How to draw 2 people who. See how a man and a woman should be correctly drawn in different positions


Drawing a person can be the most vivid and profound experience in an artist's life. Today we have prepared for you tips from the famous Italian artist Giovanni Civardi from Drawing the Human Figure. Let this knowledge become a source of inspiration and creative stimulus, helping to convey mood and memories in the form of a drawing.

You can draw a human figure and a portrait with any materials - from pencils to watercolors. The pencil is the most common tool due to its low cost and versatility. Charcoal is great for quick drawings with strong tonal contrast and less workable small details̆. For mascara, it is recommended to use thick and smooth paper good quality. Mixed media is a simultaneous combination different materials in one picture.

Experiment in search own tricks, which will achieve the most expressiveness, and try to take advantage of random effects.

Fundamentals of plastic anatomy

Artists study anatomy in order to make meaningful representations of the human figure. To reproduce it reliably, you need not only to see, but also to understand what you are drawing.

Thanks to the knowledge of anatomy, the image becomes more convincing and alive than nature itself.

In general, the shape of the body is determined by the skeleton as the main supporting structure, the muscles that fit it, and the upper layer, consisting of a fatty cover. It is useful to know and remember the relative sizes of the articulating bones and their proportions relative to each other and the entire skeleton, because without this information it is impossible to “transfer” the figure to paper and acquire the skill to depict it logically and consistently.

Below are the main bones of the skull and neck, along with skin, cartilage, fat, muscle, hair, and more, in layers.

The skeleton of the male torso, enclosed in the contours of the body, in the frontal, lateral and dorsal planes. These drawings will help expand your understanding of body shape.

Upper and lower limbs in different planes. As in the previous figure, skeletal structure shown inside the contours of the body.

It is important for an artist to consider three main aspects of muscles: their appearance (shape, size, volume), location (where it is in relation to the skeletal structure and adjacent muscles, how deep or superficial) and its mechanism (function, direction of muscle pull, corresponding changes in shape and etc.).


In order for the drawing to come out believable, it is necessary to take into account the proportions of the body and head. The height of the head from the forehead to the chin is often taken as a unit of measurement for determining the proportions of the body. The growth of a standard figure is approximately 7.5-8 heads. Remember a few more proportional relationships: the head fits into the total height of the body with the neck three times, the length of the upper limbs is also three heads, and the lower ones are three and a half.

Despite the differences between individual individuals, they can be divided into three main groups of types with similar characteristics within each - ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs.

Hands and feet

It is easy to understand why the hands and feet, with their arrangement and variety of possible gestures, are considered the most difficult parts of the body to convincingly reproduce, both in drawing and in painting and sculpture.

Drawing your hands and feet is the best way to study them in as much detail as possible. You will be able to make sure that quite worthy studies are obtained, comparable to face drawings, and maybe even more expressive.

First, a quick (but diligent) sketch is performed in the desired angle and pose, then with the help of its “geometrization” the necessary anatomical information and volume are transmitted, after which the details and individual outlines are refined.

As well as for the head and body, knowledge about the structure of the bones of the feet and hands will be useful.

Draw your own hands and feet in different provisions. You can use a mirror. take miscellaneous items into your hands and convey the dynamics and mood of the gesture in the drawing.

Head, face, portrait

The main interest for the artist has always been the face and figure. A portrait is not just a reproduction of physical features for the purpose of recognizing a particular character. This is a story through facial expressions about his personality, thoughts and emotions.

How to draw a head and facial features, we described in detail in the article.

Outline of a person in a sketchbook

A sketch is a quick, spontaneous drawing from life, made in a short time with several informative lines. Drawing people in a natural setting, who do not pose on purpose and probably do not know that they are being viewed and depicted, will seem difficult at first. But there is no real reason to be afraid or lost - hardly anyone will pay attention to what you are doing.

The ability to portray strangers̆ in any position and under any circumstances is important for the development of technical skills and value judgment. And, of course, the regular practice of sketching will hone the gift of observation and interpretation, teach you to look deeper and make quick, confident, understandable and accurate decisions.

A few quick tips on how to sketch from life:

  • Get in the habit of always carrying a pencil and a small sketchbook—one that fits easily into your bag or pocket—in case something catches your eye or seems interesting.
  • It is worth striving to increase observation and the ability to isolate the main thing and at the same time coordinate visual perception, value judgment and hand movements during the execution of the drawing.
  • Do not try to reflect on paper everything that you see in nature. Given the limited amount of time and the risk of changing the pose of the model at any second, focus on the essentials.
  • To learn how to use your memory to reproduce the sequence of basic phases of movement, you will need maximum concentration in observing people.

If you are still confused by the thought of drawing people from life (note that if someone notices what you are doing, some may be flattered and others will leave in displeasure), drawing statues can help prepare for this mentally and gain some confidence. and sculptures in museums or monuments in public places.

Check if the museum allows you to sketch, and if so, feel free to go there and sketch the sculptures from different angles.

This is how they teach drawing in Paris - in the courtyard of the Louvre with sculptures.

Stages of drawing

If you are drawing a whole figure (clothed or naked), you can first draw some quick, light lines to outline the space that it will take on a piece of paper (maximum height, maximum width, etc.). Then outline the main parts of the body (head, torso and limbs) taking into account relative proportions.

Finish the drawing with essential contours, shadows and details that cannot be left out. Erase guide lines if needed.

In the book "Drawing the Human Figure" each section is analyzed in as much detail as possible, there are detailed images of the human skeleton in different planes. It is described in detail how to draw a figure of a man, a woman, a child, an elderly person, how to depict a nude and a person in clothes.

This method is by no means the best, much less the fastest, but from the point of view of most artists, it is correct. He slowly but surely helps to draw a person with a pencil in stages.
At the end of the article you can watch video About,
This method of drawing is aimed at stimulating the imagination and forming an idea of ​​the human body in three-dimensional space, well suited for beginners and for people who are assiduous and patient.
Almost all novice draftsmen start drawing a human figure from the head, thereby making a gross mistake. And they are very surprised when, as a result, it turns out that there is absolutely no room left for the feet on paper - this method will save you from such unpleasant situation.

Consider ideal proportions human body:

So head in people tall fit along the length of the body 8 times, in people of average height - 7.5 times, in people of short stature - 6-7 times.
Head fit in body length 2.5 times, in the length of the legs - 3-4 times.
Stretched along the body hand should touch mid-thigh.
Shoulder width in an adult male is usually two head lengths and more hip width.
Thigh length corresponds leg length with foot, A lower leg - two lengths of the foot.
The female figure, unlike the male one, has a lower average height and shorter limbs.
hip width women usually have more shoulder width.
The head of a woman is relatively and absolutely smaller than that of a man.

Schematic representation of a person:

A song from the cartoon "Octopussy": "Stick, stick, cucumber, it turned out a little man ..." every child knows!
And do not underestimate this phrase.
Schematic little men display very important characteristic- proportions of body parts. And in order to avoid logical discord in our wand-shaped men, it is necessary to observe the so-called "artistic canon".
Now let's take a closer look at our sketchy little men:

Schematic Man #1
Everyone has drawn such a little man at least once in their life.
This is the so-called basic man.
But there isn't much you can do about it.
Unless you practice keeping the proportions of the head, torso, arms and legs.

Schematic Man #2

Here, the proportions of the forearm, thigh, lower leg and foot are additionally outlined.

Schematic man #3

The perfect wand man!
I'm sure you've hardly seen any child draw a little man in this way.
The shoulders and pelvis of this figure already have a certain width.

In order to understand how accurately you keep proportions in your work, draw a few schematic people.
Thus, simply and quickly, without being distracted by details (clothing, hair, etc.), you can evaluate how well you know the proportions. human body.
In addition, you can immediately determine whether the figure will fit on the sheet.

I think now you understand how important it is to master the proportions. And what an important role in future picture playing sketchy men.

Human posture:

It's time to revive and make our hero do something. So before you start working on a character, with the help of schematic drawings, you can try many poses and choose one.
Below are some examples of schematic people in action.

The picture shows a person walking.
Pay attention to the movement of the hip joints. As a rule, the shoulders move in the opposite direction.

The person lies on his side with support on one arm. Thus, rib cage"hangs" on the shoulder and the spine, bending, draws a curved line.

In order to draw the human body, you need to know the features of its structure.

The skeleton is the foundation

rib cage


Notice the curvature of the spine
(to make it better visible, we will not draw a hand).

The skeleton can be drawn in a simplified form:

Having an idea about the structural features of the skeleton, moving on to muscle and/or fat , if we get lucky…).
To display body parts, we will use all kinds of shapes: cylinders, ellipses, etc.

Now you can visually evaluate

The whole process from sketching (creating a schematic man) to volumetric drawing based on a schematic drawing:

Also, this method will help you work with the details. For example, in drawing the hands and feet:

That's all!
main idea of this lesson - for drawing it is important right foundation.
And to achieve this goal, it is necessary to discard all unnecessary and present it in a schematic form.
And schematic little men will help you with this!
The main advantage of this method is that you can easily and quickly try on many poses for your character.
Choose the most suitable pose and already at the first stage decide on the composition.
This article is suitable for those who want to learn how to draw a person in full height or in general how to draw with a pencil step by step
Thank you for your attention.

Many amateur artists are convinced that in the visual arts there is nothing more difficult than drawing a person, especially in the portrait genre, where the skill for depicting facial proportions must be filigree. In fact, these wisdoms can be comprehended. If, of course, you carefully approach the study of theoretical recommendations, practicing them in practice.

Tools and materials

In order for the work to be argued, it is very important to properly prepare for it. If we are talking about drawing, then, of course, besides patience, some materials and tools will be required.

Pencil, eraser and ruler are the basis of the basic drawing tools

  1. Sheets of paper. It is most convenient to use the A4 format, since at this size it is easier to scale the image, which is of key importance for maintaining the proportionality of the human body. To create portraits, if you already have certain skills, you can also take the A3 format: this way all the lines of the face will be drawn brighter and more clearly. For drawing in watercolor, it is recommended to use special sheets designed for this type of drawing lines and coloring. Their density will help the contours stay in place, that is, not blur, and the paper will not “roll down”.
  2. Pencils. In this case, we are talking about simple ones. And here it is important to understand: even for beginners, a kit with three types of strokes is needed. The hard one is used for sketching or building a structure supporting the drawing, the hard-soft one is for drawing the lines of the sketch, and the soft one is for drawing the lines of the finished drawing. In addition, all three of these types will come in handy if the image is planned only in pencil.
  3. Ruler. Essential drawing tool support figure, which allows symmetry to be maintained. For the image of a person standing, one cannot do without a ruler.
  4. Eraser. An indispensable attribute in drawing. They not only remove unnecessary lines, but also shade some shadow areas of the image, for example, hair.
  5. Marker. This tool will come in handy if you draw a person using the anime technique.
  6. Paints (gouache, acrylic, watercolor), colored pencils or pens, felt-tip pens - the choice of coloring tools depends on the technique for making the picture brighter.

Educators and psychologists say that for the full development of the drawing skill of a child, he must have access to everything necessary for fine arts materials and tools

Useful tricks for beginners

As already noted, the image of a person is one of the most difficult levels of development. visual arts. That is why everyone who has just decided to take on this type of drawing will need the advice of professionals.

Stages of work

The process of creating a human image can be divided into three stages.

Ancillary work

At this level, we deal with proportions and make an auxiliary figure that will become the basis of the drawing. Without anatomical details, of course, can not cope.


At this stage, we draw all parts of the body, and we start with the head, since its dimensions are decisive for other parts of the drawing. To work, you will need a ruler and basic knowledge of mathematics. The last step at the level of detail is the removal of construction lines.


We dress our person or, if we drew a portrait, we highlight the accent parts of the appearance (eyes, mouth, chin). Add color and shade to make the figure more voluminous. And, if it is supposed, we color the picture.

Let's see how this scheme works in practice.

Draw a person in full growth


  1. We draw an oval of the head (about 2 cm), measure its length, set aside 7 such measurements.

    You need to start drawing with auxiliary lines

  2. Let's get to the neck. Its size will be equal to about half the width of the oval of the head.
  3. We do the shoulders. They will be equal to the length of the head, slightly tilted down.

    The line of the neck passes into the shoulders

  4. The next step is the waist. It is at the level of 2.5 head lengths. If the head is 2 cm, then the waist point is just below the 5 cm mark. We draw a horizontal line slightly wider than the width of the head, but less than the length of the shoulder girdle. We connect the waist with the line of the shoulders.

    Draw the waist line and connect it with the shoulder girdle

  5. Let's take the body. The level of the fourth mark on the vertical segment of the supporting figure is the lower part of the body, which is slightly wider than the waist, but narrower than the shoulders. Make a horizontal line and connect it to the waist.

    The body is also drawn according to the established proportions.

  6. Let's get to the feet. First, we mark the knees below the fifth mark, which “depart” a little from the center line. We denote this part of the body with small circles.

    The joints of the legs are shown in circles.

  7. We connect these circles with the horizontal line of the pelvis and get the hips.

    Connecting the knees to the pelvis

  8. We make smaller circles at a level below the sixth, closer to the seventh mark. This is the transition from the legs to the feet. We attach these lines to the knees.

    We connect the mark of the legs with the knees

  9. At the seventh mark, draw the feet in the form of elongated ovals at the bottom.

    Feet show ovals

  10. We draw hands. To begin with, we also show in circles the elbows that are on the waistline.
  11. We mark with small circles the hands, which are located just above the lower border of the torso.

    Hands are denoted by elbow joints and hands

  12. We connect the circles with each other and with the shoulders with curved lines. Draw brushes.

    Initially, the brushes are also shown as ovals.

  13. We designate facial features. We show the ears, eyes, nose, eyebrows and hairstyle.

    Let's start detailing the face

  14. We detail the clothes, showing the folds and some of the seams.

    Finishing the clothes

  15. Coloring as desired.

    You can color the drawing with pencils, paints or felt-tip pens

Head, face and hands

It is believed that these parts of the human body are the most difficult to depict. The explanation for this can be found as follows: the head is the basis of the proportions of the whole figure, therefore, the quality of the entire drawing depends on how correctly it is depicted. Facial features and hands are an expression of a person's emotions, what makes the drawing "alive". And, of course, harmony is also important in the image of these elements. What Leonardo da Vinci called the golden ratio.

This is interesting. The ratio of the proportions of the figure and face of a person, called by Leonardo the "golden section", is a kind of beauty code, which was described by the Italian mathematician, the founder of accounting, Luca Pacioli.

Video: how to quickly learn how to draw a head

Video: anime head drawing master class

Video: what to consider when creating a face drawing

Photo gallery: how to draw eyes

Photo gallery: how to draw a nose

Photo gallery: how to draw an ear

Photo gallery: how to draw a female and male eyebrow

Photo gallery: how to draw lips

Draw hands

In order to correctly depict the hand, it should be remembered that it is very similar to the shoulder blade, which consists of fingers and metacarpus.

This is interesting. The length of the fingers will be equal to the length of the pastern.

The length of the hand can be depicted in different ways, since people have both long and short fingers; both square and oblong

Create an image of the fingers

The flexibility of the fingers is provided by the joints. Moreover, the subsequent phalanx is more finely built than the previous one.

All fingers, except for the thumb, consist of 4 joints, and their length is determined by the length to the first phalanx of the next finger. However, the length of the little finger will be equal to the length of the last phalanx of the ring finger.

The proportions of the phalanges in the image should be at a distance of 2/3 from the length of the previous one.

This is interesting. To make sure that all the proportions in the image of the fingers are observed, you need to draw a semicircle over the fingers, the top of which should be the middle finger.

The protrusions on the inside of the fingers are directed away from index finger to the little finger.

You can start the image of the palm with a diagram in the form of a mitten

Draw a fist

Bent fingers, as well as unbent ones, form a semicircle, while at the place of the fold the finger will always be thicker than along the length of a separate phalanx.

IN clenched fist, under the little finger on the outside, there is a fold, adding which we show that the hand is squeezing something

in profile outer side will be flat, only the knuckles will protrude, but the inner one remains soft, with evenly distributed protrusions.

Red color shows how the first phalanx is fixed to the metacarpus, in green membranes that are between are indicated, they are usually considered the beginning of the first phalanx

Stages of hand drawing

It is easier for beginners to draw from life, and use their own hands as a model.

The most best workout brush image skill - drawing from nature


  1. Sketching the brush outline, highlighting thumb and all the rest.
  2. We draw the index, then the rest.
  3. We detail the fingers by adding knuckles, nail plates, pads.
  4. We give the fingers volume with the help of strokes.
  5. Add color and shadows under the brush.

The subtleties of the angle

If the angle of the location of the brush is complex, then it is recommended to draw each finger separately. When one line for the image of the fingers is not enough, you can use geometric shapes, for example, a cylinder or a parallelepiped.

In any case, it is worth remembering that the fingers and hand are interconnected: changing the position of one, one cannot but change the position of the other.

By changing the position of the hand, the position of the fingers should also be changed.

How to draw a seated person


  1. Draw an oval for the head, divide it in half.

    The reference figure is drawn taking into account the pose of the object

  2. The dashes show the height of the head to indicate the control points of the reference figure.

    Control points define head heights

  3. We draw the cylinder of the neck.
  4. Let's get to the body. The middle of the chest is the level of the first segment. We show the line of the back, making it slightly curved.

    Outlining the neck

  5. Add the lower body and pelvis. In this case, the butt of the seated figure is slightly pushed forward.

    The body is slightly bent

  6. We draw a circle to the pelvis, the diameter of which is slightly more height heads.
  7. The circle also denotes the knee on the third level of the supporting figure.

    The pelvis is slightly larger than the head

  8. We connect the circles into the hips.

    Draw the hips

  9. Add the contours of the lower part of the leg to the circles and remove the auxiliary lines.
  10. We show the ankle joint with a small circle.

    Draw the bottom of the leg

  11. We show the lines of the lower leg and draw the foot, starting from the heel, showing all the joints. We draw a sock.

    Detailing the sock

  12. Let's move on to the left leg. Although it is closed with the right, we draw all the elements according to the model, otherwise the proportions of the body will be violated.

    We make the second leg according to the model of the first

  13. We draw hands. We place the shoulders under the first mark in the form of a circle below the shoulder.

    A small circle shows the beginning of the hand

  14. The elbow is shown below the middle of the chest. Please note that the length from the elbow to the knee is slightly longer than from the elbow to the shoulder. Add a brush and forearm.

    We make marks of the elbow bend and brush

  15. We connect all parts of the body with smooth lines.

    Connection lines should be smooth

  16. We finish the chair for the sitting figure.
  17. We draw the second hand lying on the back of the chair in the same way as the first.
  18. We detail the face. We outline the lines of the level of the eyes, nose, mouth.
  19. We add the volumes of the chest, pelvis and calf muscle.

    We make volumes moderate, realistic

  20. We draw the elements of the face. We complement the image with hair. We remove extra lines.

    Delete auxiliary lines, draw contours

  21. Add details of the face, hair, t-shirt, shorts and heels. Coloring as desired.

    We detail the face, hair, finish the clothes

Drawings for children

Toddlers sometimes find it difficult to understand the intricacies of fine art due to complex concepts"proportion", "segment", "oblique, perpendicular lines". Therefore, for them, it is better to simplify schemes to names. geometric shapes, which have been known since kindergarten.

How to draw a child


How to draw a funny toddler

Children really like to portray themselves as such mischievous little ones. Moreover, there is a very easy scheme that will be understandable even without parental participation.


Video: how to teach a preschooler to draw a person

Create a portrait

Drawing a portrait is a very delicate process, because in this genre the artist shows his skills in the technique of depicting a head, a face with all its features. Moreover, the portrait involves a drawing from nature. So, in order to rationally distribute a considerable front of work, it is worth breaking it into six stages.


Draw a primitive man

The inquisitive mind of children very sensitively perceives all the information related to the origin of man, the first people on the planet. Therefore, it is not surprising that the image of primitive ancestors occupies one of the leading places among the desired objects for creative embodiment on paper.


  1. We mark the extreme points horizontally and vertically of the sheet - these are the borders of the picture. We spend vertical line, which will later turn into a man's stick. We draw the outlines of the skull of a man, as well as the right leg and arm of a woman.

    After drawing the starting points of the drawing, we sketch the shapes

  2. We draw the man's hair, outline his legs, arms and clothes. female image we specify a mop of hair, the shape of the right hand, a knife, and also right foot and clothing details.

    Refine the drawing with sketches of clothing details

  3. We detail the arms and legs of a man, his clothes, a stick. We add clothes to the woman and a stone that lies at her feet.

    We draw the details of the outside world: a stick, a knife, a stone

  4. We finish drawing the man's face: mouth, nose, eyes. With dashed lines we make shadows on the chin, fur on the robes, show the shape of the arms and legs. We draw the visible parts of the fish that the getter holds. We finalize the woman's hair, knife, arms, legs, and also add to right hand bandage. We draw the ground under the feet of the characters with strokes.
  5. We make the man's hair thicker. We shade the fish tail. We draw the foot of the right leg of the keeper of the hearth, we detail the front part of her outfit with dashed lines.

    Detailing the image of a woman

  6. We emphasize the small features of the hands and feet of the couple. We shade the woman's clothes.

    The drawing can be left in pencil, that is, do not color

Video: how to draw a caveman

How to draw a person in watercolor

Watercolor is not the most convenient material for depicting such complex images as a person. But you can also learn how to use them. Especially if to own experience connect the tips of the masters.

And here is an example simple drawing watercolor people.

Hair is the focus of the drawing.


  1. You need to start drawing from the torso. We do only two strokes.
  2. Add legs and clothes.
  3. We finish drawing the arms and legs, which make up 1/7 of the total length of the depicted figure.

Video: create a watercolor portrait

For children senior group kindergarten, it is important to devote enough time not only to intellectual and physical development but fine art.

In the drawing, the child manifests himself, fantasizes and at the same time develops his abilities. It is still quite difficult for children 5-6 years old to convey all the subtleties of a particular subject, so the help of parents is simply required here.

Trees and plants are not so difficult to draw, but with a human figure, things are more complicated if the task is to draw it in motion.

We will help you with this and show you how to teach a child to draw a person. with a simple pencil step by step. For this purpose, you can choose several ways, any child of 5-6 years old will master them.

Before you start drawing a figure with a pencil, it is worth considering that you should not draw dashed lines, and then trace them. Drawing a person, even for beginners, will not be so difficult if you draw lines with just one movement, without being afraid to make a mistake.

When drawing a figure in motion, it is worth imagining its image mentally, and then transferring imaginary lines on a piece of paper. The main rule for beginners is not only to adhere to the accuracy of the outlined lines and observe the proportions of the body, but also to convey the essence and significance of the drawn image.

The main advantage of any artist is the ability to convey the character and inner mood of a person created on a sheet of paper.

Quite often, when drawing a person, it is not possible to maintain the proportions of the body, as a result of which the drawn figure does not look believable. The main problem is the incorrect length of the upper and lower limbs, too large or too small a head.

Such mistakes are very typical for children 5-6 years old, so it is recommended to draw a pencil drawing in stages, we learn to break the drawing into several separate parts.

Often, a human figure is conditionally divided into 7 identical parts, which can be equated to 7 head circumferences, including the neck.

Having learned theoretical basis, we are learning to draw a person in motion with the children.

Drawing process

Option 1

  • First, you need to draw an oval together with the child, which will later be folded with the head of the drawn person.

Just below the oval, draw the neck, this part of the body should not be too long, it must be placed strictly in the middle. Then we draw a rectangle, it will be a guideline for further drawing the body.

  • Next, you need to draw the same rectangle, its width should be equal to the first one, but the length should be a little more. Divide the second rectangle in half, thus making a sketch for the lower limbs. The corners of the upper rectangle are slightly rounded, thus forming the shoulders.

  • Now you need to remove the extra lines with an eraser, which are indicated in the figure with a red arrow, this procedure will be interesting for children.

  • In order for the child to fully master the drawing lesson, it is worth telling him in detail how the details of the head are drawn. All unnecessary lines can be easily removed with an eraser.

In the middle of the previously prepared oval, draw the eyes, as well as the nose and mouth. Do not forget to draw eyebrows, sketch out the person's hairstyle.

  • At the very end, make a few oblique lines that will depict the folds on the clothes, draw necessary elements shoes.

The drawing is completely ready, each parent will be able to teach their child to draw a person in stages.

Option 2

This simple way of depicting a figure in motion will appeal to fidgety children.

  • First, sketch lines on paper, which will later be a guide for drawing the torso, upper and lower limbs.

In the upper part of the sheet we depict the head (draw an oval). The child will be able to complete this task independently under the guidance of the parent. Do not forget to mark lines inside the oval along which the eyes, nose, and mouth will be placed.

  • Based on the guides, draw the torso of a person. Next, you can start drawing hairstyles. Do not exclude some details, let the kid finish drawing any object in the person’s hand on his own. Detail the face, carefully depict the eyes with a nose and mouth.
  • Now it remains only to remove the remaining extra lines.

It's so easy to draw a person, such a procedure will please not only parents, but also children, thanks to this the child will master some skills in the fine arts.

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  • Publication date: January 9, 2014
  • How to draw a person step by step? If you asked this question, then you are here!

    In this lesson I will show you step by step how to draw a person in full growth. To begin with, I decided to make a lesson on drawing a person in the simplest pose - standing. So let's draw standing man in clothes. You need to draw without pressing too hard on the pencil, since in the future we will erase these construction lines with an eraser.

    Step 1st. Draw an oval at the top of the sheet. This is the head of a man.

    Step 2. The human body is symmetrical. For convenience, we draw a middle line that will divide the picture in half.

    Step 3. Since ancient times, the laws of the proportions of the human body have been known. While drawing, it is convenient to rely on. The height of the head fits in the body of an adult on average 7-8 times. This figure depends on how tall the person is. A measure of 8 goals is typical for tall man. We will draw a man whose height is 170-175 cm. Therefore, 7 heads are enough for us. Of course, you don't need to draw all these circles. I have shown them in the picture for clarity.

    Step 4. Just mark with strokes 6 segments according to the size of the head.

    Step 5. We draw the neck of a man. If a person is thin, the neck will be thin. If he is of full build, the width of the neck can be equal to the width of the head. We draw a man of average build - his neck is quite wide, but less than the width of his head. For now, we will mark the neck with a simple rectangle.

    Step 6 Now let's start drawing the shoulders. They should be drawn slightly sloping, that is, not straight. horizontal lines, but smoothly descending from the neck to the arms.

    To determine the width of the shoulder, use the laws of proportions. The width of the shoulder is approximately equal to the height of the head from the midline of the body.

    Step 7th. How to draw a man's torso? To do this, define the waist line. This will help us mark the size of the head. The waist is just below the middle of the 3rd head (at the same time, we consider the first head to be the very dear and only one that sits on the shoulders). Remember: the width of the waist is always much wider than the head! Even very slender girls with a wasp waist! From the waist we draw lines to the shoulders. It turns out something like a trapezoid.

    Step 8 Now you need to draw the lower part of the man's torso. Its bottom mark coincides with the mark where the 4th head ends (you might think we are talking about Gorynych ... But we will learn how easy it is to draw a person, and proportional). Here is the widest part of the pelvis. And this part in men, as in women, is wider than the waist. I note that if we, then the picture may be completely different. But just as we have a quite slender man in the dawn of his strength, the lower part of the torso will be in the form of a trapezoid tapering to the top.

    Step 9 How to draw human legs? Let's start with the knees. Let's depict them with two circles located at the level of the 6th head (its upper part).

    Step 10. We draw the hips. There is nothing complicated here. We draw straight lines, connecting the knees with the pelvis.

    Step 11 We continue to draw the legs of a man. Now we will depict the joints connecting the feet and lower legs. They are called so - the ankle joints and are located just below the middle of the 7th head.

    Step 12. We connect the ankle and knee joints with rounded lines.

    Step 13 The legs are almost drawn. Now we need to depict the feet of our man. To do this, we use elongated ovals.

    Step 14 Next question: how to draw a human hand? As in the process of drawing the legs, let's start by drawing the joints. Elbow joints are located at waist level or slightly lower.

    Step 15 With the help of circles, we depict the location of the carpal (wrist) joints. We determine their location, all also focusing on the marks of the height of the head. The wrist joints are located just above the lower border of the torso.

    Step 16 Now let's draw the man's shoulders (this is what the upper part of the arm is called), connecting the elbow joints and the upper part of the torso, as shown in the figure.

    Step 17 Now we draw the forearms by connecting the elbow and wrist joints.

    Step 18 It remains to draw the hands. In this step, we will draw them in a generalized way. The length of the palm is equal to the height of the face. I note, not the head, but the face - the distance from the chin to the hairline. When a person's hands are relaxed (as we have in the figure), the palms are slightly bent, respectively, their length becomes even smaller. But, in any case, the hands hang below the widest line of the pelvis. Not much! No more than half of the 5th head.

    So we learned how to draw a person correctly. But, in this moment, this is not quite a person, but something from geometric shapes. It's time to start drawing the figure.

    Step 19 The oval is just the base for the head. Indeed, in fact, this part of the body has a slightly different shape than egg. Take a look at the picture. The ears extend beyond the oval. The position of the ears depends on the inclination of the person's head. On this figure head slightly raised. Therefore, the ears occupy the space from the line of the eyes to the line of the lips. If the head is straight, the ears will be located from the line of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. The parietal bones (upper part of the head) are slightly wider than the jaw.

    Although, in cartoons and cartoons, often the jaw is drawn wider than the head in order to achieve a funny thug effect (example below).

    So, you can, or for now, outline the lines, as in the picture below.

    We draw a person in clothes that fit the body loosely enough. Therefore, the clothes go beyond the line of construction. At this stage, the construction lines can be erased.

    So, we learned how to draw a man with a pencil step by step. Here's what we got.

    It is not necessary to leave a person bald. It remains to draw the hair of a man. For example, here is a short haircut:

    Or draw him a hairstyle with bangs. I note that the hair makes the head even more voluminous. Hair goes beyond the oval.

    The last step is to add some hatching. Now the drawing has acquired a more interesting and finished look.

    In the same way, you can draw a person in a suit. Consider the length of the jacket. It ends approximately where the middle of the palm is (if the arms are lowered down). Do not forget about the arrows on the trousers and the tie.

    The man in the suit can be anyone. So you can draw the profession of a person - a security guard, a businessman, a manager.

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