The best time to consume products. The best time for different foods: what to eat in the morning, afternoon and even at night


Each of us tries to eat right, choosing only the freshest and healthiest foods, thinking through the menu, counting the calorie content of dishes and taking into account the combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. However, the time of day also matters, affecting the rate of digestion of food and the degree of assimilation of the necessary elements.

We propose to consider 15 basic foods that are probably present in your diet, and determine what time to eat them so that the energy received from the products keeps you in good shape, and is not deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat. Intrigued? Then let's figure it out together.

1. Curd

Despite the fact that most people eat cottage cheese for breakfast, it is more correct to use it in evening time. It contains protein that is easily digested without causing a feeling of heaviness. Therefore, cottage cheese is a great alternative to a traditional dinner, especially for those who are looking to get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

2. Cheese

Cheese is very difficult to digestive system product, which is why you should not include it in the evening menu. But having eaten a small piece in the morning, you will forget about such a problem as bloating during the day. In addition, eating cheese for breakfast will help to avoid weight problems, because, as you know, cheese is very high in calories.

3. Nuts

Best time in order to feast on a handful of nuts - this is a snack between breakfast and lunch. This will quickly replenish energy reserves, which will allow you not to overeat in the afternoon, but at the same time there will be time to use up the calories received. If you eat nuts after dinner, then over time you risk gaining a few extra pounds.

4. Oranges

As a source of vitamin C that the body needs, oranges, however, are best eaten in the afternoon rather than for breakfast. After all, if you use them on an empty stomach, then there is a high risk of developing gastritis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. That's why try eating them for an afternoon snack to speed up your metabolism a little and improve digestion.

5. Bananas

Bananas, like nuts, are best eaten for a second breakfast. They are not suitable for the first meal, as they can cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, but if you eat them in the evening, then you risk disrupting the digestive system and add a few centimeters at the waist.

6. Apples

The ideal time to eat apples is in the morning, so try to eat them for breakfast to "wake up" your digestive system. In addition, the pectin contained in apples, and especially in the apple peel, is better absorbed during the day, and not at night.

7. Potato

Although one of the main side dishes for dinner, potatoes are best eaten in the morning. This is due to the fact that it is 2-3 times more caloric than other vegetables, which means that you run the risk of not fitting into your favorite jeans if you eat potatoes in the evening.

8. Zucchini

But zucchini, on the contrary, will be a wonderful and healthy dish for dinner. They contain high amounts of fiber, which will help you avoid feeling hungry before bed and minimize possible "raids" on the refrigerator. In addition, zucchini has a slight diuretic effect, which means that in the morning you will not see edema on your face, which often happens, especially if you had a wrong dinner.

9. Tomatoes

Since we are talking about puffiness, you should not eat tomatoes for dinner, which, due to the large amount of oxalic acid, affect the water-salt balance and, when consumed in the evening, provoke puffiness. It is better to eat them for lunch - this way you will improve digestion and activate the pancreas.

10. Rice

Rice dishes are perfect for the lunch menu. They will fill you with energy, allowing you to remain alert until the end of the day, but at the same time they will not affect your weight. If you want to receive the greatest benefit From this high-carb product, then choose brown or black rice.

11. Pasta

Many people who lose weight try to give up all pasta, but it’s enough just to choose the right pasta and eat it not as a side dish for fatty meat, but simply with vegetables. And try to eat them for lunch, not dinner. In the evening, it is better to limit the intake of complex carbohydrates, which include durum wheat pasta.

12. Buckwheat

Buckwheat consists of complex carbohydrates, the digestion of which requires not only a sufficient amount of time, but also the resources of the body. That is why try to eat this healthy product for lunch, because in the evening both the metabolism and the digestive system slow down, which means that the body cannot cope with the load.

Everyone knows that what we eat has a big impact on our physical well-being. But equally important is the timing of certain foods. Studies show that there are specific times of the day for different foods when they are best consumed to reap the maximum benefits for our health.

The following guide will help you figure out what to eat and when.


Eating a few pieces of dark chocolate with breakfast will provide your body with antioxidants that are good for your heart and help fight aging.

When eating more than 25g of dark chocolate per day, your body will begin to store the excess as body fat.


Meat is an excellent source of iron, providing life-giving oxygen to cells and organ systems. Thus, too, eating meat reduces fatigue and vulnerability to disease.

It takes up to 5 hours to digest meat. Consuming this product shortly before bedtime may adversely affect the digestive system.


Eating 30g of raw walnuts will fill your body's needs for omega-3 fatty acids. They help keep blood vessels in good shape, regulate blood pressure and have a beneficial effect on lung function.

Nuts are high in fat and calories, so eating them with dinner can lead to weight gain.


Oranges improve the functioning of the digestive system, have a general tonic effect on our body and speed up metabolism.

Eating oranges on an empty stomach right after waking up can lead to allergic reactions and stomach irritation, which increases the risk of gastritis.


Pasta made from wheat flour has a high fiber content, which helps in cleansing the body and removing toxins. Also low glycemic index paste (40) reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Often served with meat, pasta is a high-calorie dish. For dinner, it is better to eat foods with a higher nutritional value but with lower calories.


Zucchini is rich in fiber, which helps to cleanse the intestinal tract, even with a very quick lunch.

In the morning, our body does not have enough water. Since zucchini has a diuretic effect, eating it for breakfast can increase dehydration.


Organic acids contained in tomatoes promote digestive processes and regulate the functioning of the stomach and pancreas.

A large amount of oxalic acid adversely affects the water-salt metabolism. Therefore, eating tomatoes during dinner can lead to bloating.


Potato starch lowers blood cholesterol levels. Potatoes are also rich in essential minerals.

Potatoes are 2-3 times more nutritious compared to other vegetables. Therefore, it is better not to eat too many potatoes for dinner.


Bananas are high in fiber, which is good for digestion and heartburn relief.

Eating bananas with dinner can disrupt the digestive system and lead to mucus production.


Apples increase the content of intestinal acid, and this can lead to discomfort. Also, pectin is difficult to digest, especially at night.


When eaten in moderation, cheese prevents bloating and weight gain.

Cheese belongs to indigestible foods. Drinking it at night can lead to indigestion.


It is much easier to burn sugar calories if you eat sweets for breakfast.

Sugar irritates the digestive tract and disrupts sleep. Too high sugar intake also leads to weight gain.


Being rich in carbohydrates, rice will provide you with energy for the whole day.

Excessive consumption of rice, especially at night, can lead to weight gain.

There are many delicious and useful products, but you should know what and at what time of the day is best to eat. After all, we do not always look at the clock when we eat some natural delicacy bought on or tasty favorite homemade cake.

Many products contain different composition substances that are best absorbed by our body only in certain time days. Of course, each of us has our own daily routine, metabolism and culinary habits, but observing even partially some general recommendations, you can significantly improve the quality of life by reducing the load on the digestive organs.

Consider what time is better or worse for different products.

Good natural cheese is an amazing product. It is a pleasure to eat it, but it is advisable to do it in the morning, because it is saturated with fats that give a large number of energy, but the body will also have to work hard to absorb a very high-calorie piece of cheese. If you eat cheese at night (at dinner), it can cause heaviness in the stomach and contribute to weight gain.

Figs, apricots, dried apricots, raisins, prunes are rich in carbohydrates and speed up metabolism. They are very good for digestion and the heart, but they should be eaten in the morning. If you use it in the evening, then there is a high probability of indigestion.

Sugar and glucose are carbohydrates, our fuel, energy, which, if not expended by physical and mental stress, all this will begin to be deposited in different places fat mass. Although, how can you refuse to eat cakes with coffee for lunch, and even after a morning workout? But this is only to make up for a lot of expended energy and tune in to fruitful work during the second half of the day.

Apples are a product that is also Poland's "fruit brand" in the European Union. It is best to treat apples in the same way as with sweet dried fruits - eat them in the morning.

Meat products should not be excluded from the diet if you are engaged in physical labor or power sports. Meat is a real man's food. A steak for lunch or a chop for an afternoon snack after a strength workout at the gym - your muscles will thank them.

The benefits of rice are due to its composition, the main part of which is complex carbohydrates(up to 80%), approximately 8% of rice is occupied by protein compounds (eight essential amino acids for the human body). Rice porridge at lunch (before or after training) will fill the body with energy and B vitamins.

The best time to eat cottage cheese is in the evening. It is an excellent product that soothes the digestive and nervous system, and a high protein content will be good nutrition for muscle fibers and will not allow you to gain excess adipose tissue.

A glass of warm milk at night restores the body, relieving nervous tension, which has a great effect on the quality of sleep. Drinking milk in the morning or afternoon can cause indigestion in most adults due to individual intolerance to this product. In this case, sour-milk drinks will bring more benefits.

Trying to properly distribute products over time, your body will get the maximum benefit and pleasure from them.

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