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Surely every housewife knows how to cook pasta. But few of the culinary experts think that this simplest process has its own secrets. To pasta always turned out delicious and did not stick together, it is worth using some tricks.

The main question in the process of preparing the most popular side dish: how much to cook pasta? The exact time depends on which cooking method is chosen, as well as on the variety and quality of the product. It is important to choose the right utensils for cooking pasta.

in a saucepan

Most often, pasta is cooked in a saucepan. It is best to use a container with a thick bottom for this process. First, the pan is filled with filtered water. Ideal Proportions: liter of water per 100 g of product. If there is not enough liquid in the container, the dish will turn out to be too sticky. Usually, for a family of three, 300 g of pasta and 3 liters of clean water are taken.

The product is lowered into actively boiling water. Salt it first to taste. In this case, the heating of the plate should be maximum. Immediately after immersing the pasta in the liquid, the pan is tightly covered with a lid. After boiling again, the lid is removed and the fire is reduced.

Immediately after adding the pasta to the water, mix well to prevent sticking. Next, the side dish is cooked for 10-12 minutes.

In a slow cooker

Ingredients: 1 cup pasta, 380 ml filtered water, salt, seasonings to taste, a slice butter.

  1. First of all, the prepared liquid is poured into the bowl of the "smart pot". Salt is immediately poured into the water, and selected seasonings are added.
  2. The "Paste" mode is set in the menu. After the signal that the liquid is boiling, pasta is laid out in it. Next, the dish is cooked for 8 minutes. If in the end it turns out to be not ready, you can extend the process for another same amount of time.

The resulting side dish is leaned back in a colander and flavored with butter.

in the microwave

Ingredients: 220 g pasta, 2 times more filtered water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil, table salt to taste.

  1. To cook pasta in this way, you need to choose a deep dish suitable for the microwave oven.
  2. First, the container is sent to the device at maximum power for 12-15 minutes until the liquid boils.
  3. Boiling water can be salted, pour oil into it. Pasta is dipped into the mixture. The oil will keep them from sticking.
  4. The products are well mixed, and the container is returned to the oven for 20 minutes at medium power.

It remains to throw the pasta in a colander and you can take a sample.

In a double boiler

Ingredients: 350-370 g pasta, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of refined oil, salt, seasonings, water.

  1. First, water is poured into the steamer container intended for rice. There should be enough liquid so that its level is about 1.5 cm higher than the layer of pasta.
  2. Salt, seasonings and oil are immediately added to the water.
  3. Pasta is immersed in the liquid, after which the device closes and turns on.

The dish is prepared in 20-25 minutes. Rinse the pasta with warm water.

Al dente pasta - how long to cook?

Slightly undercooked al dente pasta is used for compound dishes. For example, when spaghetti ends up paired with sauces or separately cooked meats. If you add ready-made pasta to a boiling sauce, then in the end they will boil quickly. The al dente condition makes it ideal for preparing a compound pasta dish. An extra couple of minutes of languor will bring them to full readiness.

Selected pasta is immersed in actively boiling salted water. Next, you need to pinpoint 3-4 minutes. After that, the semi-finished product is left to stand in water for a couple of minutes, leans back in a colander and rinsed with water.

Secrets of cooking different types of pasta

The hardest part is figuring out how to cook pasta nests. This base allows you to cook a delicious dish with vegetable and meat fillings.

The nests are carefully lowered into boiling water and cooked like regular pasta until tender. The main thing is not to stir them and carefully remove them from the pan with a slotted spoon. You can remove undercooked nests from the container, cover them with stuffing and send them to bake in the oven.

Spider web vermicelli is cooked very quickly and simply. If it becomes part of the soup, then you can add it to the pot with the first course 5 minutes before cooking. Separately, the product is boiled for the same amount of time in salt water with a small amount of vegetable oil.

To cook spaghetti deliciously, you can dip them both in boiling water and in milk. You need to check the readiness of the dish every 3 minutes. As soon as the product becomes soft, but elastic, you can remove the pan from the heat.

If large spirals or shells are chosen, then they will need to be cooked a little longer in time. Until fully cooked, such products need to be held in boiling water for 12-14 minutes.

Do I need to rinse pasta after cooking, and with what water?

Experienced chefs from Italy believe big mistake the habit of Russian housewives to wash pasta cold water. In the process, the product cools down and loses its taste, and, in addition, the starch necessary for the excellent absorption of sauces is washed off.

It is up to each housewife to decide whether it is worth rinsing cooked pasta. Be sure to rinse the product with water if the pasta is intended for making salad.

What to add to not stick together?

To prevent the pasta from sticking together during the cooking process, they need to be stirred frequently with a wide spoon or spatula. Also, subsequent washing with water saves from sticking.

But even these precautions are not enough. To definitely protect the dish from sticking, you just need to add to the water during cooking vegetable oil. Enough 1-2 teaspoons.

Pasta is one of the easiest side dishes to make and goes well with just about any meal.

We will give practical advice on the topic of how to cook pasta so that they do not stick together, and we will even describe how to cook pasta not only in a saucepan, but also in a microwave and a double boiler.

How to cook pasta?

Take a pot large volume, at least 2.25 liters. Then the water will not boil away, and the pasta will not turn into a sticky mass. Pour 0.5 liters of water into it and put it on the stove, turning on the maximum fire. Put about 10 grams of salt (optional).

After the water boils, lower the pasta. If you're using long pasta (like spaghetti), don't break it, just place it in the pot. After half a minute, the lowered ends will become soft, and you can lower them to the bottom completely.

After the water boils again, reduce the heat to a medium or minimum level. The water should only boil slightly. Do not cover the pan with a lid during cooking, otherwise the water will boil away and flood the stove, and the pasta will stick together. Better to leave it open. Be sure to stir the pasta during cooking so that it does not stick together and stick to the bottom of the pan.

After 8-9 minutes, check the pasta for readiness. They should not be too hard or too mushy. It is better to read the instructions on the package in advance, which indicate the cooking time, and follow it.

When the pasta is ready, drain it in a colander and let the water drain, placing the colander over the pot.

How to cook delicious pasta? Secrets of experienced chefs

  • While cooking, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the pasta. This will keep the pasta from sticking together while cooking.
  • Be sure to drain the water immediately after cooking the pasta. If using non-hard pasta, rinse it hot water. Some people advise rinsing pasta with cold water. In no case should this be done, as you will sharply lower their temperature, and they will rather stick together.

  • Dip the colander in boiling water first. This will prepare it for the hot pasta so it won't stick to the sides.
  • To give a special taste to the dish, put 50-70 grams of butter in the pan where the pasta was cooked and melt it. Then put the pasta back in and stir. Your creation will acquire a pleasant aroma, become tender, and will not stick together.
  • You can also mix the finished pasta with the sauce and reheat them for 1-2 minutes. So your dish will become even more juicy and rich.
  • Serve pasta fresh and hot. After drying, they will already become tasteless, and warming up will not help here. You should also preheat the plates on which the pasta will be served.
  • How to cook pasta?

  • If you cook spaghetti, put them on plates with special tongs, while raising them high. This way you can easily separate one portion from another.
  • Pasta is best served with sauce. Italian pasta is considered a classic of culinary art. Therefore, it would be wise to heed the advice from Italy. Italians choose the sauce before they start cooking. There is an unwritten rule according to which a thick sauce (for example, cheese or cream with herbs and vegetables) is served with short and thick pasta. Long and narrow pasta is traditionally served with a more delicate sauce and seafood.
  • How to choose the right pasta?

    Macaroni is made from various kinds raw materials, including rice, buckwheat and even beans. The most common, of course, pasta made from flour. But even here there are some peculiarities.

    Group A (or higher grades) includes pasta made from durum wheat. Group B pasta is made from soft vitreous wheat flour. They are cheaper. To group B we include pasta made from wheat flour of the highest and first grades.

    The most useful are pasta made from durum wheat. They have the highest level of insoluble fiber, which improves digestion. And they don’t get fat from such pasta, as they contain complex carbohydrates. This can be judged by looking at Italians who have been eating such pasta all their lives.

    Recipe for spaghetti with broccoli sauce

    The energy value of such a dish varies in the region of 327 - 351 kcal. Poor quality pasta boils quickly. Therefore, before purchasing a package of pasta, make sure that they are made from durum wheat. Their packaging should read "di grano duro", which means "hard grain" in Italian.

    How long to cook pasta?

    Pasta packages usually indicate the period of their preparation, which may vary depending on the raw materials from which they are prepared. Usually it is 7-10 minutes. However, after 6-9 minutes of cooking, you need to check the pasta for readiness. They should not be rigid and should not fall apart.

    How to cook navy pasta?

    You can catch one pasta and taste it. Pasta and Italian pasta lovers prefer slightly undercooked pasta “al dente” (by the tooth).

    How to cook pasta in the microwave

    This option is very convenient for bachelors and working women. It is also convenient to prepare such a dinner for hastily in the office. The microwave allows you to set certain time, and she will inform you about the readiness of the dish. At this time, you can safely do other things.

    To cook pasta, place pasta in a microwave-safe bowl, add water and salt. The volume of water should be twice the volume of the product. Set the timer to 10 minutes and wait. It is advisable to take the dishes higher so that the water does not actively boil away in the microwave.

    Cooking pasta in a steamer

    This method is not only convenient, since you do not need to monitor the power of the flame and stir, but also useful. All products cooked in a double boiler become more saturated and do not lose their beneficial qualities.

    Pasta should be lowered into a container for rice and also pour water and salt. Usually, each steamer comes with instructions for preparing various dishes, where the cooking time is indicated. If it is not in the instructions, it should be indicated on the steamer itself. The optimal solution, as noted, will set the timer to 10 minutes. After cooking, be sure to also discard the pasta in a colander.

    Many people think they know exactly how to cook pasta. However, as it turns out, there are many secrets of their preparation. You just need to follow them, and then pasta dishes will be healthy and tasty ..
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Macaroni is a fairly simple and very tasty dish. Properly prepared, they are good both on their own and in the most different combinations. It seems that everyone can understand how to boil pasta in a slow cooker or how to make it in a regular pan, but still there are certain subtleties that provide a really good taste. For example, important condition success is choosing the right pan. So, let's figure out how to boil pasta deliciously. Here are some secrets.

Start by choosing dishes. In order to cook two hundred grams of pasta, you need a pan with a volume of at least two liters. If you forget about this condition, even the highest quality pasta will turn out sticky and unpleasant in texture. You need to fill them up only in already boiled water and immediately after that mix thoroughly. Cover the pan with a lid, wait until the water boils again, then reduce the heat and remove the lid. This will keep the pasta from flooding the stove. It should take about ten minutes to cook, see package for details. If you plan to cook later, do not cook them until fully cooked. Do not pour out all the water from the finished dish, as after a while they will completely dry out.

It is better to throw the pasta out of the pan into a colander, leaving a couple of tablespoons of water in it, and then place the finished product in the pan. If you want to have an Italian-style dinner, keep in mind that pasta should be served hot and on heated plates. You need to choose the sauce before you boil the pasta. After they have been cooked, do not rinse them with water - the opinion that it will turn out tastier this way is completely wrong.

What to cook with pasta?

So, with how to boil pasta, everything is more or less clear. Let's deal with one more task - recipes with their use. There are a lot of options, it all depends on what you like.

Pasta is combined with meat, chicken, seafood, any kind of cheese, mushrooms and various vegetables, so the list can only be limited by the possibilities of your own imagination. To get started, try cooking the simplest option- pasta with egg. Even a schoolboy can cope with this dish. You already know how to boil pasta, so there will be no problems with this. It is only important to choose a quality product. It is best to opt for products made from durum wheat, which have a more pleasant taste and dense texture. Do not digest them too much - the manufacturer's recommendations are necessarily indicated on the packaging, so it is enough to follow the advice. After they are ready, fry in a pan, oiled, with an egg and any seasoning to taste. A couple of minutes is enough for the egg to stop being raw. You can also add tomato or mushrooms during the frying process, and maybe even ham or meatballs. You can eat a ready-made dish with ketchup or another favorite sauce, however, just like that, it also turns out to be very, very tasty.

Macaroni is a dish that everyone loves. They are tasty, nutritious and quite easy to prepare. However, to get a really tasty dish, it’s not enough just to cook pasta. It is necessary to cook them well, because even the recipe for a delicious dish can be spoiled if you do not know how to cook pasta correctly.

In addition, in order not to be disappointed as a result of cooking, pasta should be different. good quality. Therefore, the success of the cooking result depends on the correct choice of pasta.

The highest quality and most delicious are pasta, for the production of which durum wheat was used. And although such pasta is more expensive, but be sure that they will not stick together and will not break apart during cooking. In addition, unlike pasta made from white flour, they are healthy, and you can use them even for those who are watching their weight.

Pasta made from durum wheat is a real storehouse of healthy complex carbohydrates, thanks to which the human body is provided with energy for for a long time. In addition, when using a reasonable amount of this product, the body will receive a number of vitamins and substances necessary for health. These products are virtually free of sodium, known for its ability to cause aging.

Choosing the Right

When choosing pasta in the store, pay attention to their appearance. To better view the product, give preference to transparent packaging. A quality product has a smooth surface, a clean glassy cut and a cream or golden hue. A product with a whitish or yellowish tint and a rough surface can be classified as low quality. Also, the bag should not contain flour dust. In addition, it is important when buying to look at the composition of the product indicated on the package. Only flour and water are used in quality pasta. In rare cases, eggs are added.

If you prefer colored pasta, make sure they are dyed with natural dyes. Also check the packaging for integrity. If it is violated, the products can absorb moisture, and this negatively affects their quality. And, of course, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

Golden rules for cooking traditional types of pasta

To cook pasta well, you must adhere to the following rules time-tested:

The above information on how to cook pasta applies to such common and beloved products as, for example, horns, shells, noodles, feathers, spaghetti. At the same time, long products (spaghetti) do not need to be broken into smaller ones. It will be enough just to put a little pressure on them for immersion in water. During the cooking process, they will soften, after which it will be convenient to distribute them around the perimeter of the pan.

Alternative ways to cook pasta

Today, pasta can be cooked with other, more modern and convenient ways, requiring neither mixing nor monitoring the level of fire:

  • in the microwave;
  • in a multicooker;
  • in a steamer.

For products in the microwave, the amount of water should be twice as much as the amount of pasta, that is, for 0.1 kg of dry product, at least 0.2 liters of liquid should be taken. A glass pot of water is sent to the microwave until boiling. Next add pasta. It is important to ensure that the pasta is completely covered with water. Then salt and vegetable oil are added (1 tablespoon). Pasta is cooked in the microwave in a closed container for an average of about 10 minutes at a power of 500 watts. It should be borne in mind that these parameters are optimal for making horns, feathers or shells. When cooking smaller and thinner products, reduce the time or reduce the power.

When using for the water level in its pan should be 2-3 cm higher than the level of pasta. Butter is added to the pasta (about 1 tablespoon). Pasta is cooked for about 12 minutes in the “pilaf” or “steaming” mode. Some housewives, in order to simplify the process of preparing dinner, cook another dish at the same time as pasta (for example, sausages or chicken fillet pieces) using a special steaming tray.

When cooking pasta in a double boiler, they are poured into a rice bowl and filled with water. The water level should be about two inches above the pasta. To avoid sticking, a spoonful of vegetable oil is also poured into the bowl and salt is added. Pasta is cooked for about 15 minutes under the lid.

Cooking pasta nests

Pasta nests are very popular now, from which you can cook a wide variety of dishes. They are prepared in a slightly different way than the types of pasta we are used to. Knowing how to cook pasta in the form of nests correctly, you can avoid their falling apart. In order for them to keep their shape during cooking, nests are prepared in a pan with high sides, or in a pan with a wide bottom. Pasta nests should be laid out in one layer, leaving small spaces between them. Next, boiling water is poured exactly in such an amount that it covers the nests. When the water boils, salt and a little vegetable oil are added. Cook with the lid closed over moderate heat for the time written on the package, or a couple of minutes less for a firmer pasta. Put the finished pasta nests on a dish with a slotted spoon and, if desired, fill with stuffing.

At any national cuisine there are pasta dishes, and they are very popular among the population. Unless they have different names. In Italy, all pasta is pasta. In Asia, it is more common to call pasta “kespe”, and the word “noodles” is closer to Russians.

But no matter how this product is called, it is always cooked according to long-established rules. After all, if they are not adhered to, then instead of delicious pasta you can get an unsightly mess.

The main requirement, which must be strictly adhered to, is related to the proportions of water and pasta.

How much water to put in a pasta pot

In order for pasta to cook evenly and turn out to be elastic and tasty, water for cooking them is taken at least 1 liter per 100 g of products. Therefore, if you need to cook a large amount of pasta, then take a large pan.

Water, before dipping noodles or vermicelli into it, is salted, taking about 8 g of salt per 1 liter of liquid.

Some housewives add a spoonful of vegetable oil to the water. This improves the taste of the pasta and prevents them from sticking together a bit.

What fire to cook pasta

In order for pasta to fully reveal its taste, nutritional qualities and at the same time not be burdensome for the stomach, they are cooked with sufficient boiling, but the water should not boil much.

It is important that the liquid, after immersing the pasta in it, boils again as quickly as possible.

During cooking, do not cover the pot with a lid.

So that the horns, noodles or other products do not stick to the bottom and stick together during cooking, they are periodically mixed gently.

How long does it take to cook pasta in a pot?

There is no single answer to this question. After all, a lot depends on the quality of flour, dough kneading, the number of eggs or, conversely, their absence, and even on how long the pasta was made.

For example, egg noodles, which the hostess rolled a few hours ago, will cook quickly - in 5 minutes. And the purchased one will cook a little longer.

If the pasta was made from durum flour, then they keep their shape well during cooking, do not boil soft, do not become limp and do not stick together after they are laid out in a colander.

Cooking time also depends on the type of pasta. After all, horns or feathers are cooked much longer than vermicelli. Therefore, before cooking, be sure to read the information on the package. But if pasta is sold by weight, then they are cooked “by the tooth”.

Do I need to rinse pasta?

Pasta is not washed.

Immediately after boiling, they are laid out in a colander and wait until the entire broth drains.

Then they are returned to the pan again and the oil is immediately put there. It can be butter, ghee, vegetable oil, lard or margarine. It all depends on the preferences of the hostess and on the recipe of the chosen dish.

Only this recommendation applies to durum wheat pasta. But most often, housewives buy cheap horns or vermicelli, which are made from flour of other types of wheat. If such pasta is not washed, they will stick together in one big lump.

Therefore, in each individual case, the hostess herself decides whether to wash what she has cooked or not.

However, some countries have their own rules about this. In Asian cuisine, thin noodles and lagman, thick long noodles, are most often cooked. They are cooked according to the same principle - in in large numbers water until ready. But lagman, unlike Italian pasta, must be washed in cold water and lubricated with oil.

Before laying out on plates, it is heated by lowering it directly in a colander into hot water, and then wait for it to drain. Do the same with noodles.

How to determine the readiness of pasta

Most often, the hostess relies on her taste, intuition and experience.

But the Italians, for example, have their own method of determining the readiness of pasta.

Any pasta they cook to the state of "al dente", that is, "by the tooth".

Cooked pasta should never be overcooked. Properly welded products do not stick in the teeth, but lag behind them.

But you need to remember that boiled hot pasta, once again in the pan after draining the water, continues to ripen for some time, so even slightly overcooked noodles will become sour and stick together.

If pasta is needed for a casserole, they are boiled until cooked, the water is drained from them, mixed with oil, laid out in a mold and baked. For casseroles, it is better to take pasta from soft varieties of wheat, but products exclusively from durum varieties are suitable for garnish.

How to cook pasta in the microwave

The microwave oven serves not only for a warming up of food. You can even cook noodles in it.

Cooking conditions in the microwave are the same as on the stove. That is, pasta is boiled in a large amount of liquid. For example, 200 g of pasta will require 3 liters of water. But the sequence of bookmarks is different.

  • Put the pasta in the pot.
  • Pour in boiling salted water so that it covers the products by 4-5 cm.
  • Cover the pot with a lid, leaving room for steam to escape.
  • Cook at maximum power for about 7 minutes.
  • Turn off the microwave.
  • Leave the pasta in the water for another 7-10 minutes.
  • The water is drained.
  • Boiled pasta is greased with oil or poured over with gravy.

How to cook pasta in a slow cooker

For cooking in a slow cooker, it is better to use pasta made from durum wheat, otherwise the result may be unpredictable. But if, nevertheless, the noodles do not meet these requirements and are made from soft wheat varieties, then they are cooked in this way:

  • Pour water into the bowl and let it boil on any program.
  • Add a little vegetable or butter and salt to taste.
  • Put pasta. Make sure the water covers them completely.
  • Stir.
  • Close the lid and cook for 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the type and variety of noodles, setting the “Steamed” or “Pilaf” program.

If pasta is made from durum wheat, then they can be cooked differently.

  • Place the pasta in the bowl.
  • Pour in cold salted water so that it completely covers them.
  • Do not mix.
  • Close the lid and cook, setting the "Steam" or "Pilaf" function.

How to cook soup with pasta

For soup, noodles or vermicelli are most often used.

Since these pastas cook very quickly, they are placed in the most last turn when the soup is almost ready.

Given the duration of cooking noodles, they put it 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking. But you need to remember that, being in a hot broth, the noodles continue to cook, even if the pan has already been removed from the stove. Therefore, pasta is recommended to be slightly undercooked. The soup is allowed to brew for a few minutes and poured into bowls.

Many refuse to eat pasta for fear of gaining weight. But to prevent this from happening, dishes with similar products are prepared in such a way that the number of horns or noodles is three times less than vegetables.

After all, it is carrots, onions, cabbage, eggplants, peppers and various greens that make pasta dishes very tasty, never boring and healthy.

And also you need to use pasta from durum wheat for food, and then dishes from them will not cause weight gain. How to choose such pasta:

  • The packaging with products made from durum wheat is labeled "Group A".
  • The bottom of the package should be free of crumbs and flour.
  • These pasta are golden amber in color.
  • When cooking, they do not lose their shape, do not boil soft and do not stick together.
  • Durum wheat spaghetti breaks with difficulty and has a vitreous fracture.

A rich assortment of pasta has long won the hearts of people all over the world who prefer to savor the exquisite taste of a variety of dishes prepared from them. However, not everyone knows that cooking pasta involves following certain rules. Treating this product solely as a side dish, our grandparents did not stand on ceremony in the process of their preparation, thoroughly washing the sticky boiled flour products with water. While proper preparation pasta requires individual approach to all varieties of this product, which adorns the windows of most stores.

Why do they stick

Currently, there are more than seven hundred types of pasta, but there is no universal recipe for their preparation. Many people who cook them on their own often encounter sticking of these products during cooking. But why is this happening?

According to experts, sticking directly depends on the quality of the products themselves, which can be made from flour of various varieties. Before buying, you can independently verify which group the pasta you have chosen belongs to by carefully reading the information indicated on the pack:

  • Group A includes spaghetti and pasta made exclusively from durum wheat.
  • Group B - products made from soft and vitreous wheat.
  • To group B - pasta from baking wheat flour.

As a rule, durum wheat pasta sticks together much less than similar products made from other types of flour. Gluing during the cooking process most often leads to a violation of the elementary rules of cooking. The first thing to look at close attention, is the amount of water indicated in the recipe. If the liquid is less than the specified proportions, the products will release too much starch, which contributes to the appearance of a paste in the pan. Under such conditions, the horns or spaghetti will not only stick together, but will also stick to the bottom and walls of the dish, burning and forming an excessive amount of foam.

In order for spaghetti to turn out elastic and tasty, it is recommended to take at least 1 liter of water for cooking them per 100 g of products.

Overcooked pasta looks unappetizing

Stir the pasta while cooking. If this is neglected, then the products can also stick together, turning from an appetizing dish into an inedible flour mass.

How long will it take

It is equally important to take into account the duration of the preparation of the product. If the pasta is digested, they will not only lose their elasticity and hardness, but also lose a number of taste qualities. Traditionally, the cooking time of these products depends on the components that make up their composition. For example, durum spaghetti keeps its shape perfectly even when cooked for a long time, and five minutes is enough to cook fresh homemade egg noodles. Horns and bows traditionally take longer to cook than regular vermicelli. Refer to the packaging of this product for recommended cooking times.

The average cooking time for a Group A product can be from 7 to 15 minutes, while for Group B, the optimal cooking time will be approximately 5–7 minutes. The same amount of time will have to be spent on cooking noodles. However, if you want to cook the horns, you need to cook them for 10-15 minutes. And the optimal time for cooking lasagna sheets is 5 minutes.

Rinse or not rinse?

There is an opinion that pasta must be washed after cooking. In fact, this step is sometimes recommended to be skipped. The reason is that water washes away the starch needed to better absorb the sauce, giving the dishes a richer flavor. After the cooking process is completed, it is enough to throw them in a colander and let the broth drain. So that the cooked pasta does not turn into one big lump, it is recommended to put a piece of butter in them, regardless of what kind of wheat they are made of.

However, there are varieties that require mandatory rinsing after cooking. These include lagman noodles, widely used in Asian cuisine.

But since there is no definite answer to the question of whether pasta should be washed, each housewife has the right to independently decide what to do with them after cooking is completed.

How to check the degree of readiness

Usually the degree of readiness is checked by sampling. Depending on personal preference, you can cook the pasta to al dente, which leaves the pasta slightly undercooked and firmer. Or boil them to a softer state.

The concept of al dente refers to the degree of readiness various products. Especially often it can be found in the descriptions of the preparation of pasta. Al dente pasta is a slightly undercooked product, however, it is ready to eat and has a tangible elasticity when bitten. Al dente (al dente) from Italian is translated into Russian as "on the tooth."

If for some reason you don't want to taste the pasta while it's cooking, just place a few pasta on a clean, dry plate. If they stick to it, then the product can be considered ready. Giving preference to quality products, you will insure yourself against disappointment during their preparation.

Attention! When cooking pasta, there is a classic ratio of product, water and salt equal to 1000:100:10 (1 liter of water, 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt).

How to cook pasta

Master class on cooking pasta from chef Ilya Lazerson - video

Spaghetti with chili, sardines and oregano from Gordon Ramsay - video

The secret to cooking soft wheat pasta without sticking

If for some reason you prefer to buy cheaper pasta made from soft wheat, you can also insure yourself against pasta sticking by using the following method:

How to cook soft wheat pasta - video

I found a simple way for myself how to cook pasta so that they do not stick together, I just add a little at the beginning of cooking sunflower oil and stir occasionally. The husband claims that it is more effective to rinse with cold water after cooking.


God forbid washing pasta! This is exactly why they stick together - you sharply lower their temperature. You can't do that. Oil can also be omitted. If next you will add sauce or serve them with gravy. If without everything or just with cutlets, for example (that is, without a liquid component), then you can throw a small piece of butter into the ready-folded pasta. If you're okay with the smell of olive oil (some men don't), you can add 1/3 teaspoon (for two servings of boiled pasta).



Fry dry (not boiled) pasta in a frying pan with refined vegetable oil until golden brown (constantly stir !!!). Then, little by little, pour water into it (little by little) and simmer until cooked, like risotto. It turns out a completely different taste.

maria kipke


Using these recommendations, you can cook pasta correctly, while avoiding unwanted sticking. Compliance with the rules of cooking pasta will preserve the taste of these products, as well as delight your guests with delicious Italian dishes that have an impeccable appearance.

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