Which means the courage of the city takes. Yeah, I myself would only be bolder and take cities, or rather, fulfill my best dreams, fantasies and plans



I learned something very important from twenty-five beauties. Whatever appearance a man has, no matter what he does in life, he can always commit an act that can significantly elevate him in the eyes of a girl. He should just try to "pick up" it. This already noticeably boosts his shares. Approaching the girl, he seems to declare that he does not care about social conventions. He shows courage and willingness to take what he needs. It really turns girls on. A man grows in their eyes - even if in fact he is trembling with fear.

Marilyn: "I like men who try to 'shoot' girls. It speaks of courage and desire. They are not afraid to go towards something new.

When you try to "pick up" a woman, she sees you as a brave man who can talk to her. a stranger, greet him. Thousands of guys don't dare to do this. Even if your soul goes to your heels, a woman will consider you a daredevil.

Having genuine courage does not mean a complete absence of fear. You are simply able to take action, stepping over your own fear.

Laura: “I understand that it takes courage for a man to walk up to a stranger on the street and say hello to her. Therefore, I am ready to forgive him for his embarrassment and clumsiness. What matters is that he took the step. Overcame shyness."

Alyx: “A man who tries to 'shoot' girls shows courage. This behavior looks out of the ordinary. A guy who acts like this takes on additional appeal in my eyes. The fact that he has the courage necessary to “pick up” adds to his value.”

It is very important to be aware of all this. The opinions given should give you confidence. It's nice to be aware that you are able to impress from the first minute you meet. It is enough just to muster up the courage, go up to the girl and say hello to her.

The fact that you are able to speak to unknown girl, makes you more romantic and sexy.

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The courage of the city takes (and rubs the shackles)

Wed I will steal Anna Gavrilovna (your daughter), that's what! .. Cheek brings success said Mark Petrovich. - And rubs the shackles- added Gavrila Mikhailovich (Anna's father).

Kokhanovskaya From the provincial gallery of portraits.

Wed Catch, catch the hours of love! (how to catch?) There is only one science: be brave! Cheek brings success, not that our sister captivates.

Pisemsky. Masons. 4, 6.

Wed Avoir ville gagnée ( foreign language) - overcome all obstacles. IN literally victorious exclamation. Plato said: who first loses courage will not take the city.

Cm. thank God, thank you .

Russian thought and speech. Yours and someone else's. Experience of Russian phraseology. Collection of figurative words and parables. T.T. 1-2. Walking and well-aimed words. Collection of Russian and foreign quotations, proverbs, sayings, proverbial expressions and individual words. SPb., type. Ak. Sciences.. M. I. Mikhelson. 1896-1912.

See what "the courage of the city takes (and rubs the shackles)" in other dictionaries:

    The courage of the city takes (and rubs the shackles). Wed I'll steal Anna Gavrilovna (your daughter), that's what!.. The courage of the city takes, said Mark Petrovich. “And third the shackles,” added Gavrila Mikhailovich (Anna's father). Kokhanovskaya From the provincial gallery ... ...

    Courage drinks honey, and rubs shackles. Vanka Cain saying. Wed What to do ... courage sips honey, and timidity gnaws ice. To be afraid of volkov, so you can’t see berries in your eyes. Marlinsky. Visits. 3. See. To be afraid of the wolf, so do not go into the forest. Cm.… … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Vanka Cain saying. Wed What to do... courage sips honey, and timidity gnaws ice. To be afraid of wolves, so you can’t see berries in your eyes. Marlinsky. Attacks. 3. See the wolf to be afraid, so do not go into the forest. See the city's audacity takes… Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    God owns the brave, the devil shakes the drunk. Let go, God, courage! What God will put. Courage (Courage) takes the city. Courage to the strength (to the strength) of the governor. Who dared, he ate (and sat on a horse). A frisky stallion and a wolf does not take. The dashing stallion has a joint ... ... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

(378 words) Courage has always been revered by people, because it was the key to victories and success in any field. This is true even now, no one will reach heights if he is shy, shy and cowardly. It is necessary to have determination and fortitude to take the first step, and all subsequent ones. No wonder people say about this quality: "The courage of the city takes." This is how they express their belief that brave man everything is on the shoulder, and with the help of his courage he can achieve any goal, even if it is the conquest of an impregnable fortress.

I will explain my statement with examples from the literature. In Pushkin's story Captain's daughter» Pyotr Grinev is a true brave man. He fearlessly defends the fortress from rebels led by Pugachev. Even when his side is losing, he valiantly refuses to swear allegiance to the enemy. Immediately he was to be overtaken by death, but even the leader of the peasant revolt could not pass by such courage, and saved the daredevil's life. As you can see, this quality allowed the hero to earn the respect of the same honest warriors as himself. Peter did not sit aside even after this personal victory. Taking a mortal risk, he rescues his beloved woman from captivity, and again his courage "takes the city", again the young man reaches the goal, but already a conscious, really necessary peak for him. He saves Mary, and for this he is ready to suffer even a shameful punishment, which he avoids thanks to the fearlessness of his bride: she conquered the strength of the heart of the empress, and she let Peter go.

The heroine from Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita behaves in the same bold and risky manner. She agrees to a deal with the devil in order to hear at least something about the fate of the Master. She accepts Azazello's proposal and becomes the queen of Satan's spring ball, that is, dooms the soul to hellish suffering after death. However, the woman renounces herself and fear for her fate, because at stake is only one message about where He is and what is happening to Him? Her courage takes her city: Woland, having tested the hostess of the evening, frees the Master and grants them eternal peace. The fearless Margarita also seeks revenge on those who were guilty of the fact that her beloved was recognized as crazy.

Thus, brave people can take anything from life, and entire cities are subject only to those who are not afraid to attack. This applies not only to war, but also to personal life, where courage helps a person to stand up for a loved one and save him. The only thing left for the cowards is to lose and watch how the fortresses give way before true fearlessness.

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As a rule, fears and doubts strongly hinder. Moreover, doubts are the worst of the types of fears: as fear is not perceived, but corrodes right from the inside, depriving you of strength and preventing you from acting decisively and boldly.

There is a feeling that perfectly triumphs over any fear. This is a feeling of gratitude. FEAR CAN BE OVERCOME WITH GRATITUDE! It is enough just to remember five or more things for which you are grateful for life, and any fear recedes, and strength is restored. The fact of the matter is that fears and doubts eat our internal forces, so necessary for solving our daily problems, questions, tasks.

Our courage ends where we are afraid of losing and making a mistake or defeat. There is a deep meaning in life and nothing in it happens just like that. But at the same time life is a game with many "trump cards in hand". If we consider life as a game and at the same time look for a deep meaning in it, then this approach combines both the ease of perception of life and the soundness of judgments.

Mistakes and defeats are temporary phenomena and are valuable because of their ability to teach us new things and improve ourselves. Therefore, mistakes in the game called "life" do not get too great importance. Even if you lose, you can start a new game at any time. In fact, one who sees life as a game and at the same time is busy searching for meaning will not be overly tormented by all sorts of fears.

So that fears and doubts do not block great goals from you, remember ten practical advice to help you overcome any fear:

"1. Ask yourself the question:" What happened to my past fears? "You will realize that a maximum of five percent of all your fears in the past have become reality. Think about how justified your worries are. Perhaps you are worried about trifles.

2. Write down five things that make you feel grateful. Say to yourself: "So far, everything was in order, and I will also cope with the new task."

3. Much of what we fear may or may not happen in the future, it has nothing to do with today. Why should we suffer today?

4. Convince yourself that the current day will end happily for you, and after it another one. Life is made up of a succession of individual days.

5. If the fear is too strong, talk to the winner as soon as possible. In his presence, your fear will disappear. You can also think about what a person would do in a similar situation.

6. Get busy. Of course, this is not easy when you are overwhelmed with fear, but it is necessary. After all, fear presses on us most when we sit idle.

7. Never ask yourself if you can do it. The question should sound differently: "How will I deal with it?" Whatever happens, you will find the right solution.
8. Reinforce your positive ideas. think about yourself fascinating story with a happy ending.
9. Listen to the music you like. Fear will disappear as if it never existed.
10. Look into your success diary. You will quickly remember what a lucky person you are, and you will not have a reason to worry in vain.
To be honest, courage "takes cities" precisely in those cases when we do not run away from our doubts and fears, but perceive them as additional incentives for success. It is important to say to ourselves: "If I do not feel fear before taking a new step , then this is a sign that the intended step is too small for me."

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