Kvn game in the preparatory group. Scenario


KVN "Mysterious Nature" - a meeting of the club of connoisseurs of nature for children preparatory group

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about the representatives of the forest
Tasks: Learn to correctly formulate your thoughts and expressions and use small folklore (jokes, nursery rhymes, riddles) in speech. Educator: Hello, today we have a regular meeting of our club, a club of cheerful and smart children, connoisseurs of our mother nature. We will sing, dance, guess riddles, have fun, play games.

Educator: Let's split into two teams. Let's welcome the Brook team and the Foresters team
Educator: I would like to introduce you to our jury:
Head of the kindergarten - Olga Alexandrovna
Senior teacher - Svetlana Borisovna
And music worker– Irina Borisovna

Educator: For each correct answer, the Brook team will be given a shell, and the Foresters team will receive a bump.

The questions will be interesting, and most importantly, before answering, the team needs to confer. Today we will talk about the forest and trees, birds and different animals. And I want to start with a poem Viktor Shamonin

I walk along the forest path, on the right is the forest, and on the left is the forest.
I look up, and above me, the light of the Divine heavens!
Now the cuckoo will cuckle, then I will hear the woodpecker knock
And my soul rejoices, hearing every new sound,
And raindrops on the grass, spread out like a carpet,
And walks along the path, the sun is a ray of light.
Everything is painfully familiar here, in this fairy tale I am free,
I feel a sense of home, in the sweet side of the heart.
I will soon sit on the stumps, I will hear the cry of the crane,
A wonderful, heavenly corner - This is my homeland!

Educator: Guys, what is this poem about?
Children: about the forest
Educator: This is what we are going to talk about now. Now I will ask questions in turn to different teams

1. You can make flour from the seeds of this tree, you can make coffee, and even get cereals. (Oak)
2. Which tree has a poisonous bark, so animals do not gnaw it. (Bird cherry)
3. The piano is made from what kind of wood? (Spruce)
4. This tree has very sweet juice, so people collect it in the spring? (Birch)
5. What kind of wood are the skis made from? (Birch)
6. Since ancient times favorite tree Russian people, especially poets and writers? (Birch)
7. The wood of this tree is used when building boats, small seaworthy vessels. Since its wood is resistant to decay (Larch)
8. The tree from which matches are made? (Pine)
Children in teams take turns answering

Educator: I am sure that children not only know riddles and poems about trees, but also know how to sing songs. I invite the children's choir senior group perform the song "On the mountain is viburnum", and the rest we sing along.

Children sing a song

Educator: Well done, but we need to keep going. And I invite readers who will read you a poem Vladimir Orlov"Good Tree"

Educator: And now guys, guess riddles about birds.
1) All day the fisherman stood in the water,
The bag was stuffed with fish.
Finished fishing, took the catch
Climbed up - and was like that (Pelican)
2) What birds do not have a tongue? (Albatross and Pelican)
3) Spinning, chirping, busy all day? (Magpie)
4) Not hours, but time tells? (Rooster)
5) Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (Penguin)
6) Standing on one leg, staring into the water.
Pokes his beak at random - looking for frogs in the river? (Heron)
7) He wears a colorful robe in his forest chamber,
He heals the trees: he will knock and it will be easier for them. (Woodpecker)
8) He wants - he will fly straight, he wants - he weighs in the air,
It falls like a stone from the heights and sings in the fields, sings? (Lark)
9) He comes to us with warmth, having come a long way
Sculpts a house under the window of grass and clay? (Martin)
10) Tell me what an eccentric
Does he wear a tailcoat day and night? (Penguin)

Educator: Introducing the jury

After the jury announces the results, a boy in a Sparrow costume runs in.

Sparrow: I am a sparrow.
I live among people.
I know everything about the guys
What do they do, where do they go?
How they dance. (Runs away)

Educator: And now it's time to pay attention to our viewers. Blitz poll.
The picture is brought in

Educator: Dear viewers, take a close look at the picture, in a minute we will remove it and check your attentiveness.
1) What animals are shown in the picture? (4 bears)
2) How many bears: 3,4,5? (four)
3) What forest is depicted? (Bor)
4) What trees are shown? (pines)
5) How many bears are sitting in the trees? (3)

Educator: The audience is just great, and your attention is developed just fine.
Educator: Let's continue, dear teams. You know the trees, the birds too, and now we'll see if you know the animals.

1) An animal covered with thick fur. Lives in the north. He loves reindeer moss and gets it with his hooves and
horns from under the snow. (Reindeer)
2) Which animal runs with its hind legs forward? (Hare.)
3) He looks like a shepherd dog, that not a tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth, is he ready to attack a sheep? (Wolf)
4) Get into the habit of a poultry house - expect trouble.
5) Does the red tail cover its tracks? (Fox)
6) Water masters, building a house without an ax (Beaver)
7) Blind "excavator"? (Moles)
8) What scary beast loves raspberries. (Bear)
9) What animal can be called long-eared? (Hare)
10) A cat with tassels on its ears. (Lynx)

Educator: Introducing the jury

The folk melody "From under the oak" sounds. A boy dressed as a bear comes out

Bear: I am a forest animal, Bear-Bear,
I'm not evil and I won't cry.
Girls and boys are my friends
I want to play with you.
The game "At the bear in the forest" is being held

Educator: Indeed, what kind of forest without mushrooms and delicious berries. Are the team leaders ready to name them? (Take turns calling mushrooms, berries)
Team captains competition
And the children in the teams help their captain. Whoever named the most wins the competition.
Children: wild strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, fly agaric, mushrooms, boletus, morel, mushrooms, etc.
Educator: Well done, you know a lot of mushrooms and berries. And now I suggest that you perform a round dance "In the garden, in the garden"

Children lead a round dance
Educator: In the meantime, we had a round dance, I think it's time to take stock of our meeting. The floor is given to the jury

Educator: Let's go guys
Wherever we live
We will plant trees
Let's plant gardens!
May each of us
The tree will be planted now

Children with a teacher plant a tree in the kindergarten. They tie it with a red ribbon to see how much it will grow in a month.

I present to you scenario of logopedic KVN, for children of preparatory groups for school who have undergone remedial training at speech therapy center Preschool educational institution (children with NPSH, FFNR, ONR). In an entertaining, playful way, children consolidate their knowledge on speech therapy classes during the academic year.

To consolidate the knowledge of children obtained in speech therapy classes during the school year.

1. Exercise children in the ability to perceive and correctly pronounce all the sounds of speech.
2. Exercise in correct use grammatical categories, the selection of words with the opposite meaning.
3. Exercise in the ability to compose words from syllables, letters, focusing on color, shape, size. Strengthen reading skills.
4. Develop logical thinking.
5. To educate in children a culture of speech communication, expressiveness and emotionality of speech.

MATERIALS: tape recorder, easels, puzzles, crossword puzzles, envelope, letters on strings.


Children to the music of "We are starting KVN ..." enter the hall, stand near the tables.

Host: Hello dear adults and children! Today in the club of cheerful and resourceful guys there are unusual competitions. We will find out which team knows letters better, can read, speak correctly and beautifully.

Our teams will be judged by a respected jury. Well, the fans will unanimously support their comrades.

So, we start KVN ...


Two teams take part in the competition:

Team "Znaiki". Your motto. / Clearly, we speak clearly, because we are not in a hurry. /
Team captain…

Team "Umeyki". Your motto. /We always speak beautifully, boldly and slowly./
Team captain…

Warm up

We have a tongue in our mouth
He was used to the words of his acquaintances.
It's easy to tell him: "Water, duckling, sky, no and yes"
But let him say: "Turtle"
Will he tremble with fear
Children: Che-re-pa-ha!

Let the language repeat after me such a word: "Snowman."

And now our tongue will say:
A cricket sat on a pipe!
Let's say together: "Sha-scha-scha!
There is no tastier fish than bream!”
Repeat: “Zha-zha-zha!
Have you seen the hedgehog?"
If you saw a rook,
Answer: "Cha-cha-cha!"
Let's say together: "Chiki-chiki-chok!
The tongue has become more obedient!

How good it is to be able to read!
You don't have to go to your mom
No need to ask grandma
"Read, please, read!"
You don't have to beg your sister.
“Well, read another page!”
No need to call, no need to wait
And you can take and read!
(V. Berestov)

1. Reading words that are written on geometric shapes.
2. Multi-colored letters.
3. Read word by word.

A lot of trouble with letters
That's the kind of people they are.
But when wisely, sensibly
You build them in a clear line,
Letters turn into words
And they will talk to you...

Participants are offered tasks:

321 34512 3214
nose cloth fox

54312 4312 45231
Pine bush hair

If you take a big word,
Take out, letters one and two,
And then collect them again
New words coming!

Participants are offered tasks:

K olya - Olya, g rose - rose
K mouth - mouth, b mustache - mustache
Kor m - com, etc.

Guys, look how strange the letters are, just like foreign ones. Try to recover the letters and read the words.

And now the turn has come
Play the reverse game.


I will say the word high, and you will answer ...
I will say a word far, and you will answer ...
I will say the word ceiling, and you will answer ...
I will say the word, I lost it, and you will say ...
I will tell you the word coward, you will answer ...
Now the beginning I will say - well, answer ...

I'm an antonym for the word heat.
I'm in the river, in thick shade, and in a bottle of lemonade.
And my name is ... coolness.

I'm the antonym for laughter
not for joy
I happen involuntarily
from misfortune, and from pain,
from resentment, failure.
Guessed? This is crying.

Captains competition

And now the tasks for attention!

1. Mom calls her daughter home. Who's on the street? Who is home?
2. The wolf ate the sheep. Who is weaker?
3. The hunter killed the duck. Who was shooting?
4. The teacher listened to Vitya. Who spoke?
5. Vanya hit Petya. Who is the fighter?
6. The dog was bitten by a wasp. Who bit?

Physical education minute

Once the letters played
Out of order in the word got up,
But how can they find a place?
The words are completely incomprehensible.
And the letters cry loudly, together,
Who will put us in the right place?

Whose team will quickly collect their word and read it.

Game "Live Letters".

Letter from a stranger

Guess by the first letters of the names of the pictures the name from whom the letter came. / Dunno /

GAME "Correct the sentence"

1. Grandfather is in the stove, and firewood is on the stove.
2. Boots on the table, cakes under the table.
3. The bug did not finish the booth / bun /: reluctance, tired.
4. An uncle was driving without a vest / ticket / - he paid a fine for this.
5. The snow is melting. A stream flows. The branches are full of doctors /rooks/.
6. A tooth / oak / young has grown in a forest clearing.
7. In the cupboard galoshes - under the cupboard spoons.
8. Fedot is sleeping under the bed, Vaska the cat is on the bed.

There is no better mental exercise for adults and children,
The one who guesses the rebus becomes smarter.

And now we will find out which team knows more proverbs and sayings about teaching.

Proverbs and sayings (see Appendix)

The jury sums up the results, awards the winners with memorable gifts.

But now, it's time to end the game.
We all hope that with her,
You have become a little smarter
Learned a lot of funny words
And a lot of stuff
And if you remember them
No wonder your day is wasted!
To the music "We are starting KVN ..." the children leave the hall.

1. Volina V. Russian language. We learn by playing. M., 1996
2. Druzhinina M. Let's play with words. M., 1997
3. Zhigulev A.M. Russians folk proverbs and sayings. U., 1986


Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
Reading is the best learning.
Without science - as without hands.
Respect your teacher as a parent.
Without patience there is no learning.
Live and learn.
Knowledge is power.
Learning is the path to skill.
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
Znaika runs along the path, and Dunno lies on the stove.
Jump with a letter, but even cry without a letter.
With a book you will lead - you will gain your mind.

Gogoleva Svetlana Alekseevna,
teacher speech therapist
MDOU kindergarten No. 28 "Forest Tale",

Learning tasks:

Continue to learn how to solve arithmetic examples and write their solution using numbers.
Continue learning to solve inequalities.
Continue to teach children analysis and synthesis, constructive thinking: build new, more complex shapes from the simplest geometric shapes, according to a given contour.
Exercise in counting within 10, in the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.
To consolidate knowledge about the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.
To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year.
To consolidate the ability to distinguish between concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.
Strengthen the ability to use tables for solving logical tasks.

Development tasks:

Create conditions for development logical thinking, ingenuity, attention.
Develop ingenuity visual memory, imagination.
To promote the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to argue their statements.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate independence, the ability to understand learning task and do it yourself.
Cultivate interest in mathematics.

Preliminary work with children:

guessing riddles, solving logical problems, solving constructive problems, observing the calendar, individual lessons.

Preliminary work of the educator:

Prepare demonstration and handout material.
cook visual material"Azbukoved", "Robot+", "Robot-".
Prepare a soundtrack.

Methodical methods:

Calming exercises before class.
Game (journey to the country of Mathematics).
Visual (use of illustration).
Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers of children).
Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.


Magnetic board, numbers, signs.

Demo material:

"Numeric track", "Azbukoved", "Robot+", "Robot-".


task cards, envelopes with geometric shapes, pencils, cards with logical symbols, train sets.

Lesson structure:

Game situation: a journey to the country of mathematics.
Team greetings.
Warm up.
Selection of lanes for taking the starting positions of the teams.
Finding a pair (composition of a number).
Logic trains - definition of cargo.
The construction of the "SCHOOL" of geometric shapes.
Solving examples, identifying a letter, composing a word.
Coordination and development exercise "Japanese typewriter"
Summary of the lesson.

Lesson progress:


Today we are holding a real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN for preschool mathematicians. Two teams of intelligent and attentive will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing. Then we will sum up the results, and at the end there will be an awards ceremony for the participants. I want to introduce you to the members of the jury. (Introduces the members of the jury.) And now - the introduction of the teams. Welcome to the Whymuchki team (represents the team captain)!

Members of the "Why" team:

We are preschoolers
We are not afraid of barriers.
We love to play KVN
Friendly, fair win!


The Curiosity Team. Greet her! (Represents the captain of the team).

Members of the Curiosity team:

We are fun guys
We don't get bored in kindergarten
We play different games
We win in KVN!

Warm up


Let's do a warm-up: If the tree is higher than the bush, then the bush ...?


Below the tree.


If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?


Short lines.


If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread ...?


Thinner rope.


If sister older brother then brother...?


Younger sister.


If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream is...?


Already rivers.


March is the second month of spring?
Will winter replace spring?
What day of the week is today?
What day of the week comes after Wednesday?
So the teams are ready to compete.


And now our teams will have to choose a playing track for their competitive tasks. Teams may confer and explain their decision.


In order to go to your gaming tables and take your jobs, you need to split into pairs, make a pair of numbers that add up to the number 8.


A few days later in our kindergarten group graduation celebration, you will go to school life. Each of you has to go to school. Let's build our future school. You need to distribute the loads among the compositions of logical trains (solution of inequalities).


For the construction of the school, building materials must be brought to the construction site. To do this, teams receive “Real Estate Catalogs”, fill out order forms, calculate what and how much building materials are needed, receive building materials ( geometric figures) and start building a school (modeled after a real estate catalogue).


Well done guys, you got the job done. You can enter the school building by reading the encrypted word. Our faithful friends: Grandfather-Azbukoved, Robot +, Robot -. (Children solve examples, find a number, the number corresponds to the letter of the Azbukoved, find all the letters, read encrypted words).


Well done, teams. And now I suggest you take a break while the jury sums up the results and play the "Japanese car".

Japanese typewriter

Everyone stands (or sits, if desired) facing in a circle. Each player gets their own serial number, by the number of players. A person is chosen to start the game. His task is to pass the move to another player as follows. He says his number, and then the number of the person to whom he wants to pass the move. He, in turn, pronounce his number, and then the number of any of the players. The transfer of the move is accompanied by movements that simulate the sound of a typewriter: everyone simultaneously hits their knees 2 times, then lifts them up right hand(here we say our number), then left (say the number of the one to whom we pass the move). The rhythm gets faster with every move. If a person makes a mistake, he is out of the game, respectively, and his number too. The game is played until the most attentive remain, these are 2-5 people. Give them an applause.
This warm-up game trains: a) coordination of movements, b) the connection of coordination with the pronunciation of words, c) the ability to distribute attention. Not all students manage to quickly master the sequence of movements, they confuse the order of gestures, do not fall into the general rhythm, and cannot cope with its changes. But this only stimulates their interest. The introduction of a number, a number, that is, speech on clicks when passing the baton with the eyes "one-one", "two-two", etc., constitutes a new difficulty. Then the “voice” transmission begins - “five-five, five-one”, “one-one, one-seven”, etc., here you already need to send the word and be ready to receive the “voice”; both require organized attention and allow you to learn how to properly distribute it.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Author: Ivanova Nadezhda Grigorievna
Position: educator

Author: Ryabova M.A.
Position: educator
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten №8
Location: city of Krasnouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, Russia

Tasks: * Maintain interest in an educational and entertaining game, in the desire to play word games, show perseverance, endurance, and mutual assistance.

*Continue to develop the skill of working in a team.

* To improve the artistic and speech, performing skills of children in the dramatization of fables.

* Develop the ability to compose descriptive riddles.

* Use synonyms and antonyms in speech.

*Continue to develop writing skills short stories by a set of pictures.

Preliminary work: Come up with team names, choose captains, make emblems for the game participants. Compilation of stories and fairy tales based on a set of pictures.

Material: music center, 2 easels, emblems for game participants, a diagram for compiling descriptive riddles about vegetables and fruits, pictures for compiling a story, a game exercise “Tie a bow”, costumes for dramatizing fables.

Host: Dear children! Dear adults!

We all like beautiful speech in which all sounds are pronounced correctly.

Speech winged, correct speech, everyone would like to own!

You have to work hard, you have to work hard to get one.

And our KVN game today is dedicated to correct speech.

KVN includes interesting task games in which you have to show your skills. There are 2 teams in our game:

D / garden team, "Little Letters".

Our motto: We are still Letterheads, but as we all go to school,

We will definitely find the letters that we missed!

1st class team "Bukvaryata".

Our motto: Everyone knows the Primers, like great guys.

Speak beautifully, clearly, the alphabets all want!

We start the game with a warm-up.


Team of schoolchildren: Tra-ta-ta; tra-ta-ta, the cat married the cat.

For the cat Kotovich, for Pyotr Petrovich.

Preschool team: Malanya chatterer, chatted milk, chatted,

She blurted out, she blurted out, but she did not blurt out.

Well done! Let's move on to competitions.


Letters: Sour - sweet, black - white,

Day - night, winter - summer,

Cheerful gnome - sad gnome.

Primers: Light - heavy, remember - forget,

Earth is heaven, evil is good,

A brave boy is a cowardly boy.


(The diagram is in front of you. One team talks about a given subject,

without saying its name, but the other team must guess what it is about).


(Syllables on easels: MA, CAR)


(Performing movements on the text)

We are lion hunters, we are not afraid of him.

We will fight bravely! And of course we will win.

What do we see? - field. You can't fly around it, you can't get around it.

Let's go straight. They took the scythe: Whack, whack, whack.

We passed the field. What do we see? - forest.

You can't fly around it, you can't get around it. Let's go straight. Shuh, shush, shush.

We passed the forest. What do we see? - swamp. You can't fly around it, you can't get around it.

Let's go straight. Plop, plop, plop.

We passed the swamp. What do we see? - the mountains.

You can't get around them, you can't fly around them. Let's go straight. Slap, slap, slap.

The mountains have passed. What do we see? - a river.

You can't fly around it, you can't get around it. Let's swim straight: plop, plop, plop.


House made of stone - stone,

Straw hat - straw hat,

Silk dress - silk,

Porcelain cup - porcelain,

Cardboard box - cardboard.

Fur coat - fur,

Rubber toy - rubber,

Wooden table - wooden,

Glass jar - glass,

Spoon made of metal - metal.



(Arrange the pictures in a certain sequence and make up a story)


(While the captains are working, the task for the rest of the children)


Right ear forward, and then back, and then forward again and shake a little,

We boogie - woogie turn in a circle and clap like this.

Boogie - woogie oh, kay; boogie woogie ok.


(For example: sparrow, swallow, tit - birds).

Butterfly, mosquito, dragonfly.

Morning day Evening.

Birch, poplar, pine.

Table, wardrobe, sofa.

Football, gymnastics, swimming.

Boots, boots, sneakers.

Raspberry, strawberry, currant.

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday.

Cheese, yogurt, sour cream.

September, May, June.



1 child: Did we go with you?

2nd child: Let's go.

1 child: Did you find a pie?

2 child: Found.

1 child: Did I give it to you?

2 child: Yes!

1 child: Did you take it?

2 child: Got it.

Child 1: Where is he?

Child 2: Who?

1 child: Pie!

2 child: What pie?

1 child: We walked with you? ... Repeat.


Girl: Have you been to the fair?

Boy: I did!

Girl: And who did you see at the fair?

Boy: I saw how a hornless, tailless cow was driven on a chain.

Girl: So it was a bear.

Boy: What bear? I used to know him, the bear has a gray, long tail.

Girl: Why, it's a wolf!

Boy: Click on your forehead! The wolf is small, the ears are long.

Girl: It's a rabbit!

Boy: A mallet for you instead of eggs! The hare is red, the tail is fluffy, the eyes are cunning.

Girl: It's a fox!

Boy: Bite you wasp!

Girl: Stop lying - it's better to play!

SONG (to the tune of the cat Leopold).

It's good to speak, we all need to learn,

So that everyone can be proud of their speech.

But with a catch, friends, these letters are crumbs,

You can't just say them right away.

They say that my speech is bad.

The letter R., as if suddenly, ran away immediately.

I have never heard it myself.

I read aloud to everyone: “Mom washed the llama”,

Everyone laughs directly, I get angry in response,

But where did the letters get lost?

I tried, puffed and trained.

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