We easily restore vitality. Meditation to restore energy and vitality


Spiritual and physical exhaustion sometimes overtakes us so suddenly that it can easily unsettle. And most of the time we don't know how to deal with it. And sometimes we don’t even want to, because our vitality is at zero. Meditation to restore energy will help you wake up from this state, raise your inner tone, regain lost strength and create good mood. You will be surprised how complex simple exercises able to charge with vivacity and return the thirst for victories.

Should it be that stress makes your life difficult? You just need to learn how to beat it. One way to relieve stress is to relax. It is a method that relaxes, liberates and allows you to escape from reality. You don't know what relaxation is. Get ready for a pleasant surprise. You can go to the most a nice place, which you have ever seen in your life, or even more beautiful, which your imagination will tell you.

Before relaxing, turn off your phone, close the door, and lie on the couch or sit comfortably. Don't cross your arms or legs because it gets in the way. Cover yourself with a blanket and close your eyes. Take three slow, very deep breaths. Stop for a moment after each breath. You can choose a summer meadow, a stream of murmuring rocks, a forest. Although you may prefer to be in the garden blooming apple trees, fragrant and delicately scented? Feel the whole scent, body and mind. Walk slowly through the trees, sometimes stopping and admiring the flowers, leaves, twigs.

Recovery meditation is best done in the morning, in the evening, and when you feel low. To do this, take a comfortable position, breathe deeply and calmly, relax your body. Imagine a clear sky above you with passing clouds. This is the limitless space of your possibilities. Feel the Earth under you as a reliable, solid support. And your body is a vessel that fills up life energy. It evenly moves through the body, gradually filling those areas that need it the most. Feel the tension leaving your body and being replaced by pure energy.. It will circulate throughout the body to fill you with life, a sense of freedom and confidence. Your inspiration and well-being will return.

Imagine that the smell of a warm smell slowly and accurately penetrates your legs, then your legs, thighs, back, stomach, chest, arms, neck and head. Relax your muscles, let them dissolve in this smell. Close the apple blossom to your eyes, take a look at the delicate petals. Look at the green leaves surrounding them. Then, in imagination, the flower will disappear, let it disappear among others. Or maybe you'd rather be on the beach, on the shore warm sea. You are on hot sand, your body is heated by the sun.

Next to the palm trees, the waves gently wash your feet. Feel how the hot rays massage your body - starting from the feet, through the legs, back, stomach, arms, to the scalp. The more you imagine this massage, the more your body will relax and your mind will be guided by everyday problems.

Women are by nature very active. And often they spend their precious energy in the wrong direction. Stress, fears, insecurities, resentments and envy lead to exhaustion. female energy. Since a woman is a source of energy for a man, she must constantly be in a cheerful state and be filled with female power. To do this, you need several times a day during meditation to learn to accept and forgive yourself, relax, concentrate on the beauty and health of your body, clear your mind of anxiety and negativity. A variety of meditation techniques will help restore, maintain and maintain feminine energy at a high level, which will ensure youth, beauty, health of the female psyche and success in men.

Eva Foley, skill coach and author of many books on how to be happy and healthy life. Lean back in your chair. Feet rest firmly on the floor. Imagine your spine growing longer, increasing the space between your vertebrae. Place your chin parallel to the floor. Relax your jaw muscles, smooth your forehead. Let your shoulders drop, feel that you are away from your ears. Imagine that the tip of the head slowly rises like a thread to the sky. Feel the air slowly filling your body: nose, chest, lungs.

Relaxation brings great relief

Hold your breath and count to five, then let go. In yoga, this is called full breathing. Exercise calms the body and mind, brings peace. Repeat as many times as you can throughout the day. You can stay in it as long as you want, as long as your body and mind need it. Imagine that the noise coming from outside does not disturb you, but only deepens your relaxation. At the end of relaxation, think that when you get out of this state, you will rest, relax, content, ready for further action.

How to improve health?

Thanks to meditation, the recovery processes of the body and the improvement of health are faster and more efficient, and active work alpha brain rhythms relieves blocks and spasms in the muscles. This allows the energy to move freely through the body and heal the affected areas. The causes of poor health are often stress and negativity. Deep relaxation will remove psychological stress, which will entail the restoration of vision and overall health.

But this applies to relaxation in the morning or afternoon. In the evening you will sleep peacefully, and in the morning you will wake up, rest, joyful and full of energy. The body begins to behave as if someone has pressed the alarm button on the body. Get ready, danger! Adrenaline is released, which allows the body to work at maximum speed. Now it's up to you to decide the quick decision: fight or run. Our body reacts in an original way, although the danger today is rarely a predator in furs. Today's danger lies in overworking, trying to satisfy the vague demands of bosses and families.

Meditation of the restoration of the strength of the family is a powerful exercise, thanks to which you will be able to cope with any difficulty in your life. This technique differs from others in that in the process of relaxation you must imagine your loved ones: both the living and the departed. These people are always ready to give you strong support. They will show love and understanding, answer all questions and share wisdom. Mental conversation with them will give you strength and confidence. You will feel the warmth of this support and gratitude, which is the strongest tool for healing the soul. The strength of the family is in love for each other. She will be your mainstay in life.

Relaxed body - relaxed mind

As a result, instead of fighting or running, that is, realizing what we were ready for, we all sit. Body protection is not used, the voltage in the body is not discharged. Do you remember how suddenly the solution to a problem that has been tormenting you for a long time? It happened when you stopped thinking about him. Why do we suddenly understand what we have not understood for so long? The brain knows the solution to many problems, but is burdened with taking care of various everyday things and cannot find the answer. But when we free it from our current concerns, it will initiate a potential hibernation.

Restoration of the aura and chakras

Meditation aimed at opening, cleansing and restoring the chakras plunges you into the depths of self-knowledge, enlightens the mind, restores spiritual balance and accompanies the cleansing of the aura. Previously dormant energy is raised to more high level and allows a person to reveal his true abilities and see previously invisible possibilities. Ideal for such meditation would be the lotus position. It promotes the opening of the chakras, the renewal of the aura and the promotion of energy in stages from the bottom up.

How often to relax

A relaxed body is also a relaxed mind. That sounds good, but how do you find the time to expose your body and mind to this cleansing treatment. It is easiest to find these moments in the evening before falling asleep, and in the morning immediately after waking up. If this is difficult, you can enjoy one session at any time of the day.

Before relaxing

When you get the hang of it and your body is used for relaxation, you can cut down on its shape, for example at the bus stop while you are waiting for the bus. It may happen that you become so distracted or upset that you cannot focus on relaxation. Look into esoteric cassette stores and let the lecturer's voice guide you through relaxation. They greatly reduce relaxation with background music, peaceful music, birdsong, rain noise. Over time, you will learn what kind of music suits you best.

To achieve the desired result, you need to enter a "thoughtless" state, and completely relax. Cleaning the chakras must begin from the bottom. To begin restoring your aura, draw it in your mind, imagining all of its bright, light-filled colors. At the same time, you will be overwhelmed with extraordinary sensations. You will feel warmth, tingling at your fingertips and even a slight tickle in your solar plexus area. This practice will immerse you in a state of love and happiness, fill you with the energy of health and life.

Why does it often turn out that the closest people get the least love, attention and warmth from us, although it would seem that everything should be the other way around? But from a stranger, people try to hide their troubles and negative emotions. Often, when coming home from work, a person splashes out on his loved ones all the negative energy accumulated during the day. Why is this happening? One of the main reasons is that people do not know how to restore vitality that break down stress.

But then, having torn off irritation on their loved ones, a person begins to regret it very much. Well, if he finds the strength to come up after that and apologize, but close person while being able to understand and support him. In any case, it is better to avoid this and not to abuse such bursts. But how to do that? There are a whole host of opportunities to relieve fatigue and restore vitality.

Transformation of negative situations

How to return to high vital energies

Firstly, in the middle of the day, you need to learn how to allocate at least a few minutes in order to break away from your endless business and relax by drinking just a cup of hot coffee or aromatic tea and relax a little. Such a rest allows not only to remove the accumulated fatigue, but also to look at your affairs in a new way.

Secondly, during a lunch break at work, you can simply go outside and turn off mobile phone go shopping. Your legal break should only be used for recreation. Only in this case, fatigue will cease to accumulate in a person from day to day, and in its place will come new energy and the desire to live on.

And finally, thirdly, heading home in the evening, you should try to concentrate your thoughts not on experiences and negativity, but only on the good that is in life. After all, the less strength and energy a person has, the more vulnerable he is to negative circumstances, and any, even the most insignificant reason, can cause negative emotions and actions.

Therefore, you need to try not to bring yourself to such a state so that you don’t again experience after a painful feeling of guilt in front of your loved ones for not being able to restrain yourself in time and throwing out your emotions on them.

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