jack london alaska stories. All Jack London books


Wonderful Writer beginning of the century, Jack London (his real name is John Griffith) wrote about the destinies ordinary people of their country. The writer's love for working people, the desire for social justice, hatred for selfishness, greed are close and understandable to the democratic reader of the whole world. Young people read his novels, stories, short stories with enthusiasm.

Born into the family of an impoverished farmer, London from childhood began working as a newspaper seller, a cannery worker, and traveled many roads in search of work. It was then that London knew the fate of the working people of capitalist America, whom unemployment had turned into homeless vagrants. He sailed as a sailor on a fishing schooner in pacific ocean, changed many professions and, finally, “sick” with the so-called golden fever, in 1897 he went to Alaska, where gold was discovered shortly before. He did not manage to get rich, but the impressions he received in Alaska served as material for his first fascinating stories about the struggle of man with the harsh northern nature.

Already early works London (collection of stories "Northern Odyssey", "Tales of the South Seas") is attracted by love for nature, romance of adventure. His brave heroes live far from capitalist cities, from the world of self-interest and predation. These are energetic, loyal people in friendship. Such is Mason in the story "White Silence". He is crushed by a tree, but is not afraid of death. His last concern is not for himself, but for his companions. Mason asks that they not risk their lives for him and continue on their way to human habitation.

Courage and fortitude help the almost dying man in the story "Love for Life" to defeat the wolf. This story by D. London was very much liked by V. I. Lenin.

The writer has a lot of works (" White Fang”, “Call of the Wild”, “Michael, Brother Jerry”), where he profound knowledge and warmth depicts animals.

Jack London, who had experienced the humiliation and agony of unemployment, knew well that man had to fight not only with the harsh nature, defending personal freedom. The writer sees the path to the true freedom of people in the struggle against social injustice. These thoughts are developed in famous novel"The Iron Heel" (1907), which at one time was read to the workers of many countries. The novel sounded confident in victory socialist revolution over the world of capitalist evil, in spite of possible temporary defeats. During this period, Jack London was directly involved in the labor movement in America, but stepped aside during its quiet years. The fate of the writer in bourgeois society, tragic, even if he eventually achieved fame and fortune, is devoted to one of the best and most profound books in London - the novel Martin Eden (1909). The hero of the work, Martin Eden, is a man of the people. At the cost of great effort and sacrifice, he managed to fulfill his dream and become a famous writer. But fame brought him only a feeling of deep disappointment and spiritual emptiness. Eden saw how mercenary and insignificant people were who had previously seemed to him to be the bearers of culture. He came to a false soap that genuine art Nobody needs the art of truth. In a state of deep spiritual loneliness and disappointment in their creative possibilities Martin commits suicide.

IN last years London wrote several small, artistically weak works, trying to adapt to the limited tastes of the bourgeois-petty-bourgeois reader.

But we appreciate best books London, which reveals his love of freedom, respect for creative energy, courage, human strength, where the author's passionate love for the majestic and inexhaustible beauty of nature is visible.


The volume presents the most famous works classic American Literature Jack London.


white silence

Son of the Wolf

Forty Mile

In a distant land

For those who are on the way!

Northern Odyssey

great riddle

Daughter of the Northern Lights

Law of life

League of Old Men

a thousand dozen

Tertiary shard

Love of life

brown wolf

One day stay

The path of false suns

Disease of the Lone Leader

gold mine

Aliens from the Sun

Where the paths diverge

The courage of a woman

Piece of meat

Mapui house

Atu them, atu!

scary solomon islands

New Gibson Jokers

Night on Goboto

Pearls of Parley

Like the Argonauts of old...


Collection of stories and novels

white silence

Carmen won't even last two days.

Mason spat out a piece of ice and looked dejectedly at the unfortunate animal, then, raising the dog's paw to his mouth, he began to bite the ice again, frozen between her fingers in large bumps.

No matter how many dogs I met with intricate nicknames, they were all no good, ”he said, having finished his business, and pushed the dog away. “They get weak and eventually die. Have you seen anything bad happen to the dog, which is simply called Kasyar, Sivash or Husky? Never! Look at Shukum: he...

Once! The emaciated dog shot up, almost grabbing Mason's throat with his fangs.

What did you come up with?

A strong blow to the head with the handle of the whip knocked the dog over into the snow; she trembled convulsively, yellow saliva dripped from her fangs.

I say, look at Shukum: Shukum will not let you down. I bet it won't be a week before he's bullied Carmen.

And I,” said Malemute Kid, turning over the bread that was thawing by the fire, “I bet that we ourselves will eat Shukum before we get to the place. What do you say to that, Ruth?

The Indian woman threw a piece of ice into the coffee to settle the thick, looked from Malemute Kid to her husband, then to the dogs, but did not answer. Such an obvious truth did not require confirmation. They had no other choice. There are two hundred miles of unpaved road ahead, there is only enough food for six days, and there is nothing at all for the dogs.

Both hunters and the woman moved closer to the fire and began to eat a meager breakfast. The dogs lay in the harness, as it was a short day's stop, and enviously watched every bit of them.

WITH tomorrow no breakfasts, said Mailmute Kid, and keep an eye on the dogs; they are completely out of hand, and look, they will pounce on us if an opportunity presents itself.

But I was once the leader of the Methodist congregation and taught Sunday school!

And, having announced this for no reason, Mason plunged into the contemplation of his moccasins, from which steam was coming. Ruth snapped him out of his reverie by pouring him a cup of coffee.

Thank God we have plenty of tea. I've seen tea grow at home in Tennessee. What I wouldn't give now for a hot corn tortilla! Don't worry, Ruth, just a little more, and you won't have to starve anymore, and you won't have to wear moccasins either.

At these words, the woman's frown ceased, and her eyes lit up with love for her white master - the first white man she met, the first man who showed her that in a woman one can see not only an animal or beast of burden.

Yes, Ruth, - continued her husband in that conditional language, the only one in which they could communicate with each other, - soon we will get out of here, get into the boat white man and we'll go to Salt Water. Yes, bad water, stormy water - like water mountains bouncing up and down. And how much of it, how long to go on it! You drive ten dreams, twenty dreams - for greater clarity, Mason counted the days on his fingers - and all the time water, bad water. Then we'll come to big village, a lot of people, all the same as midges in the summer. The wigwams are so tall - ten, twenty pines!.. Eh!

He fell silent, unable to find words, and cast a pleading look at Malemute Kid, then carefully began to show with his hands how high it would be if twenty pine trees were stacked one on top of the other. Malemute Kid smiled mockingly, but Ruth's eyes widened with surprise and happiness; she thought that her husband was joking, and such mercy gladdened her poor womanly heart.

And then we sit in ... in a box, and - piff! - go. - As an explanation, Mason threw an empty mug into the air and, deftly catching it, shouted: - And now - puff! - already arrived! O great shamans! You're going to Fort Yukon, and I'm going to Arctic City - twenty-five dreams. A long rope from there to here, I grab this rope and say: “Hello, Ruth! How are you?" And you say, "Is that you, hubby?" I say yes". And you say: “You can’t bake bread: there is no more soda.” Then I say: “Look in the closet, under the flour. Goodbye!" You go to the closet and take as much soda as you need. And all the time you're in Fort Yukon and I'm in Arctic City. Here they are, shamans!

Ruth smiled so innocently at this fairy tale that the men rolled with laughter. The noise raised by the fighting dogs interrupted the tales of the wonders of the distant country, and by the time the fighters were separated, the woman had already managed to tie the sledges, and everything was ready to move on.

Go ahead, Bald! Hey go ahead!

Mason deftly cracked the whip and, when the dogs began, slowly squealing, to stretch the traces, he rested on the swivel pole and moved the frozen sled from its place. Ruth followed him with the second team, and Mailmute Kid, who helped her move, brought up the rear. A strong and stern man, capable of knocking down a bull with one blow, he could not beat the unfortunate dogs and, if possible, spared them, which the drovers rarely do. Sometimes Mailmute Kid almost wept with pity as he looked at them.

Come on, lame-legs! he muttered after a few futile attempts move heavy sleds.

Finally, his patience was rewarded, and, squealing in pain, the dogs rushed to catch up with their brethren.

The conversations were silent. Hard way does not allow such luxury. And riding in the north is hard, murderous work. Happy is he who, at the cost of silence, endures a day of such a journey, and even then along a paved path.

But there is no more exhausting work than laying a road. At every step, the wide braided skis fall through, and the legs sink into the snow up to the knees. Then you need to carefully pull out the leg - a tiny fraction of an inch deviation from the vertical threatens disaster - until the surface of the ski is clear of snow. Then step forward and you begin to lift the other leg, also at least half a yard. Whoever does this for the first time falls from exhaustion after a hundred yards, even if before that he does not hook one ski to another and does not stretch to his full height, trusting in the treacherous snow. Whoever manages all day without falling under the feet of dogs, he can, with a clear conscience and with greatest pride climb into a sleeping bag; and the one who walks twenty dreams along the great North Path, even the gods can envy.

The day was drawing to a close, and the travelers, overwhelmed by the grandeur of the White Silence, silently made their way. Nature has many ways to convince man of his mortality: the continuous alternation of the ebb and flow, the fury of the storm, the horrors of the earthquake, the thunderous peal of the celestial artillery. But the most powerful, the most devastating is the White Silence in its impassibility. Nothing moves, the sky is bright as polished copper, the slightest whisper seems sacrilegious, and a person is frightened. own voice. The only particle of the living, moving through the ghostly desert dead world, he is afraid of his insolence, acutely aware that he is only a worm. Strange thoughts arise by themselves, the mystery of the universe seeks its expression. And a fear of death, of God, of the whole world, finds itself on a person, and together with fear - the hope of resurrection and life and longing for immortality - the futile striving of captive matter; that's when a person is left alone with God.

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Jack London, whose real name is John Griffith Cheney, was born in the middle of winter - January 12, 1876 in the States. The parents of the future writer cannot be called ordinary: John's mother has always been stubborn, self-willed, besides, she was engaged in spiritualism; his father was an astrologer and loved adventure, which was inherited by Jack London.

Little John received the surname "London" when he was not even a year old. During this time, his mother married a member civil war, John London. Soon the stepfather's surname became creative pseudonym writer. By the way, Jack is just a shortened version of the name John.

Jack has been used to hard work since childhood: as a schoolboy, he sold newspapers. To earn money, he got up before dawn. Both before and after classes, the boy returned to work. Oddly enough, this did not prevent him from reading: as a child, Jack liked adventure literature most of all.

Jack London loved the sea no less than books, so at the age of thirteen he bought a small boat with his own money. On it he made boat trips, fished and read.

When Jack was fifteen, he had to get a job in a cannery, as the family had almost no money to live on. The conditions at the factory were terrible, the wages were paltry, and people were injured every day. Energetic Jack could not stand the monotonous mechanical work So I started looking for alternative ways to make money. So he began to engage in illegal oyster fishing and, becoming a leader wild life, spent everything he earned on drinking parties. Having come to his senses in time, Jack hired a ship for legal work - the extraction of fur seals.

In general, in youth future writer managed to try almost all the “charms” of life: after working for six months on a ship, he joined the march of the unemployed, and as a result, he lived with vagrants for the same amount of time. During this period, Jack decides to still get an education and start writing career. Now he set to intellectual work: he graduated high school and even passed the entrance exams to the University of California, Berkeley. But since the young London did not have enough money, he had to leave his studies.

Jack began writing his first stories and novels at the age of 22. All his works were constantly returned from the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, which soon served as the basis for writing a novel. After six months of persistent unsuccessful attempts, his story was nevertheless published.

The dizzying success was a real gift of fate for Jack London: now he was earning incomparably more than ever, and could afford everything he wanted. Yes, the writer, who grew up in poverty, highly valued his wealth.

Jack London lived only forty years, but managed to write more than two hundred stories, novellas and novels. His works became known to the whole world, and "White Fang" and "Hearts of Three" are included in the school curriculum. But the main thing is not even this, but the fact that this man, thanks to his perseverance, courage and diligence, managed to make his dream come true.

Jack London, bibliography

All Jack London books


  • 1902 - "Daughter of the Snows"
  • 1903 - ""
  • 1903 - Letters from Campton to Wes
  • 1904 - ""
  • 1906 - ""
  • 1908 - ""
  • 1909 - ""
  • 1910 - "Time-does not-wait"
  • 1911 - "Adventure"
  • 1912 - "The Scarlet Plague"
  • 1913 - ""
  • 1914 - "Mutiny on Elsinore"
  • 1915 - "

Jack London) - famous American writer. Born January 12, 1876 in San Francisco. At birth, he was given the name Griffith Cheney (John Griffith Chaney). He worked in the genre of literature, the author of several dozen world-famous works.

With his birth, or rather the history of his birth, a not very bright story is connected. His mother Flora Wellman was a music teacher and was actively involved in spiritualism, i.e. summoning spirits. She claimed that she was in constant communication with the Indian leader, but it is very difficult to prove this. She lived with William Cheney, who was an astrologer. Upon learning of her pregnancy, the father of the future writer forced her to have an abortion, but she refused and tried to commit suicide, but as a result she only slightly injured herself by firing a pistol.

After the birth of Jack London, they gave the care of Virginia Prentiss, who was a former slave. For Jack, she became a second mother. In 1876, his mother married John London and took her son to her. Since then, they began to call him Jack London.

Before becoming a writer, Jack London eked out a half-starved existence. He sold newspapers and books, was a cannery worker, fished oysters illegally, was an ironer, a fireman and a sailor. It was the work of a sailor that became for him one of the most great impressions in life. He later wrote many nautical works about this, in particular The Sea Wolf.

Start it literary career attributed to 1893. Then his first essay was published, called Typhoon off the coast of Japan. For this work he received his first prize. Close fiction he began to study only in 1899, when, after returning from Alaska, he wrote a whole cycle of stories about northern lands. These books, stories and novels brought him worldwide fame. Some of the most famous are White Fang, Hearts of Three, Call of the Ancestors and so on. In total, he wrote about 40 books in his life. In addition to his adventure works, D. London also wrote several works: Goliath, Scarlet Plague, When the world was young and some others.

In the last years of his life, he began to abuse alcohol heavily, as he was going through a difficult creative crisis. He even had to go to buy a plot for a new novel. For $78,000, he bought it from fellow writer Lewis Sinclair. The novel was called The Murder Bureau, but Jack London was never destined to write it.

November 22, 1916 at the age of 40, in the town of Glen Ellen, famous writer, who gave the world many amazing books that are still studied in schools in many countries, died of morphine poisoning. He was not a drug addict at all - morphine was prescribed to him for a kidney disease of uremia. His grave is in Jack London State Park (Glen Ellen).

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Books by Jack London:

White Fang

Daughter of the Snows

Moon Valley

Little mistress of a big house

Smoke Bellew

Sea Wolf

call of the ancestors

Scarlet Plague

In Addo Bay

In a distant land

great riddle

Great sorcerer

Enemy of the whole world

John - barleycorn

yellow handkerchief

Pearls of Parley

For those who are on the way

Law of life

green serpent

golden canyon

sperm whale tooth

moon valley

Interstellar wanderer

Traveling on the Snark

Northern Odyssey

Hearts of Three

Scary Solomon Islands

Son of the Sun

The path of false suns

A thousand deaths

Temple of Pride

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Jack London; birth name - John Griffith Cheney; USA, San Francisco; 01/12/1876 - 11/22/1916

Jack London is an internationally recognized master of adventure and fantasy genre. Thanks to his socialist convictions, his works are second only to the most published foreign authors in USSR. Jack London's books have been filmed more than once. this moment there are more than 100 films created based on his works. Jack London's contribution to world literature the popularity of his books is truly enormous and in our time is the best proof of their high quality.

Biography of Jack London

Jack London was born in 1876 in a working-class neighborhood in San Francisco. His birth was preceded loud scandal associated with his mother. According to her, Jack's father was the astrologer William Cheney, but after the news of Flora Wellman's pregnancy, he demanded that she have an abortion. The girl did failed attempt to shoot himself, which caused a wide resonance in society. Immediately after the birth, Flora left Jack London in the care of her former slave, Virginia Prentiss, who took care of the child until his mother married John London, who gave new surname Flora's child.

John London was an invalid from the Civil War and had two daughters. The eldest of them, Eliza, became true friend Jack London for life. With the onset of the economic crisis in 1973, the London family traveled extensively in search of work. In this regard, John's education was episodic and he graduated from school in Auckland. Here he became addicted to literature. This was made possible thanks to a responsive librarian in local libraries who strongly encouraged the boy's desire for education.

Also in school years Jack London worked as a paperboy, set up skittles at the bowling alley and many other small jobs. At the age of 14, he got a job at a cannery, where he worked for almost a year. At the age of 15, he borrowed money from Virginia Prentiss, who became close to him, and bought a small schooner, which allowed him to become an oyster pirate. An oyster pirate is a man who fished oysters illegally in the bays of San Francisco. When his schooner was damaged, he took a job with a fishing patrol that fought poaching. And already at the age of 18 he went on his first long voyage on the whaling ship Sophie Sutherland. It was this voyage that formed the basis of Jack London's first book, Typhoon Off the Coast of Japan, which was published in 1893.

After that, Jack London participated in the march of the unemployed to Washington, for which he received a month in prison, joined the Socialist Party and is trying to continue his studies. But the lack of funds does not allow him to study at the University of California for more than three semesters, and he, succumbing to the gold rush, goes to Alaska. Here his undertakings are unsuccessful, but he gains invaluable experience for his further literary career. This is what he begins to do immediately after returning from Alaska. In 1900, Jack London's first collection of short stories, The Son of the Wolf, was published. In the same year he marries for the first time. From his marriage to Bessie Maddern, he left two daughters - Bess and Joan. At the same time, he works 15-17 hours a day and his books “The God of His Fathers”, “Children of Frost” and others do not go unnoticed.

In 1905, Jack London marries Charmian Kittredge, with whom he has been in love for about two years. By this time he's had enough famous writer and with the proceeds, he buys the Glen Ellen Ranch in California. From that time on, he devoted himself more and more actively to agriculture, expanding his ranch and trying new technologies in agriculture. In this regard, he has financial difficulties, because of which he has to write to order, and in 1914 even go to Mexico. Here he works as a war correspondent and justifies the action of the American soldiers who invaded Mexico. This caused a flurry of criticism from members of the Socialist Party against him, which was partly the reason for his withdrawal from the party. At this time, he increasingly abuses alcohol, which leads to kidney disease. In order to reduce pain, he is prescribed morphine, from an overdose of which Jack London ultimately died. Whether it was an accident or suicide is still debated by the writer's biographers.

Jack London Books at Top Books

Books by Jack London are so popular to read that they have been included in the ratings of our site more than once. Most often, our rating includes the work of Jack London "Martin Eden", which is presented in school curriculum. Therefore, from time to time it gets into our rating.

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