Scales on accordion with pleasure. Bayan fingering


Bayan selective chords on the right keyboard

This article is an appendix to the method of playing the button accordion by ear. The technique is described in the tutorial D. G. Parnes S. E. Oskina Bayan without notes. Chapter Melody with chords on right keyboard page 149

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The sounds of the octave are given designations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. The numbers correspond to the notes Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si. Latin letter designations C D E F G A H

chords in the auditory technique are indicated Number with letter. A lot of people ask the question. Why notes Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si denote by numbers. Everyone knows the elementary rhyme since kindergarten to memorize notes. Do - Re - Mi - Fa - Sol - La - Si - the cat got into a taxi. And now simple experiment. Reply immediately instantly - which note is higher, such as Fa or La. And now in numbers. Which note is higher than 4 or 6. Instant - 6 above 4.


  • b- major chord
  • m- minor chord
  • With- seventh chord
For example
6m- La Minor, 1b- C major, 3s- mi sept and so on

On an accordion with a ready-made accompaniment, the left mechanism allows you to play chords with one button. A chord is a consonance of three or four sounds. That's why chords can also be played on the right keyboard. However, these are choice chords. That is, to play a chord, you need to select three or four keys on the right keyboard. Melody with chords sounds much more beautiful and richer.

Chords are taken to the sounds of the melody that are in this chord. Three sounds in major and minor chords. And four sounds in seventh chords. The sound of the melody to which the chord is played is always the highest in the chord. Therefore, depending on the melody, the same chord is taken by the same notes, but in different positions on keyboard.

For example

Melody of the song Am I to blame. Chord Positions 6m(La Minor). In words Guilty and Love chord 6m played on ringtone sound 3(Mi). And in words Voice and Him chord 6m played on sound melody 6(la) .

You need to play chords on the right keyboard simultaneously with the accompaniment on the left. Learning to play with the chords and melody on the right is quite difficult. But it's worth it. The chords on the right are not played for everything, but only for the main, supporting sounds of the melody.
The chords on the right are much more accurate and more harmoniously woven into the melody,than the left accompaniment.

For example. Chord La Minor ready accompaniment ON THE LEFT ONLY ONE. The chord on the left always consists of the same three notes.. A minor chord elective on the right. It has three positions, with the upper sounds of Mi La Do. And it can also be played in the entire range of the button accordion - four or even five octaves. Chords A minor RIGHT TWELVE.

How to Read Keyboard Charts and Chord Positions

The drawings of the diagrams are given from the side of the player, who represents that button accordion transparent.
When looking at playing in the mirror the drawings match perfectly.

All chords in all positions are located within two octaves. playing depending on the tune he chooses higher or lower he should play chords.
The vertical lines are the numbers of the keyboard rows. the first row is counted from furs.

Melody fingering

  • 1st row keys - index finger
  • Keys 2 rows - middle finger
  • 3 row keys - ring finger
  • Keys 4 sounds in seventh chords - little finger

Major chords on the accordion on the right

C major, A major, E major, G major- identical fingers

D major, F major, B major- identical fingers

Minor chords on the accordion on the right

C minor, A minor, E minor, G minor- identical fingers

D minor, F minor, B minor- identical fingers

Seventh chords on the button accordion on the right

La sept, Before sept, Mi sept, Sol sept- identical fingers

Re sept, Fa sept, Si sept- identical fingers

Chord notations and basic key pairs

Hearing Translation designations chords in latin letter designations
  • 6-A
  • 7-H
  • 1-C
  • 2-D
  • 3-E
  • 4-F
  • 5-G
  • b - major
  • m - m minor
  • c - 7 seventh chord

Songwriting Harmony built so that at the minor there are always tones parallel major key. classical pair of keys A minor - C major. In the key of a-c
  • La Minor- tonic minor, higher dominant mi sept, below subdominant D minor.
  • C major- major tonic, Higher dominant Salt sept, below subdominant F major
In most songs tonality A minor - C major difficult for vocals. It's easier to sing along D minor - F major, or in E minor - G major. On the button accordion on the left, you just need to go down or up one horizontal row of basses. On the right keyboard, you will have to transpose the chords to match the key of the accompaniment.

a-C d-F e-G

Am Dm Em
A7 D7 E7

E7 A7 H7
Em Am Hm

Dm Gm Am
D7 G7 A7

C7 F7 G7

Gm Cm Dm

G7 C7 D7

Fm Bm Cm

H7 E7 F#7

Good luck with your musical instrument

Bayan is the youngest instrument, the playing technique of which is in its infancy: the repertoire is constantly expanding, requiring the implementation of new technical tasks, new playing techniques are emerging.

A necessary condition for the successful performance of a work is the selection of fingering. Behind Lately principles of fingering selection on the button accordion have undergone significant changes: the traditional (three-fingered) has been replaced by a positional (five-finger) system, in which all fingers are used, and the positional fingering differs not only in the use of the first finger, but also in the alternation of fingers: the fingers go one after another, which does not contradict the anatomical structure of the hand. In the traditional fingering fingers go randomly (2-4-3-4), which is inconvenient and contrary to physiology. Discussions are underway on this issue, accordion teachers are divided into two "camps": supporters of the traditional system and adherents of the positional system have appeared. Who is right and who is wrong, practice can show. Those who had to compare these systems when playing the button accordion came to the conclusion that the positional system is more convenient, it is easier to achieve automatism when playing, and the performers top level no longer use the traditional system. If we trace the game on other instruments (piano, violin, accordion, psaltery, domra, balalaika), we can conclude that the positional principle of playing is applied everywhere.

Let's follow teaching aids, schools of playing the button accordion, tutorials different authors what changes the fingering has undergone.

IN "Progressive school of playing the button accordion" Y. Akimov it is shown that the first finger should be behind the neck, in musical notation traditional fingering is indicated. Three main positions identified right hand on keyboard. First position: 2, 3, 4 fingers are arranged in rows of keys in chromatic sequence. Second position: when playing chords, intervals, arpeggios, also applies when using the first finger. Third position: when playing chords in a wide arrangement and polyphonic texture. The second finger is placed in the third row, and the fifth in the first row.
IN "School of playing the button accordion" A.E. Onegin it is said that when playing the button accordion, the thumb of the right hand is used when playing five-sound chords and large stretching of the fingers, in connection with this, the use thumb can be done at a later stage of learning.
To determine this position of the hand, the fingers must be placed in this way: the second - on the key to, the third - on mi, the fourth - on re. The second position of the hand: the elbow is lowered down and laid aside. This position is useful for playing arpeggiated passages, octaves, and chords. To determine this position of the hand, you can take an A major triad with the addition of a fundamental tone.

This publication says that the arrangement of the right neck of the button accordion is designed for the performance of works using mainly the four fingers of the right hand, the thumb slides along the inside of the neck parallel to the index finger. This allows you to feel the keyboard well, to find the right keys. The thumb, being behind the neck, is involved in a bright, emotional and subtle nuance: minor change the pressure force of the thumb on the neck colorizes the dynamics of the piece.

The factors influencing the choice of traditional or positional fingering for the performance of a piece are highlighted:

-musical abilities of the student;
-degree of technical readiness;
-features and physical condition (in terms of fatigue) of both hands;

General points where using the thumb on the keyboard is desirable:
- in works of polyphonic and sub-vocal warehouse;
-for legato performance of a sequence of double notes;
-when performing wide chords and large leaps;
- to avoid changing the position of the hand where the thumb can
maintain the stability of the position of the hand;

The author says that you need to learn how to combine four-finger and five-finger fingering, does not exclude the possibility of using the thumb on the keyboard. This manual has a section containing exercises, scales with double notes, arpeggios for playing with five-finger fingering.
IN "Primary school playing the button accordion" P.I. Govorushko fingering is considered as a way of developing performing technique. “One of these ways is the use of more rational fingering, finding its new, optimal options, excluding from practice both obsolete provisions and fingering innovations that have not confirmed their effectiveness.” IN in general terms it comes down to streamlining the system of placing and shifting fingers and limiting their unreasonable movements, more fully subordinating the principle of their alternation to the laws of the activity of the muscular apparatus.

This source says that the traditional system contradicts the regularities of the activity of the muscular apparatus, but even when playing with positional fingering, double placing the first finger is an insurmountable threshold. The author came to a compromise, changed the fingering in such a way that one laying was left, the second was replaced by the use of the fourth finger. P. I. Govorushko advises the teacher: in order to educate students in fingering skills, identify patterns in the use of fingering and achieve their lasting assimilation. To exclude the transfer of the same fingers to distant keys, to overcome jumps in the melody with fingers that are not occupied with the execution of previous sounds, if possible due to the natural stretching of the muscles, without additional movement of the entire hand, if possible, use the same fingers on repeated notes in individual melodic structures. These recommendations can only be followed when using positional fingering.
IN" Self-instruction manual for playing the button accordion "O.F. Agafonova, P.P. Londonova, Yu. V. Solovyova the traditional system of playing the button accordion is described, the use of the first finger is out of the question.
IN "Tutorial for playing the button accordion" by A.P.Basurmanov the traditional system of playing the button accordion is also described, however, the question of the use of the first finger is raised. The keyboard and neck of the standard button accordion are adapted to a four-finger playing system, in which the thumb is behind the neck. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to master the game with four fingers and the appropriate setting of the hand. Later, when the accordionist starts to play complex works and he “does not have enough fingers”, he masters the second hand setting, in which the thumb is above the keyboard, that is, in a position convenient for its use in the game. However, due to the inadequacy of the fretboard and keyboard, the thumb is also used for this new production only when necessary. In the tutorial, the setting of the hand is given, which is convenient for playing with four fingers, since the musical material is simple. For those who wish, exercises for the development of the first finger are given.

IN "School of playing the button accordion" Yu.T.Akimov along with the traditional system, an idea is given of the use of the thumb on the keyboard. The author believes that putting the first finger on the keyboard is associated with certain difficulties: the contact of the hand with the keys is disturbed, orientation on the keyboard is disturbed, the right hand is turned off from the process of controlling the fur, the position of the button accordion is less stable. The task of the teacher is to instill in the student the skills of an expedient combination of fingering systems, using the advantages of four- and five-finger fingering.

The first finger is recommended to be entered after mastering the rules of landing and setting, gaining the skills to feel the keyboard. In contrast to what has been said, the author says that when playing on the selective keyboard with the “traditional” fingering, the hand turns extremely upwards, and pain may occur in the wrist of the left hand. "Therefore, for the performance of scales in the selective keyboard, a different, more rational principle of combining "traditional" and positional fingering is recommended."
Stativkin G.T. in the guide " Primary education on an elective-ready button accordion " offers a sequence of studying scales in a kind of complex, which creates a favorable condition for the unification of fingering positions in working on scales, a system of fingering-positional blocks is formed.

“The skills achieved in this way not only simplify and facilitate learning processes, but, no less important, entail a significant improvement in the quality of auditory control, since the standardization of motor skills with the active participation musical ear and memory can quite easily (and imperceptibly) lead the student to mastering all related keys. From the above schemes of scale-like sequences, it can be seen that all their types fit into two main positions both on the right and on the opposite (selective) accordion keyboard. Each of these positions has a limited number of varieties, from which four universal exercises can be composed, containing the entire volume of performing difficulties characteristic of this type of button accordion technique.

IN study guide Pyotr Serotiuk "I want to be an accordion player" considered the principle of intonation patterns, which is associated with the "development of fingering skills based on positional play" . At the beginning of each section, there is a modal chants and fingering options. The student himself “invents” several options for fingering and, with the help of the teacher, chooses the best one. This allows the development of fingering discipline, the development of flexibility of thinking, motor memory, individual performing technique and the formation of hand placement.

IN "Modern School of Play Nabayane" by V.A. Semyonov There is a section dedicated to positional play. The author of the School says that in order to successfully master positional play, you need to prepare the first finger for playing. "First you need to learn light blow with the first finger of the right hand on the key. By turning the brush from the keyboard, you need to raise the first finger above the keys (swing), while the first finger straightens. Now the key is actually hit by turning the brush.

This skill is necessary for high-quality sound production in scale sequences. When you press a key, you don't need to swing it, it's enough to touch it first. By pressing we play slow melodies. At the next stage, you need to learn how to play single-voice sequences in positions on three, four and five keys (you need to start with exercises in the form of arpeggios on the keys located on the same row). V.A. Semyonov recommends immediately forming the position of the hand with the removal of the first finger on the keyboard.

Better say a little
but good.
Kozma Prutkov

The author of the site about himself and music

Words sometimes need music
but music needs nothing.
Edvard Grieg Music is shorthand for feelings. Lev Tolstoy


The authors of this self(m)teacher in no way refute the foundations of the theory and teaching of music. However, not everyone is ready to become great musicians, like, for example, Svyatoslav Richter, and devote himself and all his time to music. Most singing lovers would just like to be able to play along on the guitar, piano, button accordion or accordion when festive table guests will want to sing.

By European tradition the notes of the scale are usually called the letters of the Latin alphabet, i.e. C (do), D (re), E (mi), F (fa), G (salt), A (la), H (si). And chords built from these notes are indicated by adding additional letters and / or numbers to them. For bayan and accordion, the symbols B, M and 7 denote, respectively, the major ("big") and minor ("small") triads and the small major seventh chord.

It's no secret that a melody can be transposed, i.e. play it in any other key. At the same time, the ratio of sounds in the accompaniment chords will remain the same, only their height will change. But the recording of these chords in the European tradition in different keys is different.

At the same time, the recording offered by Oskina and Parnes is the same for all keys!

The figure below shows musical notation chords for the parallel scale C-major - A-minor and for the parallel series E-flat major - C-minor, as well as their designations, according to Oskina and Parnes. For learning to play by ear, they propose to designate with numbers the steps of the scale of any parallel keys, which in major form a row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and in minor - 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

The letters "b", "m" (as for the button accordion) in this tutorial denote, respectively, the major ( b major") and minor (" m scarlet") triads, and the letter "c" is a small major With eptaccord.


I repeat (it "got me" for a long time), if you play in A minor, then the tonic of the melody will be indicated by 6m, and in C minor (as well as in any other minor key), the tonic will also be indicated by 6m. Tonic in major for all keys will be denoted 1b.

The most surprising thing for me was that the left keyboard of the button accordion and accordion was already adapted for accompaniment. In the first two vertical rows of the left keyboard (if you count from the fur) there are bass sounds, and the next three - ready-made chords (major (b) in the third row, minor (m) in the fourth and seventh chords (s) from the corresponding sound in the fifth opposite in the second horizontal row.

Not only that, all the most necessary chords are located nearby.

Bayan chords in C major - A minor


Guitar chords in C major - A minor


Piano Chords in C Major - A Minor

Accompanying the singing of the Russian folk song "Korobeiniki"


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