You won’t take it when they offer it, you’ll have to ask after. "Some Uzbeks" and Andrey Rublev


The governor of the Vladimir region ordered to keep an eye on the young “Maidanites”. What else is Svetlana Orlova known for?

The Department of Education of the Vladimir Region recommended to managers educational institutions take photographs of protesters and post them on the Je Suis Maidan website with facial recognition.

The letter from the department states that this process was initiated on behalf of the region's governor Svetlana Orlova "in order to maintain a stable and controlled environment in educational institutions in municipalities."

Orlova is famous for her innovative solutions and original statements.

It was she who suggested introducing a tax on mushrooms and berries and degrading hospital nurses to cleaners.

Most bright quotes governor.

"You won't take it on a kukan"

“As Vladimir Vladimirovich said, when someone wants to take Russia on the hook, when the bait is raised, and then they took it and let it go, this will never happen!”

"Some Uzbeks" and Andrey Rublev

Orlova said that she would not allow guest workers to restore Andrei Rublev's frescoes in the Assumption Cathedral.

The problem with housing at the heroes of Chekhov

“Dmitry Anatolyevich, here really serious problem with housing. And maybe these two Chekhov sisters would not have left for Moscow if the problem of housing had been solved.

Centuries of Democracy

“No matter what the Americans, the Tseraushniks, do there today, I explain to them: “The worse you do, the more we unite and become stronger.” We are not afraid of anything! We have been a democracy for centuries! We are over a thousand years old, our empire!”

“They didn’t pay off the Lend-Lease”

In September 2016, Orlova amazed everyone with her original take on history:

“The Americans kept saying that they would pay off under Lend-Lease, but they still haven’t paid off. I just remember what? I was still there when Chernomyrdin went to the meeting "Chernomyrdin - Gor", I was a member of the delegation. Well, then how would anyone ask a question? Well, I asked Gore: “Why haven’t you paid off with Russia under Lend-Lease yet?” Well, he didn’t answer me.”

On the low price of oil

In January 2016, Orlova explained how the Vladimir region would deal with falling oil prices:“The price of oil is already $30 per barrel, but we are not an oil region, this will not affect us much.”

About " information skunks»

On September 12, 2017, Vladimir Putin pointed out to Orlova several problems in the regions, in particular, an unfinished school. After the meeting, the governor vented her anger at the local media, which, in her opinion, made a big deal of the problem.

Orlova called the journalists who criticize the authorities "Bandera henchmen", "foreign agents" and "information skunks".

Some kind of "holiday"

In September 2017, at one of the events, Orlova was asked to leave a congratulatory inscription, but she made a gross grammatical error.

The governor wrote "Happy Holidays", missing the letter "d" in the word.

According to official information, Orlova graduated from several universities, including the Ussuri State pedagogical institute majoring in Russian Language and Literature. After that, Orlova worked for 20 years as a teacher in an orphanage in Vladivostok.

Governor Orlova, even against the background of degenerates from " United Russia"was distinguished by unimaginable, simply cosmic stupidity. So this is the paradoxical case when even a deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party seems to be a step forward

It is easy to remember how to spell “take” or “take”, you just have to learn and remember a simple rule, let's figure it out together.

Correct spelling

The verb "take", according to the rules of the Russian language, is written with "ь" in the middle of the word to denote soft pronunciation consonant sound before a solid consonant.

What rule

In the word "take" the writing of a soft sign after the letter "z" is due to the need to indicate the softness of its pronunciation compared to the subsequent hard consonant sound "m".

The spelling "possible" does not take into account the need to convey softness in writing and does not comply with the rules of the Russian language.

"Take" or "take" how to spell?

Writing with soft sign after the letter "z" and before "m" is preserved in all forms of the word: I will take, you will take, he will take, we will take, you will take, they will take. Therefore, “take” is the correct spelling, and “take” is erroneous.

Suggestion examples:

  • Take it on holiday younger brother.
  • If not take textbook, you will not be able to prepare for the lesson.

spelled wrong

  • You take it me with you?
  • If take it an assistant, you will complete the task faster.

Enter a word and click "Find Synonyms".

Sentences with "take"

We found 50 sentences with the word "take". See also synonyms for take.
Meaning of the word

  • Smooth and clean, and here take throw your swirling head off your shoulders, and my God, how easy it is to stir them up.
  • What's up with us take if half railway did not see and finished five classes!
  • Too much attention take to myself.
  • As Burroughs himself writes, the yache vine will not go anywhere with you. take.
  • Jokes rained down, they say, that from the partisans take They are used to acting without warning.
  • Maya responds to these greetings rather coolly, making it immediately clear that her ecstatic cries are not take.
  • Remember that nothing is with you to the grave take, remember that you, in essence, are not the owner, but only the superintendent on the earth of God's property.
  • Then you will give us the last bath and then, after wiping, you will dress yourself, take what she gives you, and you come back here.
  • And where is it take when the front line is occupied by the Germans?
  • So it turns out that, if not take take responsibility, you can’t do anything big, even small.
  • In the trenches you are a fighter and a reliable defender, which is not for Altyn take!
  • If you overcome take my riches, and my wife, and my children, and my land.
  • He bought the girl from Toad, it cost him cheap: for an angular, freckled and eternally gloomy creature, he didn’t pay much. take.
  • You take two commissars and show exactly where the girl lives, and we will deal with the deserters ourselves.
  • Take it a handful of hemp, wind it around your hand and stretch it, stretch it through this shshet, and another time you pull it somehow.
  • But from the Central Committee of the CPSU they pressed hard: “Boyarsky will play if take Alferov".
  • He will be so happy if you take purple color.
  • Take it Russian surname, you will remain in the village and all your household will remain with you.
  • But you need to know Mikhail Krug, he listened to me and blurted out: “If not take our friendship is over!" There is nowhere to go.
  • I must say that Natasha has such friends, their cheeses are not take, or maybe some still did not eat them?
  • Probably, the candidate for grooms understood: how take dowry, if they can not twist the bride?
  • However, what about her, from the "orphan", take.
  • Where else is such a specialist take at the front?
  • I saw that many were eager to fight, but not all of them take.
  • Once upon a time, Lyusya Zykina told me her wisdom: “And don’t take and they won't carry you."
  • German textbooks will serve as a password, in which the means that you take.
  • Are there many on the sandy Klyazma hills take from an unfortunate barshchina?
  • Take it he has a bowler hat, pour out the rest for yourself, and wash the bowler hat.
  • You take his lace in his hand, and you take his.
  • I don't tell him, "Neighbour, this hose cost me $15, and before you take you need to pay this amount.
  • The usual logic suggested: if the Muscovites were ready for an invasion, then they took care to stock up food, they would not be starved take.
  • And the audience realized that you can’t bring down these two, don’t take with bare hands.
  • Then take Komsomol committee of the collective farm, too.
  • Cadres decide everything, only where are they for everything take.
  • He realizes that he is still far from inner unity, but he already knows that nothing can be done by violence against himself. take.
  • If, like the late Anastasia, take take on his pain.
  • Soon the Nazis realized that the city was not impudently take that it bites very painfully.
  • After all, as a Jew, nothing from him take: it is known who his father is and who his mother is.
  • If take the most subtle, then you can be forced to run back if the boss has a grudge against you.
  • Whose biography is take, be sure to stumble upon facts of theft and fraud (both financial and political).
  • And suddenly you take Yes, you will build something for yourself, without asking?
  • I'll toss a coin and if it lands on this side" and he showed it to me, "you take this coin and you will go to the cinema.
  • Voltaire was ready to give two wives to the one who take he has a third, Confucius drove his wife away, as she interfered with his studies.
  • But in further escape a lot raw potatoes not with you take.
  • It was weighed down by its dual position in a closed country: everything was in its hands, and nothing was taken with it over the hill. take.
  • To the mocking demand to bring the wives and daughters of the townspeople to his camp, Batu received an answer: “When we are gone, take All".
  • One guerrilla war did not take.
  • But before going over the list again in her mind, she thinks about what is left, what is not take with myself.
  • In the first weekdays of work, Ed shows that his bare hands are not take.
  • If take the thickest, then on the way from the forest to the stack at the hospital you can overstrain.

Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

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