A good toastmaster and contests are interesting girls. "And the toastmaster is good, and the contests are interesting" - where did this meme come from


At a party in honor of Freshmen's Day on September 22 in the Baikonur concert and dance hall in Tyumen, young people and girls compete in rather risky competitions from the point of view of morality. They stripped almost naked, and the girls publicly imitated oral-genital contact.

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The prize itself the best participant there was a certificate for a thousand rubles in a tattoo parlor. In social networks, however, they claim that a military ID was attached to it. Someone from those present at the show filmed what was happening on video and posted it to the public. Of course, a scandal erupted.

Representatives of Tyumen State University hastened to distance themselves from the dubious event. University employee Elena Druzhinina said that the official initiation into students took place at the university on September 14. She stressed that the university is not going to expel or punish students. The committee on academic ethics will decide their fate, but the university is preparing an appeal to law enforcement.

“It is important, since our university is mentioned, to find out who conducted it, who gave permission and was the instigator in such competitions. The situation is unique for each student, and everything will be decided by the ethics committee. We do not plan to make hasty decisions here, ”said Elena Druzhinina.

Photo source: VKontakte

The press service of the university confirmed that draconian measures should not be expected. Moreover, the party was arranged for students of all Tyumen universities, and not just Tyumen State University.

“We have reviewed the video, but it is not very good quality, it is difficult to identify the identity of our students on it. If we find out who it is, we will hold professional events. We will not expel anyone, ”the press service of the university said.

Photo source: VKontakte

According to Vadim Shvets, the head of Baikonur KTZ, on September 22, the hall was rented by the Ruslan Krasilnikov School of Organizers. Now he is on phone calls doesn't answer. However, it became known that an exclusive all inclusive club party in Baikonur costs about 120 thousand rubles.

Photo source: VKontakte

The organizer of the party, according to rumors, was the well-known showman Nikita Snyusevsky in Tyumen. However, he resolutely denied this dubious honor.

“I have nothing to do with the organization of the event. Especially for the competition. I advertised the project, because in Tyumen I am a public figure among my peers, ”he said.

Photo source: VKontakte

Party attendees say people were in attendance different ages not just freshmen. There were both older and younger, minors. But after 22:00 they were taken out of the club by security. What time the odious competition began, however, is not known.

Those present claim that the organizers of the competition themselves did not expect that things would go so far. The maximum they expected was that the participants would remain in their underwear.

The video circulated all over Runet and the publications of the Russian media made the scandalous party public.
In social networks, Tyumen residents complain that they did not want such glory for their city. They are ashamed that now Russians will associate Tyumen State University with wild morals, drinking parties and strip contests.

Photo source: VKontakte

Urban youth said that such spectacles are typical for all clubs in Russia. Just not everywhere is an alternatively gifted viewer who will remove them and put them in the public domain. They write that they are offended that students can be expelled because of such nonsense. By the way, the video was posted on Instagram by a user under the nickname sanyara_boy17. Now he has closed his profile.

Photo source: VKontakte

Naturally, in the chat rooms there were also those who wanted to “shoot” the youth who had committed a fine, but in general the discussion came down to the problem of fathers and children with the participation of people different generations. Some reproached today's youth for total debauchery, others reasonably noted that someone had brought them up. Isn't it you, disrespectful moralfags?

Photo source: VKontakte

“For adult participants, such contests are the norm, or rather, not quite, but no one forcibly undressed the girls, they themselves wanted it and did it themselves. The girls were ready to do this for prizes,” said Mark Sushkov, one of the organizers of the city party.

Apparently, the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tyumen region does not share his opinion, since the police have already begun checking. They will find out if there were minors present at the party, and they will also find its organizers.

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It is not for nothing that among people who are still lucky enough to lose their virginity with a person, there is popular saying about the fact that in the name of maintaining the mental health of a partner, preventing "accidents at work", and in general, in order to maintain a normal and healthy sexual life, you should never try to repeat at home what is shown to us in porn, and what "experts" from popular glossy magazines advise us. And if with pornography at times everything is still more or less not so bad, then with gloss in our world somehow it didn’t work out at all. So, if by some miracle you still have doubts about the last statement, and somewhere on the verge of the subconscious, this insidious “maybe all the same?” flies from time to time, then today we have prepared for you a selection of the most idiotic tips about sex and relationships from popular glossy magazines.

"Let's have an encore!"

If you do not know how to diversify your bed life in marriage, and the soul is eager to get the treasured dose of adrenaline and thrill, then Cosmopolitan magazine comes to the rescue with this brilliant advice. In particular, local experts recommend asking someone you know to hide in your bedroom closet and watch you have sex with your unsuspecting significant other. Such unusual actions, obviously, should inflame your passion with a bit of extreme and a sense of danger.
Well, if you still decide to follow the recommendations of experts and accidentally ask your friend / girlfriend to watch your performance through the keyhole, then do not forget to warn the “spectator” in advance that at the end of the performance you should not shout “Bravo, guys , bravo, bravissimo, let's encore! and give you carnations and roses, otherwise it will turn out somehow inconvenient.

And don't blink an eye

And here is another popular Men's Health magazine advising its readers to pay more attention to, so to speak, non-verbal communications. In particular, one amusing article says that if your girlfriend suddenly starts blinking more often than usual, then she has started (oh, this is a terrible word!) Ovulation, and you should behave “more rudely and actively, because girls during this period are the most attract primal instincts in men. What can be said here? Poor wives of Men's Health readers. Here a girl stands for herself, does not touch anyone, blinks her eyes, and then, bam, an impressionable lover of gloss hits her head with a club and drags her into a cave. So it’s not far to #9 years of strogach, you know.


If you are tired of banal stories about a depraved teacher or a sexy nurse, then the same Cosmopolitan, which has already pleased us with funny variations on the theme of skeletons in closets, has prepared for its readers the best role play in the world. Impressed by the recently released new season of Game of Thrones, magazine specialists offer us, attention, to dilute the boring routine with an exciting and exciting game of Hodor. Yes, yes, one of the partners should portray that same half-mad groom in bed and, according to the rules, should not say anything during sex and only voluptuously moan “Ho-o-dor! Ho-o-o-o-o-dor!" God, who wouldn't like that?

Harmonious and sincere relationship

But family psychologists, sexologists and specialists in relations between a man and a woman from Esquire magazine advise men to present some expensive and expensive gift to their soulmate as a prelude to love pleasures. long-awaited gift because girls love it. Yes, first gifts, then sex, this is the basis for sincere, trusting, honest and harmonious family relationships.

M - Multitasking

If all of the above has not impressed you so far, then the grand prix undoubtedly goes to the experts on intimacy and the psychology of relationships from the women's magazine Women's Health, who have compiled for their readers a whole selection of interesting and useful things that you can do in parallel during sex, if you suddenly become bored in bed.Among other things, the authors remind lovely ladies that during the performance of marital duty, you can simultaneously: a) watch TV; b) write SMS; c) cook dinner; d) respond to emails; e) wrap presents for Christmas; and finally e) pay bills for public utilities. So, if your significant other, after the prelude, suddenly kisses you gently on the ear and asks in an erotic whisper how many kilowatts for electricity were last month, don't be surprised, it's all Women's Health.

cool and interesting contests will help the guests of the holiday to have a good time. Original draws and tasks with a surprise will give the evening a positive dynamic and amuse the company. Interesting quizzes diversify the feast and will not let everyone who is present at the solemn event get bored.

    Plaid game

    Play game. Of all the guests of the holiday, 1 most courageous person is selected. It's better if it's a man. He sits in a circle on the floor (on which you first need to lay some kind of rug) and covers himself with an ordinary blanket with his head.

    The host says that his task is to guess the wardrobe element (the name of the thing that is on it), which all the guests guessed. After the word “guessed” is heard, the participant alternately begins to name things (for example, a shirt). If he did not guess correctly, then he must remove this element of the wardrobe from himself.

    The essence of the game is that the plaid itself is initially guessed. But while the participant guesses, he remains to sit under this blanket completely naked.

    Everyone can participate in the competition. They are divided equally into 2 groups. The players of both teams line up one behind the other and receive pens and sheets of paper. The leader approaches last participants and shows them simple drawings(each team has its own picture).

    The task of the player who saw the picture is to draw it by applying a sheet of paper to the back of the contestant standing in front. The participant, who felt certain movements of the pen on his back, draws on his sheet of paper what he thought the previous teammate had depicted. So all the players draw until the first member of the team creates his picture.

    At the end of the competition, the presenter looks at the result of the work done by each group of contestants and shows the original version of the picture. The team whose drawing is the most similar to the original wins.

    Everyone can participate in the competition. To conduct it, you need to prepare cards in advance with different numbers(from 1 to 31). There should be at least 3 times more of them than participants. The competition is held at the table.

    Each player takes turns drawing a card. For example, a participant comes across the number 17. He must remember any holiday, a noisy feast, just an interesting or funny story which occurred on the 17th. You have 1 minute to remember. If the player was unable to recover anything in memory, he is out.

    The winner is the participant who manages to remember as much as possible more stories associated with the number that fell to him.

    Game "Neighbour's Laughter"

    All the guests of the holiday play. One volunteer becomes the leader. The game starts with him. The main task of each participant is to make his neighbor laugh. This can be done with the help of strange and incomprehensible actions. For example, the leader pulls his neighbor by the nose. That one - his neighbor and so on, until the last player. The participant who, in the process of pulling his nose, laughed, is eliminated. After the first round, the second stage of the game begins. On it, the host can easily and painlessly bite a neighbor by the ear.

    The game is played until there is only one, the most serious participant.

    The game "Sharpness of the idea"

    Creative game. 5 people participate. Each player receives simple pencil, a regular sheet of paper and a task card.

    The task of the participants is to draw what is written on the card in 5 minutes. After the time has passed, all the "artists" present their masterpieces to the public, without naming their main idea. The audience must guess what is drawn. The winner is the player whose drawing the guests “decipher” faster than the rest.

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