What does it mean for the poor. Conversations for the Poor


The manifestation of disagreement with the arguments of the interlocutor, the belief that demagoguery is taking place on his part.

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  • - now the gymnasium of the Humanitarian Society ...

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  • - Wed. In the amusements of harmless performances, balls, lotteries All year I entertained Myself, my wife and daughters. N.F. Pavlov. Benefactor. See Charity Acrobats...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 2 rotten excuse disrespectful reason ...

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"Conversations for the Poor" in books


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Conversations for the Poor

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Conversations in favor of the poor Many things happened to us: queues for inedible fish; empty shelves adorned with seaweed; suspicious delicacies of the early 1990s; current varieties of completely human food. But both "under the Soviets", and "under the devastation", and under the wild


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There was some talk about patriotism. They probably screwed up again.

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November 1, 2018 at the State Kremlin Palace under the leadership of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and All Rus' Kirill. The event is large-scale, significant, but passed somehow quietly and underestimated by the general public.

Many magnificent speeches were made, the participants of the event thanked each other for their "invaluable contribution", and then there was a concert classical music. In a word, everything is decorous, noble, and the goals were declared more than grandiose. Since the Council has the reputation of being the most representative forum of Russian public thought, Mr. modern world and what message it is ready to carry to other peoples and states.

Thus, the leader of the state noted: “Following the motto of the cathedral, “called to unite”, you are doing a lot for national consolidation. I am convinced that only a united, cohesive society is capable of responding to the most serious historical challenges, achieving real breakthroughs and impressive results, resisting any external pressure, defending sovereignty, our spiritual and historical kinship.”

It is undeniable in form, but in essence it is only an imitation of state thinking, talking in favor of the poor. Actually modern Russian society divided in a fatal way that threatens its existence, where everyone is against everyone and everyone is for himself, the state is hostile to society, and society is to man. And not in last turn such a catastrophic situation is generated by the flawed, anti-people policy of the authorities.

Previously, only A.B. Chubais was allowed cannibalistic remarks about the millions of Russians who did not fit into the market, who have nothing to pity. Now any municipal deputy, after all, a "people's choice" publicly informs his voters that the issue of their survival is regulated not only by the "invisible hand of the free market", but also natural selection. In the same row, the pension reform, which was imposed by the government almost without any clear explanation, as a result of which millions of Russians will miss their pension payments for five years, not to mention those who simply will not live up to the new retirement age. Through and through false attempts to reconcile the supporters of the socialist idea and their opponents "in one gate", clearly expressed in the celebration of the Solzhenitsyn anniversary, memorial plaques to the enemies of the people and the erection of the "Walls of Sorrow", statements by individual politicians and cultural figures about the benefits of the revival of the monarchy, as well as other signs such the so-called "consolidation of society" is already too reminiscent of the association of food with the eater and the victim with the executioner.

Confrontation of serious historical challenges, about which the President spoke heartily, is hardly

0 Sometimes on websites or in fiction some meet incomprehensible expressions And catchphrases that not everyone understands. Today let's talk about one of these phraseological units, this Conversations for the Poor, you can read its meaning below.
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So let's continue the meaning of phraseology Conversations in favor of the poor- This?
To this day, the people have not preserved information about the author of the expression "Conversations in favor of the poor", however, there is interesting information on this subject.

Conversations for the Poor- so called hypocritical, ostentatious sympathy for other people's problems and misfortunes, pathetic or beautiful-hearted character

IN tsarist Russia nobility "drowned" in luxury and wealth, the elect had everything that their soul could only wish for. These people despised their country, even among themselves they spoke French, and peasants and workers, they considered animals, subhuman. However, in Europe, charity was widespread, and our world-eaters decided to follow this fashion, since everything was copied from the West. Then people high society, merchants and nobility, began to organize various charity evenings with lotteries, amateur performances, and other simple amusements.

Usually, such an action was accompanied by a presenter who, in a well-trained voice, announced that how bad life is ordinary people in Russia, and that they need help. All these appeals in favor of the poor brought a certain result, but it was only a drop in the ocean. After donations, gentlemen and ladies with a sense of accomplishment debt rushed to banqueting hall where the tables were bursting with food. All this food for the rich was many times more expensive than their "penny" donations for the poor. It was this circumstance that could serve as an occasion for the phraseological unit "Conversations in favor of the poor." After all, around the collection of donations there has always been an abundance of sugary and pompous speeches, however, such a "sacrifice" practically did not bring any benefit to those to whom it was essentially intended - widows, the disabled, orphans, homeless.

But on the other hand, how could they help at all? intelligentsia and the merchant class unfortunate and disadvantaged people? What do you order them? Go to the porch yourself, and stand with outstretched hand? Most likely, the sarcastic nature of phraseology was given by the understanding that it is impossible to overcome misfortune and poverty with just donations.

Conversation for the Poor

Razg. Iron. Showy, hypocritical sympathy for other people's misfortunes. BMS 1998, 487; ZS 1996, 338..

Big dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what "Conversation in favor of the poor" is in other dictionaries:

    Ex., number of synonyms: 2 rotten excuse (2) disrespectful reason (2) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin ... Synonym dictionary

    speaking for the poor- shown, hypocritical sympathy for other people's misfortunes; empty talk. The expression goes back to charity meetings and evenings in favor of the poor, held in Russia before October revolution. Money was collected at the evenings, which then ... ... Phraseology Handbook

    Conversation for the Poor- - ranting, reasoning, especially of a dialogic kind, about improbable solutions social problems, beautiful-hearted or pathetic character. A negative phenomenon if it is of a protracted nature, and this should be avoided. Wed… … Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    speaking for the poor- rhetoric, reasoning, especially of a dialogic kind, about improbable solutions to social problems, of a beautiful-hearted or pathetic nature. A negative phenomenon if it is of a protracted nature, and this should be avoided. Wed… … Culture of speech communication: Ethics. Pragmatics. Psychology

    Take the conversation. Kar. Talk. SRGK 1, 108. Enter the conversation. Don. Talk. SDG 3, 79. Make a conversation. Yaroslavl Talk. JOS 3, 127. Conversation in favor of the poor. Razg. Iron. Showy, hypocritical sympathy for other people's misfortunes. BMS 1998 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    in favor- see benefit; in sign pretext. 1) whom what (whose) In the interests of whom l., in accordance with the benefit, for the good of whom, what l. The case was decided in favor of the plaintiff. The comparison will not be in your favor. Insurance for the benefit of another person. Money, fundraising for... Dictionary of many expressions

    s; and. A positive result, favorable consequences for whom, what l. P. sports. P. economic transformations. P. from medicine. For the good of the cause. Take advantage of something. To bring much, little benefit to someone, something. From him there is no ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Conversations in favor of the poor - empty, useless conversations, reasoning, ranting, actions, deeds that do not affect anything, do not help anyone

The origin of phraseology

The author, the original source of the expression "talking in favor of the poor" is unknown, the chronology of his "entry into life" too. That is, it is folklore. It is believed that the phrase arose before the October Revolution, when various charity events in favor of the poor, sick, wounded soldiers, fire victims, starving, orphans, and the disabled were frequent. The modern Internet suggests that the irony was given to the statement because “there were always a lot of pompous and sugary speeches around the collection of donations, but most often they brought little help to the disadvantaged.”

— Citizens! said Ostap, opening the meeting. “Life dictates its own laws, its cruel laws. I won't tell you the purpose of our meeting. she is known to you. The goal is holy. From everywhere we hear groans. From all parts of our vast country cry for help. We must lend a helping hand, and we will. Some of you serve and eat bread and butter, others are engaged in seasonal work and eat sandwiches with caviar. Both of them sleep in their beds and cover themselves with warm blankets. Only small children, homeless, are without a guardian. These flowers of the street, or, as the proletarians of mental labor put it, flowers on the pavement, deserve a better fate. We, gentlemen of the jury, must help them. And we, gentlemen of the jury, will help them ....
-Comrades! Ostap continued. - We need immediate help! We must snatch the children from the tenacious paws of the street, and we will snatch them out of there! Let's help the kids! Let us remember that children are the flowers of life. I invite you now to make your contributions and help the children. Only for children and no one else. Do you understand me?” Ostap took out an identity card and a receipt book from his side pocket. - Please donate. Ippolit Matveyevich will confirm my authority
("12 chairs")

It is difficult to agree with this. Collecting money and giving it to the unfortunate is already help. And what else could the intelligentsia offer, arranging charity concerts, exhibitions, performances, part of the fees from which went "in favor of ...", to climb the porch yourself? Most likely, the mocking nature of the expression was given by the idea of ​​the fundamental impossibility of charity to overcome poverty and misfortune.

The largest charitable organizations in Russia until 1917 "for the benefit of the poor"

  • 1775 - Orders of public charity
  • 1796 - Educational Society for Noble Maidens
  • 1802 - Imperial Philanthropic Society
  • 1802 - Women's Patriotic Society
  • 1812 - "The estate of charity devastated by the enemy"
  • 1892 - "Children's Help"
  • 1904 - Union for the fight against infant mortality

Outstanding Russian philanthropists, patrons, philanthropists "for the benefit of the poor"

  • Fyodor Rtishchev (1626-1673)
  • Empress Maria Feodorovna (1759-1828)
  • Empress Elizaveta Alekseevna (1779-1826)
  • Empress Maria Alexandrovna (1824-1880)
  • Empress Alexandra Feodorovna (1872-1918)
  • Empress Maria Feodorovna (1847-1928)
  • Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna (1864-1918)
  • Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna (1838-1900)
  • Prince Peter of Oldenburg (1812-1881)
  • Tretyakov, Pavel Mikhailovich (1832-1898)
  • Mamontov Savva Ivanovich (1841-1918)
  • Bakhrushin Alexey Alexandrovich (1865-1929)
  • Morozov Savva Timofeevich (1862-1905)
  • Dynasty of merchants and entrepreneurs Prokhorovs (1799-1918)
  • Shchukin Sergey Ivanovich (1854-1936)
  • Naydenov Nikolai Alexandrovich (1834-1905)
  • Botkin Mikhail Petrovich (1839-1914)

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