The scenario of the autumn holiday for children of senior preschool age “King Peas and the Magic Pea. Dmitry mamin-Siberian fairy tale about the glorious king of peas and his beautiful daughters princess kutafya and princess pea


Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak



One eye at Alyonushka (the daughter of the writer. - Ed.) sleeps, the other - looks; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening.

Sleep, Alyonushka, sleep, beauty, and dad will tell fairy tales. It seems that everything is here: the Siberian cat Vaska, and the shaggy village dog Postoiko, and the gray Mouse-louse, and the Cricket behind the stove, and the motley Starling in a cage, and the bully Rooster.

Sleep, Alyonushka, now the fairy tale begins. The tall moon is already looking out the window; there a slanting hare hobbled on his felt boots; the wolf's eyes glowed with yellow lights; bear Teddy bear sucks his paw. The old Sparrow flew up to the very window, knocks his nose on the glass and asks: soon? Everyone is here, everyone is assembled, and everyone is waiting for Alyonushka's fairy tale.

One eye at Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is looking; one ear of Alyonushka is sleeping, the other is listening. Bye-bye-bye…


Once upon a time, the glorious Tsar Pea lived in his glorious kingdom of peas. While Tsar Pea was young, most of all he liked to have fun. He rejoiced day and night, and all the others rejoiced with him.

- Oh, what a good King Peas we have! everyone said.

And the glorious Tsar Pea listens, strokes his beard, and even more fun for him. King Peas loved when everyone praised him.

Then King Peas loved to make war with neighboring kings and other glorious kings. He sits, sits, and then he says:

- Why don't we go to Tsar Panteley? He seems to have become arrogant in his old age ... We must teach him a lesson.

King Peas had enough troops, the governors were excellent, and everyone was glad to fight. Maybe they will beat themselves, but still they are glad. Tsar Peas fought happily and after each war brought a lot of good things - both the golden treasury, and semi-precious stones, and silk fabrics, and captives. He did not disdain anything and took tribute to everything that came to hand: flour - give flour here too, it will come in handy at home; cow - come on and cow, boots - come on and boots, butter, come on and butter in porridge. Even Tsar Peas took tribute with a bast and a broom. Someone else's porridge is always sweeter than their own, and it is better to steam with someone else's broom.

All foreign kings and glorious kings envied the luck of King Pea, and most importantly, his cheerful character. Tsar Panteley, who had a beard to his knees, spoke bluntly:

- It is good for him to live, the glorious King Pea, when he has a cheerful character. I'd give half my beard if I could have that much fun.

But quite happy people does not come into existence. Everyone has some grief. Neither the subjects, nor the governors, nor the boyars knew that the cheerful Tsar Pea also had his own grief, and not one, but two whole griefs. Only one wife of Tsar Pea, the glorious Tsarina Lukovna, the sister of Tsar Pantelei, knew about this. The king and queen hid their grief from everyone so that the people would not laugh at them. The first grief was that the glorious King Peas had six fingers on his right hand. He was born like that, and it was hidden from childhood, so the glorious King Pea never took off right hand gloves. Of course, the sixth finger is nothing, you can live with six fingers, and the trouble is that thanks to this sixth finger, King Pea was not enough. He himself confessed to his queen Lukovna:

- It seems that I would take everything in the world for myself alone ... Is it my fault that my hand is arranged like that?

“Well, take it while they give it,” Tsarina Lukovna consoled him. - It is not your fault. And if you don’t give back with kindness, you can take it away by force.

Tsarina Lukovna in everything and always agreed with her glorious Tsar Pea. The governors also did not argue and believed that they were fighting for glory, taking away someone else's porridge and butter. No one suspected that the glorious Tsar Peas had six fingers on his hand and that, out of greed, he was ready to take even the beard from Tsar Pantelei, also a glorious and brave king.


The second grief of the glorious King Pea was, perhaps, worse. The fact is that the first son was born to the glorious Tsar Pea, the glorious and brave Tsarevich Orlik, then beautiful princess Kutafya of indescribable beauty, and the third was the little, little princess Goroshinka, so small that she lived in a box in which the glorious Empress Lukovna used to hide her earrings. Nobody saw the little Princess Pea, except for her father and mother.

“What are we going to do with her, queen? – the glorious king Pea asked in horror. - All people will be born as people, and our daughter is the size of a pea ...

- What to do - let him live ... - the queen answered sadly.

Even Tsarevich Orlik and the beautiful Princess Kutafya did not know that they had a sister, Pea. And the mother loved her Pea more than other children - they will love both of them, but this one is sweet only to father and mother.

Princess Pea had grown to be the size of a pea and was as cheerful as her father. It was difficult to keep her in the box. The princess wanted to run, and play, and fool around, like other children. Tsaritsa Lukovna locked herself in her room, sat down at the table and opened the box. Princess Pea jumped out and began to have fun. The table seemed to her a whole field, on which she ran, as other children run across a real field. The mother will stretch out her hand, and Princess Pea will barely climb on it. She loved to hide everywhere, and her mother used to hardly find her, and she herself was afraid to move, so as not to crush her own offspring, a sinful deed. The glorious Tsar Pea also came to admire his princess Pea, and she hid in his beard, as in a forest.

- Oh, how funny she is! - Tsar Pea was surprised, shaking his head.

The little Princess Pea was also surprised. What a big everything around - and father and mother, and rooms, and furniture! Once she climbed onto the window and nearly died of fright when she saw a dog running down the street. The princess squealed plaintively and hid in a thimble, so that King Pea barely found her.

The worst thing was that, as Princess Pea began to grow up, she wanted to see everything and know everything. And then show her, and another, and a third ... While she was little, she loved to play with flies and cockroaches. Tsar Peas himself made toys for her - there is nothing to do, even though the king, but make toys for her daughter. He learned this business so well that no one else in the state would have been able to make such a cart for Princess Pea or other toys. The most surprising thing was that the flies and cockroaches also loved the little princess, and she even rode them like big people ride horses. There were, of course, their troubles. Once Princess Pea begged her mother to take her to the garden with her.

“Just take a look, mother, what kind of gardens there are,” Princess Pea pleaded. I won't break or ruin anything...

Oh, what am I going to do with her? - Tsarina Lukovna pleaded.

However, let's go to the garden. Tsar Pea stood on guard so that no one would see Princess Pea, and the queen went out onto the path and let her daughter out of the box. Princess Pea was terribly delighted and frolicked for a long time on the sand and even hid in a bell. But this game almost ended in disaster. Princess Pea climbed into the grass, and there sat a fat, old frog - she saw a little princess, opened her mouth and almost swallowed her like a fly. It is good that the glorious King Peas himself came running in time and crushed the frog with his foot.


So lived and lived the glorious King Peas. Everyone thought that he would always be cheerful, but it turned out not so. When Princess Pea was born, he was no longer young, and then began to age rapidly. In front of everyone, the glorious Tsar Pea was growing old.

His face was haggard, turned yellow, his eyes were sunken, his hands began to shake, and the old fun was gone. King Pea has changed a lot, and with him the whole pea kingdom has become despondent. Yes, and there was reason to be discouraged: the aged Tsar Peas became suspicious, saw treason everywhere and did not trust anyone, even the most beloved boyars and governors.

- I do not believe anybody! - Tsar Pea said in their eyes. - All of you are ready to cheat on me at the first opportunity, but behind my back, probably laughing at me ... I know everything! Better not make excuses.

- Have mercy, glorious King Peas! the boyars and governors pleaded. “Yes, how dare we even think something bad… Everyone loves you, glorious King Pea, and everyone is ready to give their lives for you.”

- I know I know. Right people will not make excuses. All you do is wait for me to die.

Everyone began to fear the glorious King Peas. He was such a cheerful king, and then suddenly he fell off the stove - and it’s impossible to recognize. And Tsar Peas became stingy, like Koschey. He sits and calculates how much good the guests ate and drank from him, and besides, how many other different gifts they received. And it's a shame for the old man that so much goodness was wasted, and it's a pity for his royal treasury. Tsar Peas began to oppress everyone, calculate every money, and even in the mornings sat in the kitchen, watched how cabbage soup was cooked for him, so that the cooks would not steal provisions.

- You are all thieves! - King Pea reproaches his cooks. “Just turn your back, you will pull all the beef out of the pot, and leave me one slurry.

- Have mercy, tsar-sovereign! the cooks yelled and lay at the feet of King Peas. “How dare we drag your beef out of the pots…”

- I know I know. My whole kingdom is a thief on a thief - he drives a thief.

Things got to the point that the glorious Tsar Gorokh ordered to cut bread with him, and he himself counted the pieces, and even began to milk the cows so that the unfaithful servants would not drink the royal milk. Everyone had a bad time, even Tsarina Lukovna - and she was starving. She cries, but does not dare to ask the king for a piece of bread. The poor woman was emaciated and only rejoiced at the fact that it cost absolutely nothing to feed her beloved daughter Goroshinka. Princess Pea was full of crumbs ...

“They spoiled the king!” everyone thought. “Some sorcerer spoiled it, it’s not otherwise. How long does it take to spoil any person ... And what a glorious and cheerful king we had! ..”

And the glorious Tsar Pea every day became worse and angrier. He began to put people in prisons, and directly executed others. Unmerciful royal bailiffs walk all over the pea kingdom, catching people and executing them. In order to serve King Peas, they chose the richest so that their estate would go to the royal treasury.

- However, how many traitors I have divorced! - the glorious king Pea is surprised. – It was they who stole so much good stuff from me… And I don’t even notice anything by simplicity. A little more, so I myself would die of hunger ...


Every day the glorious Tsar Pea became worse and worse, and the people were still looking for who spoiled him. Searched and searched and finally found. It turned out that the king spoiled him own daughter, beautiful Kutafya. Yes, she is the most ... There were people who claimed that they saw with their own eyes that she flew out of the palace, turning into a magpie, or even worse - she ran around the city with a mouse and eavesdropped on who and what was talking about the king. From her, they say, and all the evil in the pea kingdom went. The evidence was all there: the glorious Tsar Gorokh loved only one beautiful princess Kutafya. He even drove out all his cooks, and hung the main one in front of the kitchen, and now the royal dish was prepared by one beautiful princess Kutafya. Tsar Peas now believed only in her, and no one else.

- What should we do now? Everyone complained to each other. - The domestic enemy is stronger than all ... The beautiful princess Kutafya will destroy the whole kingdom. We have nowhere to go from the witch ...

However, there was one more last hope. The beauty of Princess Kutafya was famous throughout all the lands, and grooms from all sides came to King Pea. The trouble is that she refused everyone. All are not good suitors. But after all, someday she will get tired of sitting in girls, she will get married, and then everyone will breathe freely. They thought, judged, dressed up, changed their minds, but the beautiful princess Kutafya did not want to think anything about the groom. The last to come to Tsar Peas was the young King Kosar, a handsome man and a hero, what to look for, but he was also refused, that is, Tsar Peas himself refused him.

“Your kingdom is not enough, King Mower,” the glorious King Peas told him, stroking his beard. - Barely enough himself, but what will you feed your wife?

King Mower was offended, sat on his horse and said goodbye to King Peas:

“A small kingdom can grow into a big one, and from big kingdom nothing will be left. Guess what that means?

The glorious Tsar Pea only laughed at the boasting of King Mower: young, de still, the milk has not dried on his lips!

The princess, the beautiful Kutafya, the father did not even ask if she liked the groom or not. It’s not a girl’s business to disassemble the suitors - the father and mother know better who to give their own offspring.

The beautiful princess Kutafya saw from her chamber how King Kosar was leaving for home, and wept bitterly. The handsome king came to her very heart, yes, apparently, nothing can be done against the will of the parent. Tsarina Lukovna also wept, pitying her daughter, but she herself did not even dare to utter a word in front of the tsar.

End of introductory segment.

Audio tale "The Tale of the Glorious King Peas and his beautiful daughters Princess Kutafya and Princess Goroshinka”; D. Mamin-Sibiryak; Staged by O. Glubokova; Music by O. Gordienko; Characters and performers: Tsar Peas - R. Tkachuk, Tsaritsa Lukovna - N. Arkhipova, Host - B. Kumaritov, Tsarevna Kutafya - N. Feklisova, Tsarevna Goroshinka - N. Zashchipina, King Mower - G. Bogdanov, Krasik - Y. Vasiliev; Directed by O. Glubokova; Ensemble of Soloists of the Orchestra of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater USSR, Conductor A. Lazarev; Sound engineer I. Slepnev; Editor I. Yakushenko, "Melody", 1965 year. Listen baby audio fairy tales And audiobooks mp3 to good quality online, for free and without registering on our website. The content of the audio fairy tale

"My time is more or less chapters written, and with the last chapter ends what is called life." The person who wrote these lines full right to a similar statement: two-thirds of his not so long (1852-1912) life is associated with incessant studies in literature.

Most complete collection Dmitri Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak's writings, according to rough estimates, could include at least a hundred volumes .. if he weren't so strict with himself. The manuscripts of his works bear traces of painstaking work on the word, on the purity of the language, accessibility and clarity of presentation. Very many of his works, at the behest of the author, saw the light for the first time and once only on the pages periodicals, and then they were not reprinted and, moreover, they were not included in the collections. Even those of his Ural novels about the history of the rise and the wild arbitrariness of local gold miners, which to this day are read by millions of people in dozens of languages, are endlessly reprinted and deservedly considered classics - even they were the author himself in letters, diaries and autobiographical note classified as failed or incomplete.

But modern to him literary criticism, who did not really like his revealing novels, with the advent of wonderful tales, stories and legends seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and unanimously called Mamin-Sibiryak a living classic of children's literature. It was impossible to resist the charming freshness, kindness and softness, magically flowing purely Russian fairy-tale "harmony" of these of his compositions.

According to many testimonies, Mamin-Sibiryak wrote these works of his at once and, as they say, without blots. Too long they ripened in his heart and poured out widely and generously. Because, as he himself admitted, they were born with love. Most researchers of the writer's work correlate the beginning of his work on children's fairy tales, stories, short stories with the birth of his only and touchingly, selflessly beloved daughter Alyonushka. Basically this is correct. Although Dmitry Narkisovich, who was very fond of "the strictest public" and well remembered his own childhood in a large, friendly and poor family of a provincial Ural priest, had published several stories for children earlier.

But Alyonushka's Tales is really directly connected with his favorite. He composed them, "trembling over every step and breath" of a daughter whose birth cost her mother's life - oh early death"dear Marusya" the writer was sad all his life. This lovely book has been translated into almost three dozen languages, it is reprinted endlessly. The popularity of this collection of charming and completely original tales can only be argued by the famous " gray neck"(the story of a little duck that almost died in winter in sharp teeth insidious fox and miraculously rescued by an old hunter), feathered the same author.

Fairy tales published when Alyonushka was five years old have since become fairy tales for all five-year-olds. And, as written in Last year the life of the already widely recognized Mamin-Sibiryak, his fellow writers, “will be read until the Siberian cat Vaska, and the gray mouse, the cricket behind the stove, and the motley starling in the cage, and the bully-rooster, and the shaggy village dog…"

Indeed, it is difficult to find a baby who would not hear, without knowing, of course, the name of the author of this funny and cautionary tale, or would not have seen the cartoon about the Brave Hare - long ears, slanting eyes, short tail. The very one who managed to scare the terrible Wolf and become famous throughout the forest - and all because he was “tired of being afraid of everything”! Many children listened with enthusiasm about the formidable Komar Komarovich, who drove the huge Misha out of the swamp, or about the gray and cunning cat Murka, who managed to calm down Molochko and Oatmeal, who were always arguing. But these are only three out of ten "Alyonushka's fairy tales" ...

Mamin-Sibiryak knew how to tell his little readers about very serious and sad things, for example, about the difficult, without toys and laughter, childhood of the seven-year-old “spit” Proshka (yes, he was not called a little boy, not a boy, but a spit - by the nature of work : he's a gem cutter). He also talked about something else - about the friendship of man and beast, about the gift of kindness, about kinship with all living things in nature. He possessed a rare talent to "humanize" all living things in the world, whether it be a fly or a tree, a stray dog ​​or a grumpy crow, an important turkey or a cheerful hedgehog, flowers or angry bumblebees and nimble fish. All animals in the children's works of this writer behave and talk to each other in such a way that their joys and troubles, their worries become completely understandable and close to us, in a word, all the events of their animal, bird or plant life.

This precious ability to feel the life of all life on earth touches us - both small and adults - in the story "Wintering on Studenaya", where the old forest watchman is friends with his beloved dog Muzgarka until his death; in "Priemysh", where an experienced hunter sadly parted with his unexpected guest - a gray swan; in "Emel the Hunter" - a classic semi-fairy parable about human kindness, about the ability to understand the very soul of nature. With excitement, we read a little story about dog despair, loneliness, mortal danger and miraculous deliverance (“Wait a minute”) or a beautiful legend about a light-footed white horse, the separation from which its young owner-friend did not bear (“Ak-Bozat”). And kids of many countries of the world know about the adventures of the Gray Sheika!

“This is my favorite book - it was written by love itself, and therefore it will survive everything else,” - words from a letter from a middle-aged writer. It is said about Alyonushka's Tales. And it can be attributed to all the works of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak for children. Including, of course, the “Tale of the Glorious Tsar Peas ...”, which all of us - mothers and fathers, and even grandmothers, and maybe the grandmothers of our grandmothers - know more like a fairy tale about Princess Goroshinka. In it, in this very Russian and at the same time very “his own”, author’s fairy tale, Dmitry Narkisovich used images folk art. Here, perhaps, one can especially hear the beautiful old speech, which, probably, was spoken in that distant, distant antiquity, even "under Tsar Pea." But Tsar Peas in Russian folk tales- the very, very first tsar in Mother Rus'. How could a writer know late XIX centuries, as they said then? Yes, from the same place, from where he knew the languages ​​of various birds, animals, flowers, and even the tiniest blades of grass!

And yet, the most important thing is not in this, not in the richness of speech "Tales about the glorious Tsar Pea ...". As always happens in real, authentic fairy tales, the main thing is hidden in the depths of the plan, in the very heart of events, in the thoughts that they, these events, awaken in listeners. will be in this magic story extraordinary miracles and transformations. And yet they are not the point. They do not have wisdom.

"Salt" of a fairy tale, its "hint - good fellows lesson, ”as A. S. Pushkin said, - it seems to have nothing to do with all these miracles. And in it lies the main sorcery!

What is there in the world that you can't earn and replace with nothing? What can not be exchanged for anything, let alone sold?

What is more precious than rosy cheeks and shining eyes?

Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak always told his readers about this both in great novels and in fairy tales for the little ones. The same is said in famous history about Princess Goroshinka - about spiritual wealth, purity, about the beauty of thoughts and feelings, about kindness and nobility.


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Once upon a time, the glorious Tsar Pea lived in his kingdom of peas. Most of all, he loved to have fun. He rejoiced day and night, and all the others rejoiced with him.

“Oh, what a good king we have! everyone said. And the glorious Tsar Pea listens, strokes his beard, and even more fun for him. King Peas loved when everyone praised him.

Then King Peas loved to make war with neighboring kings and other kings. He sits and sits, and then he says:

- Why don't we go to Tsar Panteley? Something he seemed to become conceited in his old age. Should have taught him.

King Peas had enough troops and everyone was happy to fight. Maybe they will beat themselves, but still they are happy. Tsar Pea fought happily and after each war he brought back a lot of good things - both the golden treasury, and semi-precious stones, and silk fabrics, and captives. He did not disdain anything and took tribute to everything that came to hand: flour - give flour here too: it will come in handy at home; cow - come on and a cow, boots - come on and boots, butter - let's butter in porridge. Even Tsar Pea Tribute was taken with a bast and a broom. Someone else's porridge is always sweeter than their own and it is better to steam with someone else's broom.

All foreign kings and glorious kings envied King Pea's Fortune, and most importantly, his cheerful character. Tsar Panteley, who had a beard to his knees, spoke bluntly:

“It’s good for him to live, the glorious Tsar Pea, when he has a cheerful character. I'd give half my beard if I could have that much fun.

But there are no completely happy people in the world. Everyone has some grief. Neither the subjects, nor the governors, nor the boyars knew that the cheerful Tsar Pea also had his own grief, and not one, but two whole griefs. Only one wife of Tsar Pea, the glorious Tsarina Lukovna, the sister of Tsar Pantelei, knew about this. The king and queen hid their grief from everyone so that the people would not laugh at them. The first grief was that the glorious King Peas had six fingers on his right hand. He was born like that, and it was hidden from childhood, so the glorious King Pea never took off his gloves from his right hand. Of course, the sixth finger is nothing, you can live with six fingers, and the trouble is that thanks to this sixth finger, King Pea was not enough. He himself confessed to his queen Lukovna:

- It seems that he would take everything in the world for himself. Is it my fault that my hand is so arranged?

“Well, take it while they give it,” Tsaritsa Lukovna consoled him. “It’s not your fault. And if you don’t give back with kindness, you can take it away by force.

Tsarina Lukovna in everything and always agreed with her glorious Tsar Pea. The governors also did not argue and believed that they were fighting for glory, taking away someone else's porridge and butter. No one suspected that the glorious Tsar Peas had six fingers on his hand and that, out of greed, he was ready to take even the beard from Tsar Pantelei, also a glorious and brave king.

The second grief of the glorious King Pea was, perhaps, worse. The fact is that the first son, the glorious and brave Tsarevich Orlik, was born to the glorious Tsar Pea, then the beautiful princess Kutafya of indescribable beauty was born, and the third was born the little, little princess Pea, so small that she lived in a box in which the glorious Tsarina Lukovna hid your earrings. Nobody saw the little Princess Pea, except for her father and mother.

Even Tsarevich Orlik and the beautiful Princess Kutafya did not know that they had a sister, Pea. And the mother loved her Pea more than other children - they will love both of them, but this one is sweet only to father and mother.

Princess Pea had grown to be the size of a pea and was as cheerful as her father. It was difficult to keep her in the box. The princess wanted to run, and play, and fool around, like other children. Tsaritsa Lukovna locked herself in her room, sat down at the table and opened the box. Princess Pea jumped out and began to have fun. The table seemed to her a whole field, on which she ran, as other children run across a real field. The mother will stretch out her hand, and Princess Pea will barely climb on it. She loved to hide everywhere, and her mother used to hardly find her, and she herself was afraid to move, so as not to crush her own offspring. The glorious King Peas also came to admire his daughter, and she hid in his beard, as in a forest.

Oh, how funny she is! Tsar Peas wondered, shaking his head.

The little Princess Pea was also surprised. What a big thing all around - and father and mother, and rooms, and furniture! Once she climbed onto the window and nearly died of fright when she saw a dog running down the street. The princess squealed plaintively and hid in a thimble, so that King Pea barely found her.

The worst thing was that, as Princess Pea began to grow up, she wanted to see everything and know everything. And then show her, and the other, and the third. When I was little, I loved to play with flies and cockroaches. Tsar Peas himself made toys for her - there is nothing to do, even though the king, but make toys for her daughter. He learned this business so well that no one else in the state would have been able to make such a cart for Princess Pea or other toys. The most surprising thing was that the flies and cockroaches also loved the little princess, and she even rode them like big people ride horses. There were, of course, their troubles. Once Princess Pea begged her mother to take her to the garden with her.

“Just take a look, mother, what kind of gardens there are,” Princess Pea pleaded. “I won’t break or spoil anything.

Oh, what am I going to do with her? - Tsarina Lukovna pleaded.

However, let's go to the garden. Tsar Pea stood on guard so that no one would see Princess Pea, and the queen went out onto the path and let her daughter out of the box. Princess Pea was terribly delighted and frolicked for a long time on the sand and even hid in a bell. But this game almost ended in disaster. Princess Pea climbed into the grass, and there sat a fat, old frog - she saw the little princess, opened her mouth and almost swallowed her like a fly. It is good that the glorious King Peas himself came running in time and crushed the frog with his foot.

So lived and lived the glorious King Peas. Everyone thought that he would always be cheerful, but it turned out not so. When Princess Pea was born, he was no longer young, and then began to age rapidly. In front of everyone, the glorious Tsar Pea was growing old. His face was haggard, turned yellow, his eyes were sunken, his hands began to shake, and the old fun was gone. King Pea has changed a lot, and with him the whole pea kingdom has become despondent. Yes, and there was reason to be discouraged: the aged Tsar Peas became suspicious, saw treason everywhere and did not trust anyone, even the most beloved boyars and governors.

- I do not believe anybody! - Tsar Pea said into their eyes. - All of you are ready to cheat on me at the first opportunity, and behind my back, probably, laugh at me. I know everything! Better not make excuses.

- Have mercy, glorious King Peas! the boyars and governors pleaded. “How dare we even think something bad. Everyone loves you, glorious King Peas, and everyone is ready to give their lives for you.

- I know I know. Right people will not make excuses. All you do is wait for me to die.

Everyone began to fear the glorious King Peas. He was such a cheerful king, and then he suddenly fell off the stove - and it is impossible to recognize. And Tsar Peas became stingy, like Kashchei. He sits and calculates how much good the guests ate and drank from him, and besides, how many other different gifts they received. And it's a shame to the old man that so much goodness was wasted, it's a pity for his royal treasury. Tsar Peas began to oppress everyone, calculate every money, and even in the mornings sat in the kitchen, watched how cabbage soup was cooked for him, so that the cooks would not steal provisions.

- You are all thieves! - King Pea reproaches his cooks. - Just turn away, you will pull all the beef out of the pot, and leave me one slurry.

- Have mercy, tsar-sovereign! the cooks yelled and lay at the feet of King Peas. “How dare we drag your beef out of the pots.

- I know I know. My whole kingdom is a thief on a thief - he drives a thief.

Things got to the point that the glorious Tsar Gorokh ordered to cut bread with him, and he himself counted the pieces, and even began to milk the cows so that the unfaithful servants would not drink the royal milk. Everyone had a bad time, even Tsarina Lukovna, and she was starving. She cries, but does not dare to ask the king for a piece of bread. She was emaciated, poor, and only one was glad that it cost absolutely nothing to feed her beloved daughter Goroshinka. Princess Pea was full of crumbs.

"They've ruined the king! - everyone thought. - Some sorcerer ruined it, it’s not otherwise. How long does it take to spoil every person. And what a glorious and cheerful king we had!”

And the glorious Tsar Pea every day became worse and angrier. He began to put people in prisons, and directly executed others. Unmerciful royal bailiffs walk all over the pea kingdom, catching people and executing them. In order to serve King Peas, they chose the richest so that their estate would go to the royal treasury.

“However, how many traitors I have divorced! - the glorious Tsar Pea is surprised. - It was they who stole so much good from me. And I just don't notice anything. A little more, so I myself would have died of hunger.

Every day the glorious Tsar Peas became worse and worse, and the people kept looking for who spoiled him. Searched and searched and finally found. It turned out that the king was spoiled by his own daughter, the beautiful Kutafya. Yes, she is the best. There were people who claimed that they saw with their own eyes that she flew out of the palace, turning into a magpie, or even worse - she ran around the city with a mouse and eavesdropped on who and what was talking about the king. From her, they say, all the evil in the pea Kingdom went. The evidence was all there: the glorious Tsar Peas loved only one beautiful princess Kutafya. He even drove out all his cooks, and hung the main one in front of the kitchen, and now the royal dish was prepared by one beautiful princess Kutafya. Tsar Peas now believed only in her, and no one else.

- What should we do now? - everyone complained to each other. - The domestic enemy is stronger than all. Princess Kutafya will destroy the whole kingdom.

However, there was one last hope. The beauty of Princess Kutafya was famous throughout all the lands, and grooms from all sides came to King Pea. The trouble is that she refused everyone. All bad suitors. But after all, someday she will get tired of sitting in girls, she will get married, and then everyone will breathe freely. They thought, judged, dressed up, changed their minds, but the beautiful princess Kutafya did not want to think anything about the groom. The last to come to Tsar Peas was the young King Kosar, a handsome man and a hero, what to look for, but he was also refused, that is, Tsar Peas himself refused him.

“Your kingdom is not enough, King Mower,” the glorious Tsar Gorokh told him, stroking his beard. “You are barely fed yourself, but what will you feed your wife?”

King Mower was offended, sat on his horse and said goodbye to King Peas:

“A small kingdom can grow into a big one, but nothing will be left of a big kingdom. Guess what that means?

The glorious Tsar Pea only laughed at the boasting of King Mower: young, de still, the milk has not dried on his lips!

The princess, the beautiful Kutafya, the father did not even ask if she liked the groom or not. It’s not a girl’s job to sort out the suitors - the father and mother know better who to give their own offspring.

The beautiful princess Kutafya saw from her chamber how King Kosar was leaving for home, and wept bitterly. The handsome king came to her very heart, yes, apparently, nothing can be done against the will of the parent. Tsarina Lukovna also wept, pitying her daughter, but she herself did not even dare to utter a word in front of the tsar.

Before the glorious King Peas had time to look back, King Mower began to solve his riddle. First of all, he went to war against Tsar Pantelei, began to take cities and beat up an uncountable number of people. Tsar Pantelei was frightened and began to ask for help from Tsar Peas. They used to quarrel, and sometimes they fought, but in trouble there is no time to sort out old accounts. However, the glorious Tsar Peas again became proud and refused.

- Manage as you know, - he said through the ambassadors to Tsar Panteley. - Everyone has his own shirt closer to the body.

Less than six months later, Tsar Pantelei himself came running. He had nothing left but a beard, and King Kosar took over his kingdom.

“You shouldn’t have helped me,” he reproached Tsar Pea. “Together we would have defeated him, but now he has beaten me and will break you.

“We’ll see that again, and your Mower is a sucker.

Having conquered the kingdom of Pantelei, King Kosar sent his ambassadors to the glorious King Peas, who said:

- Give our brave king Kosar your daughter, the beautiful princess Kutafya, otherwise you will have the same thing as Tsar Panteley.

King Gorokh got angry and ordered the execution of the Kosarev ambassadors, and sent a dog with a severed tail to King Kosar himself. Here, they say, is the most suitable bride for you.

King Mower was also angry and went to war against the pea kingdom, he goes - and the people, like a scythe, mow. How many villages he ruined, how many cities he burned, how many people he destroyed, and the governor, whom Tsar Peas sent against him, took in full. How long, how short, the tale tells, but only King Mower has already approached the capital itself, surrounded it around, so that there is no passage or passage for anyone, and again sends ambassadors to the glorious Tsar Pea.

- Marry your daughter, the beautiful princess Kutafya, to our king Kosar, - the ambassadors say. - You executed the first ambassadors and you can execute us. We are slave people.

“I’d rather die myself, and not give my daughter to your king!” - Tsar Peas answered. - Let him take it himself, if he can only take it. I'm not the king of Panteley.

The glorious Tsar Peas wanted to execute these ambassadors too, but the beautiful princess Kutafya interceded for them in time. She threw herself at the feet of her formidable father and began to weep bitterly:

“It would be better if they led me to be executed, father, and these people are not to blame. Get your head off me, just don't ruin the others. Because of me, unfortunate, blood is shed in vain and people die.

— Is that how? Excellent, - answered the glorious Tsar Peas. - Have you exchanged your own father for some kind of ambassadors? Thanks, daughter. Maybe you want to marry King Kosar? Well, you can't wait for this! I will ruin the whole kingdom, and you will not visit Kosar.

Tsar Peas was terribly angry with his beloved daughter and ordered to put her in high-high tower, where other prisoners languished, and Kosarev's ambassadors were planted in the basement. The people found out about this and crowds came to the tower to scold the disgraced princess.

“Give us our cities taken by King Mower!” - shouted to her from below, people who lost their heads from grief. - Give back everyone who was killed by King Kosar! Because of you, we ourselves will die of starvation. You spoiled your father too, who wasn't like that before.

The beautiful princess Kutafya was terrified when she heard such words. After all, she would be torn to pieces if she left the tower. What is her fault? Whom did she harm? That's father hated her for nothing. The princess becomes bitter and insulting, and she cries bitterly, bitterly, cries day and night.

“And why was I only born beautiful?” she wailed, wringing her hands. “It would be better for me to be born some kind of freak, lame and hunchbacked. And now everyone is against me. Oh, it would be better if my father executed me!

And famine was already beginning in the capital. Hungry people came to the tower and shouted:

“Beautiful Princess Kutafya, give us bread!” We are dying of hunger. If you don't pity us, then pity our children.

One mother pitied the beautiful princess Kutafya. She knew that her daughter was not to blame for anything. The old tsarina Lukovna wept her eyes out, but she did not dare to say anything to her husband. And she cried quietly from everyone, so that someone would not inform the king. Mother's grief was seen by one Princess Pea and wept with her, although she did not know what she was crying about. She was very sorry for her mother - such big woman and so crying.

Mom, tell me what are you crying about? she asked. “Just tell me, and I will ask my father.” He will arrange everything.

“Ah, you don’t understand anything, Pea!”

Queen Lukovna had no idea that Pea knew much more than she thought. After all, he was an extraordinary child. Flowers smiled at Pea, she understood what the flies were talking about, and when she grew up big, that is, she was seventeen years old, something completely unusual happened to Pea, which she did not tell anyone about. As soon as she wanted to, Pea turned into a fly, into a mouse, into a small bird. It was very interesting. Pea used the time when her mother was sleeping and flew out the window like a fly. She flew around the entire capital and examined everything. When the father put the beautiful Kutafya in the tower, she flew to her too. Princess Kutafya sat at the window and wept bitterly. The Pea Fly flew around her, buzzed, and finally spoke:

Don't kill yourself, sister. The morning is wiser than the evening.

Princess Kutafya was terribly frightened. No one was allowed to see her, and then suddenly human voice.

- It's me, your little sister Pea.

- I don't have any sister.

- What am I for?

Pea told everything about herself, and the sisters kissed. Now both were crying with joy and could not talk enough. The beautiful princess Kutafya was embarrassed by only one thing: namely, that her little sister Pea could turn into a fly. So she is a witch, and all witches are evil.

“No, I’m not a sorceress,” explained the offended Pea. “But only bewitched by someone, and some kind of vow was put on me, and no one knows what kind of vow.” I have to do something to turn into an ordinary girl, but I don’t know what.

The beautiful princess Kutafya told about all her misadventures: how she felt sorry for her father, who became evil, and then how much grief because of her the whole pea kingdom now suffers. And how is she to blame that King Kosar certainly wants to marry her? He never even saw her.

“Do you like him, sister?” Pea asked slyly.

The beautiful Princess Kutafya only lowered her eyes and blushed.

"I used to like it," she explained with embarrassment. "But now I don't like him." He is angry.

- Fine. Understand. Well, the morning is wiser than the evening.

The whole pea kingdom was alarmed. Firstly, Tsarevich Orlik was captured by the evil King Kosar, and secondly, the beautiful princess Kutafya disappeared from the tower. In the morning the jailers opened the door to the room of Princess Kutafya, and there was no trace of her. They were even more surprised when they saw that another girl was sitting at the window, sitting and not moving.

— How did you get here? the jailers were surprised.

— And so. Here I come and sit.

And the girl is somehow special - hunchbacked and pockmarked, and she herself is wearing a thin dress, all in patches. The jailers were horrified:

"What have you done, smart girl?" After all, the glorious Tsar Gorokh will tell us that we did not save the beautiful princess Kutafya.

They ran to the palace and announced everything. The glorious Tsar Peas himself ran into the tower - he ran so hard that he lost his hat on the way.

- I'll execute everyone! he shouted.

- King-sovereign, have mercy! yelled the jailers, wallowing at his feet. “Do whatever you want, but we are not to blame. Apparently, the beautiful princess Kutafya laughed at us, the poor.

The glorious Tsar Peas looked at the pockmarked girl who, as if nothing had happened, was sitting at the window, and was as surprised as the jailers.

- Yes, where did you come from, beauty written? he asked sternly.

— And so. Where it was, there is nothing left.

The glorious Tsar Pea is surprised that the pockmarked girl answers him so boldly and is not at all afraid of him.

“Come on, turn around,” he said, surprised.

As the girl got up, everyone saw that she was lame, and her little dress was barely holding on - a patch on a patch.

“It’s not even worth executing such a crow,” thought the glorious King Pea.

The jailers have gathered, they also look and also marvel.

"What's your name, beauty?" King Peas asked.

- And as you like, call me. Formerly called Barefoot.

- Aren't you afraid of me?

Why should I be afraid of you when you are kind. So everyone says: what a good king Peas we have!

Tsar Pea saw many miracles, but he had never seen such a miracle. A wise girl laughs at him right in the eye. The glorious Tsar Pea thought and did not even go home to dine, but he himself remained on guard in the tower. The jailers were put in chains and taken to another prison. They did not know how to keep the king's daughter, so let them sit themselves.

“Tell Tsarina Lukovna to send me cabbage soup and porridge here,” Tsar Gorokh ordered. “And I myself will guard. The matter is not clean.

And Tsarina Lukovna was killed in her palace. Crying as the river flows. The evil king Kosar took his son into captivity, the beautiful daughter Kutafya disappeared, and then Princess Goroshinka also disappeared. The queen searched and searched for her in all the rooms - there is no Pea anywhere.

“It can be seen that a mouse has bitten her or a sparrow has pecked her,” thought Tsarina Lukovna, and wept even more.

In the capital of the glorious King Peas, there is groaning, and weeping, and grief, and the evil King Mower rejoices in his camp. The worse it is for the glorious King Pea, the merrier for the evil King Mower. Every morning, the evil King Kosar writes a letter, ties it to an arrow, and sends it into the city. His last letter it was so:

“Hey you, glorious King Peas, you have a little snack left, come to me, I will feed you. I even left Tsar Panteley a beard, but you don’t even have that - you don’t have a beard, but a washcloth.

The glorious King Pea sits in the tower, reads royal letters and even cries with anger.

All the people who fled to the capital were terribly hungry. People were dying of hunger right on the street. Now no one was afraid of the glorious King Peas - to die anyway. Hungry people came straight to the tower, in which Tsar Pea was locked, and scolded him:

- Here, the old sorcerer guards the witch-daughter. They must be burned and the ashes thrown into the wind. Hey, Peas, come out better good!

King Pea listens to all these words and cries. Why was he angry and oppressing everyone? As long as he was kind, everything was fine. It's much better to be kind. Tsar Peas guessed how to live, but too late. And then a pockmarked girl sits by the window and sings:

Long live the glorious king Peas, No one could defeat him. And all the power was that he wished good to everyone.

“True, true,” whispered Tsar Peas, shedding tears.

Then the wise girl said to him:

“Here you are, glorious King Peas. You don't keep me in the tower, but I keep you. Understood? Well, that's enough. There is nothing more for you to do here. Go home - Tsaritsa Lukovna misses you very much. When you get home, get ready for the road. Understood? And I will come for you.

- How can I go - they will kill me on the way.

- No one will kill. Here, I'll give you a pass.

The girl tore off one patch from her dress and gave it to the king. And indeed, King Peas reached the very palace, and no one recognized him, even his palace servants. They didn't even want to let him into the palace. The glorious Tsar Peas wanted to get angry and immediately execute them all, but he remembered in time that it was much more profitable to be kind. King Peas restrained himself and said to the servants:

“I would only like to see Tsaritsa Lukovna. Just one word to say.

The servants had mercy and allowed the old man to the queen. When he went to the royal chambers, they told him one thing:

“Our queen is kind, don’t you dare ask her for bread. She eats every other day now. And all because of the damned King Pea.

Tsaritsa Lukovna recognized her husband at once and wanted to throw herself on his neck, but he made a sign to her and whispered:

- Let's run faster. I'll tell you everything after.

Fees were short - that can be carried away in the hands. Tsaritsa Lukovna took only one empty box in which Pea lived. Soon Barefoot also came and led the king and queen. Tsar Pantelei caught up with them on the street and spoke with tears:

"Why are you leaving me alone?"

- Well, come with us, - said Barefoot. - It's more fun to go together.

King Mower stood under the capital of King Peas for the second year already and did not want to take the city by attack, so as not to destroy his royal troops in vain. All the same, they themselves will give up when they are "hungry to their fill."

Having nothing to do, the evil king Mower is having fun in his royal tent. Have fun during the day, have fun at night. Lights are on, music is playing, songs are being sung. Everyone is having fun, only the captives are grieving, who are guarded by strong royal guards. And among all these captives, Tsarevich Orlik, the handsome Orlik, who yearned for all the girls who saw him at least from a distance, grieves the most. It was an eaglet that had fallen from its native nest. But the guards assigned to the prince began to notice that every morning a white-sided magpie flew in from somewhere and chirped something for a long time in its own way, in the magpie’s way, and itself hovered over the dugout in which the captive prince was sitting. They tried to shoot at her, but no one could hit.

"It's some kind of damned bird!" - decided everything.

No matter how much fun King Mower had, he was tired of waiting for obedience. He sent an arrow with a letter to the besieged city, and in a letter he wrote to Tsar Pea that if the cities were not surrendered to him, then tomorrow Tsarevich Orlik would be executed. King Mower waited for an answer until the very evening, but he never received it. And no one in the capital knew yet that the glorious Tsar Peas had fled.

"Tomorrow we'll execute Tsarevich Orlik!" - ordered the King Mower. - I'm tired of waiting. I will execute everyone who only falls into my hands. Let them remember what King Kosar was!

By morning everything was ready for the execution. The whole royal army gathered to watch how Tsarevich Orlik would be executed. The trumpets were already humming sadly, and the watchman brought the prince out. The handsome young man was not afraid, but only looked longingly at his native capital, the walls of which were strewn with people. There it was already known about the execution of the prince.

King Mower came out of the tent and waved his handkerchief - this meant that there would be no forgiveness. But just at that time a magpie swooped in, soared over the dugout of the captive prince and crackled terribly. It hovered over the very head of King Kosar.

- What is this bird? King Mower got angry.

The courtiers rushed to drive away the bird, but it just climbs - it will bite someone in the head, someone in the hand, and it strives to hit someone right in the eye. And the courtiers were angry. And the magpie sat on the golden dome of the royal tent and teased everyone. They started shooting at her, and no one can hit.

- Kill her! - shouts King Mower. - No, where are you going. Give me my bow and arrows. I'll show you how to shoot.

King Mower pulled a tight bow with his mighty hand, an arrow feathered with a swan feather sang, and fell from the top of a magpie. Here, in front of everyone's eyes, a great miracle happened. When they ran up to pick up the dead magpie, it lay on the ground with eyes closed a girl of indescribable beauty. Everyone immediately recognized in her the beautiful princess Kutafya. The arrow hit her right in the left hand, in the very little finger. King Kosar himself ran up, fell to his knees and said in horror:

“Beautiful girl, what have you done to me?” Wonderful girlish eyes opened, and the beautiful princess Kutafya answered:

“They didn’t order brother Orlik to be executed.

King Mower waved his handkerchief, and the guards surrounding the prince parted.

Sandal leads two kings and Tsarina Lukovna, and they go and quarrel. Everything is bullied by Tsar Pantelei.

“Oh, what an excellent kingdom I had! he boasts. “There is no such other kingdom.

- So you're lying, Tsar Pantelei! - Pea argues. - Mine was much better.

- No, mine!

- No, mine!

No matter how hard King Pea tries to be kind, he just can’t. How can you be kind here when Tsar Pantelei says that his kingdom was better?

They go again.

- And how much goodness I had! - says Tsar Panteley. - One treasury cannot be counted. Nobody had that much.

- You're lying again! - says Tsar Peas. - I had more goods and treasury.

Kings come and quarrel. The queen pulled Tsar Peas by the sleeve several times and whispered:

- Stop it, old man. After all, you wanted to be kind, didn't you?

- And if Tsar Panteley prevents me from being kind? - the glorious king Pea is angry.

Everyone thinks about his own, and Tsaritsa Lukovna is all about the children. Is the handsome Tsarevich Orlik somewhere? Is the beautiful princess Kutafya somewhere? Is Princess Pea somewhere? younger daughter she was most sorry. Come on, and there were no seeds left from the Pea. The queen comes and slowly wipes her mother's tears with her sleeve.

And the kings will rest and argue again. They argued, argued, almost got into a fight. As soon as Tsarina Lukovna separated them.

“Stop sinning,” she urged them. “Both are better. There is nothing left, so there is nothing to boast about.

- I have something left! - the glorious king Peas got angry. - Yes, it remains. Even now I am richer than Tsar Panteley.

Tsar Peas got angry, pulled off the glove from his right hand, showed Tsar Panteley his six fingers and said:

- What did you see? You have five fingers in total, and I have as many as six - so it turned out that I am richer than you.

- Oh, you found something to boast about! - Tsar Panteley laughed. - If it comes to that, then my beard alone is worth something.

The kings argued for a long time, again they nearly fought, but Tsar Pantelei was exhausted, sat down on a hummock and began to cry. King Pea suddenly felt ashamed. Why did he show off his six fingers and bring a man to tears?

“Listen, Tsar Panteley,” he began. “Listen, stop it!

“I just can’t quit, King Peas.

- Yes, what are you talking about!

- I want to eat. It was better to stay in the capital or go to the evil king Mower. Still die of starvation.

Barefoot came up and gave Tsar Panteley a piece of bread. Tsar Pantelei ate it and how he screamed:

“But what are you, such and such, not giving me cabbage soup ?! Do you think kings should eat dry food? Yes, I will destroy you now.

- Stop it, it's not good, - Tsar Peas persuaded. - It's good when there is a piece of bread.

How long, how short, the kings quarreled among themselves, then they reconciled, then quarreled again, and Barefoot goes ahead of himself, rolls over on crooked legs and props himself up with a bird-cherry stick.

Tsaritsa Lukovna was silent - she was afraid that there would be no pursuit, that Tsar Gorokh would not be killed, and when they went further away and the danger had passed, she began to think differently. And where did this sandal come from? And her dress is torn, and she herself is somehow clumsy, and besides, she is lame. Tsar Peas did not find the maiden worse. Such and such ugliness would be close to royal palace they didn't let me. Empress Lukovna began to get angry and asked:

— Hey, Sandal, where are you taking us?

The kings also stopped arguing and also pounced on Barefoot:

“Hey, you crooked leg, where are you taking us?”

Sandal stopped, looked at them and only smiled. And the kings come up to her like that: tell me, where did you lead her?

- And I'm taking you to visit, - answered Barefoot, and added: - Just in time for the wedding itself, we'll be in time.

At this point, Tsarina Lukovna herself pounced on her and began to scold her. And this and that - until the wedding now, when you can’t disentangle all your grief. Barefoot laughs in the eyes of everyone.

- You look at me! Tsaritsa Lukovna threatened. “I don’t like joking.

Barefoot said nothing, but only pointed forward with her hand. Now everyone saw that a huge city stood ahead, with stone walls, towers and wonderful mansions. A camp and an innumerable army will be spread out in front of the city. The kings were a little scared and even stepped back, and then Tsar Pantelei said:

“Eh, it doesn’t matter, King Pea!” Let's go to. What to be - that cannot be avoided, and maybe they will feed there. I really missed shchas.

Tsar Pea was also not averse to having a bite, and Tsarina Lukovna was hungry too.

Nothing to do, let's go. No one even thinks what kind of city it is and whose camp will be spread out. Tsar Pea goes and reproaches himself, why did he boast before Tsar Pantelei with his six fingers - Tsar Pantelei is chatty and will tell everyone. And Tsaritsa Lukovna began to preen herself and said to Barefoot:

“Come on, you chumicka, behind us, otherwise you will embarrass yourself in front of good people.”

- Well, now it doesn’t smell like cabbage soup alone, but also porridge with jelly. I really love kissel!

Tsarina Lukovna looks and does not believe her eyes. The handsome Tsarevich Orlik himself rides ahead on a dashing horse and waves his hat. And behind him rides, also on a horse, the beautiful princess Kutafya, and next to her rides the evil king Kosar.

“Well, now, it seems, porridge with butter has come out,” muttered the frightened Tsar Panteley and wanted to run away, but Barefoot held him back.

Everyone drove up, and the glorious Tsar Pea recognized his own children.

- Why, this is my capital! he gasped, looking around the city.

Prince Orlik and Princess Kutafya dismounted and threw themselves at the feet of their father and mother. King Kosar also approached.

- Well, why are you standing there? - the glorious king Pea said to him, - The head will not fall off from the bow.

The evil King Kosar bowed and said:

- I hit you with my forehead, glorious king Peas! Give the beautiful princess Kutafya for me.

- Well, we'll see! - King Peas answered proudly.

With great triumph they led the guests to the royal tent. All of them were greeted with honor. Even Tsar Panteley drew himself up.

Only when they approached the tent did Tsaritsa Lukovna miss the Sandals, and she was gone. Searched and searched, found nothing.

“It was Pea, mother,” the beautiful princess Kutafya whispered to Tsarina Lukovna. “She arranged everything.

Three days later there was a wedding - the beautiful princess Kutafya was marrying King Kosar. The siege of the city was lifted. Everyone was eating, drinking and having fun. The glorious Tsar Pea was so amused that he said to Tsar Panteley:

- Let's kiss, Tsar Pantelei. And why did we fight? After all, if you take it apart, the King Mower is not at all evil.

When Tsar Peas and Tsarina Lukovna returned home from their wedding, Barefoot was sitting in the Tsaritsa's room and sewing a new patch onto her rags. Tsaritsa Lukovna gasped.

"Where did you come from, you freak?" the old woman got angry.

“You had fun at Sister Kutafya’s wedding, and I repaired my patches here.

- Sisters? How dare you say such words, you wretch! Yes, I will order you to be kicked out of here in three broomsticks - then you will recognize sister Kutafya.

- Mom, but I'm your daughter - Pea!

Tsaritsa Lukovna even dropped her hands. The old woman sat down at the table and wept bitterly. She only now remembered that Kutafya herself had told her about Pea. It was fun at the wedding, and everyone forgot about Pea with joy.

— Oh, I forgot about you, daughter! cried Tsaritsa Lukovna. “Completely out of memory. And Kutafya whispered to me about you. What a sin!

But, looking at Barefoot, Tsaritsa Lukovna suddenly became angry again and said:

- No, mother, you do not look like my Pea. No no! She just pretended to pretend and called herself Pea. And Kutafya deceived. Not like my Pea was.

“Really, mother, I am Pea,” Sandy assured with tears.

- No no no. And don't talk better. Tsar Peas will also find out and now orders me to be executed.

- My father is kind!

- Father?! How dare you say such words? Yes, I'll put you in a closet, dirty!

Pea cried. She was busy with everyone, but they forgot to invite her to the wedding, and even own mother wants to plant in a closet. Tsaritsa Lukovna became even more angry and even stamped her feet.

- Here's another goryushko imposed! she shouted. “Well, where can I go with you?” Tsar Peas will come, he will see you - what will I tell him? Get out of my sight now.

“I have nowhere to go, mother.

- What kind of mother am I to you! Oh, you stuffed pea, will pretend something! Also, he will come up with: daughter!

Tsaritsa Lukovna was both angry and crying, and decidedly did not know what to do. And then, God forbid, Tsar Peas will find out somehow. Here's the trouble!

The old woman thought and thought and decided to send for her daughter Kutafya: “She is younger, maybe she will come up with something, but I’m already an old woman, and there’s nothing to take from me.”

Three weeks later, Kutafya also arrived, and even with her husband, King Kosar. The whole kingdom rejoiced, and such a feast arose in the palace that Tsaritsa Lukovna completely forgot about Barefoot, that is, she didn’t completely forget, but kept putting off talking with Kutafya.

“Let the young ones have fun and rejoice,” thought Tsarina Lukovna. “Show them a sort of stuffed animal, so that all the guests, perhaps, will scatter.”

And the guests had fun recklessly, and Tsar Pantelei most of all - the old man was dancing, only his beard was shaking. King Mower gave him the whole kingdom back, and Tsar Panteley rejoiced, as if he had been born yesterday. He hugged everyone and climbed in to kiss so that Tsar Peas even got a little angry:

- What are you licking, Panteley, like a calf!

“Darling, Tsar Gorokhushko, don’t be angry! repeated Tsar Pantelei, embracing his old friend. “Oh, what you are. Now I'm not afraid of anyone again, and at least now I'm ready to fight again.

- Well, you drop this business. Before, I also liked to fight, but now no, no! And so we will live.

So that somehow the guests would not see Sandals, Tsarina Lukovna locked her in her room with a key, and a poor girl I could only admire through the window, how others were having fun. Guests came from all sides apparently-invisibly, and there was something to see. When they got tired of having fun in the upper rooms, all the guests went out into the garden, where cheerful music played, and in the evenings multi-colored lights burned. Tsar Pea walked among the guests, smoothing his beard and cheerfully saying:

- Isn't anyone bored? Have I offended anyone? Is there enough wine and food for everyone? Who knows how to have fun a kind person.

The sandal saw from the window how Tsar Panteley happily picked up the skirts of his caftan and started squatting. He was swinging so long arms that looked like a mill or bat. Tsaritsa Lukovna could not bear it either - she shook the olden days. Putting her hips on her hips, she waved her silk handkerchief and swam with her paws, beating her silver heels.

— Eh-eh-eh! she said, waving her handkerchief.

- Oh yes, old woman! - praised Tsar Peas. - When I was young, this is how I knew how to dance, but now my belly does not allow it.

The sandal looked at someone else's fun and wept: she was very offended by someone else's fun.

Sitting at her window, Barefoot many times saw her sister, the beautiful Kutafya, who became even prettier when she got married. Once Kutafya was walking alone, and Barefoot called out to her:

— Sister Kutafya, come here!

The first time Kutafya pretended not to have heard, the second time she looked at Barefoot and pretended not to recognize her.

- Dear sister, but it's me, Pea!

Beauty Kutafya went and complained to her mother. Tsaritsa Lukovna was terribly angry, ran, scolded Sandal and closed the window with shutters.

- You look at me! she grumbled. Is it proper for you, scarecrow, to talk with the beautiful Kutafya? You're just embarrassing me.

Sandal sits in a dungeon and cries again. The only thing left for the light was a crack between the shutters. There is nothing to do, from boredom and in a crack you will see enough. For whole hours Barefoot sat by the window and looked through her slit as the others had fun. I looked and looked and saw a handsome knight who came to the feast by chance. A good knight - a white face, falcon eyes, blond curls from ring to ring. And young, and good, and daring. Everyone admires, and other knights only envy. Nothing to say, King Kosar was good, but this one will be better. Even the proud beauty Kutafya more than once quietly glanced at the written handsome man and sighed.

And poor Sandal's heart is beating like a captured bird. She really liked the unknown knight. Who would she marry! Yes, the whole trouble is that Barefoot did not know the name of the knight, otherwise she would somehow break out of her prison and go to him. She would tell him everything to the last drop, and he would probably feel sorry for her. After all, she is good, albeit ugly.

No matter how many guests feasted, they had to go home. Tsar Pantelei was taken away completely drunk. At parting with her daughter, Tsarina Lukovna remembered her Barefoot and burst into tears:

“Oh, what am I going to do with her, Kutafya!” And I'm afraid of Tsar Peas, and good people will be ashamed when they find out.

Beauty Kutafya frowned her sable brows and said:

“What are you crying about, mother?” Send her to the kitchen, to the most menial work - that's all. No one will dare to think that this is your daughter.

"Why, I'm sorry for her, stupid!"

“You won’t feel sorry for all the freaks. Yes, I do not believe her that she is your daughter. Not at all in our family: good people call me a beauty, and brother Orlik is also a handsome man. Where does such and such an ugly thing come from?

- Says it's mine.

- She doesn't have much to say. And you sent her to the kitchen, and even to the most evil cook.

No sooner said than done. The sandal ended up in the kitchen. All the cooks and cooks rolled with laughter, looking at her:

“Where did our queen Lukovna find such beauty?” That's so beautiful! Worse something in the entire pea kingdom can not be found.

And her clothes are pretty too! - the cook was surprised, looking at the Barefoot. - To frighten the raven. Well, beauty!

And Barefoot was even glad that she was freed from her imprisonment, although she was forced to do the most menial work - she washed dirty dishes, dragged slops, washed floors. Everyone pushed her around like that, especially the cooks. They only know that they are shouting:

- Hey, you lame leg, only eat royal bread for nothing! And you are of no use.

She was especially harassed by her head cook, a feisty old woman who seemed to have not one tongue in her mouth, but as many as ten. It happened more than once that an evil woman would beat Sandal: either she would thrust her fist into her side, or she would pull her braid. The barefoot endured everything. What could be expected from strangers when her own mother and sister abandoned her! He will hide somewhere in a corner and cry quietly - that's all. And there is no one to complain to. True, Tsaritsa Lukovna looked into the kitchen several times and asked about it, but the cooks and cooks shouted with one voice:

- Lazy, lazy, this ugly queen! He does not want to do anything, but only eats royal bread for nothing.

- And you punish her so that she is not lazy, - the queen said.

They began to punish Barefoot: either they would leave him without lunch, then they would lock him up in a dark closet, then they would beat him.

Most of all, everyone was outraged that she endured everything in silence, and if she cried, then slowly.

- It's kind of desperate! - everyone was indignant. - You can’t get through it with anything. She'll do something else to us. She will take it and set fire to the palace - what to take from her, with a shaky leg!

Finally, all the domestics lost their patience, and they all went in a crowd to complain to Tsarina Lukovna:

- Take from us, Queen Lukovna, your ugly. We didn't have a life with her. That's how everyone messed with her - and do not tell!

Tsaritsa Lukovna thought and thought, shook her head and said:

"What am I going to do with her?" I'm tired of hearing about her.

- You sent her, queen mother, to the backyard. Let the geese guard. This is the best thing for her.

"Indeed, send her to the goose-houses!" - Tsaritsa Lukovna was delighted. - So let's do it. At least out of sight.

Barefoot was completely delighted, as they made her a goose. True, they fed her badly - only leftovers from the royal table were sent to the backyard, but from early morning she drove her geese into the field and spent whole days there. Wrap a crust of bread in a handkerchief - that's the whole dinner. And how nice it is in the field in the summer - and green grass, and flowers, and streams, and the sun looks from the sky so affectionately, affectionately. The sandal forgot about her grief and had fun as best she could. The field grass, and flowers, and brisk streams, and small birds spoke to her. For them Sandal was not a freak at all, but the same person as everyone else.

“You will be our queen,” the flowers whispered to her.

“I’m the king’s daughter, too,” Barefoot assured.

Only one thing upset Barefoot: every morning the royal cook came to the backyard, chose the fattest goose and carried it away. Tsar Pea was very fond of eating fatty goose. The geese grumbled terribly at Tsar Pea and cackled for a long time:

- Go Go go. King Peas would eat any other beef, but it would be better not to touch us. And that he liked us so much, poor geese!

The sandal could not console the poor geese in any way and did not even dare to say that Tsar Pea was a very kind person and did not want to do harm to anyone. The geese wouldn't believe her anyway. The worst thing was when guests came to the palace. Tsar Pantelei alone ate a whole goose. The old man loved to eat, although he was thin, like Kasha. Other guests also ate and praised the King Peas. What a kind and hospitable king. Not like King Kosar, with whom you can’t spend much. The beauty Kutafya, as soon as she got married, became so miserly - she was sorry for everything. Well, the guests will clap their eyes and leave without salty slurping to Tsar Peas.

Somehow guests came from different parties apparently-invisibly, and Tsar Peas wanted to amuse them with a valiant falconry. They pitched a royal tent with a golden top in an open field, set up tables, brought beer and mash, and all sorts of wine, laid out all kinds of food on the tables. Guests also arrived - women in carriages, and men on horseback. They prance on dashing argamaks, and each shows his valiant prowess. Among the guests was that young knight that Barefoot liked so much. His name was Krasik the hero. Everyone drives well, everyone shows their prowess well, and Krasik the hero is the best. Other knights and heroes only envy.

“Have fun, dear guests,” Tsar Pea says, “don’t remember me, the old man, dashingly. If it were not for my fat belly, I would show you how to have fun. I'm a little outdated to show my prowess. Here, ask Tsarina Lukovna, what a fine fellow I was. It used to be that no one could ride a horse better than me. And how he shot from a bow - once he shot an arrow at a bear and hit it right in the left eye, and it came out in the right hind leg.

Tsarina Lukovna tugged at the sleeve of her boastful husband, and Tsar Gorokh added:

- That is, it was not a bear, but a hare.

Here Tsarina Lukovna tugged at his sleeve again, and Tsar Gorokh corrected himself once more:

- That is, not a hare, but a duck, and I hit her not in the eye, but right, right in the tail. So, Lukovna?

“So, so, King Peas,” the queen says. “That’s how daring he was.

Other knights and bogatyrs also boasted, as best they could. And Tsar Pantelei boasted most of all.

- When I was young - now my beard bothers me - so I killed a deer, a hawk and a pike with one arrow, - the old man said, stroking his beard. - It's a thing of the past, now you can brag.

Tsarina Lukovna had to pull the sleeve of Panteley's brother too, because he began to boast too much. Tsar Pantelei was embarrassed, began to stutter:

- Yes I. I used to be so light on my feet: I’ll run and catch a hare by the tail. At least ask the king of Peas.

- You're lying, Panteley, - Tsar Pea answers. - You really like to brag. Yes. Before you always boasted, and now you boast. Here is one case that really happened to me. Yes. I rode a wolf all night long. I grabbed my ears and sit. Everyone knows this. So, Lukovna? Do you remember?

- Yes, it will be to you, unfortunate heroes! - the queen persuaded the dispersed old people. - You never know what happened. Don't tell everything. They probably won't believe it yet. Maybe there have been some cases with me, but I am silent. You better go hunting.

thundered copper pipes, and the royal hunt came out of the parking lot. Tsar Peas and Tsar Panteley could not ride and were dragged behind the hunters in rattles.

How I used to ride! - King Pea said with a sigh.

“So do I,” said Tsar Pantelei.

“No one knew how to ride better than me.

- And me too.

“Well, you are boasting, Pantelei!

- I didn't think so. Ask anyone.

“And yet you boast. Well, confess, Panteleyushka: did you brag about a small deed?

Tsar Pantelei looked around and asked in a whisper:

— And you, Gorokhushko?

King Peas also looked around and also answered in a whisper:

- I added a little, Pantelyushka. So, on a sparrow's nose.

“And your sparrow must be great!”

Tsar Peas almost got angry, but in time he remembered that he had to be kind, and kissed Panteley.

- What heroes we are with you, Panteleyushka! It's amazing even for everyone! Where are they, young, before us.

Barefoot grazed her geese and saw how Tsar Pea amuses himself with his hunting. She heard the merry sounds of hunting horns, the barking of dogs, and the merry cries of the mighty bogatyrs, riding so beautifully on their expensive argamaks. Barefoot saw how the royal falconers threw their falcons on various marsh birds rising from the lake or from the river on which she pastured her geese. The falcon will fly up and fall like a stone on some unfortunate duck, only feathers will fall. And then one knight separated from royal hunting and rushes straight at her. Barefoot was frightened that his falcon would kill her geese, and blocked his path.

- Knight, do not touch my geese! she shouted boldly, and even waved a twig.

The knight stopped in surprise, and Barefoot recognized in him the very one that she liked the most.

- Who are you going to be? - he asked.

“I am the king's daughter.

The knight laughed, looking at the tattered Sandal from head to toe. Neither give nor take a real royal daughter. And most importantly, she dared and even swung at him with a twig.

- Here's what, the king's daughter, give me some water to drink, - he said.

Barefoot went to the river, scooped up water in a wooden bucket and gave it to the knight. He drank, wiped his mustache and said:

- Thanks beauty. I have seen a lot in the world, but this is the first time I see such a royal daughter.

The hero returned to the royal headquarters and tells everyone about the miracle he ran into. All the knights and mighty heroes are laughing, and Tsarina Lukovna's soul has gone to her heels. What she was afraid of happened.

“Bring her here and we’ll see,” says Tsar Pantelei, who has been on a spree. “It’s even very curious. Let's have fun.

- And why do you want to look at the ugly? Tsaritsa Lukovna stood up.

Why does she call herself a royal daughter?

They immediately sent ambassadors for Sandals and brought them in front of the royal tent. King Pea rolled with laughter as he saw her. And humpbacked, and lame, and all in patches.

- Exactly where have I seen you, smart girl? he asks, smoothing his beard. “Whose daughter are you?”

The sandal looked him boldly in the eyes and answered:

- Yours, King Peas.

Everyone gasped, and Tsar Pantelei almost choked with laughter. Oh, what a funny Barefoot and how she shamed the King of Peas!

“I know this,” Tsar Gorokh found himself. “All my subjects are my children.

- No, I'm your own daughter, Pea, - Barefoot answered boldly.

Illustrations by N.D. Bartram

LLC "Osteon-Group"

Noginsk - 2018

© L.I.Morgun, lithoprocessing and adaptation of text and illustrations, 2018


Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done. Fairy tales tell old men and old women for consolation, young people for teaching, and little children for obedience. You can’t throw out a word from a fairy tale, and what was, then it was overgrown. Only a slanting hare ran past - listened with a long ear, the Firebird flew past - looked with a fiery eye ... Noises, buzzes green Forest, grass-ant grass with azure flowers spreads with a silk carpet, stone mountains rise to the sky, fast rivers flow from the mountains, boats run across the blue sea, and a mighty Russian hero rides through a dark forest on a good horse, Rides along a road to get a gap -grass, which opens up heroic happiness. The hero rode and rode and reached the Rosstan, where three paths converged. Which way to go? Across one is an oak log, on the other is a birch stump, and on the third a small firefly worm crawls. No further move to the hero.

- Fuck me! he shouted to the whole dense forest. Get rid of the evil spirit...

From this outcry of the heroic owl, with laughter, an owl flew out of a birch hollow, an oak log turned into an evil witch and flew after the owl, black crows whistled over the heroic head ...

- Fuck me! ..

And suddenly everything was gone, gone. Only one firefly worm remained on the road, as if someone had lost an expensive gemstone.

- Get straight! the frog called from the swamp. - Go, but don’t look back, otherwise it will be bad ...

The hero rode straight ahead, and ahead of him was a clearing, and in the clearing ferns were blooming with fiery flowers. Behind the meadow, like a mirror, the lake shines, and mermaids with green hair swim in the lake and laugh at the hero with girlish laughter.

- We, hero, have a gap-grass! We have your happiness...

got lost in thought mighty hero The good horse stopped.

However, what am I telling you, little guys? - this is just a saying, and a fairy tale ahead.

Chapter I

Once upon a time, lived the glorious Tsar Gorokh in his glorious kingdom Gorokhov. While Tsar Pea was young, most of all he liked to have fun. He rejoiced day and night, and all the others rejoiced with him.

- Oh, what a good King Peas we have! everyone said.

And the glorious Tsar Pea listens, strokes his beard, and even more fun for him. King Peas loved when everyone praised him. Then King Peas also loved to fight with neighboring kings and other glorious kings. He sits, sits, and then he says:

- Why don't we go to Tsar Panteley? He seems to have become arrogant in his old age... We must teach him a lesson.

King Peas had enough troops, the governors were excellent, and everyone was glad to fight. And all the people were also happy about the war. Maybe they will beat them themselves, but all the same I am glad. Tsar Gorokh happily fought and after each war he brought back a lot of good things and a golden treasury, and semi-precious stones, and silk fabrics, and captives. He did not disdain anything and is happy to pay tribute to everything that came to hand: flour - give it here and flour: it will come in handy at home, a cow - come on and a cow, boots - come on and boots, butter - give butter to porridge. Even Tsar Peas took tribute with a bast and a broom. All his subjects loved him very much for this custom: someone else's porridge is always sweeter than his own, and it is better to bathe with someone else's broom.

- Thank you, glorious King Peas! the subjects shouted when Tsar Pea rode through the streets of his capital. - We are behind you, like cockroaches behind the stove ... Two thanks to you, glorious King Peas!

All foreign kings and glorious kings envied the successes of King Pea, and most importantly, his cheerful character. Tsar Panteley, who had a beard to his knees, spoke bluntly:

- It is good for him to live, the glorious King Pea, when he has such a cheerful character. I'd give half my beard if I could have that much fun.

But there are no completely happy people in the world. Everyone has some grief. Neither the subjects, nor the governors, nor the boyars knew that the cheerful Tsar Pea also had his own grief, and not one, but two whole griefs. Only one wife of Tsar Pea, the glorious Tsarina Lukovna, the sister of Tsar Pantelei, knew about this. The king and queen hid their grief from everyone so that the people would not laugh at them. The first grief was that the glorious King Peas had six fingers on his right hand. He was born like that, and it was hidden from childhood, so that the glorious King Peas never took off his gloves from his right hand. Of course, the sixth finger is nothing, you can live with six fingers, and the trouble is that, thanks to this sixth finger, everything was not enough for King Pea. He himself confessed to his queen Lukovna:

- It seems that I would take everything in the world for myself alone ... Is it my fault that my hand is arranged like that?

“Well, take it while they give it,” Tsarina Lukovna consoled him. - You're not to blame. And if they don’t give it away for free, then you can take it away by force ...

Tsarina Lukovna in everything and always agreed with her glorious Tsar Pea. The subjects also did not argue and believed that they were fighting for glory, taking away someone else's porridge and butter. No one suspected that the glorious King Peas had six fingers on his hand, and that, out of greed, he was ready to take even the beard from Tsar Panteley, also a glorious and brave king.

Chapter II.

The second grief of the glorious King Pea was, perhaps, even worse than the first. The fact is that the first son, the glorious and brave Tsarevich Orlik, was born to the glorious Tsar Pea, then the beautiful princess Kutafya of indescribable beauty was born, and the third was born the little, little princess Pea, so small that she lived in a box in which the glorious queen used to be Lukovna hid her earrings. Nobody saw the little Princess Pea, except for her father and mother.

“What are we going to do with her, queen? – the glorious king Pea asked in horror. - All people will be born as people, and our daughter is the size of a pea ...

- What to do - let him live ... - the queen answered sadly.

Even Tsarevich Orlik and the beautiful Princess Kutafya did not know that they had a sister, Pea. And the mother loved her Pea more than other children: they will love both of them, but this one is sweet only to father and mother.

Princess Pea had grown to be the size of a pea and was as cheerful as her father. It was difficult to keep her in the box. The princess wanted to run, and play, and fool around, like other children. Tsaritsa Lukovna locked herself in her room, sat down at the table and opened the box. Princess Pea jumped out and began to have fun. The table seemed to her a whole field, on which she ran, as other children run across a real field. The mother will stretch out her hand, and Princess Pea will barely climb on it. She loved to hide everywhere, and her mother used to hardly find her, and she herself was afraid to move, so as not to crush her own offspring, a sinful deed. The glorious Tsar Pea also came to admire his princess Pea, and she hid in his beard, as in a forest.

- Oh, how funny she is! - Tsar Pea was surprised, shaking his head.

The little Princess Pea was also surprised. What a big everything around - and father and mother, and rooms, and furniture! Once she climbed onto the window and nearly died of fright when she saw a dog running down the street. The princess squealed plaintively and hid in a thimble, so that King Pea barely found her.

The worst thing was that, as Princess Pea began to grow up, she wanted to see everything and know everything. And then show her, and another, and a third ... While she was little, she loved to play with flies and cockroaches. Tsar Peas himself made toys for her - there is nothing to do, even though the king, but make toys for her daughter. He learned this business so well that no one else in the state would have been able to make such a cart for Princess Pea or other toys. The most surprising thing was that the flies and cockroaches also loved the little princess, and she even rode them like big people ride horses. There were, of course, their troubles. Once Princess Pea begged her mother to take her to the garden with her.

“Just take a look, mother, what kind of gardens there are,” Princess Pea pleaded. I won't break or ruin anything...

Oh, what am I going to do with her? - Tsarina Lukovna pleaded.

Svetlana Mukhina
Scenario autumn holiday for older children preschool age"King Pea and the Magic Pea"

« magic pea»

The scenario of the autumn holiday for children of senior preschool age

Hall festively decorated. Children enter the hall to the music « autumn waltz » , perform rebuilding and stop at the central wall.

Child 1:

Autumn in the city invisible

Slowly entered

AND magic palette

With you to city ​​brought.

Child 2:

maple orange standing

And as if he says:

"Look around -

Everything suddenly changed!”

Child 3:

lowered Autumn brushes

And looks around:

Bright, kind, colorful

Holiday gave us.

Song- dramatization"Leaves Are Falling" music Kraseva

Child 4:

Gifted by the guest autumn

Harvest of fruits.

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms.

Child 5:

So let's praise autumn!

Song, dance and play.

Meetings will be joyful

Autumn is your holiday.

Song "We've got guests" music Alexandrova

The children sit down. Soundtrack sounds magical music:

Autumn came to visit us

I brought a fairy tale with me

In the Far Far Away Kingdom,

In the Russian state

once upon a time Tsar,

A very important prince...

Sounds music excerpt from the opera "Ruslan and Ludmila", M. I. Glinka. Included King Peas

King Peas: Hello guys! Hello honest guests! Wow, and I was in a hurry to see you holiday afraid to be late. But it looks like he made it to the start.

I command you to start autumn holiday! Attention! Attention! To all Vanyushkas and Katyushas! To all Andryushkas and Tanyas! To all Arishki and other children! Have fun from the heart and until you drop! Who will fulfill my decree will receive magic pea. Here she is! (Looks around. Shrugs his shoulders in surprise.) Where is she? (Starts looking for pea) . Oh, oh, oh, oh, what to do now?

presenter: Father Tsar maybe we can help you with something?

King Peas: I think I know who can help us!

presenter: Do not languish, darling, speak soon. Who can help us!

King Peas: This magic fairy tree!

Children sing a song « fairy tree» music and sl. L. B. Veselova.

To the music of the song, the host takes the tree to the middle of the hall.

(It is decorated with leaves from different trees)

King Peas:

Here it is a forest miracle,

The miracle tree is standing.

How beautiful is it

Amazing to look at.

Leaf birch, oak.

Aspen leaf, maple

And the secret is in the leaves.

You tear off the sheet there.

That envelope is not for a message

And for an interesting task.

Now we'll pick a maple leaf

And let's see what's in it. (is reading)


Festive autumn day

We are reading poetry now.

Children read poetry autumn.

Yellow paint someone

Painted the forests

For some reason they became

Below the sky

Blazed brighter

Tassels of rowan.

All flowers withered

Only fresh wormwood.

I asked my dad:

What happened all of a sudden?

And dad answered:

This autumn, Friend. N. Antonova

autumn morning

The yellow maple looks out into the lake,

Waking up at dawn.

During the night the ground froze

All hazel in silver.

The belated saffron shudders

A broken branch is pressed,

On his chilled skin

Drops of light tremble.

O. Vysotskaya

Forest autumn

Between thinning tops

Blue appeared.

Noisy at the edges

Bright yellow foliage.

Birds are not heard. Crack small

broken knot,

And, with a flickering tail, a squirrel

Easy makes a jump.

The spruce in the forest became more noticeable -

Protects deep shade.

Boletus last

He tilted his hat to one side. A. Tvardovsky

King Peas: Well done guys!

Birch leaf

I wonder what's in it?

I propose to play my prowess to show.

The game is being played "Cloud cat"


Here the mountain ash burns with a fire,

Crimson and aspen,

Juicy grapes beckon,

ripe apple aroma,

Yellow leaves in the garden

Clouds float in the pond.

Every year it happens

When autumn comes to us.


"It's time" - autumn decided,

I put all my things,

Dropped to the bottom of the basket

golden raindrops,

I put yellow paint

And don't forget about the red

Gray wind covered everything

And hurried on the road.

TASK №2 Dance-game

King Peas:

I pick a rowan leaf

I invite everyone to dance.

Children perform a dance "The goat was walking through the forest", Russian folk


Following the summer

Autumn is coming.

yellow songs

The wind sings to her

Red under your feet

spreading leaves,

white snowflake

Flying into the blue.


Loves autumn yellow color:

Dawn with yellow rain

yellowed grass

And fallen leaves

Leaves yellow pages

When the birds fly away

Likes to mourn in the morning

Autumn - yellow time.

TASK №3 Riddles

King Peas:

I pluck the oak leaf.

I offer you riddles.

Who hits the roof all night

Yes, it knocks

And mumbles, and sings, lulls?


Autumn came to visit us

And she brought it with her.

What? Say random!

Well, of course.

(Leaf fall)

The cold scares them so much

Fly to warm countries

Can't sing, have fun

Who gathered in flocks?


Shadow, shadow, sweat,

Higher cities….

Children (in chorus)... wattle!

King Peas:

Oh, come on, guys... preschoolers!

Braid me!

staged song"Wattle"


Happy summer autumn said goodbye,

She remained the mistress of the forest.

She has a lot of work

The worries begin:

Need to paint the forest

Collect mushrooms and cones,

Lead the birds on the road

Invite winter.


Leaves turn yellow

The birds are fussing in the garden

The sun hid behind clouds

His ray does not play,

Saddened over the river

Willow with a yellow scythe.

Only the wind just walks

Gathers leaves in flocks.

TASK №4 Orchestra

King Peas:

poplar leaf pluck

And I will gather an orchestra.

Come out musicians

Show your talents.

Orchestra folk instruments performs "Is it in the garden kitchen garden» .


Empty birdhouse -

The birds have flown

Leaves on the trees

It also doesn't fit.

All day today

Everything is flying, flying...

Apparently, also in Africa

They want to fly.


The beautiful one has come autumn time,

The rains have passed, Indian summer has come.

Leaves sparkled in the sun

Trees, as if dressed in gold.

TASK №5 dance

King Peas:

I pluck the alder leaf

I invite everyone to the polka.

Pair polka (at the choice of the music director)

Solemn music sounds, the retinue of the Tsar The pea brings the magic pea.

king pea:

With you we are not in vain tried

All tasks were completed.

Here pea. She

Full of fabulous wonders.

Guess what's in it?

It contains gifts for children.

King Peas giving gifts to children magic pea.

King Peas:

I say goodbye to you children.

I am returning to my fairy tale.

It was a pleasure to see you all

Maybe we'll meet again.

Music sounds King Pea leaves, children follow them to the music. Holiday continues in the group.

Related publications:

Didactic manual for children "Magic week". The manual is recommended for children of senior preschool age. Purpose: Formation.

Scenario of the autumn holiday for children of middle preschool age "Fruit Joy" The scenario of the autumn holiday for children of middle preschool age. "Fruit Joy"

Scenario of the holiday "Easter" for children of senior preschool age 1 Child: Swallows fly from a distant land, They chirp merrily, They say to people: 2 child: "People, wake up! To you Spring is coming! And with spring.

Characters: lead instructor physical education(swimming, educator. Equipment: Sinking toys, items for reaching at.

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