Types of people by nature choleric sanguine. Choleric: psychological characteristics of a person of choleric temperament


All people are different, especially in character and temperament. A person with an emotional temperament - choleric (translated from Greek as "bilious") - one of the types of temperament according to the classification proposed by Hippocrates.

This is a person with a strong nervous system and a mobile psyche (high mental activity), which is characterized by mood swings due to the characteristics of temperament. He passionately and energetically performs the duties assigned to him, but when "a breakdown sets in", he quickly falls into an apathetic state and loses interest in what he did before. Such human behavior is due to the predominance of excitation of CNS neurons over inhibition.

Choleric is a leader by nature. Such a temperament of people can be described as impulsive and acting swiftly, often thoughtlessly, on a whim. For a choleric, difficulties, most often, are not a problem. He overcomes them "victorious". In this he is helped by the absence of the instinct of self-preservation. At the same time, he is prone to emotional outbursts. He is driven by the instinct to preserve his own dignity and the desire for constant leadership that accompanies him.

According to their physique, people of the choleric type are almost always lean, sinewy and hardy (with rare exceptions).

The concept and types of temperament were "discovered" by ancient doctors: Hippocrates and Galen.

Under the concept of "human temperament" they understood the mixing of four juices (physiological fluids) in various proportions, without which human life is impossible.

Their teaching was based on the idea that human body There are four fluids: blood, yellow bile, black bile, lymph. The names of the types of temperaments proposed by them have remained unchanged since ancient times.

According to Hippocrates, these fluids in the body are mixed in a certain proportion. People who have only one type of fluid out of four do not exist in nature. As a result, mixedness is manifested in the type of temperament, but with the predominance of one or another liquid.

  1. In the case of a predominance of bile, this is a choleric.
  2. In the case of a predominance of blood, this is a sanguine person.
  3. In the case of the predominance of black bile - it is a melancholic.
  4. In the case of the predominance of phlegm (lymph) - phlegmatic.

It was Hippocrates and Galen who were the first to discover “psychosomatics” in a person, that is, the dependence of the “soul on the body” and “body on the soul”. Their inseparable unity.

The concept of "temperament" in a modern interpretation

The concept of "temperament" is interpreted in the psychological dictionary as a ratio of stable, peculiar only to this person, features of his personality.

Temperament, in the scientific community, is also considered as a “measurement system” that reveals individuality in human behavior. He shows with different angles flexibility and dynamism of the activity of his psyche.

In addition, temperament is manifested through the character and behavior of a person in society. It is this phenomenon that influences the formation of human character traits.

What traits a person’s character will contain depends on three of its components:

  • social conditions for the formation of character;
  • temperament inherent in a particular person;
  • environment in which a person spends his childhood and adolescence.

Character traits inherent in them

Choleric: who is it? Such people often give the impression of presumptuous, arrogant, although this, in fact, is not at all the case.

Choleric people do not hide their feelings, but they themselves are very vulnerable and at the same time they are able to endure great stress on the psyche. There are situations when a choleric person can also show aggression against people with unworthy behavior that puts psychological pressure on him.

As for "mental" peace of mind, choleric people are not familiar with such a concept. They cannot feel at ease if one of them has inner circle or they themselves have problems and difficulties. Know peace only when all difficult situations will be allowed.

Cholerics are characterized by such character traits as irascibility, excitability and emotionality. All these characteristics are due to the "brightness" of this type of temperament.

Incontinence, irritability and intolerance, also characteristic of him, lead to conflicts, which are due to the fact that the choleric "does not have time to slow down" at the right time. He is reluctant and painfully accepts criticism, even if it is constructive and fair.

Quite often, he is distinguished by increased impressionability and suspiciousness.

What are the interpersonal (different-sex) relationships of people of such temperament as choleric?

Building romantic relationships, people with a choleric temperament tend to be monogamous and fidelity. If someone “assaults” on their beloved or loved one, then they inevitably encounter jealousy. In relationships, they are characterized by such features as “possessiveness” and “authoritarianism”. For him, his family and his loved ones come first. Marriage and blood ties for a choleric "not an empty phrase." The choleric is ready to do everything so that the circle of people dear and close to him does not feel the need for anything. Not to be found in raising children best parent than choleric. Treason, for this kind of people, the situation is "from the realm of fantasy."

Friendly relations

An integral feature of the temperament of a choleric person is responsiveness.

They are great friends. In any situation when help or support is needed, they will be the first to provide it. They will orient themselves in the situation and decide what to do, taking the only right actions.

In friendly relations, fidelity is also important for the choleric, often turning into possessiveness.

They have a hard time trusting people, which is probably why they have a small circle of friends.

It is impossible not to note the fact that this kind of relationship is influenced by irascibility and anger, which choleric people often suffer from, but betrayal is fatal for them.

Therefore, having a friend with such a temperament as a choleric, one should remember that one can easily encounter the complexities of his character.

Often, phobias to which he may be prone to interfere with making friends with a choleric person. Among them is the fear of deceit, the fear of being misunderstood and rejected. They often have depression caused by a breakdown due to panic attacks.

A person of such temperament in labor activity

AT labor activity choleric people manifest themselves most often in a research or leadership path.

Working on any issue, they are scrupulous and meticulous. In work, the choleric clearly sees the goal to which the team must be led.

In the labor field, choleric people benefit from work associated with frequent trips or business trips, because they cannot stay in the same space for a long time.

A change of scenery has a positive effect on the mobilization of the labor potential of a choleric person. Such a temperament helps a person to quickly "enter" the work process and build a work plan.

Also, choleric people are able to quickly restore the forces expended in the process of work.

It should be noted that the main leader of the choleric will turn out to be very tough and demanding.

Professional self-determination of people of this temperament

Being at the stage of choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account that different professional areas are suitable for a certain type of temperament. It was revealed that the professions of the “Man-Man” sphere are most recommended for choleric people. It is in this field of activity that the explosive temperament will be most realized.

Interacting with other people, they feel more comfortable, because it is here that there is an opportunity to use their full potential. Cholerics can be: lawyers, politicians, lawyers, service workers and so on. Also, work with papers is suitable for them, but not monotonous. The monotony of the choleric kills.

Life of people of this temperament

In everyday life, choleric people do everything as quickly as in the service.

The absorption of food by a choleric person also occurs at a speed, it seems that he does not chew. Can often talk while eating, combining "business with pleasure".

The furnishings of a choleric room in an apartment or in a house are usually as follows: a sleeping place, a lot of closets and drawers (where he places his things), home workplace, seating area (armchair and coffee table). The color of the walls and furniture are in pastel colors.

Diseases characteristic of people of this temperament. Medical point of view. Each temperament imposes its imprint on a person.

In the word choleric, the Greek root "holle" indicates a predisposition to diseases associated with the liver.

Contemporary medical community proved that thoughts ancient physician Hippocrates are still true. The presence or occurrence of diseases in the liver is a signal that a person has anger at someone.

This may be expressed by the presence or occurrence of cholecystitis. And its development into a chronic form means that anger has also become chronic. Tumors or oncological diseases in the liver indicate hidden unspoken grievances.

The liver is regarded by psychologists as an organ of the human body that reflects rage and fear. This is signaled different kinds liver sarcomas. Persons of this temperament are recommended to take general analyzes at least once every 6 months.

Also, if the apathetic state of the choleric persists for more than a month, he should visit a psychologist or psychotherapist. And he will already appoint the regularity of visits and draw up a program necessary action, focusing on the individual condition of the patient, in order to help restore physical, emotional and moral strength.

The meaning of sleep for people with this temperament

Sleep is a process aimed at restoring the emotional, physical and moral strength of a person.

Temperament "programs" a certain attitude to sleep for any person.

For a choleric person, if he is in a state of emotional fatigue, sleep is one of the main restorers and "liquidator" of emotional, moral and physical fatigue.

If he is in the active phase of a working state, then sleep can “go by the wayside”, allowing him to stay awake.

Recommendations for restoring strength for people of this temperament

In a person with a stormy temperament, to which the choleric belongs, a state of "discharge" will inevitably come.

This means that apathy will begin. Many, suspecting this peculiarity of theirs, would like to know how to overcome it.

Help to recover choleric simple recommendations if you follow them exactly.

Option number 1. to restore the mental/psychological resource during the working year.

Cholerics need a little break. It can be a trip to nature for one to three days.

During this time for fresh air the body mobilizes and restores its strength. Most this time is recommended to be spent in a state of sleep, as this helps to relax nervous system. Wake time can be devoted to measured hobbies: reading, needlework, lighting a fire, fishing or helping someone.

Option number 2.

  1. Include in your daily promenade an hour-long walk in a park or green area close to where you live.
  2. Find time in your schedule to visit the pool. Swimming always helps a choleric person in mobilization and restoration of strength. Swimming sessions should be set from 15 to 45 minutes, at a time with a frequency of two to three days;
  3. While in the city, you can set aside a few hours a week for a “weekend event”. It can be: festivals, concerts, visiting a fair or shopping. Visiting theaters and museums.

Option number 3: recuperation after a working year (during vacation).

A 15-day trip is best, with the opportunity to get new experiences. This is the seaside new country, where you can, in addition to visiting the beach, see the sights of the surrounding cities and the coast.

There are four types: phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. It is the last of them that is the most explosive, emotional, unstable, quick-tempered, with a quick reaction. These are unbridled, sometimes even rude people who, one way or another, always show their impatience and intolerance. Consider the characteristics of choleric in more detail.

Characteristics of the temperament "choleric"

These are mobile, unbalanced people who are ready to fight for their cause to the end. They have an unbalanced nervous system and are ready to flare up at any moment. Such people do not know how to act tactfully and carefully: in any situation they will go ahead, even if it will be to their detriment. They are aggressive and will never keep silent if they do not like something. Be sure if you see a scandalous person on the street or in public transport - most likely, this is a choleric person.

It is very difficult for him to restrain the manifestation of his emotions, and in order to achieve this, he will have to make a lot of effort. At the same time, such a person often worries and worries, he always has a reason to worry. It is extremely difficult for him to switch his attention from one subject to another, because if he gets down to business, he will plunge into it all with his head.

Such a person takes on any new business with enthusiasm, but if it didn’t work out right away, then most likely he will also quickly abandon it. This makes him not the most reliable partner, which is clearly not in his favor.

As a rule, in the characteristics of the choleric it is noted that he is an extrovert. Such people are really active in communication and easily make new acquaintances. They are able to hold the acquired connections if the person turned out to be interesting and worthy of attention.

Psychological characteristics of choleric

Such an explosive type of temperament as "choleric" is characterized as a person who is difficult to give in to general discipline. This person is generally reluctant to follow someone's instructions, but he loves to give out his own. This is a powerful person who will impose his will on everyone he can, even if they are not subordinates, but close people or friends. By this, choleric people create a lot of problems for themselves - both interpersonal and psychological. The habit of insisting on their own rarely brings them to a positive ending.

It is believed that a phlegmatic person will be able to get along near such a person, who simply will not be offended and react to all attacks. He will simply accept this personality as it is and observe it calmly and without reaction. This is the only correct reaction, because if at such a moment you start to argue with him, he begins to show negativity even more. Even reasonable arguments are in no way able to influence this person during his emotional outburst, therefore only the person who can remain silent will get along with him. Communicate with such a person always need to be a little cautious, prudent.

A brief description of the choleric is that it is mobile, active person, very excitable, quick-tempered, but quick-tempered. All mental processes in such people proceed incredibly quickly, which determines the peculiarities of their character. These people are capable of being strong, which is theirs attractive feature. In every gesture of such a person, his temperament is obvious: he moves sharply, quickly, does not tolerate delay, hates waiting, is not capable of calm experiences. However, after a long overstrain, he will certainly have a decline in activity, and for some time he may be in a depressed state. AT pure form this type of temperament is extremely rare


Temperament is a certain psychophysiological feature of the personality, which is based on the type of nervous system. It is always dynamic, is innate, and a person's character is built on its basis.

The first to define temperament and describe each of its types was Hippocrates. At present, people still use this classification, having brought a scientific base under it and modernizing it.

A person who is mobile, energetic, likes to be in the center of attention and show any of his emotions, belongs to choleric people.

Key Features

The most striking qualities that he possesses are:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • decisiveness, assertiveness;
  • active participation in disputes;
  • passion for leadership;
  • fast reaction;
  • sharpness in movements, lively facial expressions;
  • restlessness, sometimes inconsistency;
  • activity, striving for something new;
  • passion for risk;
  • in some cases aggressiveness, rudeness.

Choleric is very sociable and seeks the attention of others.. We can say that he is a typical extrovert (although rarely, but there is an introvert).

For the first time he divided people into two groups according to this principle K.G. Jung. Under introversion he meant a type of behavior that is aimed at internal activity (inside oneself), and extraversion - a behavioral type aimed at the outside world. G.Yu. Eysenck determined that these manifestations are based on congenital features of the nervous system. An extrovert is characterized by a predominance of the process of excitation over inhibition, and an introvert - by inhibition over excitation.

In childhood

choleric child with early childhood subject to mood swings: while still in infancy, he can laugh and cry at the same moment. He does not tolerate loneliness, prefers to be among people. A nursing baby is very tame, loves not only to be awake in the arms of adults, but also to sleep, which exhausts his parents.

Due to the predominant processes of excitation of the nervous system for a long time sleeps poorly at night, even as an adult. Demanding to meet his needs: cries, screams and is naughty until he gets what he wants.

However, this baby is very responsive to affection, able to love with all his heart, vividly express his feelings. His behavior is characterized not only by whims and scandals, but also by involvement in a joint game with adults, gratitude for communication, loud joy.

These are meteor children, they are everywhere at the same time - parents have to redouble their efforts to ensure complete safety. Cholerics early, in comparison with their peers, refuse daytime sleep staying awake until the evening.

In 2015, the journal "Psychology and Law" published an article describing the results of a study that examined the temperament of the subject and the type of criminal activity. So, it was found that most people convicted of murder, theft, fraud and hooliganism are choleric.

Parents face the difficult task of education - under adverse conditions and the lack of self-regulation skills, some of the features that characterize this type of temperament can be fixed and turn into a personality trait. This means that impulsiveness, incontinence of emotions run the risk of turning into aggression, rudeness, rudeness. The craving for everything new and the speed of the reaction of the nervous system can turn into an inability to bring things to the end.

The recommendation to parents raising choleric includes encouragement positive sides(this child, for example, can be very kind - to people, animals, knows how to sympathize and express it) and the redirection of negative manifestations in a constructive direction (playing sports to vent aggression). Since this is often a typical extrovert, it is worth carefully choosing friends to communicate with the child from early childhood: he may begin to maintain contacts indiscriminately.

At work

The type of temperament is only the basis for the development of character: a choleric person can manifest himself in different ways in work. Under favorable circumstances, he becomes a leader, able to lead people and take responsibility. He is not afraid to make decisions in difficult situations. controversial situations. With developed self-regulation, he can become an excellent leader. With an unfavorable previous upbringing, lack of restraint, inadequately high self-esteem, his behavior can become despotic, with exorbitant demands.

A choleric person feels good in any activity that is connected with people.. However, he may experience burnout due to the need for constant internal control over the expression of his emotions. In this case, the recommendations relate to the support of moral and mental health: timely rest (including in solitude), mastering relaxation techniques, redirecting negative energy into physical activity.

In politics and leadership, there were and are choleric people: Alexander Suvorov, Peter the Great, Napoleon, V. Zhirinovsky. They call the name of V. Chapaev, but it is difficult to say whether this type of temperament was present in a real person, and not in a literary hero.

Relationships with the opposite sex

These people, despite their love of communication, are conflicted: their intemperance prevents them from maintaining an even relationship. A choleric woman attracts men with her activity, a vivid expression of emotions, but at the same time, a person who has weak type nervous system (melancholic), can get tired of constant conflict situations, mood swings of the partner. A man with a choleric temperament in a relationship can become a manipulator or even an abuser. This characteristic occurs in the absence of proper moral qualities. If they are present, then communication with a choleric person can become productive.

Usually a person with choleric manifestations is an extrovert, which becomes a problem for his partner if he is an introvert. There must be a balance of interests, but it is possible only if both of them go towards each other. And if an introvert can still do this, then an extroverted choleric person experiences great difficulties in this - because of stubbornness.

The recommendations that psychologists give to extroverts who have an introverted partner boil down to taking into account their possible slow reaction: do not interrupt during a conversation, listen calmly. Communicate more non-verbally, in writing. An introvert who wants to communicate with an extrovert must learn to express emotions openly. If this is difficult, they can be described and given to read.

Joint manifestation of individual traits of temperaments

A person who has one type of temperament in its purest form is a rarity. More often there is a dominant type or a combination of the two. So, not choleric, but choleric-sanguine or melancholic-choleric psychotypes are found (highlighted by G.V. Sukhodolsky). The first is a pronounced extrovert, active and sociable. It differs in the mobility of the nervous system, but, unlike the choleric, in greater balance. The second - often an introvert, is characterized by capriciousness, touchiness, restlessness, but is distinguished by great conscientiousness and the ability to bring things to the end. However, there is difficulty in determining where these psychotypes, which are innate, end, and where the manifestations of character begin.

Who is a choleric? This is a person who at birth has a set of such qualities, thanks to which he becomes best friend, partner, parent, employee or boss. But these same properties can affect the fact that this type will become a headache for others. Any development option is possible, which depends on what kind of start the child received in childhood, and how he learned to cope with the processes of excitation of the nervous system.

We all know that human temperaments are divided into several types, one of which is choleric. Who are choleric people and what characteristics this type of temperament has, we will tell in this article.

Even more than 400 years BC. the famous ancient Greek physician, scientist and thinker Hippocrates outlined in his teaching General characteristics human behavior, denoting their temperament. Depending on the four vital fluids of the body, four types of temperament are distinguished, so we are talking about phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. Each temperament is different. outward signs, traits of character and behavior.

Types of temperament

  • melancholic- the term comes from a combination of two Greek words "melena" and "move", i.e. "black bile". A person of this temperament is distinguished by sadness, refinement, and touchingness.
  • Phlegmatic personthis term descended from Greek word"phlegm", i.e. phlegm, lymph. A person with this temperament is distinguished by a calm, balanced disposition, slowness and suppleness.
  • sanguine- the name of temperament is translated from the Greek "sangvis" as "blood". The peculiarity of a person with a sanguine temperament lies in a cheerful and cheerful character.
  • Choleric- translated from the Greek "chole" means "yellow bile." A person with this temperament is characterized by impulsiveness, quick mood swings and indescribable emotionality.

    Cholerics have always attracted the attention of not only psychologists, but also those around them. Anyone can envy their change of mood, passion, full dedication to their work, emotional and vital activity. Famous choleric people include Alexander Suvorov, Peter I, Alexander Pushkin, Mick Jagger, Roberto Benigni, Louis de Funes, Anastasia Volochkova and many others. In order to identify a choleric person in a crowd, just look at his face, physique and gait.


External signs of choleric:

  • Thinness and external frailty with long and thin muscles, bones and limbs
  • Back, rib cage and the pelvis are flat, narrow
  • Elongated, cone-shaped skull, narrowed to the top of the shape with a pointed parietal region
  • Facial features are pronounced, pointed
  • The gait of such people is clear, purposeful

Characteristics of choleric by points

  • For a choleric person, the human factor is very important in making decisions.
  • The character of the choleric is unruly, so it is impossible to control them
  • The ability to issue quick solutions even in the most difficult situations, distinguished by originality
  • Cholerics are prone to drastic mood swings
  • It is difficult to find a choleric person who would bring the work he has begun to the end
  • Cholerics are inherent sharp feeling time
  • Choleric people are distinguished by the ability to take control of almost any conflicts and pointed situations.
  • Most often, choleric people are unrestrained and impatient.
  • People with this temperament, as a rule, immerse themselves in work with great enthusiasm and excitement, which should not be monotonous, but versatile.
  • Choleric people quickly get used to everything new and acquire the appropriate skills, but stable skills take a long time to come.
  • It is difficult for choleric people to do one thing, mostly they are fond of several things and projects at the same time
  • In one hour, a choleric person can demonstrate the main features of all four kinds temperament
  • Choleric has a loud voice and fast, connected speech
  • The psyche of a choleric person is unbalanced
  • Emotionality, energy and irascibility of the choleric quickly fade away.

And in the end we offer you short video about types of temperameters with good cartoon in the end:

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CHOLERIC: a brief description of and recommendations

Choleric has a strong unbalanced mobile type of nervous system. Unbridled, unrestrained, impatient, quick-tempered. Shows offensiveness and aggressiveness. He can easily lose his temper, actively shows displeasure, because of which he often gets into problem situations. It is more difficult for him to restrain the manifestation of his feelings and involuntary reactions. Feels agitated and restless easily. Externally oriented, experiences and actions are more determined by external impressions than by ideas of the past and future or internal images. Just like a sanguine person, reduced sensitivity; does not perceive weak sounds and light irritants. Has difficulty shifting attention. Characterized by a fast mental pace. Dissatisfied with their ability to resolve problems. Energetically takes on a new business. He quickly makes and, if desired, maintains numerous acquaintances.

(Each type of temperament, despite its situational variability, is given by nature and represents a complex system that functions in its own way. internal laws different from those characteristic of other types. Therefore, it is impossible to rebuild the temperament and impose something alien to this type from the outside, but it is only possible to adjust using the internal reserves of this type of temperament..)

Choleric is harder to discipline. An active, self-confident, domineering choleric person himself is not sweet from himself, not to mention those who communicate with him. Only a phlegmatic person can get along with him. Choleric creates problems for himself, imposes his opinion on everyone. Everywhere seeks to defend their rights, although few dare to challenge them. Easily irritated, raises his voice, breaks down. Actions are often reckless. Uncritically and self-confidently assesses the situation. Too stubbornly insists on his own, which leads to disputes and conflicts. The choleric is usually recognized but rarely loved. In dealing with him, you need to take some precautions. It is not advisable for a choleric person to argue when he is excited. The objection will only increase his excitement and increase his immunity to reasonable arguments. At such moments, it is better not to challenge his opinion, but to wait until his excitement subsides and he calms down.

Additionally, the following can be said about choleric: they are overly mobile, unbalanced, excitable. In them, all mental processes proceed, in comparison with other temperaments, relatively quickly, intensively. The predominance of excitation over inhibition is clearly manifested in incontinence, impulsiveness, irascibility, irritability of the choleric. Hence the expressive facial expressions, and hasty speech, and sharp gestures, and unrestrained movements. His feelings are strong, stormy, quickly arise. And the mood often changes dramatically. His imbalance is clearly manifested in his activities: he passionately gets down to business, works with great enthusiasm, overcoming all sorts of difficulties. But a choleric person can quickly deplete energetically in the process of work, and then a sharp decline in activity can occur. In communication, he does not have the opportunity to objectively evaluate the actions of people because of his busyness with "self-expression", and on this basis he creates conflict situations in a collective. Excessive straightforwardness, irascibility, harshness, intolerance sometimes make it difficult and unpleasant for him to stay in a team.

With choleric -

Respect him, convince him, sometimes you can make fun of him,

Support his organizational skills, find opportunities to "let off steam" (it is useful to spend their powerful energy),

Act calmly with him, keep him in line and demand fulfillment of duties,

In moments of excitement, smooth out his conflict and solve the problem after calming down,

Develop social intelligence and the desire to cooperate positively with others.

Russian Institute Creative Mastery (RITM). 2002.
Center for Social and Cultural Adaptation (CSCA). 2002.

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