Treatment sessions frequency 385 Hz. Solfeggio Frequencies - Ascension Frequencies


Healing frequencies. Binaural Beats and Frequencies

“Our intentions—feelings, visualizations, and beliefs—are encoded

in the sound we produce. Sound has the power to focus and

strengthen our thoughts, prayers and meditations ... " / Jonathan Goldman. /

The human voice is endowed with a unique healing power. A person perceives low-frequency sounds poorly, they frighten and alert, and can cause panic. Especially ultrasounds, rustles and squeaks, which are almost inaudible. Such sounds, as it were, take away our strength. High sounds, on the contrary, give us strength and cheerfulness. And in the soul of high sounds becomes calm, high and pure - there is harmony.

Every sound has a whole series of overtones at every moment. Overtones are high frequency overtones. They are reminiscent of the heavenly nature of sound, of the harmony of the golden section. Overtones are sound waves of a certain frequency, higher harmonic tones that accompany the fundamental tone and determine the tone or timbre of the sound.

The presence of overtones is due to the complex pattern of vibrations of the sounding body (string, air column, membrane, vocal cords, etc.): the overtone frequencies correspond to the vibration frequencies of its parts.

Many people know about the music of Raga, about the Singing Bowls of Tibet and that for many millennia they have been used as a “tuning fork” for chakra tuning, mind and heart healing and meditative help. The "tuning" system is simple and based on seven musical notes, each of which, like any electromagnetic wave, has its own "wave" and "frequency".
Computerized humans have invented electronic "tuning forks" to tune the pillar of chakras and have called it the Solfeggio of Ascension Frequencies (similar to the octave of seven notes). The music of the Ascension Frequencies was rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Pouleo, who studied the ancient manuscripts of the Gregorian monks and discovered that their chants were powerful healers precisely because of the special arrangement of the six tones of the solfeggio. Solfeggio begins with the base note (corresponding to Muladhara), rising up to the supreme note (Ajna - the head of Kundalini). Contemporary authors added to the six Gregorian tones and higher, which correspond to the Sahasrara and above. Each tone has its own frequency:

The six solfeggio frequencies include:

To - 396 Hz - release from guilt and fear
Re - 417 Hz - Cancellation of situations and promotion of change
Mi - 528 Hz - Transformation and Miracles (DNA repair)
Fa - 639 Hz - Unity / Relationships
Sol - 741 Hz - Awakening of intuition
La - 852 Hz - Return to spiritual order
For example, the third note, frequency 528, refers to the note Mi and comes from the word "MI-ra gestorum", which means "miracle" in Latin. Stunningly, these same frequencies are being used by genetic biochemists to "repair" the broken DNA of the genetic program on which life is based.

The mental system of the "tuning fork" - Binaural Beats

Like a tuning fork, our brain has two forks (left and right hemisphere) and the space between them (the middle part of the brain smoothly turning into the spinal "staff": from the root up through the spheres to the crown - all the fabulous staffs of wizards are crowned with a wonderful stone of co-creation (Ajna). If each of the halves of the brain is affected through the ears with two different frequencies, then, like two forks of a tuning fork, they “overlap” each other and “tune” the middle with a “difference” (if the left fork emits 1000 Gy, and the right one emits 1016 Gy, then the core of the tuning fork sounds at 16 Gy), which balances a dichotomy that causes the whole trinity to harmonize at the mid frequency (in our example 16 Gy) Scientists describe five main frequencies of brain waves.

(Program of self and quick creation Binary sounds:

If we force our brain to operate in gamma mode for too long, then nervous exhaustion and ... madness ensues (either temporary or permanent - depends on the capabilities of each individual).

Binaural music is used to tune/re-tune our brain and to heal the brain from overwork. This healing music must be heard with stereo headphones.

Australian scientists published the following result of the study: an encephalogram illustrating the changes in the ratios of four brain waves (beta, alpha, theta, delta), where it can be seen that after 25 minutes of exposure to the brain with delta waves, the structure of the brain waves is organized into a silhouette very closely corresponding to the silhouette of the Buddhist Stupas.

Ideally, the meditative contemplation of the Yogi takes place in just such a state - the Enlightened Mind, seated in the Stupa, installed on the Head of the Ascended Serpent Power (vibrating along its entire length in all seven spheres). On the tip of the "antenna" of the stupa is the reception / transmission of the Beam of Pure Light. Thus, both Ascension Frequencies and binaural beats can be useful in healing or used by us for meditation practice. As with all "devices", they are not recommended to be abused or become addicted to them. Like all aids, they will help you as much as your potential CAN accept (if you vibrate at the frequency of fear (or gamma), then working with the delta frequency, you can improve your well-being, but not ascend to nirvana in 5 minutes).

BUT! You can also injure yourself if you listen to a frequency that is too different from your current one. this moment states. THEREFORE - BE VERY CAREFUL because the main thing is not to harm.

What do we choose: love or fear?

Ancient Greek manuscripts say: "Musical education- most powerful weapon because rhythm and harmony penetrate into the innermost depths of the human soul”.

432 Hertz is a healing frequency, and 440 Hertz is an overwhelming frequency. It would seem - only 8 Hertz difference, but ...

The first attempt to massively change the waves occurred in 1884, but thanks to the efforts of G. Verdi, they retained the previous system, after which they began to call the “La” = 432 hertz setting “Verdi system”.

Shortly before the Second World War, in 1936, the Minister of the Nazi Movement and mastermind in the management of the masses P.J. Goebbels revised the standard to 440 Hertz, the frequency that affects the human brain the most and can be used to control large numbers of people and Nazi propaganda. This was explained by the fact that if you deprive the human body of its natural tuning, and raise the natural tone a little higher, then the brain will regularly receive irritation. In addition, people will stop developing, there will be many mental disorders, a person will begin to close in on himself, and it will become much easier to lead him. This was the main reason why the Nazis adopted the new frequency of the "A" note.

Naturally, the question arises: what guided the ISO organization, having adopted the 440 hertz system as the main one? Even after the adoption of the standard, in 1953, 23,000 musicians from France held a referendum in support of the "Verdi" tuning of 432 hertz, but were politely ignored.

In the first half of the 20th century, three tuning forks were encountered and used in practice.

A standard tuning fork, common in Russia, produces the sound “la” of the 1st octave with a frequency of 440 Hz. IN Nazi Germany The tuning fork was tuned to a frequency of 449 Hz. In some European countries tuning forks have a frequency of 432 Hz.

Build 432 Hertz existed in ancient greece, starting from Plato, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Pythagoras and other great thinkers and philosophers of antiquity, who, as you know, had invaluable knowledge about the healing effect of music on a person and healed people with the power of music! Greatest violin maker of all time - Antonio Stradivari (the secret of the mastery of creating instruments of which has not yet been revealed), created his masterpieces precisely in the 432 hertz tuning!

Sound and music

Music is vibration - it is energy. Each person's voice has its own sound frequency, and our thoughts are also waves that are either full of harmony or dissonance. Many of us want to raise our own vibration in order to be able to open up to new energies of peace, goodness, abundance and love. AND important step is the awareness of what kind of music we listen to and what effect it has on our body and on the body of planet Earth.

Indian philosophers have healed and maintained health through speech for many centuries. Those who have learned to sing know how important physical exercise for the vocal cords, how they help support good condition throat, chest area and nervous system. The clear chanting of the sounds “om”, “hraam”, “hriim”, “hruum”, “khraim”, “hraum” and “hraa” renders beneficial effect on vital human organs.

In The Secret Power of Music, David Thame states that there is not a single function in human body unaffected by music. "Research has shown that music affects digestion, internal secretion, blood circulation, nutrition and respiration ... Music affects the body in two different ways: direct effect, i.e. the effect of sound on cells and organs, and indirectly through the effect on emotions that , in turn, affect many processes in the human body.”

Music is a force that can be used both for good and for evil, and which is a factor that sets the direction for the development of civilization. Aristotle said: "You should always beware of introducing a new type of music as a possible danger to the whole state, since a change in the style of music always affects critical aspects political order."

And yet harmony returns!

Listen to the composition of Mozart, which was recorded first at a frequency of 432 Hertz, and then at 440 Hz. As you listen, pay attention to how you feel, how your body reacts.

The practice of "diagnosing" the Solfeggio tuning fork (tuning the "brain tuning fork" - the left and right hemispheres):

The first three frequencies are associated with the subconscious(174-285-396Hz)

Effect: liberation from vibrations of fear, guilt and quantum initiation

285 Hz - the achievement of a new thought or knowledge

396 Hz - transformation of emotional patterns, release from fear

417 Hz - dicrystallization of emotional patterns, transmutation

528 Hz - Transformation and Miracle - healing at the DNA level

528 Hz - Consciousness, awareness

639 Hz - Commonality / interconnection / relationship

528 Hz - Unconditional love

528 Hz - Unconditional love

639 Hz - Violet Flame frequencies

714 Hz - Awakening of intuition

852 Hz - balance, love

963 Hz - Solfeggio, Mirror - 936 Hz Mastery
(In this theta frequency, subtle vibrations of sound and light open the inner door to the path of liberation. The balance of the conscious and the unconscious, restores the memory of divine perfection and the soul. All personal restrictions are washed away.)

Overtone Healing - DNA Solfeggio, Arpeggio and Binaural Beats (Solfeggio frequencies are taken from the musical scale used in early music, chants and religious ceremonies that have been lost for many centuries).

144 Hz (Root) - Pyramid of Healing, Healing. This composition is a vibration-acoustic healing session, modeled according to the parameters of the Pyramid of Giza, its interiors, which aims to connect the listener with the ascension energies of the Orion Portal. In order to meditate in the field of influence of this frequency, the listener must place himself and two speakers so that a equilateral triangle with a distance of all points of approximately 2.5 meters).

Frequency 432 Hz - Gabriel's Trumpet
It is also called the frequency of the universe. This healing frequency is known in Pythagorean mysticism as having mathematical proportions perfectly aligned with those of the Golden Ratio. Consistently harmonizes brain waves and bioenergetics in general, bringing a person into a state of deep relaxation.

Activation "Natural Time"
The frequency of the Natural Time code will help you move beyond linear time and speed up the cycle you are currently in to start a new one.
Natural Time, part 1
The time of your soul's movement is not related to linear time. It manifests itself when you dare to connect with it. It is time to stop looking back and reveal your chosen mission on Earth. Join and trust the new time - the time when only you decide what can happen. We are on the threshold new era. On December 21st, 2012, we will reach a turning point in our evolution, as predicted by the Maya. What will we observe at this moment? Nothing if you're expecting something. But those who aspire to a higher consciousness will begin to feel more and more what it is like to live in accordance with natural time. Past, present and future will cease to exist and merge into a single stream. And you will be able to stay in this stream of life effortlessly and freely. This is your change to reveal why you are here on Earth. We are all aware of the repetitive patterns of behavior we want to break free of. Every time something arises, we focus on letting it go, but then it arises again and again we need to do something. This battle is actually easier than it looks. This is not a solution, just an implementation. After all, we live according to an artificial regime with its past, present and future, and it is different from the natural rhythm. In linear time, we are constantly carrying something from today into tomorrow. Our past influences our choices today. By connecting with the natural rhythm of time, you will begin to live time not as a straight line, but as a continuous cycle. The end of one event is the beginning of another, and vice versa. You determine how much time to spend on each cycle and when to start the next one. So the question is: do you want to develop or do you want situations to repeat? Recurring patterns or a clear defining moment? For fear or for love? Your choice! Get into a comfortable sitting position. The back is straight. Nobody bothers you. Become aware of your connection to the Earth, place both feet on the floor. Watch your breath and breathe with your belly. This activation will help you recharge, tune in to the heartbeat of the universe, and manifest your the best sides, following the flow. It's time for a new implementation, time for a clear defining moment. Keep your gaze at the center of the screen and take three deep breaths in and out. activation Close your eyes and take three deep breaths in and out again. Tune in to the music. When you hear Janos' voice, take three deep breaths in and out and open your eyes. activation Keep your eyes in the center of the screen and take three deep breaths in and out.

Natural Time, part 2
Remember that the key to strength is nothing more than memory. You are a beautiful soul, you have come into this world. A playful and inquisitive creature on a journey of discovery. You followed your feelings and did whatever you felt. Nothing seemed strange to you and everything was as it should be. Making mistakes was just a part of life. You didn't even pay attention to them. You shared your love without shame and opened your heart to everyone. That love is still there, because you are the love. That's the reason you live here. This is where you will find your power to work miracles. In the world full of drama you are different in that you live by love. You naturally stand out not because of your actions or possessions, but simply because you are who you are. You will inspire others, dreams become reality, you will create opportunities for yourself and reflect failure. You are pioneers and your message is unconditional love. Together we create better world that starts with you and me. Keep your gaze at the center of the screen and take three deep breaths in and out. Live the life you have always dreamed of. Follow your heart and don't let anyone stop you from doing what you came here to do. Now that you know what you are capable of and where your true power lies, the real process begins. Thank you for your trust. From Heart to Heart, Janos. Take a deep breath and exhale. Feel inner world. Every feeling has its place. Every thought will take shape. Every emotion is allowed. That's where your true power lies - in clean condition being.

Frequencies have long been known 174Hz, 285Hz, 396Hz, 417Hz, 528Hz, 639Hz, 741Hz, 852Hz, 963Hz. What kind of epithets do not call this set of frequencies: "Frequencies of love", "Frequencies of ascension", but the most amazing thing about them is that all these frequencies resonate with the 9 chakras of a person - 7 major and two, located outside the body, chakras. This "Zero" chakra(174 Hz) below Muladhara, and Sahasradala(963 Hz) , above Sahasrara. Due to the resonance of sound with the corresponding chakras, the oscillatory balance is restored in them, due to which the energy of the whole organism is restored.

Listening to these frequencies in a certain order simplifies the centering of the chakra bodies and greatly enhances the depth of feelings during meditation. "Chakra Breath".

Below is a correspondence table "frequency - chakra". You can listen to the recording of these frequencies for free on the right side of the table. Also, these sounds can be used in practices to open and activate the chakras. If the recording on our website is not enough, you can always purchase sound therapy beater sets. All information about the completeness and cost of the kits is on the page.

We are currently releasing Beel Sets, the sound of which corresponds to the reference sound of the main energy centers. human chakras. Each chakra has its own frequency. See table.

What is a chakra? Chakra (Skt. letters. "circle", "wheel", "disk") - a rotating whirlwind of energy, located in subtle body person. In essence, it is a generator that processes energy (Prana or Qi) from the world around us, assimilates it and redistributes it depending on human needs.

On physical level chakras correspond to the main nerve nodes, endocrine glands and basic physiological processes see table

A person's physical, mental and emotional problems can be the result of an imbalance in one or more chakras. Opening the chakras allows awaken the kundalini energy who sleeps normally. Awakening, Kundalini rises through the central channel and affects the health, well-being and prosperity of a person. There are many techniques for activating (opening) the chakras, but almost all of them are quite complex and require long-term practices. As a rule, at modern man, there is no time for long meditations. This kit solves this problem because allows you to quickly restore energy balance(frequency of rotation) of the chakras. Recovery occurs through the resonance of the chakras with sounding beats. In order to restore or adjust your energy, it is enough to listen to sounds that resonate with your chakras for 7 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. In essence, this method is acoustic activation of the chakras.

Sahasradala Overhead 963 Hz
Sahasrara In the crown 852 Hz
Ajna or Agni On the forehead, between the eyebrows 741 Hz
Vishuddha Throat, between the VI and VII cervical vertebrae 639 Hz
Anahata Cardiac plexus, between IV and V thoracic vertebrae 528 Hz
Manipura Solar plexus, between 2nd and 3rd lumbar vertebrae 417 Hz
Svadhishthana Between the upper edge of the pubic bone and the navel, between the IV and V lumbar vertebrae 396 Hz
Muladhara In the perineum, at the beginning of the genitals 285 Hz
Under the crotch, at the level of the knees 174 Hz

There are many websites and audio companies that provide various information both free and paid on how to use ancient music solfeggio. I don't think the ancients needed our modern manuals to benefit from the beauty and bliss of solfeggio music.
However, several useful tips, I’ll still give, and tell you what effect each frequency of solfeggio has on the body. In addition, you can listen to these frequencies on the website, or download them to your computer.

Use these simple tips as a starting point, listen to your body and create your own unique method how to use solfeggio frequencies. Don't limit yourself on how to use the music.

1 . You don't have to listen to the solfeggio tones in a specific order. After all, the Gregorian monks sang all the tones in harmony, not one after the other.

2. Headphones are not required, but they can help you increase exposure and focus. I recommend using good quality stereo headphones or speakers. Listen to music at medium or low volume.

3. Listen at least 3 times a week for 4-6 weeks. For maximum effect, it is better to listen daily. Of course, this does not mean that you have to listen 24/7. Just find your own comfortable schedule, such as morning, afternoon, evening, and don't try to listen to too much at one time.

4. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. There is no special "Solfeggio position" and you can keep your eyes closed or open. You can even listen to frequencies in the background during your normal daily activities (except potentially dangerous species activities such as driving, etc.).

5. While listening, you do not need to use any special affirmations. Just let the waves of solfeggio music wash over your mind, body and spirit. Let your mind be open, immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of solfeggio, and then return your attention to your surroundings.

What effect do solfeggio frequencies have?
(note the frozen water crystals (taken from the book) exposed to these 6 solfeggio frequencies).

To - 396 Hz
Turning sadness into joy, releasing guilt and fear

This frequency releases energy and has a beneficial effect on feelings of guilt and fear. Guilt is in your field and it's looking for ways to fuel it, and it will keep you stuck as long as you let it. This Do note clears guilt, which is often one of the biggest barriers to unlocking your full potential to achieve your goals. the best way. The 396Hz searches for hidden blockages, subconscious negative beliefs and ideas that have led to your current situation.

Re - 417 Hz
Cancel Situations and Facilitate Change

417 Hz produces energy that brings about change. This frequency clears traumatic experiences and the destructive influence of past events. Speaking of cellular processes, the note "Re" stimulates the cells and their functions in the most favorable way. The frequency of 417 Hz connects you to an inexhaustible source of energy that allows you to change your life.

Mi - 528 Hz
Transformation and miracles (DNA regeneration)

This frequency brings transformation and miracles into your life. It is said that the sound of the note "Mi" is used to return a person's DNA to its original, ideal state. The process of DNA regeneration is accompanied by beneficial effects - the number of vital energy, clarity of mind, consciousness, awaken or activate Creative skills. This frequency also activates your imagination, intent and intuition to achieve your best and highest goals.

Fa - 639 Hz
Harmonization of relations

This frequency can be used to solve relationship problems - within the family, between partners, friends, or social problems. When we are talking about cellular processes, the frequency of 639 Hz can be used to stimulate cells to interact with their environment. This ancient solfeggio frequency expands the possibilities of communication, mutual understanding, tolerance and love.

Salt - 741 Hz
Problem solving, self-expression / consciousness expansion

The frequency of 741 Hz cleanses cells from toxins, viral, bacterial or fungal infections, as well as from electromagnetic radiation. The note "salt" leads to healthy lifestyle life, as well as changes in diet - the transition to foods that are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. The fifth frequency of the solfeggio scale will give you the power of self-expression, and as a result, lead you to a bright, stable and spiritual life. Another application of this audio frequency- Solving problems of any kind.

La - 852 Hz
Awakening of intuition, return of Spiritual Order

The frequency of 852 Hz is associated with your ability to see through the illusions of life, such as the "double bottom" of people, places and things. This frequency can be used as a means to open a person's connection to the all-encompassing Spirit. It raises awareness and allows you to return to spiritual order.

Additional research by Dr. Leonard Horowitz has shown three more solfeggio frequencies:

C - 963 Hz

The frequency of 963 Hz is associated with the flow of Light and allows you to directly experience the return to unity, to your true nature. It reconnects you to Spirit, or the non-vibrational energies of the spirit world.

Solfeggio frequency 174 Hz

This frequency appears to be a natural pain reliever. It, as a rule, reduces physical and energy pains. The 174Hz frequency gives your organs a sense of security and love, motivating them to do their best.

Solfeggio frequency 285 Hz

This frequency is useful in the treatment of wounds, cuts, burns, or any other form of tissue damage. It helps to return the fabric to its original appearance. The frequency of 285 Hz affects the energy fields, sending them information to restore damaged organs. It also leaves your body, rejuvenating and energizing it.

Before the session After 20 minutes session

Look at these two photos.
That's what Solfeggio Frequencies does!

Standards of sounding of the whole human being. Today the world knows 6 basic and 3 additional waves that harmonize a person at all levels of his being.

Do you know that All in the world - sound? You - special melody vibrating at certain frequencies.

What is your vibration frequency? Are they low or high spiritual?

Want to tune in to the frequency of love and sound great? You will succeed! It's natural. The frequency of harmony, beauty, love and light is your true frequency, gift bred at birth.

Even if now the beautiful music of your soul is interrupted by "interference" (extraneous noises, empty conversations, other people's thoughts), as if on a radio, tune your "antenna" to the ideal wave.

Make life wonderful song! This Just!

You will learn the magic frequencies of solfeggio and will hear In this article.

A bit of sound metaphysics

Sound- electromagnetic wave having a certain frequency of vibrations. When vibrations occur in space, the human ear hears sound. Everything sounds. Not everyone hears.

When the vibration frequency of one object matches with the vibration frequency of the other, a resonance occurs.

When something in a person's body resonates with a sound perceived (or not perceived) by the ear, attunement occurs.

Music often withdraws in the soul, resonating in the body. The sound of music is capable heal soul through the body and vice versa.

The simplest and case in point- Tears while listening to music. Tears are the physical manifestation of the purification process at all levels. Both the body and the soul are cleansed.

Like a tuning fork, each of the nine solfeggio frequencies tunes person on great sounding:

  • eliminates specific diseases,
  • heals in general
  • rejuvenates
  • makes more cheerful
  • includes awareness,
  • connects to the Source of Creation.

Solfeggio frequencies are not without reason called ascension frequencies. These sound vibrations elevate the spirit! They bring out new level existence.

Solfeggio of Ascension Frequencies- electronic "tuning forks" for tuning the body, mind, soul, spirit of a person.

They are closest in sound to Tibetan singing bowls. The principle of influence is the same.

Healing with sound is not new in principle, but has been forgotten by many. Regrettably, today it is easier for many people to take a pill than to understand the subtle organization of themselves.

However, the frequencies of solfeggio are good because, like everything truly ingenious - are simple.

These sounds just bugged! You just need to hear them in order to heal. Even in the background listening to solfeggio frequencies are treated at all levels.

turn them on during any everyday activities. Ideal - in a meditative state.

There are no rules for listening to Ascension frequencies. You set the rules by listening to healing music as much, then, as it suits you.

  1. For prevention imbalance of the system (problems in life) - listen to all solfeggio frequencies at least once a week.
  2. For specific problems - listen to a certain frequency daily.
  3. The best effect is listening in headphones.
  4. IN first half of the day it is better to listen to frequencies in the α-rhythm (alpha), in the second - with θ / △-rhythms (theta / delta).

Healing effect of solfeggio frequencies

Music notation was invented by a music teacher, a monk from the city of Arezzo (Italy, near Florence) named Guido in the first century AD. Over time, it has undergone some changes. As a result, today everyone knows seven notes: do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.

The notes have full names(in Latin):

  1. Do - Do - Dominus - Lord God.
  2. Re - Re - rerum - Matter.
  3. Mi - Mi - miraculum - Miracle.
  4. Fa - Fa - familias planetarium - Family (family) of planets, solar system.
  5. Salt - Sol - solis - the Sun.
  6. La - La - lactea via - the Milky Way.
  7. Si - Si - siderae - Heaven.

What kind of message is encrypted in the medieval musical notation? Already interesting!

And in our time, the understanding of the meaning of each note and the entire scale has expanded so much that one can be surprised indefinitely.

Each tone is an electromagnetic wave and a specific frequency that corresponds to a specific energy center in the human body - chakra.

Specific frequency tunes, and then heals the consonant to her chakra, respectively, those related to this are healed energy center body parts.

Note Oscillation frequency, wave color Chakra Organs, glands sound effect
Before (God) Root Muladhara Legs, spine, bones, genitals, genitourinary system, rectum, adrenal glands

Releases from:

  • sadness, sadness,
  • guilt
  • fear, phobia,
  • other conscious, as well as unconscious negative attitudes, blocks
Re (Matter)


Sexual Swadhisthana Pancreas, kidneys, intestines, spleen, reproductive organs, gonads
  • activates the processes of positive changes in life,
  • energizes,
  • gives you the strength to move forward
  • releases from the psychotraumas of the past,
  • renews body cells
Mi (Wonder) Solar plexus chakra Manipura Liver, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas
  • changes DNA to an ideal state,
  • transforms life, filling it with miracles,
  • makes consciousness, mind clear,
  • activates creativity,
  • develops the imagination
  • gives optimism
Fa (solar system)

Heart Anahata

Heart, lungs, bronchi, thymus
  • gives a sense of unity with the world,
  • harmonizes any relationship,
  • eliminates conflicts,
  • improves communication, mutual understanding,
  • makes it more tolerant
  • revives, generates, attracts love,
  • stimulates body cells to interact with the external environment
Salt (Sun) Throat Vishuddha Face, eyes, ears, teeth, neck, throat, shoulders, thyroid
  • promote self-expression
  • expands the mind
  • leads to a quick solution to any problem,
  • encourages a healthy lifestyle
  • promotes an intuitive transition to proper nutrition,
  • cleanses the body of toxins, viruses, fungi, bacteria, radiation
La (Milky Way) "Third Eye" Ajna Brain
  • awakens intuition,
  • gives a deep level of awareness,
  • returns to spirituality
Xi (Sky)


Crown Sahasrara
  • enters into the stream of Light,
  • promotes unity with the Spirit (Ascension)

Learn more about the connection between chakras and notes in our video. In it you will also hear how your heart sounds - Ascension solfeggio frequency 639 Hz (Anahata):

Next two frequencies do not have a musical expression and name, as they were discovered quite recently:

  1. 174 Hz - natural pain reliever. Helps when the body and soul hurt. It gives a feeling of faith in oneself, security of life, love, unity with the Spirit.
  2. 285 Hz - restores damaged tissues(heals wounds, burns, cuts, etc.), excites, rejuvenates, tones, gives a feeling of unity with the Earth.

Another solfeggio frequency has already been found, but not yet fully studied - 1074 Hz. It is already known to give a deep sense of peace and balance.

Solfeggio Frequencies: Listen!

Talented musicians, composers, and simply music lovers have created many wonderful compositions at solfeggio frequencies. However, we recommend starting with pure sounds:

From any pain


This music:

  • liberates from the shackles of the Ego and Super-Ego,
  • raises to divine frequencies,
  • leads to life in harmony with the universe.

She awakens! It's a wave unconditional love

As an example - a beautiful composition, divine 396 Hz. Enjoy forgetting everything...

Sound great!

Vibrate at the frequencies of love!

  1. Read.
  2. Look. Video course of the online training center School "Gift of Life - Gift of the Word" "". 4 lessons from an expert in effective communication and public speaking E. Fateeva for free!

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