What is more viola or violin. Viola instrument and its history


Which has a similar device with the violin. However, it is slightly larger, which is why its sound has a lower register. Viola strings tuned in a special way. They are lower than the violin ones by a fifth, while they are higher than the cello ones by an octave. Notes for viola are written in treble and viola clefs.

History of occurrence

The viola instrument is considered the earliest of the existing bowed ones. Its origin dates back to the 15th-16th centuries. This tool was the first to receive the form familiar to today. Designed by Antonio Stradivari. Viol for the hand is considered to be the ancestor of the viola. This instrument was held at the left shoulder. It should be mentioned that the closest relative - viola da gamba was held on his knee. Italian name musical instrument was reduced over time to viola. In this form, it was preserved in English language. Bratsche got into German and similar to it. The viola instrument is measured in millimeters. There are specimens from 350 to 425 mm. The choice of size depends on the length of the hand of the performer. From the violin row it is the viola most came close to the viols, given the size and sound. Therefore, he quickly appeared in the orchestra, as a middle voice, he joined the symphony very harmoniously. The viola, thus, was a bridge between the disappearing kind of viola and violin instruments, which were emerging at that time.

Game technique

Alt - musical instrument which requires a special technique. Playing on it is different from that inherent in the violin. The difference lies in the way the sound is produced. more limited due to the large size and the need for significant stretching of the fingers. The timbre of the viola is matte, thick, less bright compared to the violin one, velvety in the lower register, somewhat nasal in the upper register. The dimensions of the body of the musical instrument do not correspond to the system. This is what creates an unusual timbre. With a length of 46 to 47 centimeters, the instrument has a length of 38 - 43 cm. On violas with large sizes, which are close to the classical ones, mainly play solo artists. They possess strong arms, as well as the developed technique. As a solo instrument, the viola is used relatively rarely. The point here is a small repertoire. However, relatively recently, many good violists have appeared, such as: Yuri Kramarov, Kim Kashkashyan. The main scope of this musical instrument remains the string and symphony orchestras. Here solo episodes are dedicated to the viola, as well as middle voices. This musical instrument is a mandatory participant string quartet. Can be used in other chamber compositions. For example, a piano quintet or quartet, or a string trio. Traditionally, they did not become violists from childhood, but switched to this instrument in a relatively adulthood. Typically after graduation music school, during admission to the conservatory or college. Most often, violinists with a large physique, wide vibration and big hands. Some great musicians combined two instruments. For example, David Oistrakh and Niccolo Paganini.

famous musicians

The viola instrument was chosen by Yuri Abramovich Bashmet. Among the others famous musicians who preferred our hero, it should be noted Vladimir Romanovich Bakaleinikov, Rudolf Borisovich Barshai, Igor Isaakovich Boguslavsky, Vadim Vasilyevich Borisovsky, Fedor Serafimovich Druzhinin, Yuri Markovich Kramarov, Tertis Lionel, Maurice Vieux, Maxim Rysanov, Kim Kashkashyan, Paul Hindemith, Tabea Tsi mmerman , Dmitry Vissarionovich Shebalin, William Primrose, Mikhail Benediktovich Kugel.


The viola instrument with an orchestra sounds in the “Concert Symphony” by W. A. ​​Mozart, “Sonata” by Niccolo Paganini, as well as in B. Bartok, Hindemith, William Walton, E. Denisov, A. Schnittke, G. F. Telemann, A. I. Golovina. The combination with the clavier is found in the works of M. I. Glinka, D. D. Shostakovich, Brahms, Schumann, Nikolai Roslavets, A. Khovaness. Solo can be heard in the works of Max Reger, Moses Weinberg, Ernst Ksheneck, Sebastian Bach. Adolphe Adam's ballet "Giselle" could not do without our hero. It also sounds symphonic poem Richard Strauss "Don Quixote". The ballet Leo Delibes "Coppelia" did not do without it. We should also remember Janacek's opera The Makropulos Affair. It also sounds in Boris Asafiev's ballet The Fountain of Bakhchisarai.

different principle

There is also a fundamentally different viola - It is customary to call it althorn. It's about about a brass musical instrument. It belongs to the saxhorn family. Range - A - es 2. Due to the inexpressive and dull sound, the scope of use is limited only to brass bands. There, as a rule, he is assigned medium voices.

Violin- an instrument that is called both the "queen of instruments" and the "queen of the orchestra". A huge number of works have been written for violin solo and with orchestra accompaniment, even musical notation start by learning the clef, called the treble clef.

Alto, although it is a close relative of the violin, it does not receive such attention. Most often, it is perceived simply as a large violin, and not as an independent instrument. For a long time the viola was the "violin of the loser", it was believed that if the violinist did not show promise, he could be retrained to be a violist. IN Lately viola became popular, there really appeared talented musicians gathering full halls.

The appearance of the violin is rather vague. Let us dwell on one of the generally accepted versions: the ancestors of both the violin and the viola were stringed instruments called viola. They differed from the violin in that they had more flat shape, six or seven strings, and played them, resting the instrument on the knee. In the sixteenth century there was already a clear division into two families: viols and violins. But some researchers argue that the first in the family of violins were not violins at all, they appeared a little later, but violas. It was they who were the first to be introduced into orchestras and began to gradually replace the soft-sounding viols.


The violin belongs to the high register strings and consists of a body and neck. The body is two decks connected by strips of wood, shells. Inside the case there is a darling that transmits vibration between the decks. Attached to the top deck is a neckboard, on which the strings are attached. On the one hand, the neck is attached to the body, its lower part is attached to the neck, which passes into the head of the violin. The neck has special holes for tuning pegs, with the help of which the violin is tuned.

Outwardly, the viola is easy to confuse with the violin: soundboards, fretboard, four strings. But it is much larger than the body of the violin, from 385 to 445 mm, the neck is also longer. This instrument is more massive than the violin. And the musician who plays this instrument must also be of a fairly strong constitution, and have strong hands.


The violin is a four-string musical instrument tuned in fifths. The smallest details affect the sound of the violin: the material of manufacture, lacquer, symmetry. The violin's sound range is from the salt of a small octave to the fourth la.

The viola sounds a fifth below the violin. The range of this instrument is from to a small octave, to a third octave. The notes for this instrument are written in a special alto clef, but they can also be in the violin clef.

Findings site

  1. The viola and violin have a similar structure, but the viola is much larger in size and has an elongated neck.
  2. The viola is not taught to play from childhood, like the violin. To play the viola, you need a person with strong hands, so they switch to this instrument already in adulthood.
  3. The viola is tuned a fifth below the violin.

This term has other meanings, see Komuz. Komuz ... Wikipedia

Viola: Viola (stringed instrument) is a bowed musical instrument. Alto part in the choir or vocal ensemble. Alto, alto tom alto tom tom. Alto (voice) (also contralto) low female or childish (usually in boys) ... Wikipedia

A stringed musical instrument belonging to the violin family; has four strings tuned a fifth below the normal violin. Produced slightly smaller than required by the acoustic parameters to match the average ... ... Collier Encyclopedia

alto- (German alt, Italian alto, from Latin altus - high) 1) the second voice from above in a four-part choral or instrumental score (alto was originally performed by a male falsetto - hence the name, literally meaning "high"); 2) low female ... ... Russian index k English-Russian Dictionary in musical terminology

A; pl. violas, ov; m. [from lat. altus high (i.e. above tenor)]. 1. Low children's or female voice. // A singer (usually a boy) or a singer with such a voice. 2. Part in the choir, performed by low children's or female voices. 3. Musical ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Alto- (from lat. altus high) 1) low det. voice; 2) very tall husband. voice used in the church. singing 14th-16th centuries (later replaced by child A., then female cotralto); 3) a part in the choir, performed by low women. contralto or mezzo voices ... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic Dictionary

Modern Encyclopedia

Alto- (Italian alto, from Latin altus high), 1) part in the choir, performed by low female (mezzo soprano, contralto) or children's voices. It sounds and is notated above the tenor (hence the name). 2) String bowed musical instrument ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Italian alto lit. high), 1) part in the choir, performed by low children's or women's voices. It sounds and is notated above the tenor. 2) A low children's voice. 3) A stringed bowed musical instrument of the violin family, more than a violin ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

alto- ALT1, a, m n s, ov, m A medium-sized stringed bowed musical instrument with four strings that produces a sound of a lower timbre than a violin. The viola part was performed by a graduate music school Sergei Mushnikov. ALT2, a, mn s, ov, ... ... Dictionary Russian nouns

Violin- an instrument that is called both the "queen of instruments" and the "queen of the orchestra". A huge number of works have been written for violin solo and accompanied by an orchestra, even musical notation begins with the study of the key, called the violin.
Alto, although it is a close relative of the violin, it does not receive such attention. Most often, it is perceived simply as a large violin, and not as an independent instrument. For a long time, the viola was the "violin of the loser", it was believed that if the violinist does not show promise, he can be retrained to become a violist. Recently, the viola has become popular, really talented musicians have appeared, gathering full houses.
The appearance of the violin is rather vague. Let's dwell on one of the generally accepted versions: the ancestors of both the violin and the viola were stringed instruments called violas. They differed from the violin in that they had a flatter shape, six or seven strings, and played on them, resting the instrument on the knee. In the sixteenth century there was already a clear division into two families: viols and violins. But some researchers argue that the first in the family of violins were not violins at all, they appeared a little later, but violas. It was they who were the first to be introduced into orchestras and began to gradually replace the soft-sounding viols.


The violin belongs to the high register strings and consists of a body and neck. The body is two decks connected by strips of wood, shells. Inside the case there is a darling that transmits vibration between the decks. Attached to the top deck is a neckboard, on which the strings are attached. On the one hand, the neck is attached to the body, its lower part is attached to the neck, which passes into the head of the violin. The neck has special holes for tuning pegs, with the help of which the violin is tuned.
Outwardly, the viola is easy to confuse with the violin: soundboards, fretboard, four strings. But it is much larger than the body of the violin, from 385 to 445 mm, the neck is also longer. This instrument is more massive than the violin. And the musician who plays this instrument must also be of a fairly strong constitution, and have strong hands.


The violin is a four-string musical instrument tuned in fifths. The smallest details affect the sound of the violin: the material of manufacture, lacquer, symmetry. The violin's sound range is from the salt of a small octave to the fourth la.
The viola sounds a fifth below the violin. The range of this instrument is from to a small octave, to a third octave. The notes for this instrument are written in a special alto clef, but they can also be in the violin clef.

Thus, TheDifference.ru found the following differences between violin and viola:

The viola and violin have a similar structure, but the viola is much larger in size and has an elongated neck.
The viola is not taught to play from childhood, like the violin. To play the viola, you need a person with strong hands, so they switch to this instrument already in adulthood.
The viola is tuned a fifth below the violin.

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