My favorite pages of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" (composition). My favorite pages of the novel “A Hero of Our Time”


My favorite pages of M. Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" are connected with the story "Princess Mary". Here we see that Grigory Alexandrovich is capable of noble deeds. In this story, Pechorin actively interacts with his parodic double - officer Grushnitsky. Almost immediately, having guessed this person, Grigory Alexandrovich begins to play with him, manipulating his weaknesses.
With all his being, Grushnitsky strives to impress: "... he is one of those people who ... who drape themselves importantly in extraordinary feelings, lofty passions and exceptional suffering." Grushnitsky reminds Pechorin of the hero of romantic tragedies. This character is "rather nice and funny" only in those rare moments when he "throws off the tragic mantle." Accordingly, Grushnitsky seeks to maintain his image in society. His code of honor is a code public rules. The hero treasures his good name" V high society so he strives to follow all the rules. But such behavior is ostentatious, it comes not from the heart and not from convictions, but from the desire to please yourself and others.
The characters of Pechorin and Grushnitsky, their moral principles revealed in the story and, above all, in relationships with each other. Grushnitsky hates and envies Pechorin, because he turns out to be a rejected admirer: Princess Mary does not choose him, but Pechorin. In such a situation - "third wheel" - a real man should step aside, and not be angry at a more successful opponent. But Grushnitsky is not the one with whom one can adequately fight. He, however, like Pechorin, is capable of anything, just to console his wounded pride: Grushnitsky slanders his “beloved”, just to take revenge on Pechorin and Princess Mary, Pechorin starts his “affair” with Mary, only to annoy the junker.
As a result of the rivalry, Pechorin challenges Grushnitsky to a duel. This episode is the climax of the story. It is in it that the characters of the heroes are exposed, including their ideas of honor. The cowardly Grushnitsky agreed to a duel only because of the persuasion of his friends. He and his company are trying to turn the matter around so that, in any case, nothing threatens him: Grushnitsky's second loads only one pistol. As conceived by the junker, Pechorin had to either disgrace himself or die.
Main character accidentally learns about the conspiracy. He goes to the duel determined to expose Grushnitsky.
For all the time of the duel, conscience wakes up in the junker only once: at the moment when Pechorin asks to reload his pistol. The enraged Pechorin wants to get either repentance or death from Grushnitsky. Therefore, he transfers the duel to a small area in front of the abyss, where any shot should be fatal.
Pechorin feels a little sorry for his rival, who got into this whole story because of his weakness. Main character before last moment gives his opponent a chance to change his mind. Allowing Grushnitsky to shoot first, the hero is ready for almost certain death, but he missed. Pechorin realizes that he will kill Grushnitsky, so he gives him the opportunity to apologize. But Grushnitsky is in such despair that he himself asks Grigory Alexandrovich to shoot, otherwise he will slaughter him at night from around the corner. And Pechorin shoots.
The protagonist of the novel is a victim of the social environment, he is dissatisfied modern morality, does not believe in friendship and love. At the same time, he seeks to decide his own fate and be responsible for his behavior, so his concept of honor is purely subjective. It is subject to Pechorin's desires and passions. Grushnitsky is completely artificial and unnatural. This man is empty, he has no moral principles and performances, he only plays them. But his petty and vicious nature takes over, and Grushnitsky pays for this with his life.
In these episodes of the novel, questions of honor, nobility, and dignity are touched upon, which are important for any person. In addition, the complex, contradictory, very interesting nature of the main character, Pechorin, is largely revealed and shaded here, the themes of love, happiness, hatred, the ability to love and make another person happy are touched upon. That is why I remember these pages of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" so well.

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My favorite pages of the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “A Hero of Our Time”

My favorite pages of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" are connected with the story "Princess Mary". Here we see that Grigory Alexandrovich is capable of noble deeds. In this story, Pechorin actively interacts with his parodic double - officer Grushnitsky. Almost immediately, having guessed this person, Grigory Alexandrovich begins to play with him, manipulating his weaknesses.

With all his being, Grushnitsky strives to impress: "... he is one of those people who ... who importantly drape themselves in extraordinary feelings, lofty passions and exceptional suffering." Grushnitsky reminds Pechorin of the hero of romantic tragedies. This character is "rather nice and funny" only in those rare moments when he "throws off the tragic mantle." Accordingly, Grushnitsky seeks to maintain his image in society. His code of honor is a code of social rules. The hero values ​​his "good name" in high society, so he strives to follow all the rules. But such behavior is ostentatious, it comes not from the heart and not from convictions, but from the desire to please yourself and others.

The characters of Pechorin and Grushnitsky, their moral principles are revealed in the story and, above all, in their relationship with each other. Grushnitsky hates and envies Pechorin, because he turns out to be a rejected admirer: Princess Mary does not choose him, but Pechorin. In such a situation - "the third extra" - a real man should step aside, and not get angry at a more successful opponent. But Grushnitsky is not the one with whom one can adequately fight. He, however, like Pechorin, is capable of anything, just to console his wounded pride: Grushnitsky slanders his “beloved”, just to take revenge on Pechorin and Princess Mary, Pechorin starts his “romance” with Mary, only to annoy the junker.

As a result of the rivalry, Pechorin challenges Grushnitsky to a duel. This episode is the climax of the story. It is in it that the characters of the heroes are exposed, including their ideas of honor. The cowardly Grushnitsky agreed to a duel only because of the persuasion of his friends. He and his company are trying to turn the matter around so that, in any case, nothing threatens him: Grushnitsky's second loads only one pistol. As conceived by the junker, Pechorin had to either disgrace himself or die.

The protagonist accidentally learns about the conspiracy. He goes to the duel determined to expose Grushnitsky.

For all the time of the duel, conscience wakes up in the junker only once: at the moment when Pechorin asks to reload his pistol. The enraged Pechorin wants to get either repentance or death from Grushnitsky. Therefore, he transfers the duel to a small area in front of the abyss, where any shot should be fatal.

Pechorin feels a little sorry for his rival, who got into this whole story because of his weakness. The protagonist until the last moment gives his opponent a chance to change his mind. Allowing Grushnitsky to shoot first, the hero is ready for almost certain death, but he missed. Pechorin realizes that he will kill Grushnitsky, so he gives him the opportunity to apologize. But Grushnitsky is in such despair that he himself asks Grigory Alexandrovich to shoot, otherwise he will slaughter him at night from around the corner. And Pechorin shoots.

The protagonist of the novel is a victim of the social environment, he is dissatisfied with modern morality, does not believe in friendship and love. At the same time, he seeks to decide his own fate and be responsible for his behavior, so his concept of honor is purely subjective. It is subject to Pechorin's desires and passions. Grushnitsky is completely artificial and unnatural. This person is a dummy, he does not have any moral principles and ideas, he only plays with them. But his petty and vicious nature takes over, and Grushnitsky pays for this with his life.

In these episodes of the novel, questions of honor, nobility, and dignity are touched upon, which are important for any person. In addition, the complex, contradictory, very interesting nature of the main character, Pechorin, is largely revealed and shaded here, the themes of love, happiness, hatred, the ability to love and make another person happy are touched upon. That is why I remember these pages of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" so well.

The head of Bel is my favorite part of the novel "The Hero of Ours ...". I enjoy reading these pages! So, I like the scene where the characters are visiting the most. Here it is interesting description the village itself, festivities. Such extraordinary characters!

In addition, these mountaineers are practically enemies, but at the same time, the heroes cannot refuse an invitation. Locals invite everyone they meet to the wedding. I think this is both correctly noticed and interesting ... Such big celebration wedding is considered to be Olympic Games all hostility must be stopped.

It's dangerous in the village, but they have to act like secret agents... Maxim the same Maksimovich describes the upcoming celebration amusingly, from his own point of view: the ball is “in our words”, “I forgot how they say it”, “how to say it”. That is, the reader seems to be ready for the stage, but did not quite understand what awaits him. So is the hero! And it becomes curious ... It seems to be the same as ours, but not quite like that. Funny!

And at the wedding itself, the heroes were seated, like dear guests, in a place of honor. And then Bela herself comes up and compliments a little strange Pechorin. A compliment is a mystery, in my opinion. Like, he is slimmer than the locals, and he has gold, not silver, but he shouldn’t grow in this garden ... Now she herself intrigued him. Moreover, she is a sixteen-year-old beauty!

And her portrait is so beautiful here! That she is a slender doe, cheerful, but looks straight into the soul. It’s a pity she didn’t see problems in Pechorin’s soul! And then a description of her admirer, who follows the beauty with burning eyes ... love triangle, intrigue. And it is already said that this guy will not give in to his, even slaughter. True, it was then that they remembered how he sold sheep, but still his character was such - uncompromising, stubborn. And one more portrait further - horses. For the highlanders, this is the most important animal, it is like a car now. And it is said that the eyes of that horse were like those of Bela.

How they got on with this kidnapping, with training, with the finale ... unfortunately, it's sad. But at the ball it seems that everything could be romantic and happy ending. But it turned out the way it should have - according to the psychology of the characters. But reading these almost first pages, I hope for the best every time.

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/ Works / Lermontov M.Yu. / Hero of our time / My favorite pages of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
My favorite pages of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

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My favorite pages of M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" are connected with the story "Princess Mary". Here we see that Grigory Alexandrovich is capable of noble deeds. In this story, Pechorin actively interacts with his parodic double - officer Grushnitsky. Almost immediately, having guessed this person, Grigory Alexandrovich begins to play with him, manipulating his weaknesses.
With all his being, Grushnitsky strives to impress: "... he is one of those people who ... who importantly drape themselves in extraordinary feelings, lofty passions and exceptional suffering." Grushnitsky reminds Pechorin of the hero of romantic tragedies. This character is "rather nice and funny" only in those rare moments when he "throws off the tragic mantle." Accordingly, Grushnitsky seeks to maintain his image in society. His code of honor is a code of social rules. The hero values ​​his "good name" in high society, so he strives to follow all the rules. But such behavior is ostentatious, it comes not from the heart and not from convictions, but from the desire to please yourself and others.
The characters of Pechorin and Grushnitsky, their moral principles are revealed in the story and, above all, in their relationship with each other. Grushnitsky hates and envies Pechorin, because he turns out to be a rejected admirer: Princess Mary does not choose him, but Pechorin. In such a situation - "the third extra" - a real man should step aside, and not get angry at a more successful opponent. But Grushnitsky is not the one with whom one can adequately fight. He, however, like Pechorin, is capable of anything, just to console his wounded pride: Grushnitsky slanders his “beloved”, just to take revenge on Pechorin and Princess Mary, Pechorin starts his “affair” with Mary, only to annoy the junker.
As a result of the rivalry, Pechorin challenges Grushnitsky to a duel. This episode is the climax of the story. It is in it that the characters of the heroes are exposed, including their ideas of honor. The cowardly Grushnitsky agreed to a duel only because of the persuasion of his friends. He and his company are trying to turn the matter around so that, in any case, nothing threatens him: Grushnitsky's second loads only one pistol. As conceived by the junker, Pechorin had to either disgrace himself or die.
The protagonist accidentally learns about the conspiracy. He goes to the duel determined to expose Grushnitsky.
For all the time of the duel, conscience wakes up in the junker only once: at the moment when Pechorin asks to reload his pistol. The enraged Pechorin wants to get either repentance or death from Grushnitsky. Therefore, he transfers the duel to a small area in front of the abyss, where any shot should be fatal.
Pechorin feels a little sorry for his rival, who got into this whole story because of his weakness. The protagonist until the last moment gives his opponent a chance to change his mind. Allowing Grushnitsky to shoot first, the hero is ready for almost certain death, but he missed. Pechorin realizes that he will kill Grushnitsky, so he gives him the opportunity to apologize. But Grushnitsky is in such despair that he himself asks Grigory Alexandrovich to shoot, otherwise he will slaughter him at night from around the corner. And Pechorin shoots.
The protagonist of the novel is a victim of the social environment, he is dissatisfied with modern morality, does not believe in friendship and love. At the same time, he seeks to decide his own fate and be responsible for his behavior, so his concept of honor is purely subjective. It is subject to Pechorin's desires and passions. Grushnitsky is completely artificial and unnatural. This person is a dummy, he does not have any moral principles and ideas, he only plays with them. But his petty and vicious nature takes over, and Grushnitsky pays for this with his life.
In these episodes of the novel, questions of honor, nobility, and dignity are touched upon, which are important for any person. In addition, here the complex, contradictory, very interesting nature of the main character, Pechorin, is largely revealed and shaded, the themes of love, happiness, hatred, the ability to love and make another person happy are touched upon. That is why I remember these pages of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" so well.

To the question, an essay on the topic "my favorite pages of Lermontov's novel" A Hero of Our Time "" given by the author Gleb Pirko the best answer is Hero of our time M. Yu. Lermontov
"A Hero of Our Time" is the first lyric-psychological novel in Russian prose. Lyrical because the author and the hero have "one soul, the same torment." Psychological because the ideological and plot center is not events, but the personality of a person, his spiritual life. Therefore, the psychological richness of the novel lies, first of all, in the image of the "hero of time". Through the complexity and inconsistency of Pechorin, Lermontov affirms the idea that it is impossible to fully explain everything: in life there is always a high and secret, which is deeper than words, ideas.
Hence, one of the features of the composition is the increase in the disclosure of secrets. Lermontov leads the reader from Pechorin's actions (in the first three stories) to their motives (in stories 4 and 5), that is, from riddle to riddle. At the same time, we understand that the secret is not the actions of Pechorin, but his inner world, psychology.
The author uses the principle of chronological inversion (rejection of a sequential image). Such a disillusioned attitude corresponds exactly to the "disillusioned", contradictory personality of the person.
In the first three stories ("Bela", "Maxim Maksimych", "Taman") only the actions of the hero are presented. Lermontov demonstrates examples of Pechorin's indifference, cruelty to the people around him, shown either as victims of his passions (Bela), or as victims of his cold calculation (poor smugglers). It involuntarily leads to the conclusion that psychological nerve Pechorin is power and selfishness: "what does it matter to me: a wandering officer, to the joys and misfortunes of human beings?" But not everything is so simple. It's not the same character at all. Before us is at the same time a conscientious, vulnerable and deeply suffering person. In "Princess Mary" Pechorin's sober report sounds. He understands the hidden mechanism of his psychology: "There are two people in me: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him." And later Grigory Alexandrovich openly formulates his life credo: "I look at suffering for the joy of others only in relation to myself, as food that supports my spiritual strength ..." Based on this rule, Pechorin develops a whole theory of happiness: "To be the cause of suffering and joy for someone, without having there is no positive right to that - isn’t this the sweetest food of our pride? And what is happiness? Saturated pride. "It would seem that smart Pechorin, who knows what happiness consists in, should be happy, because he is constantly and tirelessly trying to your pride. But for some reason there is no happiness, and instead of it, fatigue and boredom ... Why is the fate of the hero so tragic?
The answer to this question is last story"Fatalist". Here problems are already being solved not so much psychological as philosophical and moral.
The story begins with a philosophical dispute between Pechorin and Vulich about predestination. human life. Vulich is a supporter of fatalism. Pechorin, on the other hand, asks the question: “If there are definitely predestinations, then why are we given the will, reason?” This dispute is verified by three examples, three deadly fights with fate. First, Vulich's attempt to kill himself with a shot to the temple, which ended in failure; secondly, the accidental murder of Vulich in the street by a drunken Cossack; thirdly, Pechorin's courageous throw at the Cossack killer. Without denying the very idea of ​​fatalism, Lermontov leads to the idea that it is impossible to humble yourself, to be submissive to fate. Such a turn philosophical theme The author saved the novel from a gloomy ending. Pechorin, whose death is unexpectedly announced in the middle of the story, in this last story not only escapes from seemingly certain death, but also for the first time commits an act that benefits people. And instead funeral march at the end of the novel, congratulations are heard on the victory over death: "the officers congratulated me - and there was definitely something for it."
If you want to continue, write to me for May agent ato I can't write characters anymore, there are not enough left!
If you want to continue, write to me for May agent ato I can't write characters anymore, there are not enough left!

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