Smeshariki Nyusha's birthday. Children's birthday in the style of Smeshariki

Nyusha (according to her passport - Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina) is a young Russian pop singer. Her songs have repeatedly occupied leading positions in domestic charts, foreign cartoon characters spoke in her voice, and eminent music publications called Nyusha "the most memorable event of recent years."

Nyusha's childhood

Nyusha grew up in a family of musicians. Her dad, Vladimir Shurochkin, sang in the group " Tender May", and after started solo career. Irina Aleksandrovna Shurochkina, mother future singer, performed with a rock band.

WITH early childhood Nyusha did not part with the microphone. From the age of three, she took vocal lessons from Viktor Pozdnyakov. The producer claimed that the girl managed to perfectly develop an innate ear for music in just one year of study.

At the age of five, Anya first appeared in recording studio, where she sang "The Big Dipper's Song". The girl experienced such intense emotions from participating in the recording that she began to sing everywhere: at home, in the car with her parents, in the village with her grandmother. Supporting her interest, the father gave his daughter a synthesizer, hired a solfeggio and piano tutor. Anya recorded her first "real" song at the age of 8. The composition called "Night" was performed on English language.

Later, when a twelve-year-old girl performed at a concert in Cologne, singing this and several other English-language compositions own composition, listeners were amazed by her purest pronunciation without an accent.

At the age of 9, Nyusha attended children's theater dance and fashion "Daisies". Together with the group, she performed at the largest concert venues Russia, including the Kremlin concert hall. But pretty soon the girl broke up with the Daisies team, deciding that she liked making music more.

At the age of eleven, the aspiring artist joined the Grizzly group. The team lasted 2 years, in a month of performances traveled half of Russia and went on tour in Germany. This was Anya's first serious tour, with which the girl coped well, withstanding all the difficulties of a nomadic life.

Nyusha in the group "Grizzly"

Shortly after the collapse of the Grizzlies, at the family council it was decided to send Nyusha to the casting of the Star Factory. The girl did not want to compete with other performers, saying that such a format deprives the music of a “live” component, its individuality and emotions. But the father convinced his daughter that the "Factory" is the best suited for a career start. However, the audition ended unsuccessfully due to Ani's young age.

The beginning of Nyusha's career

In 2007, a seventeen-year-old girl tried her luck by auditioning for the TV show STS Lights Superstar. Having sung to the jury two songs by Bianca and Christina Aguilera, she passed the selection and got on the transfer. During the competition, a pseudonym was born, known to every fan of Russian pop music, sonorous and concise word"Nyusha" is a derivative of the real name of the singer.

Nyusha on the show "STS Lights a Superstar"

A year later, Nyusha took seventh place in international competition in Jurmala New wave and recorded the final song main character in the movie Enchanted.

The singer's first single "Howl at the Moon" was released in early 2009. Nyusha said that the composition was written during a depression after breaking up with a young man. In the same year, the song brought the girl a victory at the "God of the Air" award in the "Radio Hit - Performer" nomination and was nominated for "Song of the Year".

Nyusha's debut album

The first album of the singer - "Choose a Miracle" - went on sale in November 2010. The album, which debuted at seventh place in the charts, was received ambiguously by critics: someone believed that the “Miracle” did not reflect the individuality of the young singer, but most listeners rated the album positively, noting that it was not without musical paradox, and in the texts you can find mystical motives worthy of Viktor Pelevin.

The success and takeoff of Nyusha's career

2011 was truly phenomenal for Nyusha. Anna released the singles "Above" and "It Hurts", and also sang a duet with French performer Gilles Luca. In the spring, the singer was nominated for the Muz-TV award in two categories: “ Best Female Singer" And " Best Album”, However, the star lost the title of winner to Vera Brezhneva and Sergey Lazarev.

But the European MTV EMA 2011 ceremony brought Nyusha the title of "Best Russian artist”, After which Billboard Russia magazine included the girl in the “Twenty Major Musical Events of the Year”. The year ended with no less grandiose achievements: the title track of the album “Choose a Miracle” became the main song of the year according to the Afisha publication, and the composition “It Hurts” received the title of the most memorable pop hit over the past two decades.

On April 22, 2014, Nyusha's second solo album, "Association", was released. The album was rated positively: Nyusha was named the leader among the "shameless" Russian pop singers, and the listeners felt that the songs "matured" along with the singer.

Film career Nyusha

On television, they did not disregard the rapidly soaring to the top musical Olympus singer. In 2011, she played herself in the series "Univer" in tandem with Vitaly Gogunsky.

Nyusha's voice can be heard in the cartoon "Rango", where the singer voices an ah-ah animal named Priscilla. Together with the singer, Ivan Okhlobystin and Boris Klyuev worked on the voice acting of the picture.

The next invitation to voice acting appeared soon - in the same year, 2011, Nyusha voiced Smurfette in the film The Smurfs. This time, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan became her "colleague in the shop".

In 2016, Nyusha was invited to Moscow Evenings, a new fun show Ivan Urgant, broadcast on Channel One.

Nyusha's personal life

Like most celebrities, Nyusha prefers to remain silent about the details of her personal life. It is known that at the beginning singing career the singer was in a relationship with the star of "Kadetstva" Aristarkh Venes, met with hockey player Alexander Radulov, who played the role of the girl's lover in the video "It hurts", and rejected the courtship of rapper ST.

In the summer of 2012, the media were full of headlines: “Nyusha and Vlad Sokolovsky are dating!”. The couple vacationed together in the Maldives and had fun on secular parties. However, their relationship was the result of the joint work of celebrity PR managers.

In 2014, Nyusha began a close relationship with Yegor Creed. In February 2016, the young people broke up. Nyusha chose to remain silent about the reasons for the breakup, but Yegor clearly hinted that the matter was not without the participation of the singer's father. At a concert dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, the young man sang Nyusha's song "Only" and added another verse to the composition, in which the following line appeared: "What the hell is love - your dad's opinion is stronger." The video recording was removed from Youtube for "copyright infringement" after a complaint by Vladimir Shurochkin.

In 2016, the press declassified the name of Nyusha's new boyfriend (which she hid from the public for a long time and carefully). It turned out to be Igor Sivov from International Federation student sports. Igor had a marriage with choreographer Elena and two adult sons behind him.

It has already become a tradition in our family to hold themed children's birthdays with contests, prizes and the sea positive mood. Sonechka's daughter's third birthday was no exception. The plot of the holiday was predetermined - "In the country of Smesharikov", since Sonechka really likes the characters of this animated series. Here is the birthday script and a small photo report.

chief actor the holiday was a clown, which was portrayed by my mother. He invited the guests and the birthday girl to visit the country of Smeshariki.

CLOWN: Hello, boys! Hi girls! Why are there so many of you? Did you come to visit me?


CLOWN: How not to me? And to whom then? Aaah, to Sonya perhaps?

CLOWN: What happened? Does Sonya have a holiday today?

CLOWN: Birthday?

CLOWN: And what - will there be funny songs, dances, contests, prizes?

CLOWN: And how old is our birthday girl? Sonechka, how old are you?

SONECHKA: 3 (points to fingers).

CLOWN: And you? And you? (She asks all the little guests and some adults, asks to show her age on her fingers.) Surprisingly, adults liked this entertainment much more than children.

CLOWN: Oh, what are you all already adults! And do you know how old you are? You are just great! Guys, do you want to visit the country of Smesharikov with your mothers?

CLOWN: Great! Because my friends Smeshariki have prepared a lot for you interesting competitions and prizes! But before you go to the country of Smeshariki, I suggest you eat. (As the experience of past years has shown, it is better to feed the children first, and then arrange competitions, because some bring the children hungry, and, of course, they are not up to the holiday. Children and mothers are invited to the festive table, where, among other treats there were also Nyusha sandwiches. After everyone has eaten, the clown reappears.)

CLOWN: Well, guys? Do you have magical powers?

CLOWN: Haha! So I believed you! Maybe you are deceiving me, huh? Let's check how strong you have become after Sonya's magic treats?

The clown invites the children to repeat simple movements to the poem.

Handles to the sides and up (make appropriate movements)
In front of you on the belt
And jump-jump, jump-jump.
We circled once, twice, (circling around)
Head is spinning. (grab your head with your hands and tilt to the sides)
Handles sat on our shoulders, (handles on our shoulders)
Twisted - (handles on the shoulders, make turns left and right)
It became easier (inhale and exhale).

CLOWN: Yes! And indeed you have become very strong! All movements were repeated after me and no one made a mistake! Well done! Well, now I propose to solve the riddles about the inhabitants of the country of Smeshariki. Ready?

CLOWN: Moms, you can help us. And if you guys or your moms give the right answers, then after each riddle one of the inhabitants of the Smeshariki country will appear! (The role of the inhabitants of the country of Smeshariki went to soft toys-Smeshariki: for her birthday, we decided to give our daughter a whole detachment of Smeshariki.)

He is round and loves honey,
He has a garden.
He likes to sleep in winter...
Guess who I'm talking about? (Kopatych)

He doesn't like to draw
He loves fixing more!
He came to us from the ice floes,
And we call him... (Pin)

Very kind, but not brave,
He writes poetry skillfully.
Guessed this time
What is his name? (Barash)

It is not gray, not colored,
Just light blue
Runs, frolics,
Likes to have fun!
This mischievous
Everyone knows for sure! (Krosh)

No doubt he is smart:
Knows more than a hundred names!
He will give you good advice
And his name is... (Losyash)

Likes to try on dresses
And change hairstyles
Very delicious to eat...
Who is this? (Nyusha)

He is a wise old raven,
He loves to sleep during the day!
He is friends with Kopatych,
And they call... (Kar-Karych)

This is our smesharik
Straight prickly ball!
Will always help you
It's like... (Hedgehog)

Can you knit a sock
And help bake the cake
Great singer,
Her name is... (Sovunya)

CLOWN: Well done! All riddles solved! But that's not all - our adventures in the country of Smeshariki are just beginning! My friends Smeshariki have prepared tests for you. And the first - from the grumbler Kopatych.

Competition "In the garden at Kopatych." We will need: 2 basins, a box with balls of two colors (foil, paper or plastic), children's scoops according to the number of participants. Owls are given to children. At the command of the clown, the children take out the scoop from cardboard box balls and transfer the yellow balls to one basin, and the red ones to another.

CLOWN: Guys, our Kopatych is so distracted that he collected all the seeds from his garden in one basket. Can we help him separate the pumpkin seeds from the tomato seeds?

Contest from Pin "Build a tower". From the Lego constructor, children are invited to build a tower. Mothers also participate in the competition.

Competition from Barash "Portrait". For this competition, I prepared a portrait of Krosh in advance, but I cut out the eyes and ears separately. Children and mothers were offered with eyes closed correctly attach ears and eyes to the portrait. (Everyone liked the contest very much, the children tried it several times.)

Competition from Krosh "Bunnies". The clown invites children to jump like bunnies, show what ears bunnies have, remember what bunnies eat and where they live.

Competition from Losyash "Know-it-all". For this competition, I printed out cards with various animals in advance. The children were asked to name the animal depicted on the card, to remember the sound that this animal makes. Some children showed how the animal moves and said what it eats.

Competition from Nyusha "Fashion sentence". For the competition you will need: neckerchiefs, scarves, clip-on earrings, bracelets, beads (anything you can find). Fashionista Nyusha offered to make our mothers fashionable too. Children dress up their mothers. (The competition went off with a bang: the kids really enjoyed digging into the basket with beads and bracelets and dressing up their mothers.)

Competition from Kar-Karych "Flower-seven-flower". For this competition, I prepared 6 circles of the same color (flower hearts and petals). She laid out 5 cores on the floor and announced to the children that suddenly a hurricane came out of nowhere and plucked all the petals from the flowers, and they got mixed up. Now we have to pick up petals of the same color for each core.

Competition from Sovunya "Magic Path". On sheets of cardboard, I drew the silhouettes of the feet, hands and circles. Arranged in chaotic order and invited the children to walk along the magic path: on the image of the foot - put the leg, where the palm is drawn - the palm, and on the image of the circle - the knee. (Moms liked the magic path much more, and the children were terribly fun to watch how adults try to get on the squares correctly. They supported us - shouted: "Mom! Come on! Leg! Knee!".)

While the guests made their way along the magical path, the clown went for a cake and solemnly brought it into the room. The eyes of the children shone with happiness! Of course, we devoted 10 minutes to blowing out the candles - every little guest tried to blow out.

Then the children sat down to drink tea with a cake and watch a cartoon, and the mothers sat down to chat at the "adult" table. But even after tea drinking, the guests did not want to leave. For more than an hour, the children drew, played, looked at gifts, sang karaoke and danced. And at that time, I asked my mothers to write wishes to our birthday girl on a poster.

The celebration culminated in fireworks balloons(balloons we released on the street). This is how the 3rd anniversary of my daughter Sonyushka passed!

Tatyana Pisklyukova


An interesting scenario! It’s clear that mom devotes a lot of time to children and it’s great! Of course, now there are a lot of holiday agencies, you can invite a host or go to the nursery Entertainment Center(also very fun and interesting for kids), but in my opinion, the holidays created by parents, thought out and made specifically for their child, and not according to a template, are much more valuable.

03/22/2014 11:54:11 pm, BBC

Very cool idea for a children's party! I'll definitely take note and use it when the opportunity arises.

Comment on the article "Children's birthday with Smeshariki: holiday scenario"

What is the busiest day of the year? For mothers and children, this is the eve of a birthday ... The child languishes in anticipation of miracles, and parents are tormented by feelings: “Have we foreseen everything, what if something goes wrong? ..” And indeed, noisy children, brushing aside the imposed stereotypes, often launches the holiday according to its scenario. And adults are addicted to the idea of ​​arranging the best holiday, and at the most inopportune moment they realize that they overdid it. That moment when an awkward pause hangs in the midst of the fun, in my mother's head ...

On May 28, during the celebration of the City Day and on the eve of Children's Day, an interesting and unusual event. Heroes in Alexander Park children's cartoon"Smeshariki" will acquaint little Petersburgers with the most common in the world intellectual game- Go. – We want to tell children about the game of Go. After all younger generation largely determines what our future will be like. And it is important for us to convince the children and their parents: playing Go is not only good for the mind...

On the eve of children's day parents have a lot of questions, the main ones are: where to celebrate a birthday in Belgorod, how to organize, what to give as a gift. The pre-holiday fuss begins, shopping, consultations with relatives and friends. It is necessary to buy food in advance, set the festive table, bake or order a cake, decorate the room. A significant amount of effort, energy and time is spent on preparing for a birthday. Let's take a look at the day...

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The company "Pisan and Fibonacci Production" offers to shoot your own movie for your birthday. [link-1] The "Kinoholiday" project is a film workshop full cycle in any movie genre - from a thriller to a romantic comedy - with the participation of friends, enemies, relatives, classmates and colleagues according to the original script. The holiday includes an educational part, scenario, decoration, costume workshops, aqua make-up, shooting.

The 2012 Summer Olympics in London and the Paralympic Games have passed. A bewitching spectacle of the opening and closing ceremonies, crazy speeds and results, victories over others - and over yourself. It's interesting to watch, but I also want to participate! So, let's arrange Small Olympic Games- for children and their friends. Almost all of us, both adults and our children, watched the performances of athletes on TV and on the Internet with pleasure and excitement, cheered for our country and were proud of new records and achievements...


I read it with pleasure and got the idea to hold such family games. We will have them in winter, we prefer skiing, skating and flying down the hill on a sled with the breeze.

Useful material, with its help you can prepare an excellent family celebration. Everyone in our family is supporters healthy lifestyle life, so they are happy to participate in such competitions.

Belatedly, but I am sharing with you how Danila's birthday went. One girl from 7, who asked me not to give her nickname, undertook to organize a holiday for a boy in a sanatorium. She brought a cake with candles, bought him a present, brought balls, she didn’t even forget about sweets so that Danka would treat all his friends !!! Here is what she writes: I tell everything in order. I arrived at the sanatorium at the beginning of the second with a bunch of balloons and a "bag of Santa Claus", Sveta and Danya took me from the checkpoint ... and then ...

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So you've decided to throw something special for your child. New Year. After all, you have already had a trip to the Christmas tree, the visit of Santa Claus and a visit to the theater. Is it really possible to call the year New, if it begins in the same way as all the previous ones? Children, like no one else, especially love novelty and surprises. Especially for adults, I have compiled a short guide to the order of the New Year's celebration. 1. How many minutes? First, decide on the scale of the holiday. How long it will be depends on it ...

Birthday Party in the Homemade Cartoon Kitchen All kids love cartoons! At the festival, guests under the guidance of multimasters will create a special birthday cartoon! Children and parents will have a fun and useful time and learn how to make cartoons at home. A camera, a TV and a little imagination - and such a holiday can be arranged at home at least every day. The program is suitable for children from 4 years old (if the birthday boy is under 4 years old, call us and we will figure something out)...


review from Voleta
Thank you so much for this idea interesting program child's birthday. We celebrated at the "Big Turtle" club, because at the time of recording, there was no free time in the cartoon studio. It turned out that they cooperate with clubs. The hosts arrived at the club with all their props. I really liked the clubhouse. The hosts are just great young guys and girls. We ordered a long program with a master class - soap making. Not only children were happy, but also adults. Once again many thanks. Our cartoon [link-1]

Reviewed by gerda81

I want to tell you, and Xenia thanks a lot for our son's birthday, everything went just fine! The guys worked 100%.
All the children are delighted, my husband and I are recovering from such a holiday.
Thanks again! I hope that I will turn to you more than once for help in organizing the next birthday, since we have many children, and birthdays, respectively, too. Plus, as the chairman of the Parents' Committee, I'm already thinking about inviting your guys to our class, to graduation, for example. V primary school They don't seem to mind :)


I got tired somehow Lately from family gatherings with the same scenario, with the same dishes, with the same toasts, finally. I did not want to celebrate the first birthday of my son. But the advertising of the holiday of the magazine "Food" in the Park named after culture and recreation suddenly turned up very successfully. I got the idea to escape from everyday life and take a walk in an atmosphere of general fun. It came out just great. The weather favored our event and contributed to good mood And...

I am often asked: how to arrange a holiday for a child? Usually parents think about the holiday twice a year: on the Day of Jam and before the New Year. All thoughts come down to one question: where to take the child, so that he would be interested, and his parents would not be too bored? I answer like this: why not, instead of taking the child to another entertainment center with standard set entertainment, not arrange a real, personal celebration for him? It will be the most special day of his life, his...

Birthday is a special 24 hours. Gifts, congratulations, wishes... You don't have time to answer and thank everyone. You don't have time to open gifts! And all this because congratulations - thousands, gifts - the sea. And that only happens with good people, organizations, sites. Happy birthday and all the best!

Announcements related to the request

Characters: Nyusha, Krosh, Karkarych, Losyash.

Children in the room festive table, Krosh appears, fussily runs around the table, not noticing the children, and, grabbing sweets and fruits, thinks.

Krosh: Oh, what a table, how many yummy things, I would eat everything, so where to start? Perhaps I'll start with the cake! No, I'll leave the cake for later, here, I'll take a carrot! Oh, just recently I broke a tooth on her, I should have been more careful! But sweets, I'll start with sweets.

Karkarych appears

Karkarych: Krosh, what kind of manners? What will the children think of us? You broke into the holiday, didn’t say hello to anyone, didn’t congratulate the birthday man, but you just brazenly grab everything from the table! That's when I was young like you, then in our time, coming to new company, we always greeted everyone, and you set a bad example!

Krosh: Hmm ... But you just came here and didn’t say hello to anyone either! How to understand you?

Karkarych coughed embarrassedly and turned to the children.

Karkarych: Hello, dear children! I am glad to welcome you in such a warm and wonderful company! How beautiful you are today, especially the birthday boy! I congratulate you with all my heart!

Krosh: I'm joining! Greetings and congratulations, but I really want to go to the table! Everything is so delicious!

Karkarych: Shame on you! We must wait for the other guests!

Nyusha and Losyash enter. Nyusha has a chocolate bar in her hands and a yellow balloon tied to it with a smiley face drawn on it.

Nyusha: (patter) Oh-she-she. Hello children!!! And we were almost late - we were in such a hurry, so in a hurry! Either the bus was barely moving, or Losyash constantly forgot something at home, he had to return to his house and go again. And I got up early, I was so afraid of being late. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, thought for a long time - what would it be like to wear beautiful clothes? And when she came for Losyash, he was still sleeping! I had to lift it up and wash it - otherwise it was so unassembled! How can you sleep so much on a day like this?

Karkarych: (interrupting her) Nyusha! Are you starting again? Stop talking so much or you'll be talking to your balloon again!

Nyusha: Oh yes, the ball. Our dear birthday boy, I sincerely congratulate you and give you this chocolate bar. When I was given a chocolate machine for my birthday, I decided to make it for you.

It’s good if it’s a large bar of chocolate with a homemade wrapper with a congratulatory inscription and that the chocolate bar was made in Nyushina’s chocolate machine.

Nyusha: (turning to Smeshariki) You see! But I'm ready for my birthday! And you were ready!

Losyash: And how! Everyone thought of something, prepared! For example, Barash wrote wonderful riddles and now we will read them to you. Just let's, the children agree this way: we will read riddles, and you will call in chorus and loudly the last word. And then we'll know how well you know us. Ready?

He is fussy, but cheerful

And as a friend, he is so good!

And now we'll say together

His name is... KROSH

Well done, here's more:

Who is the most beautiful in the world?

Likes to eat chocolates?

In chorus, all the children answer:

Well, of course, our ... NYUSHA

Karkarych: And now I!

He is responsive and kind

And his salads are delicious.

After all, in gardens and orchards

Works for a long time ... KOPATYCH

Oh, well, they all know! And here is the riddle:

He is from Nyusha's samovar

Made a barrel for the depths

As a mechanic - the best

This smart master... PIN

Nyusha: May I? I also like riddles!

Artistic and smart

Likes tea from a samovar

endowed with intelligence


Wow! You all guess! How about a mystery?

He loves poetry and prose

Round, pink curl

If something is wrong, then in tears

Our famous ... BARASH


Our sweet friend

She is a doctor and a singer

Soccer ball - for leisure

The famous ... SOVUNIA

Krosh: Well, I'll finish! Here are some more riddles:

He has needles everywhere

But in any trouble will help

Let's shout the name - only loudly:

This is our famous ... Hedgehog

Great, well done guys! And this:

He is an astronomer and a philosopher

He is our well-known friend

Proudly wears his horns

Wonderful… LOSYASH

Losyash: What smart kids we came to visit, and the birthday boy answered best of all.

Karkarych: So Pin wanted to check whether the kids are really so smart and therefore he prepared such tricky pictures (takes out a folder). You know that Pin loves to design everything. And so here are his drawings and drawings, and you try to guess what it is.

The trick with pictures is that White list paper covers the main part of the drawing, leaving a small detail - for example, the tail from the plane - respectively, this is the plane itself, the wheels from the car, or some kind of design that Pin himself came up with. The child guesses what it is, and you can easily check if he is right if you remove a piece of paper.

Krosh: Well, there’s no way to outwit you - indeed, smart children, we’ll tell Pinu this way. Now let's have some fun and play sports competitions that Sovunya prepared for us. Because I love to play!

Competitions with outdoor games are held - relay races, skill games and others, so that children have maximum fun.

Losyash: It's a pity that time has come to an end, and it's time to go back to your home - after all, other Smeshariki are waiting for us at home, who couldn't come today, and they can't wait to find out how the birthday went. But now you can convey something to everyone through us, whatever you want to say. And when we get home, we will pass everything on to everyone. But in the end, we once again congratulate the birthday man, do a round dance, and sing him a song: “Loaf”.

After "Karavay" Smeshariki say goodbye and leave.

Smeshariki is amazingly colorful children's cartoon who teaches good and useful. And most importantly, the kids love it! Therefore, a birthday in the style of "Smeshariki" will be a great surprise for children!

Holiday decoration

In the design of the birthday, focus on bright and colorful details: inflate a lot of colorful balloons, paste images of Smeshariki on the walls, prepare disposable dishes with the image of Smeshariki.

The lead mom (or dad) welcomes the children and invites them to colorful world Smeshariki.

We draw Smeshariki

To begin with, all the kids are given a card, where one of the Smeshariki is drawn, a piece of paper and colored pencils. A competition is announced for best drawing. After the drawings are ready, it turns out that all the drawings are so good that all participants become winners. Therefore, everyone gets a sweet prize: candy or chocolate.

The game "What kind of smesharik are you?"

A draw is held and 1 participant is selected, he is blindfolded. All other participants are given cards with names or pictures of Smeshariki (on each card).

From this moment on, all participants become Smeshariki, i.e. make sounds that his character usually makes, for example, Kar-karych croaks, Kopatych growls, Nyusha grunts, etc.

Smeshariki become blindfolded around the participant. His task is to catch and name the caught Smeshariki. If he correctly calls the name, the bandage is removed from him. And the eyes are tied to the participant whom he guessed. And everything repeats again. You can play the game until you get bored.

Competition "Nyusha"

All the kids know that Nyusha dreams of becoming real princess! Invite the kids to help her and pass the "Real Princesses or Princes" contest for her. Everyone can participate in the competition.

To do this, you need to put a towel folded several times on a chair in advance, and put a few peas or other round objects, such as buttons, under it. The task of the participants, sitting on a chair, is to determine how many peas are under the towel.

Competition "Krosh"

Who is the fastest of Smeshariki? Of course, Krosh. Now let's find out who is the fastest of the kids! We invite children to solve simple and funny riddles about Smeshariki. Whoever shouts out the answer first wins a sweet prize!


I am a bunny
Similar to a ball.
Handsome and good.
My name… (Krosh.)

I don't go without needles
I'm friends with Krosh-bunny.
Walked a lot of paths with him.
Who am I? Certainly… (Hedgehog.)

“I write good poems.
I'll read them to you now, friends!
We need inspiration, we need courage!” -
This is what our talent says... (Barash.)

I'm a pig girl
Bara's girlfriend.
There is no prettier and better
In Smeshariya... (Nyusha.)

I am a horticultural expert
I am a true friend of all Smeshariki.
Often I take a shovel
And my name is... (Kopatych.)

Weld delicious jam,
Everyone will cheer up
Housekeeping chores.
What is her name?.. (Sovunya.)

Has an elevator and a plane,
Lives in the fridge
Very good penguin!
Name a name... (Pin.)


We divide the children into 2 teams and give out a funny crossword puzzle to each team. The task of the participants of each team is to write the names of Smeshariki in the right cells without errors. The team that accurately and correctly entered the names wins.

Competition "Moose"

Losyash is a famous scientist, interested in various sciences. And in order to make friends with him, you need to spend some unusual experience together. You will find simple interesting ones at home.

Quest "Hedgehog: Phantom Mania"

As you know, the Hedgehog loves to collect candy wrappers. Therefore, we offer the kids to help the hedgehog find candy wrappers that are hidden in the room or throughout the apartment.

To do this, you need to hide the candy wrappers in secluded corners in advance, stick them to the wall, to the ceiling, to various objects in the room. And children need to find as many candy wrappers as possible. The reward for all collected candy wrappers will be a delicious cake with your favorite characters on it.

Children's Holiday in the style of "Smeshariki" is an interesting and fun party which will bring a lot of bright emotions and will be a great surprise for any child!

Wish you Have a great holiday,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, author of the idea.

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