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There are several reasons why a dead pixel appears on a monitor. This is the long stay of the LCD monitor outside the premises typical for such devices, for example, in the kitchen, where, in addition to constant temperature fluctuations, there is a lot of humidity.

We are not talking about the content of fatty vapors in the air, which penetrate the inside of the devices and adversely affect their operation.

Mechanical impact on the monitor is a common occurrence when a finger is pressed on the matrix with an excessive force. And many other reasons.

But you need to understand that a dead pixel can also be present on a new monitor or laptop matrix, and for many models of such devices this is considered normal.

What are dead pixels?

On the monitor, you can see dead pixels of various types, this:

  1. On a black background, white dots are the first type;
  2. On a white background, black dots are the second type;
  3. Multi-colored pixels, green, red, magenta and blue, are the third type.

If to speak plain language, then a broken pixel is constantly glowing white or color, as well as black dots that do not react in any way to a change in the color rendition of the monitor screen.

All of the above types are legalized by the international standard ISO-13406, which also regulates the permissible number of dead pixels in different classes of monitors.

A lot here depends on the model of the matrix used, so when buying an LCD monitor or laptop, be sure to turn them on and check for such problems.

This is easy to do by visually inspecting the matrix or using a special utility, taking it with you to a store on a flash drive. We will talk about such programs below.

  1. First-class monitors are considered the best and should not have dead pixels a priori.
  2. The second class allows the presence of no more than 5 problematic pixels of type III, no more than two failed pixels of the first and second types.
  3. The third class assumes the presence of no more than 50 defective peeps of type III, up to 15 of the second and up to 5 of the first types.
  4. The fourth class allows the presence of 500 defective pixels of type III, 150 of the second and, respectively, 50 of the third type.

At the heart of the device of each pixel is a thin-film transistor, which controls the entire color rendering process at a specific point on the screen.

If this transistor is out of order, then we can observe a black dot on the screen and we will not be able to change something at the software level.

You can notice such a pixel only on bright screens or where the picture is transmitted in white.

Therefore, as a rule, despite the fact that the black pixel cannot be repaired at home, it is rarely noticed, as it is the least noticeable and does not irritate the eyes.

Other types of dead pixels are called "stuck pixels" (stuck point). They glow in different colors and are very annoying to the PC user, as they are clearly visible on the screen.

Here, as a rule, users of laptops, LCD monitors and other devices that use similar technology in the operation of screens are struggling with these broken pixels.

How to remove dead pixels?

Remove a dead pixel on the monitor, meaning " stuck pixels", at home, you can use three main methods:

  1. Software;
  2. mechanical;
  3. Software-mechanical.

There are situations when defective pixels, during a long operation of the monitor, disappear on their own, but this is a very rare occurrence and you should not count on it. Especially if the problem arose in the most visible place and interferes with work.

Program method

The method that is the most popular in solving our problem, as it helps in 80% of cases.

The principle of its use is that in the course of work special program with a fast frequency, the colors of the pixels next to the broken one change.

As a result, more current is supplied to the problem area, as a result, the defective pixel is gradually resuscitated.

In each case, the recovery time of a broken pixel may be different, it all depends on the complexity of the situation and on the program settings.

In the utility settings, you can change the frequency of color changes and the period of its operation. In some cases, it will take from 20 minutes to 5-6 hours to solve the problem.

Programs for finding dead pixels.

If you come to test your monitor for dead pixels, then you can use a simple free utility IsMyLcdOK.

There are versions for both 32-x and 64-bit systems.

Installation of the program is not required.

After running the utility, the following window will appear.

Acting according to the instructions, you can quickly check any monitor, including the one you want to buy for broken squeaks. The size of the program is about 200 Kb.

Multifunctional utility for checking and testing monitors. It has many features, including checking for broken pixels.

Very easy to use, so it makes no sense to describe its work.

Programs for recovering dead pixels.

The most famous and one of effective programs— Bad Crystal. It is developed in three versions Ultimate, Mobile and Primary, respectively, has different functionality. It is considered one of the best software in this category.

On this moment the current version is 6.1.9 BUILD 4061, the official website of the program Here you can also read how to use the program.

You can also use previously released working versions, which are easy to download from torrents if you feel sorry for paying $14.99 for the rarely used Bad Crystal program.

Let's consider the program operation on the example of version 3.0 Ultimate.

After installing and launching the program, a window will appear with the ability to select operating modes.

If you have a trial version, then in this case only the CCM mode will be available. The efficiency of this mode will not exceed 55%.

More efficient SMF and CFV modes work only in the paid version and provide pixel restoration in 80% of cases.

The PPM mode is used for preventive maintenance, which should be carried out after recovery procedures, at least once a month.

After selecting the desired mode, click "Launch".

A window will appear that needs to be put on a dead pixel.

By default, the program will run for 10 minutes. If during this period of time the dead pixel has not disappeared, press Speed ​​Up and change the settings. It is necessary to increase the speed and time of the program.

Basically, it is a free Java application. To use it, you need to go to the official website and click on the "Launch JScreenFix" button.

You will be taken to this page with a square with running pixels.

Move this square to the problem area of ​​the screen. By default, the program will run for 10 minutes.

If the problem persists, you can increase the running time of the Java application.

The program is free and fully functional. After installing and launching it, the following window will appear.

For example, 5 dead pixels were detected. We set the appropriate settings and press start.

Five blinking dots will appear in the upper left part of the screen, each of which must be placed under a dead pixel.

Check the result after 10 minutes. If necessary, increase the operating time and repeat again.

The UDPixel program has other useful functionality.

mechanical way

The mechanical method of recovering dead pixels can be used both separately and together with the programs described above.

The essence of this method lies in the following:

  1. The place of the broken pixel on the screen is marked in any safe way, the monitor or laptop is turned off;
  2. A toothpick is taken and cotton wool is wound around it. Or you can use ear stick or other item;
  3. With this device, gently press on the pixel, with a little scrolling. Don't overdo it with effort.

After a while, turn on the device and check the result, if necessary, repeat these steps several times. Be patient, this can take up to 30 minutes.

If everything worked out, run one of the above programs and enhance the effect.

Some use the same method, but with the monitor turned on and in parallel, they still use the program. But this method cannot be called safe, so we do not recommend it.

There is another way, using a PDA stylus.

To do this, you will need to very accurately set the stylus opposite the broken pixel, fix it in that position and turn off the monitor.

Do not press the stylus hard against the screen and, without reducing the pressing force, turn the monitor back on. When the screen fully switches to the operating mode, remove the stylus, thereby relieving the effort on the dead pixel.

If the first time did not give an effect, repeat everything from the beginning by manipulating the force on the pixel and positioning the stylus.

Thus, we are trying to move the "stuck" pixel from its place and make it work correctly. In 80% of cases, this can be done.

One more way.

This method can help in 20% of cases and this is a good chance to correct the situation in our favor.

Disconnect the monitor from all power sources - network, video card, etc. Remove the battery from the laptop by completely de-energizing it with this. Don't forget your internet cable.

Leave the device in this state for several days, for example, you went to the country for the weekend.

During this time, all the monitor capacitors will be discharged by 100%, and the residual current will leave the thin film transistors.

When you turn on the device, there is a chance that the stuck pixel will work.

This also applies to items with large area contact.


As we can see, a dead pixel in a monitor, in most cases, with the exception of black, can be restored at home.

Actions do not require much knowledge, the main thing is to learn how to use the right software correctly and not overdo it with effort during the mechanical procedure for fixing the problem.

But do not forget that the presence of dead pixels is also possible in new devices, so carefully check them for such a malfunction when buying.

Free space began to appear on the desktop), the radiation background decreased noticeably and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. However, liquid crystal monitors, in addition to huge positive sides(diagonal 21″ and more, absolutely flat screen, the possibility of widescreen execution) there may be “negative” points, called defective pixels. What it is and how you can try to restore these points will be discussed below.

In a modern LCD monitor, the image is built from dots called pixels. The word "pixel" itself came from an abbreviation - pix element or picture cell.

The number of pixels is determined by the resolution of the monitor. For example:

1920 x 1080 = 2,073,600 pixels

Each pixel consists of 3 subpixels: red (R ed), green (Green) and blue (Blue). Hence the abbreviation R G B.

To assign a specific color to a pixel, you must specify the brightness values ​​of 3 subpixels. Each value is indicated by 2 digits in hexadecimal format (00 is the minimum brightness, FF is the maximum brightness). For example: black is 00 00 00, white is FF FF FF, red is FF 00 00, etc.

There are two types of "broken pixels": "dead" - which have little chance of being restored (they burn constantly white or have a black color) and "stuck" - which burn in a certain color. These are worth restoring.

Before “healing” dead pixels, it is necessary to determine exactly where they are. For this, the AIDA64 program or any other program with a test for monitors is suitable. Download, install. The "trial" version is also suitable for us.

The program below is also perfect.

Let's show on the example of AIDA64

Launch and open the "Service" menu. Select "Monitor Diagnostics"

The following window will open

If you know what tests you need, leave the birds only on them, if you don’t know, leave everything as it is and run the test by clicking the “Run Selected Tests” button. Next, with a space, change the images on the screen and look for these same dead pixels.

They are especially noticeable when viewing a picture of a completely flooded screen in a certain color. (My former boss used to search for dead pixels magnifying glass)

Why is it sometimes not possible to return the monitor under warranty ?.

All monitors are divided into classes.

  • 1 - in which there are no dead pixels and, if any, a warranty replacement is carried out
  • 2 - allows a certain amount of(up to 7) dead pixels (depending on the diagonal of the monitor)
  • 3 - up to 70

The most common is the 2nd class. This characteristic must be specified in the specification for the monitor. If not specified, a 1st class monitor.

Therefore, if your number of dead pixels does not exceed the allowable in its class, the probability of replacing the product is very low.

We decided on the location, we are trying to restore it.

Bad Crystal - restoration and prevention of a broken pixel

Let's start with software recovery methods. They are safe, i.e. should not make the situation worse.

All software methods use a quick color change in the "sick" area. The probability of returning dead pixels in working condition, more than 50%.

Bad Crystal is a paid program. The demo version has enough good tool. We will use them.

Download, install and run the program. Click on the red circled arrow

In the opened window with Activation, click "Continue" (Continue)

If you want to restore dead pixels on the screen of your phone, TV or game console, click the same arrow and select your product. We will focus on the monitor for the computer. Click "Fix Now"

In the trial version of the program, it is possible to use only the CCM mode with an efficiency of more than 55%. In the activated version, more efficient SMF and CFV modes are available with a recovery rate of up to 80%. PPM mode is a prophylactic mode. It is necessary to run a couple of times a month in case of successful restoration of a broken pixel to life.

Select CCM mode and click "Launch"

We point the opened window at the dead pixel and wait 10 minutes. We check. If nothing has changed, increase the speed (press Speed ​​Up) and leave it in the “sore” place for 20 minutes.

We check. Increase the speed to maximum and leave for 30 minutes. If it doesn't help, leave it overnight. If this does not help, we turn to physical methods.

If dead pixel came to life, then the program developer recommends prophylaxis (PPM mode) 2 times a month.

Select PPM mode. In the window that opens, click "Manual Mode" and minimize all windows

The screen is “massaged” with different colors. Wait for completion and close the program. If the program does not close, use the task manager and remove the selected tasks

For prevention, you can also use the following video on which the “massage” is recorded.

You need to download, unpack, run and point to the cured place.

  • (227 KB)

UDPixel is a free dead pixel repair tool.

This software product is free and allows you to work almost comfortably at your computer when performing recovery.

Download, install and run

In the Flash Windows field, it is possible to select the number of mustard plasters equal to the number dead pixels. For example, take 5 and click Start.

5 flashing dots will appear at the top left of the screen

Each point is required we need to move it under the dead pixel for 10 minutes. If it doesn't help O bet on 20, 30 or more.

The beauty is that you can choose the size of the "yellow card" 1 X 1 pixel or 5 X 5 pixels. Thanks to this, you can not distract from work when treating the monitor. Unless of course it annoys you.

In order to stop treatment, you must press "Reset"

UDPixel also allows you to conveniently test your monitor by clicking on the appropriate colors in the main program window. Moreover, it is possible to select any color by clicking on ... to the right of the yellow color

The function to run in the "Run cycle" cycle with an indication of the number of cycles will help to carry out monitor maintenance 2 times a month.

If software tools do not help, it is necessary to move on to physical or "manual" methods.

We restore a dead pixel in a “manual” way

Software methods are completely safe, unlike "physical" ones.

We take an ear stick or a pencil with a grater on the back end, or any other blunt soft object.

We find our "stuck" pixel and install the tool on it.

We make light pressure until the first “streaks” appear and release

We check. If it doesn’t help, add “Newtons” and repeat.

Then we move on to circular motions. We make the radius as small as possible. It is necessary to perform movements in both directions.

If it doesn't help. We make light pressure on the dead pixel and move the tool up a few pixels. We do the same in all 4 directions, then back to the center (broken pixel)

If it doesn’t help, then we take a not sharpened pencil and through a cloth napkin (so as not to scratch the surface), we repeat all the exercises.

If this did not give results, then it is necessary to combine the software and "physical" methods.


In this article, we met with an already rare defect - defective pixels. We figured out why it can be difficult to hand over a monitor under warranty.

We got acquainted with software (Bad Crystal and UDPixel) and "manual" methods of treatment.

In Ukraine, there is a law “on the protection of consumer rights” (something similar should be in Russia and other countries), on the basis of which you can return the goods within 14 days. Naturally, if the latter has retained its presentation.

Therefore, the main and most reliable means of dealing with dead pixels is to check the monitor immediately after purchase and return it if necessary.

Since dead pixels often occur when the monitor is working, it makes sense to take the product from the showcase where it has worked for some time.

Scientists from Cornell University and the University of Texas at Austin achieved 71% accuracy in recognizing blurry and pixelated images. If the algorithm makes five attempts in a row, then the recognition accuracy reaches 83%. However, the chance that a common person recognizes a face hidden behind pixels is 0.19%, according to Quartz.

To look beyond the veil of pixels, scientists have used relatively simple tools: a deep learning library with open source Torch , as well as neural network templates taken from it and standard sets data that is also in open access. It is this simplicity and availability of tools that distinguishes the method of scientists from other similar experiments. Earlier, scientists from the Max Planck Society developed human recognition on blurry photos on Facebook. They used a more complex program, but it is inferior in accuracy to the development of American scientists.

The researchers emphasize that relying on old methods of protecting privacy is no longer worth it. Computer vision and machine learning are able to see what is hidden from our eyes.

The algorithm does not recreate the face or image pixel by pixel, it only tells what or who is in the photo using pre-known data. The system works both with regular images with blur and pixels, and with P3 - the JPEG-encrypted format.

For the experiment, the researchers took regular images available on the web and then ran them through YouTube's pixelation tool. After that, the algorithm was provided with two sets of images - originals and processed versions. This approach made it possible to train the algorithm. In the future, he was shown other photographs of the same people, but the program still recognized them in blurry pictures from a different angle. The accuracy of personal identification was 57%, and with five attempts - 85%.

“We use this poor man approach. It is enough to take some training data, add neural networks, several basic image recognition algorithms - and even with this approach, you can get very good results,” said Vitaly Shmatikov, one of the authors of the study.

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Almost everyone can achieve such results, it is enough to find the necessary set of training data on the Internet. But scientists say it's not difficult - some data is publicly available on the Internet, such as a database of handwritten numbers. At the same time, the researchers note that there are already methods that are several times superior to their result, which means that you can no longer rely on pixelization.

Facial recognition could be the technology that will have the greatest impact on our future. It is enough to imagine that the whole city is equipped with cameras, all citizens are being monitored, and their identity is established almost instantly.

A Sichuan University professor uses hidden cameras to identify students and track their attendance. The same technology helps to determine the mood of students in lectures.

Hello, friends! Today we will learn how to detect and "revive" dead pixels on the LCD screen.

If you find a dead pixel on the screen of your LCD monitor, this does not mean that it really "died" and cannot be restored. You can try to fix this defect yourself.

A pixel is the smallest image element in a raster graphic, or the physical element of a display matrix. The image you see on your monitor is made up of many dots called pixels.

In a modern monitor, each pixel is controlled by a thin-film transistor, and when it fails, an inactive dot is formed on the screen - a dead pixel. As you understand, this problem can only be solved by replacing the corresponding transistor. This procedure is carried out in specialized laboratories and is not available to the average user. However, there is another type of dead pixels - stuck ones.

How to detect dead pixels?

There are many various programs, which cycles through different colors on the screen. The main feature will be any dot of a different color on a solid background. The pixel seems to get stuck in one position and does not respond to image changes. Such defects can be restored by some programs and physical manipulations.

How to repair a dead pixel?

Let's analyze the hardware (software) method with which you can identify and try to "revive" a dead pixel. Examples of such programs are Bad Crystal, JScreenFixDead and Dead Pixel Tester.

Dead Pixel Tester is a free utility that is designed to test and repair non-working pixels (

To do this, use the Dead Pixel Tester utility and run it. In the "Pattern" column, select the "Solid" option, next to the "Auto color cycle" column, check the box and set the time: 2500 ms. Leave the program running for one to two hours.

The principle of operation of this application is to stimulate the allegedly "dead" pixels with alternating colors. It happens that as a result of such color activity, faulty pixels begin to function normally.

If this does not help, you can use the mechanical method. Take cotton swab or a microfiber cloth (some people prefer to use an eraser), and then with a little pressure, swipe over the area of ​​​​the screen with a defective pixel from left to right and from bottom to top.

Repeat this process several times. If this procedure also did not help, then the pixel is really corrupted. Now you know what a pixel is and how to fix such defects. See you in new articles. Good luck! I would be grateful if you share this article with your friends.

Summer has begun, the heat and new jokes. I have studio apartment and, think for yourself, I decided to put a second computer in the kitchen with a 19-inch TFT monitor! And where does the summer and dead pixels? And here's the thing. 36 degrees outside, stove, oven and high humidity did their dirty work - a couple of dead pixels appeared on the monitor.

Dead pixels are constantly glowing or vice versa - dots or parts of a dot (subpixels) that do not work on the monitor. If the pixel does not work at all, then it always looks black and is noticeable only on white and light colors. This is the most harmless type of dead pixels, but it is almost impossible to treat.

The most common dead sub-pixels are when a bright red, blue, green, yellow, turquoise or magenta dot glows constantly. They are also called "stuck" pixels (stuck pixels). If such a pixel pops up in a prominent place, it is very annoying, especially red. If all three subpixels are buggy at once, then a white dot will glow on the screen.

By the way, defective pixels can both appear and disappear themselves. On my main monitor from the purchase itself, there were three multi-colored dots in the middle of the screen. When buying, I either did not notice them, or they appeared already at home, I don’t know. But I didn’t bother about this, because. they were absolutely invisible to the eye, if you do not peer. In 4 years of working with this monitor, I never noticed them, although they were in the middle of the screen.

I think this is due to the fact that my monitor is on an MVA matrix, and not on the common TN. Probably, the specificity of the matrix is ​​​​such that minor defects are not noticeable. So, I recently decided to check if these pixels can be removed in a new way. I checked and they weren't there! Gone somewhere all in formation

Programs for recovering dead pixels

It is not worth talking about high-tech methods used only in laboratories. Is it possible, in principle, to get rid of multi-colored dots at home? Yes it is possible! And I made sure of it myself. There are two ways to eliminate dead pixels - software and mechanical.

Restoration occurs due to the rapid change of colors of adjacent pixels. Thanks to this process, the subpixels are fed a large number of energy and they come alive. This technology promises to recover from 55% to 90% of "stuck pixels". True, each case may require a different amount of time, you will have to experiment if you can’t remove the damaged pixels from the raid. Experiments mean changing the speed of changing colors and the running time of the program.

The repaired pixel may get stuck again after a while, especially in hot weather. Then the treatment process will need to be repeated. In some cases, such a pixel cannot be completely cured.

UndeadPixel will suit most

Go to the official website and download the program installer. I recommend the installation version, not the portable version.

In the main window of the program, it is proposed to start by finding dead pixels by filling the screen with solid colors: red, lime, blue, white, black and yellow. Different dead pixels will be visible on different backgrounds. If you already know where your pixels are, then we immediately proceed to recovery.

UDPixel works like this: a square appears in which colors change quickly, i.e. the pixel recovery algorithm works there, and we need to move this square to the problem area of ​​the screen. In the "Undead pixel" section, you need to set the parameters:

  • Flash windows - the number of squares, i.e. how many problem areas are you going to treat at the same time
  • Flash size - the size of one square in pixels 1x1 or 5x5. Since it is very difficult to set a 1x1 square to exactly 1 pixel, a 5x5 area will do to restore even one pixel
  • Flash interval - pixel update rate by algorithm. The shorter the time, the faster speed. Maximum speed at 3ms.

Press Start and move the flickering square(s) to the defective places, see the video below. When the pixel starts blinking, then this is already an application for victory, just leave it on more time. If everything is unchanged, then select the maximum speed and wait until the pixel disappears. In the worst cases, it can take 10 hours, there is no point in waiting any longer.

The peculiarity of UDPixel is that during the restoration of pixels, you can continue to work if the squares are not large and do not interfere.

JScreenFix for browser

This is not a program, but just a website, free service in the Internet. Thanks to this, JScreenFix can be run on any device with the Internet: computer, laptop, tablet, MacBook or LCD panel.

Scroll down the page and click the "Launch JScreenFix" button. The JScreenFix script restores dead pixels in the same way as UDPixel, only without the ability to change the parameters, and it will not work at this time at the computer.

You need to move the iridescent square to the problem pixels, and if they are outside the browser window, then switch to full screen on the green button. Watch the video to see how Undead Pixel and JScreenFix work:

The manufacturers of these programs recommend doing preventive maintenance to your monitor, occasionally starting the “recovery process”. I don’t know how justified it is to spend my attention on this, but for plasma panels this can be really useful.

Bad Crystal - all-in-one combine

On the site you can both download the program and buy it. The free version runs for 30 days in limited functionality mode, which does not work with more advanced technologies. On the Internet you can find the version without restrictions

The program starts by selecting a device: computer screen, mobile phone, game console or plasma panel.

For mobile phones and game consoles, a video file is generated for the selected resolution. It will need to be played in repeat mode on a smartphone. For the TV, you can burn a DVD or flash drive with the finished video, or run it in Full Screen mode.

If you have a regular monitor or laptop, select "Computer Monitor". To display the additional menu, move the mouse to the top of the window. Four modes are available here: Common Clearing (CCM), System Modified (SMF), Complex Force (CFV), Personal Protection (PPM). The free version only works with CCM and PPM. The remaining two modes should provide a higher percentage of recovered pixels. CCM is selected by default.

Press "Launch" and move the window to the area of ​​broken pixels. We wait 5-10 minutes and check. If the point remains, then increase the speed using the "Speed ​​Up" button, which appears if you move the mouse to it, and wait another 10-15 minutes.

The developers claim that their algorithms allow not only to treat pixels, but also to eliminate spots on the screen and. But this is in the case when these are simply clusters of pixels that do not work correctly. Watch the video:

Further, so that the pixels do not get stuck again, it is recommended to turn on the automatic prevention mode - PPM. In this mode, the colors on the monitor change over time. The process starts 2-3 times a month when no one is working at the computer.

mechanical way

I have not tried this method, but I have seen many reviews in its favor. If the programs could not cope, then it's time to massage the monitor That's right. Take an ear stick and start doing massage on the site of a broken pixel. Just press not very hard, but so that stains appear, and massage the causal place. The case requires perseverance, as it may take from 10 to 30 minutes of work.

If it worked out - cheers! I congratulate you, you can “polish” this case with Bad Crystal. And if the pixel stubbornly does not want to recover, then you can try to run the program and simultaneously massage the place for about 15 minutes, then leave the program to work for 10 hours.

I hope that the article was very useful to you. Your friends will be very grateful if you share this information using the buttons social networks under the article.

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