Bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky - biography, personal life. Maxim Chernyavsky took his daughter from Anna Sedokova

The tall and handsome young man was known to fans Russian show business only as the husband of Anna Sedokova. But after he took part in the “Bachelor” project, he became very popular, especially among the fair half of the TNT channel audience.

Childhood and family of Maxim Chernyavsky

Maxim was born in Kyiv. He also spent his childhood there. His family was quite wealthy thanks to the trading business. Marina Chernyavskaya, Maxim’s grandmother, was among the first to open a suburban hypermarket. This is the “Maxi” complex. It was opened in 2000.

It is known that family business It was always the grandmother who led. Chernyavsky’s father is an entrepreneur, his mother works as a chief accountant.

After successfully graduating from school, the young man became a student at the Kiev University of Trade and Economics, from which he graduated with honors.

The beginning of the career of businessman Maxim Chernyavsky

The Maxi hypermarket, owned by Maxim’s grandmother, could not withstand the competition and was purchased in 2005 by the Fozzy corporation. After this, Chernyavsky, under the strict guidance of his grandmother, began to engage in the construction of luxury real estate.

Thanks to perseverance and hard work, the aspiring businessman at the age of nineteen created a successful enterprise. It cannot be said that he did this without the support of his relatives, including financial support. However, in business, not only great finances are important, but also the ability to think economically and “push with elbows.”

Chernyavsky is not yet thirty years old, but he is already a successful entrepreneur and millionaire. Many business partners around the world know his last name.

Personal life: Maxim Chernyavsky and Anna Sedokova

In an interview, Maxim says that he has always liked girls who have a model appearance. For some time, Maxim dated a fashion model from Kyiv. This was before I met my wife.

Anna Sedokova got confused in men - Maxim Chernyavsky

My future wife The businessman saw Anna Sedokova on TV long before he met in person during the group’s performance “ VIA Gra" Later he saw her on the street and decided to meet her. Romantic relationship developed at lightning speed. At the beginning of 2010, they went on vacation to Los Angeles, where the young man proposed to Anna. A year later, the couple got married. In the summer they had a daughter, who was named Monica. The girl is very similar to Anna. Since the couple did not have a wedding as such, but only a wedding ceremony, they decided to gather guests and celebrate their wedding, combining it with a celebration in honor of the birth of their daughter. None of Anna's colleagues were among the guests.

It must be said that Sedokova was married for some time to football player Valentin Belkevich. This marriage broke up in 2006. They have a daughter together, who remained with Anna after the separation.

Unfortunately, after a year and a half life together, Anya and Maxim's marriage broke up. At first there were a lot of quarrels, unpleasant statements about each other on the Internet and in the press, and this was followed by a loud divorce process.

In an interview, Chernyavsky said that it was difficult for him to be married to a woman who often appears in explicit videos and videos, and who has many men. In his opinion, he needs a more “homely” wife, a keeper of the hearth, a mistress of the house. Anna accused her husband of numerous affairs, including with Santa Dimopoulous, Sedokova’s colleague.

The daughter stayed with Anna, but Maxim proves himself to be wonderful loving father and often sees Monica. They spend almost every weekend together. On his blog, friends often see new photographs showing Maxim and Monica during their regular meetings. Many people believe that mutual feelings ex-spouses still haven't faded away. On his pages on social networks, Chernyavsky wrote more than once that his daughter and her love for him gives him confidence in life, gives him strength and desire to move forward.

New women of Maxim Chernyavsky

A month and a half after the official divorce, the businessman was repeatedly seen with Anna Anders. This Ukrainian model is only nineteen years old. The relationship did not last long. The media often wrote about the similarities between Maxim’s new passion and his ex-wife.

During the advertising of the upcoming reality show “The Bachelor,” a photograph of his daughter was repeatedly used with Chernyavsky’s permission. This was the reason that Anna filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband, saying that she was against Monica being shown on the show.

Maxim Chernyavsky in the show “Bachelor”

After a difficult divorce, the businessman was invited to become a participant in the show “The Bachelor”. He stated that his heart is free, so he would gladly take part in a reality show where girls from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia would “fight” for his affection and love.

There have been many articles in the media about possible reasons Maxim’s participation in “The Bachelor”. One of the most likely is that he wants to be seen. As for the weak half of humanity, the businessman never felt a lack of their attention.

The show was shown by TNT in the spring of 2014. Maxim chose a girl Masha from the city of St. Petersburg as his “wife”. She is 23 years old and is a lawyer by training.

Maxim Chernyavsky now: his hobbies

Maxim tried more than once to change his clothing style. When buying himself another business suit, he always makes a promise to himself to wear it. But soon he is seen again in the office wearing jeans and his favorite Nike sneakers.

A young man is interested in auto racing. When it comes to cars, he prefers the Porsche brand.

Eligible Bachelor Maxim Chernyavsky, after his divorce from Anna Sedokova, decided not to sit idly by and continued to arrange his personal life. This time the businessman decided to find his love on a popular television project on TNT - “The Bachelor”.

An enviable groom, businessman and hero was born show Bachelor (season 2) on TNT on August 30, 1986 in Kyiv. The boy's father was a military man, and his mother was a student economic university. After some time, when the guy grew up, his father decided to open small business. Things went well for the parents, but suddenly they decided to divorce.

Maxim Chernyavsky in childhood and now

After these events, Maxim was raised by his mother and grandmother. It was the grandmother who was the most important person in the boy’s life. She was the head of the family, the person who guided Maxim, gave him good advice and helped both in childhood and in adult life. Maxim’s grandmother is the owner of the famous chain of construction hypermarkets “Maxi”.

When her grandson was still a teenager, his grandmother decided to teach him responsibility and work. Therefore, she allowed me to work part-time in the summer as a cashier in one of my hypermarkets. Time passed, the guy grew up. When he was 19 years old, his grandmother decided that the guy was old enough and serious, so she allowed him to manage one of the hypermarkets.

Maxim finished private school with a gold medal, became a student at the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University. As a student, he opened a small development company. Unfortunately, such a business did not generate income and after some time he had to close the company.

After Maxim graduated from university, he gained the necessary knowledge and realized that old project can be “resurrected”. Therefore, he took up this idea again and began to engage in construction (and part-time sales of luxury real estate). Today, the man has his own house in Kyiv, an apartment in California and a small plot of land in the western part of Hollywood.

Maxim Chernyavsky on the TNT Bachelor show

Like many other participants, Maxim Chernyavsky decided to go to the show Bachelor (season 2) due to the fact that ordinary life he couldn't find it on his own suitable girl. Therefore, he hoped that participation in this project would allow him to find that one and only, beautiful, smart, special life partner.

In addition, Maxim has never hidden the fact that he loves to be in the spotlight. Therefore, of course, he liked such a show.

Filming of the TV show took place in the fall and winter of 2013 in Russia, Ukraine, America, Switzerland, Italy and France. For the heart of a bachelor fought 26 beautiful ladies . However, only one of them was lucky enough to capture his heart.

After the completion of the project, many girls expressed their dissatisfaction with the bachelor party. Some even said that they now understand why he previously had problems with his personal life. To many girls, Chernyavsky did not seem to be such a strong and self-confident man as they wanted to see in the place of a bachelor. This is actually why many were disappointed in the star’s behavior.

Personal life before the Bachelor project

As was known, earlier, before coming to the project, Maxim was already married. In 2009, he met singer Anna Sedokova. It seemed that their relationship was truly ideal, the young people tried to spend as much time as possible together. They visited various social gatherings, rested together. In July 2011, the couple even had a daughter, whom they named Monica. Nevertheless, this relationship was not destined to last long.

The reason for the divorce of spouses is misunderstanding and jealousy. As Anna herself says, she is tired of Maxim constantly flirting with other women. Chernyavsky accused the woman of having too many fans, she was a well-known media personality, and he needed a keeper of the hearth, a mistress of the house, and not a young lady who starred in explicit videos.

Chernyavsky and Anna Sedakova
Santa Dimopoulos “warmed up” Sedokova’s ex-husband

As a result, the young people were unable to find mutual language, their divorce proceedings were very loud, the young people quarreled very much. As it became known, after Maxim divorced Sedokova, he began an affair with another ex-member of the Viagra group - Santa Dimopoulos, who is one of the members of the Viagra group.

After breaking up with Santa, Maxim began dating Ukrainian supermodel Anna Anders. But this romance was short-lived.

Who did Maxim Chernyavsky choose on the Bachelor show?

Holosyak vibrated Maria Drigola

The girl who was lucky enough to become the owner of the coveted ring was Maria Drigola. Many fans were really surprised, because they did not suspect that Maxim would choose this particular girl.

There was a lot of gossip online regarding the relationship between Maria and Maxim. However, one thing can be said with firm confidence - the relationship of the young people worked really well at first, but after a while they, like many other couples on the Bachelor project, broke up.

Photos and videos of Maxim Chernyavsoky on Instagram

As you can see, Maxim Chernyavsky has not had any luck in relationships yet, but he is building a career, improving, earning money and is not very worried about failures on the love front. It is quite possible that soon a man will actually be able to find the woman who will meet all his requirements.

Maxim was lucky in all respects: he was born on March 2, 1987, when it was already possible to be wealthy, and in a family that managed to take advantage of this. Maxim’s grandmother at one time managed to create a chain of hypermarkets “Maxi” (didn’t she give the name in honor of her grandson?) and generally lead the business, which included the whole family.

When you are young, spectacular, own a three-story mansion in Kyiv and everything that comes with it, you can remain a bachelor only by at will. Among Chernyavsky’s passions are ex-members of VIA Gra Anna Sedokova and Santa Dimopoulos, as well as model Anna Andres. However, all this was not as serious as we would like. Even despite the daughter Monica, whom Sedokova gave birth to Maxim. Maybe it was worth trying to look not among the stars, but among ordinary girls? Well... relatively ordinary, of course.

And so, in 2013, the young millionaire became the hero of the TV show “The Bachelor,” where luxurious girls fought for his attention. The winner was the beautiful Maria Drigola from St. Petersburg, who managed to reach the final and conquer Maxim. How seriously everything will turn out for them is still unknown, but Masha managed to find a common language with both her parents and Maxim’s daughter. We will follow the news from the life of the star couple.

High-budget Instagram of Maxim Chernyavsky

Apparently, Maxim Chernyavsky runs Instagram in accordance with the motto - “Not a day without fasting!” And his life is really so spectacular that there is something to see. Holidays on the coast. Yachts. Frequent holidays in the company of Timati. A visit to an expensive auto tuning center. Travel throughout Europe. Flying on sports aircraft. In the photographs you can see faces familiar to everyone, for example, a photo of Sati Kazanova on Instagram, by the way, she is also there

Maxim’s life is so varied that he certainly doesn’t suffer from a lack of topics. Every day, watch new stories about labellavita on Chernyavsky’s Instagram. Maxim can be found at @max_la, where more than 360 thousand people have already subscribed to him.

Readers care about almost everything that Maxim writes about. And the established (or not so established) love with Masha Drigola. And daughter Monica. Both business and luxurious lifestyle. And Maxim’s manner of storytelling and presentation.

But Max Chernyavsky himself clearly maintains Instagram simply for his own pleasure. He selects bright shots, expressive filters, and shows how much he enjoys his life. Well, he has the right. And commentators don’t particularly bother him: he can comment on photographs himself very convincingly.

Just recently, Anna Sedokova became a mother for the third time. The ex-Viagryanka gave birth to a son, whom the singer named unusual name Hector. Sedokova’s children live in Los Angeles, and she herself regularly flies to Russia.

The artist did not go on maternity leave and a month later went to Moscow with a concert. Together with eldest daughter Alina Anna appeared on the red carpet music award RU-TV. This was the 12-year-old girl's first official appearance in public.

Anna Sedokova regularly publishes quite frank posts on her Instagram, but the singer has never let slip who became the father of her son. Numerous subscribers of the star are sure that the child’s father is not going to connect his life with Anna.

The singer has repeatedly emphasized that she raises and educates her children herself, without expecting any help from their fathers. In fact, Anna is greatly exaggerating.

Her second husband Maxim Chernyavsky, whom many viewers remember from his participation in the “Bachelor” project, constantly helps her with the children. The man regularly spends time not only with his daughter Monica, but also with his eldest, Alina. Chernyavsky treats his stepdaughter as my own daughter, is interested in her successes and is aware of her interests.

Judging by Maxim Chernyavsky’s Instagram, he spends time with Anna Sedokova’s daughters much more often than the singer herself.

While Anna Sedokova is engaged in creativity, Maxim Chernyavsky devoted all his time to his daughter

It is difficult to find such a touching relationship as Maxim Chernyavsky’s with his daughter. The man tries to take Monica with him whenever possible.

Every meeting between father and daughter turns into a real holiday. Maxim always comes up with something interesting for his daughter.

Photos of them constantly appear on Maxim Chernyavsky’s Instagram joint recreation with kids.

So after Anna Sedokova left Los Angeles a week ago, Chernyavsky immediately took his daughter to him. The father devoted all this time to the baby.

New photos and videos with Monica appeared on the businessman’s microblog.

Chernyavsky’s subscribers were delighted by such a reverent attitude of an adult man towards his child:

yulya1491 people like Maxim are rare now. For people to love their child so much and give him all their love.

Beautiful__people_ You are the most best dad on the ground

kovevgenya Maxim, you are an amazing father)))

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