Something strange is going on in the Oblonskys' house. What does the phrase "Everything is mixed up in the Oblonskys' house" mean? What was the difference between the reactions of Ezra and Nehemiah to the news that “the holy seed was mixed with foreign nations”

. Jottle-iron. Edna from the opening phrases of L. N. Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina" (part 1, ch. 1 - 1875), which immediately introduces the reader into the confusing situation of the Oblonsky family: "Everything was mixed up in the Oblonsky house. The wife found out that her husband was in ties with the French governess who was in their house, and announced to her husband that she could not live with him in the same house ... The wife did not leave her rooms, the husband was not at home for the third day. The children ran around the house as if lost; the Englishwoman quarreled with the housekeeper and wrote a note to a friend, asking her to look for a new place; the cook left the yard yesterday, during dinner; the black cook and the coachman asked for a calculation. About great confusion, confusion, turmoil. Everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys' house. Eugene Onegin composed the next chapter of the novel "Alexander Pushkin" in Pushkin's stanza: Anna Karenina kept proofreading her new book "Leo Tolstoy"; Oblomov, overcoming congenital laziness, sat down for "Goncharov" ... LG, 17.08.83. "Everything is mixed up in the Oblonskys' house." - the narcologist came to mind when Samansky. without thinking twice, he started talking about sex in general and the sexual revolution in particular. V. Belov, Everything is ahead. Look: young people recognize detective stories and science fiction, or they don't read anything at all. Poets run into prose writers (bad, as a rule). Critics - in literary critics (it seems, too bad). International journalists - in prose writers and playwrights (very bad!). Everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys' house. KO, 9.12.88. I do not like flat comparisons, / But you - what a pity! - / Not the head, but the house of the Oblonskys. /Where is everyone. Literally everything is mixed up. KO, 1990, No. 15. At the reception after the symposium, a kind of vacuum formed around Teller. He was surrounded by a small handful of fans - hunters for autographs. At some point, when everything was mixed up, as in the canonical Oblonsky house, Geller found himself next to Oppenheimer's brother Frank. Izv., 22.09.86. Everything is intertwined in an inextricable tangle - a working poet and the nakedness of emotions, foreign exchange earnings and the greed of Western choreographers for our methodological and technological secrets of training ... Everything was mixed up in the ballet "house". LΓ, 09/12/88. In the cooperative movement, with all its difficulties of formation, one can clearly see the desire for quick and good earnings. Examination of a child in some cooperatives costs 100-130 rubles. For a course of treatment for alcoholism, they appointed the amount of 200-250 rubles. To what extent was this figure suggested to them by doctors - members of the cooperative? To what extent is it acceptable for low-income people? Naturally, the employees of the cooperative did not carry out such studies. Truly "everything is mixed up" in the medical house! Izv., 22.12.88. Truly, "everything is mixed up" in the national football championship. Some clubs have already played the second round matches, while others, including Zenit, have not yet completed the first. LΠ.19.07.88. Their marriage was happy. His Angelica was a delicate and fragile creature. She was rarely seen with grocery bags: he wore everything and became stronger and more courageous. But suddenly in his family, as the classic said, everything was mixed up. Angelica saw an ad in a department store: "100 kilograms of waste paper or recyclables - willows are the happy owner of French perfume." LG. 03/15/89. ... with extreme surprise, say the Cadets, we learned from the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" that our party allegedly entered the "Democratic Alliance". They explain: another person appears under our name to advertise his near-political activities. Everything was mixed up. KP. 4.08.90.

Everything is mixed up in the Oblonsky house
From the novel (part 1, ch. 1) “Anna Karenina” (1877) by L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910): “Everything was mixed up in the Oblonsky house. The wife found out that her husband was in connection with a French governess who was in their house, and announced to her husband that she could not live with him in the same house ... The wife did not leave her rooms, her husband was not at home for the third day. The children ran all over the house like they were lost; the Englishwoman quarreled with the housekeeper and wrote a note to a friend, asking her to find a new place for her; the cook left the yard yesterday, during dinner; the black cook and the coachman asked for a calculation. Ironically about confusion, disorder, confusion, etc.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Everything is mixed up in the Oblonsky house" in other dictionaries:

    Razg. Shuttle. About complete confusion, confusion. /i> Quote from Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina". BMS 1998, 165; SHZF 2001, 46 ...

    ANNA KARENINA- Roman L.N. Tolstoy*. Over the novel "Anna Karenina" by L.N. Tolstoy worked for 5 years from 1873 to 1877. The novel was first published in 1877. The events of the novel develop in the 70s. nineteenth century after the abolition of serfdom and the reforms that followed ... ...

    This term has other meanings, see Anna Karenina (meanings). Anna Karenina ... Wikipedia

    Crazy house. Ryaz. Same as crazy house. DC, 52. White House. Pub. 1. Government, US Parliament. 2. The building of the Russian government in Moscow. Mokienko 2003, 25. 3. Jarg. they say Shuttle. Toilet. Ural 98. God's (God's) house. 1. Simple. Outdated.… … Big Dictionary Russian sayings

    Aye, aye; St. 1. While mixing, form a mixture. Alcohol mixed with water. Graphite mixed with oil. The colors are mixed. Snow mixed with mud. 2. (sv. also get in the way). Arrange randomly, interspersed with each other; get mixed up... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Chapter mathematical logic, dedicated to the problem the relationship of the statement or its parts to reality. The founder of modern L. with. German scientist Gottlob Frege. First of all, he formulated the difference between the denotation (meaning) of a sign (that is, ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    MIX, mix, mix, sov. (to mingle). 1. Become mixed, form a mixture by combining with something. Margarine mixed with butter. 2. trans. To become confused, to become confused, undifferentiated. All concepts are confused. "Everything is mixed up... Dictionary Ushakov

    One of the initial stages in the development of the plot poetic work. In Z., those conflicts are created (“tied up”), which will deepen in the process further development actions, up to the denouement, resolve these conflicts. So for example. Z.… … Literary Encyclopedia

    Winged words- stable, aphoristic, usually figurative expressions that have come into common use from a certain folklore literary, journalistic or scientific source or based on them (apt sayings of prominent public figures, ... ... Pedagogical speech science

    TOLSTOY L.N.- Russian writer, count, public figure, classic Russian literature XIX V. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in 1828 in family estate Yasnaya Polyana near Tula *. Tolstoy was left without parents early and was brought up by his father's sister. In 1844 he entered ... ... Linguistic Dictionary


  • Anna Karenina. In 2 volumes, Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich. According to the popularity of the beginning, Leo Tolstoy's novel "Anna Karenina" (first book edition - 1878) is comparable only with "My uncle the most fair rules... "However, it was Pushkin who served Leo ...
  • Anna Karenina. In 2 volumes, Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich. According to the popularity of the beginning of Leo Tolstoy's novel `Anna Karenina` (the first book edition - 1878) can only be compared with `My uncle of the most honest rules` However, it was Pushkin who served Leo ...
Many citizens have heard the phrase " everything was mixed up in the Oblonsky house". Almost no one thinks where this catchphrase came from. However, its meaning is immediately guessed: some kind of mess, confusion, some kind of drastic changes in life. Nowadays, this idiom is rather ironic.

The history of the catchphrase "everything is mixed up in the Oblonsky house"

For the first time this phrase is mentioned in the book of the great Russian writer lion Tolstoy. The work is called " Anna Karenina".
What happens in the Oblonskys' house?
And different things happen there. The wife finds out that her husband is cheating on her with a French governess. She is going to leave the villain. The wife locks herself in her room and does not go out, the husband left the house and disappears somewhere for three days. confused and do not understand what is happening.
The servants quarreled among themselves. The Englishwoman even decides to find a better place for herself.
The cook looked at this bedlam and decided to get away from sin. After him, they decided to leave this restless monastery and the coachman with the cook.

With this expression " Everything is mixed up in the Oblonskys' house " A LION Tolstoy begins his later famous novel"Anna Karenina"

In the very first paragraph of this novel, one can come across another catchphrase: " All happy families look alike, and every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way ".

What is Anna Karenina about?

The book about high society Petersburg. The action takes place in the second half 19 th century. The plot is much simpler and reads much more lively than the tedious dragging " War and Peace".
The content will be interesting to modern young ladies who dream love affairs and gallant gentlemen.
If you do not take into account the "terrible" name of the author this work lion Tolstoy, the novel would have enjoyed incomparable success with the female sex.

a lion Tolstoy began to write this novel in the distant 1873 year and only four years later he was safely born "Anna Karenina".
This work did not come out in full and he offered it to the magazine " Russian messenger", which began to print it in separate chapters.

And only in 1878 Seeing the interest of the reading public in this novel, it was published in full by Sytin's printing house.

Read more.

Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilyevich

Everything is mixed up in the Oblonsky house

Everything is mixed up in the Oblonsky house

From the novel (part 1, ch. 1) "Anna Karenina" (1877) L. N. Tolstoy(1828-1910): “Everything was mixed up in the Oblonskys' house. The wife found out that her husband was in connection with a French governess who was in their house, and announced to her husband that she could not live with him in the same house ... The wife did not leave her rooms, her husband was not at home for the third day. The children ran all over the house like they were lost; the Englishwoman quarreled with the housekeeper and wrote a note to a friend, asking her to find a new place for her; the cook left the yard yesterday, during dinner; the black cook and the coachman asked for a calculation. Ironically about confusion, disorder, confusion, etc.

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