Finnish photographer Susanna Majuri. Dancing underwater


Most early works- This black and white portraits, in which the influence of the work of August Sander, Irving Penn and Richard Avedon, who were then "idols and teachers" of Aalto, is guessed. Along with the portrait genre, Jussi Aalto was passionate about creating documentary images, sustained in the aesthetics of traditional reportage photography.

Later, Aalto became involved in color photography and created a number of remarkable portrait images imbued with the national Finnish flavor. Moreover, the “heroes” of the author were the most different people- from simple village boys and ordinary townspeople to major politicians and famous actors and musicians. Woven from fragments of the life of contemporaries, the image of Finland in the work of Jussi Aalto is complemented by a series of images sculptural monuments, immersing the viewer in the historical past of the country.

Since 2007, Jussi Aalto has been awarded a lifetime state allowance for merit in the field of art

Urho Kekkonen, 1976

Jussi Aalto on his creative path:

“I became interested in photography in 1962, and began to shoot professionally in 1965. Now, looking back, I see that my career developed according to a certain logic. In 1964 I joined the Helsinki Photographic Association (Kameraseura; Helsinki Camera Club), which at that time was the most important photographic community in Finland. Under her auspices, the magazine Kameralehti, the largest Finnish publication dedicated to photography, was published: the best photographers countries were among its participants. When in the late 1960s in Finland, the era "officially" began artistic photography, half of the photographers who received grants and state awards, was a member of the Kameraseura.

For some time (1969-1970) I was a junior editor at the magazine Kameralehti and became one of the first four professors of photography at the University of the Arts and industrial design after its opening in 1973, he mainly lectured on the history of photography and taught courses in portrait photography. On your first personal exhibition(1973) showed snapshots, and the second (1977) showed works in portrait genre. These directions determined my work until the 1990s.

In the 1970s I mainly collaborated with women's magazines, in the 1980s. gradually vanished into advertising photo. Crisis of the 1990s had a very negative impact on the advertising industry, and in 1996 my company went bankrupt. In 2002, I was forced to close the studio. Despite financial difficulties, in the 1990s. several small exhibitions took place, and in 2002 I presented two large retrospective exhibitions. The first of the major retrospective exhibitions covered the thematic spectrum of my work since the 1960s. and until today. The second was dedicated portrait photography. Both of them were presented in Finland. Some of those works, together with new material, are combined into an exposition presented in the halls of ROSPHOTO.

In 1978, in Arles, I participated in a Japanese photography workshop taught by Shoji Ueda and Ikko Narahara. There I learned about the traditional Japanese culture idea of ​​time and space, which shocked me and left an imprint on my future work. I think you can see it in my photos, but it's probably not for me to judge.

I joined the Blipfoto community on November 28, 2008, and have been posting one photo every day for almost four years now. These shots serve as a kind of “study” for me and help sharpen my artistic vision for more important projects. At the same time, they allow me to seek and see beauty in everyday objects and phenomena. In each of these daily shots, there are germs of themes and images that later germinate in new, more “serious” projects.”


Jussi Aalto (born 1945) - photographer, photography teacher, writer
1958 - first photographs
1966-1969 advertising and reportage photographer for Laatukuva
1969-1970 - junior editor of the photo magazine Kameralehti
1970-1982 freelance photographer
1970-1995 Lecturer in Photography at the University of Art and Industrial Design, Helsinki, Finland
1977-1982 Bild editor at Näköpiiri culture magazine
1982-1996 - work in own studio Atelier Arkadia
freelance photographer since 1997
since 1964 - member of the photographic association Kameraseura
1984-1987 - Chairman cultural organization Nuoren Voiman Liitto
1988-1990 - Chairman of the association of workers in the advertising industry Luova Klubi
1978 and 1985 - State Prize in photography
2002-2006 - Chairman of the Kameraseura Photographic Association


1973 - " blurry photos”, Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland
1977 - "Finns", Art Museum Amos Anderson, Helsinki, Finland
1979 - Jussi Aalto. Finland, ZPAF Gallery, Krakow, Poland
1981 - "Photography Time", Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland
1984 - Jussi Aalto: Photographs by Photographers, Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki
1986 - "Portraits", Amos Anderson Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1993 - Touch, Poem Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1994 - "Helsinki: light and shadow", Cafe Aalto, Helsinki, Finland
1996 - "Hot Dogs", Camera Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1996 - "Photoresin", Camera gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1998 - "The Life of a Man", Q-theater, Helsinki, Finland
1998 - "Compulsion", Cafe Camera, Helsinki, Finland
1998 - Portraits of Artists, Avoimet Ovet Theatre, Helsinki, Finland
1999 - "Summer Surprise", Emerald Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1999 - "Junttil Case", Emerald Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
2001-2002 - "The Joy of Photography", Museum contemporary art, Pärnu, Estonia
2002 - "40 + 4", GalleriZEBRA gallery, Karis, Finland
2002 - "Photo Exhibition", Shifara Gallery, Tallinn, Estonia
2004 - "People at work", Sanoma House, Helsinki, Finland
2005 - Surface of Rio, Pirkko-Liisa Topelius Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
2005 — Blurred Photographs, Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, Finland
2008 — “Photography is photography is photography”, gallery, Helsinki, Finland
2009 - "Portrait retrospective", Kotka Photographic Center, Finland
2012 - Modernity, Classics, Romanticism, Another Function Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2012 - "Portrait retrospective", Lapua Photographic Center, Finland

Diana, 2008

Taxi driver, 1980

Abstraction 3, 2010

« Fine art St. Petersburg - Europe - anywhere in the world »

    The most exciting question for us is who is the best wedding photographer in your city? :)

    - We have a lot of good and talented guys. In general, a very high level of photographers in the city)

    By what criteria should newlyweds choose a wedding photographer?

    - By portfolio. Look closely: the photographer posts what he wants to shoot first. If your portfolio includes forests, beaches, stones, and you want palaces, you need to seriously think about whether it is worth it. The second point is a personal meeting and comfort in communication. With this person to communicate the whole wedding day, he is already difficult, let there be a person with whom it is really pleasant and easy to be with.

    What are the characteristics of wedding photography?

    - I studied to be a defectologist, and we were often told that this is a science at the junction of several. It’s the same here) In addition to the understandable ones - a mixture of shooting genres - from subject to reportage - a large part of the work of a wedding photographer is psychological work with a couple, sometimes preparing a couple for this day, communicating with guests, after all. It is complex and voluminous, not for the lazy. I'm doing well for now)

    What are you worried about and why?

    - I worry all the time about little things. Everything must be checked several times, before shooting - are the batteries charged, are the cards clean, is everything that is necessary folded. During the shooting - are all the guests filmed. After shooting - are the photos copied enough times? All copied? In general, constantly on the nerves. Therefore, so far there have not been such jambs in my life.

    Tell us about your self-learning: what are you doing to become a better photographer?

    - I often watch video tutorials on photography and marketing, I recently took a course on processing via Skype. The industry does not stand still, you need to move a little faster, otherwise you will remain in the tail) Well, watching, of course. I often scroll through the best on mayveda, I subscribe to good photographers on insta.

    Do you have any taboos at work?

    - I don't shoot candid photo shoots, intimate, etc. It is unacceptable when a client treats me with disrespect. It is unpleasant and it is very difficult to work, you force yourself, you step over your own insides. It kills creativity in me.

    What do you want to convey to people through photography?

    - I make stories very local, for families. I would like to think that my photos adorn the albums of happy people)
    I want my photos to remain through the years and centuries. Part family archive, immortal beauty)

    If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?

    - Nothing. I am where I need to be and I am happy to be who I am. This is all - the result of my journey, trial and error in half with success. Change one event and everything changes. No, I'm fine here and now)

    What do you take with you on your trip and why?

    - Minimum things. reflex camera I don’t take it, for traveling there is a small Olympus and a camera on the phone. It is better to travel without trunks, light. Everything you need that you can buy on the spot - I will buy on the spot.

    What ordinary people do not see, but a wedding photographer notices?

    - The funniest thing is the light! Ordinary people very rarely really understand how light behaves in a frame. Therefore, they ask to shoot portraits in the bright sun. Or "against the background of that tree over there", and it does not matter that the light for the face falls like in a well. I consider working with light the most important technical point.

    Who inspires you and why?

    - I am inspired by feelings and fairy tales. Fairy tales - I like to dream up, imagining fabulous cities and countries, and feelings - to look at life from a different angle, through the eyes of others. I love it all

    Whose work has most influenced your development as a wedding photographer?

    - I'm a fan of f2pro photographers. And now I'm a fan)
    But the impetus was the work of Yana Strizh - for some time she worked as a retoucher for her. It was cool) And I also wanted to make a fairy tale. I am still far from it, I am developing in a different direction, but thanks for the push in this direction.

    Who would you like to shoot with?

    - With Yulia Frantova! She is an incredible energy person, my landmark. It seems to me that there is no one better than her now. More Igor Tsaplin. If Julia is strongly against me))

    Does wedding photography have its own fashion?

    - Certainly. 10 years ago, brides were photographed on the palm of their hand, now a wild reportage and gentle fine art are in vogue. I remember everyone was filming fairy tales, in the forest, with flying brides and bears. In 10 years, ask - there will be something new. Perhaps the brides will return on the palm of your hand? ..

    How do you see the future of wedding photography?

    - I think the future belongs to crazy creative photographers. There must be a compromise between the fine art style and the wild reportage. Looking forward to this result

    What should not be allowed when shooting?

    - Bad mood?))
    Complex issue. Not as much depends on the photographer as is commonly believed. But the atmosphere should be pleasant and warm, that's for sure.

    Is there anything among your equipment that you should not buy? Why do you think so?

    - I bought a camera Nikon d750. I think it was a mistake - I never made friends with color reproduction, I sold it and now I shoot on the d800. magical colors)

    What cartoon, book or movie character would you be and why?

    - I would like to be Phoebe from Friends. She is simply incredible! Self-confident, feminine and yet strong. Creative. And very kind!

    Should your parents have been more (less) strict?

    - No, my parents are absolutely perfect. I am the fourth daughter in the family, so the upbringing technology was honed to perfection even before I was born)

    How do you feel about criticism?

    - I do not like. I am my own harsh critic. I accept criticism only if I myself asked for it, and only from those whose level of work is high.

    What determines the value of a photograph? What is it made up of?

    - Fleeting moment?.. Click - and gone. And I still have everything on the map, although this is no longer there. Photographer - the keeper of the disappeared values)

    What do you like least about your profession?

    - stress caused high level responsibility. I am very worried about the result and every time I am wildly worried, giving the wedding to the couple.

    Tell me about the biggest stupid thing you agreed to do.

    - I opened a copy center 5 years ago. It was stupid) It took 5 years to understand it. Business is not for creative people)

    What or who do you really dislike?

    - I don't like surprises. Any surprises and so on. I want to understand what awaits me in the near foreseeable future.

    Do you attach importance to the traditional roles of men and women?

    - Yes, I think it makes sense. Not as global as 100 years ago, habits do not change so quickly)

    Who would you like to photograph?

    - Sergei Shnurov. He is very cool. Everyone who sees a little deeper than the first impression understands this.

    Tomorrow I will go and do...

    - ... another batch of photos. While I was answering questions, photos from Lightroom were just uploaded :)

    Do you like dogs? What about cats?

    - I like animals! I love cats more, but I have 2 dogs at home. I don't know how it happened)

    What would you like to change in the world?

    - I would like to stop all wars in the world. It's the scariest thing on the planet.

    Tell me about yourself big mistake at work.

    - I thought that 1 flash was enough for shooting banquets. I've never been so wrong

    What are you doing in free time?

    - It rarely happens to me) I meet friends, go to the cinema, read fairy tales. As everybody)

    If you had to make a movie, what genre would it be?

    - Horrors! Like the first season American history horror. He was really scary!

    How do you define success? Can it be measured?

    - Certainly. Commercial success, quality of work is a good indicator.

    What motivates you to keep doing photography?

    - Better tell me what should stop me?) I love and I can. It's the best)

    How did you get started in wedding photography?

    - Accidentally. Somehow the camera fell into my hands and started spinning ... Already 8 years, how)

    What is more important to you: love of others or respect?

    - There can be no love without respect. So I choose love. Two in one)

    If aliens came to Earth and you were the first person they met, what would you say to them?

    - I should probably say hello and greet them. Still guests.

    What part of your personality is hidden from others?

    - I don't like to talk about my personal life. My happiness loves silence)

    When are you completely satisfied with your work?

    - Almost never. I'm a terrible perfectionist. I always find a small flaw.

    Is there life on other planets?

    - Certainly! The universe is so huge. Somewhere there is definitely life

    Do you have a favorite joke? Share with us!

    - This joke is indecent)) Sorry, I can’t share this here)

    What would you like to change about yourself?

    - I would not mind losing 20-25 kilograms, but this is still fantastic)

    What advice would you give to aspiring wedding photographers?

    - Do not be afraid! Shoot every free second! Buy fixes!

    Where would you like to live?

    - On the warm sea IN beautiful house with floor-to-ceiling windows)

    What do you think is the first thing you should have known when you started photography?

    - I had to buy fixes right away! The zoom is just awful in color.

    Is there something around you that you would like to change?

    - I would like Petersburg to become cleaner. And people are kinder.

    What do you think are the most important ingredients for good photography?

    - Light, emotion, composition. Color is also important, but secondary.

    Who do you consider unworthy of respect?

    - Of people, talking nasty things about your other half. Can not be so.

    Tell me about yourself strong impression In my life.

    - Don't know. I think the most significant is yet to come)

    Do you make friends easily?

    - No, I easily start communication, but friends are different.

    What do you like most in your profession?

    - A charge of emotions from newly married people. Driveovo)

    The worst thing in life is:

    - get up at 6 in the winter in severe frosts. Brrr

    Are you photogenic?

    - Absolutely - no. I don't like static.

    Who is your role model?

    - Probably, now I do not have such idols.

    You shoot exclusively wedding photos?

    - No, I shoot everything related to the family)

    Is there life after marriage?

    - She's just getting started!

    The best things in life are:

    - Wake up when you want!

    Do you like to travel?

    - Yes, I love travel

    Who would you call a symbol of the XXI century?


Professional photographers are a very mysterious people in good sense this word. If earlier photographers were mostly documentary, only in some cases artistic, now everyone is trying to raise their photography to the level of painting, moreover, to the level of . With a camera that almost everyone has, it seems completely impossible to do this. However, with the help of their incredible ideas, the flight of their boundless imagination, photographers manage to do this. Thus, the masters of professional photography are increasingly moving away from ordinary people and line up with painters and sculptors. Their pictures are no longer just a fixation of an object, they are already something more, worthy of philosophical reflection and analysis of surrealistic allegories that the author put into his creation.

Susanna Majuri is such a photographer. Born in Helsinki in 1978. She graduated from the Finnish academy Turku Art Academy as a photographer with a bachelor's degree. After that, she entered and brilliantly graduated from the University of Art and Design. Immediately after training, she took up her work and at the very short term declared itself as the most unusual Finnish photographer.

Susanna Majuri has created many series of photographs of various pans. In this gallery we will get acquainted with the works that can be called Dancing on Water. Finding something simple, but at the same time very unusual for your photography is quite difficult, but she succeeded. To create these unusual photos, similar to some kind of romantic dreams, Susanna Majuri came to the pool, took with her a collection of printouts beautiful scenery large format, fashion model, lighting equipment, your camera and, of course, your talent.

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