Second name for Americans. middle name


Surely you have ever seen the English or other peoples have a middle name. What it is? How is it received? Why do the British need a middle name? In this article, we will try to answer all these questions.

What is a middle name?

The second name is most often called the middle (middle name). As a rule, it is located between a personal name and a surname. The middle name is used in Iceland, Sweden, England and Israel. That is, it is widely used in Europe or various Western countries. It plays in every country different meaning. The middle name is used as an element of the full name. It can be called a "second personal name", but this is not always the case. Sometimes it is given to children in honor of a relative. It can be a father, and a mother, and an uncle, and a grandfather, and a grandmother, or even a brother or sister. In this case, you can say that the middle name is a patronymic, but in fact it is not.

middle name in different countries Oh

The middle name exists in many countries, but plays different roles:

1. Iceland. For example, in Iceland there is no such thing as a "surname". At birth, a child is given his personal name, and instead of a surname, they give the name of the father (most often) or mother. In fact, in Iceland, the middle name is a patronymic. In this country, people do very well without surnames, because its population is only 300,000 people.

2. Sweden. In this country, the middle name is, in fact, the second surname. Spouses at the conclusion of marriage may write down their old or new surname as a middle name. As for children, they can take the second name of the surname of one of the parents. Moreover, if desired, the middle name and surname can be interchanged. In this case, the middle name is both a patronymic and a surname.

3. Israel. In this country, at birth, every child receives a double name. The middle name is usually given in honor of a deceased relative, but names of living ones are also often given. Especially the middle name is popular in religious families. Parents give a personal name at their discretion, and the middle one, as mentioned above, is in honor of a relative or righteous person.

4. England. As statistics show, absolutely all English children at birth receive two names at once (first name + middle name). In England, a middle name is a custom. Once there was a tradition, the essence of which was that a newborn child received several personal names at once. Today you can often meet an Englishman not only with a middle name, but even with a third or fourth one. It's a long tradition followed by almost everyone. English families. More often you will meet people with four middle names than without them at all. In modern English law, there is simply no such law that would limit the number of middle names. Therefore, parents in this country can give their children as many middle names as they wish. But there is an unspoken rule that there should be no more than four middle names.

Why do Englishmen have a middle name?

The main meaning of the second name is to give a person some kind of individuality. This is especially true for those who are the owner of a common and common name, of which there are a lot in the environment. The second name can be anything - from common name to geographical names, common nouns, and so on. Very often, the second name is taken as the surname of the person in whose honor the child was named. There are cases when the first name of a person is forgotten because he does not like it. Thus, it remains only on documents, and in circulation the second name is used as the main one.

The article was prepared by the site of the company I-Polyglot -


It is widely believed that Name given to a person during the sacrament of baptism is kept secret. However, this opinion is misleading. This is nothing more than a superstition associated with an erroneous view of the sacrament of baptism as a kind of mystical ritual that protects the baptized from trouble and the influence of "dark" magical forces. The naming of a person by the name when is carried out, first of all, as a sign of the introduction of the personality "": the name "in the world" must correspond Name"". Wherein Name"in the world" and Name"in" differ, as a rule, only if the name, given to a person at birth and registered in the relevant certificate, not in . In this case, for baptismal naming, Name close to "worldly". For example, the name "Polina", which is not in the calendar, most often corresponds to the "Pelageya" and "Apollinaria" present there. So, second Name, different from the official one, not everyone has it. However, in any case Name assigned to a person at baptism is not a secret, but is pronounced publicly and recorded in certain documents.

Thus, the first and easiest way to know your real second Name- ask about it from the godparents who were directly present at your christening, or - from your other close relatives who may have this information.

The second way is to find a baptismal certificate that contains this information. A baptismal certificate can be kept by both the immediate and the baptized person.

If the necessary information is forgotten by relatives, and the baptism certificate, it is necessary to find in which it was carried out, and go there for the metric lists stored there, which should contain data on all persons baptized in this church.

Some people have supernatural and magical powers from birth, they do not have to make efforts in order to manifest and realize them. But there are few such people. There are much more of those who dream of discovering a magical gift in themselves and discovering new possibilities of their body and their psyche. develop in yourself magical powers this development is possible, and especially effective, if it is started in childhood. But if parents did not pay due attention to the development of the child's characteristics, a person can show these forces in adulthood.


If you feel that you have lost many of your abilities and want to regain and develop them, your task is to complete a series of exercises and tests that will allow you to understand if you have magical powers at all and reveal your magical potential.

Place a magnet anywhere in the room, then turn off the lights, close your eyes, and try to feel the attraction of the magnet without touching it. If you have a gift, even hidden and weakened, you should feel the field of the magnet after some training.

Then try the exercise - you need to guess which of the envelopes contains the bill, and which envelope remains empty. Take two absolutely identical opaque envelopes, put a banknote in one of them, and then close your eyes and shuffle. Put them in front of you and try to intuitively determine in which one they lie.

Why do most Americans double names?

    These are all ancient Roman and Spanish traditions. A woman who gets married keeps both her surnames. And the children receive the first of the father's surnames. And the first of the mother's surnames. For example, Carmen Galven Torres marries José Garcia Ginestar. Their daughter will be named Lucia Garcia Galvan. And when Carmen is addressed as Señora de Garcia, it means that Carmen is the wife of Señor Garcia.

    Double names are popular not only among Americans, but also among other peoples - the British, for example. It is customary for them to give several names: a personal name (first name) and a middle name ((middle name). The middle name is located between the personal name and the surname. In addition, there can be several middle names (two, three or even four). Many names have a special meaning, which can be found in special books.Sometimes the middle name is associated with some locality or the names of ancestors, as well as the surnames of other people.And although a person is usually addressed by the first name, which is the most important, in official documents names Americans are recorded in full.

    Why do we need double names? In addition to any superstitions, we note that a properly selected list of names sounds beautiful and impressive. It becomes much easier to identify a person with a large number of names, since the first name and surname can coincide with the names of other people, and so full name quickly becomes unique. Also, double names for Americans and British are an ingrained tradition, just like it is customary for us to call a person by his patronymic.

    Double (and sometimes triple or more) names are given not only by Americans, but also by Spaniards and other peoples. An additional name is given for protection. That is, the more names given to a person, the more guardian angels he will have in life.

    Now no one thinks about traditions and everything is simpler, this is not because everyone is superstitious, but because everyone is like that

    Americans don't have middle names. That is, not at all.

    The second name of the child can be anything and it will be exactly the name, and not an attempt to recreate the patronymic. Usually this name is not used, except in documents, and therefore in films it is sometimes found oh, your middle name is Christian! and I didn't know!

    American culture is secondary. Its origins lie in medieval Europe. Then the worst epidemics raged across Europe. different types plague and other deadly diseases. The lower ranks of the people came up with a trick that should save the children from imminent death. At baptism, the child was given several names so that death could not determine who to take with him. Jean or Louis, Adam or Peter. Death came for Adam, but he is not there! Peter lives in the house. This belief was brought to the USA by emigrants. It still lives and is popular among residents of the United States.

Do you have a first and last name, but have you ever thought about a second, "intermediate" name? You can show your creativity by choosing a middle name for your child. You can pick a name that goes great with your first and last names, and a name that works great for your child!


Choose a name

    Pay attention to how the name sounds. The second name can be used in completely different ways: to be part of the family name, to show your personality, to be part of your biography. Either way, make sure the name sounds nice.

    • Choose a middle name that ends in a vowel other than the vowel that ends in your name. Names like Angela Anna or Denise Savannah are quite difficult to pronounce because the final vowel of the first name and the first vowel of the second name are repeated.
    • The second name must contain consonants that are not in the first name. Lena Grey, George Randolph or Thomas Stearns - these names sound good because they differ in sounds.
  1. The name should be optimal in length. If the first name is long, the second name must be short. For example, Alexandra Grace, Christopher Owen. Conversely, if the first name is short, then the second should be long: Kate Elizabeth, Rose Anthony.

    • To understand the length of a name, count the number of syllables. If your first name has two or more syllables, your second name may have 2-3 syllables.
  2. See how the name is spelled. Write down the names you like and see how they look on the letter. Consider whether the name is easy to pronounce and whether you can pass it on to your child. Find a name that fits all your criteria. You can even write down your child's name and see if your middle name fits the child.

    Connect relatives. You can give your child the middle name of an older brother or sister. Don't be afraid to try: get all the family members to come up with ideas. If you choose a name for your child, you can let him find a suitable middle name for himself. Or make a list of names that you like, and the children can choose from this list what they like. Choose together - it greatly strengthens the family spirit!

    • You can let the children come up with a list of names they like. Perhaps the children will be able to come up with something unusual and original. In any case, the final choice is yours.

    Be creative

    1. Most often, the middle name is chosen in honor of a relative. Choosing a grandparent's name as a child's middle name can be a way to show respect.

      • You can make a family tree and choose the name of one of your distant relatives.
      • If you are married and have taken your husband's last name, it can also be used as a "middle name".
    2. If you are a religious person, you can use biblical name as his "middle name". The second name is great opportunity choose something important or spiritual that you can pass on to your child. You can choose the name of a saint, a religious figure.

      • Think about what names can express your view of the world. For example, the names of pop culture singers would work, especially if they sound good. If you really like Johnny Cash, you can name the baby Carter Cash.
    3. You can choose a classic or historical name. You can consider your middle name as an opportunity to go back in time and choose some historical or retro name. In addition, it will definitely be less common. For example, the names "Rosemary" or "Orville" might be great for your child.

      • Look through old novels and find interesting names for you. Make a list and choose the one you like best.
    4. You can use the month of birth in the name. This is a good opportunity to choose a name that a very small number of people will have. The month of birth of the child must be combined with his first name. For example, Christian May. Some even use the day of the week the baby was born as their middle name!

      • You can use the city where the parents met as a middle name, for example, Joshua Brooklyn or Maria Paris.
      • You can come up with a middle name using some details on the child's birthday. For example, if you drove to the hospital in an old beat-up Volvo, you can use it as a middle name.

    Avoid Mistakes

    1. Remember main principle: do no harm. There are more than seven million people in the world, and everyone wants to be original. You can use classic or historical names but don't go too far. Do not choose names that will put your child in a stupid position in the future. Choose something pleasant and sincere, even if not very original.

      Make sure that the name you choose cannot be interpreted stupidly and awkwardly. Remember that initials should also sound good. For example, the name Frances Underwood Kensington sounds great, but the initials can confuse you. Remember that the name should look and sound good not only in full, but also in abbreviated form.

      • If you like the name, ignore other people's opinions about it, because no one should decide for you. You can tell this to several close people, consult with them and decide for sure whether to leave it or not.
      • Your parents will help you make a choice, but they may also discourage you. If you tell friends, acquaintances or relatives that you have chosen a name, they should know that you do not want to hear any stories about people with those names.
    2. Use the correct spelling of names. If you like the way the name sounds, then you need to spell it the right way. Don't change the letters in your name expecting people to pronounce it differently. Eat general rules pronunciations, don't ignore them.

      • Some parents think that the spelling of the name does not play of great importance, but it's not. You need to write the name the way it should be spelled according to the rules. In addition, if you replace some of the letters in the name, it will not only be read incorrectly, but it may also look funny and ridiculous.
    • It is not necessary to give your child a middle name, you can completely abandon this idea.


American female names

America is a multinational country. Its history was created for centuries by people from different countries, and each nation brought its own nuances to the emerging culture of the new state. The Scots and Germans, the French, the British and the Swedes intricately intertwined elements of their national traditions into a young America.

The same can be said about the history of the emergence of American names, where old Anglo-Saxon and English peacefully coexist with new names - this is determined by the historical past of the country, which was once a colony of Great Britain. But let's not forget that most the first American settlers were poor people of a simple class, often fugitive criminals. They brought to this earth a shortened form of names, namely derivative personal names that took root well in America and sounded like Ben, Ellie, Ed, Mel, Lina, Dan, Meg, Tina. In addition, many American names come from Celtic, Greek, Hebrew, Slavic and Latin roots. At dawn American history children were often given biblical canonical names - so the girls were called Ruth, Abigail, Ann, but life made its own adjustments and other names became more popular.
Binomial names popular in America consist of personal (first name) and middle (middle name) names, and there can be several middle names (in this capacity, not only personal names are used, but also common nouns, and even geographical names - Dakota, Denver, Sherwood , Nevada, Sahara, Chelsea). Perhaps the main purpose of the middle name is the desire to emphasize the individuality of a person whose personal name and surname are often common. Double names are especially popular in the American South. Mary Kate, Maria Cecilia, Bill Henry, John Richard, Diana Casey - the combinations of names are endless and depend only on the imagination of the parents.
Female American names are beautiful and ambiguous. Many of them are filled with romance and poetry - they soar above fate, wrapping the image of a woman in a wonderful veil. Listen to their sound and feel it deep meaning:
Alana is beautiful;
Goldie - gold;
Sally is a princess;
Hilary - joyful;
Lassie - beloved;
Jennis is blonde;
Roxy - dawn;
Miranda - admirable;
Helen - light;
Barcy is cute.

New American names include names filled with modern sense and the energy of our days:

Posh - fashionable;
Ricky - sports;
Kelly is blonde.
Many names are historical meaning, recalling America's colonial past:
Britney is little Britain;
Heather - heather;
Chelsea - port;
Kimberley is the city's royal meadow.

Nowadays in America it is fashionable to name children after movie stars and pop stars - thanks to this trend, popular female names became Pamela, Hailey, Jessica, Britney, Angelina, Charlotte, Marilyn.
An interesting American tradition is to tie a child's name to the symbol of the state in which he was born. So, a girl born in North Carolina, for this very reason, can be called Daisy (daisy), in Iowa - Rose, and Jasmine - in South Carolina. In addition, the multinationality of the country leaves its mark on the names of its inhabitants - there are often names painted with color different cultures. The Irish name Maura and the German Martha, the French Vivien and the Spanish Dolores, the Italian Gemma and the English Hailey have long become familiar and deeply American here.
Perhaps it is thanks to this kaleidoscope of languages ​​and cultures that there are so many beautiful female names in America - after all, each of the nations living here has given this country the best and sonorous names.

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