Beautiful rats. Types and breeds of decorative rats


Nobody knows when people first got acquainted with rats, this animal always lives next to us.

The rat belongs to mammals, to the order - rodents, suborder - murine. The most common animal is the rat on the planet.

The appearance of the rat, description and characteristics

The body of the rat is oval and stocky. The body of the animal is from 8 cm to 30 cm, weighing up to 500 g, there are small ones weighing 37 grams.

The eyes and ears are small, the muzzle is sharp and elongated. Is the tail longer than the size of the body of a rat, without hair or covered with fine hair? not noticeable human eye(a variety of black rats has a tail with a thick coat of hair). In the world there is a variety of short-tailed rodents.

The teeth of the rat are located tightly to each other in rows and are designed for chewing food. These animals are omnivorous, differ from other predators in the absence of fangs and diastema - this is the area on the gums where there are no teeth.

There are no tooth roots, so growth occurs continuously throughout the life of the rat. For convenience, they need to constantly grind their teeth otherwise she will not be able to close her mouth.

The teeth are strong with hard yellow enamel, which makes it easy to gnaw through concrete, cement and various hard metals.

The body of the rodent is covered with thick, dense hair from guard hairs. The color scheme of the color is varied, gray with different shades of dark or light, red, orange and even yellow.

These amazing animals have movable toes on their paws, so they easily climb trees and prepare nests in hollows for living.

Rats are very active and mobile animals run 17 km a day, jump up to 1 meter in height. They swim well, are not afraid of water and can fish.

Rats often turn their heads in different sides because they have a small viewing angle, the world seen in gray tones.

Hearing functions perfectly, rats distinguish sounds with a frequency of up to 40 kHz (humans up to 20 kHz).

Life expectancy from 1 year to 3 years. Under laboratory conditions, rats can live twice as long.

The difference between rats and mice

Rats and mice are representatives of the same suborder, but they differ significantly appearance and behavior.

The body of a mouse is small, up to 20 cm, weighing up to 50 grams, rats are twice as large, they are dense and muscular, weighing up to 900 grams.

Pronounced distinctive forms heads and eyes, in mice it is triangular and slightly flattened with big eyes, in rats, the muzzle is elongated with small eyes.

A strong body, powerful toes on the paws allow rats to jump high up to 1 meter, mice cannot do such tricks.

Mice are a cowardly animal and are afraid to get into people's eyes, but rats are not embarrassed, they can protect themselves. There are many cases where they attacked a person.

Rats are omnivorous, eating meat and plant foods. Mice, on the contrary, prefer cereal crops, seeds more.

Rat habitat and lifestyle

Large rats live all over the world, except for Antarctica and the polar regions. They live in groups, rarely live alone.

Most often, groups consist of hundreds of individuals with one male at the head and two or three females. The territory of residence for each group has its own length of up to 2 thousand square meters.

The diet depends on the habitat. Omnivorous rats eat about 25 grams of food per day, but without water it’s hard for them daily rate moisture up to 35 ml.

Gray rats mainly feed on protein foods of animal origin, small rodents, toads, and chicks.

Black rats prefer food of plant origin: green plants, nuts, fruits, cereals.

Rats are wary of pigs, hedgehogs, ferrets, dogs and cats - these are the main land enemies. Among birds, the rodents of the hawk, the owl, the eagle and the kite are feared and wary.

Reproduction and lifespan of rats

There is no mating season for rats, they can breed all year round. But the peak of sexual activity comes in the spring-summer. The female mates with different males, the pregnancy in rats lasts up to 24 days, the lactating female bears the cubs up to 34 days.

In advance, rats prepare nests, for the birth of offspring they cover the bottom with soft grass, cloth, paper. The cubs appear naked and blind. At birth of the dead rats, their mother devours them, the number at birth can be up to 20.

The male can eat all the offspring, if there are non-viable rat pups, he does not take part in caring for them. The female, on the contrary, conducts reverent care, feeds with milk, licks the babies and cleans the nest from debris.

After 17 days, little rat pups open their eyes, and a month later they lead a full-fledged lifestyle on their own. After 3-4 months, puberty occurs, they can multiply 6 months after birth. Life expectancy up to two years.

Gray rats breed up to 8 times a year, but black ones only in the warm season. To date, experts have calculated that there are 2 rats per person in the world.

Why are rats dangerous?

Rats are a problem for all mankind. They gnaw through the walls in the basements of houses, sewer pipes, harm electrical mains, damage crops.

Rats are carriers of more than 20 infectious diseases, such as leptospirosis, plague, salmonellosis, pseudotuberculosis and others. Many are dangerously fatal to human life.

It is difficult to exterminate rats with chemicals, because the animal's body quickly adapts to the poison and develops a protective immunity to toxins.

Rats are a pet

Rats are the perfect pets. They are quickly tamed to a person, they recognize their owner by the face.

Neat and clean animals do not require special care. They will give their owner a lot of funny moments, it is very interesting to watch them.

But the owner of a domestic rat should not forget that this is a social animal and it is difficult for them to live alone. A rat definitely needs a pair, otherwise a mental disorder may develop.

Variety of rats, name and photo

There are about 70 species of rat in the world, most of of which is little studied, below are common types of rodents with short description and a photo of a rat.

The gray rat (pasyuk) is one of the large varieties up to 25 cm long, the tail is not taken into account. Weight from 140 grams to 390 grams, with a wide elongated muzzle. The coat of young animals is gray with age, becoming orange in color. It lives near water, in dense vegetation and digs holes up to 5 meters.

The black rat is smaller than the gray rat, with a much smaller muzzle and rounded ears. Body length up to 22 cm, weight about 300 grams. A significant difference of this species of rodents is the tail, which is densely covered with hair and 4-5 times longer than the size of the body.

Lives in Asia, Africa and Europe. For a long time can live without water, so it lives in arid places. The coat is black with a green tint.

The small rat differs from its counterparts in size. Body length up to 15 cm maximum with body weight up to 80 grams. It has a brown coat color, a sharp muzzle and inconspicuous small ears. The tail is as long as the body, without signs of hair. Lives in Southeast Asia.

The long-haired rat is distinguished by its long hair and high activity. Males grow up to 18 cm, and females up to 16 cm in length. The tail is smaller in size from the body by 4-5 cm. Habitat in arid deserts.

The Turkestan rat lives in China, Nepal, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan. The coat is red, the abdomen is pale yellow, the body length is up to 23 cm. This variety is similar to gray, but has a denser body and a broad head in size.

Black-tailed rat or rabbit. It has an average size of up to 22 cm, weight about 190 grams.

An interesting feature of this type of tail is a tuft of wool at the tip.

The back is painted in gray and Brown color with conspicuous black hairs.

They live in Australia and New Guinea mainly in eucalyptus forests, dense grass and shrubs. Lead active image life at night, and during the day they hide in burrows.

Interesting and informative facts about the life of rats

In India, there is a Karni Mata temple where rats are revered, cared for and protected. In case of violation of the rules for caring for a sacred animal and killing it, this person is obliged to bring a golden statuette in the form of a rat to the temple.

In some American states it is forbidden to hit a rat with a baseball bat, for this there is a fine of 1000 US dollars.

In Asian and African countries, rats are considered a worthy delicacy for a festive dinner. Rat meat is considered a delicacy.

In a year, a gray rat eats up to 12 kg of various cereal products. Experts have calculated that about 6 kg of the harvest of one farmer is spent annually on the food of one rat.

About rats.

Rats are one of the oldest animals on the planet Earth: they have existed for almost 50 million years. These representatives of rodents live everywhere: from countries with a tropical climate to continents with permafrost.

Some scientists have put forward the theory that rats could be the root cause of the extinction of dinosaurs, arguing this with the assumption that rats exterminated eggs. Perhaps all of their eggs were eaten by rodents, or most of them, which led to low level populations and eventually extinction. A similar thing happened in the last century, when all the eggs of frogs were eaten by these animals in Ireland.

Nowadays, rats that overflow the dungeons of big cities live and breed without losing their population even due to constant human poisoning and other methods of destruction.

Thanks to the sense of smell, the rat is able to detect even a small percentage of a toxic substance in food. Because of this, it is very difficult for people to poison them. On the day they can cover about 40 - 50 kilometers in search of food, reaching speeds of up to 10 kilometers per hour.

These rodents are distinguished by a special intelligence. Even representatives of the ancient tribes mentioned these animals as the most intelligent and cunning inhabitants of the planet.

Rats are animals that live in clans of up to 200 individuals. Their body length can reach 50 centimeters, while their weight is 0.5 kilograms.

In an aggressive state, this animal is able to pounce on a person, jumping to a height of 70 - 80 centimeters.

The teeth of rats, like those of other representatives of rodents, are constantly growing, so it is vital for them to constantly gnaw on hard objects, grinding down their incisors. A rat can gnaw through not only wood or plastic, but also concrete, as well as metal. Because of these pests big cities sewer and water pipes often suffer.

These representatives of rodents communicate using ultrasonic signals that are inaccessible to human perception. Depending on the situation and the content of the "message", rats change the frequency. Thus, relatives can receive a signal about the location of food or about the threat of danger. Scientists have revealed the fact that they can not only send messages, but also laugh using a certain sound. With the help of a special device, a “laughter” was detected, more reminiscent of a “chirp” emitted by a rat at the moment when it was tickled.

These rodents have an excellent memory. Scientists several times set up an experiment in which the rat had to get through the maze. After some time, she was again forced to perform the same task, but blindfolded. The result has always been amazing: the animal has never gone astray, having reached the goal the first time.

The rat is one of the hardiest creatures on earth. Each individual is able to stay without water longer than all mammals; fall off high altitude and not break; get food from the bottom of the reservoir; stay in the water for up to 3 days, while breaking 30 kilometers.

Everyone knows that rats are carriers of dangerous infections that they themselves do not get sick, but the stress that these animals are exposed to often harms their body.

About a hundred rat pups per year can be born by a female rat. Often the cubs become food for relatives, but the population does not decrease because of this. There is a claim that there are 2 rats for every person.

Thanks to intelligence and extraordinary endurance, these rodents live on earth for long millions of years, and it is unlikely that a person will be able to intervene in their life, because the experience of rat survival is in many ways superior to that of humans.

Since ancient times, people began to tame rats, and since the beginning of the last century, the first decorative types rodents that are now considered pets. Rats are endowed with great intelligence, special cunning, quick wit, good memory, which made them among the popular pets. What are the types and breeds decorative rats in modern society?

In medical experiments, rats are often used to conduct various kinds of experiments and experiments. Thanks to these animals, more than one drug has been developed that helps us, humans, overcome diseases, and it is rather difficult to overestimate their role in this.

Like the rest of our smaller brothers, rats also have their own subspecies and breeds. Some types of domestic rats have taken their name from cats, dogs, or other rodents.

Basically, each breed of rats differs only in size, presence and types of wool. Life expectancy is about the same for all breeds.

Representatives of the breed of decorative standard rats are quite widespread due to the popularity of this type of rodent. Rats of this breed are endowed with smooth fur, which has a glossy sheen. The body is elongated and large, up to 24 centimeters long. The weight of representatives of this breed reaches half a kilogram. The tail is long and thickened at the base. The length of the tail is 20 centimeters or more. Ears are rounded, small, squat.

tailless rats

In 1983, the first individual of representatives of tailless rats was bred by an amateur. As it becomes clear from the name of the species, its representatives do not have a tail. Even its small beginnings are unacceptable for this breed. Tailless rats have a slightly different body shape than their standard breed. For anurans, a pear-shaped body is characteristic.

Rats of this breed are endowed with a matte coat, it is coarser than that of the representatives of the Standard breed. A less shiny, but at the same time denser and curly fur coat is characteristic of representatives of this species. Rex whiskers are short and curled. The number of axial hairs of wool is insignificant.

Satin decorative rats

Satin representatives of the breed of decorative rats have a thin and long coat, which resembles satin in its appearance, hence the name of these crumbs. Smooth wool with blue glitter will appeal to even the most inveterate skeptics and will not leave anyone indifferent. It is the irresistible sheen of the coat that is the main advantage of this species. The body shape of the Satins is the same as that of the representatives of the Standard breed.

Hairless rat breed

Representatives of this species do not have hair at all. Even the slightest presence of a woolen cover on the body of an animal is considered unacceptable. The body of the rodent should have a bright shiny color. It is allowed to have a small amount of fluff above the eyes, on the cheeks, wrists and ankles of the pet.

Dumbo rats

This breed originates from 1991 in California. Representatives of this species got their nickname in honor of the cartoon elephant named Dumbo. These pets have large, low-set, rounded ears. Dumbo differs from other breeds in a wider head shape with a pointed muzzle. The shape of the body in Dumbo rats is pear-shaped, like in tailless rats, but shorter.

Downy breed of ornamental rats or Fuzz rats

Representatives of this species boast the presence of thin downy fur on their body, which creates a translucent cover over the entire body. The hairs are short and sparse. There are no guard hairs. The mustache is short, twisted.

Husky rats

Another breed of mice, which has a non-uniform coat color. Combines gray and White color. Babies initially have one color - white, but over time they change their colors. Black eyes are not characteristic of the Husky breed, they are characterized by shades of red. The body structure and size of the Husky are no different from other breeds.

Double Rex breed

Domestic rats of the Double Rex breed are characterized by the presence of a double hairline. The coat of the animal is rather short, the skin of the rat is clearly visible. The fur of the rodent twists a little in the form of a spiral. Soft downy and hard guard hairs are interspersed throughout the body. Representatives of this breed are subject to frequent molting, during which some areas of the animal's skin may be completely hairless. Coat color may vary. The mustache is short and curled.

Rat smile

Rats - amazing creatures. Not only was their appearance on the planet far ahead of the appearance of man, but it is also a powerful competitor to man in terms of the ability to laugh. Undoubtedly the most beautiful rat in the world and has the most attractive, radiant smile.

In order to keep a charming smile, even the most beautiful rat in the world has to behave in exactly the same way as its less attractive relatives. Rats have to constantly chew on something in order to grind down the teeth that grow throughout the rat's life.

A rat named Bug

Which of the rats was recognized as the most funny and cute? Despite the fact that there are no rat beauty contests, Jessica Florence's pet was recognized as the owner of the most charming muzzle. A rat named Bug was put on a pedestal after Jessica posted pictures on Twitter in which Bug looks cute from her loose hair, then rests in the palm of her mistress.

“There are millions of similar photos!” - Says the one who has not seen the picture of Bug, who fell asleep in an embrace with a tiny teddy bear.

Or another shot, which also shows Bug and a bear cub, but the proportions of the “rat-toy” are now reversed. Here he is, the sweetest rat named Bug - handsome, naughty, lovely sleepyhead and, undoubtedly, the most beautiful rat in the world.

Rat from Papua New Guinea

By the way, the largest rat in the world became known to man only after it appeared in the frame. A colossal rodent accidentally got into the frame, and this was the beginning of the glory of a whole species of these peculiar animals. As small as a dog and just as smart, this rat is native to Papua New Guinea. The first specimen discovered hit the lens during filming on the slope of the Bosavi mountain.

This type of rat has not yet acquired its own name - too little time has passed since the discovery. Large, over 80 cm long rats are used locals as a tasty addition to the diet. Our compatriots at the sight of this giant would feel uncomfortable. Most of all, Guinea rats are similar to our garbage rats, and do not cause bouts of hunger at all.

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