Happy birthday, Audrey Hepburn! Facts from the life and quotes of the cult actress. Audrey Hepburn - famous Hollywood actress - biography, facts, films


Fashion and humanitarian work. You've probably seen her paintings - "Roman Holiday", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "War and Peace", "Sabrina", "Wait until Dark", "The Nun's Story" and others, but we want to expand your Audrey Encyclopedia with 25 new facts .

1. Audrey was terrified of water. The actress was so afraid of drowning that when shooting a scene in the pool (the film “Two for the Road”), the director was forced to use real ones that were in the pool to make Audrey feel calmer. Watch a Stanley Donen movie and you'll see the real fear in her eyes.

2. Audrey has been an introvert for life. Unlike many of her colleagues, Hepburn did not like to bathe in spotlights, go to fashion parties and sit in nightclubs. Perfect vacation it was for her to spend the weekend at home alone. Thus, the actress was energized for the work week.

3. Audrey is part of the elite EGOT club, consisting of four prestigious award-winning artists - Emmy (Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn), Grammy (Audrey Hepburn's Enchanted Tales), Oscar (Roman Holiday) and Tony (Ondine).

4. Audrey's favorite color is blue.

5. Dancer and actress Audrey Hepburn's fallback job was to work as a dentist's assistant. Audrey already had several small roles behind her before her big breakthrough in the Broadway production of Zhizhi. However, having grown up during the war and having seen and learned many troubles, Hepburn did not rely only on Hollywood, having received an additional specialty.

6. Audrey grew up in the Netherlands and became intimately acquainted with all the horrors of the Nazi occupation. She participated in the resistance movement, worked as a nurse in a hospital, passed a message between members of the underground, collected donations to fight the invaders. If arrested, the sentence for this activity would be death.

7. Audrey knew the taste of tulips. The extraordinary harmony and thinness of Audrey is not in last turn were the consequences of the famine, which future star survived during the German occupation. tulips, national symbol countries, and here they helped - it was from them that the Dutch baked bread.

8. Audrey survived four miscarriages. Difficult childhood and adolescence, lack of body fat stood in the way of having children, but Hepburn desperately wanted to become a mother, so she left the profession for a while in order to properly prepare and achieve her main victory - Hepburn gave birth to two sons - Sean and Luke.

9. French fashion designer Givenchy was Audrey's personal stylist and friend. The acquaintance happened under ridiculous circumstances: for the film "Sabrina" Hepburn had to "dress" with the famous Hubert de Givenchy, he was delighted that great actress goes to visit him - to the distressed amazement of the fashion designer, instead of the great Catherine, the novice Audrey arrived. However, the clumsy first meeting turned into strong friendship, which lasted until the death of the actress.

10. Givenchy came up with an exclusive fragrance for Audrey - L'Interdit. Hepburn became a real muse of Givenchy - for her he invented clothes, accessories and jewelry, and in 1957 he even released a special perfume - "L'INTERDIT" (Forbidden).

11. Ballet was Audrey's true passion. Enrolling in ballet school At the age of five, Hepburn trained tirelessly and found time and opportunity to do what she loved, even in a Nazi-occupied city. However, poor health and constant illness prevented Hepern from becoming prima.

12. Audrey did not consider herself a beauty. According to Luke Dottie, Hepburn's son, the actress was baffled by her own popularity and the title of "a symbol of beauty, grace, and so on." “Big nose, huge feet, tiny boyish breasts and generally skinny as a skeleton" - this is how Audrey saw herself in the mirror.

13. Audrey preferred flat shoes. high heels. Even after leaving the ballet, Hepburn still preferred Czechs and could not stand hairpins and kabuki, especially since there were enough high growth allowed the actress to feel confident without the help of tricks.

14. Audrey had a pet fawn. Hepburn adored animals and when, during the filming of the film “Green Mansions”, on the advice of a trainer, she took Pippin’s deer home (to develop affection), after finishing work she decided to keep the animal.

15. In honor of the actress, three types of tulips were invented.

16. Most famous role Audrey shouldn't have happened. Author of the original novel Breakfast at Tiffany's Truman Capote was furious that leading role received Hepburn, not the favorite of the writer Marilyn Monroe. However, it is difficult to reproach the authors for the fact that they decided to trust the Oscar-winning actress, and not the sex symbol.

17. In pursuit of the previous point - Audrey also sang “Happy birthday to you, Mr. President” to John Kennedy. This happened in 1963, although the video and audio recordings have not been preserved.

18. Audrey was an extremely heavy smoker. Her norm was three packs a day, although according to her own words even this nightmarish amount of cigarettes was sometimes not enough.

19. A street is named after Audrey in Dorne, Netherlands. The solemn event took place in 1959.

20. Audrey was a polyglot - fluent in five languages ​​- English, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian.

24. Audrey didn't like to wear watches. Despite all her love for accessories, Hepburn was extremely negative about watches, considering them too heavy and rough.

25. Audrey was closely associated with UNICEF. The gratitude and reverence that Hepburn felt for this structure (during the occupation and immediately after the war, the future artist was one of many who received UNICEF assistance) led the actress to maintain constant contact with this structure since 1954. charitable organization, giving her part of their income, and in 1988 even became a special ambassador for UNICEF.

Hepburn was one of the highest paid movie actresses of her time.

The actress had noble birth. Her mother held the title of Dutch Baroness.

Audrey loved father more than her mother, because she was strict and never made concessions to her only daughter. Parents divorced when the girl was still very young, for her it was a big blow. Many years later, Audrey found her father and supported him financially until the end of her life.

Despite the strict measures of upbringing, the mother still loved Audrey deep down. So that after the war Audrey could study ballet at the school of Olga Tarasova, her mother, the Baroness, was hired as a servant in a wealthy family.

The childhood of the future actress passed in the period German occupation. The girl had to starve, sometimes during the day she ate several potatoes and chicory leaves. I even had to eat tulip bulbs. My uncle and cousin were shot, my brother was in a concentration camp.

Audrey Hepburn weight did not exceed 48 kg. The prerequisites for this were laid in childhood, when the mother took sweets from the child and said that a woman should have excess weight indecent.

Audrey's favorite fashion designer was Hubert de Givenchy.

Audrey Hepburn knew many languages-French and Dutch were her native languages. She also spoke fluent English and Italian; explained in spanish

The jewelry company TIFFANY & CO owes a lot to the actress. Fame came to this company only after the film " Breakfast at Tiffany's».

Despite its angelic appearance, Audrey had bad habits - smoked three packs of cigarettes a day.

Audrey Hepburn was married three times and had two sons.

Audrey Hepburn is one of the most fragile and at the same time the most courageous women. past days. Her talent is undeniable, her posture and head tilt are the standard of female grace. It is said that critics wrote to her Love letters instead of reviews, and Hubert de Givenchy created his outfits, inspired by the beauty and sophistication of the actress. The images created by Audrey Hepburn will live forever: the perky runaway princess from "Roman Holiday", the tattered one who turned from "cockney" into a lady, will forever remain high society in My Fair Lady, the naive prostitute from Breakfast at Tiffany's who dreams of another life, but her dreams are constantly crumbling like sandcastles. Movies with Audrey Hepben are known to everyone, but what do we know about the personality and life of this amazing woman off the set?

10 facts about the life of Audrey Hepburn:

1. Audrey's veins flowed blue blood. Her mother held the title of Dutch Baroness.

2. During World War II, Audrey ate chicory leaves and tulip bulbs. Her reference thinness is the result of a disturbed metabolism.

3. So that after the war Audrey could study ballet at the school of Olga Tarasova, her mother, the Baroness, was hired as a servant in a wealthy family.

4. As soon as Audrey's talent became an object of admiration in the cinema world, all the studios demanded that she change her last name (so that the actress would not be confused with the famous Katharine Hepburn). Audrey flatly refused.

5. "Roman Holiday" was filmed under the supervision of 10,000 citizens who once booed the director, who reproached Audrey for a badly played scene. The director obeyed the opinion of the crowd and did not reshoot the episode.

6. In the presence of Audrey, no one ever used foul language. Men wrote that she was not a hypocrite, but when she appeared it was impossible to use foul language.

7. At the premiere of "Ondine" in 1954, Marlene Dietrich herself came backstage to congratulate the actress on her success.

8. Audrey's favorite fashion designer was Hubert de Givenchy. Once Audrey admitted: "I am as dependent on Givenchy as the people of America are on their psychoanalyst."

Audrey Hepburn and Hubert de Givenchy

9. Audrey has never been a versatile actress. Director Mel Ferrer tried to make Audrey a "sex bomb" in the film "Green Halls", but the film failed at the box office.

10. Audrey Hepburn married three times, and her second husband was 9 years younger than Audrey.

Audrey Hepburn is one of the legendary actresses and extraordinary women. It is no coincidence that on the day of her death, Elizabeth Taylor uttered her famous phrase: "God has another angel."

Text: Tamara Vasilyeva

Audrey Kathleen Ruston

Hollywood actress - she was amazing, unusually, amazingly beautiful. She was destined to become the face of modern women's fashion in general and the model house of Maestro Givenchy in particular. IN last years life of Audrey Hepburn was an ambassador good will UNESCO, engaged in saving children from starvation living in disadvantaged regions of the planet. Films in which Hepburn played the main roles - "Roman Holiday", "Sabrina", "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "My wonderful lady”, remain among the favorites of many connoisseurs of good cinema.

In the spring of 1929, the family of an employee of an English insurance company (according to other sources, a financial adviser to the Belgian branch of the Bank of Britain) John Ruston was expecting replenishment. Ruston's wife Ella van Heemstra was expecting a third child in her life and the first in a joint marriage with John.

It was in Brussels, where the family moved from London on John's official business.

The family was very difficult. Ella came from an ancient aristocratic family, dating back to English kings. Among her relatives are King Edward III of England and Queen Mary of Scots. Ella's father also held a good post - he was the governor of Dutch Guiana.

Audrey Kathleen Ruston, who later became Hepburn-Ruston (father John complicated his last name when Audrey was already four years old), was born on May 4, 1929.

First and last common child John and Ella. In 1935, the family moved to England - again, the duty of Audrey's father, John. The girl was sent to a local school - Elham (Kent). Here she studied for three years. It was the most ordinary "girl" school, in which, in addition to general subjects, choreography was taught. And a girl with early years attached to dancing. And I saw my future in ballet.

In the same 1935, shortly after moving from Belgium, the relationship between father and mother became so complicated that Audrey's parents divorced. But for three more years, John Ruston appeared in Audrey's life as a “coming dad”, filling up his daughter expensive toys and treats that she adored.

For Audrey, her father's visit became real holidays. He spoiled his daughter, walked with her a lot. She just saw him last time. when she was only 9 years old, Ella took the children away from England in the autumn of 1938. Since then, Audrey has not seen her father.

At the end of the summer of 1938, the family suddenly started talking about the war. The fact is that John Ruston and, by the way, Ella van Heemstra, who parted with him, considered themselves adherents of ... English fascists. In the meantime, Mother Ella decided that it was dangerous to stay in England. After collecting the children, Ella went to Arnhem, a Dutch city, where she had an estate.

Audrey entered the Arnhem school and studied here for a year. And in the fall of the following year, 1939, she went to study at the Arnhem Conservatory, which became her main school in life.

Audrey studied at the dance department. For six years of study - from 1939 to 1945 - she learned the basics of stage movement and would definitely become a ballerina. Then she was already 170 centimeters tall. With this growth, Audrey at the age of 18 weighed about 44 kilograms. And her maximum weight (in her entire life) was only ... 46 kilograms.

The war broke out. England resisted the pressure of the Nazis, and Holland in May 1940 was occupied by the Germans and fell almost instantly.

Audrey danced for the German soldiers and received some pennies, which was enough for bread and vegetables.

In the summer of 1944, Audrey was rounded up. The Germans cordoned off the city and caught young people to be sent to forced labor in Germany. Together with other young Dutchmen, Audrey fell into a trap. A chain of military men in green uniform pushed the youth back to the wall of the house. Seizing the moment, Audrey rushed to escape.

Having escaped, she found a ruined house, and dived into the blind basement window of the house destroyed by the bombing.

She was very scared. In the canvas bag she carried over her shoulder was a loaf of bread and six apples, all her earnings that morning. Here, in the basement, she lived for six days, waiting for the raids.

When Audrey returned home, Ella's mother burst into tears. She had already said goodbye to her daughter and did not hope to see her alive.

And in the winter of 1944, a real famine broke out in Holland. After the railroad strike, the Germans imposed an embargo on the delivery of food to the Western Netherlands. The famine took on a massive character, covering about 3 million people. It killed 18,000 Dutch people.

Audrey and Ella Heemstra barely survived this difficult time. To take her mind off food, Audrey lay on the bed and read.

Already in another, adult, successful, well-fed life, Audrey Hepburn found much in common in her teenage experiences with the experiences recorded in the diary of Anne Frank. This Jewish girl, who died in 1945 in a concentration camp from typhus, experienced such a nightmare that Audrey considered it her duty to play her role in a film about her.

The war inflicted severe wounds on Audrey's family. Ella van Heemstra's uncle and cousin were shot for participating in the resistance movement. Fate remained unknown stepbrother. The health of Audrey herself will be undermined by prolonged hunger.

It was hunger that caused Audrey a number of intractable diseases - anemia, lung disease, swelling.

The war took everything from them - the house, heirlooms, balances accumulated for a rainy day. In 1945, Audrey graduated from the conservatory and received a certificate. In the autumn of 1945, mother and daughter moved to Amsterdam. Here they managed to get a job as nurses in a veterans' home, where war invalids came for treatment. The work is hard, thankless.

Audrey and Ella lived in Amsterdam for three years. But in 1948, such establishments began to shrink and redesign. Ella van Heemstra again faced the question of how to earn a living.

In 1948, they left Holland and moved to England - to London, a city that Audrey accepted as very close, almost native.

Everything that mother Ella earned went to pay for Audrey's lessons (to the ballet school).

But most of all, Audrey was upset that her mother was forced to work in the servants.

In addition to purely material problems, Audrey had another reason to leave the ballet. She was extremely critical of her abilities. She thought that she was too tall and too slender for a ballerina. That she lacks grace, grace, confidence in her movements.

Once Audrey met one person, it was Charles Huguenot van der Linden. This man really liked Audrey's smile. Audrey spoke two languages ​​- English and Gotlandic.

Two days later she flew to Amsterdam. The round-trip flight was paid for by Linden's small filming company. educational films for the governments of Holland and England. The film was called "Dutch in Seven Lessons" and was intended for the British, who will go to Amsterdam to help restore the economy of the Netherlands.

This was Audrey's first film role as a flight attendant.

The first thing she did when she returned from filming in London was to tell her mother that she no longer needed to work as a servant. Audrey seemed to be caught by the tail blue bird Good luck. Unexpectedly, she settled easily into a small Musical Theatre London. Probably, the patronage of Marie Rambert played a role - Audrey was taken to the show “Hugh Button's Shoes” as a variety show dancer without any hesitation.

First was episodic role"girls at the reception" of the hotel in the movie "One Wild Oat". The role is tiny and inconspicuous. But quite enough for Audrey Hepburn to get into the acting base, where film directors could already choose her.

And the invitations were not long in coming. For two years, 1949 and 1950, Audrey played in four feature films.

First great job in the movie Audrey Hepburn was the picture of the English director Thorold Dickinson "Secret People", in which she played one of the supporting roles.

On the set of the film "Child of Monte Carlo" an event occurred that turned the whole fate of Audrey Hepburn upside down.

During the rehearsals of the next scene of the film on film set a very elderly woman, moving with the help of crutches, and a couple of men accompanying her looked in. This old woman French writer Sidonie Colette. She searched in vain for a candidate for a role in a Broadway play based on her 1945 novel Zhizhi.

She saw Audrey and immediately said: - You will play, my child, at the Fulton Theater on Broadway.

- But I do not want to play in Broadway! - said Audrey. I'm not ready yet. Everyone looked at him in surprise. Boyer corrected the situation. Said she didn't understand what Broadway was, and so on.

In early 1952, Audrey flew to New York. Ahead of her was waiting for the main role in life. And not one, but two at once - and both are the main ones.

The play "Gizhi" at the Fulton Theater was staged by the French director Raymond Roulet, and the production was produced by Gilbert Miller. The great happiness for Raymond, who did not speak English, was that Audrey spoke fluent French.

One day, Ella's mother, who flew to New York with her daughter, dropped in at the rehearsal (Audrey rarely left her alone). I listened to what the director says - “She plays divinely. This is the best actress I have ever seen.”

On November 24, 1952, the play "Zhizhi" was presented to the American public. The hall was full of press - a year ago, producer Gilbert Miller received the prestigious theater award "Tony" (theatrical analogue of the "Oscar") for the play "Cocktail Party". The press was interested. what did Miller set this time.

When the performance ended, there was applause. The audience moaned, roared, yelled. "Bravo, Audrey!" "Bravo!!!".

Oh this moment is worth it whole life! Audrey stood on the stage and was not ashamed of her tears. sobbed. And bouquets flew to her feet ...

The performance ran for 219 performances and ran intermittently for about a year. He would have lived longer, but the lives of Audrey Hepburn have come big changes. Hollywood was waiting for her.

From the movie "Roman Holiday" difficult fate. It began with the fact that producer William Wyer hired director Frank Capra to shoot the picture. But then Wyler re-read Dalton Trumbo's script and reversed his decision. He decided to make this film himself. And the time has come for torment with the choice of actors. Then he was informed that there was a gorgeous, amazing, amazing young actress on Broadway who would play the role of Anna like no other.

Wyler took a ticket to New York and surreptitiously attended a performance of Gizhi. Returning to Los Angeles, he sent a telegram to Audrey, offering to pass a screen test for a role in his film.

Hepburn asked the theater for a few days off and went to Hollywood. After the screen test, she was taken to the shooting.

After completing Roman Holiday (it took four months), Audrey returned to New York to offer to play in the play Gizhi on Broadway. The play ran for eight months in New York, followed by a month in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

At the beginning of 1954, the Oscar ceremony took place. She put an ellipsis in Audrey's theatrical career, as she received an Oscar for Best female role 1953. And six weeks later, Audrey received another award - the theater award "Tony" for her role in the play "Ondine" ...

A little later, in the same 1954, Audrey received the British Academy Film Award and the Golden Globe Award - both as best actress. And in 1993, the Oscar was awarded to Dalton Trumbo - for the script of "Roman Holiday" - the award was awarded posthumously.

After dizzying success"Roman Holiday" Audrey left the theater and focused on the cinema. In 1954, another film with her participation, Sabrina, was released. The film was directed by Billy Wilder. Audrey was at her best again. And the film “Sabrina” was nominated for “Oscar” and won the award for “best costumes” (“Oscar” was awarded to couturier Hubert de Givenchy)…

A new star has risen in the cinematic firmament of America.

After the film "Roman Holiday" Audrey signed a lucrative contract with the company "Paramount Pictures" for the main roles in seven films. And Audrey. preparing for the film "Sabrina" and not relying on the taste of costume designers. decided to go to Paris to the already famous couturier who took the empty place of Christian Dior, 26-year-old Hubert de Givenchy. He accepted her. Listened. And ... he picked up such dresses that on February 4, 1955 he received his own "Oscar" - for the costumes for the film "Sabrina".

Since then, Audrey sewed paying only at Givenchy. And he annually sent her (free of charge) a luxurious fur coat, started producing perfumes in her honor and called her “his muse”. Moreover: Audrey became the face of the company - her portraits adorned all Givenchy boutiques. And the couturier himself created costumes for many of Audrey's films - for example. for Funny Face and Breakfast at Tiffany's.

In 1954, between filming, Audrey returned to Broadway. She was waiting for a role in the play “Ondine”, in which she played a water fairy. This performance, like “Zhizhi”. collected a huge number of enthusiastic responses in the theatrical press.

Audrey was 25 years old, at this time Iona fell in love and lost her head, it was Mel Ferrer. Married three times and divorced three times, Ferrer was 12 years older than Audrey.

Audrey rarely allowed anyone into her personal life. This is also a property of her nature.

Mel Ferrer is a well-deserved actor, but has not achieved any special success in either the theater or the cinema.

They lived together for 14 years. And this period seemed to both spouses very long, presumably, bleak.

Audrey really wanted to have children, but from 1954 to 1960 she experienced two miscarriages. After the divorce, she practically did not communicate with Mel. And Ferrer, in turn, did not show special desire to see her son (whom Audrey gave birth to in 1960, Sean).

In 1954, Audrey Hepburn received the second important award for her artistic career - the theater award "Tony" for her role in the play "Ondine".

In 1957, Stanley Donen's comedy Funny Faces was released in American cinemas. This film, in which Ldri played the lead role of bookstore clerk Jo Stockton, was much loved by the audience.

Every New film with the participation of Hepburn was nominated for an Oscar. This happened with the picture ‘Funny Face’ - it was nominated in four categories at once, but did not win the award.

Next musical film Audrey came out in the same 1957. It was the comedy "Love in the Afternoon".

After a succession musical comedies In 1959, the year of her 30th birthday, Audrey Hepburn starred in the drama The Nun's Story. Deep. psychological cinema. The film is based on real story the life of the Belgian Gabrielle van del Mal. In 1927, she accepted obedience, and soon became a nun, receiving the name Sister Luke.

After Audrey found out that she was pregnant for the third time (Sean), she, by agreement with her husband, went to Switzerland. Here, in the tiny town of Toochenaz near Lausanne, she bought a small house. Since 1959, this house will become her little fortress. a safe harbor where Audrey will return from America and Italy - from wherever fate takes her.

The famous Scottish writer Archibald Cronin lived here. They met and became best friends. Their friendship lasted until the writer's death in January 1981.

In 1961, having recovered from childbirth, full of energy and plans for the future, Audrey starred in the wonderful comedy Breakfast at Tiffany's, a film that became one of the great creations of Hollywood. This picture is a screenshot novel of the same name wonderful American writer Truman Capote.

The film "Breakfast at Tiffany's" was received with enthusiasm and the public. and criticism. real top creative career Audrey Hepburn.

In 1963, the film Charade, directed and produced by Stanley Donnen, was released in American cinemas. Starring Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant. The film is beautiful, very interesting and intriguing. The music for the film was written by the same Henry Mancini.

Work in the film "Charade" gave Audrey another friend - Cary Grant.

"My Fair Lady" - This film is based on the classic play by Bernard Shaw "Pygmalion". became another masterpiece of Audrey Hepburn. Directed by George Cukor, My Fair Lady has garnered a whole bouquet prestigious awards - six Oscars, three Golden Globes, a BAFTA award, a David di Donatello award. Audrey got only a Golden Globe nomination. which she did not win. But the film award is still a convention

Most importantly, the movie is amazing. And Audrey played mind-blowingly well. Spending $17 million on the production, Warner Bros. grossed $72 million at the box office.

Audrey's partner in this film was Rex Harrison, who received an Oscar for the role of Professor Henry Higgins.

How to Steal a Million was released in 1966. Audrey's partner in this picture was a young Peter O'Toole - in 1966 he was 34 years old.

After a series of comedies in 1967, Audrey starred in the thriller Wait Until Dark, directed by Terence Young. This film completed the triumphant fifteen-year ascent of Audrey Hepburn to the pinnacle of cinematic fame. Then came a long pause, caused by personal circumstances. But, as it turned out later, this stop was fatal for Audrey. Despite numerous attempts to regain its former positions, it was no longer able to achieve its former position.

Audrey was an avid dog lover. She adored this glorious “dog tribe” and. becoming a family lady, wife, and then mother, she acquired a Yorkshire terrier. This dog had unusual name"Mr Celebrity"

Mel Ferrer and Audrey Hepburn announced their divorce on November 21, 1968, and divorced on December 5. After the divorce, she met with Ferrer only twice.

After the divorce, Audrey took her son and flew to Switzerland. A new life began for her.

Deciding to unwind and distract from thoughts about the future, Audrey took a ticket to a cruise on mediterranean sea. Sean left in the care of a nanny.

On the liner, she met a young Italian. He was a psychiatrist from Rome. His name was Andreo Dotti. It turned out that Dottie is a specialist in female psychology.

Life has changed. Audrey and her son moved to Italy and settled in the rich house of Andreo. And soon Hepburn announced. that she is leaving the cinema and intends to lead the life of an “ordinary Italian housewife”.

Audrey Hepburn lived with Andreo Dotti for 13 years - almost the same as with Mel Ferrer. Andreo was not just a good psychologist, he was the Einstein of female psychology.

In late 1969, Audrey found out that she was pregnant again. She was very afraid of another miscarriage. Dotty hired a housekeeper. and followed his wife. He invited the leading doctors of Italy, specialists in gynecology and obstetrics, almost weekly.

The birth was very difficult. The child was saved. In 1970, 41-year-old Audrey Hepburn gave birth to her second son, named Luke. Luca Dotti, younger brother Sean Ferrer...

And yet something between Andreo and Audrey has changed. He began to work late. Then business trips appeared - to Paris, to the USA. Then and " good people Everything was explained to her. Andreo had a mistress. And not alone either.

In 1974, Audrey became pregnant again. She survived another, fourth miscarriage in her life.

In 1976, when Audrey decided to return to the cinema, she told Andreo that she was leaving for Switzerland with her children. And that this does not mean the final break in relations.

For four years they led a strange life for the spouses. In 1982, Audrey told Andreo:

You know we need a divorce. The children have grown up. And they got divorced.

In mid-1975, Audrey called the familiar agents, producers. directors. She was looking for a job. Richard Lester answered. Soon Hepburn flew to America. The premiere of the painting "Robin and Marion" took place in New York on March 11, 1976. She played in this picture with Sean Connery. But the film was not successful.

In 1978, Terence Young cast Audrey in the movie Blood Ties. Filming took place in Munich (with trips to London, Zurich, Paris, New York and Sardinia). stage costumes Hepburn performed a longtime friend of Givenchy.

The film was completed and released in 1979 and was a flop. Audrey received huge money for him - a million dollars.

In 1980, while filming They All Laughed, Audrey met Dutch actor Robert Walders. brought them together common homeland. Wolders had just (in 1979) been widowed by burying his wife - famous actress Marl Oberon. Robert married Oberon in 1975 when his wife was 66 and he was -39. Walders turned out to be a good, kind man.

In 1982. when Audrey filed for divorce from Dottie, Walders and Hepburn moved in together. He was 7 years younger. This was the man Audrey had missed all her life.

This was her last marriage. Robert was with Audrey until the very end. He mourned her early departure. He gathered at the coffin of Audrey all her men and all her friends.

At the end of February 1988, immediately after the filming of Steven Spielberg's "Always", in Los Angeles, Audrey's room received a call from New York. It was a call from the UN. A UNICEF representative invited Audrey for interviews. And Audrey flew to New York.

UNICEF programs are carried out under the guidance of goodwill ambassadors - UN special envoys with special powers. In total, there are 180 such envoys in UNICEF. Audrey Hepburn was also offered to become one of these trusted representatives of the foundation.

And of course she agreed.

In March 1988, Audrey and her staff member for the United Nations Children's Fund flew to Ethiopia. This country has been waging a bloody and senseless Civil War for many years.

Then she flew to Turkey.

Returning from Turkey to New York, in October 1988, Audrey flew to Venezuela, and from there to Ecuador. When she returned, she immediately delivered a report to US congressmen. And shortly after the report, the UN Children's Fund received an extraordinary cash contribution from the US government.

She was in almost all countries. Her last UNICEF trip was to Somalia in September 1992.

During a trip to Somalia, as soon as the expedition landed from helicopters, Audrey felt ill. Hepburn endured this pain until the very end of the trip. She practically stopped eating and lost a lot of weight.

The business trip ended, and Audrey flew to Europe. She was waiting for a visit to the doctor.

The diagnosis was, in fact, a sentence. Intestinal cancer in a severe stage with numerous metastases to internal organs. She was given a term of six months maximum.

It was impossible to delay the surgical intervention: the disease progressed rapidly.

November 2, 1992 in Los Angeles, Audrey underwent the first operation to remove a cancerous tumor. At the end of November it became clear that the first operation did not help. On December 1, a council of doctors scheduled a second operation. An hour after the start of the operation, the leading surgeon gave a sign - to sew up. The operation made no sense. The metastases were so large that it was impossible to remove the tumor.

Waking up from anesthesia, Audrey immediately understood everything. And she asked Robert to take her home to Tolochenaz. Robert called Hubert de Givenchy in Paris, an old friend of Audrey's. That's what Hepburn herself wanted.

On Christmas Day 1992, Givenchy's private jet, hired by Givenchy, arrived in Los Angeles for Audrey. The whole salon was strewn with fresh flowers.

Audrey Hepburn died on January 20, 1993. How she died, only her family knows. She left too soon, having lived only 63 years.

Her work at UNICEF has not gone unnoticed. Already seriously ill, fading Audrey Hepburn was awarded the "Presidential Medal of Freedom". This medal was presented to her by US President George W. Bush.

Literally a month after her death, Audrey received this medal from the hands of the US Ambassador to Switzerland.

And then Audrey was handed special award Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences - Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. This award and the statuette "Oscar" on behalf of Audrey was received by her son Sean Ferrer. Audrey Hepburn herself was no longer alive.

Source - Nikola Nadezhdin "Informal Biographies". Our friendly team advises everyone to read the books of this author.

Hello, dear residents of Beybikov!

I would like to tell you facts and quotes about actress Audrey Hepburn. But first, let me remind you who she is ...

Audrey Hepburn - the name at the sound of which an image is presented incredible beauty, a true embodiment of femininity, charm, sophistication and sophistication. Audrey Hepburn conquered the world with her pure soul and forever won the love of many thousands of hearts.

On May 29, 1963, Audrey Hepburn sang "Happy Birthday, Dear John" to President John F. Kennedy. A year before, another screen legend, Marilyn Monroe, sang a congratulatory song for the president. This birthday was his last.

In the film Funny Face, Audrey's mother played the owner of a street cafe.

In 2003, a stamp was issued with a portrait of Audrey Hepburn. The drawing was by Michael Jay Deese.

In 1993, Audrey received the US Screen Actors Guild Award for her contribution to cinema. Audrey was not at the ceremony, and Julia Roberts accepted the award for her.

Audrey spoke six languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, Flemish and Spanish.

Audrey always thought she was not the right fit for the role of Holly Golightly in the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany's, although it was one of her most popular roles.

In 1990, a variety of tulips was named after Audrey.

In 1990, People magazine recognized Audrey as one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world.

Henry Mancini said of her: moon river' was written for her. No one understood this song so deeply. More than a thousand versions of Moon River have been recorded, but her version is undoubtedly the best."

Audrey Hepburn has acted in five films included in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100. American films about love.

- “A person who does not believe in miracles is not a realist. UNICEF is doing miracles for real every day.”

“Since childhood, I have believed in the power of prayer. I believe everything will work out somehow.”

- “To make your eyes beautiful, try to see the good in other people; to make lips beautiful, only speak good words; and for good posture, walk with the feeling that you will never be alone.”

“I got all my knowledge from cinema.”

- “I believe in manicure. I believe it is better to dress too solemnly than too casually. I believe that even on vacation it is worth dressing up and that it is always worth using lipstick. I believe in pink color. I believe that happy girls are the most beautiful. I believe that tomorrow will be a new day, and ... I believe in miracles.

"I don't want to be alone, but I want to be left alone."

- “I decided from an early age to accept life as it is; I never expected any special gifts from her, but it seems that I managed to do much more than I hoped. In most cases, everything just happened to me by itself, I did not aspire to this.

- “Once I heard such a definition: happiness is health and a short memory! It’s a pity I didn’t come up with it, because it’s the absolute truth.”

“I love people who make me laugh. Honestly, I think that I love to laugh the most. Laughter cures a lot of diseases. It's probably the most important thing in a person."

“I never think of myself as a star. Other people's thoughts are not my thoughts. I'm just doing my thing."

- "I never thought that I would get into the movies, with my face."

- “Probably, I differ from other movie stars in that, by all the laws of logic, I should never have succeeded. At every stage of my career, I lacked experience.”

“I was asked to play when I couldn't play. I was asked to sing in Funny Face when I couldn't sing and to dance with Fred Astaire when I couldn't dance. I was asked to do all sorts of things that I wasn't ready for, and I tried my best to handle them."

“I have been born with a tremendous need for love and a tremendous need to give love.”

“I'm half Irish, half Dutch, and I was born in Belgium. If I were a dog, I would have trouble with the pedigree!”

- “I was lucky. Opportunities don't come along very often. Therefore, when they appear, you need to grab them. ”

“If I get married, I want to be very married.”

“Honestly, I still read fairy tales, and I still like them the most.”

"Moon River" performed by Audrey Hepburn ( music file unfortunately only works in the comment below):

My first Audrey Hepburn doll:

I hope one day I will have portrait dolls of Audrey Hepburn. I really like this actress!

Thanks to everyone who looked into my thread!

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