Which model was the wife of musician Marilyn Manson. Marilyn Manson: myths and facts from the life of a scandalous musician


"Great and Terrible"
Marilyn Manson Real name: Brian Hugh Warner (Brian Warner)

Birthplace: Canton, Ohio

Height: 6 feet 1 inch

Hair color:brown

Eye color: brown

"The Great and Terrible" Marilyn Manson was born in ordinary family. His parents were a nurse and a furniture dealer, completely normal people no weird habits. Obviously, the propensity for outrageousness was passed on to the boy from his grandfather, who in his old age loved to play trains and watch hard erotic films.


Marilyn's parents are Barb (Barb) and Hugh (Hugh) Warners (Warner), Barb is a nurse, and Hugh is a furniture dealer. Manson's grandfather was a big fan of enemas, porn movies and children's toys. At the age of 13, Brian hid in the basement and watched the old man masturbate while making strange sounds in his throat due to his tracheotomy. These sounds mingled with the chirping of a toy train running along the rails. Then not far from this toy railway Brian found soiled vibrators, bestiality photographs, and other mementos of his grandfather's perversions. Manson says: "I am grateful to my grandfather: he helped me realize an important truth - in the basements of America, not everything is as clean as it seems." Later, Brian was dopek by his father, he told his son that he would take him to a prostitute to deprive him of his virginity. Until the tenth grade, he attended a private Christian school ("Heritage Christian School"), then went to regular school. Moved to Fort Lauderdale, Florida when he was 18. Worked as a journalist for a while. Wrote an autobiography called "The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell". In 1998, Manson met Rose McGowan. She mesmerized him with her role in the movie Doom Generation. He came to the west coast and told everyone that she - only person who he wants to date. The meeting took place. Manson says that he is in love with her and he has changed, starting to feel human pain.

Named after Marilyn Monroe - supermodel-actress of the 60s and Charles Manson - serial killer maniac 60s. Half beautiful, half terrible. tattoos

Manson's body is dotted with intricate tattoos. His skin is covered in images of skulls, the devil, dice, eyes, comic book characters, and orange bugs.

An eyeball on each elbow, a killer bee, an evil tree on skulls, a face with a spider web on its head, cyclops, a large pentagram, the face of a devil with the inscription "666" under it (3 dice with the number "6" on each)

Marilyn Manson loves to spread fables about himself - such is his image. IN different time the most incredible information about the singer appeared in the press. For example, journalists wrote that he had a glass eye because his own Marilyn took out and ate it. And some sharks of the pen discussed Manson's gender, suggesting that he is a girl. Indeed, you can’t tell for kilograms of makeup.


Marilyn's recently Once again surprised the public by opening an exhibition of his own art entitled "The Golden Age of the Grotesque". The most expensive picture cost 55 thousand dollars. On it, Hitler was depicted as a hermaphrodite. What does Marilyn Manson love? Write poems and stories, Scooby Doo cartoons, read, paint, collect prosthetics and other medical fetishes, dolls, lunchboxes, monkeys, black(color), philosophy, Nietzsche, star wars, chocolate, drums, drunken parties (beer and vodka ), big boobs, celebrity, that's, practical jokes
What he can't stand

Stupidity, smoking girls, canned food, hallucinogens; religion, when people come to him and consider him a bastard in advance, treat him like a bastard, which in turn makes him behave accordingly; grandmother's brat, gossip people, actress Bai Ling and singer JoJo. Outrageous shock rocker, brawler and dogma breaker Marilyn Manson (real name Brian Urner) went to a parochial school as a child and almost certainly dreamed of becoming an astronaut once, but ...

Interesting Facts

He is a fan of the series "Lost" and "Eastbound & Down". In addition, Manson painted a portrait of John Locke.

Lives in Hollywood since 1998.

Favorite drink is absinthe. He also has his own brand called Mansinthe.

Manson willingly listens to music David Bowie, PJ Harvey, Prince, Jeff Buckley, Cat Stevens, Slayer and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

In December 2010, he starred in the video of the Brunai alternative group D "hask, in which they also took teaching Biography of Marilyn Manson
The Way of the Musician

At the age of twenty, together with Scott Putesky, Manson created the group " Marilyn Manson And Spooky Kids. Worth getting out debut album teams, as in the States they started talking about the emergence of an anti-hero who discredited the values ​​of the American people. And the disc "Holy Wood" brought the singer scandalous fame already outside the United States: the European public was especially shocked by the cover, on which Marilyn was depicted crucified like Christ.

By hook or by crook, the band ended up as the opening act on the Nine Inch Nails tour. Trent Renzor liked the aspiring dummies and decided to help the band with promotion. Removed from title and The Spooky Kids", made a powerful promotional campaign, fellow journalists helped with articles, and the stage turned into a platform for all kinds of shock experiments. Very quickly, the group gained a lot of fans and good fame.

For a formally puritanical and devout America, there could be no more effective move than religious lyrics and appropriate symbolism on stage. To heighten the effect, Manson met with Anton Szandor LaVey, the main ideologist modern trend Satanism, which awarded Manson the honorary title of Reverend of the Church of Satan. Later in his autobiography The Long Hard Road out of Hell (book), Manson wrote of the experience of interacting with LaVey: "It didn't sound much more convincing than a five-minute consultation with a fifty-dollar psychotherapist, but I was grateful and delighted, because LaVey was not that person which can be criticized. The effect was achieved, the group became a cult. During their career, the group has released 7 albums (the eighth is currently being prepared for release). The real heyday of the group, according to many critics, fell on the disc Mechanical Animals,

Marilyn Manson - man, myth, legend. He was often imitated, but never duplicated. Of all the scandalous celebrities, it was around Marilyn Manson that the the largest number myths and the most notoriety. Today he turns 47 years old, and for all these years he has never betrayed himself. The legend is already much more than a man, especially now that it's safe to say what Manson has and hasn't achieved.


This is perhaps the loudest myth. Marilyn Manson's music was falsely accused as one of the factors that triggered the 1999 Columbine High School massacre. After the tragedy, many drew attention to the violence in the lyrics and the fact that the two shooters were apparently listening to Manson. And they called music one of the reasons that influenced their decision. As everyone knows, people who do these things are influenced by something much more complex than just a love of heavy music. But the outrageous image of the musician seriously frightened the residents small town, who actively began to blame his "satanic music" for the tragedy.


One of the trademarks Marilyn Manson are his eyes of different colors. Of course, there were many explanations for why he looks like this, and the most common of them was that Manson injected heroin directly into the eyeball. But this never happened. There was also a rumor that he removed the pigment in order to see the world in black and white, but this is also fiction.

Fact: Although Manson admitted to using drugs, his unusual eyes are just lenses.


Well, Manson is not the first celebrity to have such rumors. And many sincerely believed that the musician was so insane that he removed at least three of his ribs in order to perform oral sex on himself. But that never happened either. In addition, then Manson met with Rose McGowan, and he did not have to make such “sacrifices”.

Fact: Marilyn Manson indeed resorted to surgery, but in order to tighten the stretched earlobes.

Marilyn Manson and Rose McGowan


Because of the thick make-up, many did not know for a long time how Marilyn Manson looks really. Therefore, there was a rumor that he was Paul Pfeiffer in the series " The Wonder Years". It was actually actor Josh Saviano. Then he was credited with the role of Kevin Owens in "Mr. Belvedere", but it was Rob Stone.

Fact: Marilyn Manson has indeed repeatedly acted in films. He made his film debut in the 1997 David Lynch film Lost Highway. Since then, he has appeared regularly in different projects. He recently played a neo-Nazi named Ron Tully on Sons of Anarchy.

Marilyn Manson without makeup in the series "Sons of Anarchy"


For a long career Marilyn Manson repeatedly accused of crazy things, but this story is much more horrific than others. There was a rumor that Manson once threw a puppy into an exhausted crowd, who then tore the poor man to pieces. It was also said that at one of the concerts he bit off the head of a live chicken in the style of Ozzy Osbourne.

Fact: Marilyn Manson has three dogs at home that are still alive and well. And the chicken was really on stage in Dallas in 1995, and it was really thrown into the crowd, but no one bit off its head, and the animal managed to get away alive.

Marilyn Manson in her house

Who once said that if something scared you Marilyn Manson, just remember that his real name is Brian. Now you know for sure that many crazy things that are said about the musician are not always true. But even despite this, the personality of Marilyn Manson remains one of the most extraordinary in the musical world.

Despite the fact that many consider Marilyn Manson a maniac and a Satanist, he is a subtle intellectual person. At the heart of his image is the idea of ​​the presence of Good and Evil in a person, at the heart of his creativity is conceptualism and philosophy. His image and position is just a reaction to the "false" American morality.

early years

Marilyn Manson was born Brian Hugh Warner in Canton, Ohio on January 5, 1969. His father was a furniture dealer and his mother was a nurse. As for how Brian grew up, there are many stories, most of which he himself recounted in his autobiographical book. However, you can’t believe everything that the outrageous rock musician wrote, but if you read between the lines, you can understand how he became what he became - a Satanist in the eyes of the church, a maniac in the eyes of mothers who worry about their teenage children and a destroyer of morality in the eyes of American society.

Brian's childhood passed in a typical American family and was unremarkable, except for a few "buts". According to the musician, his grandfather was a sexual pervert and often closed in the basement, where he did all sorts of "dirty things." His father, apparently inheriting his quirks, often got Brian. For example, he constantly threatened to take him to a prostitute, arguing that it was time for him to lose his virginity.

There was also an unhealthy environment at the Christian school where Warner went. He hated the Law of God and considered religion a fairy tale for fools. His protest resulted in a fascination with Nietzsche and Darwin, and when he read LaVey's Satanic Bible, he took a different look at many things. According to Manson, he really liked the idea of ​​the symbiosis of the Devil and God in man. And although in the future he never professed Satanism, this idea became fundamental in the image and work of the musician.

At 18, Brian moved to Florida, where he began working as a journalist and music critic for a local publication. During the day he wrote articles, and at night he hung out in rock clubs. In one of them, he met musician George White, whom he persuaded to create a rock band.

First of all, Brian took the pseudonym Marilyn Manson, combining the name of the actress Marilyn Monroe and the name of the maniac Charles Manson. By this he emphasized that it contains both light and dark side. All members of the group also took on such pseudonyms.

In 1989, due to disagreements in the team, Manson left Satan on Fire and formed the Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids group with Scott Puteske. After some time, several musicians changed in the group, and it became simply called "Marilyn Manson". The production of the newly formed team was taken up by chief ideologue and Nine Inch Nails founder Trent Reznor is a man no less "moved out" than Manson himself.

In 1994, after a long discussion with the producers, the album "Portrait Of An American Family" was released, which was a major success. Marilyn Manson acquired not only a large army of fans, but also a huge number of enemies in the face of churchmen and authorities. The musician said that he expected such a stir, since his album is a real bomb. He destroyed the American illusion of "justice" and the false sense of hope that all would be well.

World fame

After working on the album "Marilyn Manson" together with "Nine Inch Nails" went on their first tour, leaving a "bloody trail" all over the States. Trent Reznor, who mentored the young band, said that he wanted a lot of fire and blood, exposed female breasts and other obscurantism. The Manson show shocked even the most radical macabra fans. However, the number of fans grew by leaps and bounds.

In 1995, the group went on an independent tour, and a year later released a cover version of the song "Sweet Dreams", which became a hit and acquired platinum status. New album Manson chose to record in New Orleans, America's "murder capital". The hype around the album began long before its release, and when he saw the light, he put the whole world on the ears.

"Antichrist Superstar" (1996) became the first concept album Manson. Its plot is twisted on three cycles that tell about the metamorphoses of the Bible Worm. First, there is a confrontation between external and inner world this creature. Then his reincarnation into an Angel. And finally, the return of the Angel back to heaven. According to Manson, the main idea of ​​the disc is the assertion that the cause of all troubles lies in Christianity. People must trust their reason, then they will be free.

"Antichrist Superstar" made Marilyn Manson incredibly popular. He was talked about by music critics, idolized by fans and hated by the church. The ominous rumors that began to spread throughout the country only fueled interest in the musician. For example, it was said that during their performances, the band members ate insects, took drugs, raped teenagers of both sexes, and performed oral acts. Manson was constantly subjected to repression by the authorities, his concerts were banned, the church bought up all the tickets so as not to let young people go to them. The outrageous rocker was philosophical about this and said that they made the same sensation out of him as they once did out of Jesus Christ.

In 1998, the disc "Mechanical Animals" was released, and in 2000 - "Holy Wood", which completed the conceptual trilogy about the Messiah. They were sold in millions of copies all over the world and became the best in Manson's work. His next works did not have great success, except perhaps "The Golden Age of Grotesque" (2003), created under the influence of the musician's girlfriend Dita Von Teese.

By the way, the personal life of the outrageous musician has always been under close attention the public. At the beginning of his career, Manson met with actress Rose McGowan, then he was married to the famous dancer Dita Von Teese. They divorced in 2006, and two years later Marilyn announced that he was dating Evan Rachel Wood. The celebrity couple was about to sign marriage contract, but in 2010 it suddenly broke up. Now the musician is dating Lindsey Yuzich, a professional photographer.

Marilyn Manson continues to shock the audience, changing the image, image and outfits. In addition to music, he is engaged in painting and acting in films. Through these activities, he met another eccentric - director and artist David Lynch. In 2011, they released a joint book catalog of their work. But even earlier, the autobiographical book "The Long Hard Road Out of Hell" (1998) appeared on the shelves of bookstores. It is not only a sarcastic textbook on show business, but also a painful and poignant confession of a real artist.

The stage name of the artist is formed from the names of two iconic American figures of the 60s: actress Marilyn Monroe and a man convicted of several murders of Charles Manson.

Marilyn Manson childhood

Brian was only child in family. His father was a furniture dealer and his mother was a nurse. The boy's worldview was strongly influenced by his grandfather's sexual fetishes, which he detailed in his autobiography, The Long Hard Road out of Hell. As a child, Bryans always went to the Episcopal Church with his mother, and this despite the fact that his father was a Catholic.

The young man was educated at the Heritage Christian School school. After the 10th grade, he was transferred to a regular school named after Cardinal Gibbson in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Brian received his diploma in 1987.

Carier start

After school, Brian found a job at music magazine, which was released in Florida. He was a reporter and music critic, and free time composed poetry. In 1989, a young man, along with a guitarist named Scott Putesky, created a rock band and took the pseudonym Marilyn Manson. After him, other musicians of the group also took fictitious names, and the choice of a pseudonym was carried out according to the same scheme.

The band's original name was Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids. In it, Manson sang, and Scott Putesky (aka Daisy Berkowitz) was the main guitarist and drum machine programmer. The earliest members of the band were Marilyn Manson, Daisy Berkowitz, Olivia Newton-Bundy (bass) and Za Za Speca (keyboards). The last two left and were replaced by bassist Gidget Gein, who died of a heroin overdose in 2008, and a keyboardist named Madonna Wayne Gacy.

Initially, the group performed as the opening act for the Nine Inch Nails band. The young band fell in love with Trent Reznor, he became friends with the musicians and became their informal mentor. The group and its leader Marilyn Manson moved to the fore pretty quickly, and all thanks to a well-thought-out advertising campaign. At the same time, all the musicians of the band remained in the shadows. The band's logo was quite distinctive, featuring "MARILYN MANSON" in dripping horror-film typeface, with Monroe's gentle gaze above and Charles Manson's insane look below. They immediately released souvenirs with the image, advertised the group and numerous fellow journalists of Brian.

The group began to accompany performances with various attractions. The musicians used everything that could somehow enhance the impression of the listeners: peanut butter sandwiches that flew from the stage, girls crucified on stage or sitting in cages, goat heads, nudity, as well as open flames on stage were used.

Musicians could play in skirts, bras, wigs, with cigarettes. In a word, everything was done for a spectacular concert number.

Marilyn Manson in movies

As an actor, Marilyn Manson made his debut in 1997 in the film "Lost Highway" by David Lynch. A year later, the musician appeared in the film "Killing Queens". Here, by the way, Marilyn's girlfriend Rose McGowag also starred. And in 2003, the celebrity appeared in the film "Chicks" by Asia Argento. In 2007, Manson got the role of a bartender in the film "Vampire". By the way, Marilyn also took part in the filming documentary film"Bowling for Columbine" by Michael Moore, where, in addition, he gave an interview.

Biography of Marilyn Manson and his team. Celebrity friends appear in the picture: Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne, Jonathan Davis, Alice Cooper and others

The musician worked on own project to the cinema. He was filming Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll. In it, Marilyn was supposed to appear in the role of Carroll himself, the same author popular book"Alice in Wonderland". $4.2 million was allocated for the tapes. However, in 2007, the project was stopped and work was postponed indefinitely. And in 2011, the film "Splatter Sisters" was presented. Manson starred in it with Evan's girlfriend Rachel Wood.

Marilyn Manson on video

In 2013, the musician appears in an episode of his favorite series Californication.


Marilyn Manson is also an artist, and quite famous. Since 1999 he has been painting in watercolor. In total, the artist has already painted more than 150 paintings. Some of them have already been exhibited in different cities world, including in Moscow.

In early 2011, Marilyn, along with director David Lynch, released a book of work that was featured at the 2010 Genealogies of Pain exhibition in Vienna.

Marilyn Manson's personal life

In 1998, the musician met Rose McGowan. Later, the couple was engaged, however, in 2000 it was terminated. At the end of 2005, Marilyn married Dita Von Teese. But a year later, the wife filed for divorce, citing "irreconcilable differences."

In December 2006, the singer began dating actress Evan Rachel Wood. The relationship lasted until October 2008. Manson then met with American model and porn actress Stoya, but in December 2009 he returned to Evan Rachel Wood. A month later, the musician proposed to her, but six months later the engagement was canceled.

Marilyn Manson. Clip

In the fall of 2010, information appeared that the rocker was dating "America's Next Top Model 7" CaryDee English. But the girl herself denied the rumor, on her Twitter she stated that she was only friends with Manson.

Now Marilyn is having an affair with photographer Lindsay Yusich, he began a relationship with her in August 2010.

Marilyn loves the series Californication, Eastbound & Down, Lost. The musician even drew John Locke.

Manson has lived in Hollywood since 1998.

The singer loves absinthe. He likes to listen to the work of David Bowie, Prince, PJ Harvey, Jeff Buckley, Cat Stevens.

At the end of 2010, he appeared in the video of the Brunei group D "hask.

Marilyn Manson is a distant relative of Patrick Buchanan.

The artist was a guest of the Channel One TV show Evening Urgant.

Marilyn Manson (eng. Marilyn Manson, real name - Brian Hugh Warner, Brian Hugh Warner; b. January 5, 1969) is an American musician, founder and leader of the rock band Marilyn Manson.

I'm so fed up with people who think that art should be beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Art can be beautiful, yet scary, grotesque or frightening at the same time. This doesn't make it any less important. If people are frightened or shocked, they should ask themselves why rather than censor in response.

Marilyn Manson

Brian Warner (later Marilyn Manson) was born on January 5, 1969 in Canton, Ohio, the son of a nurse and a furniture dealer. From early childhood, they tried to instill in him a love for God (he even studied at a Christian school for boys).

In fact, Manson's public recognition as a Satanist came after his landmark meeting with the founder and spiritual leader of the philosophical movement known as Satanism, Anton Szandor LaVey, who awarded Manson the honorary title of Reverend of the Church of Satan.

Later in his autobiography The Long Hard Road out of Hell (book), Manson wrote of the experience of interacting with LaVey: "It didn't sound much more convincing than a five-minute consultation with a fifty-dollar psychotherapist, but I was grateful and delighted, because LaVey was not that person which can be criticized.

From December 2006 to October 2008, he dated young actress Evan Rachel Wood. In December 2009, Marilyn Manson resumed a relationship with Evan Rachel Wood, and in January 2010 he proposed to her, to which she agreed.

When Brian was 18, he graduated from high school in Ohio and moved to Florida, where he found a job at a local music magazine. There he served as a reporter and music critic writing poetry in his spare time. In 1989, Brian formed his own rock band with guitarist Scott Putevski.

He decided to take a new name for himself: Marilyn Manson (Marilyn Manson), consisting of fragments of the names of two completely different people: movie star Marilyn Monroe and homicidal maniac Charles Manson.

Each new death threat helped me achieve a new, more high level. I couldn't live without doing what I love. And I have to be ready to die for it.

Marilyn Manson

In the future, other members of the group followed the example of the leader, choosing pseudonyms for themselves according to a similar pattern (Scott Putevski turned into Daisy Berkowitz, Brian Tyutyunik - into Olivia Newton-Bundy, Peri Pandrea - into Za Speca, etc.)

The band's original name was Marilyn Manson and The Spooky Kids, with Manson singing and Berkowitz acting as the main guitarist and drum machine programmer. The earliest known line-up of the band included: Marilyn Manson (vocals), Daisy Berkowitz (guitarist and drum machine operator), Olivia Newton-Bundy (bass), Zsa Speck (keyboards).

Newton-Bundy and Speck soon left, and bassist Gidget Gein (Gidget Gein, died October 9, 2008 at the age of 39 from a heroin overdose) and keyboardist Madonna Wayne Gacy (Madonna Wayne Gacy) joined the ranks.

The death of art occurs when you allow people's opinion and demands to change what you do. There is a difference between being a boss or a servant. There is a difference between whether you give people what they want or what you think you need to give, and it is huge.

Marilyn Manson

At first, the group performed as the opening act for Nine Inch Nails. Trent Reznor took a liking to the young band and became a friend and informal mentor to the members.

A finely crafted advertising campaign immediately brought the band's leader and vocalist to the fore, leaving everyone else in the shadows. The band's logo he created consisted of the inscription "MARILYN MANSON", made in the style of horror films ("drip" font), above the inscription was the gaze of Marilyn Manson, and below - the insane look of the prototype of his pseudonym Charles Manson.

Almost immediately, a series of souvenirs with this image was released; in addition, Manson's extensive connections in journalistic circles helped to advertise the group.

The concert performances of the group were characterized by the wide use of various attractions; everything that could enhance the impression was used: nut butter sandwiches that were scattered from the stage, a girl crucified or imprisoned in cages, bald goat heads, nudity and the use of open flames.

Gacy (keyboards) had a little booth labeled "Pogo's Playhouse" that contained his synthesizers. Berkowitz could play in a skirt, bra and long blond wig, his guitar hung very low and a cigarette sticking out of his mouth, completing the "bad boy" look. All this was used to obtain maximum effect.

- Studio albums
* 1994 - Portrait of an American Family
* 1996 - Antichrist Superstar
* 1998 - Mechanical Animals
* 2000 - Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)
* 2003 - The Golden Age of Grotesque
* 2007 - Eat Me, Drink Me
* 2009 - The High End of Low

It was created to communicate with people who understand what's what, and scare those who do not understand. A lot of what I say to our fans comes down to, “Stop trying desperately to fit in with what is considered beautiful or politically correct. Believe in yourself and stick to what is right. If you want to be like me, be yourself."

Marilyn Manson

* 1995 - Smells Like Children (remixes)
* 1997 - Remix & Repent (remixes)
* 1999 - The Last Tour on Earth (live)
* 2004 - Lest We Forget: The Best of (hits compilation)
* 2004 - Lunch Boxes & Choklit Cows
* 2008 - Lost & Found

* I Put A Spell On You - "The Expendables"
* Apple Of Sodom - "Highway to Nowhere"
* Rock Is Dead - "The Matrix"
* This Is The New Shit - "The Matrix Reloaded"
* Long Hard Road Out of Hell - "Spawn"
* Tainted Love - "Not a Child's Movie"
* Kiddie Grinder (Remix) - "Nowhere"
* The Suck For Your Solution - "Private Parts"
* The Nobodies - "From Hell"
*Main Theme - "Resident Evil"
* Seizure of Power - "Resident Evil"
* The Fight Song (Slipknot Remix) - "Resident Evil"
* Cleansing - "Resident Evil"
* Reunion - "Resident Evil"
* Irresponsible Hate Anthem - "Saw 2"
* If I Was Your Vampire - "Max Payne"
* Sweet Dreams - "House of Night Ghosts"
* Redemeer - "Queen of the Damned"
* This is Halloween - "The Nightmare Before Christmas"
* Beautiful People - "Stargate: Atlantis (Season 5, Episode 19 "Vegas")"
* Sweet Dreams - "Gamer (film, 2009)"
* This is The New Shit - « dragon age:origins"
* Beautiful People - "Brutal Legend"
* Long Hard Road out of Hell - "Season of the Witch"

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