Photographs of turtles. Amazing, unusual and very beautiful turtles (40 photos)


After today's lesson You will learn how easy it is to draw a turtle. Here is a special video. After watching it, you will learn how to draw a picture of such a cute turtle.

In addition to the video tutorial, I picked up a few step by step instructions which will help you understand how to draw a turtle. Shall we start?

How to draw a funny turtle with a pencil step by step

First draw a small oval - this is the turtle's head. Below, draw a shell in the form of a figure resembling a semicircle.

Now you need to unite the head and shell of the turtle by drawing two curved lines from one point. From above, draw a figure - a semicircle.

Draw three legs (we don't see the fourth one). Draw a line under the shell - this is the body of the animal. And another one important detail- a small sharp tail.

And now the most difficult thing is to draw the eyes of a turtle, more precisely, only one eye, because the other is not visible. Above the eyes you need to add folds, and at the left eye - also the corner of the cheek. Using two long, curved lines draw the nose. Closer to the bottom edge, put a dot, and draw a wide smile even lower. And to make our turtle drawing look more realistic, we need to add some folds to the neck.

We are approaching the finish line - erase the extra lines and draw the contours.

I am delighted! Did you like it?

This is interesting! Did you know that turtles can live over 100 years? You can find out about the age if you count the rings on the shields that make up the tortoise shell. And these animals can remember people's faces. They stretch their necks if you speak affectionate words to them, and if you speak rudely, they hide in their shells.

How to draw a cartoon turtle

On the left side of the paper, draw something that looks like an oval. Add a line at the bottom - this is the turtle's mouth.

Now draw another oval that will be larger than the previous one. Closer to the bottom edge, draw two wavy lines - the border between the shell and the body of the turtle.

A little more - and the turtle drawing will be ready. Draw the legs of a turtle.

Now it remains to draw the eye and tail of the turtle.

Color the picture.

How to draw a sea turtle

Draw these two ovals - the head and body of the turtle.

Point the contours of the head and finish the details: eyes, mouth and put a small dot - the turtle's nose.

Now move the contours of the body and draw transverse stripes on it.

It's time to draw the turtle's flippers. Yes, yes, in marine species of these animals, the limbs have turned into flippers, of which the hind ones are smaller than the front ones. You need to draw such flippers.

Erase the extra lines and color the drawing.

How to draw a turtle with lines

Finally, I have prepared for you such a simple drawing of a turtle. I am sure that you will easily be able to draw such an animal even without explanation.

Turtles (lat. Testudines) are representatives of one of the four orders of modern reptiles belonging to the Chordata type. The age of fossil remains of turtles is 200-220 million years. is 200-220 million years.

Turtle Description

According to most scientists, during the last 150 million years appearance and the structure of the turtles remained practically unchanged.


chief hallmark turtle is the presence of a shell, represented by a very complex bone-skin formation, covering the body of the reptile from all sides and protecting the animal from the attack of numerous predators. The inner part of the shell is characterized by the presence of bone plates, and the outer part is characterized by leathery shields. Such a shell has a dorsal and abdominal parts. The first part, called the carapace, is distinguished by a convex shape, and the plastron, or abdominal part, is always flat.

This is interesting! The turtle body has a strong fusion with the shell part, from which the head, tail and limbs peep out between the plastron and the carapace. When any danger appears, turtles are able to completely hide inside the shell.

The turtle has no teeth, but has a beak pointed at the edges and strong enough to allow the animal to easily bite off pieces of food. Turtles, along with some snakes and crocodiles, lay leathery-type eggs, but reptiles most often do not care for their offspring, so they leave the laying site almost immediately.

Turtles of different species vary greatly in size and weight. For example, the length of a land spider turtle does not exceed 100 mm with a weight in the range of 90-100 g, and the size of an adult leatherback turtle reaches 250 cm with a weight of more than half a ton. Among the currently known land tortoises, the Galapagos elephant tortoises belong to the giant category, the shell length of which exceeds a meter, and the mass can be four centners.

The color of turtles is usually very modest, allowing the reptile to easily disguise itself as objects. environment. However, there are also several types that are distinguished by a very bright and contrasting pattern. For example, the radiant tortoise in the central part of the armored scutes has a characteristic dark background with bright yellow spots located on it and numerous outgoing rays. The area of ​​the head and neck of the red-eared tortoise is decorated with a pattern presented wavy lines and stripes, and behind the eyes are bright red spots.

Character and lifestyle

Even despite the insufficient level of brain development, as a result of testing, it was possible to determine that the intelligence of the turtle shows enough high results. It should be noted that not only terrestrial, but also many freshwater species of turtles, including European marsh and Caspian turtles, took part in such experiments.

Turtles are reptiles leading a solitary lifestyle, but such animals need a society of their own kind with the onset of the mating season. Sometimes turtles gather for the wintering period in not too numerous groups. Some freshwater species, including toad turtles (Phrynops geoffroanus), are characterized by an aggressive reaction to the presence of their relatives, even outside the mating season.

How long do turtles live

Almost all existing species Turtles deservedly belong to the category of long-lived record holders among numerous vertebrates.

This is interesting! The well-known Radiant Madagascar tortoise named Tui Malila managed to live for almost two hundred years.

The age of such a reptile often exceeds a century. According to scientists, the turtle is able to live even two hundred or more years.

turtle shell

The carapace of the turtle is distinguished by a convex shape, represented by a bone base and a horn covering. The bone base of the carapace consists of eight pre-sacral vertebrae, as well as dorsal costal sections. Typical turtles have fifty plates of mixed origin.

The shape and number of such shields are a very important feature that allows you to determine the species of the turtle:

  • land species usually have a high, convex and very thick upper shell shield, which is associated with general indicators bowel volume. The dome-shaped form provides a significant internal space, facilitating the digestion of vegetable roughage;
  • burrowing land species have a more flattened elongated carapace, which helps the reptile to easily move inside the hole;
  • for various freshwater and sea turtles, the presence of a flattened, smooth and streamlined carapace, which has an oval, ovoid or teardrop shape, is most often characteristic, but the bone base may well be reduced;
  • soft-bodied species of turtles are distinguished by a very flat carapace, the bone base of which is always quite strongly reduced in the absence of horny scutes and the presence of a leathery coating on the shell;
  • the carapace in leatherback turtles does not have any fusion with the axial part of the skeleton, therefore it is formed by a mosaic of small bones combined with each other, which are covered by the skin;
  • some tortoises are characterized by a carapace in the presence of a well-formed, semi-flexible synarthrosis-type junction with cartilaginous tissues at the junctions of the plates.

The border of the armored horny scutes can be imprinted on the surface of the bone carapace, and the horny shell, or scutes of the horn type, have names similar to the located bone plates.

Turtle species

Currently, more than three hundred species of turtles belonging to fourteen families are known. Some of these peculiar reptiles lead an exclusively land lifestyle, while the other part is characterized by excellent adaptation to the aquatic environment.

The following species live on the territory of our country:

  • big-headed turtles, or caretta, or (lat. Caretta caretta) - reaching a length of 75-95 cm with an average weight in the range of 80-200 kg. The species has a heart-shaped carapace, brownish, red-brown or olive in color. The plastron and bony bridge may be cream or yellowish in color. There are ten costal shields in the back region, and large shields also cover the massive head. The front flippers are equipped with a pair of claws;
  • leatherback turtles, or loot(lat. Dermochelys coriacea) is the only one modern species belonging to the family Leatherback turtles (Dermoshelyidae). Representatives are the largest modern turtles, having a body length of 260 cm with a front flipper span of 250 cm and a body weight of up to 890-915 kg;
  • Far Eastern turtles, or Chinese Trionics(lat. Relodiscus sinensis) - freshwater turtles, which are a member of the Three-clawed soft-bodied turtles family. In Asian countries, meat is widely eaten, so the reptile is an object for industrial breeding. The length of the carapace of an adult, as a rule, does not exceed a quarter of a meter, and the average weight is 4.0-4.5 kg;
  • European marsh turtles(lat. Emys orbicularis) - freshwater turtles with an oval, low and slightly convex, smooth carapace, which has a movable connection with the plastron through a narrow and elastic ligament. The length of an adult individual of this species is 12-35 cm with a body weight of one and a half kilograms;
  • Caspian turtles(lat. Mauremys caspisa) - reptiles belonging to the genus Aquatic turtles and the family of Asian freshwater turtles. The species is represented by three subspecies. An adult is characterized by a length of 28-30 cm and an oval-shaped carapace. Juveniles of this species are distinguished by a keeled carapace. Adult males have an elongated carapace with a somewhat concave plastron;
  • mediterranean, or Greek, or Caucasian tortoise(lat. Testudo grace) - a species that has a high and oval, slightly serrated carapace with a length of 33-35 cm, light olive or yellowish-brown in color with black spots. The front paws have four or five claws. The back side of the thighs is provided with a horny tubercle. Often a turtle of this species has an unpaired tail shield, the plastron of which differs light color and dark spots.

On the territory of Kazakhstan and countries Central Asia the Central Asian or steppe tortoise (Agrionemys horsfieldii) is often found. The species is characterized by a low, rounded, yellowish-brown shell with vague-type dark-colored spots. The carapace is divided into thirteen horny scutes, and the plastron is divided into sixteen scutes. The grooves present on the shields make it easy to determine the number of years lived by the turtle. The average length of the turtle does not exceed 15-20 cm, and females of this species, as a rule, are noticeably larger than males.

Range, habitats

The range and habitats of different species of turtles are very diverse:

  • elephant turtle (Chelonoidis elerhantorus) - Galapagos Islands;
  • Egyptian tortoise (Testudo kleinmanni) - the northern part of Africa and the countries of the Middle East;
  • (Testudo (Agrionemys) horsfieldii) - Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, as well as Tajikistan and Afghanistan, Lebanon and Syria, the north-eastern part of Iran, the north-west of India and Pakistan;
  • or ( Geochelone pardalis) - countries of Africa;
  • Cape tortoise (Homorus Signatus) - South Africa and the southern part of Namibia;
  • painted or decorated turtle (Chrysemys rista) – Canada and USA;
  • (Emys orbicularis) - the countries of Europe and Asia, the territory of the Caucasus;
  • or ( Trachemys scripta) - USA and Canada, northwestern part South America, including northern Colombia and Venezuela;
  • (Сhelydra serpentina) - the United States and the southeastern part of Canada.

The inhabitants of the seas and oceans are real carriage (Heretmoshelys imbricata), (Dermochelys coriacea), Green soup turtle (Сhelonia mydas). Freshwater reptiles live in rivers, lakes and swamps of the temperate Eurasian belt, and also inhabit water bodies in Africa, South America, Europe and Asia.

Turtle Diet

The food preferences of turtles directly depend on the species characteristics and habitat of such a reptile. The basis of nutrition of land turtles is represented by plant foods, including young branches. different trees, vegetables and fruits, grass and mushrooms, and to replenish the amount of protein, such animals eat snails, slugs or worms. The need for water is often satisfied in the process of eating the succulent parts of plants.

Freshwater and sea turtles can be classified as typical predators that feed on small fish, frogs, snails and crustaceans, bird eggs, insects, various mollusks and arthropods. Plant foods are eaten in small quantities. Herbivorous individuals are also characterized by eating animal food. There are also species of freshwater turtles that, as they grow older, switch to eating plant foods. Omnivorous sea turtles are also well studied.

Reproduction and offspring

With the onset of the mating season, adult male turtles arrange traditional tournament fights and fights among themselves for the right to mate with the female. Land tortoises at such a time pursue their rival and try to turn him over by biting or hitting the front of the shell. Aquatic species in battles prefer biting and chasing an opponent. Subsequent courtship allows the female to assume the most comfortable mating position.

Males belonging to some species, in the process of mating, are able to make rather primitive sounds. All known species of modern turtles are oviparous animals, so the females lay their eggs inside a pitcher-shaped hole dug with their hind legs and moistened with a liquid secreted by the cloaca.

A hole with white spherical or elliptical eggs is filled up, and the soil is compacted with the help of plastron blows. Sea turtles and some side-necked turtles lay eggs covered with a soft and leathery shell. The number of eggs varies among representatives of different species and can range from 1 to 200 pieces.

This is interesting! Giant tortoises (Megaloshelys gigantea) have behavioral mechanisms that regulate population size by the number of eggs laid annually.

Many turtles have several clutches during one season, and the incubation period, as a rule, lasts from two months to six months. An exception that takes care of its offspring is the brown turtle (Manouria emys), whose females guard the nest with oviposition until the cubs are born. Also interesting is the behavior of the Bahamian decorated tortoise (Pseudemys malonei), which digs up the egg-laying and facilitates the exit of the cubs.

Complexity:(4 out of 5).

Age: from 5 years.

Materials: a sheet of thick paper, colored pencils, a simple pencil, an eraser.

Purpose of the lesson: we draw a turtle, applying our skills acquired earlier. We develop attentiveness and perseverance, accuracy of movement. We develop fine motor skills hands


Drawing Lesson Materials

Let's start drawing our colored turtle from the shell. Take a simple pencil and draw a curved line (the base of the shell). From above we cover it with an arc, like a rainbow.

We have a shell, for which we will come up with an interesting pattern of circles and polygons. By using simple pencil, our pattern will start from the top. Due to the fact that we are looking at the turtle from the side, we do not see the side patterns in full. Check out the animation below, which shows the order in which they are drawn. geometric figures on the shell.

The next step is to draw a head with a muzzle and flippers. We will have a sea turtle.

We decorate the whole turtle with colored pencils. And we tint the sheet with a blue pencil.

You can also decorate the turtle wax pencils, and for toning use watercolor. Then it will be possible, not afraid to call on the object, but remove the excess with a napkin.

Option one

Option two

Option three

Option four (step by step)

Step one. On the left side of the sheet, draw a large horizontal oval - the future head. Below, close, we place a figure similar to a semicircle.

Step two. And now, with the help of two curved lines coming from one point, we will connect the shell and the head of our turtle. On top of the oval - let's draw a figure: it feels like a circle is hidden behind the oval.

Step three. Let's draw three legs: two more, one smaller. We do not see the fourth. An animal's body peeks out from under the shell: let's draw a line. Let's draw a sharp little tail.

Step four. This is perhaps the most difficult step. To learn how to draw a turtle that looks like a real one, you will have to take a closer look. Let's be patient and put an eraser nearby just in case. Our cute and perky turtle has two large eyes.

We see only one, it is located at the top of the muzzle. Above it is a skin fold. Therefore, as if we are starting to draw a circle above the eye, but, resting on the oval of the face, we finish the line. Exactly the same fold over the other eye, it looks out from behind the head. And then next we draw a small corner of the second cheek. two long curved lines on the oval they will show us the nose. Let's add a dot a little lower. And below - Broad smile. A couple of dashes-folds on the neck will give our image liveliness. Step five. And now we take a soft pencil in our hands and outline the outline of the drawing. Auxiliary lines gently erase with an eraser.

The tortoise is an animal of the chordate type, reptile class, turtle order (lat. Testudines). These animals have existed on planet Earth for over 220 million years.

The turtle received its Latin name from the word "testa", meaning "brick", "tile" or "clay vessel". The Russian analogue comes from the Proto-Slavic word čerpaxa, which in turn comes from the modified Old Slavic word "čerpъ", "shard".

Turtle - description, characteristics and photos.

Turtle shell.

characteristic feature Turtles have a shell, which is designed to protect the animal from natural enemies. turtle shell consists of dorsal (carapace) and ventral (plastron) parts. The strength of this protective cover is such that it easily withstands a load exceeding the weight of a turtle by 200 times. The carapace consists of two parts: an inner armor made of bone plates, and an outer one made of horny shields. In some species of turtles, the bone plates are covered with dense skin. The plastron was formed thanks to the fused and ossified sternum, clavicles and abdominal ribs.

Depending on the species, the size and weight of the turtle vary significantly. Among these animals, there are giants weighing more than 900 kg with a carapace size of 2.5 meters or more, but there are small turtles whose body weight does not exceed 125 grams, and the shell length is only 9.7-10 cm.

Turtle head and eyes.

turtle head has a streamlined shape and medium size, which allows you to quickly hide it inside a safe haven. However, there are species with large heads that do not fit well or not at all in the shell. In some representatives of the genus, the tip of the muzzle looks like a kind of "proboscis" ending in nostrils.

Due to the peculiarities of the way of life on land, the eyes of the turtle look at the ground. At water representatives detachment, they are located closer to the crown and directed forward and upward. The neck of most turtles is short, however, certain types it can be compared with the length of the carapace.

Do turtles have teeth? How many teeth does a turtle have?

To bite off and grind food, turtles use a hard and powerful beak, the surface of which is covered with rough bumps that replace teeth. Depending on the type of food, they can be razor-sharp (in predators) or with jagged edges (in herbivores). The ancient turtles that lived 200 million years ago, unlike modern individuals, had real teeth. The tongue of turtles is short and serves only for swallowing, not for capturing food, so it does not protrude.

Limbs and tail of turtles.

A turtle has 4 legs in total. The structure and functions of the limbs depend on the lifestyle of the animal. Species that live on land have flattened forelimbs adapted for digging soil, and powerful hind legs. Freshwater turtles are characterized by the presence of leathery membranes between the toes on all four paws that facilitate swimming. In sea turtles, the limbs in the process of evolution were transformed into peculiar flippers, and the size of the front ones is much larger than the back ones.

Almost all turtles have a tail, which, like the head, is hidden inside the shell. In some species, it ends in a nail-like or pointed spike. Turtles have well-developed color vision, which helps them in finding food, and excellent hearing, which allows them to hear enemies at a considerable distance.

Turtles molt, as do many reptiles. In land species, molting affects the skin in a small amount; in aquatic turtles, molting occurs imperceptibly. During molting, transparent shields peel off from the shell, and the skin from the paws and neck comes off in tatters.

The life expectancy of a turtle in natural conditions can reach 180-250 years. With the onset of winter cold or summer drought, turtles go into hibernation, the duration of which can exceed six months.

Due to the weakly expressed sexual characteristics of turtles, it is very difficult to determine which of the animals is a “boy” and which is a “girl”. Nevertheless, if you approach the issue with care, having studied some of the external and behavioral characteristics of these exotic and interesting reptiles, then finding out their gender will not seem so difficult.

  • shell. In the female, it usually has a more elongated, elongated shape compared to the male.

  • Plastron (lower part of the shell). Turn the turtle over and look at it carefully - the shell from the side of the abdomen closer to the anus in female turtles is flat, in males it is slightly concave (by the way, this nuance facilitates the mating process).

  • Tail. In male turtles, the tail is slightly longer, wider and thicker at the base, most often bent down. The tail of the "ladies" is short and straight.

  • anal opening (cloaca). In females, it is somewhat closer to the tip of the tail, shaped like an asterisk or a circle compressed on the sides. In male turtles, the anus is narrow, oblong, or slit-shaped.

  • claws. In almost all species, except for the leopard tortoise, the claws of males on the forelimbs are longer than those of females.

  • notch at the tail. Male turtles have a V-shaped notch at the back of the shell, which is necessary for mating turtles.

  • Behavior. Male turtles are most often more active, and during the mating season they are distinguished by aggressiveness towards the opponent and towards the “lady of the heart”, they chase her, trying to bite, nod their heads in a funny way. The female at this time can calmly observe the "courtship", hiding her head in the shell.
  • Some species of turtles have specific differences between females and males, such as color, size, or head shape.

Types of turtles - photo and description.

The turtle squad consists of two suborders, divided by the way the animal puts its head into its shell:

  • Hidden neck turtles that fold their necks in the form latin letter"S";
  • Side-necked turtles, hiding their heads towards one of the front paws.

According to the habitat of turtles, there is the following classification:

  • Sea turtles (live in the seas and oceans)
  • Land turtles (live on land or in fresh water)
    • Land turtles
    • freshwater turtles

In total, there are more than 328 species of turtles, forming 14 families.

Varieties of land turtles.

  • Galapagos tortoise (elephant)(lat. Chelonoidis elephantopus). The length of the shell of these turtles can reach 1.9 meters, and the weight of the turtle can exceed 400 kg. The size of the animal and the shape of the shell depend on the climate. In arid regions, the carapace is saddle-shaped, and the limbs of the reptile are long and thin. The weight of large males rarely exceeds 50 kg. In a humid climate, the shape of the dorsal carapace becomes domed, and the size of the animal increases significantly. The elephant tortoise lives in the Galapagos Islands.

  • Egyptian tortoise(lat. Testudo kleinmanni) is a small representative of land turtles. The size of the carapace of males barely reaches 10 cm, females are slightly larger. The color of the shell of this species of turtles is brownish-yellow with a small border along the edges of the horny scutes. The Egyptian tortoise lives in northern Africa and the Middle East.

  • (lat. Testudo (Agrionemys) horsfieldii) is a small reptile with a carapace size of up to 20 cm. The carapace has a rounded shape and is colored in yellowish-brown tones with darker spots of indefinite shape. On the front limbs, these turtles have 4 fingers. The most popular type of turtle for home keeping, lives about 40-50 years. The Central Asian tortoise lives in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria, northeastern Iran, northwestern Pakistan and India.

  • leopard turtle (panther turtle)(lat. Geochelone pardalis). The length of the carapace of this turtle exceeds 0.7 m, and the weight can reach 50 kg. The shell of this species of turtles is high and has a domed shape. Its coloration has sandy-yellow tones, in which the juveniles clearly show a spotted pattern of black or dark brown, which disappears as they grow older. This type of turtle lives in Africa.

  • Cape tortoise(lat. Homopus Signatus) - the smallest turtle in the world. The length of her carapace does not exceed 10 cm, and the weight reaches 95-165 grams. Lives in South Africa and southern Namibia.

Types of freshwater turtles.

  • Painted turtle (decorated turtle)(lat. Chrysemys picta). A rather small species of turtles with individual sizes from 10 to 25 cm. The upper part of the oval dorsal shell has a smooth surface, and its color can be either olive green or black. The skin has the same color but with different stripes of red or yellow tone. They have leathery membranes between their toes. Lives in Canada and the USA.

  • European bog turtle(lat. Emys orbicularis). The size of individuals can reach up to 35 cm, and weight 1.5 kg. The smooth, oval carapace is movably connected to the plastron and has a slightly convex shape. Representatives of this species have a very long tail (up to 20 cm). The color of the upper shell is brown or olive. The color of the skin is dark with yellow spots. The turtle lives in Europe, the Caucasus, and Asia.

  • Red-eared turtle (yellow-bellied turtle)(lat. Trachemys scripta). The shell of these turtles can be up to 30 cm long. Its bright green coloring in young individuals eventually turns into yellow-brown or olive. Near the eyes on the head there are two spots of yellow, orange or red. This feature gave the species its name. The red-eared turtle lives in the USA, Canada, in the north-west of South America (in the north of Venezuela and Colombia).

  • Cayman turtle (biting)(lat. Chelydra serpentina). A characteristic feature of the turtle is a cruciform plastron and a long tail, which is covered with scales with small spikes, as well as the skin of the head and neck. The size of the shell of these turtles can reach 35 cm, and the weight of an adult animal is 30 kg. The caiman tortoise waits out unfavorable conditions in hibernation. This turtle lives in the USA and in the southeast of Canada.

Types of sea turtles.

  • Turtle hawksbill (true carriage)(lat. Eretmochelys imbricata). The carapace of these turtles has the shape of a heart up to 0.9 m in size. The upper layer of the shell is painted in brown tones with a pattern in the form of multi-colored spots. In young individuals, the horny plates overlap each other like tiles, but as it grows, the overlap disappears. The front flippers of the animal are equipped with two claws. The hawksbill lives both in the latitudes of the northern hemisphere and in the southern countries.

  • Leatherback turtle(lat. Dermochelys coriacea) is the largest turtle in the world. The span of its front flipper-like limbs reaches 2.5 meters, the mass of reptiles is more than 900 kg, and the dimensions of the shell exceed 2.6 m. The surface of the upper shell is covered not with keratinized plates, but with dense skin, for which the species got its name. The turtle lives in the tropical regions of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.

  • Green turtle (soup turtle)(lat. Chelonia mydas). The weight of the turtle ranges from 70 to 450 kg, and the size of the shell is from 80 to 150 cm. The color of the skin and carapace can be either olive with a green tint or dark brown with various spots and stripes of white or yellow color. The tortoise shell has small height and oval in shape, and its surface is covered with large horny shields. Because of big size the heads of these reptiles do not hide it inside. The green turtle lives in tropical and subtropical waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

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