Playing children's musical instruments in dhow. Methodological methods of working with different age groups


Scenario autumn holiday in preparatory group

« autumn fair» in preparatory preschool group. Scenario

Compiled by: Babintseva Olga Viktorovna, music director GBDOU No. 104 of the Frunzensky district

Acquaintance with the history, traditions of the Russian people
- development creative activity, thinking and imagination, creative possibilities preschool children
- formation in children positive image yourself, a harmonious picture of the world,
- promoting the growth of spiritual culture, patriotism in preschool children
Children age: 6-7 years old

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about traditions, the history of fairs, the selection and study of dance and song repertoire with children, the preparation of attributes, the design of costumes for the event.
Decoration of the music hall: the hall is festively decorated with flowers, balls, exhibitions of folk crafts are presented.
Bear Fedya
- peddlers
- buffoons
- gypsies
- nesting dolls

The script of the autumn holiday

Entrance. Children run into the hall with leaves and become loose.
1. Autumn,
2. Autumn,
3. Autumn,
4. Autumn!
All: You make noise with dry foliage,
1. Autumn,
2. Autumn,
3. Autumn,
4. Autumn!
All: Your holiday is coming!
Song: Autumn Waltz
"Dance with Leaves"

1. It's a fading holiday
Groves, fields, meadows, gardens,
This is parting with the summer,
Cold weather expectations.

2. Autumn flew into the kindergarten in the morning
Throwing new leaf fall onto the path.
The leaves rustled: “Flyer, goodbye!
Autumn will color us, as if by chance!
Song goodbye summer

3. September has gone unnoticed
The sky blue faded
October wanders outside the windows
Among bare birches and aspens.

4. Nature is ready for sleep,
and we will sing and dance
And welcome everyone together to Autumn!

All: Autumn, Autumn, please visit!

Autumn: You are about me, and here I am!
Hello autumn to you, friends!
I am golden autumn
Came to you for a holiday
And many gifts
Brought to all people.

Leading: With what to us guys, autumn will come, let's ask autumn about this.

Round dance "Hello Autumn"

Autumn: To the fair with you
I invite everyone!
Let them not be silent longer
Fun, jokes, laughter!

Sounds music "Oh, the fair"

Autumn: the sun rises bright
People rush to the fair.
And at the fair goods:
Samovars for sale
For sale pitchforks, sleds,
Sweets and bagels.

Children come out: (peddlers)
1. child.
Hello hosts and hostesses!
Hello guests and guests!
2. child. So we came to you at the fair here.
3. child. Look at the goods and show yourself.
4. child. Come closer, come closer and take a look at our goods!

1 child.
Here are the nuts!
good nuts,
Delicious, on honey,
Let's put on a hat.

2 child.
Here are the threads, there are needles,
Come buy, darling girls.

3 child.
We ourselves are Ryazan, Astrakhan herring,
Let's buy, take away, choose!

4 child.
Who wants pies, hot pies!
From the heat of the heat, a dime for a couple!
Roasted, baked Akulina for Peter
Come on jump!

5 child.
Oh yes kvass! With honey, with honey
And thick and thick!

6 child.
Needles are not breaking, threads, ribbons,
Blush, lipstick, who needs what!

Peddlers: (sing)

Autumn: (for children)
You went to the fair, what did you buy there?
wooden spoons,
painted, different
They dance and play and amuse the people!
Dance with spoons "Quadrille" Boynovskaya
Girl with dolls:
But wooden nesting dolls - multi-colored, but ruddy.
Scarlet cheeks, a handkerchief, flowers along the hem,
They swirl merrily like bright bouquets.

"Matryoshka Dance"

Children run out with goods

Children: We went to the fair!

Autumn: What did you buy there?

1 child.
Mother - earrings!
Grandma - a basket!

2 child. And sister tape to the very knees.

3 child.
A Vanyushka-Vanyushka
I bought everyone a pillow!

No pillow, no duvet
I bought myself cattle!

Song: Where was Ivanushka?

Autumn: Like a fairy tale king under Peas
They walked in a cheerful crowd of buffoons.
And what a fair without buffoons!

Hello boys and girls. (Bow down)

Autumn: Hello, buffoons, what did you come with?

1 child. Russian dances flow like a river into the soul,
2 child. Do not find rest for the soul, legs are torn to dance.

"Dance of the Buffoons"
Autumn: In the old days, cockfights were held at the fairs, but since we do not have real roosters, we will choose our best cockfights.

Game "Roosters"
Game: Pull the Rope

Suddenly there is a growl.

Autumn: Yes, this is the leader Fedya, he leads a bear with him.

Fedya, a bear, gypsy girls come in.

Fedya: Hello, honest people!

All: Hello!

Autumn: Hello dear, hello, Mikhailo Potapych.

Fedya: Well, Mishka, bow to the respectable audience.

Autumn: What else can your bear do?

Autumn: huh?

Fedya: And look for yourself!
Bear, come on, tell me - how much is 1 + 1? (bear knocks 2 times)

Autumn: Bear, and how much will be 1 + 2 (the bear knocks 2 times)

Fedya: Think, Mishka, think (Mishka swings and knocks 3 times)
Well done, well done (gives sugar)
Well, how much is 1 + 3? (the bear roars, sways, hits itself on the head)

You do not know? (bear nods)
Well, nothing, nothing - the guys will help you!

Children: four! (bear knocks four times)

Did any of you see
For the bear to dance?
He's a little clumsy
And shy at the same time
But can't resist
He loves to dance very much.
Come on blackhead!

"Gypsy dance"

After the dance, the bear goes to collect the fee.
The bear and Fedya bow and leave.

And what is a fair without Petrushka?
We need to find him and bring him to the party.
Come on, clap your hands and say out loud:
Show it to us Autumn! One, two, wow!

Petrushka appears on the screen.

Parsley: Hello, honest people (bows)
Say hello to me (children say hello)
Well, give me an answer.
Are you bored with me?
Children: No!
So whisper in my ear
What is my name?
Children: Parsley!

Well, how are you, do you dance well, play?
And I brought you news from all areas!

Autumn: What is it?

But what!
The village was passing by a peasant,
Suddenly, a gate barks from the gateway!
The horse ate porridge, and the men oats!
The horse got into the sleigh, and the man took it!
Katya, Katya, Katya, saddled the rooster!
The rooster neighed, ran to the market!

Autumn: That's the news!

And I have others
A cricket sat on a pole, a cockroach in a corner,
Sit down, sit down, sing songs!

Autumn: Well, well!

Heard the spoons, stretched out the legs,
They heard kalachi - they jumped from the stove,
Let's sing along, sing along and dance!

Autumn: How are you?

Like, like, like that!
Like, like, like that!
Do not be shy of honest people, dance with me!

Dance "Invitation"

Parsley: This is where the fairy tales end, and whoever listened was well done!

Autumn: Yes, while you were listening to Parsley, hares ate cucumbers in the garden!

If it didn’t work out with cucumbers, we’ll treat you to candy!
We got a lollipop, then the fair is over!

I am sorry to part with you, but the turn of winter is approaching.
I will come to you again, guys, you are waiting for Autumn in a year!

Autumn says goodbye to the children and leaves.

We invite you all to the group, we will treat you with hot tea.
Sweet tea with pies and sing first with friends.

Song: "Samovar"
After the performance of the song, the children, holding hands, leave.

Target: involvement of parents of pupils in cooperation.


- develop interest and love for Russian folk art;

- acquaint with different types play and amusing folklore;

- to enrich knowledge about the originality and beauty of Russian folklore;

- create conditions for understanding the national color of music, dances, songs of the Russian people;

- to acquaint parents with methods of work and cooperation;

- form positive attitude to creative meetings, participation in joint activities and implementation creative tasks;

- to promote an atmosphere of unity and family cohesion.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the traditions of the Russian people, seasonal customs through listening to music, conversations, learning folk games, nursery rhymes, riddles, ditties, etc .; drawing up a script for the fair, selecting attributes for games; learning music and literary material; discussion with the teachers of the group of the proposed scenario, making additions, corrections; album design with drawings “My favorite nursery rhyme, riddle, ditty”; watching the video "Orchestra folk instruments»; didactic game"Recognize by voice"; learning dances "Samovar", "Spinning wheel"; production of invitation cards for parents; discussion with the teachers of the master class group; the design of the music hall, similar to a fairground (tables with goods, a carousel, a screen for showing the Petrushki theater).

Equipment: costumes of entertainment characters, sweets, potatoes, spoons, folk toys.

To a Russian folk melody music hall leader enters.

Leading. That's all the people already in the collection. Hello dear guests! We have been waiting for a meeting with you for a long time, but today we have a reason. Autumn-mother has come, fair festivities have brought to the yard. Each master lays out his goods and invites buyers. I invite everyone to a noisy, cheerful autumn fair.

To the Russian folk melody, children enter and stand in front of the guests.


From all doors, from all gates

Come quickly, hurry up people.

A cricket sat on a pole, a cockroach in a corner,

Sit down, sit down, sing a song.

Children sing to the tune of the song "In the forge."


To me, to the fair,

To me, to the fair,

As people gathered at the fair,

As people gathered at the fair.

Music plays, music plays

Here folk festival began, Here the festivities began.

The product is a mountain, the product is a mountain, Come, look and choose any, Come, look and choose any.


Come on, citizens, let's treat everyone.

Let us know before it's too late, we have one condition:

Today we are forbidden to be serious.

Children take their places on chairs, at tables.

Leading. And the goods at the fair - eyes run wide. Let's ask this seller what he sells.

1st child salesman

Come to me, young and old,

Choose any item.

The goods are excellent: here is a copper samovar.

But the cups for millet porridge,

But the saucers never break.

Children perform the dance "Samovar".

Leading. Of course, there are a lot of dishes at the fair, but it seems that there are even more toys.

Moves to the next table.

Dear seller, tell us about your product.

2nd baby salesman

Near Vyatka there is a Dymkovo village,

A cheerful corner surrounded by forests.

I brought these toys from there,

Admire all the Dymkovo miracle.

(Shows a toy.)

turkey, turkey,

You are like a chest

The chest is not simple:

Red, white, gold.

Here are some more toys:

Ducks, horses, ladies, goats.

Come buy

Disassemble all goods.

Leading. Thank you master for the story. I will buy a toy, only a little later, but for now I need a pot for butter and sour cream.

Folk game "Pots"

The players are divided into two groups. Children-"pots", kneeling, form a circle. Behind each "pot" there is a player - the owner of the pot, his hands behind his back. The driver is behind the circle.

The driver approaches one of the owners of the pot and starts a conversation:

— Hey, my friend, sell the pot!

- Buy.

- How many rubles to give you?

- Give me three.

The driver three times (or as much as his owner agreed to sell the “pot”, but not more than five rubles) touches the owner of the “pot” with his hand, and they start running in a circle towards each other (they run around the circle twice). Whoever runs faster to a free place in the circle takes it, and the one behind becomes the driver.

Leading. While you guys were choosing pots, I saw miracles.

Miracle, miracle, miracles:

A fox is standing on a stump,

waving his wand,

And the rabbits are dancing.

1st child.

There is a stump in the swamp,

He's too lazy to move.

The neck does not turn

And I want to laugh.

2nd child. Is it a miracle? I know even better.

In the swamp and on the moss

A mosquito bit a flea.

A hare sits on a birch

Dies with laughter.

3rd child. Is it a miracle? I know even better.

Black with a fishing rod

White with a pipe.

Black fish ate

White sang a song.

Leading. Wait, wait, let me tell you about a special miracle. In some kingdom Russian state Not far from Moscow, in the middle of forests and fields, there lived bold and skillful craftsmen. They got together and began to think how to glorify their land, and that's what they came up with. Found in native side white-very white clay and began to mold dishes from it such as White light did not see. The craftsmen painted the dishes with blue paint. They drew patterns from nets, stripes, flowers. People fell in love with the dishes, and they began to call it affectionately “the blue miracle”. And the town still stands not far from Moscow to this day, and, as before, craftsmen work there, making dishes of extraordinary beauty - “Gzhel beauty” to the delight of people.

Girls in costumes with Gzhel patterns dance "Spinning" dance.

Fair! Fair! fun fair, and what is a fair without funny amusements? Yes, they complained.

The roles of amusing girls are played by parents (mothers).

1st amusing. Hello good people!

2nd amusing. Hello cute kids.

1st amusing. You have heard that in the street two hens and a rooster are fighting, and two beautiful girls are watching and laughing.

2nd amusing

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha

We feel sorry for the rooster.

1st amusing(referring to the child). Say copper.

Child. Copper.

1st amusing. And your neighbor is a bear.

2nd amusing. And you say "two hundred".

Child. Two hundred.

2nd amusing. You have a head in the test.

Both(together). And Glasha sent you all a bow. (Bow.)

Leading. What Glasha?

Both(together). Yes, our pig.

Leading. Oh, merry amusements amused the people at the fair. And now for you a riddle.

Taryn, sir,

Pinch rode on a boat,

Taryn, the master drowned,

Who is left on the boat?

Jokes. Pinch.

Leading. Pinch? Yes please. (Running with the funny girls, and then towards the children and pinching them.)

Oh, what a handsome yes okay guy goes. What is your name, lad?

Boy. My name is Ivan, but you can call Ivanushka. Leading. And where have you been, Ivanushka?

Children perform Russian folk song"Where have you been, Ivanushka?"

How much did Ivanushka buy at the fair! The family will be very happy with the gifts. And tell me, if it's not a secret, where did you get so much money?

Ivanushka. He planted potatoes, dug them up and sold them at the fair.

The game "Transfer potatoes in a spoon" is being played.

Leading. What a fair without a theatre. Where is our Petrushka, a fun toy? He's a boy anyway. He will always amuse with a joke, a joke.

Puppet show

(parents behind the screen)


Here I am! Long time no see, friends.

Hey front row boy

Didn't you recognize me at first sight?

Do you think this is a toy?

And this is me, Petrushka.

Hello dear viewers,

Do you want to compete with me?

Leading. Looking at what.

Parsley. For example, who will scream louder, or who has a longer tongue.

Leading. No, we do not need such competitions. Tell me better, with what you came to the fair.

Parsley. In the fall, weddings in Rus' walked. I really want to get married and now I will choose a bride. You have so many beautiful girls. I like the one in the blue scarf, but next to it she sits even better. Can I see everyone?

The girls walk around the room.

No, I can’t choose, everyone smiles at me, that I was even shy.

Leading. Parsley, it's too early for our girls to think about marriage.

Parsley. Okay, I amused you, and now you please me with ditties and yes on musical instruments play.

Children perform ditties.

1st child

We are funny guys

We are preschoolers

Let's sing for you now

We are the upper class ditties.

2nd child

Haven't had a drink all week

Didn't drink, didn't eat.

Me at your fair

I wanted to dance.

3rd child

I'm a sweet boy

Slim figurine.

Wouldn't love

No fool.

4th child

Mopping the floor, mopping the floor

Soaked the whole hem,

My mother ironed me

And I run to the street.

5th child

We are at the fair today

Have fun from the heart

Our boys are good

And the girls are good.

Leading. You can walk around the fair all day, but the time has come to buy something as a keepsake. Don't be afraid, you won't spend a penny at our fair. At our autumn fair, all goods can be bought for sweets. Come, do not be shy, talk to the sellers.

Guests buy souvenirs for sweets.

Oh, and this counter is empty, there is no product. I know where the master is. Let's all go to his workshop, and the master will teach us how to make toys with his own hands.

The master class is conducted either by the educator or the parents.

So the toys are made, and the souvenirs are bought, it's time for the carousel.

Game "Carousel"

Children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels spin

And then, then, then

Everyone run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush

Stop the carousel.

One, two, one, two

Here the game is over.

At the end of the entertainment there is a tea party.

"Autumn Fair"


(Music plays, 4 peddlers (leaders) come out with baskets).

    Attention! Attention! Attention!

Fun festivities open!

Hurry, honest people

The fair is calling you!

    To the fair! To the fair!

Hurry all here!

Here jokes, songs, sweets

We've been waiting for you, friends!

    What does your soul desire

You can find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts

You won't leave without a purchase!

    Hey, don't stand at the door

Come visit us soon!

The people are gathering

Our fair is open!

    So what are we screaming about?

Is it here, in the forest, someone will come for our goods?

    Or maybe a man will come for mushrooms, and will hear us?

    Yes, who can just breathe the air?

    Although the sun peeps through the autumn very rarely, but what a joy it is!

    And our forest, like a painted tower: purple, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

It stands over a bright meadow.

Song "Wonderful Time" (words and music by Y. Verizhnikov)

    Shh...I hear footsteps. Very heavy, downright inhuman.

    Maybe it's a mushroom lover wandering through the forest?

    So let's call louder to our fair!

    Here are the goods are good!

Anything for the soul!

(A bear comes out with a mug, the sellers hide)

Bear. Well, what are you hiding, fair fairs are funny? Shouted, touted, people expected? Don't wait! I am saying this, Mikhailo Potapych. You can just, Misha! In this part of the forest where you are located, no human has set foot for 20 years. Here is a magical animal kingdom-state, and I, as you can guess (I hope), have a king-sovereign elected by the animal for 5 years. Well, what do you sell here?

    Our goods are not simple, they are bought only for courage and the fulfillment of our task.

Bear. I need a cup of honey. In winter, in a lair, I will dip my paw in honey and suck it. Submit your assignment!

    They say that autumn is eight changes. Do you know, Misha, any proverbs or sayings about autumn?

Bear. You think if I'm a bear, then I'm a burdock. But I am an educated bear. In our magical forest there is an animal school "Wunderbeast", the director of which, as you can guess (I hope) I am.

Well ... listen to the proverbs:

    In autumn bad weather - seven weathers in the yard: sows, blows, twists, stirs, tears, pours from above and sweeps from below.

    In September - one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.

    Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy and full.

    Well done, Mikhailo Potapych. And here is a mug of fragrant, delicious honey.

Bear. Low bow to you. I'm leaving (Coughs, groans).

    Here are the goods are good!

Anything for the soul!

(hare runs out)

Hare. I am a bunny, a gray coward. I'm afraid of everyone: a fox, a wolf, a bear,

and most of all, you people. I want carrots, cabbage, green apple and

soaked apple.

    Our goods are not simple, they are bought for your courage and for the fulfillment of our task.

Hare. And no one will eat me?

    I think not today. Sing, gray coward, a song about autumn, and you will get everything you ask for.

(The hare sings the song "Rain", words and music by Yuri Verizhnikov)

    Get, bunny, carrots, cabbage, green apples and soaked apples.

Hare. Goodbye! Thank you for not eating and biting.

    Here are the goods are good!

Anything for the soul!

Don't go anywhere, come all here!

(Fox exits)

A fox. I, the fox, to the envy of everyone - forest beauty. ... Me right here, where "Every yummy". Something I do not see any chickens, or ducks, or other meat. Do you have a rabbit? So ... And the pig? Uh-huh… Do you have goose and turkey? Fine! And that, and that - half a kilo each.

    Our goods are not simple, they are bought only for your courage and the fulfillment of our task.

A fox. What? I hope you will not ask me for the multiplication table? ... I see that you will not. Well, what do you have there?

    There are bookmarks on the table, riddles are written in them. Read, forest beauty, and guess.

A fox.

    Unsightly knobby,

And she will come to the table,

The guys will say cheerfully:

"Well, crumbly, delicious!"


    Sitting in the ground

Tail looks up

Sugar can be obtained from it,

Cook delicious borscht.


    For a green tuft

"Fox" from mink dragged

Feels very smooth to the touch

Tastes like sweet sugar.


    A bush is tied to a peg,

On the bushes - balls

Boca, substituting the sun,

They blush from the heat.


    Head looks like an onion

If you only chew

Even a small slice

You will smell for a very long time.


    The lady sat down in the garden,

Dressed in beautiful silks

We are preparing tubs for her

And half a bag of coarse salt.


Everything? I am not only red in the face, but my tin is smart. Where is my honestly earned goose and turkey?

    Eat for health!

A fox. Hm…

    Here are the goods are good!

Anything for the soul!

Don't go anywhere, come here!

(Mice jump out Spin and Spin)

Cool. I'm a mouse Cool.

Twirl. And I'm Vert.

Together: We are funny mice

We love to sing, dance, laugh,

Jump, run, tumble.

Cool. Give me a bagel for tea.

Twirl. And I want sugar.

Together. Ready to take on any challenge!

    Come on, mice, dance! Show us the highest class!

(mouse dance)

    Here you have Spin and Spin, bagels and sugar - as much as you like!

    Here are the goods are good!

Anything for the soul!

Don't go anywhere, come here!

(cat comes out)

Cat. Cat. Kotofey Kotofeyich. Well, what can I tell you, my dear sellers? For some time now I have stopped eating mice altogether. They give me heartburn. Our forest doctor, ram Kudryash, advised me to go on a diet. So today I intend to buy milk, sour cream, cream and cottage cheese.

    Our goods are not simple, they are bought for your courage and the fulfillment of our task.

Cat. Ready. Ready for anything. After all, I studied at the Wunderzver animal school, I have three classes of education.

    Then read a few poems about autumn.

Cat. I need to consult my ram doctor.

(To the ram). Hey Curly, help me! (The ram comes out.)

(Whispers to the ram). Help me, Curly, read poems about autumn. And I will share dairy products with you. (Baran nods his head).

Ram. Autumn has come, the flowers have dried up

And look sadly bare bushes.

Cat. The lingonberries are ripening, the days have become colder,

And from the bird's cry

My heart became sadder.

Ram. A cloud covers the sky, the sun does not shine

The wind is howling in the field, the rain is drizzling.

Cat. It suddenly became twice as bright

Yard in the sunshine

This dress is golden

At the birch on the shoulders.

Ram. In the morning we go to the yard

Leaves fall like rain

rustling underfoot,

And fly, fly, fly.

Cat. At viburnum and rowan

Thrushes fly in flocks,

Under the dahlia window

Be proud of your beauty.

Ram. Wither and turn yellow

Grass in the meadows

Only turns green

Winter in the fields.

Cat. You can finally take diet food?

Ram. This is for you, this is for me, this is for you again, this is for me again.

    Bon appetit to you, Kotofey and Curly.

Cat. Meow!

Ram. Be-e-e!

    Here are the goods are good!

Anything for the soul!

Don't go anywhere, come here!

(2 wolves come out).

Wolf Good Soul. Here they shouted, they would have eaten you ... Great! AND

I am the Good Soul Wolf.

Wolf Evil Soul. Hello! What lovely people settled down in our forest. My name is Wolf - Evil Soul.

Wolf Good Soul. Well? Are we picking up all the rest?

Wolf Evil Soul. That's not good. I have to ask, how much does it cost?

    Our products are not simple! Bought for your courage and the fulfillment of our tasks.

Wolf Good Soul. Now I will make a click with my teeth, and you will know what a good wolf is.

Wolf Evil Soul. Of course, I am an evil wolf, but I feel sorry for these people. Let's go, brother, hurry home. And to you, people, I wanted to give the disk "Cartoons". He was lying in the forest and you will need more than us wolves. . (The good wolf growls).

    Thank you, Evil Soul wolf. We'll watch some cartoon right now.

(Watching the cartoon "Autumn Boats")

    Here are the goods are good!

Anything for the soul!

Don't go anywhere!

Come all here!

(Rooster comes out).

Rooster. I am a difficult rooster

I am a fighting rooster

I'm not afraid of anyone

I am called Peter the Bold!

Rooster Peter the Bold arrived at the fair! Pour any grains into my bags, and pour a little water into a glass ...

    Our goods are not simple, they are bought for your courage and for the fulfillment of our tasks.

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku! What do you need? I won't let you down!

    Dance a merry dance, show off your talent!

Rooster. Get ready, forest people, Peter the Bold calls you to dance.

(Dance with umbrellas)

    Thank you. Get, Rooster, grains and cold water.

I'm stomping my foot

Let me drown another

Come to me, my friend

Dance - ka with me!

I put my foot on my toe

And then on the heel

I will dance Russian

And then squatting.

(Song "Matryoshka", words and music by Yuri Verizhnikov)


We've sold out our products!

    The Fall Fair is closing!

Fog falls over the fields.

Noisy geese caravan

Suddenly turned to the south:

And a rather boring time is approaching:

November is already at the yard.

    Goodbye autumn! You flew by like a golden bird.

    And goodbye to all of you!

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