Monica Bellucci husband Vincent Cassel. Monica Bellucci on divorce from Kassel: “Vincent and I will always love each other


Pax Tien

Monica Bellucci with her daughter Virgo

Monica Bellucci with daughter Leonie

Monica Bellucci with daughter LeonieMonica Bellucci with daughter LeonieMonica Bellucci with daughter LeonieMonica Bellucci with her daughter Virgo

Recently, Virgo and Leoni, who rarely get into the lenses of the paparazzi, amazed the public, so to speak, with their growing up. They were photographed together with Monica in Milan, and 12-year-old Virgo no longer looked like a girl, but a teenager, and 7-year-old Leoni looked like a real schoolgirl. Such stealth star daughters although it does not allow compiling an extensive lookbook of their images, it allows us to say a few words about their style, which has changed dramatically over the years. If Bellucci herself considers noble black her favorite color, she tries to dress her daughters more than positively. For example, in childhood, in warm weather, Virgo and Leoni wore sundresses, preferably free-cut and with lace. The color of these dresses and sundresses ranged from the traditional white and cream to hot pink and purple.

Often, girls' outfits were decorated with a floral pattern - this print is in Everyday life loves Belucci herself. And if Leoni, due to age, continues to wear things in children's style, then the matured Virgo switched to the style of a teenager. There are a lot of dresses in her wardrobe, but no longer naive, but more conservative and even seductive - with slits and artful decor. Like all girls her age, she wears jeans, pairing them with tops, long T-shirts, loose-fitting sweaters, and black coats - just like her mother wears. After the publication of new pictures of Virgo, Internet users noted that she is becoming more and more like Monica, not only in appearance, but also in style. We don’t know about you, but we are only happy about this fact!

Click on the photo to view the gallery Deva Kassel Monica Bellucci with daughter LeonieLeonie Cassel Vincent Cassel with daughter Leonie


Every week HELLO.RU talks about what celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of Pax Tien, the son of actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and today the daughters of actors Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel, Deva and Leonie, become the heroines of our column.

Click on photo to view gallery Monica Bellucci with her daughter Virgo

On August 3, 1999, in Monte Carlo, Monica Bellucci married Vincent Cassel, and 5 years later - on September 12, 2004 - in one of the clinics in Rome, she gave birth to his daughter, who was named the Virgin. Having become a mother for the first time at the age of 38, the actress admitted that her daughter was born at the most ideal moment for this:

She showed up exactly when needed. I have played so many roles and visited so many places that I am ready to give her everything she needs!

In 2009, when Bellucci was 45 years old, she found out about her second pregnancy and, like most women of her age, experienced the fear of having a baby:

Women over 40 who want children, among other things, are afraid that they will not be able to bear a child. And having given birth, they are worried that the husband would not run away, frightened of problems.

But Vincent Cassel did not run away from Monica at that time, but was incredibly happy about the birth of his second daughter. The girl was born on May 20, 2010 in Rome, her birth weight was 3.22 kilograms, her height was 53 centimeters.

Monica Bellucci with her daughter VirgoVincent Cassel with his daughter VirgoMonica Bellucci with daughter LeonieVincent Cassel with daughter Leonie

Monica Bellucci with daughter Leonie

I gave birth to my daughter for two and a half hours. She's so dark and pretty. Childbirth went naturally, like peasant women,

Bellucci said in an interview with Vanity Fair that the second pregnancy was easier for her than the first.

I was advised to have a second child immediately after the first, but I was not ready. And when, finally, I felt confident to take this step, I could only hope that it was not too late and that the child would appear as soon as possible. But kids are not a movie, you can't sit down at a table with a producer and a director and plan everything right... I don't feel brave, I'm just very lucky. But do not think that you need to take an example from me. Many people my age turn to surrogate mothers or IVF clinics. And if I had not managed to get pregnant, I would also be among these women.

My youngest daughter Bellucci and Kassel named Leonie, this name was coined when Monica was still pregnant. But the birth of the baby did not help save the couple's marriage, and in August 2013, after 19 years of relationship and 14 years of marriage, the actors divorced "by mutual agreement."

No one is to blame for the fact that the marriage broke up. My husband and I moved forward - each in his own direction, each more and more interested in something of his own. Gradually it became clear that our paths had diverged, that we were looking into different sides. I always say that it takes two to tango. The two of us gave birth to our love, the two of us breathed life into it for many years, the two of us decided to end it,

Bellucci said in an interview with Tatler magazine, noting that "at the time of the break, you need to understand that children are more important than us and our desires." And the couple really managed to create a comfortable atmosphere for their daughters, so they often try to communicate with their father, although they live with their mother in Lisbon.

Monica Bellucci with daughter LeonieMonica Bellucci with daughter LeonieMonica Bellucci with daughter LeonieMonica Bellucci with her daughter Virgo

The most extraordinary couple plunged the press and fans into shock with the announcement of their breakup. What caused the divorce of Monica Bellucci and Let's take a closer look and find out what they say former spouses on this occasion.

Statements from both sides

The divorce of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel happened after almost 18 years family life. Not only their fans, but also colleagues in the field of cinema considered the couple an example of an ideal marital union. In the marriage of Monica and Vincent, two lovely daughters: Deva and Leoni, who now live and study in Portugal.

At first, when information about the couple’s divorce had just leaked to the media, the only comment that Bellucci gave was: “We were divorced by our own lives. And if our paths completely diverge, we will continue to support warm relationship". In an interview with one of the famous Hollywood magazines, Monica expressed her attitude towards marriages, saying that one can never be sure how long this marriage can last.

Around the same time, Kassel gave an interview and said that they and his ex-wife very different, but perhaps this is what made their marriage so strong. When people are very different, they do not get tired of getting to know each other from new sides every day. He also noted that they were always good together, they never waited for someone's approval.

Absence of suspicion

Nothing bad was said on both sides, and the spouses speak quite kindly about each other. So why did Monica Bellucci divorce and It would be quite reasonable to conclude that if everything was good in a couple, the spouses would not divorce. Many friends and acquaintances of the couple have already noticed that the family had some relationship problems. But no one wanted to admit it: this idyll was so beautiful and harmonious that even the most important Hollywood gossips did not speculate on this basis.

When did Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel divorce?

Their divorce became known in August 2013, and yet in July of the same year, the couple, along with their daughters, Deva and Leoni, rested on the territory of the Greek islands, enjoying the sea and the sun. In connection with this event, it would be rather difficult to guess what is the reason for the divorce of Monica Belucci and Vincent Cassel, because the family looked absolutely happy. However, something happened that the fans of the couple did not want to hear: through their representatives, the spouses announced the divorce.

Hidden Problems

But in fact, many moments testified to a very imperfect relationship. First of all, it is a place of residence. Monica Bellucci most lived with her daughters in Rome, because Italy is her favorite country. While her husband Vincent spent almost all the time in Paris. It would seem that it's okay, because Rome and Paris are located so close to each other. But after a while, Kassel bought a house in Brazil and began to live there, constantly sharing in profiles social networks enthusiastic comments about new housing and natural beauties of the country.

Where did it all begin?

Let's go back many years. The couple got married in Monaco in 1999, 3 years later life together. Only the closest friends and relatives of the newlyweds were invited to the celebration. The marriage turned out to be very modest and without unnecessary pomposity. Then everything was just beginning, the newly-made husband and wife were infinitely happy and pleased with each other.

So how has everything changed, and what is true reason Divorce Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel? A year before the divorce, in an interview, Bellucci uttered a phrase that she was not sure about their future, but would really like them to be together. This again suggests that in a relationship star couple there were already omissions and disagreements related to living in different countries.

At 39, Monica gave birth to her first daughter, Deva. And then rumors about problems in a couple began to appear more and more often. Because Kassel had to constantly leave for filming and social events in France and other countries alone, while Bellucci spent all her time with her daughter in Rome and occasionally agreed to participate in filming.

The divorce of Monica Belucci and Vincent Cassel, the reasons for their separation, omissions in the relationship - all this was discussed in the media for a very long time. One thing is worth noting: the former spouses still provide mutual support, do not swear at each other and give love to their daughters, and this is worthy of respect.

At first, no one could believe that this romance would last longer than a month: after all, 30 years of difference make themselves felt. But 51-year-old French artist Vincent Cassel and 21-year-old Italian top model Tina Kunaki proved to the world that age is just numbers. After 2 years of relationship, and now, it seems, the rejuvenated Kassel is not at all afraid of the coming crisis of 55 years.

The romantic story of their acquaintance is generously flavored with gossip about the breakup of the actor with Monica Bellucci. Editorial "AWESOME" decided to remember how the relationship of a hot couple developed, and dispel popular myths. Hold 8 interesting facts about the most discussed novel of the year.

1 Cassel Dumped Monica Not Because Of Tina

The 18-year-old marriage of a Frenchman with an Italian film star burst loudly in 2013. Probably one of the reasons for the breakup was Belucci's unwillingness to move to Brazil, from which her ex-husband is simply crazy - so much so that he even became a capoeira master. With future wife the actor met only after 2 years.

2. Tina didn’t fall for Kassel’s popularity at all

Vincent and Tina met in Ibiza in 2015 and immediately took a liking to each other. Kunaki recalls that she did not immediately recognize in a man famous actor because I haven't seen any of his films. “It’s just that two people were in the same place at the same time and liked each other. This is the case when life gave you a gift,- explained the model.

3. The day after they met, Vincent asked for lunch with her father

“I didn’t find out Tina’s age until the next day, and also that her father was terribly worried, waiting for her until late in the evening. Then I offered to have lunch with her dad. I understood that this was crazy, because we had only known each other for a day. But the idea seemed good."- recalls the actor.

At lunch, Cassel also met Tina's brother. They had a good time, talked about cinema. Since then, the relationship of lovers has developed rapidly.

4. Monica and Tina have a lot in common

Both fiery Italians, both started their modeling careers at a young age. Who knows, maybe one day the young wife of Kassel will try herself in the cinema.

5. Love online

A little later, Kassel publicly confessed his love to her, dedicating a romantic ballad to the girl.

“This life is a dance from beginning to end. I am happy and only God understands my joy. I see everything I want in you".

6. In 2018, the lovers met in their beloved city of Kassel. It was a sign.

Mark New Year with your beloved woman in your beloved Rio de Janeiro - just the height of bliss. Judging by this photo, the actor already knew for sure: next to him is the future Madame Cassel.

By the way, the young wife does not share Cassel's passion for Brazilian music (and he only listens to her). “He is a real gentleman, smart, funny and seductive, but with a disgusting musical taste», - shares the model.

7. The marriage proposal came as a big surprise to Tina.

The reaction of the girl to the ring was ambiguous: “When he proposed to me, he just took me by surprise. We never touched on this topic. I didn’t immediately agree, for me it was like a bolt from the blue.”

8. Have a common "baby"

After the wedding, journalists were keenly interested in the plans of the star couple for procreation. Recall that Vincent already has two daughters from his first marriage, but he is ready for the birth of a third child. However, his young wife is not yet in a hurry to become a mother. However, the couple has someone to take care of: in 2017, Kassel gave the model a kitten.

“Last year I went to Cuba for work. Vincent sent me a photo of a kitten with the caption “look who is waiting for you”. I burst into tears of happiness ... ",- the model shared a touching memory.

In the meantime, the newlyweds enjoy honeymoon, ex-wife of Kassel,. After all, everything that is done, everything is for the best? How do you think?

Three versions

There are at least three versions of the acquaintance of Bellucci and Kassel in glossy publications.

First: the filming of the film "The Apartment" began with the fact that an inexperienced and therefore agitated actress crushed her partner's leg - at that time a rising star of European cinema. Like a true Frenchman, Vincent allegedly apologized, gallantly kissed Monica's hand, looked into her eyes and ... disappeared!

Version two: the same picture - an excited Monica inadvertently steps on Vincent's leg with a sharp hairpin. Like a true French bad boy, he calls his partner a chick, however, looking more closely, he clarifies: “Beautiful chick!” Which, in the mouth of the Parisian playboy and the “bully guy” (characteristic of the yellow press), meant the following: I like her and will be mine.

The third version and, perhaps, the closest to the truth: 1996, Paris, the first shooting day of the film "Apartment", the leading actors walk in circles, trying not to notice each other, but also not hiding mutual hostility. Let's give the floor to Bellucci herself: “No spark ran between us. And don’t tell me anything about love at first sight, it didn’t exist either. Rather, it was dislike at first sight. I saw Vincent and thought: "God, how arrogant he is."

Kassel argued with the producers to the last, protesting against the foreigner in the casting: “French actresses have transferred, as I understand it?” And when he saw his partner with his own eyes, he did not hide his indignation: "Another busty model who imagines herself an actress."

Having worked his way out on set, Kassel, an amateur nightlife and casual sex, undertook the usual raid on the capital's clubs. In one of which, almost from the threshold, he laid eyes on the stately brunette, standing with her back to him, and rushed to get acquainted. Guess who the stranger is?

Of course it was Mo...

"I remembered the parables of the witches"

Cinema is a great pimp. Even a simple kiss in front of a movie camera (not to mention explicit scenes) magically turns partners into lovers with all the consequences, such as: broken families, couples, hearts ... In this sense, Monica and Vincent had an advantage: both were loners. As for hostility towards each other - so it disappeared as their on-screen heroes plunged into the abyss of love and passion.

Kassel played a man obsessed with a woman, the heroine of Belucci. And it was obvious to everyone present: the Italian woman seduces Kassel, and not his character. Even before the cameras started rolling, Monica let down her long blue-black hair and moved with catlike grace. film set in lace underwear. She knew very well what this moment all the men present think, including Vincent.

Kassel himself, who doesn’t particularly indulge the press with revelations, considered it necessary to talk about the “X” moment: “When Monica began to play her part, everyone fell silent. I myself plunged into darkness, warm water from which I did not want to get out. And he remembered the parables of medieval witches who charmed men with one look, one smile, one movement of the hip.

And the man died! Forever! Then I also realized that I was gone.”

What he did not realize right away was what an unusual woman his fate had brought him together with.

Guest marriage

“From the beginning of our romance, I set a condition for Vincent: everyone has their own life, and you should not violate other people's borders.” Kassel expected to hear from new girlfriend anything but that. A favorite of arthouse directors and moviegoers, the offspring of a Parisian bohemian family was clearly puzzled: the Italian provincial, a little-known half-model, half-actress, even if divinely beautiful, is not at all eager to build a serious relationship with him. And he doesn't want to hear about marriage! Kassel has never encountered anything like this in relationships with women. Usually it was he who dodged insinuating conversations “about the future” and, at the first opportunity, disappeared from the horizon of life beyond the measure of an obstinate passion. And here…

Well, the “bully guy” had to accept: his woman continued to live in Rome, sometimes in London, where she had an apartment, and he lived in Paris. In order to see his beloved more often, he actively promoted Belucci to the French film market, and the couple began to be invited to projects. “I love working with Vincent. For us, this is another opportunity to be together, ”Belucci said.

For three years Kassel tried to persuade her to marry him. Perhaps the obstinate Italian would have denied for a few more years if Vincent had not been in a car accident. “At some point, I decided that being a widow was more logical than former mistress. In addition, black color goes any woman more than anyone else, ”said Bellucci, demonstrating out of nowhere black humor that had come from.

But what really shocked fans and secular media - immediately after the official wedding ceremony, the bride and groom habitually went home: Monica flew to Rome, Vincent stayed in Paris. I had to explain. It was then that the curious public found out that the initiator of the so-called guest marriage was not Kassel at all (which everyone was sure of, knowing his independent disposition), but Monica, who was associated not only with Italian film stars of the neo-realism era, but also with Italians in general, women obsessed with family values.

So. “I have never been obsessed with marriage,” said Bellucci. - Idea big house, where everyone returns in the evening, has dinner in front of the TV and goes to bed, does not appeal to me. Routine kills passion. If Vincent and I start to miss each other, just buy a plane ticket.”

Of course, she did not manage to get off with one interview. “Due to the fact that Vincent and I do not see each other long time, we just don’t have time to quarrel!” Plus… “For me, being free is the only way to love. Nobody belongs to us: neither our husbands nor our children. We can only share something with the people we love.” And in cohabitation, she categorically does not like the fact that "after a night of love, the man turns on the other side and falls asleep, and the woman begins to think."

Well, Monica honestly and quite extensively explained her attitude towards the institution of traditional marriage. Journalists did not have a chance to find out Kassel's opinion. It doesn't cover personal issues at all. Although some disagreement with the rules set by his beautiful wife can be seen in banal excuses like: “Yes, we are different, but this is wonderful! I couldn't fall in love with myself. She's Italian, I'm French, everything happens between us. I love Monica and I am happy that I live with a person who, like me, values ​​​​freedom most of all.

So everything is great? Relationship close to ideal? Is it true, given that...

And Mo is not enough

“…Actually, I'm jealous. My maternal ancestors came from Corsica, and from them I inherited my rabid disposition. But I prefer not to torment myself with suspicions, ”Vincent once confessed. But most likely, he tormented himself with suspicions: far from his beloved, the emotional Frenchman a priori could not imagine her in the arms of another man.

Yes, and how not to imagine, when the tabloids were grinding, how Monica lost her innocence! Her former lover surrendered to reporters. Valerio Varani, now an exemplary family man and father of two children, once deprived the “beautiful Mo” of her virginity. She was 17, he was 22.

“Monica admitted that she was impatient to make love,” fellow countryman Bellucci showed an excellent memory. “But it turned out that we had nowhere to do THAT: mothers were at home, and the owner of the hotel could snitch on parents. In a word, we chose the park. As soon as I touched her, she flunked me and almost raped me. She was insatiable, demanding not to stop, although my strength was running out. But Mo was not enough. I am sure that many respectable mothers walking children in the park heard her moans coming from the bushes. But my lust-mad friend didn’t care.”

Fortunately for Monica, in the future she came across more delicate and noble men. In any case, nothing spicy about her intimate life on the pages of magazines no longer fell. There was a brief marriage to photographer Claudio Carlos Basso (“Every marriage comes to an end sooner or later. In any case, Claudio and I parted ways as good friends.”) There was a six-year romance with actor Nicolas Farron, there was an outright flirtation with Keanu Reeves on the set of the film Bram Stoker's Dracula, that's all.

And then - Vincent Cassel. An explosive, prickly and unpredictable Frenchman, whom a devilishly beautiful Italian forced to live by her own rules. It is not difficult to understand what worried Vincent - the fear that Monica could fly away from his arms at any moment.

After worldwide success film "Malena" Kassel bitterly stated: "I made titanic efforts to make the woman I love famous actress. Her dream came true. I was out of work."

Novels on the side

Of course, he exaggerated. But… How do you order to remain calm when all the French magazines are savoring, for example, such a film festival episode: George Clooney, following the “divine Mo” with his eyes, could hardly stay on his feet - he stumbled and did not crash to the floor only thanks to the help of his friends.

And hints at the courtship of Gerard Depardieu on the set of "Asterix and Obelix"?

And the claims of the main Hollywood macho Bruce Willis? Bellucci played the lead roles with him in the film Tears of the Sun. Who will prove to Vincent that it was not “this bald dude” who convinced the producers to choose Monica from hundreds of applicants? And the shooting took place not in the city, not at the film studio, but in Hawaii, where, according to rumors, everything is free time his wife spent with Willis.

Finally, this is her interview: “I think being with someone is a miracle, so I can’t say whether we are together in Vincent forever or not. Agree, it is unnatural to have one partner in life, we all change partners. It's just that sometimes when we do that, we prefer to keep quiet about it, don't we?"

In a word, rumors about Cassel's romance with Brazilian model Roberta Suares and actress Jennifer Aniston can be with good reason consider the revenge of a wounded spouse. Of course, Cassel's relationship with the ex-wife of Brad Pitt on the set of the film "Derailed" aroused the closest interest of secular publications. “What happens between them is real chemistry,” eyewitnesses described. “They mostly speak in whispers and look at each other all the time.”

Monica's reaction? Wise and calm, as always. “Another woman next to your husband is dangerous by definition, even if she is terrible as a mortal sin! A man can change just for a change. But I don't care about other women in Vincent's life. I'm not jealous of him. Jealous, you encroach on his freedom.

"My wife is a woman with balls"

Isn't there a banal indifference behind such statements by Belucci? This question has been asked by many. First of all, those who stubbornly do not believe in the strength of guest marriages. At some point, Monica became annoyed. “I always knew that I could hasten the end if I somehow began to restrict his freedom,” she says. - You know what? I'm not going to make excuses! If I weren’t an actress, I would marry a local guy in Citta di Castello, give birth to three children for him and commit suicide.” This woman knows how to convince.

No one knows why some families break up, while others do not, no one has yet discovered this secret. Monica and Vincent were on the verge of a divorce. And more than once.

It seemed to many that the scandalous film "Irreversibility", in which they starred together, would play the same role with the spouses. bad joke that played the tape "Eyes Wide Shut" with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. No, it's not about the terrible scene of cruelty of the heroine Monica's violence. As Kassel said: “I knew for sure: my wife is a woman with balls. She has the guts to play it!"

Demonstration of your own intimate life through the characters - this was what became a problem for the Hollywood couple Kidman-Cruz and, as it was supposed, could destroy the relationship between Kassel and Belucci. But our heroes only laughed at the stupidity of the reporters. And when rumors about their "imminent" separation reached a climax, they announced that they were expecting their first child.

The irreversibility of love

“I am not one of those women who believe that a child can keep a man. But Virgo appeared exactly at the moment when I wanted it more than anything else. I always lived for myself, but at some point I realized: this is no longer enough for me. Kassel has long persuaded his wife to give birth and start living together. She agreed to neither. But time put everything in its place.

The birth of a baby in 2004 gradually changed both Monica and the nature of her relationship with her husband. It all started with little things: “I used to hate standing at the stove, but now I love the fragrant smell of freshly cooked food.”

Then Vincent, with surprise and undisguised joy, heard this: “What I would like now is to move with Vincent and the Virgin somewhere south, to the sea and give birth to another child. You can play movies all your life, but you can’t have children.”

Kassel also did not blunder: “A couple of individualists who loved each other very much became not just two actors with their own plans and ambitions, but first of all a mother and father. With the birth of the Virgin, Monica and I began to adapt to the rhythm of our baby's life, and not to the shooting schedules, as before. If a girl is teething or just needs to take a walk with her, all this cannot be canceled just because her star dad or mom needs to see an agent or give a dozen interviews.

How did Monica cope with postpartum depression? “The only remedy for postpartum depression is the love of a husband.” Are they raising a daughter together? “Of course! Only in relation to the Virgin I play the role of a bad cop, and he is a good cop. Vincent overwhelms her with gifts, but I always remind you that an independent personality must be brought up in a girl.

What about Vincent? Have his feelings for Monica changed over time? “A few years ago, when asked what I would do five minutes before the end of the world, I would answer: jump with a parachute. Right now, I'd rather make love to my wife."

Back in 1996, on the set of the film "The Apartment", the then young and inexperienced Bellucci met with a French actor with a reputation " bad boy", Kassel. Their relationship did not start right away. It seemed to Monica that Vincent was an arrogant, narcissistic man, in turn, Vincent thought about Monica that she was not even an actress really, but an ordinary model with big breasts, who imagined that she had some kind of outstanding talent.

“I met Vincent while working on a film - my first French film"Apartment". And since then we have been together for 18 years (of which 13 are married), ”said Monica Bellucci. - “It was not spontaneous and instantaneous, not at all. He attracted me, but at the same time I was not sure about him. We started dating, I don't even know why."

Events did not turn out the way Vincent and Monica expected on the first day of their acquaintance. The work on the film was over, and by that time Cassel and Bellucci were already incredibly in love with each other. But the French heartthrob should not have rushed - the complete surrender of the inaccessible Italian was still far away.

After working on the “Apartment”, Bellucci stated that every person needs personal space, and here there can be no question of living together, and even more so of marriage. These words hurt the actor very much - before, when he met with other women, he always tried to avoid any talk about a joint future. They met for three years and in 1999 joined their union with wedding vows.

“You never know how long it will last. You can never tell what will happen next. Of course, I would be very happy if we were always together. But I don't know how it will be in reality, no one knows. You should never take things for granted, especially in a relationship. But we have children, and our love for them means that this love is forever. Of course, I hope that our relationship is forever, but I am working on it, day by day, ”said Bellucci.

For a very long time there were rumors that the marriage of Bellucci and Cassel would take place in an open ceremony, but Monica slightly opened the veil of this secret to the public when she said: “I never delved into what he prefers, and he never influenced what I choose. We are very independent from each other, we live in different worlds: his friends are his friends and my friends are my friends.

Perhaps these words refer to their lifestyle together, but certainly not to the romantic aspect of their relationship. A huge amount of rumors and gossip constantly hovered around their marriage, but the relationship between Monica and Vincent turned out to be stronger than ill-wishers would like. After the wedding, Bellucci worked a lot on films, and her shooting partners were very, very attractive men- George Clooney, Bruce Willis, Gerard Depardieu and others. All this, of course, made Kassel jealous, but jealousy did not cause a break or separation of the spouses.

After shooting the film "Irreversible" Monica gave birth to Vincent's daughter, which led the public to extreme surprise. However, this event greatly influenced the life of the spouses. Finally, Monica wanted family comfort and warmth. Kassel began to devote more time to his family - his wife and little daughter.

But this story is not destined to have a fabulous and happy ending: in August 2013, the actors broke up. The first few months after such a shocking event for fans, neither Monica Bellucci nor Vincent Cassel mentioned the reason for the divorce. After 2 years, the press still managed to find out something.

“We are too different,” is a phrase that the star repeats repeatedly in interviews. “We parted without scandals, by mutual decision. Vincent is happy to see his daughters. He has his own life, and I have mine,” Bellucci confesses.

Monica claims that she was aware that a long-distance marriage cannot last forever. Moreover, as it became known recently, long years before having children married couple lived just like lovers, but not a family. Moreover, as some media assure, the reason for the divorce of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel lies in his love for "free relationships". This actress comments as: “After all, when I was married, I said more than once that it was stupid of me to expect fidelity from him. I didn’t need sex, but the confidence that he would always be there, especially in difficult times.”

Vincent and Monica broke up easily. There was none public scandals, no lawsuits, no section of children. Just one day they realized that their marriage was no longer real. The girls, Deva and Leoni, stayed with their mother. But Vincent often sees them and participates in their lives. Monica says that she will always be grateful to him for giving her the main thing in her life - her daughters.

Already in 2015, Vincent was noticed in Ibiza in the company of a charming beauty. They appeared everywhere together and, apparently, also arrived together. The actor did not tell reporters anything about her, but this is probably serious - otherwise he would not have gone out with her to the public. However, maybe this is just speculation - after all, they behaved very modestly and no one saw any hugs or kisses.

And what about Monica? She works. For two years, the actress starred in four films. She also brings up her daughters and one day Monica said that she wants to teach her girls to listen to their own inner voice and know that they can realize themselves, and they do not need any partner for this. She says this in her interview: According to foreign media, after the divorce, the actress reciprocated the courtship of the famous Azerbaijani billionaire Telman Ismailov, as evidenced by their joint footage. Therefore, there is a possibility of a romance between them, however, so far this is only speculation.

“When I was young, I didn’t have many girlfriends. Of course, I was an active young guy, I rushed from one girl to another, but I was not with any of them for more than three or four months, ”recalls Vincent Cassel. “Monica was my first real love, we have been together for a very long time, I think I did the right thing that I decided to wait for her.

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