Metronome - now with dance rhythms! Online metronome for guitar.


When you practice at home, you should definitely use a metronome. Not only will it help you play in the right rhythm, but it will also help you monitor your progress. When you play on the practice pedal, simply place the metronome in front of you (or turn on the program on your computer) and set a certain rhythm. Since you're playing on a practice pad, you'll be able to hear your metronome very well. If you play on drum kit, then most likely you will have difficulty hearing the metronome. To fix this you need to connect the metronome to your stereo or turn it on on your computer and listen to it with headphones.

How to Practice with a Metronome

Now that you know how to use a metronome, it's time to use it in your rehearsals when you play various beats or rudiments. It can be tedious, but it is very rewarding. There are a few in various ways how you can play with a metronome and learn to keep the beat.

1) set the metronome to a specific BPM and play according to the click;
2) set the click to half the tempo you want to play at. For example, if you play 120 BMP, then set the metronome to 60 BMP. This will force you to use the internal account. At first you will notice that it is quite difficult to hit the timing when you play this way;
3) set a certain BMP on the metronome and play triplets. Let's say the click is set to 140 BMP and you're playing sixteenth notes. Instead, play sixteenth notes in triplets. This will make you even more challenging in the beginning and will take you to an even higher level of proficiency and will also develop your timing skills.

If you play solos or breaks, try playing them with a metronome as well. Leads and breaks are where drummers tend to lose their timing, so practice with a metronome to avoid this.

Practicing and performing with a metronome is a huge benefit to your learning. Every drummer should have a metronome and every drummer should use one. When using a metronome in a band performance, you may be very pleasantly surprised at how “in rhythm” you are playing!

Metronome online– an application that works in real time. The ease of use of such a program has already been confirmed by many musicians. It serves as a great guide for smooth guitar and piano playing. In addition, a metronome is an indispensable thing for beginner drummers, as it helps to train their ear and the correct sense of rhythm.

Online metronome for guitar

Here you will find and be able to use online metronome for guitar . This application is designed in the spirit of an analog mechanical metronome. The program allows you to select a tempo in the range from 40 to 210 beats per minute. There is also the ability to select the number of shares.

Often people want to find a metronome for piano or guitar. This is a wrong judgment because such an application is suitable for anyone musical instrument, since the metronome performs the same functions for everything:

  • Makes a steady blow, which is why the musician develops a good sense of rhythm.
  • Helps you know if you start to speed up or slow down while playing.
  • Find out the exact tempo of the piece, because composers often make allowances for their music to be performed at a certain speed.

Just before the start lessons, you need to check the sound of your instrument. If this is a guitar, then we advise you to familiarize yourself with the information on how the correct .

Brief instructions

  1. First, select a suitable tempo (beats per minute BPM). The program supports tempo from 40 to 210. To do this, use the +/- buttons, +/- keys on the numeric keypad, or, placing the cursor, enter the desired tempo with numbers.
  2. Also, before starting, you can choose the number of beats and place accents in in the right place. For example, you can select the number “3” and the emphasis on the first beat to play a waltz or exercises in this rhythm. To change the number of beats, click on the note button and select the desired number from the list.
  3. To place accents in the rhythm, in the lower part of the gray circles you can select strong beats. To do this, just click on the circle to add an accent; when you click again, it will be removed.
  4. After that, to start, press the gray button in the center.
  5. You can stop the metronome using the same button (only now it will be red) that it turned on.

Keyboard shortcuts

+ or increase the pace - or slow down Space enable/stop Enter turn on Escape switch off Shift and + increase BPM by 10 at once Shift and - reduce BPM by 10 at once

Advantages of an online metronome

The main feature of such an application is that you can use. The musician only needs to open a browser and go to the site. The program is very easy to use. Even the most inexperienced PC user can easily figure out how to . To work with the metronome, you do not need to download any additional applications. Everything works with the press of one button. In addition to a regular PC, this metronome can also be used on other devices, for example, tablets, laptops, smartphones. Due to the fact that it works directly from the browser, there is no need to download the application to your computer, which again speeds up the time spent working with the program. All you need to do is set the desired tempo for the game and press the power button.

Read also information about what other .

Metronome Tempo Chart

Using a metronome online outside of music

Not only musicians can use this application for their needs. Metronome online listen not only for musicians. It will be a very useful addition for those who dance, because they also need to have and correctly maintain an even rhythm. A metronome will perform a similar function during sports exercises. Those who practice yoga and meditation can also recommend this device, because its sounds, which are regularly repeated after the same period of time, help to better concentrate on classes. The metronome is also used in the practice of speed reading. With his help for a certain amount of beats you need to read several paragraphs.

If you want your classes to be more effective, we advise you to remember some tricks:

Before starting classes, you need to try to ensure that you are as relaxed as possible. If this does not happen, then excessive stiffness and concentration not on the exercises will interfere with feeling the rhythm and playing exactly to it.

You need to make sure that all notes in the sound of the metronome are played at the same volume. It often happens that the one that coincides with the first click sounds louder than the others. If it is possible to make all sounds the same, you need to take advantage of it.

You should not immediately try to play at a fast tempo, even if the song requires it. You need to start with a slow tempo, and as you get better at playing correctly, you need to gradually increase it to the desired tempo.

Don't think that only beginners should use a metronome. For experienced musicians, this application is also very necessary. Especially if you play together in a music group.

Video on the topic

Metronome - now with dance rhythms!

Don't have a regular metronome? Ours will allow you to learn and rehearse musical pieces in a more comfortable way than with a regular metronome!

If you do not see the metronome above this inscription, then you need to download and install Adobe Flash Player

Good news: Today I received a letter from my childhood friend, classmate, Ivan Lyubchik, with whom I played in a school rock band (Usolye-Sibirskoye, Irkutsk region, 1973-1975). Here's the line: "... Hello Alexey. Yes he uses this metronome all the time … " - Ivan writes about one of his sons - Alexei. Bass guitar player legendary group"Beasts" Alexey Lyubchik rehearses with a Virartek metronome , and Alexey is a very musician high level. So follow the masters!

Online Metronome is very easy to use:

  • First button on the left for selection size from the list: 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 7/4, 3/8, 5/8, 6/8, 9/8 and 12/8
  • The pace can be set different ways: moving the slider using the " buttons + " And " - ", moving the weight, making several presses in a row on the button " Set the pace"
  • volume can be adjusted with a slider
  • Can mute the sound and use visual indicators shares: orange- "strong" and blue- "weak"
  • you can choose any of 10 sound sets: Wood, Leather, Metal, Raz-tick, E-A Tones, G-C Tones, Chick-Chick, Shaker, Electro, AI Sounds and several drum loops for different dance styles, as well as loops for learning triplets.

To play the drums at the original tempo and size, press the “reset tempo and size” button

Please note that the tempo value is specified for BEATS, i.e. for 4/4 time, 120 would mean 120 quarter notes per minute, and for 3/8 time, 120 eighth notes per minute!

You can “force” the loop to play in a “non-native” time signature, this will give you additional variations in rhythmic patterns.

Sound sets "Tones E-A", "Tones G-C" may be useful for tuning string instrument or for vocal singing.

A large selection of sounds is convenient when using a metronome to learn pieces in different styles. Sometimes you'll need crisp, punchy sounds like AI Sounds, Metal or Electro, sometimes soft sounds like the Shaker set.

A metronome can be useful for more than just music practice. You can use it:

  • for learning dance movements;
  • doing morning exercises;
  • for fast reading training ( certain number blows on time);
  • during concentration and meditation.
Musical tempo indications (Wittner metronome scale)
Beats per minute Italian Russian
40-60 Largo Largo - wide, very slow.
60-66 Larghetto Larghetto is quite slow.
66-76 Adagio Adagio - slow, calm.
76-108 Andante Andante - slowly.
108-120 moderato Moderato - moderate.
120-168 Allegro Allegro - lively.
168-200 Presto Presto - fast.
200-208 Prestissimo Prestissimo - very fast.

Visitor comments:

01.03.2010 Gennady: Correct about the metronome. I would like to know how the tempos that are written in notes (fast, slow, moderate, etc.) relate to the frequency set by the metronome.

01.03.2010 Admin: Especially for you, we have added a sign indicating the tempo of musical works. Please look.

16.05.2010 Irina: Hello! Grandson is 6 years old. He studies music. school. The works are mostly in 2/4 time signature. How to use your metronome in this case. Should the strong beat be on ONE and THREE?

18.05.2010 Admin: Exactly!

02.09.2010 Alexander: Good afternoon, a very high-quality electronic metronome, I’ve been looking for one for a long time. Tell me, is it possible to download it somehow so that I can place it in full screen (without a browser, etc.) and change the background color? I need it for visual use. Thank you.

21.01.2011 Admin: There is no such version yet, but most likely it will appear in February 2011.

23.10.2010 Admin: Almost ALL sizes ADDED!!!

09.11.2010 Valerarv2: Great, that’s all I needed!

13.12.2010 Daria: Guys, I’m in the 7th grade of music. schools. I am preparing for the exams. Thank you very much! All over the World Wide Web I couldn’t find a normal metronome with dimensions! Now I can finally start working out normally :))

20.02.2011 Alex: The long-awaited February is already here. How soon will a computer version of this wonderful metronome appear?

28.02.2011 Svetlana: Super! I love! I would like one like this for my daughter to improve her piano playing. How to purchase this metronome?

03.03.2011 Programmer: A freely available metronome is great. Thank you! And here is the counting " one-and-two-and three and four" would be useful too. Then there are more complex rhythm within, say, the same 4/4 rhythm. The strong part, it seems to me, does not stand out much. It would be nice to do a version with the cymbals hitting strong beat. Good luck!

05.03.2011 Anton: Thanks for the convenient tool! It's much easier to launch than any professional app just for the sake of a metronome. I often use it for rehearsals and learning parts, and working with students. I would like to ask you to add some sounds (with a sharper attack), as well as loops for training polyrhythms - triplets, doubles, etc. I would also like to have a function for smoothly changing the tempo “FROM and TO”, so that you can practice the part first in a slow, and then at a fast pace...

08.03.2011 Admin: Thank you very much everyone! We really appreciate all suggestions and comments, and we will definitely continue to develop this application. Regarding the desktop version: we are unlikely to release it separately, but Metronome will be included in the package of flash games " Music College"on CD, which is being prepared for release in the near future. Moreover, the applications will work both on Windows and Mac computers.

23.04.2011 Julia: Good day! Thank you very much for the metronome. I’m a teacher at a music school, you won’t find mechanical metronomes during the day, but almost all children have computers. They found you on the Internet. Now a lot of problems have disappeared. All students will become rhythmic))))))))). Thank you, good luck!

In theory, this map should display the places where visitors are located :-)

If you are looking online metronome for guitar with rhythms and drums, then this excellent online metronome with the ability to set the rhythm and select drums is suitable for you.

A metronome is a device that measures equal intervals of time with beats. Used among musicians to determine tempo during rehearsals. Suitable for any musical instrument: clarinet, guitar, piano or.

There is a fairly common misconception among beginners that there are metronomes for guitar and metronomes for piano. But in reality there is no distinction between them. All metronomes will perform the same functions and are therefore suitable for any musical instrument.

Why do you need a metronome?

Metronomes are used by both beginners in the world of music and professionals who have already tried a variety of devices in their work.

The device performs many useful functions:

  • A steady and even strike creates the necessary tempo;
  • Determines when to speed up or slow down while playing the instrument;
  • Promotes the musician's development own feelings rhythm.

In addition to its benefits for musicians, the metronome is used in reading practice, exercises, and other physical exercise, meditation (helps you concentrate) and dancing (keep the rhythm).
Rhythmic and precise sounds will allow you to simply concentrate your attention.

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They will develop a sense of rhythm and tact. Dancers often use the device in rehearsals to control the rhythm. In meditation, the device allows you to concentrate on your feelings and relax internally.

What is a metronome?

The device includes a pyramid-shaped body, a pendulum, a cut edge and a weight. It is the weight that affects the frequency of the blows; with its help you can regulate the number of blows per minute. This is done using the height of the load - the higher it is, the less frequent the impacts and, accordingly, vice versa. On the back there is a scale that uses a pendulum to show the frequency of the beat per minute.

Usually, the sound of a metronome is “tick-tock-tick”, but there are metronomes that produce other sounds (bell, sticks, trill, alarm, beat, squeak, etc.). The monotonous sound allows the musician to concentrate and adjust to the tempo.

The body of the device is made of a wide variety of materials: plastic, wood, metal, plastic. Metronomes with a wooden body made of oak, mahogany or oak were considered to have the highest sound quality. Wood creates a lighter, deeper sound and is suitable for demanding musicians.

What types of metronomes are there?

The most common are mechanical, electronic metronome and online metronome.

  • Mechanical metronome– does not contain batteries or electronic devices in its design. It is a box with a pendulum and a lever for setting the tempo.
  • Electronic metronome– includes a display, buttons and a speaker. It is possible to configure the pendulum beats per minute, sound and volume via the display.
  • Online metronome Currently, the most common metronome among musicians. No downloads are required and can be used on any device, even phones and tablets. Does not require installation of any application or downloads.

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Application – requires downloading and installation on a tablet, phone or computer. It has disadvantages compared to an online device: it is not always free, it differs in the number of settings and functions.

Which metronome should you choose?

The choice of a metronome by a musician is based on ease of use. But which one is better to use? An online metronome has a number of advantages over mechanical and electronic metronomes.

  • There is no need to buy a metronome;
  • No need to carry the device with you;
  • Can be used on any device and at any time;
  • Customization is quick and easy;
  • No downloads or applications;
  • Free anytime;
  • The device cannot be broken, lost or broken;
  • It is possible to adjust the sound volume;
  • User-friendly interface;
  • Instructions for use on the website;

How to use a metronome - online?

Using the device via the Internet is simple and easy. Even a child can learn. You need to go online and find “ online metronome for guitar with rhythms and drums" Go to the website and set the necessary settings, click “Start”.

The working time is not limited; if necessary, you can press “Pause” and continue after the break. You can change the characteristics at any time.

What settings can be adjusted in the online metronome?

The online metronome settings are numerous and will allow you to select functions for even the most fastidious musician. The first thing you can set is beats per minute. Installed using the slider on the website.

It is also possible to select the sound produced by the device, ranging from classic sound“tock-tock-tick”, as well as any other sound, for example: cymbals, percussion, bottle, click, pulse, squeak, ringing, mechanical, stick on stick and many others.

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The sound created by a metronome is not inferior in quality to a classic device. Is just as deep and accurate. Can match the most classic wooden equipment - the choice of the demanding musician.

Are there any disadvantages to an online metronome?

There is only one drawback, and a very minor one - the need to connect to the Internet. But these days, the Internet is no longer a problem, it is available anywhere and, therefore, you can use the online metronome whenever you want and wherever you want.

Which metronome should you choose?

Among such a large number of metronomes, it is difficult to make a choice, especially for a beginner who does not have the proper experience. But choosing a metronome is very easy.

Taking into account all the presented characteristics, We recommend choosing an online metronome. Firstly, it does not require cash costs, and secondly, a large number of Customizable functions allow you to customize the metronome to suit your needs individual requirements every musician, no matter what they are.

You don’t need to carry the device with you for fear of losing it or breaking it, it will always be at hand, you just need to open the website and press the “Start” button. Online metronome for guitar with rhythms and drums is always at your fingertips!

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