Summer rain paintings by artists. Through the veil of rain: watercolor painting by Evgeny Gavlin


Alexander Grigorievich Stroylo.
The rain is over.

Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov.
After the rain.

1. Atmospheric precipitation falling from clouds in the form of water droplets.
It was the end of September, the ground was generously sprinkled with autumn rains. ( M. Gorky. "Time of Korolenko".)

2. trans. A bunch of, a large number of something falling, falling.
Between the vines the mountain spring
He ran over the stones, bright and rattling.
And a fine rain of silver flowers
Trees poured into it from the coastal ones.
(Lermontov. Aul Bastunji.)

3. in meaning adv.rain. Abundant flow, in abundance; like rain.
Large round bullets of grenade buckshot rained down on the defenders of the fortifications. ( Sergeev-Tsensky. Sevastopol suffering.)

4. unfold Long threads of any non-ferrous metal to decorate the Christmas tree.
The tree sparkled with lively candle lights. The lights sparkled on the rain of gold and silver, on the gilding of the nuts... and the golden wrapping of the chocolates. ( Konashevich. About myself and my business.)

Golden Rain- about large, unexpectedly appeared money.

Dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow. "Russian language". 1981

"What does the rain say?"

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
After the rain.

Spring rain

Still light in front of the window
In the breaks of the clouds the sun shines,
And the sparrow with its wing,
Bathing in the sand, it trembles.

And from heaven to earth,
Swaying, the curtain moves,
And as if in golden dust
Behind it is the edge of the forest.

Two drops splashed into the glass
From lindens fragrant honey pulls,
And something came to the garden
Drumming on fresh leaves.

Afanasy Fet.

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
After the rain.

Summer rain

"Gold, gold is falling from the sky!" -
Children scream and run after the rain...
- Come on, children, we'll take it.
Just collect the golden grain
In full barns of fragrant bread!

Apollo Mike.

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
After the rain.

In 1856, knitting needles rained down on the city of Harrodsburg (USA). This happened after a cyclone destroyed a nearby knitting needle factory and lifted the contents of the warehouses into the air.

M. Menshikov. "The most unusual rain" "Technology for the youth". 1967

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
After the rain. Rainbow.

As a rule, hurricanes and typhoons are accompanied by heavy rains. There are cases when an incredible amount of precipitation fell, many times higher than the average annual norm.

So, in 1906, during a hurricane raging over the island of Jamaica, 2430 mm of precipitation fell in four hours, in the state of Texas (USA) in one day - 580 mm. To judge whether this is a lot or a little, let's say that the average annual rainfall in Moscow does not exceed 587 mm.

Record rainfall. "Technology - youth" No. 2 1971.

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.
After the rain.

There are so many reports of frog and fish rains that they are enough for a whole book. It could start, as it should be, with Pliny, then move on to ancient Vietnamese legends, and then continue with excerpts from Athenaeus, who in the book “The Feast of the Wise Men” reports about a three-day fish rain that disrupted normal life in the Greek Chersonese, and also about the mass loss of frogs, which filled up all the roads, preventing the doors of houses from being opened and poisoned the city with an unbearable stench for several weeks. An impressive section on the Middle Ages would not have done without an analysis of the orthodox theory of that time, according to which the seed of frogs and toads is contained in the soil and as soon as it rains, this seed begins to develop. The section on the new time should begin with Jerome Cardan, who explained frog rains as the work of waterspouts, which collect these creatures in the highlands and then rain them down on the lowlands. The nineteenth century would be represented by a hundred cases, mostly collected in the book of Charles Fort and in the articles of the modern authority on the problem of fish and frog rain, Dr. E. W. Gager. current century nor would we be disappointed by interviews with such people as Lady Sutton Park of Birmingham, who, on June 12, 1954, was caught in the rain and saw hundreds of frogs bouncing off open umbrellas and frightening passers-by with their jumping ability. As an appendix to such a book, we would reproduce an article from the INFO Journal, which lists 53 cases of fish rain in Australia in our time ...

The theory inherited from Pliny and even surviving the Renaissance, according to which the frog seed is contained in the soil and germinates when it rains, does not contradict at least the peculiarity of frog rains noted by Fort that in all cases eyewitnesses speak of the tiny size of frogs and toads and never report large frogs or tadpoles.

Now it is customary to explain such cases by the action of tornadoes, but it is not clear why tornadoes are so selective: they capture, carry to a certain distance and bring down only frogs and fish to the ground, while neglecting such components of their habitat as water, mud, silt, pebbles, algae and other living things. As a rule, there are no “selective” tornadoes, therefore, unusual rains that suddenly begin to fall over a very limited area in clear and calm weather, either for a long time or repeatedly in the same place, cannot be explained by their action.

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov.
In the rain in a stagecoach to the Black River.

Viktor Stepushov.
January rain in Gurzuf.

Museum of Art, Philadelphia.

"Bridge in the rain"
Copy of Hiroshige.
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam.

Elizaveta Merkuryevna Boehm (Endaurova).
The fields are empty, the earth is getting wet, the rain is pouring. When does it happen?

In 1930 in the Rhine Mountains (Germany) from thundercloud five people covered with a thick crust of ice fell ...

So, in 1578, “everywhere around Bergen it rained from large yellow mice, which, having fallen into the water, hurried to get ashore.” Another mouse rain took place in the autumn of next year ...

Thousands of snakes ranging in length from one to one and a half feet fell with a rainstorm on a fairly small area (only two blocks) in Memphis, Tennessee, on January 15, 1877, as reported by the Scientific American magazine ...

"Bloody" rains, perhaps the most ancient of known to man mysteries of nature, but despite periodic reports of such rains in our time, as well as by ancient authors, such as Homer and Plutarch, this phenomenon is still classified as a myth. May 15, 1890 A blood-like substance fell out at Messinadi, Calabria. According to Popular Science News, the Italian meteorological office determined that the substance was bird blood. It was suggested that a flock of birds was torn to pieces by a strong wind, however, according to the weather service, there were no reports of such a wind, and in addition, it was not clear where the remains of the torn birds had gone.

J. Michell, R. Rickard. "The Phenomena of the Book of Wonders". Moscow, Politizdat. 1988

Ivan Endogurov.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.
After the rain. Study of the forest.

If you want to make it rain, burn the ferns.

Burning heather causes rain. (Neighbourhood of Meprouse). If the rain wets the wedding procession on the way to or from the church, the young family will not see happiness.

If the rain wets the coffin, the soul of the deceased will depart without difficulty (Cornwall).

In 1636, King Charles I intended to pay a visit to Staffordshire. In this regard, Lord Chamberlain (3rd Earl of Pembroke) wrote the following letter to the Sheriff of Staffordshire.

"Sir! Having learned that in Staffordshire there is a belief that the burning of ferns causes rain, and desiring that during the time of His Majesty's stay in these parts, His Majesty personally instructed me to write to you to forbid the burning of ferns until His Majesty Majesty will be in this country.

The letter is kept in the British Museum.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.
On the river after the rain.

In Russian folk tradition being caught in the rain is universally considered a good omen: “If someone sets out on a journey and it starts to rain at that time, then this portends a prosperous path. In general, rain at the beginning of any enterprise serves as a happy omen.

In Russia, contrary to the English belief, “rain on the young is happiness” and today rain on the wedding day is considered good omen for newlyweds. In the same way, a funeral on a rainy day is an auspicious omen.

The easiest way to make it rain is to kill a frog. To make it rain, they beat frogs and catch fleas. Jumping animals and insects are lowered on a thread and hung on a bush, saying: “Like these fleas or frogs hung so that the clouds hung.” This belief is widespread throughout Russia today.

In the event of a prolonged drought in Russian villages in the fields or on the banks of rivers, prayers were served with the removal of icons.
In Russian folk beliefs a certain relationship is manifested between the ideas of rain and the "world of the dead", most often about suicides, drowned people and drunkards. So, if a long drought has come, then in order to cause rain, you need to "pour twelve buckets on the grave of a strangled or drowned man."

In the children's environment, and today there are numerous songs-chants, with the help of which children "cause" or, conversely, "stop" the rain:

Rain, rain, more
I will give you thick
I'll give you a spoon
Sip a little
I'll give you a fork -
I'll crack the back of my head."

Rain, rain, stop
I will go to Yerevan
pray to God
worship Christ,
I'm an orphan of God
I open the gate
lock key,
Golden handkerchief.

IN traditional medicine rainwater was used to reduce warts, in the treatment of eye diseases and many other diseases. "In some places Nizhny Novgorod province there is a custom to let children run around naked in the yard during heavy and warm summer rains in the belief that children “grow better” after that. This custom is common in Russia today.

“If it rains in the morning - it rains until noon ... If bubbles pop up in the puddles during the rain, we should expect even more rain. And also if butterflies jump out in the rain - also to heavy rain.

If chickens, crows and jackdaws are plucked, it will rain.

If chickens and sparrows bathe in the dust - before the rain.

"Like rain in May, so will rye."

“The frogs screamed - it will rain ... There is no rain and the frogs do not cry - no rain is expected.”

Encyclopedia of superstitions. Moscow, "Lokid" - "Myth". 1995

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin.
Rain in the oak forest.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan.
After the rain. Ples.

The mysterious phenomenon of intense local rains was called by meteorologists "point precipitation" ...

Unlike ordinary rains, there are also “heavenly jets” ...

The Charlotte Chronicle, North Carolina, October 21, 1886, reported: three weeks observed a very strange phenomenon. Every day at three o'clock in the afternoon in the same strictly defined place it rained for exactly half an hour. It poured between two trees at the appointed hour: gentle drops fell on the leaves in a clear sunlight, and all this could be observed daily for more than three weeks in a row. Subsequently, a forecaster from the forecast service sent a report on this event to the monthly magazine Weather Review (October 1887), confirming that he personally observed this phenomenon for several days in a row. The two trees mentioned belong to the red oak species. “Sometimes water pours over a half-acre area, but always the center of its fall is these two trees; when the pressure of the water weakens, then the moisture falls only on the foliage. In Brownsville, Pennsylvania, a different kind of tree, the peach tree, received the same “manna from heaven.” As the St. Louis Globe Democrat wrote in its issue of October 19, 1892, witnesses observed water falling from small height above the tree itself to an area of ​​about 14 feet square, in the center of which it grew.

J. Michell, R. Rickard.” Phenomena of the Book of Wonders. Moscow, Politizdat. 1988

Isaac Ilyich Levitan.
Storm. Rain.

It happens that raindrops are colored red. A similar thing is observed when a tornado draws brownish and red water that has stagnated in ponds and swamps. Microorganisms give this color to water. "Bloody" rain is also possible when the wind raises high reddish dust, which, falling into the cloud, falls to the ground along with the rain. On the night of March 24, 1962, pink-yellow snow fell in the Penza region. The reason for this is the dust brought by the winds from the African deserts over a distance of more than three thousand kilometers!

Rains are not only "bloody", but also blue. Similar was observed in Davenport, USA. This color was given to the rain by pollen from the flowers of American poplar and elm. This pollen contains a pigment - a water-soluble coloring matter. Strong wind lifted a mass of pollen high into the air, and when it began to rain, it dyed it bluish. In 1933, a heavy downpour brought a lot of jellyfish to the Far East of the USSR.

An amazing incident occurred in the Gorky region in 1940. In one of the hot summer days during heavy thunderstorm silver coins from the time of Ivan the Terrible were falling from the sky. It turned out that the showers that had passed the day before washed away the soil and a vessel with coins buried in the ground turned out to be on the surface. A tornado, passing over this place, lifted them into the air, and after a few kilometers the coins fell to the ground...

watercolor painting artist Evgenia Gavlina represents a view of the world, similar to the view of a short-sighted person, through a veil of rain. The city in his paintings appears blurry, vaguely distinguishable, but at the same time devoid of all sorts of embellishments that prevent you from seeing its true appearance. The city, as we never noticed it, in a hurry running away from the rain, and shows watercolor painting artist.

Yevgeny Gavlin, 53, came to Moscow many years ago from Far East. In the capital, he learned to be a graphic artist and remained permanently. Currently, the artist actively participates in exhibitions, and his works are bought by collectors not only from Russia, but also from Great Britain, France and the USA.

Yevgeny Gavlin's watercolor painting is diverse, and all his works deserve attention. Most of Gavlin's paintings are landscapes, and the artist also likes to paint flowers. In general, he prefers a riot of colors in his paintings, and watercolor allows you to achieve this.

No less interesting is a series of his paintings, which is not like all the others - bright and saturated with colors. In them, the haze of autumn rain covers. As can be seen from all the paintings of the artist, autumn is his favorite time year, and he loves both golden autumn and rainy autumn.

It is curious that when an artist writes golden autumn, then he turns to landscapes (parks, groves), and when he depicts autumn rain, he is interested in city views. Yevgeny Gavlin's technique is reminiscent of the artist's autumn blots. However, Gavlin does not allow himself to fill his paintings with too bright color spots, like a Chinese artist, or rather, he deliberately avoids them. It is important for him to show the viewer only the outlined outlines of houses, the silhouettes of people, and how the element of rain washes away everything superfluous.

There is nothing more familiar, more ordinary and more boring than rain - millions of cold drops. But there is nothing more beautiful, more magical and life-giving. According to the omniscient Wikipedia, rain is “precipitation falling from clouds in the form of water droplets, with an average diameter of 0.5 to 6-7 mm.” To depict rain in a picture has always interested artists of all countries and eras. And almost every painter at least once in his life tried to do this, and some of these paintings will be discussed below.

"Over Eternal Peace" by I. Levitan. Although there is no rain in this picture, everything here breathes with its anticipation, perhaps the first drops have already fallen. The wind had just blown, raising columns of dust, and then it calmed down for a few seconds, like the thunder that had just rumbled. It was this moment of momentary calm, brief and solemn, that the artist captured. An English landscape painter George Moreland has a picture similar in mood (“Approaching a Thunderstorm”).
"Rain in the oak forest" I. Shishkin. This picture is striking in its scale and detail. The artist managed to combine everything into a single whole on the canvas: a brightening, subsiding downpour, the first timid sunbeams. And all this with the accuracy characteristic of Shishkin: flesh to circles from raindrops on the surface of a puddle.

"Street in Florence in the rain" K. Korovin. Konstantin Korovin can be called the only Russian impressionist. His stroke perfectly conveys in this picture the rainy mood that many people experience during bad weather. Light sadness, slowness, loneliness, hope for something good ahead - these are the feelings that this work evokes. Among other impressionists, it is worth noting several works of a little-known french artist Pierre Eugene Montesin. The following paintings belong to his brushes: “Village in the rain”, “In the rain”, “Sandy road after the rain”.

The English artist William Turner “Rain, steam and speed” plays a completely unusual role for rain in his painting. Here, precipitation does not cause sadness, but as if washing new life, which is symbolized by a locomotive rushing at unprecedented speed in a sheaf of yellow sparks. This is only a small part of the works devoted to such a simple and extraordinary phenomenon of nature. Much more pictures on this topic you will find on our website.
A canvas depicting rain can decorate any interior, creates a spiritual and special atmosphere. The energy of rain, even depicted on the canvas, brings people relaxation and makes them think about the essence of being. A cleverly painted rainy landscape gives the room a feeling of freshness and magic.

Rain ... How much he is able to tell. He is often not loved, despised, scolded, however, they are still waiting like manna from heaven. After all, it not only saves humanity from drought, it gives coolness on a hot day and freshness to all living things. able to change the world beyond recognition. Perhaps that is why almost every artist at least once in his life painted him.

A picture depicting rain can change our attitude towards this miracle of nature. Indeed, often a rapid or fine drizzle is perceived negatively, it seems that everything around becomes dull, boring and gray. Well-known and not so famous artists help to change the familiar look to the hateful and damp rain.

The beauty of rainy weather throughout the development of painting was noticed by many creators. However, all artists see and depict it in different ways, based on their attitude and mood. contemporary painting gave the world many outstanding paintings that attract the eye, make you talk about yourself, admire and even argue.

The real discovery was the work of an artist named Gregory Tilker, who writes in the style of photorealism. Those who see his paintings for the first time perceive him as a photographer. It would seem that it could be easier than simply making a good shot at the right moment. But his works are painted in watercolor and oil paints with a regular brush.

The painting depicting rain by Gregory Tilker is an urban landscape through the glass of a car. The naturalness and realism of such paintings have already amazed millions of people.

And at English artist Jeff Rowland's take on . The picture in his performance depicts bad weather, a riot of nature, but there is always a bright spot on it that attracts and beckons to itself: a yellow taxi, a red umbrella, scarlet tablecloths on tables in a roadside cafe, a colorful shop window and so on.

Jeff claims that the rain hypnotizes him into sketching all the time. After all, falling drops bounce off car roofs, the ground, are reflected in lanterns, shop windows, headlights of cars.

Artist Yevgeny Gavlin showed the world a watercolor painting that depicts everything around through a rainy veil. Landscapes in his performance are fascinating and give a new understanding of reality. Gavlin's paintings immediately show how much he loves autumn, damp and rainy. He avoids bright color spots to show the viewer that he simply washes away everything superfluous.

Rain was admired not only in the 20th and 21st century. A painting depicting rain, is in the heritage famous artist Ivan Shishkin. He became famous for painting magnificent landscapes: regal forests with treetops, sun glare, giant oaks and graceful groves. And his creation "Rain in the Oak Forest" strikes the imagination of many connoisseurs of painting. A subsiding downpour, a brightening sky, timid sunbeams unite everything around into a single whole.

In the 19th century, Konstantin Korovin wrote another notable work Street in Florence in the rain. The picture belongs to the classics of Russian painting. This artist was practically the only representative of impressionism in Russia. His brushstroke perfectly conveys the mood that people usually have during bad weather in the painting “A Street in Florence in the Rain”.

Showing the viewer, is able to decorate any interior. It creates an inexplicably inspired and special atmosphere. The energy of rain can bring relaxation to people who have become the owners of one of these paintings, and also make them think about the essence of being.

From any, talentedly written landscape depicting rain and bad weather, it breathes freshness and magic. He opens to the viewer a small door into the soul of the creator, who dared to witness the fury of the rain and tell people about it in his works.

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