Philosophical tales. Nightmare after waking up


This book is for those who are considering life. For those who put Life, its play and sparkle above frozen rules and dogmas, who believe that life can be fun and meaningful. This book was written by a Practitioner who knows that there is nothing more practical than philosophy - naturally, philosophy is correct. The author does not claim that he owns the Truth - in his opinion, owning the Truth is immoral. He is friends with Truth - and she seems to reciprocate. The book is written in the form of Tales, that is, free living stories, where the scenery is Eternal themes: Man, Good, Freedom, Religion, Art, and the reader settles among actors: Moral Decency Kakvsevny, head. spiritual office of the Holy Faith Ivanovna, the Dragon - and observes what these Heroes do with a person and what a person can do with them. This book is for those who allow themselves to see in Happiness not a difficult goal to be achieved, but just as natural and required condition life, how to wash in the morning. This book is for those who choose to love themselves and people, and celebrate their lives.


It is better to do and repent than not to do and repent.

Glorious Boccaccio

What is this book like? Like my previous one, “How to treat yourself and people, or Practical psychology for every day”, apparently, for nothing. That is why she is beautiful. But if that book was written with an eye on the reader and was done in many ways for him, this one was written by me for myself. And practically without internal censorship.

  • Well, maybe even for friends. And with my wife's mild censorship.

This is definitely not Science, although the book grew out of science and the density of its own and borrowed scientific material used in it significantly exceeds the average. Rather, it is Literature, in its the best places becoming poetry.

  • Indeed, if poetry, according to Akhmatova, grows out of rubbish and weeds, why shouldn't it also grow out of science?

The first and working title of this book is How to Treat Yourself and the World: A Practical Philosophy for Everyday. Accordingly, both the first and second books are very similar: the only formal difference is that in the latter the emphasis is shifted from “people” to “the world” and the scale of the view is changed - not “psychology”, but “philosophy”.

  • The author looks at the same thing and the same way, he just flew higher above the ground. And space opens up other perspectives, and gives rise to other feelings ...

Philosophy and psychology are just languages different levels. A psychologist is a wise practitioner who, without flying high, chews philosophy in relation to everyday specifics. And a philosopher is a sage who, about a variety of everyday problems, without delving into the specifics, says the same things - those that remove these problems. Philosophy, literally translated, is the love of wisdom.

  • Do not confuse with metaphysics - the doctrine of the structure of the world. I do not like these teachings: they are easy to believe, but impossible to verify, and, most importantly, what do I care about all these problems? If the soul hurts, you need something about the soul, and not about matter, space and time.

The philosophy of this book, like the psychology of the previous one, is applied. It is for everyday life, for a living and feeling person from morning to evening of his day and life, in the familiar environment of near and far, for work and holidays, illnesses and TV.

Philosophical tales for those who are thinking about life or a funny book about freedom and morality Kozlov Nikolay Ivanovich



My dear man...

An attempt at understanding

Of course, you have only recently re-read Gorky's "Klim Samghin", and you remember very well this dialogue between Klim and Lydia Varavka:

- I love you! “…Do you understand that such words are not thrown around?”

Let's dwell on this for a bit - after all, they have already said so much!

So, what are they so serious about? Why did Lida answer Klim that way?

He said: "I love you!" ... - Maybe it's that he likes her, he wants to admire her and wants to take care of her? - No. In these senses, there is no responsibility. That is, yes, this is also said, but the core, the real application here is elsewhere. Lydia heard Klim say to her:

“I am ready to make you my Goddess. You will rise above all other values ​​in my life!”

This is no longer a weak statement, and here it was appropriate for Lida to clarify: “Do you understand that they don’t throw such words?”

Of course, you can decipher their dialogue in a different way, but I'm afraid that Lida and Klim will not support you.

Klim spoke to Lida about his love - that is, about his most cordial and hard-won readiness to sell himself to her and buy her for himself.

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From the book Philosophical Tales for those who are considering life or a fun book about freedom and morality author Kozlov Nikolay Ivanovich


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