where he fell, and trudged forward when the life fading in him flared up and flared up brighter. He no longer fought the way people fight. This very life in him did not want to perish and drove him forward.


Strength of will.

Teacher: What (who) gave strength to the spirit of man? (The target, the proximity of the target: first it was Bill, then the ship).

Teacher: We see that the author does not call this creature a man, he compares it with a worm that moves, writhing and wriggling. But there was not a trace left of that “patient humility” that we saw at the beginning of the story: let it be twenty paces an hour, let it be crawling, but the man goes forward.

Finishing work on the story "Love for Life", I would like you to listen to R. Rozhdestvensky's poem and determine: what is the connection between the poem and the story? (Appendix 1[Slide 10]).

4 . Reading a poem:

If only people lived forever

it would be


How to find out,

what are you worth in life?

How to feel

what is risk?

Jump into the sea?

So don't drown!

Climb to the fire?

So you won't burn!

Plow the field?

Then I can...

Gunpowder to invent?

And for what?!.

Would enjoy lazy arrogance

Prisoners of their immortality.

They wouldn't do anything!

Never come out of the darkness...

Maybe the most important

stimulus of life

In the bitter truth that we are mortal.

Teacher: What is the semantic connection between the poem and D. London's story “Love for Life”?

General questions:

Why do you think the story is called "Love of Life"?

The love of life helps the hero to survive.

(Love of life)

(Appendix 1[Slide 11]).

After all, such is life, vain and fleeting. Only life makes you suffer. It doesn't hurt to die. To die is to sleep. Death means the end, peace. Why then does he not want to die?”

Teacher: How do you understand these words?

(“He knew that he would not crawl even half a mile. And yet he wanted to live. It would be foolish to die after all that he had endured. Fate demanded too much from him. Even dying, he did not submit to death. Perhaps it was pure madness, but in the clutches of death, he challenged her and fought her."

He wanted to live, so “the man still ate marsh berries and minnows, drank boiling water and watched the sick wolf)

Teacher: Very often people, in difficult times, turned to the work of J. London. Why?

What lessons can be learned from this work?

Conclusion. (Appendix 1[Slide 12]).

"Love of Life" is a story about a courageous man who survived such terrible trials as loneliness, the betrayal of a friend and the struggle with the harsh northern nature. Most importantly, he overcame himself, his fear, his pain.


1. Write short essay on the topic “Have you met real people in your life? What are they?

2. Draw your favorite episodes of the work.

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