Why is flat humor considered a primitive form of joke? What are the jokes? An attempt to classify the unclassifiable.


Well, of course, there is not a word about fire safety in apiaries, nor about the usefulness of cold rubdowns, but I know they will come to strictly point out: why? How could one not specify the rules for using scuba gear in a big city?

It turns out that there are a lot of people who like to discuss what is in the note There is not.
I will ask you not to read any further: there is, in fact, nothing here, so you are tormented to list. Sit down and write yourself better. And I do my best - just a small chamber study on a blue spring evening, waiting for dinner.

So, some thoughts on anecdotes.
First of all. A good anecdote is a completely self-sufficient thing. It can contain a whole novel, in which there is a plot, and prominent characters, and a plot-climax-denouement. And you can tell them endlessly. True, this activity was not always good for health:

What are you sitting for?
- He told a joke.
- And you?
- Heard a joke.
- And you?
- For laziness! Was at a party. One told a joke. I go home and think: now, what to convey or tomorrow morning? Okay, I think tomorrow morning will be in time. Taken at night!

IN good joke there are even "images". Remember, the writings wrote: "The image of Oblomov." And there are jokes too. For example: a rich anecdote about Vovochka.

Little Johnny bursts into the classroom after the bell rings, and without hello runs to the desk.
— Fu, Vovochka, is this how they enter the class? Come out and in as your dad comes in.
Vovochka comes out ... The door swings open with a kick, Vovochka:
- To plan my bald skull, whom I see - Mary-Ivanna!
- Fu, Vovochka, come out and come in, as your grandfather enters.
Vovochka comes out. The door quietly opens, Vovochka's head sticks in:
- What, paskuda, did not wait?

And tell me that there are no images here - and Vovochka himself, and his semi-gangster dad - a big man in stretched sweatpants, but with a chain around his neck, and grandfather - an old godfather in law? A whole story.

In addition, jokes are a culturological phenomenon, it is a mystery, because no one has ever seen the authors of jokes, it is specially impossible to come up with a joke. You can compose a skit, a sketch, a gag, a happening, but not a joke. Anecdotes are a pure product of the collective unconscious. And the speed with which they spread around the world, when there was no Internet at all, is truly light.

There are jokes funny and unfunny. This is a fundamental feature of anecdote. We will not talk about the unfunny ones. We dismiss them with indignation. We do not tell the company, we do not write articles about them.
Stay funny.
Funny jokes are divided primarily into decent and indecent. Indecent jokes come across terribly funny, but, alas, they do not fit into the format of this resource. Remain good. They are bearded and unbearded, but the beardedness of a joke is a transient concept: new generations come who do not know them.
decent funny jokes can be classified by topic:


An American, an Englishman, and ours boast that they will make a cat eat mustard. The American grabs the cat and stuffs the mustard into its mouth.
- This is violence! ours protests.
The Englishman puts mustard between two pieces of sausage, the cat eats it.
- This is a lie! - protests ours, after which he smears mustard under the cat's tail, and the cat licks it with a howl.
- Pay attention, - says our - voluntarily and with a song.

Women's(about men) and men's(about blondes)

My wife is leaving for a day trip. Husband instructs:
- Prepare breakfast in the morning, feed the children, go to school for the elder, go to the garden for the younger, go to the laundry at lunchtime, buy this and that after work, pick up the children, feed, take lessons with the elder, read to the younger, wash the dishes, put the children to bed .
The husband got up, fed, took him away, ran in, brought him, bought him, took him away, did his homework, read, washed, put him down, fell into bed ... and thinks: “If this bastard climbs on me now, I won’t be able to stand it.”

Abstract (absurd)

A patient comes to the doctor with a bandage on his leg.
- What are you complaining about?
- My head hurts.
“Why is there a bandage on your leg?”
- Slipped off.

Professional(medical, musical, etc.) Lately also computer)

- Dad, what is FORMAT WITH COMPLETE? Dad, why are you so pale?

Literary and cinematographic(about heroes of books and films)

What do you think, Watson, what does it mean when the sky is full of stars at night?
— Good weather, Holmes?
“That means that while we were sleeping, our tent was stolen!”

"About psychos and drug addicts"(partially related to absurd)

Two drug addicts in the car.
- Wan, slow down, grandma! Oh, they hit it. Vanya, grandma again! Brake! They shot down ... Waaan, again a grandmother ...
- Well, chooooo you ... you are driving, you are braking ...

Baby(school, about Vovochka)
About animals (for the most part fabulous):

Gene works in a store. Cheburashka comes and asks for a kilo of salt.
- You know, Cheburashka, I hit a weight somewhere. Let me poke your eye?
- Put a mound on your tail, green dog !!!


In the shop:
- Is there meat?
- No.
- And it says "MEAT store".
- You never know what is written on my barn. And then there's the wood...

National(a very subtle point - from wildly witty and well-aimed, to stupidly bestial)

Probably and some more.
But this classification is not essential. Or rather, less significant. Much more important is the classification of jokes by lenght. It is non-discrete, i.e. it does not have a list of items, but the shorter the joke, the better it is. The joke does not need any extra details and explanations, sometimes just one phrase is enough:

“That’s not a tail…” said the wolf, and blushed deeply.
What needs to be explained here? As the saying goes, “If you need to explain, then you don’t need to explain.”

Champions of brevity - unsurpassed by definition - are one-word jokes:
- Procreated.
- Fitter.

There is, however, an anecdote and generally, as it were, without words:
Two Odessa old men are sitting. One sighs. Second: "Oh, and don't say."

But this aerobatics, understandable only in the context of the twentieth century and only in our country.

Put yourself in the place of the joker. Consideration should be given to the personality of the prankster and why he may be telling individual jokes. For example, the father of a child might be telling a group of people jokes about fatherhood that would only make sense to those who are also the father. This may be due to the fact that a person wants to attract the attention of other fathers with a joke, and you simply do not understand his joke, because you have not yet had children. The same applies to other communities of people and people in other professions, as you first need to try to take their point of view in order to fully understand their specific joke.

  • It is also sometimes useful to consider the sense of humor of the person who is presenting the joke. For example, the jokes of a person with a goofy sense of humor can be very different from those of people with a biting and witty humor. If you learn to put yourself in the place of the joker, it will be easier for you to understand how to perceive a particular joke. Often jokes are not meant to be taken seriously.
  • Pay attention to how the people around you react to the joke. If you can't figure out what the joke is about, you can look around to see how you should react to it. Laughter is often contagious, and you will start laughing on your own when you pay attention to other people's reactions. Judging the reaction of others will also allow you to take the joke less seriously, especially if people liked it.

    • According to research, people don't decide for themselves whether to laugh or not. Laughter is often an unconscious automatic response. That is why it is very difficult to laugh on command or fake a laugh. Paying attention to the reaction of others, you yourself can laugh at the joke, instead of maintaining a serious and reserved look.
  • Learn to throw witty lines in response to jokes. To break through the wall of your own seriousness, challenge yourself and start responding to jokers witty phrases or replicas. To do this, you can take the theme or idea of ​​a joke as a basis and counter it with your own more funny or interesting statement.

    • For example, your colleague might joke about how his little one always gets upset when dad leaves home for work. For your part, you have the opportunity to answer him with a line about how upset your dog is when you leave him for the day. This is funny, because your joke is based on the first joke and immediately draws a funny picture in your head of a sad dog sitting at the door when you go to work. This will allow you to show that you don't take a colleague's joke seriously and are ready to have some fun yourself.
  • Sweep other people's jokes with self-irony. Self-irony occurs when you start to make fun of yourself in order to make others smile. It's also useful when you're not sure how to respond to someone's joke, or realize you're taking it too seriously. This kind of humor makes it easy to eliminate awkward moments and show that you can laugh at yourself too.

    • Use self-irony when you are uncomfortable, when you are not sure what to say, or to instantly respond to someone's jokes. For example, your friend might joke about how hopeless he is in separate form sports or play. Which can be answered with a self-deprecating joke about how hopeless you are in general in everything. This will be a fun response to the original joke and will likely make your friend laugh.
  • Not everyone can distinguish flat jokes from good humor. And all because today comedians do not have time to work efficiently. After all new program you need to write for a long time, then rehearse, and why bother yourself when you can also tour with the old one? Today we will analyze the concept of a flat joke and give examples.


    Flat jokes are mockery of a person, which can sometimes even sound offensive. There is another definition. Flat jokes are called anecdotes and aphorisms that everyone already knows by heart and, accordingly, they do not cause laughter. Usually, people with low intelligence resort to this method of entertaining the crowd, who cannot always determine in which situation they should speak, and where it is better to keep their mouths shut.

    Why are the jokes flat? There are many strange synonyms in Russian. Some of them are the words "flat" and "vulgar". After all, most of these jokes are just indecent and vulgar. And there is common expression that there are more flat jokes in the head.


    To understand exactly where the cunning lies in bad humor, you need to look at it from the outside. An example of a flat joke: nothing that caviar is black - it would be white bread. It's not funny. Everyone understands that black caviar is a delicacy that is not available to everyone. Therefore, to express it in a dismissive tone is simply inappropriate.

    Or here's another example: a fat barrel gave birth to a son. Well, how can you laugh at it? A woman who was pregnant, even if she really looked like a barrel, still deserves respect. After all, she was carrying a child - the future of our country. And some teenagers can laugh so dismissively. There is no other way to call such a joke other than rudeness.

    Flat jokes often fly to people who have some kind of physical handicap. For example, a person can offend with such a joke: with your belly you can knock anyone down. Naturally, it will be insulting to hear about such an exaggeration of physical inferiority.

    Why do people joke flatly?

    Most often this is done by those persons who lack intelligence. They don't know what flat jokes mean. They think their humor is great. After all, they also watch various stand-ups and rap battles. And if there their favorite artists publicly insult each other, then why not follow their example and make flat jokes? People cannot recognize the difference between what is permissible and what is ugly to say and do. Today when they fall moral standards, everyone can afford a lot. Including the freedom to insult anyone.

    But it cannot be otherwise. Young people are brought up by television, and since it shows television programs where people joke rather mediocrely, then the audience will take an example from their idols. It is worth developing a sense of taste for good humor. You can make fun of friends, but if you don’t know how to do this, but you still want to joke, you should laugh at the situation, and not at a specific person.

    How to develop a sense of humor?

    The most flat jokes turn out to be spoken by very narrow-minded people. Therefore, in order to understand the difference between good humor and bad, one must possess high intelligence. Indeed, in this case, you do not have to explain what exactly is funny in a joke. Some people find jokes unfunny because they tell, for example, about historical events about which the listener is generally unaware.

    Also, to improve your sense of humor you need to constantly practice. And always act according to such a plan: first think, then speak. Indeed, in the process of training, you can inadvertently offend very good man who didn't do you any harm. The more you notice, notice and joke about it, the better you will get. And first of all, you need to learn to laugh at yourself and life situations. It will be easier for others to perceive jokes from those who are not afraid to make a sharp remark in their address.

    You should choose your idols, who are considered well-known world-class comedians. They are loved by the inhabitants of most of the planet, which means that their humor is held in high esteem not only in Russia. This is the level you should aim for. You should memorize statements, analyze the topics of those aphorisms that you liked and, having drawn conclusions from this, try to compose your own unique jokes.

    It is impossible to develop a sense of humor without understanding the structure of the joke. Therefore, in this article we will consider the basic structure of jokes. I say basic because it's not the only one. The genre of comedy has changed. Today, comedy is not only punchlines and punchlines.

    Many comedies are set in motion without any kind of one-line and two-line structures, but if you want to be successful, you need to start with the basics. And only after moving through the complexity of layered structures.

    How to come up with a joke easily and quickly

    Whether you decide to write jokes, scripts, or books, the key to getting the right material is understanding comedy at its most basic level. Once you understand the basics of comedy, you will start to open up more and more areas in your Everyday life that will inspire comedy and before you know it, jokes will be flying from your mouth, your brain or your fingertips.

    Therefore, one of my main goals is to bring your sense of humor into harmony with the inconsistencies that are in our lives every day from the very beginning. Sometimes they are subtle and sometimes they are very obvious. The master comedian learns to recognize possibilities and turns those possibilities into something funny.

    A joke is a magic trick

    Comedy is verbal judo or magic. After all, comedy is all about manipulation and deceit. A magician can bend a spoon, a comedian can bend words and meanings to form a joke from scratch.

    The magician misdirects the attention of the audience while he takes out or hides a coin or ball. The comedian takes you in the same direction as the story, only to fool you with an unexpected ending. And all the while you believe he's telling a legitimate story.

    For example, a comedian who is going bald might say:

    “I started to go bald…sometimes I feel embarrassed about it…Like this morning when my wife ran her fingers through my hair, but I had already left for work!”

    Humorists should be able to take any logical grouping of words and make them funny. And you will learn it. But for this you need to understand the basics. Learning the basics of joke writing will give you a foundation for understanding humor in general. It will also help you come up with jokes faster and give you various angles writing approach. How to develop a sense of humor from scratch without such a foundation, I do not know, so let's start.

    Basic joke scheme: setup and punchline, examples

    In another way, you can say:

    1. Setup is a logical statement of fact. Attention, do not forget that the installation is logical, as this is usually reliable information or real event. Most comedians kill their jokes by trying to make the setup funny. This is mistake.
    2. Punchline (climax) is a continuation of the statement, which suddenly leads the audience in an unexpected direction. Such an unexpected conclusion to the joke should cause laughter.

    What is its advantage? The Straight Line reminds my students that the attitude must be truthful. This is important because many initial stage jokers want to make all things and stories stupidly funny, and this, unfortunately, leads to disaster.


    Doctors say that lemon is very good for health...especially if it's a bucks lemon!

    STRAIGHT LINE: "Doctors say lemon is very good for health." Please note that "Direct Line" is simply a statement of fact. This is very important to remember!

    PUNCHLINE (Zestline): "Especially if it's a lemon bucks!" This statement completely changes the meaning of the first statement. This, in turn, causes surprise and, accordingly, a smile.

    You need to learn to think of comedy like this: I'm going to take something that's honest and true and turn it into something that's funny by leading to something that's wrong and that's surprising.

    The process of creating comedy is no different from that used by magicians.

    The joke is magic trick, which mentally leads the audience in one direction (magicians, by the way, call this the term “misdirection”), and in the meantime prepares a surprise: punchline (magicians call this “opening”).

    The magician and the comedian have the same goal: to deceive the audience.

    Just as the magician plans each trick, the comedian prepares his joke. Both create a specific story that has a beginning, main body, and ending. Both must create in the imagination of the listeners clear picture. Ideally, everyone present should see this picture at the same time. They must also understand all the details. The listener must necessarily imagine this picture in his mind.

    Here is an example:

    A man fills out a bank loan form. (Everyone imagines a typical hard worker). Everything goes well. The man asks:

    Should I write my salary in words? (Everyone draws the same scene in their minds.)

    – What is yours?

    See, you laughed even though I warned you about the upcoming punchline. The secret was that it was a punchline you didn't expect.

    The surprise factor in a joke is the key to success

    The importance of the surprise factor in creating all kinds of comedy cannot be overestimated: it is essential for writing any joke. You can test this concept for yourself: every time you laugh, ask yourself why you did it. The answer will be the same: I did not expect this.

    Of course, in order to set the stage for surprise, you need to make sure of two things:

    1. Audience receives all the information it needs, in other words, that the audience "hears" you.
    2. The audience should understand all phrases used. Vague statements about things or concepts unfamiliar to them put an end to inspiring comedy.

    Summing up:

    1. Comedians are magicians.
    2. Misdirection deceives the audience.
    3. Punchline should surprise them.
    4. Laughter comes from surprise.
    5. The more surprise, the more laughter.
    6. Lack of surprise breeds a lame bearded joke.

    And remember, when you start writing your own jokes, make sure they contain the element of surprise. And when you bring them to your listeners (even one or two friends), make sure that they hear you and understand all the details necessary for the joke to make sense.

    It is important!

    Once again, make sure that the audience:

    • receives all the information;
    • understands every detail of the story.

    Well, if you want to know some of the misdirection techniques often used by joke writers to ensure that their punchline is actually unexpected, check out this article: Important condition successful joke: misdirection and brevity.

    Yes, I almost forgot! If you want to try and see how others do it, leave your e-mail and we will invite you to the DNA of Humor webinar. Don't be shy everyone famous comedians They started from scratch and they succeeded. You can do it too)

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