How to live with a gamer tips. Gamer husband - what to do, how to behave with a gamer in the family? "Natural desire to be free"


Gambling business so developed that not every person has the strength to pass by without trying their luck in slot machines. Many people know the feeling of joy from winning and disbelief in losing. Gradually, the desire to wait for your luck becomes so great that it prevails over common sense. Is everything really so superficial and what is fraught with such a hobby, is described in the article. After all, the question of how to get rid of slot machine gambling often worries relatives and friends of such a person.

Passion for the game

If you managed to get a prize, then the person begins to believe in his luck. He is sure that he has become the chosen one, unlike the others. The individual believes that some special source of income has opened up to him. At the same time, the player experiences unimaginable sensations, including joy and happiness. He wants to return to the machine to get a similar "dope" again. But gradually the euphoria is replaced by disappointment, a long wait for the wheel of fortune to turn towards itself. Therefore, the treatment of gambling addiction is a very responsible task that requires resolution at the earliest possible stage.

The system of slot machines is built in such a way that the losses in it significantly prevail over the number of bonuses. And if the player understands this at the very beginning, he is able to stop. After all, it is unreasonable to pay big money for a one-time feeling of victory. Otherwise, such a person begins to constantly play, can get into debt. In the case of such an addiction, treatment of gambling addiction is necessary. As a rule, the player's friends and relatives are the first to turn to a specialist for help when they find out about the problem. They should tactfully and unobtrusively help the sick person to get rid of addiction.

Illness requiring treatment

Gambling is a real modern disease. Getting rid of it is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. At least 10% of people on the planet suffer from this problem. Enjoy success slot machines, and quite often they are in online casinos. After all, it is very convenient not to go anywhere, but to rotate the drum at home. Like, the hobby is absolutely harmless and no one will know about it.

Gambling suffers from people who are unstable. They are characterized by susceptibility to stress, as well as isolation. Such a player can be provoked to a breakdown by absolutely any little thing. He thinks: “How did it happen that now you can’t enjoy your favorite pastime ... After all, next to you, you just have to stretch out your hand, there are slot machines that have almost become native.” The player becomes angry, aggressive, withdrawn. In addition, this person himself is looking for a reason for a possible breakdown.

The importance of professional help

A person may believe that quitting a hobby is very easy. He thinks that for this it is enough just to stop the game. Then comes the period of manifestation of willpower. That is, the individual consciously suppresses the inner desire to place a bet. For this stage to really bring desired result, the player must have a strong motivational foundation. Otherwise, after some time, this experiment will fail with a huge bang.

If such a problem arises, care should be taken to contact the patient with a good psychotherapist. After all, gambling is an addiction. psychological nature Therefore, it is meaningless to carry out medical treatment here. Unless it should be taken into account: the efforts of a specialist will be justified and successful if the patient himself understands and recognizes the need for treatment.

Of course, it is always better to anticipate a problem than to deal with it later. Therefore, such a concept as the prevention of gambling should be given significant attention in the education of adolescents. Explanatory conversations should be held aimed at developing in the student an understanding of the unreasonableness of playing slot machines. You should also affirm in it the belief that it is impossible to get easy money, talk about the obviously larger number of losing bets in any casino.

What to do?

Let's say you find out that there is a player among your relatives or friends. How to be? The main thing, as already mentioned, is that a person is aware of the need for treatment. And then the relatives will not have a question: how to get rid of slot machine gambling? Experienced psychologists advise: the first thing to do is to remove the person from the gaming environment as much as possible. This stage consists in the maximum neutralization of situations that can push the individual to new game. Advise him to avoid places where there are machines.

Second important advice from the experts: the player needs to spend less online. This will reduce the temptation to visit virtual casino. If the work activity is connected with a computer, then labor efficiency should be increased. When you load yourself with tasks that need to be completed, there will simply not be time to visit the virtual gaming room.

If this does not help, and you do not know how to get rid of slot machine gambling, then try another way. It consists in a sharp reduction in the number of available Money for the player. You can block his accounts, personally take the salary received at work. Although here one should be aware of the possible appearance of credits, loans and debts. Therefore, such a person must be controlled.

Analysis of the situation

The problem of attachment to the game can be very deep. People often see in her elementary greed and unwillingness to realize passion in another area. In fact, things are somewhat different. The root of gambling, psychologists say, may be in problems in your personal life. Also, malefic attraction can be caused by failures in professional field, lack of comfort in everyday life. The passion for gambling develops due to pathological envy of more fortunate acquaintances or is the result of unfulfilled hopes.

To be able to overcome the disease, you should understand its true causes. A person must be clearly aware of what exactly prompts him to approach the machine and start the game. It is important for relatives to support the player, show him their care and participation, tell him that he is strong. This will help the individual to believe in himself, to gain determination. Psychologists recommend to take a person as much as possible: call him to the cinema, take him to picnics, invite him for a walk. In a word, do everything possible so that a person forgets about what he is so drawn to.

Choosing the Right Alternative

Experts are sure that in order to overcome a habit, you need to take care of its worthy replacement. Any hobby or sport can be an alternative. You can try not to remember what you liked before. Gradually the passion will be forgotten. It is best to purchase everything you need for the chosen activity. Let it be a good fishing rod or pottery kit.

How to get rid of slot machine gambling different ways take the initiative and take action. Remember that success depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. Psychologists say: a player will quickly forget about a habit if you involve him in sports. Let a person go to the store with friends and choose a good shape for classes, comfortable beautiful shoes, sign up for the gym on their own. This will give a greater likelihood that you will like the activity and want to constantly return to it.

It should be borne in mind that if you refuse to play, you can develop negative and until that time hidden inclinations. Among such addictions, psychologists call alcohol, drugs, high-speed driving. Habits can be different and each of them can adversely affect consciousness, health and life in general.

The most severe stage of gambling

You can talk about gambling addiction for a long time, but this does not change the essence of the problem. And if you can cope with mild stages on your own, turning to loved ones for help, looking for new entertainment, then in severe cases you can’t do without the help of a professional doctor. We are talking about the stage, which is characterized by a manic desire to play, lack of satisfaction from winning. The process is often represented by a chain of actions, without which a person has a poor idea of ​​his further existence. This behavior is associated with severe depression and a deep sense of shame. At the same time, the consequences that arise as a result of experiencing such a stage can be significant.

Self-medication, which is performed when the disease is advanced, usually does not lead to healing. Therefore, the fight against gambling should be entrusted to a knowledgeable psychotherapist. Treatment must be comprehensive. Sometimes it is done on an outpatient basis.

How is the treatment going?

Primary treatment and diagnostic reception and its content depends on the chosen clinic. In any case, it consists of identifying the causes of the disease by the physician. The specialist should tell what the problem of gambling is and how to get rid of it. After the visit, the patient should be set to fight the disease. The doctor also provides the necessary psychotherapeutic treatment. Therefore, already as a result of the first reception, the desire to continue gambling becomes weaker. Then there are individual healing sessions. Them the main objective- maximum development and consolidation of the achieved positive result. Special techniques may be used, including drugs.

The doctor helps to carry out self-hypnosis, the action of which is aimed at correcting psychological state player. He must begin to think differently, learn to independently find a way out of difficult situation. And thanks to complex treatment, it becomes possible to free the patient from the influence of game hypnosis on him. Work is underway to form a person's indifference to gambling and restore psychological balance and stability.

pathological player

An already formed player can be recognized by a number of signs. They look like this:

  • Excitement while playing.
  • An upward trend in rates.
  • Complete preoccupation with one's occupation, which is expressed in memories of the bets made and planning for the future. It also has to do with thinking about fundraising.
  • The appearance of irritation and anxiety when it is necessary to limit rates or stop them.
  • The perception of the game as a way to remove from own problems. Such a person may seek to get away from depression and anxiety in this activity.
  • He is constantly obsessed with the desire to recoup. This manifests itself the very next day after the loss.
  • Deception of the psychotherapist, relatives and friends. This is done in order to hide the true level of passion.
  • Capable of stealing to get money to finance a hobby.
  • Can take risks in the name of his passion for the game.
  • He is engaged in the fact that he re-borrows money to pay off debts that have appeared due to the game.

It should be understood that a lot depends on relatives and friends. If a player has appeared in the circle of acquaintances, then you should not condemn him, blame him or punish him in any way. You need to show maximum, but unobtrusive participation. It is also important to show the person understanding of the essence of the problem. In this case, you will be able to reach out to him and persuade him of the need for fruitful treatment.

gambling addiction- one of the diseases of the XXI century. This is a mental disorder, a painful craving for various games- casinos, slot machines, computer games and so on. Even the state ban on gambling establishments did not help. Today, addicted people can play online casinos and different toys on the Internet.

Gambling has the most severe consequences - from the destruction of the family and ruin, to problems with law enforcement and suicide. Companions of gambling are severe depression and other mental disorders.

The patient, as a rule, does not recognize the problem himself. Close people should sound the alarm in time and insist that the treatment take place.

Who is guilty? Causes of the disease

The reasons for any addiction are the desire to leave the real world for the virtual and the lack of understanding and love. It can be frequent stress, failures at work (or at school), misunderstanding in the family.

The unwillingness to solve urgent problems leads a person into the world of the game. The first wins give relaxation, improve mood, raise self-esteem, bring vivid emotions that a person lacks offline.

But the more the patient is addicted to the game, the worse his condition. Losing provokes stress, which a person tries to get out of by looking for money (and time) for new games. The circle closes. In such a situation find real reasons and only a trained specialist can help.

How not to miss the first warning signs

How to understand in time that you or your loved ones are developing gambling? Here are the main symptoms:

  • thoughts are occupied only by the game, a person constantly scrolls in his mind the options for moves, the opportunity to place a bet or go to new level games;
  • the alternation of wins and losses affects the frequent mood swings of the gamer;
  • the real world is getting further - torn social connections with family, colleagues, friends;
  • a constant desire to recoup, to increase the stakes. Hence the feverish search for money and the desire to stake the last means.

These are just a few wake-up calls. Even the occasional irresistible craving to play should be alarming. If treatment is started earlier, there will be less negative consequences for the gamer and his environment.

Treatment of gambling addiction

Like any psychological disorder, gambling addiction should be treated only under the guidance of a specialist. Professional psychotherapists offer to undergo therapy not only for the patient with gambling addiction, but also for his relatives.

Often, not even consciously, close people provoke a gamer. For example, parents are of the opinion: the child is at the computer all day - but he does not walk anywhere. Therefore, to get rid of the problem, you need to determine the exact cause and undergo treatment with the whole family.

A professional doctor not only motivates to refuse the game, but also helps to find something positive that will fill the void in the patient's soul. Only when fresh emotions appear in the life of a former gambler will there be confidence that both the disease and its causes have been defeated.

DatsoPic 2.0 2009 by Andrey Datso

Casinos and slot machines have long disappeared from our streets, but for a true gamer, there are opportunities everywhere. Especially in this age of technology. It’s just that the forms of addiction change a little (sweepstakes, underground casinos, online casinos, forex, etc.), but the essence remains the same.

This topic people usually bypass (what do they care about gamers and other people's problems), but exactly until the moment when the gamer appears in own family, in the person of her own husband. This is where the question arises - what to do?

Signs of a gamer - how to identify a gamer in a husband?

It all starts, as always, small ... "Paint a little bullet", "Why not try easy way earnings? I won't lose anything! And in general - everyone is in the family! ”, Trial attempts to play the totalizator, etc. The first steps towards gambling addiction are always an opportunity to get distracted, a game, ordinary entertainment. Or the way is to get away from problems in the family (grumpy wife, difficult conditions, problems at work). The first loss sobers up, the first win inspires and pushes you to take new heights - and suddenly it will work out again! And it is necessary - again it really works. Step by step, harmless entertainment develops into a continuous race to win. , and fixing broken "brakes" every day is more and more difficult. How to understand that this moment has already come, and it's time to treat your spouse for gambling? Understanding the "symptoms"...

  • plunging into game process, he sincerely believes that he will literally soon become the richest man in the world, "and then you will live!".

  • He disappears for days on end in a virtual or real gaming establishment.
  • He is not interested in everyday and intra-family problems, but his eyes burn when he tells you about the great "strategy" of his game.
  • He withdraws more and more into himself. Even outside the game, he is unable to focus on his wife and children.
  • The family budget, if it has not yet burst, is already bursting at the seams.
  • His emotional companions range from unbridled joy and delight to anger and aggression. Changes in mood occur suddenly, constantly, and sometimes even for no apparent reason.
  • If he is out of the game long time, he begins to "break". Irritability appears.
  • There is a growing need every day to increase the size of the bet or increase its frequency.
  • He begins to get into debt, coming up with a variety of excuses to excuse you (for car repairs, for a gift to his mother, a friend in trouble, etc.).
  • He tries to give up his "hobby", but breaks down and comes back.
  • When there is an urgent need for money (to pay bills, pay off debts, etc.), he begins to play more often and intensively.

  • On the "altar" of gambling addiction, he throws not only his usual hobbies but also work.
  • Intimate relationships are gradually fading away.
  • All conversations are limited to formal phrases.
  • Relations with friends gradually deteriorate. Visitors come less and less.
  • The number of loans taken is growing.

Courage, the first euphoria from winning and excitement quickly give way to complete hopelessness and loneliness. And unfortunately the main "symptoms" appear when the gambler can no longer stop on his own.

4 stages of gambling:

  • 1st phase . He plays occasionally, from time to time. Dreams are wins. Doesn't raise rates. He wins quite often, sometimes big.
  • 2nd phase. Often loses. Quits work to have time to play. Starts getting into debt. They are unable to pay their debts - they have to take valuable things to a pawnshop. Often - without asking his wife.

  • 3rd phase. Reputation hopelessly damaged. Relationships with friends are severed, relationships with loved ones are on the verge of breaking. The family boat is sinking. Even feeling remorse, he is looking for an excuse for himself. Panic attacks happen from time to time, it is no longer possible to cope with addiction alone.
  • 4th phase. Complete despair and hopelessness. Thoughts of suicide or flight arise. Problems begin with law enforcement agencies, there is a craving for alcohol.

Gamer husband - what to do, how to behave with a gamer in the family?

When a beloved husband turns into a gamer, family life becomes unbearable. Addiction brings suffering not only to everyone around, but also to the man himself. Is there any chance to bring him back to normal life without medical help? Yes, if phase 3 is not passed. How to cure your gamer - expert advice:

  • First and most important nuance: without the help of the husband himself, it is almost impossible to return your gamer to a normal life. That is, the husband must understand and admit that he is addicted , and that it is time to treat this addiction before the family boat finally sank. And this the main problem. Because not every gamer is even able to admit his addiction to himself. To open the eyes of a husband, a rather serious shake will be required, which will make him look at everything from the side ( serious problems at work, a large debt, the risk of a complete break in relations, etc.).

  • Have a serious talk with your husband. Explain what is happening, what is at stake, what needs to be changed in order to avoid a complete family collapse.
  • Pity for the gamer and any concessions are strictly prohibited. Yes, addiction is a disease. But this does not mean that you no longer need to work, go to the store, take care of children, etc.
  • Keep your husband away from the monitor any requests and urgent matters.
  • Find something more fun for your husband than a game. Preferably not a one-time interesting event, but a regular new hobby, so that there is simply no time left for the game (fishing, car, sports, etc.). It is desirable that both of you share this hobby. So it will be easier to control the process of "treatment".
  • Do not sort things out and do not try to solve the problem through a scandal It won't help and will even make the situation worse.
  • Convince your spouse to see a doctor . Find an experienced specialist who can help your gamer rediscover the meaning of existence. Modern specialists have a lot of "tools" for the treatment of this addiction - from laser exposure to coding and acupuncture.
  • Switch your husband to another addiction . The game is, first of all, chemical processes in the brain, excitement and adrenaline. Kick out a wedge with a wedge - find an activity that causes an adrenaline rush. For example, skydiving.

  • Your main enemy is the hope that "everything will pass by itself" . It won't pass. No pity for the gamer! And the more decisively you act, the faster he will recover.
  • Return your husband's interest in real life - use any methods that will tear him away from the game and make him remember real pleasures.
  • All stages are passed and nothing helps? Prepare for yourself insurance against a financial hole , threaten divorce and leave your husband alone for a while. If all is not lost yet, he will take up his mind. Create for him, if not conditions, then their visibility, in which he will be left alone with his addiction.

Is it necessary to live with a gamer, and when to put an end to relations with a gamer husband?

Treating a gambler is an even more difficult task than treating a drug addict or alcoholic. due to the lack of motivation for treatment in the gambler himself. The same addict is at least able to realize that he is addicted and needs treatment. But the gamer sees no reason to change anything, and even serious problems with work and family are not arguments for a person. For a person who has passed the 3rd or 4th phase of gambling, the treatment period can take up to several years, and it is not a fact that it will be successful - according to experts, the percentage of those who have finally recovered is quite low. Therefore p The decision - whether to continue the fight for a gambling husband or burn bridges - is made only by a woman, based on the situation. If there is no talk of any feelings (except for pity), if children begin to suffer from the “hobby” of the husband, and the situation worsens every day, then most likely the most correct decision would be to break the relationship. In this case, at least there is a chance that the husband left alone will feel that he is going to the bottom, and will draw the right conclusions.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Casinos and slot machines have long disappeared from our streets, but for a true gamer, there are opportunities everywhere. Especially in this age of technology. It’s just that the forms of addiction change a little (sweepstakes, underground casinos, online casinos, forex, etc.), but the essence remains the same. People usually bypass this topic (what do they care about gamers and other people's problems), but exactly until the moment when the gamer appears in his own family, in the person of his own husband. This is where the question arises - what to do?

Signs of a gamer - how to identify a gamer in a husband?

It all starts, as always, small ... "Paint a little bullet", "Why not try an easy way to earn money? I won't lose anything! And in general - everyone is in the family! ”, Trial attempts to play the totalizator, etc. The first steps towards gambling addiction are always an opportunity to get distracted, a game, ordinary entertainment. Or the way is to get away from problems in the family (grumpy wife, difficult conditions, problems at work). The first loss sobers up, the first win inspires and pushes you to take new heights - and suddenly it will work out again! And it is necessary - again it really works. Step by step, harmless entertainment develops into a continuous race to win. , and fixing broken "brakes" every day is more and more difficult. How to understand that this moment has already come, and it's time to treat your spouse for gambling? Understanding the "symptoms"...

  • Plunging into the gameplay, he sincerely believes that he will literally soon become the richest man in the world, "and then you will live!"

  • He disappears for days on end in a virtual or real gaming establishment.
  • He is not interested in everyday and intra-family problems, but his eyes burn when he tells you about the great "strategy" of his game.
  • He withdraws more and more into himself. Even outside the game, he is unable to focus on his wife and children.
  • The family budget, if it has not yet burst, is already bursting at the seams.
  • His emotional companions range from unbridled joy and delight to anger and aggression. Changes in mood occur suddenly, constantly, and sometimes even for no apparent reason.
  • If he is out of the game for a long time, he begins to "break". Irritability appears.
  • There is a growing need every day to increase the size of the bet or increase its frequency.
  • He begins to get into debt, coming up with a variety of excuses to excuse you (for car repairs, for a gift to his mother, a friend in trouble, etc.).
  • He tries to give up his "hobby", but breaks down and comes back.
  • When there is an urgent need for money (to pay bills, pay off debts, etc.), he begins to play more often and intensively.

  • On the "altar" of gambling addiction, he throws not only his usual hobbies, but also work.
  • Intimate relationships are gradually fading away.
  • All conversations are limited to formal phrases.
  • Relations with friends gradually deteriorate. Visitors come less and less.
  • The number of loans taken is growing.

Courage, the first euphoria from winning and excitement quickly give way to complete hopelessness and loneliness. And unfortunately the main "symptoms" appear when the gambler can no longer stop on his own.

4 stages of gambling:

  • 1st phase . He plays occasionally, from time to time. Dreams are wins. Doesn't raise rates. He wins quite often, sometimes big.
  • 2nd phase. Often loses. Quits work to have time to play. Starts getting into debt. They are unable to pay their debts - they have to take valuable things to a pawnshop. Often - without asking his wife.

  • 3rd phase. Reputation hopelessly damaged. Relationships with friends are severed, relationships with loved ones are on the verge of breaking. The family boat is sinking. Even feeling remorse, he is looking for an excuse for himself. Panic attacks happen from time to time, it is no longer possible to cope with addiction alone.
  • 4th phase. Complete despair and hopelessness. Thoughts of suicide or flight arise. Problems begin with law enforcement agencies, there is a craving for alcohol.

Gamer husband - what to do, how to behave with a gamer in the family?

When a beloved husband turns into a gamer, family life becomes unbearable. Addiction brings suffering not only to everyone around, but also to the man himself. Is there any chance to bring him back to normal life without medical help? Yes, if phase 3 is not passed. How to cure your gamer - expert advice:

  • The first and most important nuance: without the help of the husband himself, it is almost impossible to return your gamer to a normal life. That is, the husband must understand and admit that he is addicted , and that it is time to treat this addiction before the family boat finally sank. And this is the main problem. Because not every gamer is even able to admit his addiction to himself. To open the eyes of a husband, a rather serious shake-up is required, which will make him look at everything from the outside (serious problems at work, a large debt, the risk of a complete break in relations, etc.).
  • Have a serious talk with your husband. Explain what is happening, what is at stake, what needs to be changed in order to avoid a complete family collapse.
  • Pity for the gamer and any concessions are strictly prohibited. Yes, addiction is a disease. But this does not mean that you no longer need to work, go to the store, take care of children, etc.
  • Keep your husband away from the monitor any requests and urgent matters.
  • Find something more fun for your husband than a game. It is desirable, not a one-time interesting event, but a regular new hobby, so that there is simply no time left for the game (fishing, car, sports, etc.). It is desirable that both of you share this hobby. So it will be easier to control the process of "treatment".
  • Do not sort things out and do not try to solve the problem through a scandal It won't help and will even make the situation worse.
  • Convince your spouse to see a doctor . Find an experienced specialist who can help your gamer rediscover the meaning of existence. Modern specialists have a lot of "tools" for the treatment of this addiction - from laser exposure to coding and acupuncture.
  • Switch your husband to another addiction . The game is, first of all, chemical processes in the brain, excitement and adrenaline. Kick out a wedge with a wedge - find an activity that causes an adrenaline rush. For example, skydiving.

  • Your main enemy is the hope that "everything will pass by itself" . It won't pass. No pity for the gamer! And the more decisively you act, the faster he will recover.
  • Give your husband back interest in real life - use any methods that will tear him away from the game and make him remember real pleasures.
  • All stages are passed and nothing helps? Prepare for yourself insurance against a financial hole , threaten divorce and leave your husband alone for a while. If all is not lost yet, he will take up his mind. Create for him, if not conditions, then their visibility, in which he will be left alone with his addiction.

Is it necessary to live with a gamer, and when to put an end to relations with a gamer husband?

Treating a gambler is an even more difficult task than treating a drug addict or alcoholic. due to the lack of motivation for treatment in the gambler himself. The same addict is at least able to realize that he is addicted and needs treatment.

But the gamer sees no reason to change anything, and even serious problems with work and family are not arguments for a person. For a person who has passed the 3rd or 4th phase of gambling, the treatment period can take up to several years, and it is not a fact that it will be successful - according to experts, the percentage of those who have finally recovered is quite low.

Therefore p The decision - whether to continue the fight for a gambling husband or burn bridges - is made only by a woman, based on the situation. If there is no talk of any feelings (except for pity), if children begin to suffer from the “hobby” of the husband, and the situation worsens every day, then most likely the most correct decision would be to break the relationship.

In this case, at least there is a chance that the husband left alone will feel that he is going to the bottom, and will draw the right conclusions.

Have you been in your family life similar situations? And how did you get out of them? Share your stories in the comments below!

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