How to behave in show business. What does it take to be a singer? How to Use Creative Stress to Grow


the site learned from several gurus of Russian pop music what young guys need to do in order to become famous.

There is no shortage of artists in Russian show business. But despite this, in every region of our country there are boys and girls who dream of becoming stars. Provincial talents are ready to do anything to be noticed by a successful producer and lead them up the stairs to the coveted stage.

“You can buy it for 1000 dollars, or you can buy it for 50”

To get on stage, first of all, you need to have a great desire, - says the former concert director of Philip Kirkorov, Tatu and Smash !! Leonid Dziunik. - It is necessary not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to take vocals very seriously and acting skills. Well, since we do not live in Soviet time, and in ours, of course, financial support plays an important role. It's hard to say how much money you need to have to become a star. It's very individual. I know cases when rich dads, husbands or lovers of future stars paid about a million or one and a half dollars in order to take the first steps - find a song, record it in the studio, shoot a video sequence, take it to the radio. And then, if you come to the radio with one song, as a rule, they don’t take it. You must have a minimum of three in order for the issuer and music editors we understood that today this composition will go, in 2-3 months there will be another, and in six months - the third. The price of hits is also different - you can buy it for a thousand dollars, or you can buy it for 50. And again, it’s not a fact that after that you will become a star. If you think that mom or dad will invest money in me and I will immediately become popular, nothing will work! This does not happen, because for every thousand dollars someone else has two thousand, and for every two - five. Therefore, the most important thing is to work tirelessly.

Previously, producers could meet their future ward in a restaurant. For example, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Larisa Dolina, Oleg Gazmanov, Igor Nikolaev and many other stars began their careers with performances in front of a drinking-chewing audience. Dzyunik, an old-timer of show business, also told our correspondents about how things are now.

// Photo: personal archive

The transfer of discs is now also practiced, - continues 58-year-old Leonid Alekseevich. - Do not forget the various talent shows. For example, to participate in the Voice program, you will also need to register on the site, send your resume with a recording of the song you want to perform. Such shows help young talents a lot, because the artist, his presentation, charisma and power are already visible there. You can also upload a recording of your song to the Internet. And there are successful examples. The hit of the composer and performer Nikolai Voronov "White Dragonfly of Love" did not want to be played on the radio at the time. And then the composition was simply posted on u-tube. She conquered absolutely everyone, and the guy became popular. As for how long it takes to promote, this is also an individual question. Basically a year and a half, everything is not done in one day. First, you need to find a song, try to record it in the studio, find a good arranger, sound engineer. Then the hit must be reduced. All this is a whole process!

“I succeeded in my face and I want to open my mouth on stage”

The producer of the Tatu group Ivan Shapovalov told us that today future star does not necessarily have to have a lot of money for promotion.

There would be a desire, - says the 51-year-old producer. - in order to become famous performer, you can either transfer the recording of your song to the producer, take part in a talent show, or light up in some kind of scandal.

// Photo: Global Look Press

Regarding the last point, Bari Alibasov, the constant producer of the Na-Na group, is in full solidarity with Shapovalov.

Now, in order to become a star, nothing is needed - no talent, no abilities, no elementary vocal skills, - assures 70-year-old Bari Karimovich. - You just need to shine your face on all TV channels and on the Internet. And a song can be recorded with anything - even with your ass, the tuner will fix everything and put every note in its place. And the thing is that the era of personalities has ended, the industry of background music has begun. Now people are singing to whom neither God, nor a gene, nor a sperm cell has given anything in order to at least somehow express themselves in music. Now the computer will do everything for you. And even musicians are not needed. All the sounds that mankind has invented are on the Internet. The 20th century was the age of the stars. A personality appeared, and everyone deified it. We had a lot of performers - Claudia Shulzhenko, Alexander Vertinsky. These are personalities! They had a wide range - musicality, social status, literacy, knowledge and talent. And now you can just insult someone, hit them in the head with a brick, and tomorrow you will be on all TV channels. And you don't need money. Do any nasty thing - and tomorrow all TV channels will tear you apart. Some slut that the whole city had can become a celebrity due to his "generosity".

// Photo: Global Look Press

Bari Alibasov is sure that because of technical progress even the show business gurus themselves can be left without a job.

What are the producers now? - exclaims Bari Karimovich. - Now the most important thing is a PR agent who is engaged in your promotion on the Internet. These people have a cost, they say: “We guarantee you one and a half million views of your song within such and such a period ...” This is all technology again. The producer is in demand only at the level of recording music. You can come to him and say: “I'm a complete eccentric, in my childhood they pulled out my larynx when I was drunk, my ass fell off, there is nothing to extract sounds with. But I succeeded with my muzzle and I want to open my mouth for something on stage. The producer will do everything!

“Half of our artists are not allowed to go on stage”

Another show business specialist, producer Iosif Prigozhin, agrees with his colleague Alibasov that a mediocre person now has the opportunity to get on stage without any problems.

Today you can not be an artist and become a star, - says the 48-year-old husband of the singer Valeria. - Just these "non-artists" take the place of those people who could be stars. The concept has changed, that's all. Half of our performers are not allowed to go on stage at all, but they go out because they are popular.

Despite the unfortunate statistics, Iosif Prigozhin still uses the old methods of promotion in his work.

// Photo: Global Look Press

There are four important components of a successful project: talent, professional management, availability of composers and repertoire, and, of course, financial support. The amount of finance depends solely on the material. Everything is individual. I do not agree with the opinion that with the advent of computer technology and the Internet with us, producers, less work. Everything just transforms. There have always been difficulties with promotion. Previously, there was a lack of information and it was enough for an artist to appear on one TV channel for everyone to recognize him. And now you have to light up on one thousand five hundred channels within a year to become famous. Time to unwind is required in different ways. If you get into the repertoire, after 3 months you can become a star. And if this did not happen, then you can wait for your finest hour for decades, as Valeria, Emin, Loboda, for example, had to do it.

But Iosif Prigogine, in spite of everything, does not want to really talented people Russia remained in the shadows. Therefore, future stars can even write him a personal message on the Internet.

We, the producers, are now publicly available,” Prigogine continues. - Young talents today do not need to go somewhere to audition, because we all have a personal account on the Internet. You just need to come to karaoke, record your singing on video and send the material to the producer. And then on young singer sure to pay attention.

Action Plan for Aspiring Artists:

Go to karaoke, record your performance on video;

Send this video to Iosif Prigozhin (or another producer) by private message on a social network;

Take part in a musical talent show;

Every day to improve your talent - to engage with a teacher in vocals and acting skills;

If you feel that you have written a real hit, then just perform it on camera, post it on the Internet. If the composition is successful on the network, the venerable producer will call you and take care of your promotion.

Well, the following two points, which we cannot advise for ethical reasons, but, as show business experts assure, they also work:

Do something scandalous to get you interested in talk shows;

Find a lover (-tsu) or husband (wife) who has an extra one and a half million dollars in his pocket, and invest them in promotion.

I learned from several gurus of Russian pop music what young guys need to do in order to become famous.

There is no shortage of artists in Russian show business. But despite this, in every region of our country there are boys and girls who dream of becoming stars. Provincial talents are ready to do anything to be noticed by a successful producer and lead them up the stairs to the coveted stage.

“You can buy it for 1000 dollars, or you can buy it for 50”

- To get on stage, first of all, you need to have a great desire, - says the former concert director of Philip Kirkorov, Tatu and Smash! Leonid Dziunik. - It is necessary not to wait for the weather by the sea, but to take vocals and acting very seriously. Well, since we do not live in Soviet times, but in ours, then, of course, financial support plays an important role. It's hard to say how much money you need to have to become a star. It's very individual. I know cases when rich dads, husbands or lovers of future stars paid about a million or one and a half dollars in order to take the first steps - find a song, record it in the studio, shoot a video sequence, take it to the radio. And then, if you come to the radio with one song, as a rule, they don’t take it. You need to have at least three, so that the producer and music editors understand that today this composition will go, in 2-3 months there will be another, and in six months - the third. The price of hits is also different - you can buy it for a thousand dollars, or you can buy it for 50. And again, it’s not a fact that after that you will become a star. If you think that mom or dad will invest money in me and I will immediately become popular, nothing will work! This does not happen, because for every thousand dollars someone else has two thousand, and for every two - five. Therefore, the most important thing is to work tirelessly.

Previously, producers could meet their future ward in a restaurant. For example, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Larisa Dolina, Oleg Gazmanov, Igor Nikolaev and many other stars began their careers with performances in front of a drinking-chewing audience. Dzyunik, an old-timer of show business, also told our correspondents about how things are now.

- The transfer of disks is also practiced now, - continues 58-year-old Leonid Alekseevich. - Do not forget the various talent shows. For example, to participate in the Voice program, you will also need to register on the site, send your resume with a recording of the song you want to perform. Such shows help young talents a lot, because the artist, his presentation, charisma and power are already visible there. You can also upload a recording of your song to the Internet. And there are successful examples. The hit of the composer and performer Nikolai Voronov "White Dragonfly of Love" did not want to be played on the radio at the time. And then the composition was simply posted on u-tube. She conquered absolutely everyone, and the guy became popular. As for how long it takes to promote, this is also an individual question. Basically a year and a half, everything is not done in one day. First, you need to find a song, try to record it in the studio, find a good arranger, sound engineer. Then the hit must be reduced. All this is a whole process!

“I succeeded in my face and I want to open my mouth on stage”

The producer of the Tatu group, Ivan Shapovalov, told us that today the future star does not have to have a lot of money for promotion.

- There would be a desire, - says the 51-year-old producer. - In order to become a famous performer, you can either transfer the recording of your song to the producer, take part in a talent show, or light up in some kind of scandal.

Regarding the last point, Bari Alibasov, the permanent producer of the Na-Na group, is in full solidarity with Shapovalov.

- Now, in order to become a star, nothing is needed - no talent, no abilities, no elementary vocal skills, - assures 70-year-old Bari Karimovich. - You just need to shine your face on all TV channels and on the Internet. And a song can be recorded with anything - even with your ass, the tuner will fix everything and put every note in its place. And the thing is that the era of personalities has ended, the industry of background music has begun. Now people are singing to whom neither God, nor a gene, nor a sperm cell has given anything in order to at least somehow express themselves in music. Now the computer will do everything for you. And even musicians are not needed. All the sounds that mankind has invented are on the Internet. The 20th century was the age of the stars. A personality appeared, and everyone deified it. We had a lot of performers - Claudia Shulzhenko, Alexander Vertinsky. These are personalities! They had a wide range - musicality, social status, literacy, knowledge and talent. And now you can just insult someone, hit them in the head with a brick, and tomorrow you will be on all TV channels. And you don't need money. Do any nasty thing - and tomorrow all TV channels will tear you apart. Some slut that the whole city had can become a celebrity due to his "generosity".

Bari Alibasov is sure that due to technological progress, even the show business gurus themselves may be left without work.

- Yes, what are the producers now ?! - exclaims Bari Karimovich. - Now the most important thing is a PR agent who is engaged in your promotion on the Internet. These people have a cost, they say: “We guarantee you one and a half million views of your song within such and such a period ...” This is all technology again. The producer is in demand only at the level of recording music. You can come to him and say: “I'm a complete eccentric, in my childhood they pulled out my larynx when I was drunk, my ass fell off, there is nothing to extract sounds with. But I succeeded with my muzzle and I want to open my mouth for something on stage. The producer will do everything!

“Half of our artists are not allowed to go on stage”

Another show business specialist, producer Iosif Prigozhin, agrees with his colleague Alibasov that a mediocre person now has the opportunity to get on stage without any problems.

“Today you can not be an artist and become a star,” says the 48-year-old husband of the singer Valeria. - Just these "non-artists" take the place of those people who could be stars. The concept has changed, that's all. Half of our performers are not allowed to go on stage at all, but they go out because they are popular.

Despite the unfortunate statistics, Iosif Prigozhin still uses the old methods of promotion in his work.

- There are four important components of a successful project: talent, professional management, availability of composers and repertoire and, of course, financial support. The amount of finance depends solely on the material. Everything is individual. I do not agree with the opinion that with the advent of computer technology and the Internet, we, the producers, have less work to do. Everything just transforms. There have always been difficulties with promotion. Previously, there was a lack of information and it was enough for an artist to appear on one TV channel for everyone to recognize him. And now you have to light up on one thousand five hundred channels within a year to become famous. Time to unwind is required in different ways. If you get into the repertoire, after 3 months you can become a star. And if this did not happen, then you can wait for your finest hour for decades, as Valeria, Emin, Loboda, for example, had to do it.

But Iosif Prigozhin, in spite of everything, does not want the truly talented people of Russia to remain in the shadows. Therefore, future stars can even write him a personal message on the Internet.

“We, the producers, are now publicly available,” Prigogine continues. - Young talents today do not need to go somewhere to audition, because we all have a personal account on the Internet. You just need to come to karaoke, record your singing on video and send the material to the producer. And then the young singer will definitely pay attention.

Action Plan for Aspiring Artists:

Go to karaoke, record your performance on video;

Send this video to Iosif Prigozhin (or another producer) by private message on a social network;

Take part in a musical talent show;

Every day to improve your talent - to engage with a teacher in vocals and acting skills;

If you feel that you have written a real hit, then just perform it on camera, post it on the Internet. If the composition is successful on the network, the venerable producer will call you and take care of your promotion.

Well, the following two points, which we cannot advise for ethical reasons, but, as show business experts assure, they also work:

Do something scandalous to get you interested in talk shows;

Find a lover (-tsu) or husband (wife) who has an extra one and a half million dollars in his pocket, and invest them in promotion.

Today I'm going to tell you about a fat, slick Orlando entrepreneur, Louis Perlman. In 1989, as the owner of a luxury air travel company, he met New Kids on the Block, who commissioned one of his planes. Upon learning that they were making more money than Michael Jackson, Pearlman decided to form his own boy group.

The songs for the Backstreet boys were commissioned by Pearlman to be written by Denniz PoP and Max Martin, and the band soon moved from playing at SeaWorld in San Diego to world tours. The album "Millennium", released in 1999, became one of the top sellers in the history of recording in America. After that, Perlman decided to organize another similar team, singing hits from the same authors.

"I figured if there's McDonald's, there must be Burger King," Pearlman told Seabrook in a phone interview while in federal prison in Texarkana, where he's serving a 25-year sentence for fraudulently taking money from banks and private investors. through financial fraud.

'N Sync, led by Justin Timberlake, who had previously been a member of the Mickey Mouse Club, was even more successful than the Backstreet Boys. And then, in search of his own Debbie Gibson, Perlman turned his attention to another member of the Mickey Mouse Club - Britney Spears. Well, you understand.

A clearer picture of the music industry is given by Jason Flom, who is known for his work in the field of recording, about his acquaintance with the young Katy Perry: "Before I heard a single note, I was sure that she would become a star" - these words tell us much more about how the pop world works than about Katy Perry herself.

Millions of fans of Taylor Swift, Katy Perry - as well as Bieber, Minaj, Selena Gomez and Rihanna - would be shocked to learn that most of America's pop hits were written small group people, among whom there is an astonishing number of middle-aged Scandinavians. Ruthless digitization, outsourcing, brand testing on focus groups, hard marketing - all this makes a pop star out of a real goog.

A culture unable to fix attention on one thing for a long time needs songs that will grab attention instantly. It was enough for the authors of Tin Pan Alley and Motown to find just one sticky musical phrase for their compositions to become a hit. Now such a phrase should sound every seven seconds - that's how much average american listens to the radio before switching to another wave.

There are no more musicians, at least human musicians. Each tool is automated. Studios are no longer hiring musicians for recordings, and mixing consoles have become retro furniture with semi-ironic overtones. Songs are also created on an industrial scale, often by the efforts of large teams and several pieces at a time.

Composition “…Baby one more Time, written by Max Martin, the one that helped launch Britney Spears' career, was rejected by TLC. Later, the Britney team abandoned the song "Umbrella", which made Rihanna a star.

Is it possible to talk about the presence of the artist's own creative vision if, as happens, for example, with Rihanna, the record label holds week-long "author marathons", which are attended by dozens of authors and sound engineers who create the singer's hits (but not necessarily Rihanna herself) What kind of art are we talking about when a sound engineer "sews" a vocal track digitally syllable by syllable from several dozen takes?

Vocaloids. We need more vocaloids - otherwise these “singing cowards” have completely forgotten how to sing, and they constantly get on drugs, and this interferes with business.

Each of us has a number of advantages, in the form of various individual achievements and qualities. Character alone is not enough to start on the path of show business, grow and achieve significant success. What personal qualities help to become a star, and how to develop them? Answer below.

Where does it all begin?

Career Success directly depends on many factors that can be divided into several groups. This includes non-personal factors, interpersonal and intrapersonal.

All situations that do not depend on us, or depend only half, belong to the first group of non-personal factors. This includes: concert organization process, venue, documentation, capacity and structure of show business.

Interpersonal we will call those factors that are responsible for the stage of development of relations in the team, the training system and mutual assistance.

Intrapersonal - these are the traits of your character, knowledge, aspirations, abilities and skills.

If you think that for successful career in show business, you can improve only one side of these factors, then you are deeply mistaken. You need to use all aspects of your personality, and at the same time observe the world “surrounding” you.

your physical data.

Excellent shape, and a healthy body - that's the main qualities of your appearance for show business. Not having beautiful body, it will be extremely difficult for you "fall in love" with the audience. All people are used to looking at "idols" from the TV screen and striving for the same form. Are you unable to motivate yourself? So how do you create a first impression? Do you remember how important it is? Why is there a "meet and greet"? Do you think that these are only external qualities? Wrong! If you are proud of your appearance, then everything is fine with your self-esteem, and these are already intrapersonal qualities.

The nervous system and its "disadvantages".

A person is born with a certain type of character, which is already genetically incorporated and nervous system. However, this process can be easily adjusted using external resources. Lack of flexibility in dealing with people? Learn to find different ways to get around. Lacking mental stability and fortitude? Temper! Learn to find solutions from any situation, and do not let everything take its course.

The development of social qualities.

This is from the category of factors that can be attributed to interpersonal. Every day we have to be in society most of your time, so let's spend this time learning to find not only mutual language with people, but also be "socially" open for future connections. For show business it is very important. You can learn to be sociable and a pleasant interlocutor by developing your horizons, because you must admit that it is very easy to find a common language with such people, anywhere. Moreover, with such qualities, organizing your concerts become a simple matter, do not have a hundred rubles, but have ... That's right! Everywhere should be familiar and friends!


Psychologists have proven to become successful you need to set a goal! But not just to set, but also to move towards this goal. Here you just - and come in handy strengths your character. Strength and confidence make us move on no matter what, and even getting into unpleasant situations, to overcome them with ease, effortlessly.

Start with small "every day" goals, like learning something new. Even half an hour a day for such an activity, this is already 3.5 hours a week! And for knowledge, it's still better than nothing.

Information processing, and why is it needed?

For professional development, it is very important for a person to learn how to process information that comes from outside every day. What is it for? Imagine the situation, one of the participants your group says he has a connection with a good producer, or else recording studio. You can discuss it, and then immediately forget why this information was provided. Or you can think: weigh all the pros and cons and act in accordance with your goals. There can be plenty of such information for a day, a week, and a month, it is important to separate “effective” and “ineffective” facts.

To do this, you need experience that is easy to acquire by trying new things and learning from your mistakes.

Do not forget to act, develop and find in everything positive sides- this is very important qualities for people in show business.

Who at least once in their life has not dreamed of becoming a part of the show business industry? Didn't imagine yourself on stage, in front of a crowd of thousands of fans? Yes, thousands of young people dreamed (and dream now) about it. But only a few reach the star "Olympus".

How can you get into show business? Needless to say, this is very difficult to do. Need:
have great endurance;
be lucky;
and, of course, know the methods of how this can be achieved.

Who gets into show business?

You can dream of a great stage and popularity a lot, but to really get into a stellar life, you need to beat either a great genius, or an incredibly lucky one, or have very rich and influential relatives. But just from the street to get into show business will not work. Theoretically, of course, this is possible. However, in reality, the entire show business industry has long been divided into spheres of influence between well-known producers. And in order to wedge into this sphere, you will need to find yourself a patron and intercessor.

Road to show business: possible ways

Where to start? For example, if you are into music, start actively sending out your recordings. It may well be that someone will notice and appreciate them. So, by the way, the outstanding rapper Eminem opened his way to show business by throwing a cassette with his songs famous producer Dr. Dre.
But to put great hopes on all kinds of TV shows is not worth it. Remember at least two or three performers - people from television projects that are now gathering stadiums of fans. The only advantage of participating in such TV shows is the opportunity to meet the right and influential people, "light up" in other words.

Nevertheless, the main secrets of success are: a clearly set goal and the presence of talent. Moreover, talent often goes to secondary positions. Many stars admitted that before climbing to the top of fame, they went through a very difficult and thorny path.

Use all possible methods to promote yourself, whether it is an external resemblance to a celebrity or a similar timbre of your voice. At the same time, the desire to get into show business should not be an end in itself. It is important to be ready to convey a certain idea, thought through it to society.

Many people today use the Internet as a promotion of their personality. And this is quite justified, because every year the Internet covers all new areas of our lives. Experts recommend recording clips and videos and uploading them to YouTube. This is a very real way to break into show business today. Vivid proof of this is the currently popular South African group " Die Antwoord”, which was untwisted through the network.

Don't lose hope!

If all your attempts and attempts to break your way into show business fail, do not despair and waste precious time. Spend it on improving your talent: write new music, compose lyrics, learn to play on new musical instruments. If you want a “concert” practice, go to the transition or to the square. So you can not only earn extra money, but also gain a huge performance experience.

Another option is to get an appropriate education in order to be closer to show business. Actively attend auditions, participate in extras or dancers. After all, some great stars started with this. The main thing - do not lose hope, believe in yourself and in your dream!

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