What is anarchy? Complete utopia or reign of terror.


The majority of the population has a wrong opinion about what "anarchy" is. Anarchism in Russia is to blame for everything, which arranged a reign of terror on turn of XIX and XX centuries. Anarchists blew up bombs, staged sabotage, believing that they could bring the country to prosperity only in this way. But what is anarchy anyway?

In fact, anarchy is anarchy, or rather the absence of centralized control, while giving maximum degree freedom for the individual. Anarchy does not allow one person to rise at the expense of another, it must exclude a large number of unnecessary bureaucratic operations. The need to register the right in the courts will disappear. Under anarchy, every citizen of the country will not be a small cog in the state machine, but prominent representative society, which will take an active part in its development. For any government, any country, a person is an electorate. Under anarchy, the very concepts of "politician", "ruler" will disappear as unnecessary. Each enterprise will be managed by its own workers. True, the mechanism of commodity circulation within the country remains unclear, which must be adjusted in such a way that there is no shortage in one part of the state and an excess in another.

What is anarchy is easier to understand with an example. The country of "Anarchy" decided to establish an anarchist system of government. In this case, it will be divided into separate regions - communes. Each of them will govern their own district with the help of a meeting at which any issue will be decided. Relations between the communes will be carried out in kind with each other. For example, one region can produce a certain type of product that is in demand in another, then barter relations will be carried out between them. Money in the country of "Anarchy" is impossible, since their production will already require a means to suppress certain types of freedom. In addition, money can cause temptation, which, in the absence of controlling bodies, will gradually lead to rampant terror. The anarchist system is therefore considered a utopia, because every inhabitant of the country must support this type of government. Each inhabitant of the country must either be fully provided with everything necessary, or be so conscious as to work only for the welfare of his country.

An example clearly shows what anarchy is. This is a utopian system that excludes such basic functions of the state as social services, the army, and the police. Accordingly, such a country will not be able to conduct any foreign policy, and internal government will also be impossible, since for the adoption of any decision that is important for the country as a whole, it will be necessary to collect the entire population. Anarchy, in its essence, is possible only in a small society, living separately from the rest of the world.

Anarchy is not the realm of terror, which suited the Russian nihilist society, and the utopian occurrence of which in a separate state seems unlikely.


ANARCHY-and w. anarchie f. , lat. anarchia. 1 . The state of the state, which does not have government power and laws, is anarchy. Sl. 18. When the state has no head: then this is called Anarchy. Bilf Z0. Some wanted to establish a republic, others an aristocracy, others anarchy, sweeping aside one monarchical rule. Kheraskov Cadm 69. In German soil for a long time there was anarchy. 1767. PE 1 14. Anarchy or anarchy. Tumansky 1770 38. Instead of a government, the Circassians have anarchy, instead of laws - habits and customs. MN 1835 4 42. Works and articles expounding the harmful teachings of socialism and communism, tending to shake or overthrow the existing order and to establish anarchy, should not be allowed to be published. May 12, 1862. Printed in 1911 43.

2. Lack of order, organization, law. Sl. 18. They are the patricians of the Roman Republic, .. having shaken with all reason, they produced such an Anarchy: which could not be corrected by anything other than the Monarch of possession. Hofm. 146. Anarchy began, that is, anarchy. The official places were deserted. Salt. East one cities. Previously, there were funds, applications, merchandise according to the list. Now there are supposedly no funds, it is useless to write applications, complete anarchy and no guarantees. Spark 1991 No. 21. // Sklyarevskaya 1998. - Lex. Kurganov: anarchy; Nordsteth 1780: anarchy; SAR 1806: en A/ rhia; Sl. 18:an A/ rkhiya 1755. - Norm. What is "anarchy" in the eyes of the street crowd? Anarchy is an excited state of mind, anarchy is a skeptical attitude towards the tradition that regulated life; anarchy is the search for a new truth, the level of which is more suited to the level of the growing moral and material conditions of life; anarchy, finally, is life itself, emerging from the old rut, breaking through a new rut for itself. 1871. Salt. // Nikolina 2000 2 246. An A/ rhya, not anarch and I. Dolopchev.

Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS http://www.ets.ru/pg/r/dict/gall_dict.htm. Nikolay Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .



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Supporters of anarchy believe that it is necessary to abandon the administrative apparatus, laws, since people themselves will be able to organize both their personal and public life. But is it? Main principles: lack of power, freedom of each individual, mutual assistance, equality, brotherhood. Anarchists believe that the absence of coercion from outside or people has a beneficial effect on a person. Recognizing the need to consider other people, to work for the common good, supporters of anarchy advocate the principle of collective management "from top to bottom." The solution of the most important and global issues, in their opinion, can be entrusted to special meetings of authorized delegates.

But each of these delegates can be immediately recalled if the collective that gave him the mandate is dissatisfied with his work.

Anarchy, according to its adherents, is the best form of human interaction. This political originated in ancient times. The distant predecessors of the current ones include famous philosopher Diogenes, and Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, who is the founder of the teachings of Taoism.

Why attempts to build an anarchist society have always failed

It is not difficult to understand that many principles of anarchy are very similar to communist ones. But just like the attempts to build a communist society in different countries invariably failed, so the attempts of the adherents of anarchy to embody their views did not lead to success.

Of course, any state limits its citizens within the framework of laws, resorts to methods of coercion. However, without this, society inevitably slides into chaos and the reign of the "laws of the jungle", where the strongest and unprincipled survive. Even the very collective self-government advocated by the anarchists should have some kind of authority to restore order and punish those people who violate the established rules and harm the interests of others. But any punishment, according to anarchists, is violence, which they do not accept. It turns out a vicious circle.

Anarchy may look good in theory, but it doesn't work out well in practice.

That is why the attempts of such a famous person as Nestor Makhno, in the years civil war to build a "just" republic on the territory of present-day South-Eastern Ukraine turned into bloodshed and violence.

The word "anarchy" is borrowed from the French and means "anarchy". The roots of this word come from the Greek "anarhia" - "without a leader."

Anarchy - good or bad?

For many, anarchy is associated with evil, violence and struggle. This is how the majority thinks, and the systemic power machine is to blame for this, which imprinted in the human mind disgust and fear for the very word "anarchy". In fact, the original meaning of this concept is freedom and anarchy. In essence, anarchy is internal freedom, and an anarchist is a person freed from external influences on his inner world and development, it is self-sufficient.

In films or books, an anarchist is usually shown aggressive personality, dangerous to society, encroaching on someone else's property in order to destroy it. The image of such a person is associated with terrorists. In the West, many organizations that consider themselves anarchist have long since switched to the tactics of creating riots and murders.

So they hope to break state system, but cause only disgust in society. This is not to say that these organizations are not anarchist. In fact, anarchy is a whole philosophical system. There is no unambiguously correct answer to the question: anarchy is good or bad.

Origins of anarchism

The ideas of anarchism were formulated long before our era. The first philosophers who thought about such a concept as anarchy were Diogenes in Ancient Greece and Lao Tzu in the Ancient Chinese state. They are the first to articulate that anarchy is a form of government.

The theory of modern anarchism dates back to 1793, when William Godwin wrote his work "Political Justice". In 1844, Max Stirner defined the basic value of the anarchist - selfishness.

In Russian literature, the concept of anarchy appeared in the 19th century. At that time, many politicians and thinkers began to view the idea of ​​anarchy as new type political consciousness. Some thought that the principle this concept must be introduced into the activities of the state itself, and other thinkers and philosophers argued that anarchy and the state are incompatible concepts.

Professor B. A. Kistyakovsky believed that the state is a tool to overcome anarchism.

Prince E. N. Trubetskoy, a philosopher and lawyer, saw only unrest in anarchy. He also believed that anarchism would violate the principle of the hierarchy of the state in the public mind. According to him, anarchy is chaos.

S. L. Frank, professor of universities (Moscow and Saratov), ​​a lawyer, called anarchism a kind of explosive for the destruction of "common state sense."

Peter Kropotkin

Perhaps the most famous representative political theory anarchism is Peter Kropotkin. He was a prince Russian intelligentsia, scientist and philosopher. Although his political views were utopian, he made a significant contribution to the development of the ideas of socialism and communism based on anarchism. He wrote that anarchism is an alternative to socialism, or the next step after it. The anarchist utopia inspired Prince Kropotkin, but at the same time he always remained a realist, believing that it was necessary to “grow up” to such a level of consciousness. The philosopher and scientist was against any terror, even carried out for the sake of communism.

Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin believed that everyone can sacrifice their lives for the sake of great goals, but no one is allowed to play with the fate of millions.

Kropotkin always remained a fighter for anarchy and freedom, opposed any dictatorship. The spiritual values ​​for which the prince fought are of universal significance.

Italian scientist Lombroso and his work

Until recently, the work of the Italian scientist was not taken seriously by Russian thinkers and philosophers. However, his work made a significant contribution to the development of the theory of anarchism. He viewed anarchism as a return back to the primitive, but clarified that since the development of society occurs in a spiral, the return is not always a regression.

Lombroso saw the idea of ​​anarchy as positive traits, as well as negative ones. He believed that all anarchists are ardent fanatics, ready to go far for their goal. In his works, he considered separate strata of the population and said that young people were more inclined to anarchism than mature and established ones. At the same time, in disadvantaged areas, anarchy is prone to most of population, because people have nothing to lose and they are fighting for freedom and anarchy.

The concept of anarchy in Marxism

Bolshevik and social-democratic literature introduced a number of clarifications into the understanding of anarchism. Marxists were sharply negative about the very idea of ​​anarchy.

V. I. Lenin paid a lot of attention to anarchism in his works. His interpretation of this concept is very curious and gives us the opportunity to see the attitude towards anarchy and anarchism itself of the revolutionaries of that time.

In Lenin's understanding, the concepts of anarchy and order have nothing in common. Anarchy, he said, can be called the negation of any state power, but the Soviet of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies is state power.

So what is anarchy?

Although anarchism is usually understood as some kind of anti-state movement, in fact anarchism is a much more subtle and nuanced concept. This is a whole philosophy to which a number of thinkers have dedicated their lives. This is more complicated than just opposition to state power. Anarchists oppose the idea that power and dominance are necessary for society and instead propose anti-hierarchical forms of political, social and economic organization.

Anarchism - political idea which is based on freedom. Its main goal is to destroy all types of coercion and suppression. He proposes to replace the cooperation of individuals with the power that exists due to the suppression of some people by others, as well as due to the privileges of some in relation to others.

Thus, according to the anarchists, power must be abolished in all its manifestations.

Anarchy is such a way of life. Anarchism is a political system.

It turns out that freedom and anarchy are similar concepts.

Structure of an anarchist society

In fact, as such, there is no structure of an anarchist society. The main concepts of anarchism are mutual assistance and cooperation, and not the struggle for property and competition. They believe that society exists for the benefit of the individual, but not vice versa. Anarchy is freedom. Freedom of thought, lifestyle. Those who think anarchy is bad are wrong.

In anarchy, the higher the organization, the less responsibility is given to it from below. Of course, this is a utopia, society must reach a level of consciousness where it will not need anyone's help in managing. History knows anarchic states, however, they existed for a long time.

Anarchy - what kind of subculture is it, and what does it look like?

There are several branches of anarchism:


The main representatives of this direction are B. Tucker, A. Borovoy, M. Stirner. The main idea of ​​anarcho-individualism is to maintain the concept of private property.


This direction was created in the XVIII century by French workers. The main ideas of mutualism are the maintenance of freedom of association, mutual assistance, federalism. According to this trend of anarchism, every worker should receive decent pay for his work.

Social anarchism

This is one of the main directions of anarchism. Main principles: rejection of private property, mutual assistance.

Collectivist anarchism

Another name for this trend is revolutionary socialism. Representatives: I. Most, M. Bakunin. They believed that all private property should be made collective.


Representatives of this direction believed that any work should be done by people voluntarily, as a result of realizing the benefits of public ownership of enterprises.


Representative - Rudolf Rocker. Main principles: workers' self-management, workers' solidarity.

Postclassical anarchism

Representatives: S. Newman, T. May, F. Guattari. It includes a combination of the principles of postmodernism, post-left anarchism, situationism, etc.

Green anarchism

Representatives: F. Perlman, M. Bookchin, B. Morris and others. They pay special attention to the problems environment and ecology.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we can say that anarchy is the philosophy of the masses of the people in times of crisis. In quiet times, the politics of anarchism does not have much influence on people's minds.

Anarchy - what is it? This is what raises people against the state for the sake of improving the conditions of existence: political, economic and social.

After listening to Baibakov's testimony, the assistant to the mayor realized that if it was once allowed that there was a mayor in Foolovo who had a simple head instead of a head, then, therefore, this is how it should be. Therefore, he decided to wait, but at the same time sent a compelling telegram to Winterhalter and, having locked the mayor's body with a key, directed all his activities to calming public opinion.

But all the tricks were already in vain. Two more days passed after that; Finally, the long-awaited St. Petersburg mail arrived, but it did not bring any heads.

Anarchy began, that is, anarchy. The places of presence were deserted; arrears accumulated so much that the local treasurer, looking into the treasury drawer, opened his mouth, and so he remained open-mouthed for the rest of his life; quarterly got out of hand and brazenly inactive: official days disappeared. Moreover, the killings began, and the torso was raised on the city pasture itself. unknown person, in which, by the folds, although they recognized the Life Campanian, neither the police captain nor the other members of the temporary department, no matter how they fought, could not find the head separated from the body.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the assistant to the mayor received the news by telegraph that the head had been sent long ago. The assistant to the mayor was dumbfounded completely.

Another day passes, and the mayor's body still sits in the office and even begins to deteriorate. Bosses' love, temporarily shaken strange behavior Broad-hearted, with timid but firm steps steps forward. The best people they go in procession to the assistant to the mayor and urgently demand that he give orders. The assistant to the mayor, seeing that arrears were accumulating, drunkenness was developing, the truth was being abolished in the courts, and resolutions were not being approved, turned to the assistance of the staff officer. This latter, as an obligatory person, telegraphed about the incident to the authorities and received the news by telegraph that he had been dismissed from the service for an absurd report.

Hearing about this, the assistant to the mayor came to the office and began to cry. The assessors came and also wept; The lawyer appeared, but even he could not speak because of tears.

Meanwhile, Winterhalter was telling the truth, and the head was actually made and sent in time. But he acted recklessly, instructing the delivery of it by post to a boy who was completely ignorant of the organ business. Instead of keeping the parcel carefully on the weight, the inexperienced messenger threw it to the bottom of the cart, while he himself dozed off. In this position, he rode several stations, when he suddenly felt that someone had bitten his calf. Caught unawares by the pain, he hastily untied the sackcloth in which the mysterious treasure was wrapped, and a strange sight suddenly presented itself to his eyes. The head opened its mouth and rolled its eyes; not only that, she loudly and quite distinctly said: “I will ruin!”

The boy was simply terrified. His first move was to throw the talking baggage onto the road; second - discreetly get down from the cart and hide in the bushes.

Perhaps this strange incident would have ended in this way, that the head, having lain for some time on the road, would in time have been crushed by the carriages of passing people and finally taken out to the field in the form of fertilizer, if the matter had not been complicated by the intervention of an element to such a degree of fantastic that they themselves Foolovites - and they have become a dead end. But let's not preempt events and let's see what's going on in Foolov.

Foolov boiled. Not seeing the mayor for several days in a row, the citizens became agitated and, not in the least embarrassed, accused the assistant to the mayor and the senior quarterly of embezzling state property. Holy fools and blessed wandered around the city with impunity and predicted all sorts of disasters for the people. Some Mishka Vozgryavy assured that he had a sleepy vision at night, in which a formidable husband appeared to him and a cloud of bright clothes.

Finally, the Foolovites could not stand it: led by their beloved citizen Puzanov, they lined up in a square in front of government offices and demanded people's court assistant to the mayor, threatening otherwise to smash both himself and his house.

Anti-social elements rose to the top with terrifying speed. There was talk of impostors, of some Styopka, who, leading freemen, not later than yesterday, in front of everyone, brought together two merchant wives.

- Where did you take our father? yelled the host, furiously angry, when the assistant to the mayor appeared before him.

- Atamans-well done! where can I get it for you, if it is locked with a key! the trembling official, roused by the events out of an administrative stupor, coaxed the crowd. At the same time, he secretly blinked at Baibakov, who, seeing this sign, immediately disappeared.

But the excitement did not subside.

- You're lying, a bag of money! - answered the crowd, - you purposely collided with the quarterly to get rid of our father from you!

And God knows how the general confusion would have been resolved if at that moment the ringing of a bell had not been heard and after that a cart had not driven up to the rioters, in which sat the police captain, and next to him ... the disappeared mayor!

He was wearing a Life Campanian uniform; his head was heavily soiled with mud and beaten in several places. Despite this, he deftly jumped out of the cart, flashing his eyes at the crowd.

- I'll ruin it! he boomed in such a deafening voice that everyone instantly fell silent.

The excitement was crushed at once; in this recently so menacingly buzzing crowd such silence was established that one could hear a mosquito buzzing, flying in from a neighboring swamp to marvel at "this absurd and laughable stupid confusion."

- Instigators, forward! the mayor commanded, raising his voice more and more.

They began to choose instigators from among the non-payers of taxes and had already recruited about a dozen people, when a new and completely outlandish circumstance gave the matter a completely different turn.

While the Foolovites were mournfully whispering, remembering which of them had accumulated more arrears, the mayor's droshky, so well-known to the townsfolk, imperceptibly drove up to the collector. Before the townsfolk had time to look back, Baibakov jumped out of the carriage, and behind him, in the sight of the whole crowd, was exactly the same mayor as the one who had been brought in a cart by the police officer a minute before! The fools were so dumbfounded.

The head of this other mayor was completely new and, moreover, varnished. It seemed strange to some perspicacious citizens that a large birthmark, which was a few days ago on right cheek mayor, now found himself on the left.

The impostors met and measured each other with their eyes. The crowd dispersed slowly and in silence.

The Tale of the Six Mayors

A picture of Foolov's civil strife

As was to be expected, the strange incidents that took place in Foolovo did not go unnoticed.

Before the pernicious dual power had yet taken root, a messenger arrived from the province, who, taking both impostors and putting them in special vessels filled with alcohol, immediately took them away for examination.

But this apparently natural and legitimate act of administrative firmness almost became a source of even worse difficulties than those produced by the incomprehensible appearance of two identical city governors.

As soon as the trace of the messenger who had taken away the impostors got cold, the Foolovites had hardly learned that they were left completely without a mayor, when, driven by the power of love of the authorities, they immediately fell into anarchy.

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